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腹膜透析以其简单便捷、安全有效、居家治疗,成为终末期肾脏疾病适宜的替代治疗方式之一。中国作为人口大国,近年来随着城乡基本医疗保险制度的普及和国家卫生政策的调控,腹膜透析患者持续增长,中国的腹膜透析事业正面临新的机遇和挑战,因此重视中国腹膜透析的临床技术改进和科学研究探索,势在必行。现就中国腹膜透析的现状及挑战;优化国人特点的个体化腹膜透析治疗方案,以循证医学促进治疗质量的提高;强化质量控制管理,努力构建腹膜透析治疗同质化;夯实腹膜透析研究基础,拓展腹膜透析相关自主知识产权产品领域等做一述评,以期为腹膜透析临床和基础研究提供新的思路,获得更大的社会经济效益。  相似文献   

目的调查我院维持中心血液透析、腹膜透析治疗患者的生活质量,为临床合理选择治疗方案提供参考。方法对维持目前透析方式6个月以上的中心血液透析、腹膜透析患者,通过查阅病历资料、门诊随诊和问卷调查等方式,调查透析患者现阶段的生活质量(KDQOL~SF)。结果完成病例调查86例,其中血液透析36例,腹膜透析50例。两组患者在性别、年龄、文化程度、付费方式、收入、原发病、透析时间等背景上没有显著差异。腹膜透析组在总体健康、精神健康、情感职能、躯体疼痛以及肾病负担、社交质量、症状与不适、肾病影响、患者满意度等指标得分高于血液透析组。结论腹膜透析患者在生活质量的某些维度上优于血液透析患者,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

We examined adjustment to school of children with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and the psychological condition of their mothers; 30 children on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), 35 children with a transplant and 33 healthy children were studied. A factorial ANOVA statistic found that the mean scores for non-academic problems (psychological factors) differed significantly across the three groups, being highest in CAPD children and lowest in healthy children. No significant differences between CAPD and transplant children were found for school maladjustment with academic problems, although the prevalence differed significantly across the groups, being highest in transplant children and lowest in healthy children. The mothers of children with ESRD were prone to feel various anxieties and dependency.  相似文献   

We examined the growth, development and nutritional status over a period of 10 years of 15 young children (<2 years old) on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). There were 6 males and 9 females with a mean age of 12.5 months, mean weight of 6.3 kg, mean height of 66.2 cm at the start of CAPD and a mean duration of therapy of 2.6 years. Height, weight, head circumference, development quotient (DQ), blood chemistry and dietary intake were assessed over a period of 10 years. The patients' mean height standard deviation score (SDS) did not change significantly (from –2.51 to –2.74) during CAPD therapy. The mean growth velocity index (GVI) during CAPD was 76.5% and correlated positively with energy intake but not with protein intake. The mean DQ was low (67.0%) at the start of CAPD and 69.3% at the end of CAPD. DQ did not correlate with energy intake, GVI, head circumference SDS or with the weight/height ratio; however, 2 patients with low DO (<60%) had a low energy intakes. Although most patients had a low DQ, the IQ at 5–6 years of age was normal in all patients except 1 without cerebral disease. Our study showed minimal growth (SDS) and mental developmental (IQ) delays during CAPD therapy, but an adequate nutritional intake must be assured to obtain the above results.  相似文献   

Since 15 December 1991 four swan neck presternal catheters (SNPC) have been implanted in four children aged 2–11 years. The observation period ranged from 4 to 10 months. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of a new peritoneal dialysis catheter implantation method in paediatric patients. The indications for insertion of the SNPC were: young age, use of nappies, obesity and recurrent exit site infection (ESI). The surgical technique of the SNPC implantation was similar to that used for adults. The chest location of the catheter exit site is advantageous for the following reasons: (1) easier care of a small child because of greater distance from nappies, (2) better healing and decreased risk of ESI in the area with less fat thickness and (3) less trauma. A larger number of children with a longer follow-up is necessary for better evaluation of the SNPC, as well as for estimation of frequency of ESI and peritonitis.  相似文献   

