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目的探讨孤立性肺炎性结节和肺癌性结节的CT表现,以提高CT对孤立性肺结节(SPN)定性诊断的正确性。方法分析经CT导引下肿块穿刺活检、手术病理及临床治疗证实的SPN 30例。结果肺炎性结节2 0例,肺癌性结节10例。肺炎性结节CT表现为形状不规则5 5 % ,圆形或类圆形4 5 % ,病灶边缘模糊或部分清楚,部分模糊6 0 % ,边界清楚39% ,密度不均匀6 0 % ,内部有钙化者13% ,胸膜粘连者4 0 % ,结节中强化后CT值大于2 0HU者占30 % ,15例经抗炎治疗,12例治疗1~3周病灶吸收,3例治疗1个多月才吸收。肺癌性结节CT征象形态不规则70 % ,斑点状钙化30 % ,分叶多且深80 % ,短细毛刺70 % ,胸膜凹陷征4 0 % ,其内空泡征30 % ,血管截断征或集束征6 0 % ,结节中强化后CT值大于2 0HU者占70 %。结论CT是鉴别肺内孤立性炎性结节和肺癌性结节的一种理想的检查方法,对多数肺结节可以正确诊断。  相似文献   

肺内孤立性肿块是影像检查中常见的疾病,近年来,由于抗生素的应用,肺部感染的临床症状发生了变化,其影像表现、临床表现和动态变化任何一方面不典型,均可导致误诊[1],而对于小于3cm的炎性结节灶CT定性有一定的难度,易误诊为肿瘤,本文收集了CT定性困难,经手术、穿刺活检病理证实和直接抗治疗痊愈的肺内孤立性炎性结节15例,现结合文献分析如下。1材料与方法本组15例,男11例,女4例,年龄32~76岁,平均年龄39.6岁。临床症状:14例有呼吸道症状,但症状较轻,咳嗽、咳痰14例,胸闷11例,胸痛9例,间断痰中带血5例,低热2例,体温在38.5℃以内,无症状查体…  相似文献   

孤立性肺结节的CT诊断   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
孤立性肺结节(solitary pulmonary nodules,SPN)是指肺内单发的直径≤3cm的圆形或类圆形病灶,不伴有肺炎、肺不张等其它病变[1],自有CT以来,对SPN的研究报告较多,但诊断的特异性仍未有显著性提高[2~7]。我院对SPN 52例行CT检查,分析报告如下。1材料与方法1.1临床资料2001年8月~2005年8月间52例中,男28例,女24例,年龄24~84岁,平均年龄52岁。主要症状为咳嗽、痰中带血、胸闷或胸痛,其中19例为健康体检发现。所有病例均经手术、穿刺活检或随访证实。1.2检查方法使用东芝Asteion螺旋CT机,常规扫描全肺,层厚10mm,螺距1·0,对病灶部位进行…  相似文献   

孤立性肺结节的CT征象(附65例分析)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析孤立性肺结节的CT影像学特征,及早诊断恶性结节。方法搜集经临床治疗后观察证实或病理证实的65例孤立性肺结节,其中恶性结节35例(周围型肺癌);良性结节30例(结核球18例,炎性结节10例,错构瘤2例)。所有病例行常规CT扫描,并对部分结节病灶进行HRCT检查。结果典型结节并具有深分叶征,毛刺征,小泡征,含气支气管征,胸膜凹陷征,血管集束征对恶性结节的诊断具有较高价值。结论CT,特别是HRCT对孤立性肺结节的定性诊断具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

孤立肺结节(SPN)的增强CT诊断是近年来研究热点之一,检查方法分为动态和多期增强扫描两类,以SPN的强化程度、结节-主动脉强化值比(S/A)、时间-密度曲线类型、灌注值、强化模式、肿瘤血管征等作为诊断依据。以强化值<15HU、S/A<6%为界值,可区分出良性结节;时间-密度曲线类型有助于恶性与炎性结节的鉴别;肿瘤血管征可作为特异性诊断指征;包膜样强化或内壁规则的周围强化高度提示结核的诊断。  相似文献   

肺孤立结节CT增强动态扫描的研究(附36例)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评估肺部孤立结节CT增强动态扫描特征。方法:36例肺部孤立结节中恶性肿瘤(均为肺癌)24例,炎症结节7例,结核球5例。以100ml/min速度静脉注射1.5ml/kg体重碘造影剂后行动态薄层扫描,层厚2mm,层间距2mm。测量增强前后各层次病灶CT值。结果:结核球无显著强化,炎症结节及恶性肿瘤均呈显著强化,结核球与炎症结节/恶性肿瘤增强值相比有显著性差异;所有炎症结节,23例恶性肿瘤及1例结核球呈全部强化型,1例恶性肿瘤呈周边强化型,2例结核球呈环形强化,另外2例结核球无明显强化。结论:(1)结节增强值在20HU以下提示结核球,20~60HU为恶性结节的一个指标,60HU以上高度提示炎症结节。(2)环形强化提示结核球。  相似文献   

