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目的研究我国农村土壤镉高背景地区非镉职业暴露人群尿镉的正常值范围。方法在非环境镉污染区选择土壤镉高背景区,随机选择各性别及各个年龄段的非镉暴露人群1134人(男性519人,女性615人),进行流行病学调查以及采集随机尿样,检测尿镉及尿肌酐(Cr)含量,剔除Cr浓度0.3 g/L以及3 g/L的调查对象,分析尿镉的影响因素,按95%分位数计算人群经肌酐校正后的尿镉正常值范围。结果女性的尿镉水平显著高于男性,男性吸烟者尿镉水平显著高于男性不吸烟者(P0.05),但P95值相差不大。无论男女,尿镉均值及P95均在15~30岁之间出现低谷,而在15岁以前以及30岁以后出现较高的尿镉负荷。按照15~30岁以及15和≥30岁两个年龄段分析不同性别人群的尿镉上限值,15和≥30岁女性的尿镉均值(4.18μg/gCr)及上限值(12.24μg/gCr)均明显高于其他人群的均值(4μg/gCr)及上限值(9μg/gCr);此外,所调查人群的95%尿镉上限值均超出了我国职业性镉中毒诊断标准(GBZ 17—2002)中的尿镉限值(5μg/gCr)。结论在土壤镉高背景地区,男性尿镉的95%正常值范围9μg/gCr,女性尿镉的95%正常值范围13μg/gCr。 相似文献
目的了解广西环境镉污染重点地区人群尿镉水平。方法于2014—2015年,在广西3个重金属污染重点防控区选择污染较严重的4个行政村作为污染区,同时选择3个行政村作为对照区,采集18~75岁常住居民尿液,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定尿镉水平。结果共检测1 709人,其中,污染区1 129人的尿镉水平为0.04~45.41μg/g cr,平均值为4.58μg/g cr,中位数为3.46μg/g cr,合格率为97.3%;对照区580人的尿镉水平为0.11~14.21μg/g cr,平均值为3.19μg/g cr,中位数为2.77μg/g cr,合格率为100.0%,污染区人群尿镉负荷水平显著高于对照区(P0.01)。不同性别比较,在相同研究区域,女性尿镉水平高于男性;在不同研究区域,污染区女性尿镉水平高于对照区(P0.01),男性则区域间差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。呈现随着年龄增长,调查对象尿镉水平逐步增加的趋势。结论广西环境镉污染区人群镉负荷处于相对低健康危害风险的状态,环境镉污染对人群健康依然存在潜在影响。 相似文献
目的了解贵州某镉污染区农作物污染状况及人群镉暴露水平。方法通过随机抽样方法获得调查人群(1 349人),采用三日询问法获得人群膳食消费量,原子吸收法测定膳食镉含量,电感耦合等离子质谱检测尿镉用于内暴露评估。结果采集粮食样品957份。完成186人的膳食调查和1 349人尿样筛查。污染区玉米、土豆及青菜的镉含量超过食物中镉限量值,青菜镉含量(均值0.2 mg/kg)高于其他食物,青菜镉的贡献达50.8%。污染区90%以上人群膳食镉暴露超标,90%以上人群尿镉超过2μg/g·Cr, 70%以上人群尿镉超过5μg/g·Cr, 10%左右人群尿镉超过15μg/g·Cr。结论膳食中镉主要来源为青菜,防止通过农作物—人食物链的人体镉暴露,建议定期开展健康筛查。 相似文献
镉污染区人群尿NAG同功酶水平的探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为探讨镉污染区人群尿NAG同功酶水平,对不同程度镉污染区人群进行肾功能情况调查及其尿NAG同功酶水平测定,同时取无镉污染区人群为对照。结果发现:镉污染区人群尿NAG同功酶的排泄均显著高地对对照组具有统计学意义,尤以NAG-B明显,镉污染区人群即使无肾损伤时,其尿中NAG,NAG-B排泄均显著高于对照组;同时发现尿NAG、NAG-B阳性率发生与尿镉的排泄呈明显剂量-反应关系,以NAG-B较为突出,提 相似文献
目的了解镉污染区环境生物样品污染状况和人群镉负荷水平。方法采集当地自产食品进行镉含量测定,检测人群尿镉含量。结果分别在污染区和对照区采集食品809份和88份,采集人群尿样955份和403份。结果显示,污染区食品镉含量高于对照区(包括玉米、叶菜类和根茎类蔬菜),污染区人群尿镉均值和尿镉阳性的比例均高于对照区。结论镉污染区有农产品污染,但人群镉负荷水平处于相对低危害风险的状态。 相似文献
正常人群尿镉水平的研究同济医科大学环境医学研究所(武汉市航空路,430030)陈建伟徐顺清彭良斌包克光镉为一常见的工业毒物和环境污染物,长期低剂量接触可使体内镉负荷增加并可引起慢性中毒性肾损伤。尿镉浓度主要反映体内镉负荷,是生物监测的重要指示物。不同... 相似文献
沈阳市镉污染区居民尿镉及骨密度调查 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的通过检测脱离环境镉接触人群的尿镉及骨密度,探讨镉致肾损伤的远期效应与骨密度的关系。方法选择在镉污染区连续居住20年以上的居民为调查对象,应用GMY-1型单光子骨密度吸收仪,测量其桡骨远端骨密度(BMD);用原子吸收分光光度法检测该人群的尿镉(UCd)水平。结果污染区居民的尿镉水平显著高于对照组(P〈0.05),并随着镉污染程度的增加而增高;BMD随着UCd水平的增加而下降,接触组与对照组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论长期脱离镉污染环境后,体内镉仍处于一个较高水平,并影响骨代谢导致骨密度下降。 相似文献
镉接触工人尿镉含量水平影响因素分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的分析镉接触工人尿镉含量的影响因素。方法选取深圳市3家镍-镉电池厂镉接触工人375名为接触组,另选取153名未接触镉的上岗前工人作为对照组,分析两组人群的尿镉含量水平,同时对3间镍-镉电池厂工作场所进行职业卫生学调查。结果工作场所空气中氧化镉短时间接触浓度平均为0.027 mg/m3,超标率为37.0%;接触组尿镉含量为(3.36±2.43)μmol/molCr,明显高于对照组[(2.09±1.74)μmol/molCr](P<0.01),接触组女性尿镉含量为(3.68±2.92)μmol/molCr,明显高于男性接触组[(2.76±2.21)μmol/molCr](P<0.01);高浓度组尿镉含量[(3.79±3.41)μmol/molCr]明显高于低浓度组[(2.82±2.12)μmol/molCr](P<0.01),高浓度接触组尿镉异常率(21.9%)也高于低浓度接触组(7.7%)(P<0.01);多元线性回归分析结果显示,工龄、工种(接触浓度)、年龄、性别与尿镉含量的相关系数依次为0.559、0.266、0.233和0.092(均P<0.05)。结论工龄增加、工作场所氧化镉浓度超标是尿镉增高的主要危险因素,降低氧化镉浓度至职业接触限值以下和减少接触时间是预防慢性镉中毒的关键。 相似文献
