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Cancer risk assessments for inorganic arsenic have been based on human epidemiological data, assuming a linear dose response below the range of observation of tumors. Part of the reason for the continued use of the linear approach in arsenic risk assessments is the lack of an adequate biologically based dose response (BBDR) model that could provide a quantitative basis for an alternative nonlinear approach. This paper describes elements of an ongoing collaborative research effort between the CIIT Centers for Health Research, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ENVIRON International, and EPRI to develop BBDR modeling approaches that could be used to inform a nonlinear cancer dose response assessment for inorganic arsenic. These efforts are focused on: (1) the refinement of physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models of the kinetics of inorganic arsenic and its metabolites in the mouse and human; (2) the investigation of mathematical solutions for multi-stage cancer models involving multiple pathways of cell transformation; (3) the review and evaluation of the literature on the dose response for the genomic effects of arsenic; and (4) the collection of data on the dose response for genomic changes in the urinary bladder (a human target tissue for arsenic carcinogenesis) associated with in vivo drinking water exposures in the mouse as well as in vitro exposures of both mouse and human cells. An approach is proposed for conducting a biologically based margin of exposure risk assessment for inorganic arsenic using the in vitro dose response for the expression of genes associated with the obligatory precursor events for arsenic tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Arsenic is a human carcinogen that in small amounts is widely distributed in food and water. It has been regulated for almost 100 years worldwide and in the United States, on the judgment of the Royal Commission on Arsenic that a classical threshold of toxicity exists and that a daily intake of 400 (g/day is safe. Modern regulatory thinking in the United States has not accepted safe levels for carcinogens and is thus in conflict with the arsenic standard. Recent epidemics of arsenicism have quantitatively confirmed that threshold not only for the non-cancerous arsenical skin lesions but also for arsenical skin and internal cancers. Research shows that arsenic is a general gene inducer. Genes induced are involved in proliferation, recombination, amplification and the activation of viruses. This characterizes arsenic as anindirect carcinogen and provides a molecular basis for risk assessment and the observed threshold dose response. In the United States at present, about 300 cases of occupational arsenical cancer, declining in numbers, are known. Background arsenic below the drinking water standard is not known to have produced disease. The conspicuous nature of arsenical skin disease presents an unusual opportunity for a simplified survey of arsenical skin disease to support regulatory standards for arsenic.  相似文献   


The biologic effects of inorganic arsenic predominantly involve reaction of the trivalent forms with sulfhydryl groups in critical proteins in target cells, potentially leading to various toxicologic events including cancer. This mode of action is a threshold process, requiring sufficient concentrations of trivalent arsenic to disrupt normal cellular function. Nevertheless, cancer risk assessments for inorganic arsenic have traditionally utilized various dose-response models that extrapolate risks from high doses assuming low-dose linearity without a threshold. We present here an approach for a cancer risk assessment for inorganic arsenic in drinking water that involves considerations of this threshold process. Extensive investigations in mode of action analysis, in vitro studies (>0.1?µM), and in animal studies (>2?mg/L in drinking water or 2?mg/kg of diet), collectively indicate a threshold basis for inorganic arsenic-related cancers. These studies support a threshold for the effects of arsenic in humans of 50–100?µg/L in drinking water (about 65?µg/L). We then evaluate the epidemiology of cancers of the urinary bladder, lung, and skin and non-cancer skin changes for consistency with this calculated value, focusing on studies involving low-level exposures to inorganic arsenic primarily in drinking water (approximately <150?µg/L). Based on the relevant epidemiological studies with individual-level data, a threshold level for inorganic arsenic in the drinking water for these cancers is estimated to be around 100?µg/L, with strong evidence that it is between 50 and 150?µg/L, consistent with the value calculated based on mechanistic, in vitro and in vivo investigations. This evaluation provides an alternative mode of action-based approach for assessing health-protective levels for oral arsenic exposure based on the collective in vitro, in vivo, and human evidence rather than the use of a linear low-dose extrapolation based on default assumptions and theories.  相似文献   