目的 提高对肺内孤立性结节良恶性特征的认识和鉴别诊断。方法回顾性分析经临床、病理证实的65例肺内孤立性结节灶的特点和CT表现。结果本组65例中,良性28例,其中,结核球16例,炎性结节9例,错构瘤2例,畸胎瘤1例;恶性37例,其中,腺癌23例,鳞癌7例,大细胞癌2例,小细胞癌5例。结论肺内孤立性结节的“柳絮”征,边缘平直,深分叶,毛刺类型,无液不规则空洞,结节灶邻近胸膜的改变及增强前后CT值的变化对其鉴别诊断有重要价值。  相似文献   

孤立性肺结节(Solitary pulmonary nodules,SPN)是肺内较常见的病变,及时的检测与诊断SPN的良恶性有利于早期肺癌的发现。CT有良好的密度分辨率,可以很好地显示肺结节特征。本文叙述了计算机辅助诊断在CT诊断肺内孤立结节的研究进展。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高分辨率CT(HRCT)上界面影像在肺内孤立性结节(SPN)鉴别诊断中的意义。方法:回顾性分析98例SPN的界面影像表现,其中经手术病理证实的85例,经抗炎治疗后病变消失的6例,诊断为良性肿瘤随访2年以上病变无变化的7例。所有病例均具常规螺旋CT(SCT)及HRCT资料。结果:良恶性结节界面模糊出现率分别为31%(13/42)和12.5%(7/56)(P<0.05);界面清楚分别为61.9%(26/42)和78.6%(44/56)(P>0.05);光滑锐利分别为26.2%(11/42)和1.8%(1/56)(P<0.001);细短毛刺分别为23.8%(10/42)和57.1%(32/56)(P<0.001);粗长毛刺出现率分别为23.8%(10/42)和8.9%(5/56)(P<0.05);索条征分别为19%(8/42)和3.8%(2/56)(P<0.05);锯齿征9例全部为恶性结节。结论:界面影像在不同性质的SPN中出现率不同,具有重要的鉴别诊断意义,HRCT有助于显示这些征象,应列为SPN的常规检查手段。  相似文献   

孤立性肺结节CT动态增强研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
目的 评价CT动态增强特性对孤立性肺结节 (SPNs)性质的鉴别诊断价值。方法  49例SPNs分为 3组 ,恶性组2 9例 ,炎性组 12例及其它良性结节组 8例 ,均做了CT动态增强扫描。分析动态增强时间 -密度曲线走势 ,评价强化峰值 (PH)和强化方式在 3组间有无差异。采用免疫组织化学染色抗CD3 4抗体标记血管内皮 ,计数微血管密度 (MVD) ,分析PH与MVD有无相关性。结果  3组SPNs时间 -密度曲线走势不同 ;恶性组和炎性组PH均高于其它良性组 [PH分别为 ( 4 5 .4± 19.0 6)HU、( 5 3 .7± 10 .98)HU、( 9.0± 4.77)HU ,P <0 .0 1] ,恶性组与炎性组PH无统计学差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;PH与MVD呈正相关 (rs=0 .62 3 3 ,P <0 .0 1) ;3组SPNs的强化方式有极显著差异 (Ρ <0 .0 0 1)。结论 SPNsCT动态增强扫描可反映结节的血管化程度、血流动态变化过程及强化特征 ,有助于对结节性质的判断  相似文献   

CT of the solitary pulmonary nodule   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Computed tomography (CT) with thin sections (2-5 mm) was used to assess tissue density in 91 apparently noncalcified pulmonary nodules in 88 patients. The study included 45 primary lung malignancies and 13 metastases proven by subsequent lung biopsy or thoracotomy. There were 33 benign lesions of which 13 were biopsy proven. The other 20 nodules were presumed benign on the basis of serial radiography showing no growth. A representative CT number based on the 32 most dense voxels was calculated for each lesion. For the primary malignancies, the mean representative CT number was 92 H, with a standard deviation of 18 H. The highest representative CT number for any malignant lesion was 147 H. Of the 33 benign lesions, 20 had a representative CT number of 164 H or greater. It is presumed that nodules with representative CT numbers of 164 H are benign, and that diffuse calcification likely accounts for the higher CT number of some benign lesions. CT has proven to be more objective and more sensitive than standard tomography in assessing the density of pulmonary nodules.  相似文献   