《International journal of hygiene and environmental health》2014,217(8):807-812
PurposeThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the dose–effect relationship between urinary cadmium (U-Cd as an index of internal Cd exposure) and mortality in a cohort of the Japanese general population.MethodsA 19-year cohort study was conducted in 897 men and 1307 women who lived in two non-polluted areas in Japan. The subjects were categorized into four quartiles based on creatinine adjusted U-Cd (μg/g cre). Hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) of the quartiles of U-Cd for mortality was calculated using a proportional hazards regression. Forward stepwise model selection was applied to the potential covariates such as age, body mass index, mean arterial pressure, various lifestyle factors and present illness.ResultsThe mortality rates per 1000 person years were 27.8 and 12.5 in men and women, respectively. In men, the fourth quartile of U-Cd (≥2.919 μg/g cre) showed a significant, positive HR (1.50, 95%CI: 1.11–2.02) for mortality compared to the first quartile (<1.014). In women, the fourth quartile of U-Cd (≥3.943 μg/g cre) also showed a significant HR (1.50, 95%CI: 1.08–2.09) for mortality compared to the first quartile (<1.140).ConclusionThe present study clarified that U-Cd was significantly associated with increased mortality, indicating the worsened life prognosis of the general population in Cd non-polluted areas in Japan. These results highlight the importance of further discussion of the health risk assessment of Cd exposure in the general population. 相似文献
目的分析苏中地区农村普通人群尿镉(Cd)含量,探讨其参考值范围,为我国制定尿镉参考值范围提供依据。方法在江苏中部地区某市,按东西南北中5个方位抽取5个乡镇,共调查1 000人;在每个乡镇采集3份农田土壤和当年产大米6份,共45份环境样品,进行镉含量测定。结果土壤、大米中镉的平均含量分别为0.16、0.05mg/kg,均低于国家标准限值(0.20mg/kg)。总人群尿镉(肌酐校正值)的中位数为0.19μg/g,参考值上限为0.98μg/g。尿镉含量在性别组间差异无统计学意义。吸烟组尿镉含量明显高于非吸烟组(P0.01)。尿镉含量随着年龄和烟龄的增加而呈不同程度的增高趋势。尿镉与NAG、RBP有弱相关性,与β2-MG无相关性。结论苏中地区农村普通人群尿镉含量处于正常浓度水平,尿镉含量可能受吸烟因素的影响。 相似文献
中老年自然人群中高血压和亚临床颈动脉粥样硬化的关联研究 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
目的 研究中国自然人群高血压类型及高血压病程与颈动脉粥样硬化的关联。方法 2002年9月对北京石景山区43~73岁农村居民1198人进行心血管病随访和危险因素横断面调查及颈动脉超声检查。根据“中国高血压防治指南”将人群分为理想血压、正常血压、正常高限血压、1期高血压、2期高血压和3期高血压6组。结果 (1)颈总动脉内中膜厚度(IMT):随着血压水平的升高或高血压病程的延长,IMT呈现明显上升趋势。调整年龄、体重指数、总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、血糖和是否吸烟,收缩压、舒张压与IMT的回归系数在0.001左右,病程时间与IMT的回归系数为0.002(P<0.01)。调整血压,病程时间与IMT之间的关联失去统计学意义。(2)斑块:检出率随着血压水平升高,或病程时间的延长而增加。调整年龄,与理想血压组相比,2期高血压组男性检出斑块的危险是3.0(95%CI:1.1~8.5),3期高血压女性是7.0(95%CI:2.7~18.3);与无高血压病史者相比,病程在6年以上的男性OR值为2.4(95%CI:1.4~4.2),女性为2.7(95%CI:1.7~4.1)。调整血压类型,6年以上病程的女性OR值为2.1(95%CI:1.1~3.8),其他组均失去统计学意义。结论 高血压是自然人群罹患颈动脉粥样硬化的重要危险因素。维持良好的血压状态可能会对预防动脉粥样硬化发挥重要作用。 相似文献
