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现代紧张理论认为,紧张反应的产生及强度不仅是由于紧张刺激因子的作用,还与个体对紧张因素的感知程度及应对行为方式有关〔1〕。A型行为是一种行为—情感综合征〔2〕,具有急躁、情绪不稳、争强好胜、缺乏耐性、常有时间紧迫感等特征。  相似文献   

目的 了解新疆克拉玛依地区职业人群的心理健康水平和职业紧张程度,并分析影响因素.方法 采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方法,在新疆克拉玛依地区抽取2 200名年龄≥18岁的职业人群(主要包括工人、教师、军人、公务员及医务人员),应用一般健康问卷(GHQ-20)和及症状自评量表(SCL-90)进行流行病学调查.结果 SCL-90各因子得分与全国常模比较,强迫症状(1.69±0.58)分、恐怖(1.36±0.64)分,均高于全国常模(P <0.001),躯体化(1.33±0.55)分、人际关系敏感(1.44±0.46)分、抑郁(1.42±0.66)分、精神病性(1.23±0.48)分,均低于全国常模(P <0.001);SCL-90阳性组在不同职业人群心理健康总分、各因子得分差异有统计学意义(P <0.001);GHQ-20的阳性检出率为27.5%,SCL-90的阳性检出率为25.0%,GHQ-20和SCL-90在不同职业人群上阳性检出率差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05),两量表有较高的一致性;不同职业紧张组在一般健康问卷阳性和阴性组间差异有统计学意义.结论 新疆地区职业人群的职业紧张情况较为严重,精神心理健康相对较差,应对其提供有效的干预措施.  相似文献   

魏万宏    李莹  陈苗苗 《现代预防医学》2021,(22):4068-4072
目的 探讨儿科医护人员遭受工作场所暴力与职业紧张之间的关系,为预防儿科医护人员遭受工作场所暴力,缓解职业紧张提供依据。方法 通过分层抽样方法对郑州市564名儿科医护人员遭受工作场所暴力和职业紧张情况进行问卷调查,采用描述性分析、多元线性回归等方法进行数据分析。结果 60.5%的儿科医护人员在过去1年内曾遭受工作场所暴力,情感虐待、威胁恐吓、躯体攻击的发生率分别为53.2%、39.7%、33.3%。564名儿科医护人员外在付出、获得、内在投入3个维度得分分别为(23.04±4.27)、(36.14±5.27)、(21.06±3.20)。相关分析显示,儿科医护人员遭受工作场所暴力频度与职业紧张程度呈正相关(r = 0.238,P<0.001)。回归分析显示,遭受工作场所暴力频度对职业紧张有正向预测作用(β = 0.216,P<0.001)。结论 儿科医护人员遭受工作场所暴力的发生率较高,是儿科医护人员产生职业紧张问题的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

职业紧张与健康的研究现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着医学模式的转变,长期致力于研究环境与健康的研究者们将目光从物理、化学及生物等主要影响因素转移到心理学的领域。职业紧张及其影响因素逐渐成为职业与健康的研究重点。1职业紧张的概念及其影响因素目前国际上对职业紧张通用的定义是:劳动者的能力、劳动需求、个体资源不能满足工作任务要求时所表现出来的有害的生理和心理反应。Selye等[1]提出存在可以产生两种不同效果的职业紧张,一种是能引起劳动者兴趣、令人愉快的紧张,它能产生积极的作用,能提高工作效率甚至是创造性;另外一种是降低工作效率,增加劳动中事故的发生。Kufimofi[2]…  相似文献   

职业紧张与心身健康浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
职业紧张(occupational stress)或称职业应激,一般是指在某种职业条件下,客观需求与主观反应之间失衡而出现的(可感受到的)生理变化和心理压力,以及由于不能满足需求而引起相应的(可察觉的)功能性紊乱。随着我国现代化进程的不断推进,因职业紧张所引起的职业卫生问题愈显重要。现就近年来国外职业紧张研究情况综述如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨精神专科医院与综合医院女护士的职业紧张和主观幸福感的差异及其相互关系。方法选择温州市两家精神专科医院和两家综合医院的女护士(分别为251人和380人),进行付出-回报失衡问卷、社会支持量表和Campbell幸福感量表调查;用t检验和多元线性回归比较两类护士职业紧张和主观幸福感的差异。结果精神专科医院护士的职业紧张程度显著高于综合医院护士[(1.29±0.31)vs(1.11±0.41),P<0.01];精神专科医院护士的主观幸福感总分显著低于综合医院护士[(9.66±1.62)vs(11.1±1.42),P<0.01];多元线性回归控制相关因素后,精神专科医院和综合医院护士的职业紧张程度和主观幸福感总分差异均有统计学意义。结论精神专科医院护士的职业紧张程度重于综合医院护士,而主观幸福感低于综合医院护士;需要采取综合干预措施,以减轻护士职业紧张和增进幸福感。  相似文献   

