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Blinks executed during eye movements affect kinetic eye movement parameters, e.g., peak velocity of saccades is decreased, their duration is increased, but their amplitude is not altered. This effect is mainly explained by the decreased activity of premotor neurons in the brainstem: omni-pause neurons (OPN) in the nucleus raphe interpositus. Previous studies examined the immediate effect of blinks directly on eye movements but not their effect when they are elicited several hundred milliseconds before the eye movements. In order to address this question we tested blinks elicited before the target onset of saccades and pursuit and compared the results to the gap effect: if a fixation light is extinguished for several hundred milliseconds, the reaction time (latency) for subsequent saccades or smooth pursuit eye movements is decreased. Monocular eye and lid movements were recorded in nine healthy subjects using the scleral search-coil system. Laser stimuli were front-projected onto a tangent screen in front of the subjects. Horizontal step-ramp smooth pursuit of 20 deg/s was elicited in one session, or 5 deg horizontal visually guided saccades in another experimental session. In one-third of the trials (smooth pursuit or saccades) the fixation light was extinguished for 200 ms before stimulus onset (gap condition), and in another third of the trials reflexive blinks were elicited by a short airpuff before the stimulus onset (blink condition). The last third of the trials served as controls (control condition). Stimulus direction and the three conditions were randomized for saccades and smooth pursuit separately. The latency of the step-ramp smooth pursuit in the blink condition was found to be decreased by 10 ms, which was less than in the gap condition (38 ms). However, the initial acceleration and steady-state velocity of smooth pursuit did not differ in the three conditions. In contrast, the latency of the saccades in the gap condition was decreased by 39 ms, but not in the blink condition. Saccade amplitude, peak velocity, and duration were not different in the three conditions. There was also no difference in blink amplitude and duration of pupil occlusion in the blink condition, neither in saccades nor in smooth pursuit. The latency reduction of smooth pursuit, but not of saccades, may neither be explained by the brief pupil occlusion nor by visual suppression, warning signals, or the startle response. Whether the effects are caused by the influence of blinks on OPNs or other premotor structures remains to be tested.  相似文献   

Saccadic eye movements are thought to be influenced by blinking through premotor interactions, but it is still unclear how. The present paper describes the properties of blink-associated eye movements and quantifies the effect of reflex blinks on the latencies, metrics, and kinematics of saccades in the monkey. In particular, it is examined to what extent the saccadic system accounts for blink-related perturbations of the saccade trajectory. Trigeminal reflex blinks were elicited near the onset of visually evoked saccades by means of air puffs directed on the eye. Reflex blinks were also evoked during a straight-ahead fixation task. Eye and eyelid movements were measured with the magnetic-induction technique. The data show that saccade latencies were reduced substantially when reflex blinks were evoked prior to the impending visual saccades as if these saccades were triggered by the blink. The evoked blinks also caused profound spatial-temporal perturbations of the saccades. Deflections of the saccade trajectory, usually upward, extended up to approximately 15 degrees. Saccade peak velocities were reduced, and a two- to threefold increase in saccade duration was typically observed. In general, these perturbations were largely compensated in saccade mid-flight, despite the absence of visual feedback, yielding near-normal endpoint accuracies. Further analysis revealed that blink-perturbed saccades could not be described as a linear superposition of a pure blink-associated eye movement and an unperturbed saccade. When evoked during straight-ahead fixation, blinks were accompanied by initially upward and slightly abducting eye rotations of approximately 2-15 degrees. Back and forth wiggles of the eye were frequently seen; but in many cases the return movement was incomplete. Rather than drifting back to its starting position, the eye then maintained its eccentric orbital position until a downward corrective saccade toward the fixation spot followed. Blink-associated eye movements were quite rapid, albeit slower than saccades, and the velocity-amplitude-duration characteristics of the initial excursions as well as the return movements were approximately linear. These data strongly support the idea that blinks interfere with the saccade premotor circuit, presumably upstream from the neural eye-position integrator. They also indicated that a neural mechanism, rather than passive elastic restoring forces within the oculomotor plant, underlies the compensatory behavior. The tight latency coupling between saccades and blinks is consistent with an inhibition of omnipause neurons by the blink system, suggesting that the observed changes in saccade kinematics arise elsewhere in the saccadic premotor system.  相似文献   

