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In the mammalian retina, excess glutamate release has been shown to be involved in retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death associated with various diseases. Recent studies have determined that activation of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) partially protect isolated RGCs from glutamate-induced excitotoxicity. In this study, we further classify the types of nAChRs involved in neuroprotection against glutamate-induced excitotoxicity using isolated adult pig RGCs. Cells were isolated with a modified two-step immunoselective panning technique designed to isolate RGCs from other retinal neurons. Once isolated, nAChR subunits were identified using a combination of pharmacological and immunocytochemical techniques. In cell culture experiments, a variety of alpha4 nAChR specific agonists were found to have a partial neuroprotective against glutamate-induced excitotoxicity. This neuroprotection was abolished in the presence of the alpha4 nAChR antagonist, dihydro-beta-erythroidine (DHbetaE). Immunocytochemical results localized several nAChR subunits on isolated adult pig RGCs; in particular alpha4, alpha7 and beta2 nAChR subunits. Large RGCs exclusively immunostained with antibodies against alpha7 nAChR subunits whereas alpha4 and beta2 subunits exclusively immunostained only small RGCs. Double label experiments provided evidence that alpha4 and beta2 subunits co-localize on small RGCs. Knowledge of the receptor subtypes responsible for neuroprotection may lead to treatments associated with glutamate-induced excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Excitotoxicity is proposed to play a prominent role in retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death ensuing from diseases such as glaucoma and ischemia, but cell culture studies have used tissue from newborn rodents, yielding conflicting data that implicate either N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) or non-NMDA glutamate (Glu) receptor-mediated pathways. Excitotoxic RGC death was examined in vitro in this study, using adult pigs, a large-animal model for human retina. METHODS: Adult pig retina (and for comparative purposes young and adult rat retina) were dissociated and maintained in monolayer culture. Medium was supplemented with Glu or pharmacologic agonists or antagonists, and surviving RGCs and other retinal neurons were quantified using specific immunolabeling methods. Electrophysiological responses to externally applied Glu of RGCs in culture were recorded using whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. RESULTS: Application of Glu led to selective, dose-dependent losses in large RGCs (maximal 37% decrease at 1 mM; median effective dose [ED50], approximately 80 microM) and neurite damage in surviving RGCs. Application of Glu agonists and Glu receptor subclass antagonists showed that large RGC death was mediated through both NMDA and non-NMDA receptor pathways. Small RGCs, amacrine cells, and all other retinal neurons were resistant to Glu-induced death. By comparison, rat retinal cultures displayed heightened RGC vulnerability to Glu, mediated exclusively by non-NMDA receptor-mediated pathways. Amacrine cells were unaffected by NMDA but were very sensitive to kainate application (>90% loss). Other retinal neurons were unaffected by any treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The molecular pathways underlying excitotoxic RGC death in vitro (non-NMDA or NMDA-preferring Glu receptors) vary among species and developmental stages. The selective elimination of adult pig large RGCs by NMDA receptor-mediated pathways more closely resembles human and animal glaucoma in vivo than other published culture models, providing a simplified experimental system for investigating the pharmacologic and toxicologic bases of glaucoma-like neuronal death.  相似文献   

