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PURPOSE: The classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes recognizes three syndromes with typical absences [TA, i.e., childhood and juvenile absence epilepsies (CAE and JAE), and epilepsy with myoclonic absences (EMA), none of which is characterized by onset in early childhood]. Although several other forms of absence epilepsies have been described recently, none concerns infants and very young children, and little is known about the nosology and prognosis of early-onset absences. METHODS: We retrospectively selected all cases with onset of absences as the only or major seizure type before age 3 years and >/=2 years of follow-up among cases newly referred between 1986 and 2002. Neuropsychological assessments (generally IQ measure), behavior patterns, and schooling situations were reviewed for each child. RESULTS: We found 10 patients (7 F, 3 M). No child had sensory or motor deficits: neuroimaging was performed in nine and was normal in eight, with aspecific findings in one. Only two could be characterized as CAE and EMA, respectively, both with seizure control and a good cognitive outcome. Among the remaining eight cases, four had a fairly homogeneous presentation with predominantly brief absences and clearly asymmetric interictal EEGs. All eight had neuropsychological and/or behavioral difficulties. Three had full seizure control, and five, persisting absences, with a follow-up ranging between 2 years 8 months to 9 years 4 months; only one child was older than 12 years. CONCLUSIONS: Great heterogeneity exists among absence epilepsies of early onset, which are rare conditions. Only a few patients can be categorized into well-known syndromes. The overall prognosis is poor. Early onset of absences is uncommon, and multicenter studies should help clarify the nosology and prognosis. 相似文献
Viani F. Romeo A. Mastrangelo M. Viri M. 《The Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences》1994,15(9):463-471
We studied 11 infants (7 males) with combined infantile spasms (IS) and partial seizures. The age of onset of the spasms ranged
from 6 days to 9 months. All of the children had neurological or CT/MRI abnormalities, and five also had a family history
of epilepsy. The clinical and polygraphic patterns of the clusters of spasms combined with partial seizures were analysed.
Ten infants were followed-up for a mean period of 3 years, 4 months (range 1 year 10 months to 4 years 11 months). At the
last check-up, the seizures were controlled in 2 patients; the others continued to have spasms and/or partial seizures. All
of the patients developed mild to severe pshychomotor retardation. This condition defines a subgroup of infants presenting
with IS, which is distinct from West syndrome.
Sommario Abbiamo studiato 11 bambini (7 maschi) che avevano spasmi infantili nello stesso episodio critico. L'età all'inizio degli spasmi variava da 6 giorni a 9 mesi. Tutti i bambini presentavano anormalità neurologiche o neuroradiologiche, e 5 avevano anche una familiarità epilettica. Abbiamo analizzato gli aspetti clinici e poligrafici dei cluster di spasmi associati a crisi parziali. Dieci di questi bambini vennero seguiti per un periodo medio di 3 anni e 4 mesi. All'ultima visita, le crisi hanno avuto sucessivamente un ritardo psicomotorio da lieve a grave. Questa condizione definisce un sottogruppo particolare, tra i bambini che presentano spasmi infantili, diverso dalla sindrome di West.相似文献
PURPOSE: To compare the efficacy of lamotrigine (LTG) and valproic acid (VPA) in newly diagnosed children and adolescents with typical absence seizures. METHODS: A randomized, open-label parallel-group design was used. After undergoing an awake video-EEG recording, which included one to two trials of 3 min of hyperventilation and intermittent photic stimulation, eligible patients were randomized to receive LTG or VPA. LTG was initiated at a daily dose of 0.5 mg/kg for 2 weeks in two divided doses, followed by 1.0 mg/kg/day for an additional 2 weeks. Thereafter, doses were increased in 1-mg/kg/day increments every 5 days until seizures were controlled, intolerable adverse effects occurred, or a maximum dose of 12 mg/kg/day had been reached. VPA