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Urinary bladder neural dysfunction (UBND) is a common complication of diabetes mellitus. When urinary bladder paralysis develops, urinary system infection readily occurs. If the infection is not treated properly, serious sequelae will happen. Western doctors primarily use urethral  相似文献   

Fifty cases of atrophic cholecystitis were treated by regulating of the spleen.Of them,21were cured,18 remarkably effective,and 7 effective.The overall effective rate was 92.0%.As compared with the results of ultrasonography B performed before and after treatment,it was shown that both the longitudinal and transverse inner diameters of the gallbladderincreased evidently,and the condition of atrophy improved remarkably after treatment.  相似文献   

Forty-three patients with primary Raynaud'sdisease have been successfully treated with acu-puncture plus moxibustion in the OPD since1980.The disease was readily diagnosed on thebasis of clinical manifestations including suddenattacks of pallor,coldness and numbness of thedigits with symmetrical involvement.It shouldhowever be differentiated from Raynaud's pheno-menon secondary to other diseases.Raynaud'sdisease can be classified as Xuebi(blockage ofblood flow)described in Synopsis of Prescrip-tions of the Golden Chamber.This paper stres-ses that treatment of Raynaud's disease in thelight of traditional theory is much more effec-tive than treatment with points selected accord-ing to modern pathology.Of the 43 cases,10treated with Baxie(Extra 28)and Bafeng(Extra36)in 1982 and 1983 were included as controls.  相似文献   

During the last two years,the author hadtreated 76 cases of pain syndrome due to variousetiological factors by laser irradiation,with satis-factory results.This is reported as follows.  相似文献   

Acute abdomen is an emergency diseasecommonly seen in clinic.It can be caused bymany diseases and is characterized by ab-rupt onset,acute abdominal pain and evenshock in severe cases.Since 1977,I haveused electro-acupuncture to treat this dis-ease and made a summary of 164 cases of  相似文献   

Traumatic ocular muscle paralysis is nota rare condition in clinical practice. However,complete recovery is very difficult. Withacupuncture at the tragus apex, we treated 16cases in the period of 1992-1996, withsatisfactory therapeutic results reported asfollows.  相似文献   

Over recent years,the authors haveadopted scalp acupuncture therapy for thetreatment of 210 periomarthritis cases withfair therapeutic results.This mode of treat-ment has the merits of simplicity in selectionof points,easy manipulations,and quickstable results,with the least discomfort forthe patient.  相似文献   

The formula of Chuanxiong Powder(Chuan Xiong San) is recorded in "PreciousMinor from Oriental Medicine (东医宝鉴)"compiled by Xu Jun (许俊) in 1611 A.D. Bymainly adopting this formula, the authorstreated 30 migraine cases on the basis ofsyndrome differentiation, the total effectiverate being 90%. Described below is a briefintroduction.  相似文献   

Under the guidance of TCM theory ofchannels and collaterals,the author treated4 types of facial skin diseases withacupuncture in 129 cases.These are reportedas follows.  相似文献   

From September 1987 to October 1988,30 cases of AIDS were treated on a trial ba-sis by TCM in an African country.Pres-ented in this paper is a clinical report of thecases treated.CLINICAL DATASource of CasesThe thirty cases(20 in-patients and 10out-patients)treated were all diagnosed ashaving AIDS through clinical examinationsin a National Hospital of the country.  相似文献   

Fifty cases of atrophic cholecystitis were treated mainly by regulation of the function of the spleen. Of them, 21 cases were cured, 18 markedly effective, and 7 effective. The total effective rate was 92.0%. By comparison of results of ultrasonography B performed before and after treatment, it was shown that both the longitudinal and transverse inner diameters of gallbladder cross section increased evidently, and the condition of atrophy was improved remarkably after treatment.  相似文献   

Our experience in the use ofauriculoacupuncture and auriculopressurefor successful treatment of hiccough inducedby various diseases is reported as follows.  相似文献   

From January 1987 to June 1989,theauthor treated 110 cases of frontal headachebehind the supra-orbital bone withacupuncture on Zhongwan(Ren 12).The re-sults were good as summarized in the follow-ing.  相似文献   

It is well known that comparativelysatisfactroy effect can be achieved in thetreatment of cerebrogenic diseases by scalpacupuncture.However,little has been re-ported in the literature on its therapeutic ef-fect in the treatment of peripheral facial pa-ralysis.From August 1972 through Decem-ber 1989 the author treated 100 cases of thisdisease by scalp acupuncture with satisfac-tory results in most cases.A report follows.  相似文献   

Pseudobulbar palsy,one of the maincomplications caused by cerebral apoplexy,results from supranuclear injury of motornuclei of the cranial nerve dominating the bulb.It is characterized by dysphagia,dysarthria,and abnormality of mental activity.In the past,the patients died generally of secondaryhypostatic pneumonia and serious malnutritiondue to lack of positive and initiative measures  相似文献   

105 cases of adolescent functionaluterine hemorrhage were refractory to west-ern medicine,but successfully cured withChinese herbal drugs during the period fromApril 1982 to July 1986.At the bleeding stageof the disease,the Triple Action HemostaticDecoction(三法止血汤)was used,and at there-adjusting stage when bleeding stopped,the  相似文献   

Headaches of the neurofunctional type,blood vascular type,neuro-vascular type,andmusculotonic type are commonly encounteredclinically.The authors report a nasal inhalantof Chinese herbal drugs which has been effec-tive in the treatment of these varieties ofheadache.  相似文献   

Hysteric aphonia is a frequently encountered disorder without organic lesion in the laryngeal part. The curative effect is unsatisfied in its treatment with Western and traditional Chinese drugs. In the past few years, 27 cases of hysteric aphonia have been treated in our hospital by acupuncture with good therapeutic effect as reported below.  相似文献   

Besides treating elderly diabetics basically for the disease,the author treated the patients bytraditional Chinese medicine based on an overall analysis of their symptoms and signs,di-viding the course of the disease into 5 stages comprising 16 syndromes types.He evaluatedthe quality of their survival according to an the health rating of Karnofsky,and advised themon the amount of work or other activity appropriate in each case in order to relieve thesymptoms,retard the disease process,and improve the quality of survival.  相似文献   

Allergic asthma is a chronic inflammation of anaphylactic reaction of the respiratory tract. Based on this knowledge, the treatment is given aiming at relieving bronchial spasm or antianaphylaxis and the control of inflammation. A large amount of  相似文献   

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