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Bimodal cells in the torus semicircularis of the toadfish respond to both directional acoustic stimuli and hydrodynamic stimuli. Our previous physiological work indicated that bimodal cells may be distributed throughout the torus semicircularis. In this study, neurobiotin was used to compare the distribution of auditory-only and bimodal sites and to assess the inputs to those sites. A brief neurobiotin injection with short survival time was used to document the recording location. In other fish, a longer injection and survival time was used at an auditory-only or a bimodal site to fill the axons of the medullary inputs. Auditory-only sites were located in the most dorsal and medial sites in nucleus centralis. Bimodal sites were identified within both nucleus centralis and nucleus ventrolateralis. The greatest number of retrogradely filled cell bodies was found in the descending octaval nucleus following injection at auditory-only recording sites in nucleus centralis. In contrast, retrogradely filled cell bodies were found in both the descending octaval nucleus and the lateral line nucleus medialis following injection at bimodal sites in nucleus centralis or nucleus ventrolateralis. Retrogradely filled cell bodies were located in the dorsal and ventral divisions of the secondary octaval population from injections at either bimodal or auditory-only sites. The secondary octaval population has been implicated in auditory processing based on previous studies of both auditory specialist and auditory generalist fishes; however, this study is the first to reveal the potential role of the secondary octaval population in directional hearing in a fish. Relatively large numbers of retrogradely filled cells around the lateral lemniscus at consistent locations in the medulla indicate that a perilemniscal cell group also might be a component of the directional hearing circuit.  相似文献   

This study is the first to employ simultaneous labeling with different colored fluorescent dyes and confocal microscopy to investigate the central projections of the octavolateral nerves in any fish. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the hindbrain octavolateral nuclei were made and overlap of octavolateral projections was assessed in a teleost, the sleeper goby (Dormitator latifrons). The octavolateral nerves, which innervate the otolithic organs, semicircular canals, and lateral lines, project to seven hindbrain nuclei in diverse, complex patterns. The medulla is generally organized with auditory regions dorsal to vestibular regions. The intermediate subdivision of the descending octaval nucleus (DON) receives interdigitating projections from the otolithic organs, and the dorsomedial DON likely integrates multiple auditory inputs. Afferents from the three otolithic organs (the utricle, saccule, and lagena) project to the intermediate DON in approximately equal proportion, supporting physiological evidence that suggests auditory roles for all three otolithic organs in the sleeper goby. The anterior octaval nucleus receives partially segregated inputs from the octavolateral organs. The dorsal division of the magnocellular octaval nucleus (MgON) receives highly overlapping otolithic organ and semicircular canal input, and we propose that this region is a major octaval integration center. Regions in the ventral medulla (the tangential octaval nucleus, ventral DON, and ventral MgON) receive mainly utricular and semicircular canal inputs, suggesting vestibular roles. Each semicircular canal nerve projects to distinct regions of the hindbrain, with little overlap in most octaval nuclei. Efferent neurons receive bilateral input and project unilaterally to the octavolateral organs.  相似文献   

Regeneration of descending supraspinal projections were identified in adult goldfish following administration of HRP to different levels of the spinal cord. While in the untreated normal fish 17 nuclei were shown to project into the spinal cord, only 11 of them seem to have participated in the process of regeneration. The nuclei whose axons regenerated include the nucleus ventromedialis (NVMD), nucleus of the median longitudinal fasciculus (NMLF), nucleus reticularis superior (NRS), nucleus reticularis medialis (NRM), nucleus reticularis inferior (NRI), anterior octaval nucleus (AON), magnocellular octaval nucleus (MON), descending octaval nucleus (DON) and certain neurons of the facial lobe. The neurons of the magnocellular preoptic nucleus (NPO), raphe nucleus (NR), Mauthner cell (MC), posterior octaval nucleus (PON) and somata located adjacent to the descending trigeminal tract were not labeled. The nuclei that apparently participated in the regeneration process were significantly larger in size than the corresponding cell bodies in the untreated normal fish.  相似文献   

