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同位素示踪法测定儿童铁的吸收率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究农村代表性膳食条件下儿童铁的吸收率。方法:采用天然低丰度稳定性同位素Fe标记FeSO4,以稀土元素镝(Dy)作为排泄物回收标记物。自愿受试者为4~6岁身体健康的农57村儿童。采用山东农村代表性膳食模式。同位素标记铁与Dy以饼干为载体分两天三餐前经口给予。实验期间每日留取受试者膳食样品并收集受试者在实验期的粪便,采用原子吸收(AAS)和热电离质谱(TIMS)分别检测膳食和粪便中总铁含量与Fe/56Fe比值,计算铁的吸收率。同时对脂肪、瘦肉、57蛋白、植酸、纤维素和VC的日摄入量进行测定,并将结果与我国每日营养推荐膳食供给量(DRI)比较。结果:铁的吸收率(%)为6.06±2.24,远低于1988年我国修订推荐RDA所参考国外的10%,铁的平均日摄入量为10.29mg,占DRI的102.9%,其中血红素铁平均日摄入量占总铁日摄入量的17.49%,基本达到推荐量。蛋白质和抗坏血酸的日摄入量仅占DRI的56.73%和29.60%远低于推荐量。脂肪、植酸和膳食纤维的摄入量较高。结论:按目前山东农村的膳食模式,儿童铁日摄入量已达推荐量,但吸收率偏低,因而铁摄入量仍不足。蛋白质和抗坏血酸的日摄入量较低。  相似文献   

目的探讨青春前期儿童膳食铁的吸收率及相关影响因素。方法选择60名北京地区青春前期儿童,男女各半,依当地饮食习惯制定食谱,进行为期11d的代谢平衡试验,收集试验期内全部粪便样品,以双份饭法收集膳食及水样。样品经冷冻干燥、粉碎、微波消解后,以原子吸收法(AAS)测定铁量,同时对膳食样品中可能影响铁吸收的因子含量进行测定,并以代谢平衡法(MB法)测定铁吸收率。结果男、女性儿童铁的吸收率(%)为8.05±0.90和9.13±0.57,女性显著高于男性,(t=2.38,P<0.05),日均铁摄入量(mg)分别为13.6±2.4和12.8±1.7,分别占推荐营养素摄入量(RNI)的85.0%和71.1%;蛋白质日摄入量(g)分别为75.5±4.1和69.3±6.2,分别占RNI的107.8%和106.6%;维生素C(VC)摄入量(mg)分别为43.2±3.6和38.9±2.1,占RNI的48.0%和43.2%,低于推荐量;膳食纤维和植酸摄入量(g)分别为16.3±3.5、15.1±2.0和1.2±0.2、1.0±0.3。结论北京地区青春前期儿童铁的吸收率仍处于较低水平,女性高于男性。建议在增加膳食中血红素铁和VC摄入的同时,适当降低植酸和纤维素的摄入,以提高铁的吸收率。  相似文献   

目的探讨青春前期女性儿童铁的利用率情况。方法在常规膳食模式下,以57Fe为示踪剂,27名10~12岁女性儿童为受试对象,分别在口服示踪剂前、14天后和28天后采集静脉血分离红细胞。样品经消化后分别测定其铁含量及同位素丰度,计算并分析受试者57Fe在红细胞中掺入情况。结果 14天和28天红细胞内57Fe与摄入总量比值分别为(19.84±0.53)%和(18.75±0.40)%(P0.05),红细胞内57Fe与全血中57Fe量比值分别为(93.49±2.27)%和(88.73±0.43)%,14天红细胞掺入率显著高于28天时(P0.05)。结论以单标稳定同位素示踪评价青春前期女性儿童红细胞掺入率,可反映受试者体内铁的利用情况。青春前期女性儿童铁的利用率普遍较高,给予示踪剂后14天可作为红细胞掺入率研究的切入点。  相似文献   

稳定性同位素评价藏族青年男子膳食铁的吸收率   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的用铁的稳定性同位素示踪剂评价藏族青年男子膳食铁的吸收率,为改善该人群膳食铁吸收的提供参考数据。方法于现场进行人体代谢试验,受试者口服稳定性同位素示踪铁剂(浓集57Fe的FeSO4)及稀土元素镝,粪便监测法收集示踪剂排出粪样;用感耦等离子体质谱仪测定粪样57Fe56Fe的比值,分析评价该人群膳食铁的吸收率。结果口服同位素评价藏族青年男子膳食铁的吸收率为13.4%±6.4%;每日示踪剂铁和镝排出呈良好相关性。结论稀土元素镝与未吸收的示踪剂铁在消化道有一致的排出过程,前者的回收率能很好反映粪样收集情况;藏族成年男子膳食铁的吸收较好。  相似文献   

