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Forty-five literate schoolchildren aged 9 (n = 25) and 11 (n = 20) from urban Zambia were given core and expanded tests on the NEPSY and their performance was scored according to age-equivalent norms for U.S. children. This study indicates that in urban, literate Zambian children, the NEPSY is relatively insensitive to language and cultural influences that often compromise the applicability of Western tests in the developing world. No consistent improvement in the standard scores was found as a function of educational experience. Comparison against the U.S. normative average revealed that both age groups were poorer in the domains of language and attention and executive functions, whereas their performance was better in the visuospatial processing domain. It is concluded that the NEPSY in its present form may be clinically useful, but its results should still be treated with caution, taking into account cultural, language, and personal demographic information. More studies, with divergent and larger samples of varying age ranges are required. It seems that the NEPSY could serve as the initial step in the development of neuropsychological practices in Zambia.  相似文献   

Usefulness of the NEPSY: A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment (NEPSY) to assess attention/executive function skills was examined in a sample of 30 children with spina bifida and shunted hydrocephalus (SBSH; 20 females/10 males; age range: 6-12 years). Statistically significant moderate-to-strong correlations between the NEPSY and other measures of executive functioning were obtained. The strength of these associations decreased when controlling for intelligence as measured by the WISC-III. The Attention and Executive Function domain appeared more closely associated with tests requiring focused attention and an ability to shift set than those emphasizing more abstract reasoning, memory, or non-verbal problem-solving skills. The NEPSY appears useful in the assessment of specific executive function abilities in young individuals with SBSH. More research into the NEPSY and particularly its Attention and Executive Function domain is needed among individuals with SBSH before its use as a stand-alone tool apart from adjunctive cognitive assessment instruments.  相似文献   

Third- and fourth-grade children (n = 28) participated in a20-lesson pain program covering a diversity of topics includingthe early warning value of pain, pain issues, hospitalization,maladaptive usage of pain, improving the child's perspectiveon needle procedures, and training in cognitive coping strategies.Within the small-group format, direct teaching, symbolic modeling,role play, discussion, and debate were used to teach the program.A comparison ofpre- and postprogram test scores provided unequivocalevidence (p < .001) that the children could increase theirknowledge and understanding of pain when given an instructionprogram of this type. The immediate and long-term potentialbenefits that might reasonably accrue to the participants werediscussed  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of isoflavones on the skin of postmenopausal women.


A prospective study was performed with 30 postmenopausal women before and immediately after the end of treatment with 100 mg/day of an isoflavones-rich, concentrated soy extract for six months. A skin punch was performed in the gluteal region for sample collection before and immediately after the treatment program. Morphometric determination of epidermal thickness, the papillary index (wrinkling), and the amount of dermal elastic and collagen fibers was assessed. In addition, the number of blood vessels in the sample was also evaluated. The paired Student’s t-test was used for statistical analysis (P ≤ 0.05).


Isoflavone treatment resulted in a 9.46% increase in the thickness of the epidermis in 23 patients. In addition, the papillary index was reduced in 21 women. The papillary index was inversely proportional to skin wrinkling, i.e., there were a large number of papillae after treatment. The amount of collagen in the dermis was increased in 25 women (86.2%). In 22 women (75.8%) we observed that the number of elastic fibers increased. The number of dermal blood vessels was significantly increased in 21 women.


Our data show that the use of a concentrated, isoflavone-rich soy extract during six consecutive months caused significant increases in epithelial thickness, the number of elastic and collagen fibers, as well as the blood vessels.  相似文献   

Stress has adverse effects on health, and prolonged stress exposure is a risk factor for several mental and physical illnesses.1 Felitti V, Anda R, Nordenberg D, et al. Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults. Am J Prev Med. 1998;14(4):245258. doi:10.1016/s0749-3797(98)00017-8.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Families living in poverty face many stressors created and maintained by economic hardship and unaddressed legal and social needs. Medical-Legal Partnerships (MLPs) aim to improve health and well-being by addressing health-harming legal and social needs of patients. This pilot study examined whether MLP-involved parents perceived themselves as stressed; to what they attributed their stress; and whether they reported a reduction in stress when their MLP cases were closed. The study shows improvements in perceived stress following receipt of MLP interventions.  相似文献   

注意缺陷多动障碍儿童持续性注意测验的对照研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
目的:了解不同持续性注意测验对注意缺陷多动障碍儿童注意障碍的评定。方法:符合DSM-Ⅳ注意缺陷多动障碍的113名男性儿童与83名正常对照儿童分别采用视觉单目标持续性注意测验、视觉连续目标持续性注意测验和听觉持续性注意测验进行对照研究。结果:混合型儿童的视觉单目标持续性注意测验的击中率低于对照组,听觉持续注意测验的ADHD各亚型的击中率,d‘值、β值均低于对照组儿童,ADHD各亚型的虚报率高于对照组。结论:ADHD各亚型儿童存在明显的听觉持续性注意能力损害。  相似文献   