CT diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodule]   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The CT (including HRCT) findings of solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) were reviewed. CT currently is the imaging modality of choice for the evaluation of SPN. Important roles of CT are detecting pulmonary nodules and distinguishing malignant nodules from other benign tumors or inflammatory masses. To differentiate malignancy from benignancy, it is necessary to evaluate the CT findings of SPN, including morphology using HRCT, attenuation of the nodules using thin-section CT, and enhancement effect on contrast-enhanced CT. Also important in this distinction is the evaluation of satellite lesions around SPN and the relationships between bronchus, artery, vein, pleura, and interlobular septum. Spiral CT has greatly expanded the usefulness of CT in the evaluation of SPN and has become the imaging modality of choice for SPN by combining the advantages of a single breath-hold acquisition and improved MPR and three-dimensional reconstruction capabilities. MPR and three-dimensional images of spiral CT can also be used to display the three-dimensional relationship between SPNs and bronchus, vessels, or pleura.  相似文献   

Multidetector CT of the solitary pulmonary nodule   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Multidetector-row CT of the solitary pulmonary nodule   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

In the attempt to separate primary lung cancers and benign lesions presenting as solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs) the authors studied prospectively 52 SPNs less than 30 mm in diameter by means of high-resolution (HRCT). Patients with known cancer were excluded. Margins, internal structure, bronchus sign, calcifications, pleural tag and gross morphology of SPN were considered. Spiculation, air inside the nodule and bronchus sign were found in cancer and in one benign lesion (spiculation). All other benign SPNs presented smooth margins without bronchus sign or air inside the mass. Final diagnosis was obtained with surgery, fine-needle-aspiration biopsy or 12-month follow-up. Of 52 nodules, 28 proved malignant, and 24 of 52 proved benign. Sensitivity and specificity of HRCT for diagnosing malignancy of the nodule were 100% and 96%, respectively. In conclusion, we think that HRCT is useful in the differentiation of cancers from benign lesions presenting as SPNs in the majority of patients without known neoplasm. Correspondence to: L. Volterrani  相似文献   

肺孤立结节的动态CT增强研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
目的:采用同层动态CT增强评价肺孤立性结节。方法:选择41例直径≤4cm的肺孤立性结节进行研究,其中肺癌29例,肺结核球7例,肺炎性结节3例,肺错构瘤2例。静注碘剂100ml前后,对病灶中心作薄层扫描,测量增强前后CT值。结果:肺癌和肺炎性结节显强化,肺结核球和肺错构瘤轻度强化或不强化,肺癌和肺结核在75s和135s时间段增强比较中均有统计学显性差异(P<0.05)。结论:①动态CT增强对肺癌与肺结核球等结节的鉴别极有价值,并可将增强后CT净增值<20HU,作为良恶性结节的阈值指标;②动态CT增强中应重视淋巴结的观察,有利于SPN的定性诊断。  相似文献   

动态CT扫描对肺部孤立结节的评价   总被引:56,自引:2,他引:56  
目的:应用动态CT扫描评价肺部孤立结节。材料和方法:对47例成年患者的肺部孤立结节(直径≤4cm)进行研究。其中,恶性肿瘤27例,结核瘤12例,炎症结节7例,错构瘤1例,在静脉注射碘造影剂100ml前后,对病灶进行一系列薄层扫描,测量增强前后各次扫描病灶的CT值。结果:所有恶性肿瘤和炎症结节显著增强,结核瘤无显著增强(P<0.001)。26例恶性肿瘤、7例炎症结节和1例错构瘤呈全部强化型;1例恶性肿瘤和1例结核瘤呈周围强化型;4例结核瘤呈边缘环状强化型;7例结核瘤不强化。结论:(1)结节强化是恶性肿瘤和炎症结节的一个指征。(2)不强化或边缘环状强化提示结核瘤。  相似文献   

The solitary pulmonary nodule: role of CT   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The advent of fast multiscale computed tomography (MSCT) technology has sparked new interest in the noninvasive assessment of the solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN). Fast scanning within a single breath-hold period, simultaneous acquisition of multiple thin slices with subsequent morphologic characterization of the nodule, determination of perfusion patterns as well as growth rates has led to unprecedented improvements in this emerging field. This article reviews the capabilities of MSCT in the diagnostic assessment of the SPN.  相似文献   

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