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The main objectives of this survey were to examine the attitudes of Hong Kong occupational therapy students toward older people and their perception of working with older clients. A questionnaire, with 23 statements related to these two areas, was designed and distributed to all three-year occupational therapy students during the first week of the academic year. Results found that the third year students were more positive in perceiving older people and showed greater interest in working with older clients (F=7.681, p<0.001; and F=8.05, p<0.005 respectively). Similar results were also obtained in those students who had clinical experiences with older clients in the above two areas (t=2.40, p<0.01; and t=2.47, p<0.01). Hence, a positive relationship between the education programme (including subjects taught and fieldwork experience) and students' perception of older people was confirmed. However, the feedback mechanism of these two components in the teaching curriculum requires further research.  相似文献   

The present review paper uses the available evidence to make a case for a reconsideration of the practice of undertaking pre-discharge home visits with frail older people as part of decisions regarding a return home. This practice is embedded into the routine activity of acute medical wards for older people and occupies a large proportion of the time of hospital employed therapy staff, with consequent financial and resource implications. Assessments are often conducted to provide information on safe discharge rather than being located in the interests of the older person and their carer. The introduction of a new range of services bridging hospital and home raises the need for an urgent, critical appraisal of this practice.  相似文献   

The ‘successful’ ageing model has been an important influence on research, intervention and public policy around ageing for three decades. Over this time, critiques of the model have grown until the shortcomings of the approach are now generally recognised in gerontology and beyond. This paper provides a summary of these critiques with empirical support for their unintended negative effects on the well-being of older people through oppressive policies, a focus on individual responsibility and denial of death. The limitations of attempts to overcome these shortcomings are then briefly surveyed before suggesting how the ‘capability approach’ will address each of these problems and provide a new socially oriented framework for research, policy and intervention that will support the development of health and well-being for all older people.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the time use of people with schizophrenia living in the community in Japan. Time use of participants with schizophrenia was compared with people without schizophrenia. The time use of participants without a work-related routine was also compared with those with a work-related routine. As has been reported in other studies, persons with schizophrenia spend a significantly greater amount of time sleeping and resting than people without schizophrenia. However, participants with schizophrenia chose to participate not only in passive occupational categories but also in active occupational categories by selecting work, co-operative workshops, play, socialization and homemaking. Results also showed that having a work-related routine influenced time use. People with a work-related routine spent much time engaged in the work-related routines and in sleeping, and people without the routine spent much time sleeping, listening to music, watching TV, and reading magazines. The present study contributes to developing knowledge that supports occupational therapy practice focused on occupational choice including routine occupations to build a healthy life for people with schizophrenia living in the community. To explore further the relationship between time use and health, further research would be needed to study individual experiences in occupations.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to obtain the views of frail older people with communication impairments using an innovative interviewing method, Talking Mats. People with a communication disability are often omitted from qualitative research studies since they cannot respond to the more traditional methods of interviewing. However, their views are important and they may, in fact, have additional insights because of their communication situation. The 10 participants in this study were frail older people with a range of communication difficulties with causes including stroke, dementia and hearing loss. They had all recently (within 6 months) moved into care homes. Each participant was interviewed using Talking Mats to obtain their views on four aspects of their life: activities, people, environment and self. The findings are presented in a visual way, and the four life themes are discussed with reference to the different participants. Many insights were gained, such as the participants' views of the activities which they like and dislike, and the views of some of the people in the study about their nursing home environment. The advantages of the Talking Mats as an interview method for research, practice and policy in the care of frail older people are described. The study concludes that Talking Mats is a useful and enjoyable method of allowing frail older people with a communication disability to express views which they have difficulty conveying otherwise.  相似文献   

Many people who have urinary incontinence and who may benefit from healthcare and professional advice do not currently access UK National Health Service services, even though effective treatments are available in the community. Older people have an increased prevalence of incontinence and a correspondingly increased need for continence services. Therefore, increasing older people's access to continence services has the potential to reduce inequalities and improve quality of life. The present study aimed to identify older people with urinary incontinence living in the community, to describe and compare the characteristics of users and non-users of continence services, and to identify factors which prevent older people seeking help. A cross-sectional postal survey of patients aged over 65 years registered with four general practices in an urban area found an overall prevalence of 39% of older people with urinary incontinence, only 15% of whom had accessed services. Two-thirds of respondents who reported that they experienced urinary leakage several times per week to all the time, and up to two-thirds of those reporting leakage of moderate or large volumes of leakage had not accessed services. The majority of older people are in regular contact with health professionals, and the greatest single influence on use of services was that of being asked whether there were continence problems by a health professional. Being married or having a partner, experiencing less pain generally, and suffering relatively high frequency and volumes of urinary leakage also appeared to be associated independently with continence service use. In conclusion, there appears to be considerable unmet need for continence services. Health professionals should be aware that incontinence is an important health problem for older people, and by asking older people specifically about urinary leakage, they could reduce inequalities in use of services.  相似文献   

