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Anticancer agents continue to be a preferred therapeutic option for several malignancies. Despite their effectiveness, oncologists are continually looking for tumor-specific anticancer agents to prevent adverse effects in patients. Targeting of imaging agents to cancerous tissue is another area that is enthusiastically explored to circumvent some of the drawbacks that current imaging agents possess, including the inability to target small tumor cells, inadequate imaging period, and the risk of renal damage. Formulation scientists have explored nanotechnology-based delivery systems for targeting anticancer agents and tumor-imaging agents to cancer tissue. Targeting with nanotechnology-based delivery systems has been investigated by both passive and active mechanisms with significant clinical success. This review presents a discussion on targeting strategies used for the delivery of nanoparticles by passive and active mechanisms, focusing more specifically on active targeting of nanoparticles using albumin, folic acid, transferrin, and aptamers as targeting ligands.  相似文献   


Based on exceptional advantages of aptamers, increasing attention has been presented in the utilise of them as targeted ligands for cancer drug delivery. Recently, the progress of aptamer-targeted nanoparticles has presented new therapeutic systems for several types of cancer with decreased toxicity and improved efficacy. We highlight some of the promising formulations of aptamer-conjugated polymeric nanoparticles for specific targeted drug delivery to cancer cells. This review paper focuses on the current progresses in the use of the novel strategies to aptamer-targeted drug delivery for chemotherapy. An extensive literature review was performed using internet database, mainly PubMed based on MeSH keywords. The searches included full-text publications written in English without any limitation in date. The abstracts, reviews, books as well as studies without obvious relating of aptamers as targeted ligands for cancer drug delivery were excluded from the study. The reviewed literature revealed that aptamers with ability to modify and conjugate to various molecules can be used as targeted cancer therapy agents. However, development of aptamers unique to each individual’s tumour to the development of personalised medicine seems to be needed.  相似文献   

Recently, there have been several advancements in material sciences and nanosciences. At the moment these new techniques are slowly entering into clinical settings in drug delivery and imaging. In this review, we will look more closely at the applications that are at the forefront of this translation and examine critical aspects that are involved in the process. Nanoparticles have been increasingly used in clinical settings for drug delivery over the past two decades. Lipid-based nanoparticles are front-runners, but other innovative strategies, such as small inorganic nanoparticles, are entering into the field, particularly for imaging applications. Lipid-based nanoparticles can be metabolized and consumed by the body and are regarded as safe for clinical use. They are usually large with hydrodynamic diameters of approximately 100-200 nm; however, phospholipid-containing particles such as microbubbles with diameters as low as 10 microm in size and micelles with diameters of 10-40 nm can also be used. Hollow liposomes with a large aqueous inner cavity can carry high payloads of drugs and imaging moieties, but are easily trapped by liver kupffer cells and can result in lower tissue penetration rates. New classes of particles with hydrodynamic diameters of < 10 nm, which are cleared by the kidneys, have recently been developed. These particles have been used primarily for imaging applications since they offer only small loading capacities for drugs. However, new strategies such as surface-coupled prodrugs have been developed to facilitate drug delivery in small nanoparticles. We describe different strategies for targeted delivery, imaging and controlled release, and discuss the ability of small inorganic particles as well as larger nanoparticles to be used broadly in human diagnostics and drug delivery.  相似文献   

In recent years progress has been speeding in studies of cell-cell interaction governed by adhesion molecules, and in particular by integrins and their ligands in cells and in the extracellular matrix. Integrins are distributed in a variety of tissues and blood cells. An increased expression of integrins and of their adhesion counterparts is often observed in sites relevant to disease states. Important roles are played by integrin α(v)β(3) in cancer angiogenesis and metastatic diffusion, in angiogenesis in ischemic tissues, in atherosclerotic damage and restenosis, and in osteoporosis; by integrin α(5)β(1) in angiogenesis processes; by integrin α(II)bβ(3), mediating adhesion of platelets to fibrinogen, in thrombotic conditions; by integrins α(4)β(1) and α(L)β(2) in inflammatory conditions, particularly autoimmune diseases and asthma. Therefore, medicinal chemists became attracted and engaged in research on integrins as therapeutic and diagnostic targets. Many efforts have been directed towards the development of molecular constructs including integrin ligands that can provide advanced tools for drug delivery, for imaging, or for their combination (theranostics), particularly by exploiting the new possibilities offered by nanoparticles. Here we will review the current status and the future perspective of integrin targeting of several kind of nanoparticles, going from most studied micelles, liposomes, polymeric nanoparticles to finish with inorganic nanoparticles of more recent employment. Perfluoroalkane filled microbubbles, although over the nanometric size (1-10 μm) will be shortly considered.  相似文献   

