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ESWL治疗肾结石排空率的预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解影响肾结石体外冲击波碎石(Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,ESWL)成功的因素,建立回归模型估计碎石后结石排空率.方法:1996年5月~2006年10月对1 254例肾结石(结石直径<20 mm)患者进行ESWL治疗,治疗效果在3个月随访时进行评价.碎石后比较无结石率与结石的特性,患者个人情况的相关性用方差检验进行分析,然后采用多变量回归分析方法进一步分析方差检验的有意义因素.结果:3个月随访时,ESWL后结石排空率为86.6%.1.44%(18例)患者结石未碎裂,7.97%(100例)患者结石碎片未被清除,36.5%患者接受三次ESWI,治疗.方差检验分析发现患者年龄、性别、结石大小、结石位置、结石数目、结石性质、肾形状和先天不规则肾对碎石后结石的排空率均有影响.多变量分析排除了结石性质和患者性别作为影响无结石率的因素.根据这些因素,我们建立了ESWL后无结石率的回归分析模型.该模型的准确率为86.6%.结论:结石大小,位置、数目、患者年龄、肾形状和先天性不规则肾是ESWL后结石清除率的影响因素.  相似文献   

采用国产NS-15型碎石机治疗复杂性肾结石207例。碎石率为98.55%,六个月内结石完全排净126例(60.86%),大部分排出58例(28.01%),总有效率为88.89%。本文对治疗中的注意事项进行讨论,认为ESWL是治疗复杂性肾结石较理想的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨ESWL治疗小儿肾结石的疗效。方法:回顾性分析24例ESWL治疗的小儿肾结石患者临床资料。结果:结石1次碎石后排净13例,占54.2%;2次碎石后排净8例,占33.3%;3例复杂性肾结石结合经皮输尿管镜取石术,碎石2~3次后结石排净。随访6~37个月,无一例出现石街、泌尿系感染、肾脏萎缩等并发症。结论:ESWL治疗小儿肾结石具有安全、高效,复杂性小儿肾结石结合经皮输尿管镜取石术可明显提高结石清除率,缩短结石清除时间。  相似文献   

复式脉冲低能量ESWL治疗肾结石769例报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨复式脉冲HB-V型低能量体外冲击波碎石机治疗肾结石的治疗效果.方法采用复式脉冲HB-ESWL-VG型低能量碎石机治疗直径<2.0 cm的各类肾结石769例,治疗工作电压3~9 kV,平均冲击次数2 300次.结果肾盏结石总粉碎率为97.4%,其中上中盏结石复打率为13.1%,术后3个月排净率为89.4%,下盏结石复打率为17.3%,排净率为81.5%;肾盂结石粉碎率为98.3%,复打率为6.1%,术后3个月排净率为93.0%.结论复式脉冲低能量ESWL治疗肾结石具有治疗成功率高、复打率低、无严重并发症、副作用少之优点.  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的 观察双J管预置内引流配合体外冲击波碎石(ESWL)治疗介于2.0 cm~3.5 cm的单纯肾结石的临床效果。方法 收集2011年6月至2012年10月间收治的40例介于2.0 cm~3.5 cm的单纯肾结石,采用ESWL治疗,在治疗前预置使用双J管作内支架及引流。结果 40例肾结石治疗后1周后复查KUB,碎石效果不佳者做第二次ESWL,1次碎石者32例,2次碎石者6例;1个月结石排尽29例,2个月结石排尽6例,3个月结石排尽3例,2例碎石效果不佳仍有残留改行PCN取石。随诊3个月且根据碎石排石情况1~3个月内经膀胱镜拔除双J管,期间未有发现输尿管石街、严重尿路感染、严重血尿等并发症。24例出现程度不同的膀胱刺激症。结论 双J管内引流配合ESWL治疗2.0 cm~3.5 cm的单纯肾结石,能够有效防治输尿管石街的并发症,效果满意,安全性好,可以适宜在基层医疗单位推广应用的治疗技术。  相似文献   

