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Katz IR 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》1999,1(2):81-94
The links between late-life depression and the medical comorbidities that are often associated with it can be divided into two paths. The path from medical illness to depression reflects general mechanisms related to stress, disability, and loss, as well as more specific physiological mechanisms, including those related to subclinical cerebrovascular disease, adverse drug effects, and endocrine/metabolic effects. Similarly the path from depression to medical illness includes general mechanisms related to self-neglect, decreased adherence to medical treatments, maladaptive health-related behaviors, and, possibly, more specific physiological mechanisms including those related to altered endocrine and autonomic functions, in the clinical context, these two paths can interact to constitute a vicious cycle. With further research, it should be possible to translate current understanding in these areas into advances in both basic knowledge and treatments that could initiate virtuous cycles with beneficial effects for both menial and physical health. 相似文献
Glassman AH 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2007,9(1):9-17
Depression has long had a popular link to cardiovascular disease and death. However, only during the last 15 years has scientific evidence supporting this common wisdom been available. Beginning in the early 1990s, there began to accumulate community-based epidemiological evidence that medically healthy, depressed patients followed for long periods of time were at increased risk of both cardiovascular disease and cardiac death. In the mid-1990s, evidence appeared to indicate that depression following a heart attack increased the risk of death. It is now apparent that depression aggravates the course of multiple cardiovascular conditions. There are two major unanswered questions. One is whether treating depression will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and death. Here, preliminary, but not definitive, evidence suggests that the serotonin reuptake inhibitors may be useful. The other unanswered question regards the mechanisms that underlie this link between depression and cardiovascular disease. There is strong evidence linking platelet activation, autonomic activity and inflammatory markers to both depression and heart disease, but why these links exist is far less clear. 相似文献
Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer are at risk for depression due to disruptions in their developmental trajectory, greater physical symptom burden, and increased likelihood of developing aggressive disease. Rates of depression and other psychological disorders are substantially higher in AYAs with cancer when compared with older adults. Psychiatrists caring for these patients must consider the age-appropriate developmental context of these patients along with familial and medical factors that may influence the presentation and treatment of depression. Previous research suggests that psychosocial interventions specifically designed for AYA patients are promising, but studies of psychopharmacology treatments for depression are lacking. There is a pressing need for prospective studies and controlled clinical trials that evaluate the optimal strategies for treating depression in this patient group. 相似文献
Katon WJ 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2011,13(1):7-23
There is a bidirectional relationship between depression and chronic medical disorders. The adverse health risk behaviors and psychobiological changes associated with depression increase the risk for chronic medical disorders, and biological changes and complications associated with chronic medical disorders may precipitate depressive episodes. Comorbid depression is associated with increased medical symptom burden, functional impairment, medical costs, poor adherence to self-care regimens, and increased risk of morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic medical disorders. Depression may worsen the course of medical disorders because of its effect on proinflammatory factors, hypothalamic-pituitary axis, autonomic nervous system, and metabolic factors, in addition to being associated with a higher risk of obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and poor adherence to medical regimens. Both evidence-based psychotherapies and antidepressant medication are efficacious treatments for depression. Collaborative depression care has been shown to be an effective way to deliver these treatments to large primary care populations with depression and chronic medical illness. 相似文献
Schwarz MJ 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2003,5(2):139-153
Recent research has overcome the old paradigms of the brain as an immunologically privileged organ, and of the exclusive role of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides as signal transducers in the central nervous system. Growing evidence suggests that the signal proteins of the immune system - the cytokines - are also involved in modulation of behavior and induction of psychiatric symptoms. This article gives an overview on the nature of cytokines and the proposed mechanisms of immune-to-brain interaction. The role of cytokines in psychiatric symptoms, syndromes, and disorders like sickness behavior, major depression, and schizophrenia are discussed together with recent immunogenetic findings. 相似文献