Blinks are known to change the kinematic properties of horizontal saccades, probably by influencing the saccadic premotor circuit. The neuronal basis of this effect could be explained by changes in the activity of omnipause neurons in the nucleus raphe interpositus or in the saccade-related burst neurons of the superior colliculus. Omnipause neurons cease discharge during both saccades and vergence movements. Because eyelid blinks can influence both sets of neurons, we hypothesized that blinks would influence the kinematic parameters of saccades in all directions, vergence, and saccade-vergence interactions. To test this hypothesis, we investigated binocular eye and lid movements in five normal healthy subjects with the magnetic search coil technique. The subjects performed conjugate horizontal and vertical saccades from gaze straight ahead to targets at 20 degrees up, down, right, or left while either attempting not to blink or voluntarily blinking. While following the same blink instruction, subjects made horizontal vergence eye movements of 7 degrees and combined saccade-vergence movements with a version amplitude of 20 degrees. The movements were performed back and forth from two targets simultaneously presented nearby (38 cm) and more distant (145 cm). Small vertical saccades accompanied most vergence movements. These results show that blinks change the kinematics (saccade duration, peak velocity, peak acceleration, peak deceleration) of not only horizontal but also of vertical saccades, of horizontal vergence eye movements, and of combined saccade-vergence eye movements. Peak velocity, acceleration, and deceleration of eye movements were decreased on the average by 30%, and their duration increased by 43% on the average when they were accompanied by blinks. The blink effect was time dependent with respect to saccade and vergence onset: the greatest effect occurred 100 ms prior to saccade onset, whereas there was no effect when the blink started after saccade onset. The effects of blinks on saccades and vergence, which are tightly coupled to latency, support the hypothesis that blinks cause profound spatiotemporal perturbations of the eye movements by interfering with the normal saccade/vergence premotor circuits. However, the measured effect may to a certain degree but not exclusively be explained by mechanical interference.  相似文献   

We recorded the smooth-pursuit eye movements of monkeys in response to targets that were extinguished (blinked) for 200 ms in mid-trajectory. Eye velocity declined considerably during the target blinks, even when the blinks were completely predictable in time and space. Eye velocity declined whether blinks were presented during steady-state pursuit of a constant-velocity target, during initiation of pursuit before target velocity was reached, or during eye accelerations induced by a change in target velocity. When a physical occluder covered the trajectory of the target during blinks, creating the impression that the target moved behind it, the decline in eye velocity was reduced or abolished. If the target was occluded once the eye had reached target velocity, pursuit was only slightly poorer than normal, uninterrupted pursuit. In contrast, if the target was occluded during the initiation of pursuit, while the eye was accelerating toward target velocity, pursuit during occlusion was very different from normal pursuit. Eye velocity remained relatively stable during target occlusion, showing much less acceleration than normal pursuit and much less of a decline than was produced by a target blink. Anticipatory or predictive eye acceleration was typically observed just prior to the reappearance of the target. Computer simulations show that these results are best understood by assuming that a mechanism of eye-velocity memory remains engaged during target occlusion but is disengaged during target blinks.  相似文献   

Rapid eyelid closure, or a blink, often accompanies head-restrained and head-unrestrained gaze shifts. This study examines the interactions between such gaze-evoked blinks and gaze shifts in monkeys. Blink probability increases with gaze amplitude and at a faster rate for head-unrestrained movements. Across animals, blink likelihood is inversely correlated with the average gaze velocity of large-amplitude control movements. Gaze-evoked blinks induce robust perturbations in eye velocity. Peak and average velocities are reduced, duration is increased, but accuracy is preserved. The temporal features of the perturbation depend on factors such as the time of blink relative to gaze onset, inherent velocity kinematics of control movements, and perhaps initial eye-in-head position. Although variable across animals, the initial effect is a reduction in eye velocity, followed by a reacceleration that yields two or more peaks in its waveform. Interestingly, head velocity is not attenuated; instead, it peaks slightly later and with a larger magnitude. Gaze latency is slightly reduced on trials with gaze-evoked blinks, although the effect was more variable during head-unrestrained movements; no reduction in head latency is observed. Preliminary data also demonstrate a similar perturbation of gaze-evoked blinks during vertical saccades. The results are compared with previously reported effects of reflexive blinks (evoked by air-puff delivered to one eye or supraorbital nerve stimulation) and discussed in terms of effects of blinks on saccadic suppression, neural correlates of the altered eye velocity signals, and implications on the hypothesis that the attenuation in eye velocity is produced by a head movement command.  相似文献   