复杂性肾结石的ESWL治疗:附312例报告   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

ESWL治疗肾结石失败原因分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
我院自 1993年以来共收治 5 6例肾结石患者 ,有 2 2例行手术治疗 ,其中 15例患者术前曾在外院行 1次以上的ESWL治疗。现就 15例患者的治疗体会报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料本组男 9例 ,女 6例 ,平均年龄 4 6岁。双侧肾结石 3例 ,右侧 4例 ,左侧 8例。手术侧肾结石行ESWL治疗 1次者 1例 ,2次者 9例 ,3次者 4例 ,1例患者在当地医院曾行 6次ESWL治疗。 12例患者诉经ESWL治疗后有碎石排出。手术距末次ESWL治疗时间为 5个月~ 3年。术前IVP检查发现术侧显影延迟者 6例 ,存在PUJ狭窄者 2例 ,怀疑有新生物堵塞…  相似文献   

目的探讨坦索罗辛对肾结石体外冲击波碎石(ESWL)术后排石的疗效及对并发症的预防作用。方法120例单纯肾结石行ESWL术患者,结石直径8—22mm,随机分成2组,坦索罗辛组60例,给予氟罗沙星、排石冲剂及坦索罗辛(哈乐),对照组60例,给予氟罗沙星、排石冲剂,治疗时间4周,比较2组之间结石排净率、石街的形成、疼痛评分(VAS)、膀胱刺激症状。结果坦索罗辛组的结石排净率(88.3%)高于对照组(71.7%)(P=0.022),坦索罗辛组石街形成率(6.7%)低于对照组(16.7%)(P=0.040),坦索罗辛组疼痛VAS评分[2(0-7)分]低于对照组[4(0-8)分(P〈0.01)],坦索罗辛组膀胱刺激症状发生率(10%)低于对照组(21.7%)(P=0.024)。治疗期间2组未出现药物不良反应。结论ESWL术后坦索罗辛能够促进ESWL术后结石排出,预防石街形成,缓解疼痛及膀胱刺激症状,可以作为肾结石ESWL术后排石的辅助用药。  相似文献   

