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心电图教学是诊断学教学中的难点,存在着理论抽象难懂、技能培训不足等问题.因此,必须改进传统的教学模式,比如利用多媒体技术提高课堂讲授的学习效率、采用PBL与CBL教学相结合的教学方法、增加技能训练来强化理论知识等.只有通过有效的教学手段和策略,才能引导学生正确学习心电图知识,提高教学质量.  相似文献   

模拟教学在临床实践教学中的应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床实践教学是培养合格医学生的重要环节。随着社会的进步及患者自我保护意识的增强,直接以患者为对象进行医学生临床技能训练的传统临床实践教学面临着严峻考验,为解决这一问题,医学模拟教育引入医学生临床实践教学。与传统教育相比,医学模拟教育具有独特的优势,并将成为未来临床实践教学发展的主流。  相似文献   

护理操作技能考核及其评价方法的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
季兰芳 《职业与健康》2003,19(7):154-155
护理学是一门实践性很强的学科,在教学中强化护理技能训练,提高护生的动手能力,是培养和造就“实用型”护理人才必不可少的一个重要环节。而实施护理操作技能考核是检验护理技能训练效果的关键。多年来,我院十分重视护理技能实践教学基地的建设,建立与健全了一整套护理技能训练与考核体系,确保护生的护理操作技能人人过硬,个个顶用,达到了专业培养目标的要求。  相似文献   

在“3+2”医学教学新模式下,对即将进入外科实习的学生进行基本技能、基础理论和基本知识的强化训练是十分必要的。在训练中,我们培养学生互为标准化病人,模仿外科急性腹痛进行问诊及体检技能的训练和指导,有效地解决了“三基”强化训练中存在的临床能力训练不足的弊端,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

<正>高等医学院校专业课教学目标,是专业教学实践的指向,也是一定时期内专业人才培养价值取向的反映。确立科学的教学目标,不仅清晰界定专业课教学的基本内容,而且对学生的发展起到重要的导向作用,是医学教育专业人才培养质量保障体系中必不可少的要素之一。目前,卫生检验与检疫专业传统的教学目标集中在知识传授与技能训练领域,忽视了知识与技能的形成过程、运用的研究方法,更忽视了研究者在这一过程中倾注的情感、态度与价值观,故原本充满生命活力的知识与技能被完全剥  相似文献   

该文介绍了南京医科大学第一附属医院开展住院医师临床技能训练与竞赛活动的实践经验,通过比较受训学员与未受训学员临床技能考核的成绩,科学地评价了训练的实际效果,利用调查问卷的形式发现训练中的问题和不足,继而制定改进措施以践行持续改进。实践证明,合理设置临床技能课程,健全课程体系,强化技能训练操作,发挥技能竞赛和奖励措施的激励作用,能够显著提高住院医师的临床能力。  相似文献   

绘画是幼儿园教学中的一项重要内容,是开发幼儿心智的一种重要手段。在传统的绘画教学中,以幼儿学得绘画技能为目标,注重临幕训练,以画的像不像作为绘画的评价标准。在大力提倡创新的今天,这种封闭性的绘画教学显然是应该摒弃的,必须加以改革。新纲要指出:幼儿期的艺术教育以培养孩子对艺术的兴趣,丰富他们的感性经验,  相似文献   

临床医生基本技能水平的高低最能反映其实践工作能力,要提高工作能力,技能水平的提高是关键,而技能水平的提高又需要反复的技能训练,目前由于患者维权意识和伦理道德要求的提高以及医学模式的加速转变,社会科技的进步发展,使得单纯依靠病人做为学习和训练对象的传统临床技能训练模式已接受新的挑战。为此临床实践教学资源显为短缺,使得新生代医护人员的临床实践日益受到局限,而医学生的成长及临床新技术的开展又需要大量实践训练机会,为克服理论教学和临床实践之间的脱节现象,我院结合本院实际情况,整合已有资源,引进系列医学模型和培训设备,建成了我市配置最高端,最全面,最具人性化,模块化,现代化的临床技能培训中心。以便医学生及临床医学人员进行临床技能训练,并对其未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

介绍了针灸腧穴图、铜人模型、手法训练模型等传统针灸教学模型的研究现状,阐述了新技术下的电子针灸经络腧穴学习系统和基于硬件设备的虚拟针灸训练系统的研究进展,分析了中医针灸教学模型及仿真训练系统存在的不足,指出了一个高度符合临床教学需求的针灸仿真训练平台应该具有满足教学和学习功能、增加交互性、可以训练针灸手法和增强沉浸感4个特征。  相似文献   