Several neurons from different nuclei give rise to descending spinal tracts and project to various levels in the spinal cord of goldfish, Carassius auratus. These were visualized by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) administered to the bilaterally transected spinal cord at 6 levels, corresponding to 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25gh segments of the vertebral column. As many as 16 brain nuclei or neuronal aggregations and the Mauthner cells project posteriorly up to the 20th spinal segment. Restricted neurons of the dorsolateral area in the nucleus preopticus magnocellularis and those of the ventromedial nucleus of the thalamus projected up to the 20th and 25th segments respectively. In the mesencephalon, the nucleus ruber and the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus revealed retrogradely labeled somata; the former extended up to the 20th segment, while the latter projected up to the 25th segment. The remaining descending projected neurons of the brain belonged to the rhombencephalon. The nucleus of the lateral lemniscus; anterior, magnocellular, descending and posterior divisions of the octaval nucleus: raphe nucleus; Mauthner cell and the neurons located adjacent to the trigeminal tract and those in the vicinity of the secondary gustatory tract sent their processes up to 20th segmental level. However, somata of the superior, medial and inferior divisions of the reticular nucleus and restricted neurons of the facial lobe extended up to 25th segmental level. The pattern of neuronal projections into the spinal cord suggests a topographic organization.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase and cobaltous lysine tracers are used to determine the afferent and efferent projections of the vestibulolateral cerebellum (VLL) in the little skate, Raja erinacea. The skate VLL has separate divisions, pars medialis and pars lateralis, associated with vestibular and lateralis modalities, respectively. The pars medialis has a typical cerebellar structure with molecular and Purkinje cell layers and granular areas. In addition to known inputs from eighth nerve vestibular fibers and limited mechanosensory lateralis afferents, pars medialis afferents are from the ventral part of the descending octaval nucleus, the lateral funicular nucleus and nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. The pars lateralis and rostral anterior octaval nucleus may be additional afferent sources. Pars medialis efferents project to ventral descending and anterior octaval nuclei, as mossy fibers to the cerebellar corpus and as parallel fibers in the ventrolateral extreme of the molecular layer in the medial octavolateralis nucleus. The pars lateralis comprises granule and Golgi cells and is subdivided into a dorsal granular ridge (DGR) and lateral granular area (LG) that are the sources of parallel fibers in the molecular layers of the dorsal (electrosensory) and medial (mechanosensory) octavolateralis nuclei. Local injections of tracer reveal a systematic topography of pars lateralis parallel fiber projections and a mossy fiber projection to the corpus. Both DGR and LG receive direct spinal input but afferent sources to DGR and LG are otherwise distinct. While LG is known to receive mechanosensory lateralis afferents and limited eighth nerve fibers, DGR receives no direct cranial nerve input. Additional afferents to LG are predominantly from contralateral LG and the anterior octaval and lateral funicular nuclei. Additional DGR afferents are from three medullary nuclei beneath the cerebellar peduncle, nuclei F and K and paralemniscal nucleus, which also projects directly to the dorsal nucleus. Distinct inputs to DGR and LG suggest different contributions of VLL to medullary processing in electro- and mechanoreception.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase techniques were employed to trace the central projections of afferents from the individual endorgans of the membranous labyrinth and to delineate the efferent projections from the primary octaval nuclei to the spinal cord and midbrain octavolateralis area in the clearnose skate, Raja eglanteria. First-order octaval afferents project ipsilaterally to five primary octaval nuclei, namely: magnocellular, descending, posterior, anterior, and periventricular. Octaval afferents also terminate in the reticular formation, nucleus intermedius (primary mechanoreceptive lateral-line nucleus), and vestibulolateral lobe of the cerebellum. Each primary octaval nucleus receives afferent input from each labyrinthine endorgan, with the possible exception of macula neglecta input to the magnacellular nucleus. Within the anterior, descending, and to a lesser extent posterior and magnocellular nuclei, this input is largely nonoverlapping. Semicircular canal cristae afferents terminate ventrally, saccular and lagenar afferents dorsally, utricular afferents laterally, and macular neglecta afferents course ventrally but terminate largely dorsally within these nuclei. In the vestibulolateral lobe of the cerebellum, cristae afferents project primarily to the pars medialis, whereas macular endorgan afferents terminate in the pars lateralis. Primary afferent input to the reticular formation is predominantly from the horizontal canal crista. The densest projections to nucleus intermedius are from the utriculus and sacculus. Vestibulospinal projections originate primarily from the magnocellular and descending nuclei. Second-order auditory neurons are most likely located in dorsomedial parts of the descending and anterior nuclei. Cells in these nuclei project directly to the auditory area of the midbrain octavolateralis complex, but projections to this area originate predominantly from nuclei C1 and C2, which are possible superior olivary homologues.  相似文献   