目的:在中国文化情境下,探索中国人抑郁易感人格的特点与结构。方法:在国内外相关文献基础上,首先将国内有抑郁症病史者作为中国抑郁易感个体的典型代表,以临床咨询经验丰富的精神科医师为主要调查对象,通过深度访谈和开放式问卷调查探索中国人抑郁易感人格特征;在此基础上形成原始项目,在一般大学生和有抑郁症病史者被试基础上探索并验证中国人抑郁易感人格结构;最后对一般大学生进行追踪研究,初步考察中国人抑郁易感人格与压力交互作用对抑郁症状的影响。结果:中国人抑郁易感人格是一个5因素结构,具体包括敏感好胜、封闭防御、自我专注、严谨认真和退让顺从;验证性因素分析结果表明,中国人抑郁易感人格问卷的5因素模型拟合较好;总量表及各维度内部一致性系数在0.60-0.78之间;量表总体及其各维度可以有效区分有抑郁病史大学生和无抑郁病史大学生,它们与应激的交互作用能有效预测大学生三个月后的抑郁症状。结论:中国人抑郁易感人格是一个五因素结构,中国人抑郁易感人格量表具有良好的心理测量学指标,能够有效筛查中国抑郁易感个体。  相似文献   

目的:初步考察高艾滋病恐惧人群(简称“恐艾”)的心理行为特点,并且探索其产生的原因。方法:采用网络在线的方式分别对正常组、怀疑感染组和恐艾组在艾滋病知识、高危行为、艾滋病相关态度和人格上进行调查。结果:与正常组被试相比.怀疑感染组和恐艾组都表现出在高危行为、艾滋病知识和神经质上较高的得分,较低的克服艾滋病信心,倾向于对感染艾滋病作内部归因,有较强的性内疚感及较高的艾滋病病耻感。恐艾组在性内疚、感染归因得分上显著高于怀疑感染组。结论:高艾滋病恐惧人群对过去高危行为的内疚以及与此相关的感染的内部归因倾向可能是导致这种疾病的重要原因。  相似文献   

注意缺陷多动障碍儿童整合视听连续执行测验的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
目的 :探讨整合视听连续执行测验对注意缺陷多动障碍儿童 (ADHD)的评定价值及特征。方法 :对 5 1例不伴成绩不良的ADHD儿童及 2 4例伴成绩不良的ADHD儿童采用整合型视听连续执行测验并比较两组的测验结果。结果 :伴有成绩不良的ADHD儿童的听觉及反应控制商、听觉审慎性、一致性、听、视觉注意商、警觉性、集中度均低于不伴成绩不良组 ,但无显著性差异。结论 :ADHD儿童存在反应控制能力和注意能力的损害 ,IVA -CPT可作为神经心理测验评定工具。  相似文献   

This article explores the efficacy of sequential treatment involving medication and cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) for insomnia. In a multiple baseline across-subjects design, 6 participants with primary chronic insomnia received 1 of the following treatment sequences: (a) concurrent combination of medication and CBT for the 10-week treatment duration (Combined); (b) medication for the first 5 weeks, with introduction of CBT at week 4 and medication withdrawal after the 5th week resulting in treatment overlap during weeks 4 and 5 (Overlapping: Medication → Combined → CBT); and (c) medication alone for the first 5 weeks followed by CBT alone for an additional 5 weeks (Medication → CBT). Each sequence led to significant sleep improvements, but these improvements occurred at different times during the intervention. Participants in the Combined and in the Overlapping sequences improved their sleep during the 1st phase of treatment, whereas those in the Medication → CBT sequence improved mostly during the 2nd phase of treatment. These preliminary results suggest that a sequential treatment is effective for chronic insomnia. In addition, the results suggest that sleep improvements are more likely to emerge when CBT is introduced, with an Overlapping sequence showing a slight advantage over the other sequences. Additional clinical trials should be conducted with larger samples to replicate these preliminary findings.  相似文献   

Polysomnography (PSG), the gold standard sleep-assessment methodology, is impractical for many applications. Although alternative assessment methodologies are available, it is not clear which most correlates with PSG measures. This study compared sleep log (SL), actigraphy (ACT), and the REMview (RV) device for estimating PSG sleep measures. Thirty-three participants with various sleep-disorder diagnoses underwent 1 night of monitoring with PSG, RV, ACT, and SL. RV provided accurate estimates of most sleep variables. The accuracy of ACT and SL estimates depended on the sleep variable. These findings indicate that the selection of an alternative methodology should consider the sleep measure of interest in addition to the relative merits and drawbacks of each device.  相似文献   