Scientific debate surrounds the regulatory approach for evaluating carcinogenic risk of arsenic compounds. The arsenic ambient water quality criteria (AWQC), based on the assumption of a linear mode of action for skin cancer risk, results in an allowable limit of 0.018 ppb in ambient waters; the drinking water Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) was determined using a similar linear approach. Integration of results from recent studies investigating arsenic’s mode of action provide the basis for a change in the approach for conducting an arsenic cancer risk assessment. Results provide support for a concentration demonstrating a dose-dependent transition in response from those representing adaptive changes to those that may be key events in the development of cancer endpoints. While additional information is needed, integration of current research results provides insight for a new quantitative cancer risk assessment methodology as an alternative toxicologically-based dose response (BBDR) cancer modeling. Integration of the new experimental results, combined with epidemiological evidence, support a dose-dependent transition concentration of approximately 0.1 μM arsenic. Some uncertainties remain; additional information from chronic in vitro studies underway is needed. Results to date also provide initial insight into variability in population response at low arsenic exposures.  相似文献   

《Toxicology in vitro》2014,28(7):1196-1205
In the recent National Research Council report on conducting a dose–response assessment for inorganic arsenic, the committee remarked that mode of action data should be used, to the extent possible, to extrapolate below the observed range for epidemiological studies to inform the shape of the dose–response curve. Recent in vitro mode of action studies focused on understanding the development of bladder cancer following exposure to inorganic arsenic provide data to inform the dose–response curve. These in vitro data, combined with results of bladder cancer epidemiology studies, inform the dose–response curve in the low-dose region, and include values for both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variability. Integration of these data provides evidence of a range of concentrations of arsenic for which no effect on the bladder would be expected. Specifically, integration of these results suggest that arsenic exposures in the range of 7–43 ppb in drinking water are exceedingly unlikely to elicit changes leading to key events in the development of cancer or noncancer effects in bladder tissue. These findings are consistent with the lack of evidence for bladder cancer following chronic ingestion of arsenic water concentrations <100 ppb in epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

In the Ba Men region of Inner Mongolia, China, a high prevalence of chronic arsenism has been reported in earlier studies. A survey of the arsenic contamination among wells from groundwater was conducted to better understand the occurrence of arsenic (As) in drinking water. A total of 14,866 wells (30% of all wells in the region) were analyzed for their arsenic-content. Methods used to detect arsenic were Spectrophotometric methods with DCC-Ag (detection limit, 0.5 microg of As/L); Spot method (detection limit, 10 microg of As/L); and air assisted Colorimetry method (detection limit, 20 microg of As/L). Arsenic-concentrations ranged from below limit of detection to 1200 microg of As/L. Elevated concentrations were related to well depth (10 to 29 m), the date the well was built (peaks from 1980-1990), and geographic location (near mountain range). Over 25,900 individuals utilized wells with drinking water arsenic concentrations above 20 microg of As/L (14,500 above 50 microg of As/L-the current China national standard in drinking water and 2198 above 300 microg of As/L). The presented database of arsenic in wells of the Ba Men region provides a useful tool for planning future water explorations when combined with geological information as well as support for designing upcoming epidemiological studies on the effects of arsenic in drinking water for this region.  相似文献   

It is well known that oxidative damage plays a key role in the development of chronic arsenicosis. There is a complex set of mechanisms of redox cycling in vivo to protect cells from the damage. In this study, we examined the differences in the levels of serum thioredoxin1 (TRX1) among individuals exposed to different levels of arsenic in drinking water and detected early biomarkers of arsenic poisoning before the appearance of skin lesions. A total of 157 subjects from endemic regions of China were selected and divided into arsenicosis group with skin lesions (total intake of arsenic: 8.68-45.71 mg-year) and non-arsenicosis group without skin lesions, which further divided into low (0.00-1.06 mg-year), medium (1.37-3.55 mg-year), and high (4.26-48.13 mg-year) arsenic exposure groups. Concentrations of serum TRX1 were analyzed by an ELISA method. Levels of water arsenic and urinary speciated arsenics, including inorganic arsenic (iAs), monomethylated arsenic (MMA), and dimethylated arsenic (DMA), were determined by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Our results showed that the levels of serum TRX1 in arsenicosis patients were significantly higher than that of the subjects who were chronically exposed to arsenic, but without skin lesions. A positive correlation was seen between the levels of serum TRX1 and the total water arsenic intake or the levels of urinary arsenic species. The results of this study indicate that arsenic exposure could significantly change the levels of human serum TRX1, which can be detected before arsenic-specific dermatological symptoms occur. This study provides further evidence on revealing the mechanism of arsenic toxicity.  相似文献   