After a complete optic nerve section (ONS), retinal neurons may display retrograde transneuronal modifications in synaptic structure and function related to the retinal disconnection from the brain. The molecular and physiological basis of these changes is not yet fully understood. Immunoreactivity for calbindin was used to specifically immunolabel the horizontal cells (HC) in order to study any morphologic changes in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) after axotomy-induced degeneration of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) in the rabbit retina. Glutamate-gated conductance expressed by HC enzymatically dissociated from the rabbit retina were studied at 12 and 21 days after ONS by using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. The amplitudes of glutamate-induced currents on HC were significantly reduced 3 weeks after axotomy. However, no morphologic changes within the OPL were detected coincident with the progressive loss of glutamatergic responses; similarly, HC dissociated from the axotomized retinal tissue did not differ in morphology or appearance from control retinas. The main finding in this study is that the HC experiment a retrograde transneuronal down-regulation of their ionotropic glutamate-induced conductance following axotomy-induced degeneration of RGC.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To test whether eliprodil (SL 82.0715), a unique antagonist for the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, is protective in the glutamate-induced cytotoxicity model in cultured rat retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). METHODS: Two to four days after a fluorescent dye, Di-I, was injected near the superior colliculi, neonatal rats were killed, and retinal cells were dissociated and cultured. Survival of RGCs after drug treatment was assayed by counting Di-I fluorescent cells. RESULTS: In rat RGCs, glutamate-induced toxicity with a mean EC50 of 10.7 microM. Only 47% of RGCs survived after a 3-day treatment with 100 microM glutamate. Studies using selective agonists and antagonists indicated that the glutamate-induced toxicity was mediated largely by the NMDA receptor. Pretreatment with eliprodil protected against such toxicity. Eliprodil exhibited a mean IC50 of 1.0 nM (log [IC50] = -9.00 +/- 0.01, mean +/- SEM, n = 3; against cell death produced by 100 microM glutamate). At 1 microM, eliprodil was maximally protective; cell survival in the presence of 100 microM glutamate challenge was 100% +/- 5% (n = 3). This protective effect of eliprodil may be related to its reduction (by 78%) of NMDA-induced currents recorded under patch-clamp recording in these cells. CONCLUSIONS: Eliprodil is protective against glutamate cytotoxicity in retinal neurons. It may be a useful novel compound for the treatment of retinopathies including glaucoma in which excitotoxicity has been implicated.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to determine if retinal ganglion cell sensitivity to intraocular N-methyl-D-aspartate or kainate injections varied as a function of retinal location (eccentricity) or cell soma size. METHODS: Rat retinal ganglion cells surviving intraocular N-methyl-D-aspartate or intraocular kainate induced lesions were retrogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase and analyzed using an image analysis system. Control animals were retrogradely labeled after vehicle injection only. Cell counting was performed at 48 sampling points over the entire retina and represented a total area of 1.92 mm2 per retina. RESULTS: Larger cells were more sensitive to kainate than to N-methyl-D-aspartate excitotoxicity; smaller cells more vulnerable to N-methyl-D-aspartate excitotoxicity. Further from the optic nerve, more smaller cells survived kainate administration. After N-methyl-D-aspartate administration, larger cells survived most, noticeably in the central retina. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that loss of retinal ganglion cells after N-methyl-D-aspartate or kainate administration affects distinct populations of retinal ganglion cells, dependent upon soma size and retinal location. The mechanism by which certain classes of cells survive or succumb to such insults has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma) is the target of the insulin sensitizing thiazolidinediones (TZDs), a class of drugs used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Glaucoma and other retinal disorders are some of the major complications in diabetes. In the present study, the role that PPAR-gamma ligands play in protecting retinal ganglion cells (RGC-5) against glutamate insult was explored. METHODS: Transformed rat RGC (RGC-5 cells) and two PPAR-gamma agonists, 15-deoxy-D(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) and troglitazone were used. RGC-5 cells were incubated with either of the PPAR-gamma ligands and were exposed to either L-glutamic acid or buthionine sulfoximine (BSO). Cell viability was determined with the neutral red dye uptake assay. Levels of PPAR-gamma receptor proteins were monitored by immunoblot analysis. RESULTS: Glutamate treatment resulted in RGC-5 cell death, and both 15d-PGJ2 and troglitazone protected the RGC-5 cells from glutamate cytotoxicity. The neuroprotective concentrations of both compounds ranged from approximately 1 to 5 micro M. Troglitazone further protected against BSO toxicity, whereas 15d-PGJ2 did not. Glutamate treatment appears to exert its cytotoxicity through oxidative damage, because pretreatment of RGC-5 cells with the antioxidants N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and thiourea resulted in the reversal of glutamate cytotoxicity. Furthermore, the glutamate effect was not reversed by pretreatment with MK801 or DL-threo-betabenzyloxyaspartate (DL-TBOA), suggesting that glutamate cytotoxicity is not mediated through the NMDA receptor and/or glutamate transporter, respectively. Levels of PPAR-gamma receptor protein did not show any appreciable change in response to glutamate exposure, with or without 15d-PGJ2 or troglitazone. CONCLUSIONS: Two PPAR-gamma ligands, 15d-PGJ2 and troglitazone, protect RGC-5, an established transformed rat retinal ganglion cell line, against glutamate cytotoxicity. The neuroprotective effects of the two compounds appear to be mediated through an antioxidant rather than a PPAR-gamma-dependent pathway. These results suggest that PPAR-gamma agonists, in addition to improving insulin sensitivity, may also provide a valuable antioxidant benefit that could prove valuable in targeting ocular complications including glaucoma.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Although adenosine receptors (A(1)-Rs and A(2)-Rs) have been identified in the mammalian retina, the role of adenosine in this tissue is not fully understood. The purpose of this work was to investigate the action of adenosine on glutamate-induced calcium influx in rat retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and to determine whether adenosine modulates RGC voltage-gated calcium channels. METHODS: Purified RGC cultures were generated from neonatal rats with a two-step panning procedure. Isolated RGCs were loaded with the ratiometric calcium-indicator dye fura-2, and the effect of adenosine (and related agonists and antagonists) on intracellular calcium levels ([Ca(2+)](i)) during exposure to glutamate (10 microM with 10 microM glycine) was assessed. The effect of adenosine on calcium channel currents was also studied in isolated RGCs with whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. In addition, the effect of adenosine on [Ca(2+)](i) was investigated in fura dextran-loaded RGCs in an intact adult rat retina preparation. RESULTS: In isolated RGCs, adenosine (10 and 100 microM) significantly reduced the glutamate-induced increase in [Ca(2+)](i) ( approximately 30%). The effect of adenosine was blocked by the A(1)-R antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX), but not by the A(2)-R antagonist 3,7-dimethyl-1-propargylxanthine (DMPX). Adenosine (10 microM) inhibited calcium channel currents by 43%, and again this effect was blocked by DPCPX, but not DMPX. Adenosine (100 microM) also significantly reduced the elevation of [Ca(2+)](i) in RGCs in the intact retina during exposure to N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA; 100 microM). CONCLUSIONS: Adenosine can inhibit glutamate-induced calcium influx and voltage-gated calcium currents in rat RGCs through A(1)-R activation. This work supports a role for adenosine as a neuromodulator of mammalian RGCs.  相似文献   