The sources of descending spinal tracts in the goldfish, Carassius auratus, were visualized by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) administered to the hemisected spinal cord. In the diencephalon, HRP-positive neurons were identified in the nucleus preopticus magnocellularis pars magnocellularis and ventromedial nucleus of the thalamus of the ipsilateral side. In the mesencephalic tegmentum, a few somata of the contralateral nucleus ruber and several ipsilateral neurons of the nucleus of the median longitudinal fasciculus were labeled. The reticular formation of the rhombencephalon was the major source of descending afferents to the spinal cord. A larger number of neurons were retrogradely labeled in the ipsilateral superior, middle, and inferior nuclei than in the contralateral nuclei. A few raphe neurons and the contralateral Mauthner neuron were also HRP-positive. The octaval area showed retrogradely labeled neurons in the anterior, magnocellular, descending, and posterior octaval nuclei of the ipsilateral side. A large number of neurons in the facial lobe and a few somata located adjacent to the descending trigeminal tract were labeled on the ipsilateral side. The pattern of descending spinal projections in goldfish is comparable to that of tetrapods and suggests that the spinal tracts have originated quite early in the course of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

The organization of the central lateral line pathways in the midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus, was identified following biotin injections into physiologically identified sites in the lateral line-recipient nucleus ventrolateralis in the midbrain. Retrogradely filled neurons are located primarily in nucleus medialis, the principal termination site of lateral line nerve afferents in the medulla, whereas terminal fields are mainly identified in isthmal (nucleus praeeminentialis) and diencephalic (posterior thalamic) nuclei. Compared to other teleosts, nucleus medialis has a distinctive cytoarchitecture in that most of its somata are confined to a dense cell plate adjacent to the fourth ventricle. Injections into nucleus ventrolateralis reveal a caudal (MEDc) and a rostral (MEDr) division of nucleus medialis which are separated by a dorsomedial division of the descending octaval nucleus. MEDc is further divisible into a caudal spherical and a more extensive rostral Purkinje-like cell division. MEDr includes a caudal division of Purkinje-like cells and a rostral division of round and fusiform-shaped cells that form a lateral band under the cerebellar crest. In addition to labeling terminals in nucleus ventrolateralis, biotin injections into MEDc and MEDr further distinguish intrinsic connectivity within nucleus medialis, and also label somata and terminals within other octavolateralis nuclei in the medulla. Injections into both nucleus ventrolateralis and nucleus medialis identify sites which may be processing information from both the auditory and lateral line systems, including the eighth nerve-recipient descending octaval nucleus, the acoustic division of the midbrain, and nucleus praeeminentialis which receives auditory input from the midbrain in midshipman.  相似文献   