Oo YK Kobayashi E Nogawa K Okubo Y Suwazono Y Kido T Nakagawa H 《Archives of environmental health》2000,55(2):98-103
Renal effects of cadmium exposure (i.e., in food products) on people living in two areas unpolluted by cadmium in Japan were investigated. The population comprised 875 inhabitants (i.e., 346 males and 529 females) and 635 inhabitants (i.e., 222 males and 413 females), all of whom in each area were 50+ y of age. The authors used urinary cadmium concentration as an indicator of internal dose, and total urinary protein, beta2-microglobulin, and N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase were indicators of renal dysfunction. The authors used multiple-regression and logistic-regression analyses to study the relationship between urinary cadmium excretion and the above indicators of renal dysfunction. In the two geographic areas, both analyses revealed that urinary cadmium concentrations were associated significantly with indicators of renal dysfunction. The results suggest that renal dysfunction is related significantly with environmental cadmium exposure in areas of Japan that are not polluted by cadmium. 相似文献
2011年四川省农村土壤中铅和镉含量调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 了解四川省农村地区土壤中铅和镉含量现状,客观评价农村环境卫生状况,为制订政策措施提供依据和支持.方法 根据《2011年全国农村环境卫生监测项目技术方案》,按照分层随机方法抽取21个市(州)51个县1 020个行政村进行调查并采集土壤样品,采用原子吸收分光光度法测定土壤中铅、镉含量,并对样品进行单因子指数评价和内梅罗指数综合评价.结果 检测1 000份样品中,土壤铅含量均未超标,且单因子指数平均值较低的分布在四川的偏远山区(甘孜州和阿坝州为0.011、巴中市为0.012).检测993份样品中,土壤镉含量超标的样品共565份,占56.90%,且攀枝花市和乐山市的超标率达100%;内梅罗指数综合评价21个市(州)中有17个为中、重污染级别,占80.95%.结论 本次调查的四川省21个市(州)土壤铅含量均在清洁和尚清洁的范围内,但镉含量较高,超过半数达到污染级别,应采取相应措施,防止镉污染的加重. 相似文献
Study was made on the significance of urinary cadmium concentration as an indicator of internal dose in a general environment polluted by cadmium. As an index of external dose, the mean rice cadmium concentration in each of 23 villages was employed. Morning urine samples were collected from 3,178 inhabitants of 23 cadmium-polluted villages of Kakehashi River basin in Ishikawa Prefecture and 294 inhabitants of two nonpolluted villages. Cadmium concentration in urine was determined. In addition, their residential history and intake of cadmium-polluted rice were obtained. All the subjects were 50 years of age or over. Participation rates were 91% for the polluted area and 94% for the nonpolluted area. Urinary cadmium concentrations were higher in the inhabitants of the cadmium-polluted area than in those of the nonpolluted area. Among the inhabitants in the cadmium-polluted area, urinary cadmium concentrations were higher in the subjects who had consumed cadmium polluted rice than in those who had not. The mean urinary cadmium concentrations in each village increased proportionally to increase in mean village rice cadmium concentration (intensity of exposure) when the inhabitants were classified according to period of residence at their present address. The mean urinary cadmium concentrations in each village were also significantly correlated with period of residence at the present address (duration of exposure) when the inhabitants were classified according to mean rice cadmium concentration of their village. It is concluded that urinary cadmium concentration mainly reflects the body burden of cadmium in a general environment polluted by cadmium. 相似文献