We have studied the growth of neurites from single retinal ganglion cells isolated from adult goldfish and maintained under various primary cell culture conditions. In 10% Leibovitz's L-15 medium at 23 degrees C, these ganglion cells remained viable for up to 10 days and generated extensive fields of neurites. We found two patterns of neuritic fields. In one, a pair of neurites exited from opposite sides of the cell soma, forming a bipolar pattern. In the second pattern, three to five neurites exited from several points around the soma, forming a multipolar pattern. Characteristically, each neurite of this latter type tapered and branched two to seven times, whereas neurites forming bipolar patterns showed less branching and little or no taper. The fields subtended by the neurites in multipolar patterns ranged in size from 33,000 to 204,000 microns 2. Finally, although these neurites grew as fast as 35 microns hr-1 at 23 degrees C and individually reached lengths of up to 735 microns, they showed essentially no growth at 13 degrees C. Neurite outgrowth at 23 degrees C was vigorous even in cells whose growth had previously been suppressed for as long as 8 hr at 13 degrees C.  相似文献   

? AIM: To investigate whether bis(7)-tacrine, a multifun- ctional drug, inhibits N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) -activated current in retinal ganglion cells(RGC) and provides neuroprotection against retinal cell damage. ? METHODS: Purified RGC cultures were obtained from retinas of 1-3 days old Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats, following a two-step immunopanning procedure. After 7 days of cultivation, the inhibition of NMDA-activated current by bis(7)-tacrine was measured by using patch-clamp recording techniques. In animal experiments, RGCs were damaged after intravitreal injection of NMDA (5μL, 40nmol) in adult rats. Bis(7)-tacrine(0.05, 0.1, 0.2mg/kg) or memantine(20mg/kg) was intraperitoneal administered to the rats fifteen minutes before intravitreally injection of NMDA. RGC damage was analyzed by histologic techniques, TUNEL and retrograde labeling techniques. ? RESULTS: Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings demonstrated that NMDA (30μmol/L) resulted in approximately -50 pA inward currents that were blocked by bis(7)-tacrine(1μmol/L). Histological examination and retrograde labeling analysis revealed that bis(7)-tacrine induced a significant neuroprotective effect against NMDA-induced cell damage 7 days after NMDA injection. TUNEL staining showed that pretreatment with bis(7)-tacrine was effective in ameliorating NMDA-induced apoptotic cell loss in the retinal ganglion cell layer 18 hours after injection. ? CONCLUSION: Bis(7)-tacrine possesses remarkable neur- oprotective activities against retinal excitotoxicity through inhibition of NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

Substance P (SP), a neuropeptide, has been found in amacrine cells in a variety of vertebrate retinas. SP excited many of the ganglion cells we sampled in carp retina; many of these ganglion cells are directly excited by cholinergic agonists. It has been reported that SP modulates cholinergic synaptic transmission in some other neuronal systems by inhibiting or desensitizing cholinergic receptors. SP does not act in this way on the ganglion cell cholinergic receptors in isolated carp retina. Pulses of acetylcholine (ACh), applied to sensitive ganglion cells by microiontophoresis, were set to elicit consistent cellular responses. Application of SP to the retina through a nebulizing system (final concentration about 10(-6) M) did not reduce the excitation produced by the ACh pulse. In earlier work, we showed that the cholinergic receptors were nicotinic; in the present study, SP occasionally excited cells after the retina was treated with a nicotinic cholinergic antagonist, gallamine triethiodide. SP appears to excite cholinergic-sensitive ganglion cells at a postsynaptic site other than their nicotinic cholinergic receptor and via a pathway that does not require a presynaptic, SP-sensitive, ACh-releasing interneuron.  相似文献   