The medullary nuclei and the primary projections of the octaval nerve have been studied in the Teleost Chelon labrosus, using argentic impregnations, NISSL stains and anterograde marking with peroxidase. The octaval nerve enters the medulla in two separate branches, the anterior and posterior. In its intramedullary traject it originates ascendent and descendent bundles. Its fibres end principally in the ventral part of the octavo-lateral area, with practically no overlapping with the terminals of the lateral line nerves. Three neuronal groups appear in this zone: the magnocellular vestibular nucleus, the tangential nucleus and the descending octaval nucleus. The magnocellular nucleus, formed by large neurons, receives thick fibres from the anterior branch of the octaval nerve. The tangential nucleus can be subdivided into three parts: Dorsal, intermediate and ventral depending upon its afferents and efferents. The dorsal part receives fibres from the posterior root of the octaval nerve. Fibres from the anterior branch end in the intermediate and ventral parts. The descending octaval nucleus, formed by polymorphous neurons, receives descending fibres from the octaval nerve branches. These fibres form a peculiar neuropil. A few fibres from both branches end in the medial nucleus of the octavolateral area. No primary projections of the octaval nerve have been found to the cerebellar crests.  相似文献   

The mapping of auditory circuitry and its interface with vocal motor systems is essential to the investigation of the neural processing of acoustic signals and its relationship to sound production. Here we delineate the circuitry of a midbrain auditory center in a vocal fish, the plainfin midshipman. Biotin injections into physiologically identified auditory sites in nucleus centralis (NC) in the torus semicircularis show a medial column of retrogradely filled neurons in the medulla mainly in a dorsomedial division of a descending octaval nucleus (DO), dorsal and ventral divisions of a secondary octaval nucleus (SO), and the reticular formation (RF) near the lateral lemniscus. Biotin-filled neurons are also located at midbrain-pretectal levels in a medial pretoral nucleus. Terminal fields are identified in the medulla (ventral SO, RF), isthmus (nucleus praeeminentialis), midbrain (nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, medial pretoral nucleus, contralateral NC, tectum), diencephalon (lateral preglomerular, central posterior, and anterior tuber nuclei), and telencephalon (area ventralis). The medial column of toral afferent neurons is adjacent to and overlapping the positions of DO and SO neurons shown previously to be linked to the vocal pacemaker circuitry of the medulla. Midshipman are considered "hearing generalists" because they lack the peripheral adaptations of "specialists" that enhance the detection of the pressure component of acoustic signals. Whereas the results indicate a general pattern of acoustic circuitry similar to that of specialists, they also show central adaptations, namely, a vocal-acoustic interface in DO and SO related to this species' vocal abilities.  相似文献   

The origins of descending spinal projections in the lepidosirenid lungfishes were identified by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) introduced into the rostral spinal cords of juvenile African (Protopterus annectans and Protopterus amphibians) and South American (Lepidosiren paradoxa) lungfishes. Standard HRP histochemistry revealed retrogradely labeled neurons in the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, midbrain tegmentum, red nucleus, optic tectum, mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, granule cell layer of the cerebellum, superior, middle, and inferior medullary reticular nuclei, magnocellular and descending octaval nuclei, region of the descending trigeminal tract, solitary complex, and the margins of the spinal gray matter anterior to the spinal HRP implant. A small number of retrogradely labeled neurons were also present in the ventral thalamus of Protopterus. A descending spinal projection from the forebrain was not evident in either genus of lepidosirenid lungfishes. The presence of projections to the spinal cord from the diencephalon, medial reticular formation of the midbrain and medulla, octaval (vestibular) nuclei, solitary complex, and probable nucleus of the descendin trigeminal tract in lungfishes and their overall similarity to comparable projections in other vertebrates suggest that these pathways are among those representative of the primitive pattern of descending spinal projections in vertebrates.  相似文献   