外科学教学需要提高教学效果.可是有哪些技巧呢?一是明确目的,更新观念;二是创新教学,培养技能;三是训练综合分析能力,正确认识手术"双刃".  相似文献   

Since clinical training often fails to equip medical students with essential history-taking skills, more effective teaching methods require to be developed. As previous work had suggested that training which included televised demonstrations of history-taking and practice with simulated patients might be superior to traditional methods, it was decided to evaluate this experimentally. Thirty students beginning the Oxford Clinical Course were randomly selected and allocated to a traditional or one of two experimental courses. Both experimental courses used television and simulation but differed in the way the history-taking demonstrations were presented. After completing these courses, each student was asked to take a history from a simulated patient. Ratings of the videotapes of these interviews showed that the two experimental groups obtained much more information and used many more of the required skills than students assigned to the traditional course. The experimental students were also rated more favourably by the simulators and recorded more data in their case histories. It is concluded that these short courses were practical, very effective, and could be augmented by a self-teaching programme in history-taking skills.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Interest in the teaching of communication skills in medical schools has increased since the early seventies but, despite this growing interest, relatively limited curricular time is spent on the teaching of communication skills. The limited attention to the teaching of these skills applies even more to the physicians' clinical years, when attention becomes highly focused on biomedical and technical competence. Continuing training after medical school is necessary to refresh knowledge and skills, to prohibit decline of performance and to establish further improvements. OBJECTIVE: This review provides an overview of evaluation studies of communication skills training programmes for clinically experienced physicians who have finished their undergraduate medical education. The review focuses on the training objectives, the applied educational methods, the evaluation methodology and instruments, and training results. METHODS: CD-ROM searches were performed on MedLine and Psychlit, with a focus on effect-studies dating from 1985. RESULTS: Fifteen papers on 14 evaluation studies were located. There appears to be some consistency in the aims and methods of the training programmes. Course effect measurements include physician self-ratings, independent behavioural observations and patient outcomes. Most of the studies used inadequate research designs. Overall, positive training effects on the physicians' communication behaviour are found on half or less of the observed behaviours. Studies with the most adequate designs report the fewest positive training effects. CONCLUSION: Several reasons are discussed to explain the limited findings. Future research may benefit from research methods which focus on factors that inhibit and facilitate the physicians' implementation of skills into actual behaviours in daily practice.  相似文献   

目的分析虚拟现实技术在临床技能培训中的应用效果。方法将2017年9月—2019年10月期间于该院实习的80名初级医生作为研究对象,所有初级医生均接受临床技能培训,根据入院时间将其分为两个组别(参照组和研究组),参照组应用传统方法进行临床技能培训,研究组在参照组的基础上联合虚拟现实技术进行临床技能培训,比较两组初级医生临床技能培训考核结果。结果研究组出科成绩与教学满意度评分分别为(91.01±2.23)分和(92.12±2.54)分,参照组出科成绩与教学满意度评分分别为(83.65±2.30)分和(81.88±2.95)分,差异有统计学意义(t=14.530、16.634,P<0.001)。结论临床技能培训中应用虚拟现实技术能够提高初级医生的理论知识掌握程度和实践操作技能,可为医院培养高素质的专科人才,值得大力推广。  相似文献   

目的 探讨情景模拟教学在血液净化专业护士技能培训中应用的效果.方法 应用随机对照的方法,对照组采用传统技能培训方法,实验组引入情景模拟教学方法.培训结束后对2组血液净化专业护理学员的理论及操作考核成绩进行比较,并征求实验组对培训方式的效果进行评价.结果 实验组学员考核成绩显著优于对照组成绩,有统计学差异(P<0.05).结论 技能培训中引入情景模拟教学对血液净化专业护士临床工作能力的培养较传统方法有明显优势,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

目的:评估中美联合院前急救培训课程的培训效果,进一步优化培训方法,促进中国院前急救培训的标准化与规范化发展。方法:联合培训组选取参加2010年度中美联合院前急救培训课程的浙江省院前急救医生共113名,采用专门编写的《浙江省院前急救知识与技能规范化培训教材》和以模拟情景教学方法为主的综合教学方法,就"理论知识"、"止血+包扎+固定+搬运"、"气管插管"、"心肺复苏"等方面进行授课。中美双方师资配比为1∶2,理论与技能培训时间比为1∶2。培训前后进行理论与技能考核,考核后对所有学员进行课程评估问卷调查。对照组选取同期参加其它地市急救中心举办的院前急救培训班学员共85名,培训教材选用本科教材《急诊医学》,培训师资由中方院前急救高年资医生组成,培训方法以除模拟情景教学方法以外的其它综合教学方法,培训内容、时间、考核方法等同联合培训组。t检验比较每组学员培训前后得分与两组学员培训前后得分差值的差异,以P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。结果:每组学员培训后理论知识与各项技能得分均明显优于培训前。联合培训组学员的理论知识、止血+包扎+固定+搬运、气管插管等项目得分优于对照组(P<0.05),心肺复苏与心律失常处理项目两组得分无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:中美联合培训课程能显著提高中国院前急救医生对急救知识与技能的掌握,尤其在理论知识、止血+包扎+固定+搬运、气管插管等项目培训效果优于传统培训方法,但对心肺复苏与心律失常处理等项目无明显优势。  相似文献   