Targeting therapeutics to specific sites can enhance the efficacy of drugs, reduce required doses as well as unwanted side effects. In this work, using the advantages of the specific affinity of an immobilized antibody to membrane P-gp in two different nanoparticle formulations were thus developed for targeted drug delivery to multi-drug resistant cervical carcinoma (KB-V1) cells. Further, this was compared to the human drug sensitive cervical carcinoma cell line (KB-3-1) cells. The two nanoparticle preparations were: NP1, anti-P-gp conjugated with poly (DL-lactic-coglycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticle and polyethylene glycol (PEG); NP2, anti-P-gp conjugated to a modified poloxamer on PLGA nanoparticles. The cellular uptake capacity of nanoparticles was confirmed by fluorescent microscopy. Comparing with each counterpart core particles, there was a higher fluorescence intensity of the targeted nanoparticles in KBV1 cells compared to KB-3-1 cells suggesting that the targeted nanoparticles were internalized into KB-V1 cells to a greater extent than KB-3-1 cell. The results had confirmed the specificity and the potential of the developed targeted delivery system for overcoming multi-drug resistance induced by overexpression of P-gp on the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Cancer is the current leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for approximately one quarter of all deaths in the USA and UK. Nanotechnologies provide tremendous opportunities for multimodal, site-specific drug delivery to these disease sites and Au nanoparticles further offer a particularly unique set of physical, chemical and photonic properties with which to do so. This review will highlight some recent advances, by our laboratory and others, in the use of Au nanoparticles for systemic drug delivery to these malignancies and will also provide insights into their rational design, synthesis, physiological properties and clinical/preclinical applications, as well as strategies and challenges toward the clinical implementation of these constructs moving forward.  相似文献   

An isolated vagus nerve-tracheal tube preparation from guinea-pig was treated intraluminally with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at various concentrations. Exposure to, 100 mmol/L H2O2 for 20 min was chosen for further experiments since it appeared to cause selective damage to the epithelium. Thus the subepithelial layers of the tracheal wall appeared intact as judged by light microscopic examination. The response to nerve stimulation (increase in intratracheal pressure) was attenuated by only about 20%. Terbutaline administered into the tracheal lumen caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of the response to nerve stimulation. In tracheal preparations pretreated with 100 mmol/L H2O2 there was a 20-fold decrease in the EC50 for terbutaline. The EC50 for terbutaline added to the external medium was not changed by the H2O2 pretreatment. The efflux of 3H-terbutaline from the tracheal lumen into the external medium was three times higher in H2O2-treated than in control preparations. It is concluded that in the H2O2-damaged epithelium the absorption of terbutaline is enhanced resulting in a better availability of the drug in the smooth muscle layer after intraluminal administration.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of lipids in drug transport is critical in cancer chemotherapy to overcome drug resistance. In this study, we isolated lipids from doxorubicin-sensitive (MCF-7) and -resistant (MCF-7/ADR) breast cancer cells to characterize the biophysical properties of membrane lipids (particularly lipid packing and membrane fluidity) and to understand the role of the interaction of cell membrane lipids with drug/nanocarrier on drug uptake and efficacy. Resistant cell membrane lipids showed significantly different composition and formed more condensed, less fluid monolayers than did lipids from sensitive cells. Doxorubicin, used as a model anticancer agent, showed a strong hydrophobic interaction with resistant cell membrane lipids but significantly less interaction, as well as a different pattern of interaction (i.e., ionic), with sensitive ones. The threshold intracellular doxorubicin concentration required to produce an antiproliferative effect was similar for both sensitive and resistant cell lines, suggesting that drug transport is a major barrier in determining drug efficacy in resistant cells. In addition to the biophysical characteristics of resistant cell membrane lipids, lipid-doxorubicin interactions appear to decrease intracellular drug transport via diffusion as the drug is trapped in the lipid bilayer. The rigid nature of resistant cell membranes also seems to influence endosomal functions that inhibit drug uptake when a liposomal formulation of doxorubicin is used. In conclusion, biophysical properties of resistant cell membrane lipids significantly influence drug transport, and hence drug efficacy. A better understanding of the mechanisms of cancer drug resistance is vital to developing more effective therapeutic interventions. In this regard, biophysical interaction studies with cell membrane lipids might be helpful to improve drug transport and efficacy through drug discovery and/or drug delivery approaches by overcoming the lipid barrier in resistant cells.  相似文献   