工作场所的职业紧张与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 职业紧张:当今严重的健康问题 近20年来,职业紧张与健康的关系已经越来越成为全球关注的重要问题。职业紧张不仅会严重影响到劳动者的身体健康,同时也会给社会经济造成重大损失。在美国,由于职业紧张给有关机构造成的经济损失每年在2000亿至3000亿美元,包括紧张造成的频繁职工轮换、健康赔偿以及生产率降低。  相似文献   

目的 探讨作业场所健康促进与耐火材料企业知识分子职业紧张的关系。方法 采用危险因素调查表、Goldbergs精神卫生问卷、A型行为问卷、Mclean .s职业紧张问卷 ,在严格质控下 ,对接受作业场所健康促进的某耐火材料企业 340名知识分子进行问卷调查。结果 精神卫生异常率为 2 7.94 % ,随着作业场所健康促进的开展 ,下降为 12 .4 2 % ,A型行为率、应付能力弱、工作背景差、职业应激程度大等各项指标随作业场所健康促进的开展呈现下降趋势 ,且存在显著差异。结论作业场所健康促进可以有效的控制职业紧张 ,应加强职业人群的职业紧张控制的进一步研究  相似文献   

职业紧张与心血管疾病发病关系的研究动向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着医学模式从生物医学模式向生物——心理——社会医学模式的转变,心理社会因素在疾病的发生发展中的作用越来越受到人们的重视。心血管疾病是当今人类主要死因之一,其病因复杂,属于多因素疾病。传统的生物学因素及行为因素如糖尿病、高脂血症、肥胖、吸烟、饮酒和高脂饮食等与心血管疾病的关系已经明确。20世纪70年代以来,国外对心理社会因素与心血管疾病发病关系进行了大量的研究,国内近年来也进行了有关的起步研究.目前研究发现与心血管疾病有关的心理社会因素包括多方面。  相似文献   

目的了解社区医护人员工作满意度状况并探讨其与职业紧张的关系,从而采取有效措施以提高社区医护人员的工作满意度。方法采用横断面调查方法,于2009年12月-2010年2月,随机抽取辽宁省30所社区卫生服务中心(站)的1 500名医护人员为对象进行自填式问卷调查。采用明尼苏达满意度问卷(MSQ)测量工作满意度,工作内容问卷(JCQ)和付出-回报失衡问卷(ERI-Q)测量职业紧张。应用分层回归分析社区医护人员工作满意度与职业紧张的关系。结果辽宁省社区医护人员的工作满意度平均得分为67.87。社会支持(β=0.35)、工作自主(β=0.27)、付出回报比值(β=-0.11)与工作满意度密切相关。结论应加强对社区医护人员工作满意度的关注,采取合理的保护措施以降低社区医护人员的职业紧张,提高其工作满意度。  相似文献   

ROUT  USHA; ROUT  JAYA K 《Family practice》1994,11(3):300-306
In order to compare measures of job satisfaction, mental healthand job stress among general practitioners (GPs), the resultsof a 1993 survey were compared with that obtained in the previousstudy in 1987) 1Eight hundred and fifty GPs were selected atrandom by seven Family Health Service Authorities in England,380 of whom returned questionnaires suitable for statisticalanalysis. There were significant differences between the 1987and 1993 surveys. GPs experienced less job satisfaction, poorermental health and more stress in 1993 than in 1987. These changesmay have occurred as a result of the introduction of the newcontract.  相似文献   

Growing instability in the labor market has led to an increase in recurrent job loss, which primarily affects women (Tamir, 2007 Tamir, T. 2007. Women in Israel 2006: Between theory and practice. Ramat Gan, , Israel: The Israeli Women's Network (Hebrew).  [Google Scholar]). Numerous studies have shown that job loss is a stressful, traumatic experience that has consequences for the individuals who are laid off. However, few studies have examined how recurrent job loss affects individuals. The present study of 134 Israeli women aged 30–45 years aimed to examine how recurrent job loss affected individual women's perceptions of the event and the extent to which it generated emotional stress and psychiatric symptoms. Most of the women perceived job loss as a challenging event and their assessments of job loss had a stronger impact on the development of mental health consequences than did the number of times they had actually been laid off. The more the women perceived job loss as threatening, the more they reported emotional stress and psychiatric symptoms. Conversely, the more they perceived job loss as challenging, the lower their levels of emotional stress. Never-married women were laid-off more, and they reported more mental health symptoms following recurrent job loss than did married women. The findings suggest that perception of job loss as a threatening event might cause mental health problems as results of lay-off.  相似文献   

The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research - While mental health (MH) services are expected to support client recovery, very little is known about services provided by MH teams in...  相似文献   