was equally uptitrated according to clinical response, starting at 10 mg/kg and increasing by 5 mg/kg/24 h every 3 days, if required, to a maximum of 30 mg/kg/day in three divided doses. Patients were seen in the clinic every month for < or = 12 months.The primary efficacy end point at each visit was seizure freedom, defined as lack of clinically observed seizures since the previous visit and lack of electroclinical seizures during ambulatory 24-h EEG testing and a video-EEG session with hyperventilation. RESULTS: Thirty-eight children (17 boys, 21 girls), aged from 3 to 13 years (mean, 7.5 years), all newly diagnosed with childhood or juvenile typical absence seizures, were enrolled. After 1 month of treatment, 10 (52.6%) of 19 children taking VPA and one (5.3%) of 19 taking LTG were seizure free (p = 0.004). By the 3-month follow-up, 12 (63.1%) children taking VPA and seven (36.8%) taking LTG were controlled (p = 0.19). After 12 months, 13 children taking VPA (dose range, 20-30 mg/kg/day; mean serum level, 76.8 mg/L; range, 51.4-91 mg/L) and 10 taking LTG (dose range, 2-11 mg/kg/day; mean serum level, 8.1 mg/L; range, 1.1-18 mg/L) were seizure free (p = 0.51). Side effects were mostly mild and transient and were recorded in two (10.6%) children treated with VPA and in six (31.8%) treated with LTG. CONCLUSIONS: Both VPA and LTG can be efficacious against absence seizures, although VPA shows a much faster onset of action, at least in part because of its shorter titration schedule. 相似文献
A. Agathonikou C. P. Panayiotopoulos S. Giannakodimos M. Koutroumanidis 《Epilepsia》1998,39(12):1265-1276
Summary: Purpose: To study the electroclinical features of typical absence status (TAS) in adults with syndromes of idio-pathic generalized epilepsies (IGEs).
Methods: Twenty-one patients with one or more spells of TAS were identified among 136 consecutive adult patients with IGEs. All patients with TAS had comprehensive electroclinical investigations and EEG or video-EEG recorded absences.
Results: TAS occurred in 24.4% of 86 patients who had IGEs with typical absences alone or in combination with other seizures presisting in adult life. The prevalence of TAS appeared to be syndrome related, ranging from as high as 57.1% in perioral myoclonia with absences and 46.2% in "phantom" absences with GTCS to as low as 6.7% in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. A varying degree of impairment of cognition was the cardinal clinical symptom shared in all TAS, but corresponding syndromes of IGE were often betrayed by other symptoms such as eyelid or perioral myoclonia. In phantom absences with GTCS, TAS was more numerous (p S 0.05) and more frequently the first overt seizure type (p = 0.006) than in any other IGE. Only in the syndrome of eyelid myoclonia with absences, TAS was always situation related, mainly as a result of antiepileptic drug discontinuation.
Conclusions: The clinical EEG semiology and prevalence of TAS appear to be syndrome related with the highest prevalence in the syndromes of perioral myoclonia with absences and phantom absences with GTCS (p = 0.0024). 相似文献
Methods: Twenty-one patients with one or more spells of TAS were identified among 136 consecutive adult patients with IGEs. All patients with TAS had comprehensive electroclinical investigations and EEG or video-EEG recorded absences.
Results: TAS occurred in 24.4% of 86 patients who had IGEs with typical absences alone or in combination with other seizures presisting in adult life. The prevalence of TAS appeared to be syndrome related, ranging from as high as 57.1% in perioral myoclonia with absences and 46.2% in "phantom" absences with GTCS to as low as 6.7% in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. A varying degree of impairment of cognition was the cardinal clinical symptom shared in all TAS, but corresponding syndromes of IGE were often betrayed by other symptoms such as eyelid or perioral myoclonia. In phantom absences with GTCS, TAS was more numerous (p S 0.05) and more frequently the first overt seizure type (p = 0.006) than in any other IGE. Only in the syndrome of eyelid myoclonia with absences, TAS was always situation related, mainly as a result of antiepileptic drug discontinuation.