"How do drugs cross the plasma membrane?" this may seem like a trivial question. This question is often overlooked to focus primarily on the different complex macro-molecular aspects involved in drug delivery or drug resistance. However, recent studies have highlighted the theme that to be fully understood, more knowledge of the underlying biology of the most complex biological processes involved in the delivery and resistance to drugs is needed. After all, why would a drug interact with a transporter then subsequently be excluded from P-glycoprotein (P-gp) expressing drug resistant cells? What are the determinants of this transition in behavior? Full consideration of the physical biology of drug delivery has allowed a better understanding of the reasons why specific membrane proteins are upregulated or overexpressed in drug resistant cells. This, in turn, allows us to identify new targets for drug chemicals. Better yet, it increases the significance of recents patents and underlines their importance in multi drug resistance.  相似文献   

联合化疗对恶性肿瘤患者有积极的意义,但肿瘤细胞产生的耐药性又是肿瘤化疗失败最常见而又最难解决的问题之一。肿瘤细胞产生耐药性是多方面的,其中以多药耐药性(Multidrug resistance,MDR)最为常见。MDR使药物从靶细胞中清除或阻断发挥药效的途径,是癌症治疗的重大障碍之一。纳米颗粒药物传递系统(DDS)是一种潜在的逆转MDR的工具,可以通过靶向针对多药耐药的肿瘤细胞本身或肿瘤的内皮细胞来实现功能。本文就逆转MDR中DDS的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

The membrane of the lysosome contains substrate-specific porters for a wide range of metabolites. Their physiological role is in promoting the efflux of the products of intralysosomal catabolism. With few exceptions, the specificity of these porters makes them unlikely candidates for the translocation of xenobiotics across the lysosome membrane. Where efflux from the lysosome is possible, it is likely to be accomplished by passive diffusion. Experimental studies on passive diffusion across the lysosome membrane have shown that its characteristics are similar to those of other biological membranes. Ease of permeation decreases with increasing hydrophilicity. Macromolecules and some highly hydrophilic molecules as small as sucrose are effectively non-permeant. The notional hydrogen-bonding capacity of molecules (an inverse correlate of oil:water partition coefficient) has been found a good predictor of permeance. Predictions of ease of permeation across lysosome membranes is of value when drug delivery strategies are contemplated that involve a drug-conjugate reaching the lysosome compartment and drug release there by the lysosomal enzymes. These strategies will be unsuccessful if the drug is unable to leave the lysosome and reach the cellular sites where its pharmacological action is required.  相似文献   

