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Worksite intervention for health behavior change has attracted much recent interest as a potentially cost-effective way to promote healthier behaviors in the general population. In evaluating the impact of health promotion activities, it is essential to consider the entire work force rather than just self-selected participants. Overall, recruitment results reported to date have varied widely. There are a large number of factors pertaining to both employee and worksite characteristics that could contribute to variability in how well worksite health promotion programs attract employees. A critical issue that has received little research attention is the dynamics of participation in employee health promotion programs as they are offered repeatedly over time. The present study examined participation rates and contributing factors in worksite health promotion programs for weight loss and smoking cessation in the Healthy Worker Project, a randomized trial of worksite intervention conducted among 16 intervention and 16 control worksites in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area between 1987 and 1990. Data analyses focused on characterizing individuals enrolling in worksite health promotion programs in comparison to those in the worksite population as a whole who would be considered in need of such programs.  相似文献   

We evaluated a worksite smoking cessation program that employed multicomponents including support groups, incentives, and competition. The combination of incentives and other components increased participation rates to over 80%. Forty-two percent of smokers were abstinent at six months, compared to 13 percent of a control group (difference 29 percent, 95% CI 9, 49).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the effectiveness of interventions to disseminate smoking cessation interventions among a population of primary care physicians. This study's objective was to determine the effect of a community-based academic detailing intervention on the quit rates of a population-based sample of smokers. METHODS: This community-based, quasi-experimental study involved representative samples of 259 primary care physicians and 4295 adult smokers. An academic detailing intervention was delivered to physicians in intervention areas over a period of 15 months. Analyses were performed on the data from the 2346 subjects who reported at least one physician visit over 24 months. Multivariate regression analyses were conducted to determine the impact of the intervention on self-reported smoking quit rates, reported by adjusted odds ratios. RESULTS: Among smokers reporting a physician visit during the study period, there was a borderline significant effect for those residing in intervention areas versus control areas (OR = 1.35; 95% CI.99-1.83; P = 0.057). Among a subgroup of 819 smokers who reported a visit with an enrolled physician, we observed a significant effect for those residing in intervention areas (OR = 1.80; 95% CI 1.16-2.75; P = 0.008). CONCLUSION: An academic detailing intervention to enhance physician delivered smoking cessation counseling is an effective strategy for disseminating smoking cessation interventions among community-based practices.  相似文献   

Smoking prevalence among males is conspicuously high in Asian countries including Japan. There are few prospective intervention studies on the duration of smoking cessation within regions with a high prevalence of smokers, such as Asia. We investigated the extent to which subjects continued abstaining from smoking after receiving smoking cessation support provided for all smokers in an occupational setting, regardless of their willingness to quit smoking. The subjects were 251 male workers who were smokers and had received a smoking cessation intervention in 1997 in an occupational setting. Smoking cessation rates and body mass index (BMI) at 10, 18, 30, 42, 54, and 66 months after the initial intervention were confirmed during annual health check-ups. Those who quit smoking following the intervention and continuously abstained from smoking throughout the study period were separately examined for BMI. After five years, 10.6% of the smokers continued smoking cessation. Of the abstainers who quit following the intervention, the abstinence rate decreased in the first and second year, but it stabilized at approximately 45% after the third year. High nicotine dependence and a self-reported lack of willingness to quit smoking did not lower long-term abstinence rates. Abstainers initially gained 1.55 BMI on average, but decreased the weight gain to 0.96 BMI over six years. Introducing smoking cessation support without nicotine replacement therapy is an effective long-term strategy in a healthy population with a high smoking prevalence. Abstainers maintain their smoking cessation if they refrain from smoking for three years.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Formal efforts to recruit smokers into cessation programs have failed to reach large segments of the smoking population. Telephone intervention may represent a viable strategy to promote smoking cessation. An even more promising approach may be a combination of brief telephone support and outreach to identified smokers. METHODS. Telephone support for smoking cessation was provided to four identified smoker populations in Bloomington, Minn, one of three Minnesota Heart Health Program education communities. Smokers were randomly assigned to an intervention consisting of two 15-minute telephone calls approximately 1 to 3 weeks apart or to a nonintervention control. RESULTS. At the 6-month follow-up, a significant overall effect was found in favor of the intervention condition for both self-reported and cotinine-validated quitting. Differences between intervention and control conditions were no longer significant at 18 months. CONCLUSIONS. Smokers' receptivity to telephone intervention was at least moderately encouraging. The cost of intervention could be relatively low if trained volunteers initiated telephone calls. However, more intensive telephone intervention and support may be needed to produce lasting changes in smoking prevalence.  相似文献   