Thase ME 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2006,8(2):217-226
This review examines the relationship between sleep and depression. Most depressive disorders are characterized by subjective sleep disturbances, and the regulation of sleep is intricately linked to the same mechanisms that are implicated in the pathophysiology of depression. After briefly reviewing the physiology and topography of normal sleep, the disturbances revealed in studies of sleep in depression using polysomnographic recordings and neuroimaging assessments are discussed. Next, treatment implications of the disturbances are reviewed at both clinical and neurobiologic levels. Most antidepressant medications suppress rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, although this effect is neither necessary nor sufficient for clinical efficacy. Effects on patients' difficulties initiating and maintaining sleep are more specific to particular types of antidepressants. Ideally, an effective antidepressant will result in normalization of disturbed sleep in concert with resolution of the depressive syndrome, although few interventions actually restore decreased slow-wave sleep. Antidepressants that block central histamine 1 and serotonin 2 tend to have stronger effects on sleep maintenance, but are also prone to elicit complaints of daytime sedation. Adjunctive treatment with sedative hypnotic medications--primarily potent, shorter-acting benzodiazepine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA A)-selective compounds such as zolpidem--are often used to treat associated insomnia more rapidly. Cognitive behavioral therapy and other nonpharmacologic strategies are also helpful. 相似文献
Benazzi F 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2006,8(2):151-161
The current subtyping of depression is based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) categorical division of bipolar and depressive disorders. Current evidence, however, supports a dimensional approach to depression, as a continuum/spectrum of overlapping disorders, ranging from bipolar I depression to major depressive disorder. Types of depression which have recently been the focus of most research will be reviewed: bipolar II depression, mixed depression, agitated depression, atypical depression, melancholic depression, recurrent brief depression, minor depressive disorder, seasonal depression, and dysthymic disorder. Most research has focused on bipolar II depression, mixed depression (defined by depression and superimposed manic/hypomanic symptoms), and atypical depression. Mixed depression, by its combination of opposite polarity symptoms, has been found to be common by systematic probing for co-occurring manic/hypomanic symptoms. Mixed depression is a treatment challenge for clinicians, because antidepressants alone (ie, not protected by mood-stabilizing agents) may worsen its manic/hypomanic symptoms, such as irritability and psychomotor agitation, which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has listed as possible precursors to suicidality. 相似文献
Barry DL 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》1999,1(2):57-65
Despite its prevalence and seriousness, depression in late life remains underappreciated as a source of disability and suffering for older people and their families. Despite a solid and substantial body of research, recognition of depression remains problematic and is often attributed to normal developmental changes in aging. Treatment efficacy data notwithstanding, the adequacy and appropriateness of treatment is highly variable. This paper contains a broad overview of new research developments in depression in late life and the disabilities associated with it Serving as an introduction to the specific papers that follow in this issue of Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, this article scans the knowledge base in basic, clinical, and health services research, identifying the highlights of current work in the area and proposing areas of needed expansion of research efforts. 相似文献
This review outlines pharmacologic treatments for the behavioral symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in children, adolescents, and adults. Symptom domains include repetitive and stereotyped behaviors, irritability and aggression, hyperactivity and inattention, and social impairment. Medications covered include serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs), mirtazapine, antipsychotics, psychostimulants, atomoxetine, α-2 agonists, D-cycloserine, and memantine. Overall, SRIs are less efficacious and more poorly tolerated in children with ASDs than in adults. Antipsychotics are the most efficacious drugs for the treatment of irritability in ASDs, and may be useful in the treatment of other symptoms. Psychostimulants demonstrate some benefit for the treatment of hyperactivity and inattention in individuals with ASDs, but are less efficacious and associated with more adverse effects compared with individuals with ADHD. D-cycloserine and memantine appear helpful in the treatment of social impairment, although further research is needed. 相似文献
