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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess cardiac function in vascular surgery patients with known coronary artery disease (CAD) who received continuous perioperative beta blocker therapy with esmolol alone versus esmolol in combination with the phosphodiesterase (PDE) III inhibitor enoximone. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Over a period of 24 h, 28 patients were assigned to receive heart rate (HR) control by continuous infusion of esmolol in combination with the PDE III inhibitor enoximone (Esmolol+Enoximone group) or esmolol alone (Esmolol group; n=14). Cardiac function was assessed by the use of a pulmonary artery catheter and serial measurements of plasma troponin T (TnT) und B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). RESULTS: The heart rate significantly decreased to the target rate of 50-60 min(-1) in both groups over the observation period. Cardiac index increased significantly only in Esmolol+Enoximone-treated patients (from 2.4+/-0.2 lxmin(-1)xm(-2) to 3.1+/-0.1 lxmin(-1)xm(-2)) and was significantly higher than in the esmolol alone group (from 2.5+/-0.2 lxmin(-1)xm(-2) to 2.4+/-0.1 lxmin(-1)xm(-2)). No patient had detectable levels of cTnT perioperatively. Peak plasma BNP concentrations were significantly increased in both groups but the highest values were measured in the esmolol alone group. CONCLUSION: Inotropic therapy with the PDE III inhibitor enoximone improves cardiac function in high risk patients with known CAD undergoing vascular surgery and also when receiving systematic heart rate control by continuous infusion of esmolol.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Unfallchirurgisch und orthopädisch benutzte Röntgenapparate sollten mit einer Photokamera mit Elektronenblitz ausgerüstet werden, um die verbesserten Möglichkeiten der heutigen Aufnahmetechnik ausnutzen zu können. Die vom gleichen Projektionszentrum aufgenommenen Röntgenund Lichtbilder können nicht nur nebeneinander betrachtet, sondern auch ineinander kopiert werden und geben dann über dem Röntgenbild des im Körperinneren liegenden Skelets gleichzeitig auch ein plastisches Oberflächenbild. Dieses Kombibild zeigt absolut genau die topographischen Beziehungen von Knochen- zu Oberflächenveränderungen. Seine Brauchbarkeit für die Erstellung von Gutachten ist ebenso unbestreitbar, wie sein Wert für Lehrzwecke, wenn pathologische Zustände gleichzeitig an Knochen und Weichteiloberflächen schnell erfaßt werden sollen.Mit 5 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung So k?nnen wir den beschriebenen Befund als eine Kombination von zwei Anomalien, einer Anomalie der Form—partielle Verdoppelung des Organes—und einer Anomalie der Lage—Nabelfistel des Organes—auffassen. Ob eine partielle oder nur angedeutete Verdoppelung des C?cums, ob andere Mi?-bzw. Spaltbildungen, wie z. B. Spaltbecken, bestanden, entzieht sich unserer Kenntnis. Wichtig war, darzutun, da? wir es in dem beschriebenen Falle mit einer, wie in allen ?hnlichen F?llen, aus unbekannter Ursache eingetretenen, in ihren Folgen diesmal harmlosen St?rung der Aufteilung der Kloake zu tun haben und da? sich an diese einmal eingetretene St?rung eine weitere anschlo?, soda? eine eigenartige, bis jetzt im Schrifttum noch nie erw?hnte, in ihrer wahren Form nur schwer erkennbare Mi?bildung des Organes entstand. 4 Abbildungen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die rektale Avertinnarkose stellt zusammen mit der Stickoxydulsauerstoffnarkose eine glückliche Kombination dar. Die Nachteile des Avertins werden durch das Stickoxydul abgeschw?cht oder aufgehoben: Fortfall des psychischen Traumas, keine erhebliche Senkung des Blutdruckes, keine Erh?hung des Blutzuckers, keine Acetonausscheidung im Urin, keine Nierensch?digung, relativ rasches Erwachen aus der Narkose auch ohne CO2-Atmung. Keinen Einflu\ hat das Verfahren auf die postoperative Thrombose und Embolie.  相似文献   