Conclusions: The clinical EEG semiology and prevalence of TAS appear to be syndrome related with the highest prevalence in the syndromes of perioral myoclonia with absences and phantom absences with GTCS (p = 0.0024). 相似文献
Survey of Seizure Disorders in the French Southwest. I. Incidence of Epileptic Syndromes 总被引:15,自引:14,他引:1
Jérôme Loiseau Pierre Loiseau Martine Guyot Bernard Duche Jean-Francois Dartigues † Bruno Aublet † 《Epilepsia》1990,31(4):391-396
An epidemiologic survey began on March 1, 1984, and ended on February 28, 1985. During this period, all neurologists and electroencephalographers of the department of Gironde, an administrative district of the French Southwest (1,128,164 residents in 1982) obtained information by questionnaire from all persons who had experienced an epileptic seizure for the first time in their lives. Recurrent, isolated, and situation-related seizures were included. Febrile convulsions and neonatal seizures were excluded. The global incidence rate of diagnosed epileptic seizures was 71.3/100,000. The incidence rates per year and per 100,000 persons by type of epileptic syndrome were 1.7 for idiopathic and 13.6 for symptomatic localization-related epilepsies, 5.6 for idiopathic and 1.1 for symptomatic generalized epilepsies, 1.9 for undermined epilepsies, 29.0 for situation-related seizures, 18.3 for isolated seizures, and 0.3 for television epilepsies. Other epileptic syndromes were not represented. Using a classification of epileptic syndromes and not of epileptic seizures reduces difficulties in an epidemiologic survey. Diagnosis of an epileptic syndrome is time dependent, however, and at follow-up some patients shift from one group to another. 相似文献
PURPOSE: A national study was performed in Colombia to determine the general and regional prevalence of epilepsy, clinical profiles, seizure types, and clinical syndromes. METHODS: Based on the National Epidemiological Study of Neurological Diseases (EPINEURO), we evaluated and followed up for 1 year all the subjects with epilepsy from the National Sample. Clinical profiles were further assessed. Seizure types and epilepsy syndromes were established according to the international classifications. RESULTS: General prevalence was found to be 11.3 per 1,000, with little variation among regions, except the eastern region, where prevalence was 23 per 1,000; prevalence for active epilepsy was 10.1 per 1,000. Women have a slightly greater (not statistically significant) risk. Most seizures are focal (partial), frequently with secondary generalization. The most frequent epilepsy syndrome encountered was partial symptomatic/cryptogenic (80%). Epilepsy onset in Colombia occurs most frequently in childhood. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence rates of epilepsy in Colombia are similar to those reported in nations with comparable developmental status and have diminished over time. The study presents the distribution of seizures and syndromes. The most frequent types are focal syndromes. 相似文献
Summary: The aim of this study was to examine the development of cortical epileptic afterdischarges (ADs) in genetic absence epilepsy WAG/Rij rats, and to compare them with two strains with minimal incidence of spike-and-wave (SW) episodes (ACI and Wistar). Epileptic ADs were elicited by stimulation of sensorimotor cortex in 12-, 18-, and 25-day-old rats of the three strains. The threshold current intensities were established for movements accompanying stimulation, for ADs of the SW type and accompanying clonic seizures and for transition into limbic type of ADs (characterized by behavioral automatisms). Individual groups were formed by 7–12 rats. There were no differences among the three strains in the thresholds for elicitation of stimulation-bound movements. In contrast, WAG/Rij and ACI rats exhibited easier elicitation of SW ADs than Wistar rats at the age of 18 and 25 days. There was no difference among the three strains in transition into the limbic type of ADs in 18- and 25-day-old rats. Lower thresholds for SW ADs in 18- and 25-day-old WAG/Rij and ACI rats in comparison with Wistar rats are in agreement with our data from adult animals as well as with development of pharmacologically induced models of absence seizures. The failure to find a specific difference between WAG/Rij rats and the other two strains might indicate a difference in generation of SW episodes and SW cortical AD. 相似文献
Summary: Cinromide (BW-122U) was evaluated in an open pilot study of absence seizures in three naive (previously untreated for absence seizures) patients (one male and two females, 7 to 8 years of age). In these naive patients, cinromide was found to be well tolerated but ineffective in reducing generalized spike-and-wave discharges on the telemetered EEG during the 1week duration of the study. 相似文献