In elasmobranch fishes, including the Atlantic stingray, the medial rectus muscle is innervated by the contralateral oculomotor nucleus. This is different from most vertebrates, in which the medial rectus is innervated by the ipsilateral oculomotor nucleus. This observation led to the prediction that the excitatory vestibulo-extraocular motoneuron projections connecting each semicircular canal to the appropriate muscle should use a contralateral projection from the vestibular nuclei to the motoneurons. This hypothesis was examined in the Atlantic stingray by injecting horseradish peroxidase unilaterally into the oculomotor nucleus. It was found that vestibulo-oculomotor projections arise from the ipsilateral anterior octaval nucleus and the contralateral descending octaval nucleus. The same pattern was observed when the trochlear nucleus was involved in the injection. There were no cells labeled in the region of the abducens nucleus, and no candidate for a nucleus prepositus hypoglossus was identified. The presence of compensatory eye movements, the directional sensitivity of the semicircular canals, the location of the motoneurons innervating each eye muscle, and our results indicate that the excitatory input to the extraocular motoneurons is derived from the contralateral descending octaval nucleus, and the inhibitory input is derived from the ipsilateral anterior octaval nucleus. The absence of both abducens internuclear interneurons and a nucleus prepositus hypoglossus suggests that eye movements, particularly those in the horizontal plane, are controlled differently in elasmobranchs than in other vertebrates examined to date. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the presumed auditory portion of the semicircular torus or the central nucleus (TSc) as well as other central and peripheral auditory structures were studied by tract-tracing methods in carp and goldfish. Major ascending projections to the TSc originated from the descending octaval nucleus (DO) and medullary secondary octaval population (SO). Toropetal neurons of the DO were within the saccular terminal zone. A small number of toropetal DO neurons might receive inputs from other inner ear and lateral line endorgans as well. Fibers from the DO terminated in a deep zone of the TSc, while those from the SO in both deep and superficial zones. Afferents to the TSc also arose from the rhombencephalic reticular formation, anterior octaval nucleus, isthmic reticular nucleus, perilemniscular nucleus, medial pretoral nucleus, anterior tuberal nucleus, and central posterior thalamic nucleus. The TSc projected ascending fibers to the medial pretoral nucleus, anterior tuberal nucleus, central posterior thalamic nucleus, and the preglomerular complex (anterior preglomerular nucleus, the caudomedial region of lateral preglomerular nucleus, and a medial zone of medial preglomerular nucleus). These parts of preglomerular complex appear structurally continuous sharing common hodological and cytoarchitectonic features, and thus might be regarded as a single neuronal population. Abundant descending pathways were also noted in the present study. Of particular note is the medial pretoral nucleus, which received fibers from diencephalic auditory nuclei. The nucleus gave rise to indirect descending pathways to a medial zone of the cerebellar crest where dendrites of crest cells in the SO ramify.  相似文献   

The octavolateral sensory systems in teleost fish comprise at least four distinct hair-cell sensory modalities which are processed separately within the CNS. Two of these modalities, the mechanosensory lateral line system and the eighth nerve auditory system, have been implicated in the animal's ability to detect and localize underwater vibrations. Distinct mechanosensory lateral line and auditory nuclei are present within the torus semicircularis, the midbrain homologue of the inferior colliculus. The present study utilized horseradish peroxidase tracing techniques to delineate those areas of the lower brainstem which are involved in auditory as opposed to mechanosensory lateral line processes. The primary mechanosensory nucleus of the medulla, n. medialis, projects directly to the optic tectum and to the mechanosensory nucleus of the torus semicircularis. Nucleus medialis receives input from primary lateral line nerve fibers as well as from a number of sites within the CNS: n. praeeminentialis pars ventralis, and the eminentia granularis and lobus caudalis of the cerebellum. The n. praeeminentialis itself receives a descending input from the mechanosensory nucleus of the torus semicircularis. These mechanosensory lateral line pathways are parallel to, but distinct from, those of the electrosensory lateral line system. Auditory signals reach the midbrain via an entirely separate route. The octaval nerve terminates in a column of five medullary nuclei. Of these, only the anterior and descending octaval nuclei maintain a direct but sparse projection to the auditory nucleus of the midbrain. The bulk of the auditory input to the midbrain involves a newly described medullary nucleus, the medial auditory nucleus of the medulla. This nucleus receives input from the descending octaval nucleus and projects bilaterally to the auditory nucleus of the torus semicircularis. It is suggested that the medial auditory nucleus of the medulla is homologous to portions of the superior olivary complex of other vertebrates.  相似文献   