ESWL治疗上尿路结石3060例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用B超定位体外冲击波碎石机施行体外冲击波碎石术治疗单侧或双侧肾结石,单侧或双侧输尿管结石和输尿管多部位结石共3060例,结石排净率占99%,配合输尿管镜取石术等腔内泌尿外科技术治疗直径〉2的结石或肾铸型结石,效果满意。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肾结石ESWL后肾脏血肿的原因。方法:对2008年5月~2012年6月5例肾结石ESWL后肾脏血肿的临床资料进行分析并文献复习。结果:采用上海交通大学JDPN-ⅤB型液电式碎石机治疗后引起肾脏血肿3例,深圳惠康HK.ESWL-109型电磁式碎石机治疗引起2例。体型肥胖并高血压2例(其中1例糖尿病)。2例因输尿管结石梗阻感染行输尿管镜取石术后行同侧肾结石ESWL后出现肾脏血肿,2例行一侧输尿管结石ESWL后行对侧肾结石ESWL后出现肾脏血肿,1例右输尿管上段结石ESWL后部分结石上移肾内行肾结石ESWL后出现肾脏血肿。4例保守治疗痊愈(肾包膜下血肿2例,肾包膜破裂肾周血肿2例);1例肾周大血肿腹膜后扩散,输血3 500ml,行高选择性肾动脉分支栓塞治愈。结论:ESWL并非绝对安全、没有重大并发症,只有掌握合适的适应证才安全可靠,在治疗前后需要仔细观察和评估。导致肾脏血肿的易患因素有凝血功能异常、抗凝药物的使用、糖尿病、高血压、老年患者、心脏病、肥胖等因素。高低能量冲击波的交替使用,有助于提高碎石的成功率及安全性。绝大多数患者可以通过保守治疗治愈,少数需要肾动脉栓塞治疗,个别严重患者需要肾切除来挽救生命。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Delayed graft function (DGF) is one of the most important complications in the post-transplant period, having an adverse effect on both the immediate and long-term graft survival. In this study, an artificial neural network was used to predict the occurrence of DGF and compared with traditional logistical regression models for prediction of DGF. METHODS: A total of 304 cadaveric renal transplants performed at the Jewish Hospital, Louisville were included in the study. Covariate analysis by artificial neural networks and traditional logistical regression were done to predict the occurrence of DGF. RESULTS: The incidence of DGF in this study was 38%. Logistic regression analysis was more sensitive to prediction of no DGF (91 vs 70%), while the neural network was more sensitive to prediction of yes for DGF (56 vs 37%). Overall prediction accuracy for both logistic regression and the neural network was 64 and 63%, respectively. Logistic regression was 36.5% sensitive and 90.7% specific. The neural network was 63.5% sensitive and 64.8% specific. The only covariate with a P < 0.001 was the transplant of a white donor kidney to a black recipient. Cox proportional hazard regression was used to test for the negative effect of DGF on long-term graft survival. One year graft survival in patients without DGF was 92 +/- 2% vs 81 +/- 3% in patients with DGF. The 5-year graft survival was not affected by DGF in this study. CONCLUSION: Artificial neural networks may be used for prediction of DGF in cadaveric renal transplants. This method is more sensitive but less specific than logistic regression methods.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Although a consensus exists that small stones presenting in the distal ureter have a good probability of spontaneous passage, it is difficult to predict in individuals whether a particular ureteral stone would pass or require intervention. If an accurate judgment were made at presentation on the likelihood of stone passage, patients would receive immediate intervention for the stone or be notified of a more appropriate time at which to expect passage. We used an artificial neural network to evaluate data in patients with ureteral calculi to predict whether a stone would pass spontaneously or require intervention. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were collected from the records of 181 patients presenting with colic due to a ureteral calculus. Patient input factors included age, sex, race, marital status, insurance, stone side, level and size, hydronephrosis and obstruction grades, duration of symptoms before presentation, serum creatinine, history of stone passage or intervention and nausea, vomiting or fever. Outcomes evaluated were stone passage or intervention. Data were entered into a neural network created using commercially available computer software. RESULTS: A set of 125 patients from the database was used for training the network. The network correctly predicted outcome in 38 of the remaining 55 patients (76%) used for testing. In the 25 cases in which stones passed spontaneously sensitivity was 100%. Duration of symptoms before presentation was the most influential factor in network ability to predict accurately stone passage, followed by hydronephrosis grade. CONCLUSIONS: An artificial neural network may be used to predict accurately the probability of spontaneous ureteral stone passage. Using such a model at presentation may help to determine whether a patient should receive early intervention for a stone or expect a lengthy interval before stone passage.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to analyse factors affecting the success rate of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) in children with renal calculi. We performed a retrospective analysis reviewing records of 85 (40 female, 45 male) children (89 renal units) subjected to ESWL for treatment of renal calculi during 1990–2005 in our department. As 4 patients had bilateral calculi and 19 children (21 renal units) had renal stones at more than one different site, each location was analysed separately for convenience. The mean age of the patients was 10.3±4.6 (2–16) years. The stone-free rates for renal pelvis, lower, middle and upper caliceal calculi were 70, 62, 50 and 73%, respectively. A higher rate (33%) of insignificant fragments (≤4 mm) was noted for lower pole calculi. Increased stone diameter (P=0.0001) and burden (P=0.04) were found as the most significant factors that adversely affect the stone-free rate for pelvis renalis calculi, whereas an acutely oriented infundibulum and/or a long lower infundibulum (P=0.005) were unfavourable factors for clearance of lower caliceal stones. The stone-free rate in children with multiple calculi was 48%, while 29% of the renal units had retained fragments. ESWL is a good initial option for treatment of most of the renal calculi <2 cm except in the presence of unfavourable lower caliceal anatomy. Increased stone burden, multiple stones, staghorn calculi, narrow lower infundibulopelvic angle and long lower infundibulum are factors that adversely affect the clearance rate.  相似文献   

α1受体阻滞剂辅助治疗提高ESWL后上尿路结石清除率   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的:证实上尿路结石在ESWL治疗后口服α1受体阻滞剂坦索洛辛0.2mg/d能否增加结石清除率。方法:将符合条件的120例患者按结石的部位随机分成三组,在ESWL治疗后再分成两组,一组给予常规治疗作为对照,另一组除给予常规治疗外,增加坦索洛辛0.2mg/d,持续1个月,将随访1个月和采取ESWL以外的治疗方法作为每位患者的研究终点。每个患者分别在治疗1、2、3、4周末通过B超或KUB了解结石排出情况。结果:把所有研究的患者按结石部位分成。肾盂结石组、输尿管上段结石组和输尿管下段结石组。在治疗组中,结石排出率分别为52.1%、72.7%和76%,明显高于对照组的33.3%、36.3%和39.1%。在治疗后,两组肾绞痛的发生率亦有显著差异,因而对于镇痛剂的需求也明显不同(P〈0.005)。结论:ESWL治疗上尿路结石后联合坦索洛辛0.2mg/d可以提高结石清除率,同时减少了镇痛剂的使用量和多次ESWL的几率。  相似文献   