Background. A growing number of patients are returning to dialysisafter renal transplant failure. The aim of this study is todetermine whether peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a safe and goodtreatment option for these patients. Methods. All patients returning to PD or haemodialysis (HD)after renal transplant failure before 1 October 2002 at theUniversity Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium, were evaluated.Data were collected until death, retransplantation (reTx), transferto HD or PD or until 1 January 2003. Results. Twenty-one patients starting PD (PDpostTx-group) and39 patients starting HD (HDpostTx-group) after renal transplantfailure were included in the study. There were no significantdifferences in age, sex, serum albumin- and CRP-levels at baseline.The total time on renal replacement therapy at transplant failureand time to transplant failure did not differ between the twogroups either. Furthermore, the baseline comorbidity was similarin both groups. During follow-up, the outcome did not differsignificantly between the two groups. However, there was a tendencytowards higher patient survival and reTx tended to be more frequentin the PDpostTx-group. Moreover, patients in the HDpostTx-grouptended to accrue more new comorbidity. The incidence of peritonitisand the evolution of dialysis adequacy (renal and peritonealKt/V and creatinine clearances) with time in the PDpostTx-groupwas similar to that seen in our centre's PD patients who hadnever undergone transplantation before. Conclusions. This study suggests that the outcome in patientsstarting PD after renal transplant failure is at least as goodas the outcome in those starting HD. Although these observationalfindings warrant further confirmation, PD therefore can be regardedas a safe and good treatment option for patients returning todialysis after renal transplant failure.  相似文献   

Within the past year at our transplant center we have had the experience of performing renal allografts in two patients older than 65 years, each of whom had been on hemodialysis more than 10 years. Both resulted in patient mortality within 90 days of transplant (one due to myocardial infarction, the other due to visceral ischemia with infarction). This prompted us to review retrospectively our own data (n = 204) and the national (UNOS) data (n = 10 971) regarding transplant outcome, patient age, and length of time on dialysis prior to renal transplantation. This review revealed that patient mortality after transplant increased with the length of end-stage renal disease (dialysis, regardless of type) independent of age, the greatest mortality occurring within the first 6 months of transplant (and not thereafter); graft survival was similar for all age cohorts analyzed. Our review of the literature reveals a paucity of articles pertaining to post-transplant mortality and length of time on dialysis prior to transplant. Our results indicate the following possible conclusions. (1) The length of time of end-stage renal disease therapy prior to renal transplantation is a significant and independent risk factor for post-transplant mortality. (2) Higher priority should be given to this factor when formulating strategies for allocation of scarce resources. (3) Patients on dialysis for extended periods of time who are elderly may be at particularly high risk. (4) Patients being considered for renal transplant should be informed of their individual risk factors for mortality post-transplant based on length of ESRD therapy. (5) Renal transplantation should be considered as early as possible in patients with ESRD (or imminent ESRD).  相似文献   

A retrospective review of patients transplanted from peritoneal dialysis was performed to assess the risk of this form of dialysis for patients awaiting renal transplantation. Eighteen transplants have been performed in 16 patients, ages 6 to 57 years, undergoing chronic peritoneal dialysis over the past 4 years. Sixteen were from cadaver donors, and two were from living related donors (LRD). The patients had been undergoing intermittent peritoneal dialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) using permanent silastic catheters, from five days to 4 years. No patient had clinical evidence for peritonitis at the time of transplantation. The peritoneal catheter was removed at the time of transplant in all cadaver donor recipients without complication. One recipient of a LRD kidney had the catheter removed two days prior to transplant. Cultures of the catheter were sterile in 16 cases. Two patients had positive peritoneal catheter cultures at the time of transplant but were treated with appropriate antibiotics and never developed clinical peritonitis. Fourteen transplants had postoperative fevers. No definite source was found in 13; one had fever in relation to acute graft rejection. The fevers resolved in all patients either spontaneously or subsequent to therapy. Other complications were similar to those seen in patients transplanted from hemodialysis. Hemodialysis was performed as needed pretransplant and posttransplant using a temporary femoral vein catheter or arteriovenous fistula without complication. Nine patients are alive with a functioning kidney 1 to 36 months posttransplant (mean 17 months). Six transplants rejected (five patients), and one failed secondary to renal vein thrombosis. Two patients died posttransplant, one after a cerebrovascular accident, and one due to an unknown cause 1 month postnephrectomy for rejection. In conclusion, patients undergoing chronic peritoneal dialysis can be successfully transplanted without a significant incidence of complications related to their peritoneal dialysis.  相似文献   