Butters MA Young JB Lopez O Aizenstein HJ Mulsant BH Reynolds CF DeKosky ST Becker JT 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2008,10(3):345-357
There is a strong association between late-life depression, cognitive impairment, cerebrovascular disease, and poor cognitive outcomes, including progressive dementia, especially Alzheimer's disease. While neuroimaging evidence suggests that cerebrovascular disease plays a prominent role, it seems that depression alone may also confer substantial risk for developing Alzheimer's disease. The relationships between the prominent cerebrovascular changes, other structural abnormalities, specific forms of cognitive dysfunction, and increased risk for developing Alzheimer's disease among those with late-life depression have been difficult to reconcile. The varied findings suggest that there are likely multiple pathways to poor cognitive outcomes. We present a framework outlining multiple, non-mutually exclusive etiologic links between depression, cognitive impairment, and progressive decline, including dementia. Importantly, the model is both testable and falsifiable. Going forward, using models such as this to inform research should accelerate knowledge acquisition on the depression/dementia relationship that may be useful for dementia prevention, monitoring the impact of depression treatment on clinical status and course of illness. 相似文献
Wirz-Justice A 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2008,10(3):337-343
Diurnal variation of depressive symptoms appears to be part of the core of depression. Yet, longitudinal investigation of an individual's pattern, regularity, relation to clinical state, and clinical improvement reveals little homogeneity. Morning lows, afternoon slump, evening worsening-all can occur during a single depressive episode. Mood variability, or the propensity to produce mood swings, appears to be the characteristic that most predicts capacity to respond to treatment. Laboratory studies have revealed that mood, like physiological variables such as core body temperature, is regulated by a circadian clock interacting with the sleep homeostat. Many depressed patients, particularly bipolar patients, show delayed sleep phase (late chronotype). Even small shifts in the timing and duration of sleep affect mood state (sleep deprivation and sleep phase advance have an antidepressant effect). The implications for treatment are to stabilize mood state by enhancing synchronization of the sleep-wake cycle with the biological clock (eg, with light therapy). 相似文献
This paper reviews some of the challenges faced by individuals who design and implement clinical trials of potential antidepressant medications. Particular emphasis is placed on questioning the validity of some of the theoretical assumptions that form the underpinnings of most conventional trials. Work from our group developing clinical trial methodology for minor depression is used as an example of how alternate constructs may be helpful to differentiate drug-placebo differences. 相似文献
Christian Agudelo Howard J. Aizenstein Jordan F. Karp Charles F. Reynolds III 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2015,17(2):151-169
Late-life depression (LLD) is a growing public and global health concern with diverse clinical manifestations and etiology. This literature review summarizes neuroimaging findings associated with depression in older adults and treatment-response variability. LLD has been associated with cerebral atrophy, diminished myelin integrity, and cerebral lesions in frontostriatal-limbic regions. These associations help explain the depression-executive dysfunction syndrome observed in LLD, and support cerebrovascular burden as a pathogenic mechanism. Furthermore, this review suggests that neuroimaging determinants of treatment resistance also reflect cerebrovascular burden. Of the theoretical etiologies of LLD, cerebrovascular burden may mediate treatment resistance. This review proposes that neuroimaging has the potential for clinical translation. Controlled trials may identify neuroimaging biomarkers that may inform treatment by identifying depressed adults likely to remit with pharmacotherapy, identifying individualized therapeutic dose, and facilitating earlier treatment response measures. Neuroimaging also has the potential to similarly inform treatment response variability from treatment with aripiprazole (dopamine modulator) and buprenorphine (opiate modulator). 相似文献
Reynolds Iii CF 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》1999,1(2):95-99
Depression in later life is usually a recurrent illness and often a chronic one, associated with increased health care utilization, amplification of the disability born of concurrent medical illness, decreased quality of life, increased risk for suicide, and cognitive impairment. The good news, however, is that maintenance treatments work and have a demonstrably positive impact on long-term illness course. Treatment response is especially variable, or brittle, in patients aged over 70; yet maintenance treatment with combined medication and psychotherapy is able to significantly reduce long-term treatment response variability, ensuring continued wellness. Further evaluation of cost-effectiveness is necessary in order to improve reimbursement for effective long-term treatment. 相似文献