In urea kinetic modeling, postdialysis blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is usually underestimated with an overestimation of the Kt/V especially in high-efficiency hemodialysis (HD). Thus, an artificial neural network (ANN) was used to predict the equilibrated BUN (Ceq) and equilibrated Kt/V (eKt/V60) by using both predialysis, postdialysis, and low-flow postdialysis BUN. The results were compared to a Smye formula to predict Ceq and a Daugirdas' formula (eKt/V30) to predict eKt/V60. Seventy-four patients on high-efficiency or high-flux HD were recruited. Their mean urea rebound was 28.6+/-2%. Patients were divided into a "training" set (n = 40) and a validation set (n = 34) for the ANN. Their status was exchanged later, and the two results were pooled. In the prediction of Ceq, both Smye formula and low-flow ANN were equally highly accurate. In patients with a high urea rebound (>30%), although Smye formula lost its accuracy, low-flow ANN remained accurate. In the prediction of eKt/V60, both Daugirdas' formula and low-flow ANN were equally accurate, although the Smye formula was not so accurate. In patients with a high urea rebound, although both Smye and Daugirdas' formulas lost their accuracy, low-flow ANN remained accurate. We concluded that low-flow ANN can accurately predict both Ceq and eKt/V60 regardless of the degree of urea rebound.  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study was to define prognostic factors which determine the stone clearance (SC) for lower caliceal stones after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and to compare the prediction accuracy of artificial neural network analysis (ANNA) and standard computational methods. Since January 1995, 321 renal units in 310 patients with single or multiple inferior caliceal calculi of all sizes and compositions have been treated with ESWL (Lithotriptor: Piezolith 2500, Wolf company). The classification accuracy of ANNA in the test set was 94%, with a sensitivity of 95%, a specificity of 92%, and a receiver operating characteristic curve area of 0.966, results significantly better than those yielded by a logistic regression analysis (classification accuracy 77%, sensitivity 75%, specificity 81%, and ROC curve area 0.779). Patients with lower renal caliceal stones appear to have the best chance of successful ESWL when their body mass index (BMI) and urinary transport (UT) are normal, the infundibular width (IW) is 5 mm or more, and the infundibular ureteropelvic angle (IUPA) is 45 degrees or more. Stone size and composition, as factors of SC, are not statistically significant. After determining the angle, width, and UT in patients with optimal age and body mass suitable for ESWL, SC can be achieved irrespective of stone size and composition.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To define prognostic factors that affect the success rate after extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) of renal calculi and to estimate the probability of stone-free status using a regression analysis model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between February 1992 and February 2002, 2954 patients with single or multiple radiopaque renal stones (<30 mm) underwent ESWL monotherapy. The results of treatment were evaluated after 3 months of follow-up. Treatment success was defined as complete clearance of the stones with no residual fragments. The stone-free rate was correlated with stone features and patient characteristics using the chi2 test. Factors found to be significant using the chi2 test were further analyzed using multivariate regression analysis. RESULTS: At 3-month follow-up, the overall stone-free rate using ESWL monotherapy was 86.7%. Failure to disintegrate the stones was observed in 7.3% of cases (n = 216) and failure to clear the fragmented stones occurred in 6% (n = 177). Repeat ESWL was needed in 53% of cases. Static steinstrasse occurred in 4.9% of cases (n = 146) and post-ESWL auxiliary procedures were required in 4% (n = 118). Using the chi2 test, patient age (p < 0.001), stone size (p < 0.001), location (p < 0.001), number (p < 0.001) and nature (p = 0.003), radiological renal picture (p < 0.001) and congenital renal anomalies (p < 0.001) had a significant impact on the stone-free rate. Multivariate analysis excluded stone nature from the logistic regression model while other factors maintained their statistically significant effect on success rate, indicating that they were independent predictors. A regression analysis model was designed to estimate the probability of stone-free status after ESWL. The sensitivity of the model was 83%, the specificity 91% and the overall accuracy 87%. CONCLUSION: Patient age, stone size, location and number, radiological renal features and congenital renal anomalies are prognostic factors determining stone clearance after ESWL of renal calculi. Our regression model can predict the probability of the success of ESWL with an accuracy of 87%.  相似文献   

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