Arsenic contamination in drinking water is one of the biggest natural calamities, which has become an imperative threat to human health throughout the world. Abbreviation of erythrocyte lifespan leading to the development of anemia is a common sequel in arsenic exposed population. This study was undertaken to explore the mechanism of cell death in human erythrocytes during chronic arsenic exposure. Results revealed transformation of smooth discoid red cells into evaginated echinocytic form in the exposed individuals. Further distortion converted reversible echinocytes to irreversible spheroechinocytes. Arsenic toxicity increased membrane microviscosity along with an elevation of cholesterol/phospholipid ratio, which hampered the flexibility of red cell membrane and made them less deformable. Significant increase in the binding of merocyanine 540 with erythrocyte membrane due to arsenic exposure indicated disruption of lipid packing in the outer leaflet of the cell membrane resulting from altered transbilayer phospholipid asymmetry. Arsenic induced eryptosis was characterized by cell shrinkage and exposure of phosphatidylserine at the cell surface. Furthermore, metabolic starvation with depletion of cellular ATP triggered apoptotic removal of erythrocytes from circulation. Significant decrease in reduced glutathione content indicating defective antioxidant capacity was coupled with enhancement of malondialdehyde and protein carbonyl levels, which pointed to oxidative damage to erythrocyte membrane. Arsenic toxicity intervened into red cell membrane integrity eventually leading to membrane destabilization and hemoglobin release. The study depicted the involvement of both erythrophagocytosis and hemolysis in the destruction of human erythrocytes during chronic arsenic exposure.  相似文献   

随着我国畜牧业的快速发展,兽用抗菌药物被大量使用于动物身上,并且用量逐年上升。由于兽用抗菌药物的不合理使用,引发了耐药性的产生,从而出现了一系列治疗失败问题,给人类健康造成了潜在的危害。 因此抗菌药物的使用对人和动物健康所造成的风险受到广泛关注,目前兽用抗菌药物风险评估技术已被广泛用于预测药物引发的耐药性风险大小,揭示兽用抗菌药物的使用产生的对人和动物健康造成威胁的耐药性风险。本文主要对国内外开展的兽用抗菌药耐药性风险评估的研究进行综述,为我国开展耐药风险评估提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Differences in susceptibility between individuals can lead to variability in response to chemical exposures which in turn modify the risk of illness. As a means of exploring the basis for such differences in susceptibility, a project was undertaken to determine what data were available on the range of response variability for several health effects: neurotoxicity, reproductive/developmental toxicity, pulmonary toxicity, and cancer. In addition, modeling approaches for characterizing response variability were examined and evaluated. The main goal of this effort was to determine whether human response variability was adequately accounted for in the current risk assessment procedures for human health effects. The conclusions of the project were that few data are available, both because variability has rarely been the primary focus of study, and because data are not usually reported in such a way that response variability can be determined. Several recommendations were made to facilitate better characterization of interindividual variability, including the study of variability in available human data (e.g. the NHANES database) and allowing greater access to raw data from epidemiologic studies. In addition, the identification of relevant biomarkers, improved understanding of sources of variability, interaction of chemical effects with other exposures or pre-existing disease, and retrospective evaluations of risk assessments were recommended. It is hoped that these recommendations will stimulate research on susceptibility and response variability and encourage the reporting of data in a way that facilitates analysis of interindividual variability in response.  相似文献   