Survival and axonal regeneration of retinal ganglion cells in adult cats   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Axotomized retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in adult cats offer a good experimental model to understand mechanisms of RGC deteriorations in ophthalmic diseases such as glaucoma and optic neuritis. Alpha ganglion cells in the cat retina have higher ability to survive axotomy and regenerate their axons than beta and non-alpha or beta (NAB) ganglion cells. By contrast, beta cells suffer from rapid cell death by apoptosis between 3 and 7 days after axotomy. We introduced several methods to rescue the axotomized cat RGCs from apoptosis and regenerate their axons; transplantation of the peripheral nerve (PN), intraocular injections of neurotrophic factors, or an antiapoptotic drug. Apoptosis of beta cells can be prevented with intravitreal injections of BDNF+CNTF+forskolin or a caspase inhibitor. The injection of BDNF+CNTF+forskolin also increases the numbers of regenerated beta and NAB cells, but only slightly enhances axonal regeneration of alpha cells. Electrical stimulation to the cut end of optic nerve is effective for the survival of axotomized RGCs in cats as well as in rats. To recover function of impaired vision in cats, further studies should be directed to achieve the following goals: (1) substantial number of regenerating RGCs, (2) reconstruction of the retino-geniculo-cortical pathway, and (3) reconstruction of retinotopy in the target visual centers.  相似文献   

We investigated whether regenerating mature axons recapitulate embryonic features essential to successful reconnectivity within the injured nervous system. Strips from embryonic and adult chick retinae were cultured, and outgrowing axons were examined morphometrically and immunohistochemically. In addition, the target-recognition properties of adult neurites were analyzed. Regenerating adult axons elongate on a poly-L-lysine/laminin substratum with a speed about one order of magnitude slower than that of embryonic axons. Morphologically, adult axonal tips differ dramatically from embryonic growth cones in that they possess only filopodial extensions whereas embryonic growth cones possess both lamellipodial and filopodial processes. Both embryonic and adult neurites express the growth-associated protein GAP-43. When cultured on alternating stripes of anterior and posterior embryonic tectal membranes, both adult and embryonic retinal axons distinguish between the two membrane preparations. Our results demonstrate that during axonal regeneration the mature neurons express embryonic properties that are involved in the recognition of tectal positional cues.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Tang LS 《中华眼科杂志》2010,46(9):802-809
目的 探讨米诺环素在L-谷氨酸诱导的视网膜神经节细胞(RGC)毒性中的保护作用和分子机制.方法 实验研究.原代小鼠RGCs体外培养24 h后,随机分为3组:对照组,L-谷氨酸组(100 μmol/L、500 μmol/L、1 mmol/L和2 mmol/L)及L-谷氨酸+米诺环素组(30 μmol),观察不同浓度L-谷氨酸对RGC的存活率与轴突生长的损伤作用及米诺环素的保护作用.体内实验,将雌性B6小鼠随机分为实验组(30只)和对照组(30只).两组小鼠腹腔内分别注射米诺环素(实验组,60 mg/kg)或生理盐水(对照组),每天1次,连续7 d.第2天时,两组小鼠玻璃体腔内注射2μl L-谷氨酸(2 mmol/L),诱导RGC损伤.免疫组化染色分析β-Ⅲ-tubulin阳性细胞数目变化及视网膜神经胶质酸性蛋白(GFAP)表达情况,Real-time PCR和免疫印迹法分别检测小鼠视网膜组织中干扰素γ(IFN-γ)、白细胞介素(IL-1)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、GFAP与波形蛋白(Vimentin)的mRNA及蛋白表达水平.结果 体外实验显示,与对照组相比,L-谷氨酸降低RGC的存活率,与剂量和干预时间呈负相关.同时L-谷氨酸可明显抑制RGC轴突的生长,RGC轴突长度>2BL、1~2 BL、<1 BL占总细胞数比例分别从50.38%、7.83%和3.72%降至31.43%、5.05%和1.29%.而米诺环素能明显减轻L-谷氨酸对RGC的毒性作用,改善RGC轴突生长,各组细胞比例回升至51.00%、8.10%和2.43%,谷氨酸与对照组相比、米诺环素组与谷氨酸相比,差异有统计学意义(F=18.87,P<0.01).体内实验结果显示,与对照组相比,L-谷氨酸组小鼠RGC数目显著减少(45.00±10.21和68.50±2.86),而米诺环素治疗后可明显改善L-谷氨酸诱导的RGC损伤,RGC数目恢复至62.00±11.65,(F=7.6,P<0.01).谷氨酸处理后视网膜组织中GFAP的表达水平明显增高,而米诺环素明显降低视网膜组织中GFAP的表达.同时,L-谷氨酸显著提高小鼠视网膜组织中炎症相关因子IFN-γ、IL-1、TNF-α及胶质细胞相关蛋白Vimentin和GFAP的基因及蛋白表达水平,而米诺环素可显著抑制这些因子的表达.结论 L-谷氨酸损伤可诱导RGC凋亡、抑制RGC轴突生长,并上调炎症因子及视网膜相关胶质蛋白的基因与蛋白表达水平,米诺环素对L-谷氨酸所导致的视网膜神经节细胞损伤具有明显的保护作用.  相似文献   