Protein-energy malnutrition is a major problem in dialysis patients. There is increased morbidity and mortality in dialysis patients with malnutrition. There are very few published studies on nutritional parameters and adequacy of dialysis from the developing world and especially from Africa. There was a significant improvement in neuromuscular function and nutrition in 22 hemodialysis patients in Egypt with optimization of dialysis dose and nutritional status. In a study of 82 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients in Durban, South Africa, there was a reduction in the number of hospital admissions in adequately dialyzed patients (achieving Kt/V of >2.1). In another study of 84 CAPD patients from the same center, 76.2% of patients were assessed as being malnourished, with loss of appetite being an important etiological factor. Strategies to optimize dialysis dose, together with services of a renal dietician, will assist in improving the nutrition of patients with chronic renal failure.  相似文献   

目的 比较持续性不卧床腹膜透析与肾移植术对终末期肾病患者生存质量的影响.方法 选择2011年2月至2012年12月在昆明医科大学第一附属医院和昆明医科大学第二附属医院接受持续性不卧床腹膜透析或肾移植术3个月以上的105例终末期肾病患者,其中54例接受肾移植术[肾移植组,男35例,女19例,平均年龄(39±10)岁],51例接受持续性不卧床腹膜透析[腹膜透析组,男30例,女21例,平均年龄(41±10)岁],采用KDQOL-SFTM 1.2量表对其生存质量进行评估.采用t检验进行数据统计.结果 肾移植组SF-36总分及其分支领域得分(精力状况除外)均显著高于腹膜透析组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).肾移植组KDTA总分、症状、肾病影响、肾病负担、性功能、睡眠及社会支持得分均高于腹膜透析组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),两组工作状况、认知功能、社交质量得分差异无统计学意义.结论 肾移植者的生活质量优于接受维持性腹膜透析者.  相似文献   

肾移植后贫血改善机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过本中心透析移植患者各30例及30例正常人的对照研究,表明透析组患者均有不同程度的贫血,而移植组贫血得到明显改善;分别测定三组的血促红细胞生成素(EPO)浓度,正常人组为125.19±38.04pg/ml,透析组为116.58±30.75pg/ml,而移植组为181.08±64.05pg/ml,说明终末期肾病(ESRD)患者与正常人相比血EPO浓度并无明显降低,而肾移植患者血EPO却明显升高,其贫血的改善与EPO有关。  相似文献   

Fourteen patients (aged 5.9–22.1 years) undergoing continuous ambulatory or cycling peritoneal dialysis were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO), which was given intravenously once a week at a dosage of 300 units/kg. The mean haematocrit level increased from 18.5% to 27.5% and the reticulocyte count from 19 to 62 within 1 month. After an average time of 3.1 months rhEPO dosage could be adjusted to 100 units/kg per week to keep the haematocrit level at 30%. Only 1 patient had an exacerbation of hypertension, which required a dosage reduction; other side-effects were not noted.  相似文献   