张月 《中国当代医药》2011,(28):143-144
目的:采用氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定饮用水中的砷和硒。方法:用硝酸、高氯酸混合溶液消解水样,在5%盐酸介质中,加入硫脲-抗坏血酸混合试剂,以20g/L NaBH4溶液为还原剂,测定砷、硒荧光强度。结果:在最佳实验条件下,检出限砷为0.526μg/L,硒为0.452μg/L。回收率砷为94.8%~100.3%;硒为95.1%~99.0%。结论:此方法简便,快速,准确。  相似文献   

Although exposure to high levels of arsenic in drinking water is associated with excess cancer risk (e.g., skin, bladder, and lung), lower exposures (e.g., <100–200 μg/L) generally are not. Lack of significant associations at lower exposures may be attributed to methodologic issues (e.g., inadequate statistical power, exposure misclassification), or to differences in the dose–response relationship at high versus low exposures. The objectives of this review and meta-analysis were to evaluate associations, examine heterogeneity across studies, address study design and sample size issues, and improve the precision of estimates. Eight studies of bladder cancer and low-level arsenic exposure met our inclusion criteria. Meta-analyses of never smokers produced summary relative risk estimates (SRREs) below 1.0 (highest versus lowest exposure). The SRRE for never and ever smokers combined was elevated slightly, but not significantly (1.11; 95% CI: 0.95–1.30). The SRRE was somewhat elevated among ever smokers (1.24; 95% CI: 0.99–1.56), and statistical significance was observed in some subgroup analyses; however, heterogeneity across studies was commonly present. Although uncertainties remain, low-level arsenic exposure alone did not appear to be a significant independent risk factor for bladder cancer. More studies with detailed smoking history will help resolve whether smoking is an effect modifier.  相似文献   

Region II of Chile is the most important copper mining area in the world and it shows the highest lung cancer mortality rate in the country (35/100?000). The population in Antofagasta, the main city of Region II, was exposed from 1958 to 1970 to 860?µg?m?3 arsenic (As) in drinking water and has currently been declining to 40?µg?m?3. Glutathione serves as a reducing agent and glutathione S-transferase (GST) may have an important role in As methylation capacity and body retention. In the current study, the null genotype of GSTM1 and the MspI polymorphism of CYP450 1A1 were investigated in lung cancer patients and in healthy volunteers of Region II. In males, the 2A genotype of MspI represented a highly significant estimated relative lung cancer risk (OR?=?2.60). Relative lung cancer risk for the combined 2A/null GSTM1 genotypes was 2.51, which increased with the smoking habit (OR?=?2.98). In Region II, the cancer mortality rate for As-associated cancers at least partly might be related to differences in As biotransformation. Genetic biomarkers such as 2A and GSTM1 polymorphisms in addition to DR70 as screening biomarkers might provide relevant information to identify individuals with a high risk for lung cancer as prevention and protection actions to protect public health.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of xenobiotics is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of toxic properties conventionally based on data resulting from tests in animals exposed to the substance. The assessment of dose-effect relationship includes evaluation of exposure at the site of action. More recently, emphasis is put on understanding the relationship between exposure at the site of action and the resulting effect, i.e. toxicodynamic. In this respect, results from genotoxicity studies may be a measure for exposure and at the same time of an effect. Results of toxicodynamic endpoints such as binding to receptors or release of hormones have been used when replacing default values for interspecies extrapolation. It may also be envisaged to use toxicodynamic endpoints in order to get an estimate of intraspecies variability. It was demonstrated that this approach may be helpful only if the relationship between the toxicodynamic endpoint and the definite endpoint is known by using the example of bisphenol A. Whereas there are clear effects of bisphenol A in in vitro and ex vivo studies, the classical two generation study has not been able to detect an effect on reproduction and/or fertility. Looking in the future development of toxicodynamic endpoints, gene profiling and the analysis of proteins (‘proteomics’) may be helpful tools employed in screening and being related to the mode of action are explored for their suitability in terms of toxicodynamic endpoints.  相似文献   