Background  Sleep disorders differ widely in the heterogeneous older adult population. Older adults can be classified into three groups based upon their overall level of disability: healthy, dependent, and frail. Frailty is an emerging concept that denotes older persons at increased risk for poor outcomes. Objective  The aim of this consensus review is to describe the sleep disorders observed in healthy and dependent older adults and to discuss the potential sleep disorders associated with frailty as well as their potential consequences on this weakened population. Methods  A review task force was created including neurologists, geriatricians, sleep specialists and geriatric psychiatrists to discuss age related sleep disorders depending on the three categories of older adults. All published studies on sleep in older adults on Ovid Medline were reviewed and 106 articles were selected for the purpose of this consensus. Results  Many healthy older adults have complains about their sleep such as waking not rested and too early, trouble falling asleep, daytime napping, and multiple nocturnal awakenings. Sleep architecture is modified by age with an increased percentage of time spent in stage one and a decreased percentage spent in stages three and four. Insomnia is frequent and its mechanisms include painful medical conditions, psychological distress, loss of physical activity and iatrogenic influences. Treatments are also involved in older adults’ somnolence. The prevalence of primary sleep disorders such as restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movements and sleep disordered breathing increases with age. Potential outcomes relevant to these sleep disorders in old age include mortality, cardiovascular and neurobehavioral co-morbidities. Sleep in dependent older adults such as patients with Alzheimer Disease (AD) is disturbed. The sleep patterns observed in these patients are often similar to those observed in non-demented elderly but alterations are more severe. Nocturnal sleep disruption and daytime sleepiness are the main problems. They are the results of Sleep/wake circadian rhythm disorders, environmental, psychological and iatrogenic factors. They are worsened by other sleep disorders such as sleep disordered breathing. Sleep in frail older adults per se has not yet been formally studied but four axes of investigation should be considered: i) sleep architecture abnormalities, ii) insomnia iii) restless legs syndrome (RLS), iv) sleep disordered breathing. Conclusion  Our knowledge in the field of sleep disorders in older adults has increased in recent years, yet some groups within this heterogeneous population, such as frail older adults, remain to be more thoroughly studied and characterized.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate a 1‐year social farming programme conducted between 2014 and 2015, including horticultural and occupational activities on six agricultural farms for older people in good general health. Social farming is a practice that uses agricultural resources to provide health, social or educational services to vulnerable groups of people. Activity participation, social relationships, physical activity, and the quality of life of the participants were assessed using a pretest, posttest design. A total of 112 subjects were interviewed at baseline, though only 73 participants were retained through the end of the follow‐up, resulting in a dropout rate of 34%. Data analysis revealed significant improvements in both social relationships and overall occupational engagement at the end of the programme, with significant increases in the frequency of contact with friends or relatives as well as the number of activities performed by the participants. This work adds to the literature on the effects of social farming and indicates that farming may provide opportunities for older people to engage in activities that stimulate social behaviours.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A comparative study of the causes of new episodes of homelessness among people aged 50 years and over has been undertaken in Australia, the United States and England. Semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect information on the circumstances and problems that contributed to homelessness. METHODS: This paper presents the findings from Australia, where information was obtained from 125 older homeless people (aged 50+ years) and their key workers in Melbourne. All three participating nations followed identical research methodologies. RESULTS: The factors most frequently reported by respondents as contributing to their homelessness were problems with people with whom they lived, followed by physical and mental ill-health and problems associated with the housing itself. The most frequently reported factors by case workers were problems with alcohol, followed by physical and mental health factors. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates a significant under-utilisation of housing and support services among recently homeless older people and provides evidence that people who had previously been homeless appear to be more resigned to their homelessness than do those who had not experienced homelessness before. Significant issues relating to depression and gambling were also noted. The findings support the need for more targeted, specialised services to be developed or improved such that older homeless people can readily gain access to them and for improved collaboration or information exchange among housing providers and welfare agencies.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a systematic review of full or partial economic evaluations that included questions to service users or their carers to elicit information on the types, amounts or costs of community-based formal social care support provided to people 65 years and older. We have found that studies seldom report use of published validated questions for eliciting information from older people in the UK about their use of formal social care services. Given the political prominence of the debate over funding social care for older people, there remains a need for analysis of policy options. This requires reliable data on the receipt and payment for care. We recommend the development of improved questions on care that are clear, robust and up-to-date with developments in policy and practice.  相似文献   