目的:了解军队心理工作人员的职业压力与督导需求。方法采用钱铭怡、陈红等编制的心理咨询与心理治疗情况调查表,随机对陆军、空军、海军、火箭军、武警的各级医院、卫生所心理医师、心理治疗师、心理咨询师144名进行问卷测量。结果军队心理卫生人员在自己的专业理论匮乏、经费不足、缺乏必要的督导和晋升困难几个题目上,军队心理卫生人员的压力高于全国;军队一对一督导和小组督导均显著少于全国,本机构督导与外单位聘请督导均显著少于全国,样本中三分之一以上人员没有接受任何形式的督导。军队心理卫生人员比全国样本更愿意督导人员胜任能力强,更欢迎团体、个体形式的督导,也更需要自我分析和体验,并对培训中的督导情况更满意。讨论军队现有心理卫生人员职业压力较大,心理督导的数量和质量,无法满足实际需求,尽快建立和完善军民融合的军队心理卫生工作人员督导及督导体系,提供及时有效,科学规范的心理督导,是军队心理卫生工作健康有序,科学发展的重要内容。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的进步和医学模式的转变,病人和社会对医疗护理质量的要求越来越高,医务人员所承受的压力越来越大,精神常处于高度紧张状态,形成一系列心理健康问题.分析医务人员心理健康问题的成因以及由于心理健康问题所导致的不良危害,对医疗体系改革与和谐社会建设具有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的 了解杭州范围内三级医院和二级医院医护人员心理健康情况和工作满意度状况及其相互关系,为不同医院级别的医护人员心理健康维护提供依据.方法 对283名医护人员进行问卷调查.问卷内容包括基本情况、一般健康问卷和工作满意度问卷.结果 三级综合性医院医护人员的一般健康得分(26.41±11.09)分,明显低于二级综合性医院的医护人员的(31.32±13.37)分(P<0.01),三级综合性医院医护人员的总体工作满意度(59.11±12.93)分,明显高于二级综合性医院的医护人员的(51.01±10.03)分(P<0.01);男性医护人员的一般健康得分(24.87±11.02)分明显低于女性医护人员的(29.70±12.64)分(P<0.01).工作满意度各因子与一般健康各因子得分成负相关(P<0.01).医护人员内在工作满意度对心理健康状况的预测作用显著(P<0.01).结论 二级以上综合性医院医护人员,尤其是女性医护人员,心理健康情况和工作满意度总体较低.提高医护人员工作满意度将促进其心理健康水平的提高.  相似文献   

目的了解医护人员对医疗机构内预防保健科的认知情况,为预防保健科的发展提供更加合理的政策建议。方法采用不完全随机抽样的方法,在省市级和县区级医院中各抽取4~6家综合医疗机构。对被选定医疗机构的预防保健科所有工作人员的基本情况进行调查。在内科、外科、妇产科、儿科随机抽取10名医护人员作为调查对象。结果在所调查的医护人员中,95.1%的人认为保健科在疾病控制、甚至传染病控制中起作用,60.5%的人认为预防保健科是公共卫生管理科室,86.4%的人对预防保健科工作比较满意,87.7%的人关注预防保健科的发展,63.3%的人认为预防保健科的现状能适应目前工作,预防保健科需要改革(75.9%)。同时建议加强对预防保健科工作的宣传;改善办公条件;提高人员业务素质,提高人员待遇;加强与一线科室的联系;增加保健科的人员;加强预防宣传教育工作,政府承担经费等方面。结论要加强预防保健科人员与医护人员的沟通,同时调整保健科工作人员数量和专业结构。  相似文献   