Arsenic is measurable in tobacco and cigarette mainstream smoke (MSS). Whether arsenic has an independent role in diseases associated with tobacco consumption is not known. Epidemiology and biomonitoring data and probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) methods were used to investigate this potential association. Analysis of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) showed that urine arsenic concentrations in tobacco consumers were not different or were lower than levels in non-consumers of tobacco. Additionally, urine arsenic levels from NHANES tobacco consumers were five-times or more lower than levels reported in epidemiology studies to be associated with adverse health effects. Results of PRA indicated that mean non-cancer hazard estimates and mean incremental lifetime cancer risk estimates were within accepted ranges. Taken together, these results suggest that arsenic may not be independently associated with tobacco consumption or diseases related to tobacco consumption.  相似文献   

During the past 20 years the EU legislation for the notification of chemicals has focussed on new chemicals and at the same time failed to cover the evaluation of existing chemicals in Europe. Therefore, in a new EU chemicals policy (REACH, Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals) the European Commission proposes to evaluate 30,000 chemicals within a period of 15 years. We are providing estimates of the testing requirements based on our personal experiences during the past 20 years. A realistic scenario based on an in-depth discussion of potential toxicological developments and an optimised tailor-made testing strategy shows that to meet the goals of the REACH policy, animal numbers may be significantly reduced below 10 million if industry would use in-house data from toxicity testing, which are confidential, if non-animal tests would be used, and if information from quantitative structure activity relationships (QSARs) would be applied in substance-tailored testing schemes. The procedures for evaluating the reproductive toxicity of chemicals have the strongest impact on the total number of animals bred for testing under REACH. We are assuming both an active collaboration with our colleagues in industry and substantial funding of the development and validation of advanced non-animal methods by the EU Commission, specifically in reproductive and developmental toxicity.  相似文献   

Human exposure to environmental chemicals is most correctly characterized as exposure to mixtures of these agents. The metals/metalloids, lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As), are among the leading toxic agents detected in the environment. Exposure to these elements, particularly at chronic low dose levels, is still a major public health concern. Concurrent exposure to Pb, Cd, or As may produce additive or synergistic interactions or even new effects that are not seen in single component exposures. Evaluating these interactions on a mechanistic basis is essential for risk assessment and management of metal/metalloid mixtures. This paper will review a number of individual studies that addressed interactions of these metals/metalloids in both experimental and human exposure studies with particular emphasis on biomarkers. In general, co-exposure to metal/metalloid mixtures produced more severe effects at both relatively high dose and low dose levels in a biomarker-specific manner. These effects were found to be mediated by dose, duration of exposure and genetic factors. While traditional endpoints, such as morphological changes and biochemical parameters for target organ toxicity, were effective measures for evaluating the toxicity of high dose metal/metalloid mixtures, biomarkers for oxidative stress, altered heme biosynthesis parameters, and stress proteins showed clear responses in evaluating toxicity of low dose metal/metalloid mixtures. Metallothionein, heat shock proteins, and glutathione are involved in regulating interactive effects of metal/metalloid mixtures at low dose levels. These findings suggest that further studies on interactions of these metal/metalloid mixtures utilizing biomarker endpoints are highly warranted.  相似文献   

Dietary exposure of the Italian population to inorganic arsenic has been assessed in the national Total Diet Study (TDS) carried out in 2012-2014. Within the TDS, food samples (>3000) were collected to be representative of the whole diet of the population, prepared as consumed, and pooled into 51 food groups, thus modelling the Italian diet. Inorganic arsenic was determined by HPLC-ICP-MS after chemical extraction and quantified in all samples. Occurrence data were combined with national individual consumption data to estimate mean and high level dietary exposure of the general population and of population subgroups according to age and gender, both at the national level and for each of the four main geographical areas of Italy. The intakes assessed are in the lower range of iAs exposure estimates in other European countries carried out without the support of the TDS approach. However, taking the lower limit of the BMDL01 range established by the EFSA as reference point, the margins of exposure are <2 for the mean intake in infants and toddlers and <1 for the 95th percentile intakes in all younger age groups. Our results indicate the goal to check and further reduce the dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic.  相似文献   

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