Quan Q  Xie J  Gao H  Yang M  Zhang F  Liu G  Lin X  Wang A  Eden HS  Lee S  Zhang G  Chen X 《Molecular pharmaceutics》2011,8(5):1669-1676
An ongoing effort in the field of nanomedicine is to develop nanoplatforms with both imaging and therapeutic functions, the "nanotheranostics". We have previously developed a human serum albumin (HSA) coated iron oxide nanoparticle (HINP) formula and used multiple imaging modalities to validate its tumor targeting attributes. In the current study, we sought to impart doxorubicin (Dox) onto the HINPs and to assess the potential of the conjugates as theranostic agents. In a typical preparation, we found that about 0.5 mg of Dox and 1 mg of iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs, Fe content) could be loaded into 10 mg of HSA matrices. The resulting D-HINPs (Dox loaded HINPs) have a hydrodynamic size of 50 nm and are able to release Dox in a sustained fashion. More impressively, the HINPs can assist the translocation of Dox across the cell membrane and even its accumulation in the nucleus. In vivo, D-HINPs retained a tumor targeting capability of HINPs, as manifested by both in vivo MRI and ex vivo immunostaining results. In a follow-up therapeutic study on a 4T1 murine breast cancer xenograft model, D-HINPs showed a striking tumor suppression effect that was comparable to that of Doxil and greatly outperformed free Dox. Such a strategy can be readily extended to load other types of small molecules, making HINP a promising theranostic nanoplatform.  相似文献   



Nanotechnology is an empowering technology that holds promise in cancer therapeutics by increasing the ratio of tumor control probability to normal tissue complication probability. It can increase the bioavailability of the drug at the target site, reduce the frequency of administration and reach otherwise lesser-accessible sites. The present study shows the feasibility of the cisplatin-loaded albumin nanoparticle as a sustained delivery system.


Cisplatin is one of the most widely used chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of malignant disorders. Conventional cisplatin formulation given as intravenous infusion has low bioavailability to the target organ in addition to significant side-effects, like ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity. The aim of this study was to develop a protein-based nanoparticulate system for sustained release of cisplatin.

Materials and Methods:

Nanoparticles were prepared by the coacervaton method of microcapsulation and chemical cross-linking with glutaraldehyde. Particle size was characterized by dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy.

Results and Conclusions:

Using the coacervation method, nanoparticles of less than 70 nm diameter were produced. Drug encapsulation measured by ultraviolet spectroscopy varied from 30% to 80% for different ratios of cisplatin and protein. In vitro release kinetics shows that the nanoparticle-based formulation has biphasic release kinetics and is capable of sustained release compared with the free drug (80% release in 45 h). The study proves the feasibility of the albumin-based cisplatin nanoparticle formulation as a sustained release vehicle of cisplatin.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Resistance to chemotherapy is a major obstacle in the successful amelioration of tumors in many cancer patients. Resistance is either intrinsic or acquired, involving mechanisms such as genetic aberrations, decreased influx and increased efflux of drugs. Strategies for the reversal of resistance involve the alteration of enzymes responsible for drug resistance, the modulation of proteins regulating apoptosis mechanisms and improving the uptake of drugs using nanotechnology. Novel strides in the reversal of drug resistance are emerging, involving the use of nanotechnology, targeting stem cells, etc. AREAS COVERED: This paper reviews the most recent cancer drug reversal strategies involving nanotechnology for targeting cancer cells and cancer stem cells (CSCs), for enhanced uptake of micro- and macromolecular inhibitors. EXPERT OPINION: Nanotechnology used in conjunction with existing therapies, such as gene therapy and P-glycoprotein inhibition, has been shown to improve the reversal of drug resistance; the mechanisms involved in this include specific targeting of drugs and nucleotide therapeutics, enhanced cellular uptake of drugs and improved bioavailability of drugs with poor physicochemical characteristics. Important strategies in the reversal of drug resistance include: a multifunctional nanoparticulate system housing a targeting moiety; therapeutics to kill resistant cancer cells and CSCs; cytotoxic drugs and a tumor microenvironment stimuli-responsive element, to release the encapsulated therapeutics.  相似文献   

Introduction: For many years, the controlled delivery of therapeutic compounds has been a matter of great interest in the field of nanomedicine. Among the wide amount of drug nanocarriers, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IONs) stand out from the crowd and constitute robust nanoplatforms since they can achieve high drug loading as well as targeting abilities stemming from their remarkable properties (magnetic and biological properties). These applications require precise design of the nanoparticles regarding several parameters which must be considered together in order to attain highest therapeutic efficacy.