Forty-three patients--recipients of a highly structured, physician-delivered smoking cessation intervention--were interviewed using ethnographic (anthropological) research methods. We conducted interviews with patients after visits with the physician, then audiotaped and transcribed them. Discourse analysis of interview texts identified features and components of the physician maneuver most effective from the patients' point of view. Patients discussed two general areas of physicians' preventive activities: an interventionistic component (in which professional, diagnostic, and authoritative features were emphasized) and a personalistic component (in which physicians were experienced as equals, supportive, caring, empowering, and challenging). From the perspective of patients, the personalistic component of the physician-delivered smoking cessation maneuver appeared most effective. We conclude that, in clinical preventive medicine generally, patients (1) evaluate the kind of support they receive from their physician (e.g., degree of empathy, encouragement, and sincerity), (2) respond favorably to positive imagery in the challenge to alter their lifestyle, (3) look for a balance in the relationship established with their physician (negotiation, respect, mutual understanding, and rapport), and (4) remember the consistency and regularity of their physician's health promotion messages.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper describes a study examining the feasibility of a worksite health promotion program that was repealed twice in one year. Weight control and smoking cessation classes, which included a supporting incentive component, were made available at a worksite of 485 white-collar employees continuously throughout one year. Identical education programs were offered twice at six-month intervals. Results suggest that this model of program implementation is attractive to employees. Total participation over 12 months included an estimated 53% of overweight employees in the weight program and 23% of smokers in the smoking cessation program. The two series of classes, run back to back, generated similar participation. Thirty-nine percent of weight control participants and six percent of smoking cessation participants who enrolled in the first program also enrolled in the second. Weight losses and smoking cessation rates were comparable for the two cycles, with a mean weight loss of about seven pounds and a smoking cessation rate at six months of about 33%. Surveys of a random sample of employees at baseline and again at 12 months showed a 28% reduction in the prevalence of cigarette smoking, but no change in average weight or the prevalence of overweight. This study suggests that health promotion programs at worksites which offer repeated opportunities for employee participation are promising and deserve further study.  相似文献   

Sixty-five college-student smokers were randomly assigned to a four-week computer-administered, stage-based smoking control program or a four-week computer-administered general health education control condition. At post-test, the percentage of students advancing to a higher stage of readiness to change was slightly higher among those in the stage-based program compared to the control condition. At seven month follow-up, both groups reported abstinence rates of approximately 30%. Continuous abstinence for 6 months was 19% for the stage-based group and 14% for the control group at the final follow-up.  相似文献   