The premotor pathways subserving saccades and smooth-pursuit eye movements are usually thought to be different. Indeed, saccade and smooth-pursuit eye movements have different dynamics and functions. In particular, a group of midline cells in the pons called omnipause neurons (OPNs) are considered to be part of the saccadic system only. It has been established that OPNs keep premotor neurons for saccades under constant inhibition during fixation periods. Saccades occur only when the activity of OPNs has completely stopped or paused. Accordingly, electrical stimulation in the region of OPNs inhibits premotor neurons and interrupts saccades. The premotor relay for smooth pursuit is thought to be organized differently and omnipause neurons are not supposed to be involved in smooth-pursuit eye movements. To investigate this supposition, OPNs were recorded during saccades and during smooth pursuit in the monkey (Macaca mulatta). Unexpectedly, we found that neuronal activity of OPNs decreased during smooth pursuit. The resulting activity reduction reached statistical significance in approximately 50% of OPNs recorded during pursuit of a target moving at 40 degrees /s. On average, activity was reduced by 34% but never completely stopped or paused. The onset of activity reduction coincided with the onset of smooth pursuit. The duration of activity reduction was correlated with pursuit duration and its intensity was correlated with eye velocity. Activity reduction was observed even in the absence of catch-up saccades that frequently occur during pursuit. Electrical microstimulation in the OPNs' area induced a strong deceleration of the eye during smooth pursuit. These results suggest that OPNs form an inhibitory mechanism that could control the time course of smooth pursuit. This inhibitory mechanism is part of the fixation system and is probably needed to avoid reflexive eye movements toward targets that are not purposefully selected. This study shows that saccades and smooth pursuit, although they are different kinds of eye movements, are controlled by the same inhibitory system.  相似文献   

The oculomotor system coordinates different types of eye movements in order to orient the visual axis, including saccade and smooth pursuit,. It was traditionally thought that the premotor pathways for these different eye movements are largely separate. In particular, a group of midline cells in the pons called omnipause neurons were considered to be part of only the saccadic system. Recent experimental findings have shown activity modulation of these brainstem premotor neurons during both kinds of eye movements. In this study, we propose a new computational model of the brainstem circuitry underlying the generation of saccades and smooth pursuit eye movements. Similar models have been developed earlier, but mainly looking at pure saccades. Here, we integrated recent neurophysiological findings on omnipause neuron activity during smooth pursuit. Our computational model can mimic some new experimental findings as the similarity of "eye velocity profile" with "omnipause neuron pattern of activity" in pursuit movement. We showed that pursuit neuron activity is augmented during catch-up saccades; this increment depends on the initial pursuit velocity in catch-up saccade onset. We conclude that saccadic and pursuit components of catch-up saccades are added to each other nonlinearly.  相似文献   

瞳孔反应和注视位置是眼动研究中重要的监测指标,但在实验过程中,常常会受到自发性眨眼的干扰。目前,多数研究者只关注到眨眼过程中短暂的数据丢失和波动,而忽略了眨眼对这些变量更广泛的影响。因此本文系统地分析了眨眼对瞳孔反应和注视位置的影响。本研究采用简单的长时间注视任务,使用光学眼动仪记录22个人类被试的瞳孔和注视位置的数据并在其中精确地提取眨眼。瞳孔反应和注视位置的时间序列以眨眼开始和结束对齐。结果表明,在眨眼结束后,瞳孔反应发生长达4 s的大幅度波动(约12%),其中在300~1 700 ms间,瞳孔值显著地低于基线水平(P相似文献   

When objects move in our environment, the orientation of the visual axis in space requires the coordination of two types of eye movements: saccades and smooth pursuit. The principal input to the saccadic system is position error, whereas it is velocity error for the smooth pursuit system. Recently, it has been shown that catch-up saccades to moving targets are triggered and programmed by using velocity error in addition to position error. Here, we show that, when a visual target is flashed during ongoing smooth pursuit, it evokes a smooth eye movement toward the flash. The velocity of this evoked smooth movement is proportional to the position error of the flash; it is neither influenced by the velocity of the ongoing smooth pursuit eye movement nor by the occurrence of a saccade, but the effect is absent if the flash is ignored by the subject. Furthermore, the response started around 85 ms after the flash presentation and decayed with an average time constant of 276 ms. Thus this is the first direct evidence of a position input to the smooth pursuit system. This study shows further evidence for a coupling between saccadic and smooth pursuit systems. It also suggests that there is an interaction between position and velocity error signals in the control of more complex movements.  相似文献   