目的 研究飞行员家庭子女和婚姻(SLOCE)因素,为开展飞行员婚姻家庭方面的心理咨询和治疗工作提供依据.方法 深入飞行员家庭,夫妻同时进行Olson婚姻质量问卷的子女和婚姻分量表、临床症状自评量表、紧张性生活事件调查表、社会支持评定量表、艾森克人格问卷测评.结果 飞行员以及妻子的SLOCE与双方的个性、心理健康水平、生活事件、社会支持以及年龄有显著相关性.多因素分析揭示飞行员的SLOCE带有明显的情绪化;而妻子的SLOCE即受情绪因素也更多的受生活事件的影响.结论 要提高飞行员夫妻SLOCE的满意度,应把心理健康水平、个性、生活事件、社会支持以及年龄因素纳入咨询的治疗内容.  相似文献   

Research showed that more than 30% of patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) do not benefit from evidence-based treatments: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). These are patients with prolonged and multiple traumatization, with poor verbal memory, and patients with emotional over-modulation. Retelling traumatic experiences in detail is poorly tolerated by these patients and might be a reason for not starting or not completing the recommended treatments. Due to lack of evidence, no alternative treatments are recommended yet. Art therapy may offer an alternative and suitable treatment, because the nonverbal and experiential character of art therapy appears to be an appropriate approach to the often wordless and visual nature of traumatic memories. The objective of this pilot study was to test the acceptability, feasibility, and applicability of trauma-focused art therapy for adults with PTSD due to multiple and prolonged traumatization (patients with early childhood traumatization and refugees from different cultures). Another objective was to identify the preliminary effectiveness of art therapy. Results showed willingness to participate and adherence to treatment of patients. Therapists considered trauma-focused art therapy feasible and applicable and patients reported beneficial effects, such as more relaxation, externalization of memories and emotions into artwork, less intrusive thoughts of traumatic experiences and more confidence in the future. The preliminary findings on PTSD symptom severity showed a decrease of symptoms in some participants, and an increase of symptoms in other participants. Further research into the effectiveness of art therapy and PTSD is needed.  相似文献   

肌电生物反馈的非线性机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨肌电生物反馈中肌电与脑电活动间的相关联系及其机制。方法动态同步采集肌电生物反馈中肌电和脑电信号后,在评价肌电幅值和频率的基础上,利用非线性动力学参数——近似熵(ApEn)和互近似熵(Cross-ApEn),分析肌电信号内部以及肌电-脑电信号间的非线性改变。结果随生物反馈次数的增加,对照组及生物反馈组实验前后肌电振幅的最大值、最小值和平均值都明显降低(F=3.85~25.59,P<0.05),生物反馈组实验前及实验后肌电频率明显上升(F=6.71、8.67,P<0.05);同时,肌电信号的ApEn明显降低(F=5.42、2.81,P<0.05),肌电与脑电信号间的互近似熵也明显升高(F=13.77~19.52,P<0.05)。最后2次反馈中上述指标均明显不同于对照组(P<0.05)。结论肌电生物反馈中肌电变化的机理,可能与生物反馈加强了大脑的有意识的调控作用而减弱了大脑对下运动神经元-肌肉系统的非线性易化有关。  相似文献   

注意缺陷多动障碍儿童智力水平分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
注意缺陷多动障碍 (attentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorderADHD)在儿童群体中相当多见 ,国外文献报导发病率在 3%~ 5% [1] ,国内有报导为 2 .59%~10 .0 8% [2 ,3] 。患儿常伴有不同程度的人格缺陷、社会适应能力下降和学习困难。在儿科心理门诊就医的患儿多以学习困难为第一主诉并成为家庭关注的中心问题 ,这种学习困难是否与智力水平有关已成为国内外心理卫生工作者研究的热点。本研究拟通过测试ADHD患儿与正常儿童的智力水平 ,来探讨ADHD患儿的智力特点 ,为临床治疗干预提供依据。1…  相似文献   

Eye Dominance in Children: A Longitudinal Study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a sample of 807 normal preschool children aged from 3 to 6, examined eye dominance was not associated with the declared eye dominance of their parents. Forty percent of the children showed left-eyedness. Eyedness was associated with handedness and not significantly related to age group or sex. A strong relationship between the answers of the two parents concerning eye preference was observed. Two hundred forty-four children were followed-up for 2 years. The examinations were carried out once every 6 months. Two thirds of the children showed perfect stability in eye dominance. There was some evidence that stability in eye use tends to increase with age and to be lower in left-handed children with left-handed parents. There is, at present, very little evidence of a positive association between eye dominance in parents and that in their children.  相似文献   

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