目的:观察依托咪酯(ET)对成年大鼠视神经切断后视网膜神经节细胞(RGC)存活的作用.方法:成年雌性SD大鼠42只,眶内距视神经根部1mm处切断左侧视神经,残端留置浸有荧光金(50g/L)的明胶海绵逆行标记RGC.术后大鼠随机分为ET(4mg/kg,ip,1次/d)治疗组、1,2-丙二醇(PG)溶剂对照组、生理盐水对照组和正常对照组.再根据术后不同存活时间将前3组动物分为7d和14d两个亚组,正常对照组动物则存活2d.于相应存活时间点处死动物,取出各组大鼠左侧视网膜平铺后计数存活RGC并得出RGC的平均密度.结果:术后7dET治疗组存活RGC平均密度为1 307±55/mm2,显著高于PG对照组(1 128±75/mm2)和生理盐水对照组(1 068±75/mm2,P<0.001).然而,未能在术后14d观察到ET的这种保护作用,因为ET治疗组存活RGC平均密度(210±36/mm2)与PG对照组(215±20/mm2)和生理盐水对照(208±19/mm2)间无显著差异(P>0.05).结论:ET在视神经切断后一定时期内对RGC具有神经保护作用.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To explore the potential survival-promoting effect of inosine on axotomized retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) of adult rats in vivo. METHODS: The left optic nerves (ON) in the subject rats were transected at 1.5 mm from the optic disc. Repeated intraperitoneal injections or single intraocular injection of inosine were administered. The RGCs were retrogradely labeled with a gold fluorescent dye and the density of surviving RGCs in number per square millimeter of retina was calculated in wholemounted retinas. The functional integrity of the blood-retinal barrier (BRB) after ON transection was evaluated with an intravenous injection of Evans blue. RESULTS: In control animals, the mean density of surviving RGCs (number per square millimeter) of the whole retina was 2007 +/- 68 at 2 days (taken as the normal value), 927 +/- 156 at 7 days, and 384 +/- 33 at 14 days after surgery. Repeated intraperitoneal injections (75 mg/kg for each injection) of inosine significantly enhanced RGC survival at 14 days after ON transection (500 +/- 38), whereas no significant difference in the densities was detected at 7 days (974 +/- 101), even when the dosage of inosine was doubled (1039 +/- 61). At this time point, however, a single intraocular injection of inosine significantly increased the density of surviving RGCs (1184 +/- 156). Moreover, more RGCs around the optic disc were rescued when inosine, administered either intraperitoneally or intraocularly, showed a beneficial effect on RGC survival. No breakdown of the BRB after ON transection was detected with the method used in the study. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that inosine could protect axotomized RGCs in vivo after ON transection.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study was designed to evaluate the effects of a dorzolamide-timolol combination or dorzolamide on retinal ganglion cell (RGC) density and intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucomatous eyes of adult rats. METHODS: Glaucoma was induced in the right eye of adult Wistar rats by episcleral venous occlusion. One experimental group was administered dorzolamide 2%-timolol 0.5% combination eye drops, while the other experimental group was administered dorzolamide 2% eye drops. Control groups had surgery without drug administration. Drug application was initiated either 2 weeks before surgery (Group A), from the day of surgery (Group B), 2 weeks after surgery (Group C), or 4 weeks after surgery (Group D). RGCs were labeled by intratectal Fluorogold injections and counted from flat-mount preparations, and IOP was measured using Tonopen. RESULTS: Both dorzolamide-timolol combination and dorzolamide, when applied topically, significantly reduced IOP and improved RGC densities in experimental eyes when compared to control eyes. Earlier initiation, as well as longer duration of drug application, resulted in higher RGC densities. CONCLUSIONS: Topical application of a dorzolamide-timolol combination or dorzolamide saved RGCs to a significant extent and reduced IOP in glaucomatous rat eyes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Sigma receptors (sigmaRs) are nonopioid, nonphencyclidine binding sites with robust neuroprotective properties. Previously, the authors induced death in the RGC-5 cell line using very high concentrations (1 mM) of the excitatory amino acids glutamate (Glu) and homocysteine (Hcy) and demonstrated that the sigmaR1 ligand (+)-pentazocine ((+)-PTZ) could protect against cell death. The