Objectives. We investigated associations between stress and mental health (positive affect, depressive symptoms) among HIV-negative and HIV-positive midlife and older gay-identified men, along with the mediating and moderating effects of mastery and emotional support. We also studied the mental health effects of same-sex marriage.Methods. We obtained data from self-administered questionnaires completed in 2009 or 2010 by a subsample (n = 202; average age = 56.91 years; age range = 44–75 years) of participants in the University of California, Los Angeles component of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, one of the largest and longest-running natural-history studies of HIV/AIDS in the United States.Results. Both sexual minority stress (perceived gay-related stigma, excessive HIV bereavements) and aging-related stress (independence and fiscal concerns) appeared to have been detrimental to mental health. Sense of mastery partially mediated these associations. Being legally married was significantly protective net of all covariates, including having a domestic partner but not being married. Education, HIV status, and race/ethnicity had no significant effects.Conclusions. Sexual minority and aging-related stress significantly affected the emotional lives of these men. Personal sense of mastery may help to sustain them as they age. We observed specific mental health benefits of same-sex legal marriage.Classic conceptualizations of social stress theory1–3 posit that social stressors—socioenvironmental demands that tax or exceed individuals’ adaptive capacities or block the attainment of sought-after ends—can be harmful to health, particularly to mental health. Through the stress process, stressors rooted in critical social roles or relationships are conceptualized as primary sources of subsequent difficulties that collectively diminish well-being.3,4 Psychosocial resources that regulate the health impact of stress, such as social support and sense of mastery, are key elements of the stress process because they may disrupt the relationship between stress and distress.1,5Minority stress theory6–8 contends that minority populations also can be exposed to unique stressors that create strains on individuals as they attempt to adapt and function in their everyday environments, which in turn negatively affect well-being. Investigators have found compelling evidence of the negative impact of minority stress on mental health among sexual minority persons, who consistently demonstrate higher rates of mental disorder, substance misuse, suicidal ideation, and deliberate self-harm than heterosexual populations.8–14However, few studies have examined social stress, minority stress, and health among midlife and older sexual minority persons. Such studies are of public health significance because the baby boomer cohort quickly is approaching old age, and embedded in this cohort are midlife and older sexual minority persons who endure common aging-related stressors in addition to the unique challenges that are associated with their sexual minority status.8,13,15,16 These challenges include well-established domains of minority stress associated with stigma, discrimination or prejudice, internalized homophobia, and concealment.8,13 Other stressors include exclusion from legal marriage, limited legal rights for same-sex partners, lack of access to informal care within traditional family networks, insensitivity to sexual minority health issues among care providers, and ostracization in health care and long-term care settings.17,18Midlife and older sexual minority persons also are of particular interest because of their life-course experiences of either being socially invisible during most of the 20th century or of coming of age on the heels of the gay rights movements in the 1960s. They are the first sexual minorities in history to age with an identity that is now socially and politically recognized as they become increasingly enfranchised. A review of the literature on sexual orientation and aging offers further insight into the life-course challenges faced by the estimated 1 to 3 million older sexual minority adults in the United States—a number that is increasing dramatically.19 Within this broad cohort of midlife and older sexual minorities, gay-identified men (hereafter, gay men) are unique because of their additional historical experience of having been in the highest HIV/AIDS risk group when virtually nothing was known about HIV transmission routes, making prevention impossible. The profound impact of the AIDS epidemic on the lives of these men cannot be overstated.19 For example, they have outlived many of their peers lost during the early years of AIDS,20 diminishing their social support networks.21We examined sexual minority stressors8,13 and generally applicable stressors associated with aging22,23 as well as their hypothesized associations with mental health (Figure 1). On the basis of social stress theory1–3 and its empirical operationalization with the elaboration model,24 we also examined the role of psychosocial resources as “third variables” that are hypothesized to offset these associations. Psychosocial resources may mediate or moderate the association between stress and mental health.1–3Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1—Hypothesized associations between social stress and mental health among midlife and older gay-identified men.In this case, mediation occurs when stress influences a psychosocial resource, which, in turn, influences mental health, thereby transmitting the effect.24,25 Moderation occurs when the effect of stress is contingent upon a psychosocial resource (the dashed line in the center of Figure 1) meaning that its effect differs across various values of the psychosocial resource. We controlled for the effects of background factors that may influence observed findings, with a particular focus on relationship status. We chose this focus because research on same-sex marriage and mental health among gay men is virtually nonexistent despite evidence of the ameliorative effects of marriage on mental health among heterosexual persons.26By investigating associations among these key constructs, we sought to broaden understanding of the stress and aging experiences of midlife and older gay men, many of whom enter later life at increased risk for HIV infection or chronic HIV-related comorbidities,27–29 suicidal thoughts or behaviors,12,30 and other health- and disability-related difficulties.31  相似文献   

目的探讨临床实习生的工作倦怠与心理健康状况。方法采用工作倦怠量表(MBI—HSS)和症状自评量表(SCL-90)对660名临床实习生进行检测,同时分别选取135名医生及630名非医学实习生作为工作倦怠程度的对照组。结果①临床实习生工作倦怠程度均明显比非医学实习生严重(P〈0.01),而与医生比较则只有自我成就感倦怠程度高(P〈0.01),在情绪衰竭和去个性化方面的倦怠程度明显较低(P〈0.05);临床实习生心理健康与大学生样本相比,除了恐怖因子均分明显较高,焦虑因子无显著差异外,其他各因子均分都明显较低(P〈0.01);而与全国常模相比,除了躯体化和敌意2个因子外,其他各因子的均分都明显较高(P〈0.05)。②临床实习生工作倦怠的情绪衰竭、去个性化与心理健康各因子及总均分呈显著正相关,与自我成就感呈显著负相关(P〈0.01)。结论应重视消除临床实习生的工作倦怠情绪,提高其工作积极性,同时应加强心理健康教育工作。  相似文献   

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