Background/aims:  This study investigated the time use, role participation and life satisfaction of older Australians (aged 65 years and older) who were 1–3 years post-stroke and living in the community. The results of this study were compared with a published study on the time use, role participation and life satisfaction of older Australians who had not experienced stroke.
Methods:  Twenty-three participants with stroke (mean age 74.2 years, 69.6% men) were interviewed using measures of time use, role participation and life satisfaction.
Results:  Participants with stroke spent most of their time in sleep (7.2 h/day), solitary leisure (7.0 h/day), social leisure (3.0 h/day), and basic activities of daily living (2.9 h/day). Compared to the sample without stroke, participants with stroke spent significantly less time in sleep, instrumental activities of daily living, and volunteer work, and significantly more time at home, with others, and engaged in solitary leisure. Similar to the sample without stroke, the most common roles for participants with stroke were family member, friend, and home maintainer. Participants with stroke engaged in fewer roles than participants without stroke. Unlike the sample without stroke, role loss was not correlated with life satisfaction for participants with stroke; however, having more roles was correlated with greater life satisfaction.
Conclusion:  Experiencing a stroke can affect the configuration of older people's time use and reduce their role participation. Facilitation of older people's role participation after stroke may enhance their life satisfaction.  相似文献   

Background: There is growing interest in enabling older adults’ occupational performance. We tested whether 11 weeks of intensive client-centred occupational therapy (ICC-OT) was superior to usual practice in improving the occupational performance of home-dwelling older adults.

Methods: An assessor-masked randomized controlled trial among adults 60?+?with chronic health issues, who received or applied for homecare services. Recruitment took place September 2012 to April 2014. All participants received practical and personal assistance and meal delivery as needed. In addition, they were randomized to receive either a maximum 22 sessions of occupation-based ICC-OT (N?=?59) or to receive usual practice with a maximum three sessions of occupational therapy (N?=?60). The primary outcome was self-rated occupational performance assessed with the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM).

Results: No important adverse events occurred. ICC-OT was accepted by 46 participants (88%), usual practice by 60 (100%). After 3 months, the ICC-OT-group had improved 1.86 points on COPM performance; the Usual-Practice group had improved 0.61 points. The between-group difference was statistically significant (95% confidence interval 0.50 to 2.02), t-test: p?=?0.001.

Conclusions: ICC-OT improved older adults’ occupational performance more effectively than usual practice. This result may benefit older adults and support programmatic changes.  相似文献   

The number of older homeless people with a limited life expectancy is increasing. European studies on their health‐related characteristics are lacking. This study compared self‐reported health, healthcare service use and health‐related needs of older and younger homeless people in the Netherlands. It is part of a cohort study that followed 513 homeless people in the four major Dutch cities for a period of 2.5 years, starting from the moment they registered at the social relief system in 2011. Using cross‐sectional data from 378 participants who completed 2.5‐year follow‐up, we analysed differences in self‐reported health, healthcare service use, and health‐related needs between homeless adults aged ≥50 years (N = 97) and <50 years (N = 281) by means of logistic regression. Results show that statistically significantly more older than younger homeless people reported cardiovascular diseases (23.7% versus 10.3%), visual problems (26.8% versus 14.6%), limited social support from family (33.0% versus 19.6%) and friends or acquaintances (27.8% versus 14.6%), and medical hospital care use in the past year (50.5% versus 34.5%). Older homeless people statistically significantly less often reported cannabis (12.4% versus 45.2%) and excessive alcohol (16.5% versus 27.0%) use in the past month and dental (20.6% versus 46.6%) and mental (16.5% versus 25.6%) healthcare use in the past year. In both age groups, few people reported unmet health‐related needs. In conclusion, compared to younger homeless adults, older homeless adults report fewer substance use problems, but a similar number of dental and mental problems, and more physical and social problems. The multiple health problems experienced by both age groups are not always expressed as needs or addressed by healthcare services. Older homeless people seem to use more medical hospital care and less non‐acute, preventive healthcare than younger homeless people. This vulnerable group might benefit from shelter‐based or community outreach programmes that proactively provide multidisciplinary healthcare services.  相似文献   

目的通过对社区正常老年人进行睡眠和(或)记忆干预,探讨睡眠对老年人记忆的影响。方法采用随机抽样的方法,应用行为记忆测验工具第2版(RBMT-Ⅱ)和匹兹堡睡眠指数量表(PSQI)对河北省唐山市某社区60岁~的老年人分睡眠+记忆干预组、单纯记忆干预组和对照组进行记忆功能和睡眠质量测试。结果与对照组比较,2个干预组回忆信息(即刻)、面部再认、定向等7项差异均有统计学意义(P0.05);回忆故事(即刻)、回忆姓名和PSQI得分,睡眠+记忆干预组分别为(5.37±2.32),(3.50±0.57),(6.53±3.28)分,较单纯记忆干预组的(4.22±1.41),(2.73±1.62),(8.70±2.84)分亦有提高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论老年人睡眠质量对记忆有一定影响,在记忆干预基础上配合睡眠干预,能更好地延缓老年人记忆功能的下降。  相似文献   