采用铁稳定性同位素54Fe和58Fe分别标记FeSO4及NaFeEDTA并以稀土元素 (Dy)作为排泄物回收标记物。自愿受试人群为 18~ 2 2岁健康女性。采用我国典型城镇成年女性膳食模式。两种铁剂及Dy以酱油为食物载体一同分 2日 6次经口给入。实验其间每日留取受试人膳食样品并完全收集受试人在实验期的排泄物。采用原子吸收和ICP -MS分别检测膳食及排泄物中总铁含量和铁同位素比例 ,对两种铁剂中的铁的吸收率进行比较。结果表明 ,FeSO4中铁在人体中的平均吸收率为 4 73% ,NaFeEDTA为 10 5 1%。二者差异为极显著(P <0 0 1)。说明NaFeEDTA中铁的吸收率优于FeSO4。  相似文献   

本文报告了应用稳定性同位素~(58)Fe对三组缺铁性贫血儿童,分别摄取平衡膳、平衡膳加大豆蛋白膳和平衡膳加大豆蛋白加维生素C膳时,各组儿童膳食铁的吸收率。测定结果顺次分别为12.0±3.6%、10.7±4.7%和18.1±3.6%。后者高于前二者,差异显著。据此,作者同意国际营养性贫血咨询小组(INACG)以及大多数学者的主张,即大豆制品不利于或降低膳食铁的生物利用率(bioavailability)。本文并结合实验讨论了本法的原理、操作技术及误差控制等问题,评价了本法在类似工作中的重要意义。  相似文献   

山东农村儿童代表性膳食下铁、钙吸收率分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]研究山东农村代表性膳食下学龄前儿童铁、钙的吸收率,以及膳食因素对它们吸收利用的影响.[方法]用代谢平衡法,使用原子吸收分光光度计测定膳食与粪便的铁、钙含量,计算铁、钙的吸收率.同时测定影响铁、钙吸收的因子膳食脂肪、蛋白、植酸、纤维素和维生素C(vitamin C,VC)的含量,计算日平均摄入量,将其结果与我国儿童每日推荐膳食营养素摄入量(reference nutrient intakes,RNI)进行比较.[结果]铁、钙的吸收率分别为6.10%,53.09%.铁的平均日摄入量为11.80 mg,占RNI的98.3%,低于推荐量,钙的平均日摄入量为295.40mg,占RNI的3 6.92%,低于推荐量.蛋白质和VC的日摄入量分别为31.2g与13.3mg,占RNI的5 6.73%和29.60%,低于推荐量.脂肪、植酸和膳食纤维的摄入量较高.[结论]蛋白质和抗坏血酸的日摄入量较低,脂肪、植酸和膳食纤维摄入量较高的条件下,铁吸收率较低,铁营养缺乏;钙摄入量显著低于RNI,显示钙摄入严重不足.  相似文献   

山东农村典型膳食儿童人体锌吸收率研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的研究山东农村典型膳食锌(Zn)在农村儿童人体吸收率及Zn吸收相关营养素的日摄入量。方法受试者为4~6岁身体健康的农村儿童。标记稳定性同位素67Zn3.0mg,晚餐前一次经口给予,采用原子吸收法(AAS)和热电离质谱(TIMS)分别检测膳食和粪便中总锌含量与67Zn/68Zn比值,计算锌的吸收率,并对膳食铁、钙、脂肪、蛋白、植酸、纤维素和维生素C(VC)含量测定,将结果与我国儿童日推荐膳食营养素摄入量(RNIs)比较。结果锌的吸收率为(12.94±3.32)%,锌的平均日摄入量为11.16mg,占RNI的96.7%,蛋白质和抗坏血酸的日摄入量分别为31.2g与13.3mg,占RNI的62.4%和19.0%。结论在目前山东农村的膳食模式下,儿童体内锌的吸收率偏低,蛋白质和抗坏血酸的日摄入量不足。  相似文献   

目的:研究我国青春前期女童钙代谢状况,初步探讨该时期女童钙需要量。方法:选择49名处于生长突增期、未月经初潮的青春前期女童,采用经典钙代谢实验方法,在600~1500mg/d范围内设计4个不同的钙摄入剂量组,观察研究对象的钙代谢状况。结果:在600~1500mg/d钙摄入量范围内,各组对象钙表观钙吸收率未发现差别,平均吸收率为(53±0.12)%(范围52%~55%)。采用非线性回归模型对钙摄入量和钙储留量的关系进行拟合,钙摄入量在500mg/d时,钙储留量处于较低水平,钙摄入量在500~1000mg/d时,储留量快速增加,当钙摄入量达到1100mg/d时,钙储留量稳定在500mg/d左右的平台水平。结论:我国青春前期女童钙的表观吸收率为(53±0.12)%;青春前期女童达到最大钙储留量的最低钙摄入量是1100mg/d。  相似文献   