purpose of the present study was to establish a physiologically relevant paradigm for testing the neuroprotective effect of (+)-PTZ in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). METHODS: Primary ganglion cells (GCs) were isolated by immunopanning from retinas of 1-day-old mice, maintained in culture for 3 days, and exposed to 10, 20, 25, or 50 microM Glu or 10, 25, 50, or 100 microM Hcy for 6 or 18 hours in the presence or absence of (+)-PTZ (0.5, 1, 3 microM). Cell viability was measured using the viability and apoptosis detection fluorescein in situ assays. Expression of sigmaR1 was assessed by immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR, and Western blotting. Morphologic appearance of live ganglion cells and their processes was examined over time (0, 3, 6, 18 hours) by differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy after exposure to excitotoxins in the presence or absence of (+)-PTZ. RESULTS: Primary GCs showed robust sigmaR1 expression. The cells were exquisitely sensitive to Glu or Hcy toxicity (6-hour treatment with 25 or 50 microM Glu or 50 or 100 microM Hcy induced marked cell death). Primary GCs pretreated for 1 hour with (+)-PTZ followed by 18-hour cotreatment with 25 microM Glu and (+)-PTZ showed a marked decrease in cell death: 25 microM Glu alone, 50%; 25 microM Glu/0.5 microM (+)-PTZ, 38%; 25 microM Glu/1 microM (+)-PTZ, 20%; 25 microM Glu/3 microM (+)-PTZ, 18%. Similar results were obtained with Hcy. sigmaR1 mRNA and protein levels did not change in the presence of the excitotoxins. DIC examination of cells exposed to excitotoxins revealed substantial disruption of neuronal processes; cotreatment with (+)-PTZ revealed marked preservation of these processes. The stereoselective effect of (+)-PTZ for sigmaR1 was established in experiments in which (-)-PTZ, the levo-isomer form of pentazocine, had no neuroprotective effect on excitotoxin-induced ganglion cell death. CONCLUSIONS: Primary GCs express sigmaR1; their marked sensitivity to Glu and Hcy toxicity mimics the sensitivity observed in vivo, making them a highly relevant model for testing neuroprotection. Pretreatment of cells with 1 to 3 microM (+)-PTZ, but not (-)-PTZ, affords significant protection against Glu- and Hcy-induced cell death. sigmaR1 ligands may be useful therapeutic agents in retinal diseases in which ganglion cells die.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene can be transfected into retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) by electroporation and whether axotomized RGCs can be rescued after transfection by BDNF in adult rats. METHODS: Mouse BDNF cDNA was injected intravitreally followed by in vivo electroporation in adult rats. The expression of BDNF in RGCs was confirmed by Western immunoblot analysis and immunohistochemistry. After introduction of BDNF cDNA, the survival of axotomized RGCs was estimated by the TdT-dUTP terminal nick-end labeling (TUNEL) method and measured by counting the number of RGCs that were labeled retrogradely by 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyamine percholorate (diI) applied to the superior colliculus (SC). RESULTS: Eyes with injection of the BDNF gene followed by in vivo electroporation showed a significantly higher level of expression of BDNF in the RGC layer, a higher rescue ratio, and a lower number of TUNEL-positive cells than the control samples. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that electroporation is an effective method for the direct delivery of genes into RGCs, and that the BDNF gene transferred into RGCs by in vivo electroporation can protect axotomized RGCs against apoptosis.  相似文献   

肌苷毫微粒对成年大鼠视网膜节细胞的保护作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究载有肌苷的毫微粒对视神经切断后视网膜节细胞(RGC)存活的影响。方法 制备肌苷毫微粒,体外测定理化性质。将等体积的肌苷毫微粒、空载毫微粒或生理盐水溶液分别注入成年大鼠左眼内,对照组未经任何治疗。1d后于眶内切断所有动物左侧视神经,术后7d取左视网膜,计数荧光金逆行标记的存活RGC。结果 肌苷毫微粒形态规整,具有缓释特点。同对照相比,肌苷毫微粒能显著提高存活RGC的密度,而空载体和生理盐水无此作用;空载毫微粒与生理盐水、对照之间以及空载毫微粒和肌苷毫微粒两组间RGC密度均无显著差异。结论 注入眼球的肌苷毫微粒至少在7d内能有效缓释肌苷,进而对轴突损伤RGC发挥显著的神经保护作用。  相似文献   

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