In the UK and Europe, malnutrition in older people is a significant and continuing problem. Malnutrition predisposes to disease, impedes recovery from illness, increases mortality and is costly to society. Despite the high number of older people potentially at risk, malnutrition in care homes has been under explored. There is concern that national guidelines regarding the nutritional care of older people in residential care homes are not always implemented. This qualitative study explored the factors that influence the nutritional care provided to residents in two different types of local authority residential care homes (providing personal care) in Wales. One home had communal dining rooms; the other had eight bedded units with their own kitchen and dining facilities. The sample of 45 participants, comprised 19 staff (managers, care and catering staff), 16 residents and 10 residents' relatives. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, focus groups, observation and documentary review between August 2009 and January 2010. This paper focuses on how staff assessed and addressed residents' nutritional needs. In both care homes, staff strove to be responsive to residents' dietary preferences, provided person-centred care and worked in partnership with residents and their families to provide nutritious food in a homely environment. Neither home conducted nutritional screening to identify those at risk of malnutrition, contrary to national guidelines, but relied on ad hoc observation and monitoring. The staff's knowledge of special dietary needs was limited. A need for further training for care home staff regarding the importance of nutrition in maintaining health in older people, use of nutritional screening and special dietary needs was identified. Shared nutrition training between health and social care staff needs expansion and policy implications in terms of an enhanced regulatory focus on maintaining nutritional needs in care homes are proposed.  相似文献   

The benefits of art therapies on older people's health have been well documented. However, studies into the perspectives of pedagogues on conducting arts interventions are scarce and no empirical evidence of the views of professional pedagogues views have been published to date. In this study, seven professional art pedagogues were interviewed using a thematic interview approach focusing on the pedagogues’ experiences of conducting arts interventions with a family caregiver and care recipient dyads. The interviews were analysed inductively using thematic content analysis. According to the analysis, three intersecting themes were found that both steered the pedagogical process and emerged from the process: holistic pedagogy, professional development and witnessing. The themes revealed a further understanding of approaches to the interviewees’ teaching and the value of participatory community arts in practice. The pedagogues’ experiences encourage art pedagogy to be acknowledged in a wider context within communities and healthcare environments. Further studies on interdisciplinary projects in collaboration with art pedagogues and healthcare professionals are encouraged.  相似文献   

Using the theory of multiproduct cost functions, this paper derives a cost function for physically frail older people living in private households, based on data collected between 1991 and 1995, for 472 subjects aged 65 years of age or over in four areas of England. The main characteristic of the cost function is that output categories are classified in terms of movements between different health states. These were measured by changes in activities of daily living (ADL) over 2 years, with ‘low’ ADL representing better functional ability than ‘high’ ADL. Empirical application of the approach, using four states defined in terms of worsening progression (stable low ADL; deteriorated or improved ADL; stable high ADL; deceased), indicated more favourable states were associated with lower costs. Multivariate analysis showed that the derived states were significantly related to costs which, when combined with variables indicating presence of particular chronic health conditions (diabetes or previous stroke), admission to continuing care accommodation and household structure, explained one-fifth of the variation in log average costs per week. Variables such as age, sex, carer input, social networks and level of cognitive functioning had no independent impact on costs. These findings could be used as a starting point for those interested in predicting the cost implications associated with the ageing population.Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes the first part of a two-stage research project designed to investigate the clinical and service outcomes of a comprehensive intermediate care service. It is a baseline study of patients presenting to two elderly care departments as emergencies with the clinical syndromes of falls, incontinence, confusion or poor mobility before the introduction of a city-wide intermediate care service. The outcome measures were: mortality; disability (Barthel Index, BI); social activities (Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living); service use; and carer distress (General Health Questionnaire -28). These were measured at 3, 6 and 12 months after recruitment. Eight hundred and twenty-three patients were recruited (median age = 84 years; proportion of women = 70%; proportion with cognitive impairment = 45%; median BI score = 15). There was a high mortality rate (36%), evidence for incomplete recovery, a gradual decline in independence over 12 months and a high degree of carer stress. There was little use of rehabilitation services (< 5%), about 25% required readmission to hospital by each assessment point and there was a gradual increase in institutional care admissions. These findings support a needs-based argument for a more comprehensive community service for frail older people.  相似文献   

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