目的应用四极杆型电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)配合最新的八极杆碰撞/反应池(ORS)消干扰技术进行Fe的同位素比测定研究。方法于现场进行人体代谢试验,受试者口服57Fe稳定性同位素示踪剂,以卡红为标志,粪便监测法收集试验期内的所有粪样,测定粪样中57Fe/56Fe的比值。结果运用ICP-MS的ORS技术可消除由Ar等离子体本身以及样品中存在的Ca等产生的多原子离子对Fe带来的干扰;稀释实际样品到一定范围,基体干扰可忽略不计;标准样品和实际样品短期及长期精密度均小于0.3%;测定两组受试者粪样中的57Fe/56Fe的比值,发现代谢后排泄出的57Fe遵循一定的变化趋势,从而可以测定人体对Fe的代谢吸收比率。结论该技术可准确测定粪样中57Fe/56Fe的比值,可以用来计算评价膳食中铁吸收率的情况,追踪铁在人体中的代谢过程。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adjustment of gastrointestinal absorption is the primary means of maintaining zinc homeostasis; however, a precise, accurate method for measuring zinc absorption in humans has not been identified. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the estimates of the fraction of dietary zinc absorbed (FZA) by using 4 stable isotopic tracer methods: mass balance (MB) corrected for endogenous secretion, fecal monitoring (FM), deconvolution analysis (DA), and the double isotopic tracer ratio (DITR) method. DESIGN: All 4 methods were applied to a single data set for each of 6 women. FZA was also determined for each subject by using a detailed compartmental model of zinc metabolism, and that value was used as the reference with which the simpler methods were compared. RESULTS: The estimates of FZA (&xmacr; +/- SD) determined by DA (0.27 +/- 0. 08) and the DITR technique in plasma (0.30 +/- 0.10), 24-h urine samples (0.29 +/- 0.09), and spot urine samples (0.291 +/- 0.089) all compared well with the FZA reference value from the compartmental model (0.30 +/- 0.10). The MB and FM methods tended to overestimate FZA compared with the reference value. CONCLUSIONS: The determination of FZA by MB or FM is laborious, is sensitive to subject compliance, and may result in an overestimate. DA, although relatively accurate, has the disadvantage of requiring multiple blood drawings over several days. In contrast, the DITR technique applied to a spot urine specimen obtained >/=3 d after tracer administration provides an accurate measure of FZA and is easy to implement; therefore, it is the recommended method for determination of FZA.  相似文献   

双标稳定性同位素测定微量元素吸收率   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
迄今为止 ,测定微量元素吸收率较准确的方法依然是同位素法。由于放射线同位素的危害性 ,使得放射线同位素在某些人群中的应用受到限制。随着稳定性同位素技术的发展 ,应用稳定性同位素来研究微量元素的吸收和利用成为近年来在微量元素营养研究中的热点。特别是双标稳定性同位素技术更以其准确性高而受到微量元素学家的关注。然而目前普遍使用的计算方法多数以估计的机体血液体积及血红蛋白掺入率为基础 ,从而人为地引入了误差。为了更为有效地利用已有资料、准确地计算微量元素的生物利用 ,在前人工作的基础上 ,作者在本文对使用双标稳定性同位素技术测定微量元素的吸收率的方法进行了较为详细地讨论 ,对该方法的理论假设、实验方法、所需的基础数据、计算思路及其具体的计算过程都作了具体的说明。本文所介绍的方法可方便地用于具体的实验中  相似文献   

Intestinal magnesium (Mg) absorption was measured in six healthy children (control) and in four children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia with the single-isotope fecal recovery technique (SIFRT). The objective of this study was to determine Mg absorption in young children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia using stable isotope tracers. Fractional and absolute absorption levels determined by SIFRT were not significantly different between children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (fractional absorption: 58.3 +/- 10.6% [mean +/- SEM], absolute absorption: 3.66 +/- 0.71 mg x kg(-1) x d(-1), [0.15 +/- 0.03 mmol x kg(-1) x d(-1)]) and control children (fractional absorption: 61.4 +/- 7.5%, absolute absorption: 5.69 +/- 0.85 mg x kg(-1) x d(-1), [0.23 +/- 0.03 mmol x kg(-1) x d(-1)]). Average Mg absorption in young children (aged 3--8 y) was 60.2 +/- 5.8%. This study describes the first application of the SIFRT to assess Mg absorption in young children and illustrates the feasibility of the SIFRT in this age group to obtain more accurate information on Mg absorption.  相似文献   