Case report of a 27-year-old patient who presented with a stab wound in the posterior aspect of the right chest. The patient was physiologically unstable and not responding to fluid resuscitation. A right intercostal drainage was inserted which immediately drained 1100?ml of blood. Thoracotomy was performed where a large clot was removed from the pleural cavity and followed by massive bleeding from the hilum of the lung as well as an intercostal artery posteriorly. Control of the hilar hemorrhaging necessitated right middle lobe resection. Attempts to control the bleeding from the intercostal artery were futile becoming technically more difficult due to a comminuted fracture of the ribs at the site of entry of the knife. During these attempts the patient became moribund. As a last resort the pleural cavity was packed with abdominal towels and the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU). The patient was returned to surgery after 48?h at which time the packing was removed with no further bleeding. On day 11 postoperatively drainage of the pleural collection was carried out and decortication of the right lower lobe. The patient was discharged 23 days after admission in a good general condition. This case report demonstrates that in exceptional circumstances packing of the pleural cavity to control bleeding can be considered as a method of damage control in penetrating chest trauma.  相似文献   



A randomized controlled clinical trial was implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of combined mild hyperthermia therapy (body core temperature 38.4?°C) and multimodal inpatient rehabilitation for patients suffering from chronic low back pain when compared to multimodal pain therapy alone.

Patients and methods

A total of 88 patients were randomly assigned to the combined or single therapeutic schemes according to a block randomization scheme. According to the trial inclusion criteria all patients suffered from chronic low back pain and showed morphological degeneration. All patients underwent a 12-day inpatient multimodal pain therapy, which was complemented with a 6-session schedule of mild hyperthermia therapy for the intervention group (1 h at 38.6?°C). On admission and 3 months after treatment the study patients were asked to complete an interview assessment with the Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire (Oswestry disability index). The change in the Oswestry disability index total score (%) 3 months after versus before therapy was defined as the primary clinical endpoint of the investigation. The patients in the control group and in the intervention group had a median age of 50 years. In the intervention group 70?% of the patients were female and 55?% reported having half to full time employment compared to 55 % and 43?% in the control group, respectively.


On admission the control patients reported a median Oswestry disability index of 64?% and on recall the same of 64?%. The intervention group showed median Oswestry disability index estimates of 60 % and 66?%, respectively. The changes in the overall Oswestry disability index after 3 months differed significantly with an estimated 6?% for the intervention group versus 0?% for the control group (Wilcoxon p?=?0.050).


When combined with a multimodal inpatient lower back pain functional therapy in patients showing morphological degeneration, the mild hyperthermia therapy demonstrated statistically significant, although not clinically relevant benefits in comparison to the multimodal treatment alone. However, regarding the moderate overall patient-related benefits as measured in terms of the Oswestry disability index, the benefit of the underlying multimodal therapy concept implementation must be critically discussed irrespective of its combination with mild hyperthermia therapy.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Auszugsweise vorgetragen auf dem 10. internationalen Kongress für Narkose und An?sthesie in New York, 12–16. X. 31.  相似文献   

Endovascular repair of thoracic aortic disease requires implantation of stent grafts in the aortic arch to ensure secure anchoring and sealing in more than one third of cases. Occlusion of supra-aortic arteries is thus unavoidable. Debranching refers to the surgical transposition of supra-aortic arteries to safely extend the landing zone for stent grafts. After extending the occluded supra-aortic arteries the following surgical procedures are performed: extrathoracic carotid-subclavian bypass, subclavian-carotid transposition and carotid-carotid-subclavian bypass and intrathoracic double transposition of left subclavian and carotid arteries and complete debranching of all three supra-aortic arteries to the ascending aorta. The most important details of these surgical procedures as well as the special technical aspects of the implantation of stent grafts in the aortic arch in combination with debranching surgery are described. If the ascending aorta is exposed, antegrade implantation of the stent graft can avoid problems associated with the retrograde transfemoral route but this requires custom-made devices.  相似文献   

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