Summary: Uraemic dyslipidaemia is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease in end-stage renal failure patients. In patients without renal failure, high levels and qualitative abnormalities of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are known to be atherogenic. Recently, LDL subfraction analysis has associated premature coronary artery disease with a high prevalence of small, dense LDL particles characterizing the LDL subclass phenotype B. We therefore examined the lipid profiles, LDL subfraction distribution and phenotypes in our population of haemodialysis (HD; n = 30) and peritoneal dialysis patients (PD; n = 17), and compared them to 40 asymptomatic, non-uraemic volunteers. Dialysis patients had significantly higher triglyceride and VLDL cholesterol concentrations and lower HDL cholesterol and smaller LDL peak particle diameters. PD patients had significantly higher total cholesterol, glycated haemoglobin and fasting blood glucose levels with smaller LDL peak particle diameters (24.4 [0.1] vs 24.8 [0.1 nm] than HD. Both groups showed significant negative correlations between plasma triglyceride and LDL peak particle diameter, and positive correlations between HDL cholesterol and LDL peak particle diameter. All the PD patients expressed the B phenotype (LDL peak diameter ± 25.5 nm) compared to 73% of HD patients. This study demonstrates that HD and especially PD patients have atherogenic lipid profiles which are associated with a predominance of small dense LDL particles and the highly atherogenic LDL subclass phenotype B.  相似文献   

We describe a laparoscopic two-puncture technique for the placement of a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter. With a mean follow-up period of 8 months the short-term results of the first 19 laparoscopic catheter insertions are evaluated and discussed. It appears to be a simple, safe, and viable procedure with a low morbidity and very good results in the short term. The same technique can also be used in catheter salvage in case of outflow obstruction or cathether migration, thus increasing catheter longevity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The urine excretion of the pyridinium crosslinks of collagen,pyridinoline (PYD) and deoxypyridinoline (DPD) closely reflectbone resorption and their assay has been used as specific markersof mature collagen turnover. The aims of this study were toevaluate the use of these markers to predict the severity ofosteodystrophy in patients with chronic renal failure. METHODS: Using an isocratic ion-paired reverse-phase high-performanceliquid chromatography, PYD and DPD were determined in the serum,urine and dialysate of 48 patients with chronic renal failureundergoing haemodialysis (n=28) or continuous ambulatory peritonealdialysis (n=20). Nineteen apparently healthy subjects were studiedas controls. RESULTS: In all groups, serum and urine crosslinks excretion showed poorcorrelation with age. In the patients urine PYD/creatinine andDPD/creatinine were significantly (P0.03 and 0.001 respectively)higher than normal; urine PYD and DPD levels were highly correlatedwith each other (r=0.98) and with serum PTH (r=0.84 and 0.83respectively). The mean (SD) predialysis serum PYD, 269 (334)nmol/l, was significantly (P0.003) elevated compared with normalpatients, 4.1 (0.6) and pre-dialysis serum DPD was 82.9 (93.7)nmol/l. DPD was below the detection limit of the assay in normalsera. In the patients postdialysis decreases in serum PYD andDPD were statistically significant (P<0.0002 and P<0.0007respectively). PYD and DPD were found in the dialysate of patientson haemodialysis as well as 24-h dialysate in patients on CAPD.Dialysate PYD and DPD were highly correlated with each other(r=0.80) and with dialysate creatinine (r=0.76 and r=0.62 respectively).In the patients, the mean serum, urine and dialysate PYD andDPD increased with the duration on dialysis. These findingsconfirm that metabolic bone disease increases in patients withduration of chronic renal failure. CONCLUSION: Estimation of serum crosslinks levels has potential as an additionaltool in the diagnosis and monitoring of renal osteodystrophy.The ability to determine crosslink levels in serum and dialysateshould be particularly useful in patients who are unable toproduce urine.  相似文献   