Some Aspects of Prognosis in the Epilepsies: A Review 总被引:36,自引:20,他引:16
J. W. A. S. Sander 《Epilepsia》1993,34(6):1007-1016
The traditional view that epilepsy is usually a chronic condition in which the prognosis is consistently poor has been challenged in the last 2 decades. Evidence from population-based studies and from intervention studies in newly diagnosed patients has produced a wealth of information of a much better prognosis. It is now generally accepted that as many as 70–80% of people developing seizures for the first time will eventually achieve terminal remission, whereas the remaining 20–30% will continue to have recurrent seizures despite all treatment. Despite the high recurrence rate after a first epileptic seizure, remission usually occurs early and for most persons, epilepsy is a short-lived condition. The exact role of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in this good outcome, however, remains open to debate, because the natural history of the untreated condition is largely unknown. In this article, factors that may influence the prognosis of the epilepsies, including the problems of diagnosis, are reviewed. Special emphasis is given to the issue of spontaneous remission and the question of prognosis of different epileptic syndromes. 相似文献
PURPOSE: This study investigated Expressed Emotion (EE) in relatives of people with epileptic or nonepileptic seizures (NES). METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, we used the Five-Minute Speech Sample to explore EE in the key relative of people with epilepsy (n = 36) and those with NESs (n = 21), as well as levels of anxiety and depression and use of coping strategies. RESULTS: A significantly greater proportion of relatives of NES than epilepsy patients were rated as high EE. Hostility was evident in more high-EE epilepsy than high-EE NES relatives, whereas emotional overinvolvement and positive relationship ratings tended to be more common in high-EE NES relatives. High- and low-EE epilepsy relatives used problem-focused as opposed to emotion-focused coping strategies significantly more than half the time. High EE and seizure frequency were not associated. Age at onset of the disorder was higher in epilepsy patients with high- than with low-EE relatives. CONCLUSIONS: Irrespective of etiology, carers for people with seizure disorders may find it hard to adjust to the difficulties these disorders create. Interventions that encourage problem-solving, reappraisals of "loss" and education regarding the causes of some of the patients' behavioral and mood problems seem likely to be beneficial. 相似文献
Tatsuya Fukasawa Motomasa Suzuki Toru Kato Fumio Hayakawa Kiyokuni Miura Hiroyuki Kidokoro Tetsuo Kubota Akihisa Okumura Koichi Maruyama Yoko Hishikawa Kazuya Itomi Tamiko Negoro Kazuyoshi Watanabe Jun Natsume 《Brain & development》2014
Introduction: Epilepsies with an onset during the early infantile period are relatively rare and their characteristics are not well recognized. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics of epilepsies with an onset during the early infantile period. Methods: Clinical information on 73 patients with the onset of epilepsy within the first four months was collected from hospitals affiliated with Nagoya University. Patients were categorized into three groups: the idiopathic (20 patients), cryptogenic (19 patients), and symptomatic groups (34 patients). Results: Fourteen (70%) of the 20 patients in the idiopathic group, nine (47%) of the 19 patients in the cryptogenic group, and 10 (29%) of the 34 patients in the symptomatic group had their first seizure within the first month of life. All patients in the idiopathic group, 12 patients (63%) in the cryptogenic group, and 18 patients (53%) in the symptomatic group had partial seizures (PS) alone throughout their clinical course. Four patients in the cryptogenic group and nine in the symptomatic group had PS at the onset, but evolved into spasms later. All patients in the idiopathic group, 13 patients (68%) in the cryptogenic group, and 13 patients (38%) in symptomatic group had experienced no seizures for at least one year at the time of the last follow-up. Conclusions: In patients with non-idiopathic epilepsy, an age-dependent evolution of seizure types was often observed. Recognition of this subgroup of patients could be important for the identification of appropriate candidates for early epilepsy surgery. 相似文献
Yoshiko Hirano Hirokazu Oguni Makoto Funatsuka Kaoru Imai Makiko Osawa 《Epilepsia》2009,50(6):1525-1535
Objective: We conducted a video-polygraphic study of myoclonic seizures (MS) in different epileptic syndromes to clarify semiologic and electroencephalography (EEG) differences among them.