Osteoporosis and renal dysfunction in a general population exposed to cadmium in China 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Osteoporosis is a common metabolic disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue. Many factors are involved in the occurrence of osteoporosis. Cadmium can cause both osteomalacia and osteoporosis and these effects have long been investigated through various epidemiological or experimental studies. The present study examines a possible relationship between cadmium nephropathy and its effects on the skeleton in populations living in a polluted area in southeast China. Monophoton absorptiometry was used to measure bone mineral density in the population and the Z score (the number of SD from the difference between the measured bone density of the individual and the group mean value for sex- and age-matched controls) was introduced to define osteoporosis (Z score < -2). Osteoporosis caused by cadmium exposure was demonstrated in this study on a general population environmentally exposed to cadmium in China. It was found that there were significant differences in the prevalence of osteoporosis among the different urinary cadmium groups (chi2 = 18.84, P = 0.0008). The linear trend test gave chi2 = 16.281, P = 0.00005. There was a dose-response relationship between cadmium exposure (urinary cadmium) and prevalence of osteoporosis. Of 31 subjects with osteoporosis, 23 subjects were suffering from renal dysfunction. The prevalence of renal dysfunction (74.19%) was significantly higher than that in those without osteoporosis (chi2 = 16.53, P < 0.001). Stratum analysis was performed to further assess the relationship between bone damage and renal impairment caused by cadmium. There was a significant difference between those with and without tubular damage (chi2 = 19.92, P = 0.000) but not in those with and without glomerular damage (chi2 = 0.08, P = 0.114). This showed that glomerular dysfunction plays a smaller role than tubular dysfunction in the causation of bone damage. It was found that the prevalence of osteoporosis increases with increasing values of parameters of tubular damage. Osteoporosis caused by cadmium is thus related to kidney dysfunction and especially to tubular damage and its severity but not to glomerular damage. The present study has thus demonstrated the combined adverse effects (osteoporosis and renal dysfunction) caused by environmental exposure to cadmium for the first time in Asia outside the endemic area in Japan. 相似文献