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Tumors are complex systems with a diversity of cell phenotypes essential to tumor initiation and maintenance. With the heterogeneity present within the neoplastic compartment as its foundation, the cancer stem cell hypothesis posits that a fraction of tumor cells has the capacity to recapitulate the parental tumor upon transplantation. Over the last decade, the cancer stem cell hypothesis has gained support and shown to be relevant in many highly lethal solid tumors. However, the cancer stem cell hypothesis is not without its controversies and critics question the validity of this hypothesis based upon comparisons to normal somatic stem cells. Cancer stem cells may have direct therapeutic relevance due to resistance to current treatment paradigms, suggesting novel multimodal therapies targeting the cancer stem cells may improve patient outcomes. In this review, we will use the most common primary brain tumor, glioblastoma multiforme, as an example to illustrate why studying cancer stem cells holds great promise for more effective therapies to highly lethal tumors. In addition, we will discuss why the abilities of self-renewal and tumor propagation are the critical defining properties of cancer stem cells. Furthermore, we will examine recent progress in defining appropriate cell surface selection markers and mouse models which explore the potential cell(s) or origin for GBMs. What remains clear is that a population of cells is present in many tumors which are resistant to conventional therapies and must be considered in the design of the next generation of cancer treatments.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from fetal-placental tissues have translational advantages over their adult counterparts, and have variably been reported to express pluripotency markers. OCT-?4 expression in fetal-placental MSC has been documented in some studies, paradoxically without tumourogenicity in vivo. It is possible that OCT-?4 expression is insufficient to induce true “stemness”, but this issue is important for the translational safety of fetal-derived MSC. To clarify this, we undertook a systematic literature review on OCT-?4 in fetal or adnexal MSC to show that most studies report OCT-?4 message or protein expression, but no study provides definitive evidence of true OCT-?4A expression. Discrepant findings were attributable not to different culture conditions, tissue sources, or gestational ages but instead to techniques used. In assessing OCT-?4 as a pluripotency marker, we highlight the challenges in detecting the correct OCT-?4 isoform (OCT-?4A) associated with pluripotency. Although specific detection of OCT-?4A mRNA is achievable, it appears unlikely that any antibody can reliably distinguish between OCT-?4A and the pseudogene OCT-?4B. Finally, using five robust techniques we demonstrate that fetal derived-MSC do not express OCT-?4A (or by default OCT-?4B). Reports suggesting OCT-?4 expression in fetal-derived MSC warrant reassessment, paying attention to gene and protein isoforms, pseudogenes, and antibody choice as well as primer design. Critical examination of the OCT-?4 literature leads us to suggest that OCT-?4 expression in fetal MSC may be a case of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” with early reports of (false) positive expression amplified in subsequent studies without critical attention to emerging refinements in knowledge and methodology.  相似文献   

To date, the use of red blood cells (RBCs) produced from stem cells in vitro has not proved practical for routine transfusion. However, the perpetual and widespread shortage of blood products, problems related to transfusion-transmitted infections, and new emerging pathogens elicit an increasing demand for artificial blood. Worldwide efforts to achieve the goal of RBC production through stem cell research have received vast attention; however, problems with large-scale production and cost effectiveness have yet to prove practical usefulness. Some progress has been made, though, as cord blood stem cells and embryonic stem cells have shown an ability to differentiate and proliferate, and induced pluripotent stem cells have been shown to be an unlimited source for RBC production. However, transfusion of stem cell-derived RBCs still presents a number of challenges to overcome. This paper will summarize an up to date account of research and advances in stem cell-derived RBCs, delineate our laboratory protocol in producing RBCs from cord blood, and introduce the technological developments and limitations to current RBC production practices.  相似文献   

Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a frequent major complication of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Approaches that selectively deplete T cells that cause GVHD from allogeneic stem cell grafts and preserve T cells specific for pathogens may improve HCT outcomes. It has been hypothesized that the majority of T cells that can cause GVHD reside within the naïve T cell (TN) subset, and previous studies performed in mouse models and with human cells in vitro support this hypothesis. As a prelude to translating these findings to the clinic, we developed and evaluated a novel 2-step clinically compliant procedure for manipulating peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) to remove TN, preserve CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells, and provide for a fixed dose of memory T cells (TM) that includes T cells with specificity for common opportunistic pathogens encountered after HCT. Our studies demonstrate effective and reproducible performance of the immunomagnetic cell selection procedure for depleting TN. Moreover, after cell processing, the CD45RA-depleted PBSC products are enriched for CD4+ and CD8+ TM with a central memory phenotype and contain TM cells that are capable of proliferating and producing effector cytokines in response to opportunistic pathogens.  相似文献   