Subjects and methods: The subjects were 26 children with MS, including benign myoclonic epilepsy in infants (BME) in 10, severe myoclonic epilepsy in infants (SME) in 6, idiopathic epilepsy with myoclonic-astatic seizures (IEMAS) in 4, and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) in 6. We reviewed the video-polygraphs of MS, including the predominant area of muscle involvement (neck, trunk, and proximal or distal upper extremities), postural changes including astatic falling, and mode of appearance. We also analyzed the frequency of a corresponding generalized spike-and-wave complex (GSW) and the duration of myoclonic electromyography (EMG) activity.
Results: A total of 550 MS were documented in the 26 cases. MS manifested with proximal predominance/forward flexion/single occurrence in BME, proximal predominance/forward astatic flexion/single occurrence in IEMAS, proximal predominance/extension/succession in SME, and distal predominance/extension/succession in JME. The median frequency of GSW was 1.5, 1.3, 3.2, and 3.1 Hz, respectively, and the median duration of the myoclonic EMG activity was 387, 587, 81, and 65 ms, respectively.
Conclusion: MS in the four different epileptic syndromes show significant semiologic and EEG differences, as well as similarities. Although our study has the limitations of the small number of patients and retrospective methodology, these results should be considered in the classification and differential diagnosis of myoclonic epileptic syndromes. 相似文献
Subjects and methods: The subjects were 26 children with MS, including benign myoclonic epilepsy in infants (BME) in 10, severe myoclonic epilepsy in infants (SME) in 6, idiopathic epilepsy with myoclonic-astatic seizures (IEMAS) in 4, and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) in 6. We reviewed the video-polygraphs of MS, including the predominant area of muscle involvement (neck, trunk, and proximal or distal upper extremities), postural changes including astatic falling, and mode of appearance. We also analyzed the frequency of a corresponding generalized spike-and-wave complex (GSW) and the duration of myoclonic electromyography (EMG) activity.
Results: A total of 550 MS were documented in the 26 cases. MS manifested with proximal predominance/forward flexion/single occurrence in BME, proximal predominance/forward astatic flexion/single occurrence in IEMAS, proximal predominance/extension/succession in SME, and distal predominance/extension/succession in JME. The median frequency of GSW was 1.5, 1.3, 3.2, and 3.1 Hz, respectively, and the median duration of the myoclonic EMG activity was 387, 587, 81, and 65 ms, respectively.