Medical Education 2010: 44 : 347–357 Objectives There are recognised difficulties in teaching and assessing intimate examination skills that relate to the sensitive nature of the various examinations and the anxiety faced by novice learners. This systematic review provides a summary of the evidence for the involvement of real patients (RPs) and simulated patients (SPs) in the training of health care professionals in intimate examination skills. Methods For the review, ‘intimate examinations’ included pelvic, breast, testicular and rectal examinations. Major databases were searched from the start of the database to December 2008. The synthesis of findings is integrated by narrative structured to address the main research questions, which sought to establish: the objectives of programmes involving RPs and SPs as teachers of intimate examination skills; reasons why SPs have been involved in this training; the evidence for the effectiveness of such training programmes; the evidence for measures of anxiety in students learning how to perform intimate examinations; how well issues of sexuality are addressed in the literature; any reported negative effects of involvement in teaching on the patients, and suggestions for practical strategies for involving patients in the teaching of intimate examination skills. Results A total of 65 articles were included in the review. Involving patients in teaching intimate examination skills offers advantages over traditional methods of teaching. Objective evidence for the effectiveness of this method is demonstrated through improved clinical performance, reduced anxiety and positive evaluation of programmes. Practical strategies for implementing such programmes are also reported. Conclusions There is evidence of a short‐term positive impact of patient involvement in the teaching and assessment of intimate examination skills; however, evidence of longer‐term impact is still limited. The influences of sexuality and anxiety related to such examinations are explored to some extent, but the psychological impact on learners and patients is not well addressed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Consultation skills are vitally important in general practice (GP), and now form part of the summative assessment of GP registrars in the UK. GP trainers need to be skilled in teaching consultation skills, and also need the time and resources to ensure that their registrars are competent in consultation skills. AIMS: To describe the teaching methods used by GP trainers in one deanery, the frequency of teaching of consultation skills, the problems encountered and the training that GP trainers have themselves received both in consultation skills and how to teach them. METHOD: Postal questionnaire survey of all the 164 trainers in the Yorkshire Deanery. RESULTS: Replies were received from 129 trainers (response rate 79%) of which 123 could be analysed. Of these trainers, 45 (37%) trainers taught consultation skills fewer than five times a year, 45 (37%) five to 10 times, and 14 (11%) more than 10 times a year. A total of 24 trainers reported problems with teaching consultation skills, most commonly lack of time, technical difficulties, and unreceptive registrars, and 97 (79%) trainers had had some postgraduate training in consultation skills with 112 (91%) reporting some form of teacher training. CONCLUSION: There is considerable variation in the reported frequency of teaching consultation skills, the models used, and the preparation of trainers for teaching, despite a systematic approach to teacher training in the Yorkshire Deanery.  相似文献   

临床医学技能培训中心的建立和完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过建立和完善临床医学技能培训中心,探讨临床医学实践教学的有效途径。我院自1999年以来陆续投资1500万元建造了临床技能培训中心,并有目的、有步骤地完善临床技能培训和考核中心的功能,为医学实践教学提供了设备完备、环境逼真、技能训练规范的教学环境;并结合教学对象及其教学目的、教学方式方法和师资状况,整合设置了不同类型的培训项目;开展不同层次的临床技能培训,为学员临床实践能力的提高奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

Effective education of practical skills can alter clinician behaviour, positively influence patient outcomes, and reduce the risk of patient harm. This study compares the efficacy of two innovative practical skill teaching methods, against a traditional teaching method. Year three pre-clinical physiotherapy students consented to participate in a randomised controlled trial, with concealed allocation and blinded participants and outcome assessment. Each of the three randomly allocated groups were exposed to a different practical skills teaching method (traditional, pre-recorded video tutorial or student self-video) for two specific practical skills during the semester. Clinical performance was assessed using an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). The students were also administered a questionnaire to gain the participants level of satisfaction with the teaching method, and their perceptions of the teaching methods educational value. There were no significant differences in clinical performance between the three practical skill teaching methods as measured in the OSCE, or for student ratings of satisfaction. A significant difference existed between the methods for the student ratings of perceived educational value, with the teaching approaches of pre-recorded video tutorial and student self-video being rated higher than ‘traditional’ live tutoring. Alternative teaching methods to traditional live tutoring can produce equivalent learning outcomes when applied to the practical skill development of undergraduate health professional students. The use of alternative practical skill teaching methods may allow for greater flexibility for both staff and infrastructure resource allocation.  相似文献   

目的探讨微课结合案例教学法在年轻护士临床规范化培训中的应用方法和效果。方法以该院2017届培训的44名年轻护士为干预组,予以微课结合案例教学;以2016届培训的52名年轻护士为对照组,予以传统带教。比较观察两组培训后考核成绩及学习兴趣、学习能力、分析能力、合作能力提升率。结果干预组理论知识考核成绩(89.74±6.25)分,实践技能考核成绩(84.53±7.29)分,明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。干预组学习兴趣、学习能力、分析能力、合作能力提升率分别为86.36%、77.27%、70.45%、50.00%,不同程度高于对照组。结论微课结合案例教学法用于临床规范化培训可有效提高年轻护士理论知识、实践技能与能力。  相似文献   

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