Variance estimates in worksite health promotion studies depend partly on the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). ICC quantifies homogeneity of a variable within worksites. ICC would be zero for randomly formed worksites, but is generally positive because employees tend to share personal characteristics. The ratio comparing the variance estimated from worksite means with that estimated from individuals under simple random sampling is the design effect (DEFF). A DEFF of 1.0 indicates no excess variance due to worksite. The Healthy Worker Project (HWP) was a 32 worksite cross-sectional and longitudinal study of a weight and smoking intervention program. ICCs in cross-sectional surveys for health-related outcome variables ranged from 0.006 to 0.009, DEFFs from 2.0 to 2.6 ICCs/DEFF's in longitudinal analysis were smaller; ICCs ranged from -0.002 to 0.003, DEFFs from 0.7 to 1.5. Positive ICCs substantially increased variance estimates at a single measurement, yet variance of longitudinal analysis was less subject to worksite dependence. It is concluded the worksite component of variance is real and should not be ignored, although the worksite component of variance is small in these longitudinal analyses. This observation should be replicated before it is used in other worksite health promotion research.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of a nurse-managed minimal-contact smoking cessation intervention for patients hospitalized for cardiac disease. A pre-test-post-test quasi-experimental design was used. Patients who smoked prior to admission to cardiac wards of five hospitals (n = 388) received the intervention, whereas smoking patients in six other hospitals were given usual care (n = 401). The intervention was initiated at the hospital and continued after discharge. The core elements were stop-smoking advice from the cardiologist, a short bedside consultation with a nurse, administration of self-help materials and aftercare by the cardiologist. Smoking cessation was assessed after 3 months by self-report. Logistic regression analysis excluding dropouts, controlling for covariates including baseline differences showed significant intervention effects (one-tailed significance test) on point prevalence abstinence (OR = 2.11) and continuous abstinence (OR = 1.41). Intention-to-treat analysis including dropouts as smokers showed a significant effect on point prevalence abstinence (OR 1.35). We conclude that, compared to usual care, the low-intensity smoking cessation intervention for cardiac inpatients was more effective in achieving smoking cessation. However, the small effects and the process evaluation suggest that improvements are needed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE:To conduct a pilot study to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a multi-component smoking cessation intervention among prison inmates. METHODS: A prospective study conducted within a maximum-security prison located near Sydney, New South Wales, and housing around 330 men. Participants received a smoking cessation intervention with six-month follow-up to determine abstinence. The smoking cessation intervention consisted of two brief cognitive behavioural therapy sessions, nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion and self-help resources. Point prevalence and continuous abstinence at follow-up were verified with expired carbon monoxide measures. RESULTS: Thirty male inmates participated in the intervention. At six months, the biochemically validated point prevalence and continuous abstinence rates were 26% and 22% respectively. Reasons for relapse to smoking included: transfers to other prisons without notice, boredom, prolonged periods locked in cells, and stress associated with family or legal concerns. Those inmates who relapsed, or continued to smoke following the intervention, smoked less tobacco than at baseline and 95% stated they were willing to try to quit again using our intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Prison inmates are able to quit or reduce tobacco consumption while in prison but any smoking cessation intervention in this setting needs to address prison-specific issues such as boredom, stress, transfers to other prisons, court appearances, and isolation from family and friends. IMPLICATIONS: The prevalence of smoking within Australian prisons is alarmingly high. Further work into how to encourage prisoners to quit smoking is required.  相似文献   

We analyzed a nationwide registry of all pregnancies in Uruguay during 2007–2013 to assess the impact of three types of tobacco control policies: (1) provider-level interventions aimed at the treatment of nicotine dependence, (2) national-level increases in cigarette taxes, and (3) national-level non-price regulation of cigarette packaging and marketing. We estimated models of smoking cessation during pregnancy at the individual, provider and national levels. The rate of smoking cessation during pregnancy increased from 15.4% in 2007 to 42.7% in 2013. National-level non-price policies had the largest estimated impact on cessation. The price response of the tobacco industry attenuated the effects of tax increases. While provider-level interventions had a significant effect, they were adopted by relatively few health centers. Quitting during pregnancy increased birth weight by an estimated 188 g. Tobacco control measures had no effect on the birth weight of newborns of non-smoking women.  相似文献   