The torus semicircularis (TS) of teleosts is a key midbrain center of the lateral line and acoustic sensory systems. To characterize the TS in adult zebrafish, we studied their connections using the carbocyanine tracers applied to the TS and to other related nuclei and tracts. Two main TS nuclei, central and ventrolateral, were differentiable by their afferent connections. From central TS, (TSc) numerous toropetal cells were labeled bilaterally in several primary octaval nuclei (anterior, magnocellular, descending, and posterior octaval nuclei), in the secondary octaval nucleus, in the caudal octavolateralis nucleus, and in the perilemniscular region. In the midbrain, numerous toropetal cells were labeled in the contralateral TSc. In the diencephalon, toropetal cells labeled from the TSc were observed ipsilaterally in the medial prethalamic nucleus and the periventricular posterior tubercle nucleus. TSc toropetal neurons were also labeled bilaterally in the hypothalamic anterior tuberal nucleus (ATN) and ipsilaterally in the parvicellular preoptic nucleus but not in the telencephalon. Tracer application to the medial octavolateralis nucleus revealed contralateral projections to the ventrolateral TS (TSvl), whereas tracer application to the secondary octaval nucleus labeled fibers bilaterally in TSc and neurons in rostral TSc. The TSc sends ascending fibers to the ipsilateral lateral preglomerular region that, in turn, projects to the pallium. Application of DiI to the optic tectum labeled cells and fibers in the TSvl, whereas application of DiI to the ATN labeled cells and fibers in the TSc. These results reveal that the TSvl and TSc are mainly related with the mechanosensory lateral line and acoustic centers, respectively, and that they show different higher order connections.  相似文献   

The octavolateral area of lampreys, which receives primary fibers from the octaval and lateral line nerves, is involved in the premotor organization of body movements through secondary projections to the reticular formation. Here, the typology of neurons of the three octavolateral nuclei (ventral, medial, and dorsal) that putatively project to the middle and posterior rhombencephalic reticular nuclei were studied by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) applied to these reticular nuclei. Several types of neurons were labeled in the ventral nucleus, both ipsilateral and contralateral to the site of HRP application. Some of these neurons showed a rather simple morphology (octavomotor neurons, monopolar cells), but most had more- or less-branched dendrites that were associated with one, or several, fields of terminal fibers in the octavolateral area. Unlike those of the ventral nucleus, labeled neurons of the medial nucleus were homogeneous in appearance (mostly pear-shaped). The dorsal nucleus was scarcely developed in larvae, as judged from the very simple and small labeled cells. The presence of terminal or “en-passant” boutons of secondary octavolateral fibers in the reticular area and the commissural nature of these fibers were also investigated by means of application of HRP or indocarbocyanine dye to the octavolateral nuclei. In addition, neurons of other alar plate nuclei that were labeled by the HRP application to the reticular nuclei (trigeminal descending root nucleus and solitary nucleus) were also characterized. The functional significance of these results is discussed. J. Comp. Neurol. 384:396–408, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ascending projections of the spinal cord in a teleost, Sebastiscus marmoratus, were studied by means of the horseradish peroxidase tracing method. Projecting fibers were observed in the reticular formation, vagal lobe, octaval nuclei, a dorsomedial portion of the descending nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, corpus cerebelli and nucleus ventromedialis thalami.  相似文献   

Axons of the trigeminal ganglion convey sensory information from mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and nociceptors in the face and nasal mucosa, then terminate on several groups of neurons including the principal sensory nucleus and the nuclei of the spinal trigeminal tract. To understand guidance mechanisms during the development of trigeminal sensory axons (TA) in the embryonic brain, we first investigated the growth pattern of TA in relation to organization in the hindbrain using flat whole-mount preparation from rat. We found that the primary TA from the trigeminal ganglion entered the brainstem and grew longitudinally within the hindbrain. Whereas descending axons ran just medial to the primary vestibular axons to innervate the spinal nucleus, ascending axons stayed near the entry point. In flat whole-mount culture, the TA extended both ascending and descending branches as they do in vivo. Rostral hindbrain was found to be a less permissive substrate for the TA compared to caudal hindbrain. In addition, the nonpermissive property of the ventral hindbrain substrate restricted the invasion of TA along the entire length of the hindbrain. Thus, cooperation of absolute and relative permissiveness of the substrate plays important roles in the guidance of TA to their targets.  相似文献   