The kinetics of fecal elimination and the extent of fractional absorption of intrinsic and extrinsic zinc from infant formula were studied in 11 human infants by using a direct, simultaneous dual-label method based on fecal monitoring of unabsorbed stable isotope labels. The relative positions of the two stable isotopic tags (67Zn, 70Zn) as extrinsic and intrinsic labels were reversed in two separate determinations of fractional absorption. Administration of doubly labeled formula for 24 h or less permitted elimination of unabsorbed labels before the end of a 72-h metabolic interval. The extent of enrichment and the kinetics of fecal elimination of unabsorbed extrinsic stable isotopic zinc tag were observed to agree closely with the corresponding values for the intrinsic tag. Fractional absorption of intrinsic and extrinsic tags was highly correlated and did not differ significantly. The ratio of fractional absorption of extrinsic tag to that of intrinsic tag was 1.05 +/- 0.19 (mean +/- SD). The results constitute strong support for validation of the use of enriched stable isotopes at low levels (less than or equal to 10%) of extrinsic addition to milk-based diets for studies of zinc absorption by humans.  相似文献   

Höllriegl V  Li WB  Oeh U  Roth P 《Health physics》2006,90(3):232-240
Intestinal absorption of strontium from an oral test dose was studied in 13 healthy human volunteers using double tracer techniques with two stable strontium isotopes as tracers. Defined amounts of one isotope were administered orally, while tracer amounts of the second isotope were injected intravenously. Two different methods were used to assess the total fraction absorbed (f1 value). Fractional intestinal strontium absorption can be calculated from the ratio of the two isotopes in plasma or urine samples (in this paper called the double-isotope method) or the convolution integral technique, since both methods provide an accurate estimate of fractional absorption and yield comparable results. The latter additionally provides information on the absorption kinetics in the gastrointestinal tract. The absorption varies with respect to the chemical form and to the amount administered. Absorption patterns are characteristically different for uptake from solutions or from whole meals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To provide methodological information regarding the absorption and excretion of dietary magnesium by children and adolescents. METHODS: Recently, stable isotope techniques for assessing magnesium absorption and excretion have been developed which allow for these studies to be safely performed in subjects of all ages. In the report, we describe the dosing and sample requirements for such studies. RESULTS: Our data demonstrate that, after oral and intravenous dosing of isotopes, a complete 72-hour urine collection will allow for determination of fractional magnesium absorption. In our study, urinary, but not endogenous fecal magnesium excretion, was closely correlated with magnesium intake (r = 0.47, p = 0.02 vs r = 0.08, p = 0.69). As endogenous fecal magnesium excretion is small relative to urinary magnesium excretion, measurement of endogenous fecal magnesium excretion is not needed to make a reasonable estimate of net magnesium retention for most studies. Using high-precision analytical techniques, an intravenous dose of 25Mg of approximately 0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg would be adequate for absorption measurements. CONCLUSIONS: The cost and availability of isotopes and their analysis are such that it should be feasible for increasing numbers of investigators to make use of these techniques.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fractional absorption of zinc (Zn) has been measured using dual isotopes of Zn given simultaneously. An oral test dose and an intravenous (i.v.) reference dose are administered, followed by the measurement of the double isotopic enrichment (E) in urine 48 h after administration. We postulated that an estimate of the %E in urine for a given i.v. dose of Zn may be used to eliminate the need for venipuncture and the second Zn isotope. OBJECTIVES: To determine a constant (k) for the Zn enrichment of urine after i.v. administration of a dose of labeled Zn in Zn-replete subjects. To use 'k' to calculate fractional absorption of Zn, and to compare these values to values obtained using the standard dual isotope method. DESIGN: Single-arm cohort. SETTING: The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. SUBJECTS: Twenty-three healthy adults were recruited from the Metropolitan Toronto area. Seventeen subjects completed the study. INTERVENTIONS: A 2.29 mg i.v. dose of (67)Zn followed immediately by a 2.50 mg oral dose of (70)Zn. RESULTS: Population mean percentage enrichment (%E) of (67)Zn in urine was 1.43 (95% CI 1.26, 1.60). The ratio of the i.v. dose to mean %E in urine (k) was estimated to be 1.60 mg (95% CI 1.43, 1.82). There was no difference in the mean fractional absorption of Zn calculated using the single compared to the dual isotope method: 12.58% (95% CI 2.22, 22.94) vs 12.68% (95% CI 4.52, 20.85), respectively (P=0.89). The correlation coefficient between the two methods was 0.81 (P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The dual isotope method may be replaced by using a constant (k) and a single oral dose of isotopic-enriched Zn to estimate fractional absorption of Zn within a population. SPONSORSHIP: Gerber Products Company, Fremont, MI.  相似文献   

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