Adult stem cells typically generate the cell types of the tissue in which they reside, and thus the range of their differentiation is considered limited. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are different from other somatic stem cells in that they differentiate not only into the same mesodermal-lineage such as bone, cartilage, and adipocytes but also into other lineages of ectodermal and endodermal cells. Thus, MSCs are a unique type of adult stem cells. In addition, MSCs home to damaged sites, differentiate into cells specific to the tissue and contribute to tissue repair. Therefore, application of MSCs in the treatment of various diseases, including liver dysfunction, myocardial infarction, and central nervous system repair, has been initiated. Because MSCs are generally harvested as adherent cells from bone marrow aspirates, however, they comprise heterogeneous cell populations and their wide-ranging differentiation ability and repair functions are not yet clear. Recent evidence suggests that a very small subpopulation of cells that assume a repair function with the ability to differentiate into trilineage cells resides among human MSCs and effective utilization of such cells is expected to improve the repair effect of MSCs. This review summarizes recent advances in the clarification of MSC properties and discusses future perspectives.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are a heterogeneous population of fibroblast-like cells which maintain self-renewability and pluripotency to differentiate into mesodermal cell lineages. The use of MSCs in clinical settings began with high enthusiasm and the number of MSC-based clinical trials has been rising ever since. However; the very unique characteristics of MSCs that made them suitable to for therapeutic use, might give rise to unwanted outcomes, including tumor formation and progression. In this paper, we present a model of carcinogenesis initiated by MSCs, which chains together the tissue organization field theory, the stem cell theory, and the inflammation-cancer chain. We believe that some tissue resident stem cells could be leaked cells from bone marrow MSC pool to various injured tissue, which consequently transform and integrate in the host tissue. If the injury persists or chronic inflammation develops, as a consequence of recurring exposure to growth factors, cytokines, etc. the newly formed tissue from MSCs, which still has conserved their mesenchymal and stemness features, go through rapid population expansion, and nullify their tumor suppressor genes, and hence give rise to neoplastic cell (carcinomas, sarcomas, and carcino-sarcomas). Considering the probability of this hypothesis being true, the clinical and therapeutic use of MSCs should be with caution, and the recipients’ long term follow-up seems to be insightful.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine - Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are characterized by tolerogenic potential and therefore, are used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as...  相似文献   

Evidence that fetal nutrition triggers permanent adjustments in a wide range of systems and health outcomes is stimulating interest in the evolutionary significance of these responses. This review evaluates the postnatal adaptive significance of fetal developmental plasticity from the perspective of life history theory and evolutionary models of energy partitioning. Birthweight is positively related to multiple metabolically costly postnatal functions, suggesting that the fetus has the capacity to distribute the burden of energy insufficiency when faced with a nutritionally challenging environment. Lowering total requirements may reduce the risk of negative energy balance, which disproportionately impacts functions that are not essential for survival but that are crucial for reproductive success. The long-term benefit of these metabolic adjustments is contingent upon the fetus having access to a cue that is predictive of its future nutritional environment, a problem complicated in a long-lived species by short-term ecologic fluctuations like seasonality. Evidence is reviewed suggesting that the flow of nutrients reaching the fetus provides an integrated signal of nutrition as experienced by recent matrilineal ancestors, which effectively limits the responsiveness to short-term ecologic fluctuations during any given pregnancy. This capacity for fetal nutrition to minimize the growth response to transient ecologic fluctuations is defined here as intergenerational "phenotypic inertia," and is hypothesized to allow the fetus to cut through the "noise" of seasonal or other stochastic influences to read the "signal" of longer-term ecologic trends. As a mode of adaptation, phenotypic inertia may help the organism cope with ecologic trends too gradual to be tracked by conventional developmental plasticity, but too rapid to be tracked by natural selection. From an applied perspective, if a trait like fetal growth is designed to minimize the effects of short-term fluctuations by integrating information across generations, public health interventions may be most effective if focused not on the individual but on the matriline.  相似文献   