Conclusion: MS in the four different epileptic syndromes show significant semiologic and EEG differences, as well as similarities. Although our study has the limitations of the small number of patients and retrospective methodology, these results should be considered in the classification and differential diagnosis of myoclonic epileptic syndromes. 相似文献
Giangennaro Coppola 《Epilepsia》2009,50(S5)
The syndrome of malignant migrating partial seizures in infancy was first reported in 1995, and is now included among the childhood epilepsy syndromes in development in the proposal of the revision of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classification of the epilepsies and epilepsy syndromes. The main clinical features are seizure onset in the first 6 months of life, occurrence of almost continuous migrating polymorphous focal seizures, combined with multifocal ictal electroencephalography (EEG) discharges, and progressive deterioration of psychomotor development. Etiology is so far unknown. Seizures are markedly drug resistant and outcome is generally severe. Based on age at onset, migrating partial seizures in infancy (MMPEI) may be placed between early epileptic encephalopathies (early myoclonic encephalopathy [EME] and early infantile epileptic encephalopathy [EIEE]) and infantile spasms. 相似文献
Some Genetic Aspects of Idiopathic and Symptomatic Absence Seizures: Waking and Sleep EEGs in Siblings 总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1
Epileptic activity was recorded in the waking and sleep EEG of 62.5% of 80 siblings of 38 patients with absence seizures. Epileptic discharges were noted in waking only in 8.7%, in waking as well as sleep in 28.8%, and in sleep only in 25%. Generalized, partly irregular, and slow spike-wave complexes were found, twice with lateral emphasis. Spike-wave complexes were recorded in 72% of 50 siblings of patients with idiopathic absence and in 46.7% of 30 siblings of patients with symptomatic absence. One epileptic discharge was observed every 108.6 s on the average, without striking differences between siblings of patients with idiopathic (99.7 s) and symptomatic absence (119.3 s). Without any differences between siblings of children with idiopathic and symptomatic absence, the most epileptic discharges were activated in sleep stages C and D, followed by stages A and B. The highest activation rate was observed in the 7-14-year-old group (73.5%) and to a somewhat lesser degree in the group between 15 and 20 years of age (66.7%); fewer epileptic discharges were recorded in younger (25%) and older patients (28.6%). The higher activation rates in the male sex were significant only in siblings of patients with idiopathic absence. Although only five patients (13.2%) were photosensitive, a photosensitivity was found in 24% of siblings of children with idiopathic absence and in 20% of siblings of patients with symptomatic absence. Three siblings of patients with idiopathic absence also had absence seizures; in one of them a febrile seizure occurred at an earlier age. All of them showed generalized spike wave discharges in waking as well as sleep. Occipital theta delta activity with generalization was observed more frequently in siblings of patients with idiopathic absence (82.2%) than in those of patients with symptomatic absence (63.6%). Our waking and sleep EEG recordings prove that concerning etiology-genetic factors play a striking role in idiopathic absence, but are also of considerable significance in the symptomatic types. 相似文献
Recurrent seizures and behavior problems in children with first recognized seizures: a prospective study 总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8
PURPOSE: Children with epilepsy have high rates of behavior problems. The purpose was to describe prospectively the association of seizures and behavior problems in children with new-onset seizures. METHODS: Subjects were 224 children with new-onset seizures (aged 4-14 years) and 159 siblings (4-18 years). Caregiver's ratings of the behavior were collected 4 times: at baseline, and at 6, 12, and 24 months. During the 2-year period, 163 (73%) children had at least one additional seizure, and 61 (27%) had none. Data were analyzed by using repeated measures analysis of variance both with and without covariates [site, age, gender, race, caregiver education (years), and seizure medications]. RESULTS: On average, children had higher CBCL Total and Internalizing Behavior Problems scores across all times when experiencing recurrent seizures than when not experiencing recurrent seizures (Total Problems, p = 0.041, controlling for demographics and seizure medications). Siblings had significantly lower Total and Internalizing Problems scores than both children experiencing (Total Problems adjusting for covariates, p = 0.0001) and not experiencing recurrent seizures (p = 0.0004). Externalizing Problems scores were not significantly different among children with recurring seizures, children without recurring seizures, and siblings. CONCLUSIONS: Recurrent seizures significantly predicted behavior problems very early in the course of a seizure condition, even when key child, demographic, and seizure variables were controlled. Explanations for these findings include the possibilities that both seizures and behavior problems are caused by an underlying neurological disorder, that seizures per se disrupt behavior, or that children have negative psychological responses to seizure activity. 相似文献