Participants in various components of a televised self-help smoking cessation program, based on the American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking in 20 Days, are compared with a sample of the population of smokers to whom the intervention was addressed. Over 325,000 smokers in the target population were exposed to the program at some level. Most watched televised segments. Approximately 75,000 manuals were distributed and about 55,000 were used. Comparisons between participants and the targeted smoking population indicate that the intervention attracted those in the smoking population who are expected to be the majority of smokers by the Year 2000-blacks, females, and those with incomes under $13,000 per year. Participants with these characteristics were most likely to view the televised segments. Heavy smokers, females, and those with the most education were most likely to refer to the manual at least twice a week during the intervention. Older, nonblack participants and those with incomes of $13,000 or more per year were most likely to attend group support sessions outside the home. Overall, the patterns of association indicate that although a televised smoking cessation program can attract individuals similar to those projected to be smokers in 2000, participation in various components of the intervention will vary by demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of tobacco outlet density in a randomized controlled trial of a text messaging-based smoking cessation intervention conducted among a sample of 187 primarily African American youth in a midsize U.S. city. A moderated mediation model was used to test whether the indirect effect of residential tobacco outlet density on future smoking was mediated by the intention to smoke, and whether this indirect effect differed between adolescents who received the intervention and those who did not. Results indicated that tobacco outlet density is associated with intention to smoke, which predicts future smoking, and that the indirect effect of tobacco outlet density on future smoking is moderated by the intervention. Tobacco outlet density and the intervention can be viewed as competing forces on future smoking behavior, where higher tobacco outlet density acts to mitigate the sensitivity of an adolescent to the intervention's intended effect. Smoking cessation interventions applied to youth should consider tobacco outlet density as a contextual condition that can influence treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

The influence of smoking cessation on body weight may be temporary.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The relationships of bodyweight and body mass index with smoking cessation were examined among 1633 adults in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada. Mean body mass index was highest in ex-smokers and lowest in smokers, and that of non-smokers was intermediate. Body mass index decreased significantly with increasing years after smoking cessation in female ex-smokers after adjusting for age, education, location of work, and physical activity. This trend, however, was not significant in men. The body weight data showed similar results. The prevalence of obesity (body mass index greater than 30 kg/m2) in all subjects showed a decrease with increasing years after smoking cessation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. COMMIT (Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation) investigated whether a community-level multichannel intervention would decrease the prevalence of adult cigarette smoking and increase quitting, with heavy smokers (> or = 25 cigarettes per day) receiving the highest priority. METHODS. One community within each of 11 matched community pairs (10 in the United States, 1 in Canada) was randomly assigned to intervention. Baseline (1988) and final (1993) telephone surveys sampled households to determine prevalence of smoking behavior. RESULTS. Among the target population aged 25 to 64 years, there was no intervention effect on heavy smoking prevalence, which decreased by 2.9 percentage points in both intervention and comparison communities. Overall smoking prevalence decreased by 3.5 in intervention communities vs 3.2 in comparison communities, a difference not statistically significant, while the mean quit ratios were 0.198 versus 0.185, respectively, a difference of 0.013 (90% test-based confidence interval = -0.003, 0.028). CONCLUSIONS. Results are consistent with the cohort analysis reported separately, although the more powerful cohort design showed a statistically significant intervention effect upon light-to-moderate smokers. This community-based intervention did not have a significant impact on smoking prevalence beyond the favorable secular trends. In future efforts, additional strategies should be incorporated and rigorously evaluated.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of a provider-initiated, minimal-contact intervention to modify the smoking behavior of ambulatory clinic patients. Smokers at two outpatient sites were assigned to one of three groups: provider intervention only (PI); provider intervention plus self-help manual (PI/M); and usual care (control) group (C). The physician message emphasized the patient's personal susceptibility, the physician's concern, and the patient's ability to quit (self-efficacy). The nurse consultation concentrated on benefits and barriers associated with stopping, and on strategies for cessation. Telephone interviews were conducted with the 250 participants within a few days of their clinic visit and again at one and six months. Both PI and PI/M proved to be superior to usual care in motivating attempts to quit at both one-month and six-month follow-ups, and logistic regression analyses indicated that participants receiving the self-help manual in addition to the health provider message were between two and three times more likely to quit smoking during the study period than were participants in either of the other study groups.  相似文献   

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