Areas covered: This short review presents recent developments in the field of cancer targeted drug delivery using magnetic nanocarriers as drug delivery systems.

Expert opinion: The design of nanocarriers enabling efficient delivery of therapeutic compounds toward targeted locations is one of the major area of research in the targeted drug delivery field. By precisely shaping the structural properties of the iron oxide nanoparticles, drugs loaded onto the nanoparticles can be efficiently guided and selectively delivered toward targeted locations. With these goals in mind, special attention should be given to the pharmacokinetics and in vivo behavior of the developed nanocarriers.  相似文献   

Introduction: Resistance to chemotherapy is a major obstacle in the successful amelioration of tumors in many cancer patients. Resistance is either intrinsic or acquired, involving mechanisms such as genetic aberrations, decreased influx and increased efflux of drugs. Strategies for the reversal of resistance involve the alteration of enzymes responsible for drug resistance, the modulation of proteins regulating apoptosis mechanisms and improving the uptake of drugs using nanotechnology. Novel strides in the reversal of drug resistance are emerging, involving the use of nanotechnology, targeting stem cells, etc.

Areas covered: This paper reviews the most recent cancer drug reversal strategies involving nanotechnology for targeting cancer cells and cancer stem cells (CSCs), for enhanced uptake of micro- and macromolecular inhibitors.

Expert opinion: Nanotechnology used in conjunction with existing therapies, such as gene therapy and P-glycoprotein inhibition, has been shown to improve the reversal of drug resistance; the mechanisms involved in this include specific targeting of drugs and nucleotide therapeutics, enhanced cellular uptake of drugs and improved bioavailability of drugs with poor physicochemical characteristics. Important strategies in the reversal of drug resistance include: a multifunctional nanoparticulate system housing a targeting moiety; therapeutics to kill resistant cancer cells and CSCs; cytotoxic drugs and a tumor microenvironment stimuli-responsive element, to release the encapsulated therapeutics.  相似文献   

Micelles and nanoparticles for ultrasonic drug and gene delivery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drug delivery research employing micelles and nanoparticles has expanded in recent years. Of particular interest is the use of these nanovehicles that deliver high concentrations of cytotoxic drugs to diseased tissues selectively, thus reducing the agent's side effects on the rest of the body. Ultrasound, traditionally used in diagnostic medicine, is finding a place in drug delivery in connection with these nanoparticles. In addition to their non-invasive nature and the fact that they can be focused on targeted tissues, acoustic waves have been credited with releasing pharmacological agents from nanocarriers, as well as rendering cell membranes more permeable. In this article, we summarize new technologies that combine the use of nanoparticles with acoustic power both in drug and gene delivery. Ultrasonic drug delivery from micelles usually employs polyether block copolymers and has been found effective in vivo for treating tumors. Ultrasound releases drug from micelles, most probably via shear stress and shock waves from the collapse of cavitation bubbles. Liquid emulsions and solid nanoparticles are used with ultrasound to deliver genes in vitro and in vivo. The small packaging allows nanoparticles to extravasate into tumor tissues. Ultrasonic drug and gene delivery from nanocarriers has tremendous potential because of the wide variety of drugs and genes that could be delivered to targeted tissues by fairly non-invasive means.  相似文献   

The use of peptides to mediate the delivery and uptake of nanoparticle (NP) materials by mammalian cells has grown significantly over the past 10 years. This area of research has important implications for the development of new therapeutic materials and for the emerging field of NP-mediated drug delivery. In this review, we highlight recent advances in the delivery of various NPs by some of the more commonly employed cellular delivery peptides and discuss important related factors such as NP-peptide bioconjugation, uptake efficiency, intracellular fate and toxicity. We also highlight various demonstrations of therapeutic applications of NP-peptide conjugates where appropriate. The paper concludes with a brief forward-looking perspective discussing what can be expected as this field develops in the coming years.  相似文献   

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