We studied two cartilaginous fishes and described their brainstem supraspinal projections because most nuclei in the reticular formation can be identified that way. A retrogradely transported tracer, horseradish peroxidase or Fluoro-Gold, was injected into the spinal cord of Platyrhinoidis triseriata (thornback guitarfish) or Heterodontus fransisci (horn shark). We described labeled reticular cells by their position, morpohology, somatic orientation, dendritic processes, and laterality of spinal projections. Nineteen reticular nuclei have spinal projections: reticularis (r.) dorsalis, r. ventralis pars α and β, r. gigantocellularis, r. magnocellularis, r. parvocellularis, r. paragigantocellularis lateralis and dorsalis, r. pontis caudalis pars α and β, r. pontis oralis pars medialis and lateralis, r. subcuneiformis, r. peduncularis pars compacta, r. subcoeruleus pars α, raphe obscurus, raphe pallidus, raphe magnus, and locus coeruleus. Twenty nonreticular nuclei have spinal projections: descending trigeminal, retroambiguus, solitarius, posterior octaval, descending octaval, magnocellular octaval, ruber, Edinger-Westphal, nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, interstitial nucleus of Cajal, latral mesencephalic complex, periventricularis pretectalis pars dorsalis, central pretectal, ventromedial thalamic, posterior central thalamic, posterior dorsal thalamic, the posterior tuberculum, and nuclei B, F, and J. The large number of distinct reticular nuclei with spinal projections corroborates the hypothesis that the reticular formation of elasmobranches is complexly organized into many of the same nuclei that are found in frogs, reptiles, birds, and mammals. J. Comp. Neurol. 403:534–560, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Acousticolateral systems were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase tracing method in a teleost (Sebastiscus marmoratus). The torus semicircularis projected bilaterally to the optic tectum, nucleus ventromedialis thalami of Schnitzlein ('62), and reticular formation; contralaterally to the torus semicircularis; and ipsilaterally to the nucleus preglomerulosus of Schnitzlein ('62) and the inferior olive. No topographic organization was detected between the torus semicircularis and the nucleus preglomerulosus. Ipsilateral inputs to the torus were from dorsal telencephalic areas (pars centralis, Dc; pars dorsalis, Dd; and the dorsal part of pars medialis, dDm) and the optic tectum. Contralateral inputs to the torus were from the torus semicircularis, a caudal part of the cerebellum, and a portion of the trigeminal complex. The torus also received bilateral input from the nucleus ventromedialis thalami, nucleus of lemniscus lateralis, nucleus medialis, anterior octaval nucleus, descending octaval nucleus, and the reticular formation. Retrogradely labeled cells in the octaval nuclei were seen predominantly subsequent to HRP injections in the medial torus, while cells in the nucleus medialis were retrogradely labeled following injections into the lateral torus. HRP injections into the nucleus preglomerulosus labeled cells in the superficial region of the torus, while injections into the nucleus ventromedialis thalami labeled cells in the deep region. The nucleus preglomerulosus received inputs bilaterally from the nucleus of the lemniscus lateralis and reticular formation and ipsilaterally from the dorsal telencephalic areas (Dc, Dd, and dDm) and the torus semicircularis. In turn the nucleus preglomerulosus projected to Dd and Dm. Fibers arising in the nucleus ventromedialis thalami ended in Dc, Dd, Dm, and area ventralis pars supracommissuralis (Vs). Homology between the nucleus preglomerulosus and the central thalamic nucleus in amphibians, the nucleus reuniens in reptiles, the nucleus ovoidalis in birds, and the medial geniculate body in mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

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