Background Mechanical outflow obstruction and leakage from the exit site of the catheter are two common complications of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. To lessen these complications and to achieve immediate use of the catheter, we developed a new laparoscopic technique for catheter placement.Methods A total of 12 consecutive patients with end-stage renal failure were included in this study between April 2003 and July 2003. The average age of the patients was 42.4 years (range, 37–72). Patients were excluded only if a serious risk for general anesthesia was found. Using two 5-mm ports and a 3.3-mm mini-laparoscope, a peritoneal dialysis catheter was passed through a preperitoneal tunnel before the tip of the catheter was introduced into the pelvis. Routine peritoneal dialysis was started immediately after the operation while the patients were still in the operating room.Results The mean operating time was 18.6 min (range, 12–37). There was no operative morbidity. The mean follow-up period was 4.3 months (range, 3–7). No leakage of the dialysate liquid or outflow obstruction was observed during this period.Conclusion The advantages of this method include accurate placement, preperitoneal fixation, and immediate use of the catheter for routine peritoneal dialysis. We also believe that because of the preperitoneal fixation of the catheter, this technique will decrease outflow obstruction, which usually occurs due to omental wrapping or displacement of the catheter tip.  相似文献   

Summary: Serum lipids and lipoprotein (a) concentrations were measured in 91 renal transplant and 60 dialysis patients and correlations sought with clinically evident vascular disease. Serum lipoprotein (a) concentrations were greater than 300 mg/L in 24% of the renal transplant recipients and 40% of the dialysis patients. In the renal transplant recipients, low high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ( P <0.05) and high total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol ratio ( P <0.01) were more strongly associated with the presence of vascular disease than was elevated lipoprotein (a). In the dialysis patients, a low serum albumin ( P <0.05) and low serum creatinine ( P <0.001), indicative of a poor nutritional state, were associated with the presence of vascular disease. A high total serum cholesterol to HDL cholesterol ratio ( P <0.05) was indicative of ischaemic heart disease, and high total serum cholesterol ( P <0.01) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol ( P <0.01) of cerebrovascular disease. In the subpopulation on CAPD, elevated lipoprotein (a) levels were associated with cerebrovascular disease ( P <0.01). the present study demonstrates that an elevation in serum lipoprotein (a) concentration is not as strongly associated with the presence of vascular disease in patients with end-stage renal failure as are the total serum cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol and the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The influence of dialysis modality on prognosis is controversial. In the absence of randomized trials, epidemiological investigations present the best method for studying the problem. METHODS: 4568 haemodialysis (HD) and 2443 peritoneal dialysis (PD) records in 4921 dialysis patients treated between 1990 and 1999 were retrieved from the Danish Terminal Uremia register in order to determine the influence of dialysis form on prognosis. The register is national, comprehensive, and incident. RESULTS: Factors reducing survival included age, cardiovascular disease, malignancy, lung disease, diabetes, alcoholism, haematological disease, but not sex or hypertension. Transplant non-candidacy was associated with an adjusted relative risk of 4.7 (CI 4.0-5.6). PD mortality relative to HD (after correction for comorbidity and transplant candidacy) was 0.65 (CI 0.59-0.72, P<0.001) on an "as treated" and "history" analysis and 0.86 (CI 0.78-0.95, P<0.01) on an intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. The difference was confined to the first 2 years of dialysis. Change in dialysis modality was associated with increased mortality, and change from PD to HD with an accelerated mortality for the first 6 months. This was presumably due to the transfer of sick PD patients, but did not explain the difference. The relative advantage of PD was lower for diabetic patients, where it was not significant on ITT analysis. Dialysis prognosis improved by 14% during the period, with similar results for HD and PD patients. PD patients who were subsequently transplanted had a significantly shorter time to onset of graft function (3.5 vs 5.1 days, P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results show a survival advantage for PD during the first 2 years of dialysis treatment. This may be due to unregistered differences in comorbidity at the start of treatment, or may be causal, possibly due to better preservation of residual renal function. The study lends credence to the "integrative care" approach to uraemia, where patients are started on PD and transferred to HD when PD related mortality increases.  相似文献   

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