Zeng X 《Stem cell reviews》2007,3(4):270-279
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are unique in that they can proliferate indefinitely in culture in an undifferentiated state as well as differentiate into any somatic cells. Undifferentiated hESCs do not appear to undergo senescence and remain nontransformed over multiple passages. Culture hESCs maintain telomere length and exhibit high telomerase activity after prolonged in vitro culture. The ability of hESCs to bypass senescence is lost as hESCs differentiate into fully differentiated somatic cells. This loss of immortality upon differentiation may be due to a variety aging related factors such as reduction in telomere length, alteration of telomerase activity, changes in cell cycle regulation and decrease in DNA repair ability. Absence of such aging factors as well as the lack of genomic, mitochondrial and epigenetic changes, may contribute to the lack of senescence in hESCs. In this review, we will summarize recent advances in determining changes in these aspects in prolonged hESC cultures. We will in particular discuss the potential roles of several cellular pathways including the telomerase, p53, and Rb pathways in escaping senescence in hESCs. We will also discuss the genomic and epigenetic changes in long-term hESC culture and their potential roles in bypassing senescence, as well as alternative sources of pluripotent stem cells.  相似文献   

The recent observations that embryonic stemness-associated genes could assist in the "de-differentiation" of adult skin fibroblast cells to "embryonic-like stem cells", using the "somatic cell nuclear transfer" techniques, have been interpreted as indicating a "re-programming" of genes. These reports have demonstrated a "proof of principle" approach to by-pass many, but not all, of the ethical, scientific and medical limitations of the "therapeutic cloning" of embryonic stem cells from embryos. However, while the interpretation that real "re-programming" of all those somatic fibroblastic differentiation genes might be correct, there does exists an alternative hypothesis of these exciting results. Based on the fact that multipotent adult stem cells exist in most, if not all, adult organs, the possibility exists that all these recent "re-programming" results, using the somatic nuclear transfer techniques, actually were the results of transferred rare nuclear material from the adult stem cells residing in the skin of the mouse, monkey and human samples. An examination of the rationale for this challenging hypothesis has been drawn from the hypothesis of the "stem cell theory of cancer", as well as from the field of human adult stem cells research.  相似文献   

To evaluate the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) influence on cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) expression in rat bladder wall regeneration. MSCs cultures from the bone marrow were established. Acellular matrices from the bladder submucosa were prepared. Bladders were reconstructed using cell-seeded (n = 5) and unseeded (n = 5) grafts. MSCs were injected into the bladder wall (n = 5), bladders were incised and MSCs were injected into the circulation (n = 5) or were left intact (n = 5). Animals were killed after 3 months. Bladder histology and immunohistochemical staining of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, TGF-β1, IFN-γ, MMP-2, and MMP-9 were done. Bladders reconstructed with cell-seeded grafts mimicked native tissue, while unseeded grafts revealed shrinkage and morphological irregularities. There were no morphological changes in bladders of other groups. Different pattern of cytokine and MMP expression was observed. Increased expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines and MMPs in bladder promotes detrusor regeneration.  相似文献   

In recent years, many researchers are focusing on deriving lympho‐hematopoietic stem cells (L‐HSC) from human embryonic stem cells (ESC) and/or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) in culture as alternative sources for transplantation. Two protocols are available for research purposes: mouse stroma cell line coculture system and embryoid bodies (EBs) suspension culture system. However, due to the lack of human stroma cell line, which could support the derivation of L‐HSC in culture, the generation of therapeutic lympho‐hematopoietic cells for clinical purpose can only be achieved using EBs suspension culture system. In this short communication/review, the results of EBs suspension culture system using mouse and human ESC/iPSC are summarized and the potential clinical application is discussed.  相似文献   

Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a rich source of stem cells, including hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), endothelial progenitors cells (EPCs), and very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs). These cells most likely are mobilized into UCB in response to hypoxia and delivery stress. We have hypothesized that they may play a role in repairing certain tissue/organ injuries that occur in the newborn child after delivery. Here we asked whether delivery also mobilizes stem cells into maternal blood, as the mother also experiences hypoxia and several types of internal tissue injuries, particularly in the reproductive tract. We observed that the number of HSCs, MSCs, EPCs, and VSELs increases in maternal blood at 24 h after physiological delivery (n?=?17). Based on this observation, we propose that delivery stress is associated with an increase in the number of circulating stem cells, not only on the fetal side but also on the maternal side of the fetal–maternal circulatory barrier.  相似文献   

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