After carefully reviewing the epidemiological literature on this subject, we assessed the risk of febrile, isolated or epileptic convulsions in normal babies and infants with neonatal damage. We considered 417 term or preterm infants with birth injury and compared them with 400 healthy full-term newborns, all born between 1978 and 1980, studying each one individually until at least the age of 6 using the X
2 test, the risk factors in relation to the convulsive outcome in all the groups were processed. We also calculated the relative risk of outcome of both febrile convulsions and epilepsy. Our results show that as far as the onset of seizure disorders in the term infant is concerned, the predisposing factors are asphyxia, neurological syndrome, and previous barbiturate intake. In contrast with this, for premature infants the risk factors are severe apnea and severe prematurity. 相似文献
Purpose: To evaluate the long‐term efficacy and tolerability of adjunctive levetiracetam (LEV) in patients with uncontrolled idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). Methods: This phase III, open‐label, long‐term, follow‐up study (N167; NCT00150748) enrolled patients (4 to <65 years) with primary generalized seizures (tonic–clonic, myoclonic, absence). Patients received adjunctive LEV at individualized doses (1,000–4,000 mg/day; 20–80 mg/kg/day for children/adolescents weighing <50 kg). Efficacy results are reported for all seizure types [intention‐to‐treat (ITT) population, N = 217] and subpopulations with tonic–clonic (n = 152), myoclonic (n = 121), and/or absence (n = 70) seizures at baseline. Key Findings: One hundred twenty‐five (57.6%) of 217 patients were still receiving treatment at the end of the study. Mean (standard deviation, SD) LEV dose was 2,917.5 (562.9) mg/day. Median (Q1–Q3) exposure to LEV was 2.1 (1.5–2.8) years, and the maximum duration was 4.6 years. Most patients were taking one (124/217, 57.1%) or ≥2 (92/217, 42.4%) concomitant antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Seizure freedom of ≥6 months (all seizure types; primary efficacy end point) was achieved by 122 (56.2%) of 217 patients, and 49 (22.6%) of 217 patients had complete seizure freedom. Seizure freedom of ≥6 months from tonic–clonic, myoclonic, and absence seizures was achieved by 95 (62.5%) of 152, 75 (62.0%) of 121, and 44 (62.9%) of 70 patients, respectively. Mean (SD) maximum seizure freedom duration was 371.7 (352.4) days. At least one treatment‐emergent adverse event (TEAE) was reported by 165 (76%) of 217 patients; most TEAEs were mild/moderate in severity, with no indication of an increased incidence over time. Seventeen (7.8%) of 217 patients discontinued medication because of TEAEs. The most common psychiatric TEAEs were depression (16/217, 7.4%), insomnia (9/217, 4.1%), nervousness (8/217, 3.7%), and anxiety (7/217, 3.2%). Significance: Adjunctive LEV (range 1,000–4,000 mg/day) demonstrated efficacy as a long‐term treatment for primary generalized seizures in children, adolescents, and adults with IGE, and was well tolerated. 相似文献
Homozygous tottering mice (tg, autosomal recessive) exhibit frequent spontaneous "absence" seizures accompanied by bilaterally synchronous spike-and-wave or polyspike electrocorticographic discharges. In adult tottering mice, the antiepileptic effects of a single dose of ethosuximide, diazepam, phenobarbital, or phenytoin were assessed using continuous electrocorticographic recording to monitor seizure incidence. The dose chosen for each drug was selected to correspond to an effective antiepileptic dose in standard murine models. Ethosuximide, 150 mg/kg, diazepam, 1.4 mg/kg, and phenobarbital, 25 mg/kg were effective against absence seizures. In contrast, phenytoin at 5, 10, 30, or 60 mg/kg produced no significant reduction in the incidence of absence seizures. These results suggest that absence seizures in the tottering mutant may represent a relatively specific pharmacological model for the identification of drugs effective for clinical absence epilepsy, and emphasize the potential value of this new model for the study of fundamental mechanisms of absence of epilepsy and the actions of antiepileptic drugs. 相似文献