Guy M. Goodwin 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2015,17(3):249-260
The anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social phobia, agoraphobia, and panic disorder. In addition to the specific symptoms of these disorders, there may be a common experience of anxiety and even dysphoria across the conditions, and of course recourse to the same drug or choice of drugs for treatment. This overlap probably occurs because of universal dimensions of distress or negative affectivity, a shared genetic predisposition, and a common neurobiology Evidence of shared genes is still based mainly on twin studies, but the shared neurobiology can be investigated directly by the investigation of emotional or cognitive bias either behaviorally or using functional brain imaging. This intermediate phenotype can then provide a substrate for understanding and developing medicines and psychological treatments. 相似文献
Daniel Martins-de-Souza 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2014,16(1):63-73
Omics technologies emerged as complementary strategies to genomics in the attempt to understand human illnesses. In general, proteomics technologies emerged earlier than those of metabolomics for major depressive disorder (MDD) research, but both are driven by the identification of proteins and/or metabolites that can delineate a comprehensive characterization of MDD''s molecular mechanisms, as well as lead to the identification of biomarker candidates of all types—prognosis, diagnosis, treatment, and patient stratification. Also, one can explore protein and metabolite interactomes in order to pinpoint additional molecules associated with the disease that had not been picked up initially. Here, results and methodological aspects of MDD research using proteomics, metabolomics, and protein interactomics are reviewed, focusing on human samples. 相似文献
Shear MK 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2012,14(2):119-128
Complicated grief is a recently recognized condition that occurs in about 7% of bereaved people. People with this condition are caught up in rumination about the circumstances of the death, worry about its consequences, or excessive avoidance of reminders of the loss. Unable to comprehend the finality and consequences of the loss, they resort to excessive avoidance of reminders of the loss as they are tossed helplessly on waves of intense emotion. People with complicated grief need help, and clinicians need to know how to recognize the symptoms and how to provide help. This paper provides a framework to help clinicans understand bereavement, grief, and mourning. Evidence-based diagnostic criteria are provided to help clinicians recognize complicated grief, and differentiate it from depression as well as anxiety disorder. We provide an overview of risk factors and basic assumptions and principles that can guide treatment. 相似文献
Andreasen NC 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2008,10(2):251-255
Research designed to examine the relationship between creativity and mental illnesses must confront multiple challenges. What is the optimal sample to study? How should creativity be defined? What is the most appropriate comparison group? Only a limited number of studies have examined highly creative individuals using personal interviews and a noncreative comparison group. The majority of these have examined writers. The preponderance of the evidence suggests that in these creative individuals the rate of mood disorder is high, and that both bipolar disorder and unipolar depression are quite common. Clinicians who treat creative individuals with mood disorders must also confronta variety of challenges, including the fear that treatment may diminish creativity, in the case of bipolar disorder, hovt/ever, it is likely that reducing severe manic episodes may actually enhance creativity in many individuals. 相似文献
Corrêa H Romano-Silva MA Duval F Campi-Azevedo AC Lima V Macher JP 《Dialogues in clinical neuroscience》2002,4(4):408-416
We carried out two studies to test the hypothesis that altered central serotonergic function, as assessed by lower prolactin (PRL) response to fenfluramine (D-FEN), is more closely associated with suicidal behavior than a particular psychiatric diagnosis. A D-FEN test was performed in 85 major depressed inpatients, 33 schizophrenic inpatients, and 18 healthy controls. We showed that PRL response to D-FEN is a marker of suicidality, regardless of psychiatric disorder. We then examined the association en the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) receptor 5-HT(2A) gene polymorphism (T102C) and suicide in a sample of Brazilian psychiatric inpatients (95 with schizophrenia, 78 with major depression) and 52 healthy controls. No differences were found in genotypic frequencies across patients and controls. Overall, no differences were found between patients with (n=66) and without (n=107) a history of suicide attempt. We also compared patients with a history of severe suicide attempts (lethality>3; n=32) and patients without such a history (n=107), but they did not exhibit different genotypic frequencies either. These results show thai the 5-HT(2A) gene polymorphism (T102C) may not be involved in the genetic susceptibility to suicidal behavior. 相似文献