Periarcuate frontal cortex is involved in the control of smooth pursuit eye movements, but its role remains unclear. To better understand the control of pursuit by the "frontal pursuit area" (FPA), we applied electrical microstimulation when the monkeys were performing a variety of oculomotor tasks. In agreement with previous studies, electrical stimulation consisting of a train of 50-microA pulses at 333 Hz during fixation of a stationary target elicited smooth eye movements with a short latency (approximately 26 ms). The size of the elicited smooth eye movements was enhanced when the stimulation pulses were delivered during the maintenance of pursuit. The enhancement increased as a function of ongoing pursuit speed and was greater during pursuit in the same versus opposite direction of the eye movements evoked at a site. If stimulation was delivered during pursuit in eight different directions, the elicited eye velocity was fit best by a model incorporating two stimulation effects: a directional signal that drives eye velocity and an increase in the gain of ongoing pursuit eye speed in all directions. Separate experiments tested the effect of stimulation on the response to specific image motions. Stimulation consisted of a train of pulses at 100 or 200 Hz delivered during fixation so that only small smooth eye movements were elicited. If the stationary target was perturbed briefly during microstimulation, normally weak eye movement responses showed strong enhancement. If delivered at the initiation of pursuit, the same microstimulation caused enhancement of the presaccadic initiation of pursuit for steps of target velocity that moved the target either away from the position of fixation or in the direction of the eye movement caused by stimulation at the site. Stimulation in the FPA increased the latency of saccades to stationary or moving targets. Our results show that the FPA has two kinds of effects on the pursuit system. One drives smooth eye velocity in a fixed direction and is subject to on-line gain control by ongoing pursuit. The other causes enhancement of both the speed of ongoing pursuit and the responses to visual motion in a way that is not strongly selective for the direction of pursuit. Enhancement may operate either at a single site or at multiple sites. We conclude that the FPA plays an important role in on-line gain control for pursuit as well as possibly delivering commands for the direction and speed of smooth eye motion.  相似文献   

The intermediate and deep layers of the monkey superior colliculus (SC) are known to be important for the generation of saccadic eye movements. Recent studies have also provided evidence that the rostral SC might be involved in the control of pursuit eye movements. However, because rostral SC neurons respond to visual stimuli used to guide pursuit, it is also possible that the pursuit-related activity is simply a visual response. To test this possibility, we recorded the activity of neurons in the rostral SC as monkeys smoothly pursued a target that was briefly extinguished. We found that almost all rostral SC neurons in our sample maintained their pursuit-related activity during a brief visual blink, which was similar to the maintained activity they also exhibited during blinks imposed during fixation. These results indicate that discharge of rostral SC neurons during pursuit is not simply a visual response, but includes extraretinal signals.  相似文献   

The contribution of the flocculus region of the cerebellum to horizontal gaze pursuit was studied in squirrel monkeys. When the head was free to move, the monkeys pursued targets with a combination of smooth eye and head movements; with the majority of the gaze velocity produced by smooth tracking head movements. In the accompanying study we reported that the flocculus region was necessary for cancellation of the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) evoked by passive whole body rotation. The question addressed in this study was whether the flocculus region of the cerebellum also plays a role in canceling the VOR produced by active head movements during gaze pursuit. The firing behavior of 121 Purkinje (Pk) cells that were sensitive to horizontal smooth pursuit eye movements was studied. The sample included 66 eye velocity Pk cells and 55 gaze velocity Pk cells. All of the cells remained sensitive to smooth pursuit eye movements during combined eye and head tracking. Eye velocity Pk cells were insensitive to smooth pursuit head movements. Gaze velocity Pk cells were nearly as sensitive to active smooth pursuit head movements as they were passive whole body rotation; but they were less than half as sensitive ( approximately 43%) to smooth pursuit head movements as they were to smooth pursuit eye movements. Considered as a whole, the Pk cells in the flocculus region of the cerebellar cortex were <20% as sensitive to smooth pursuit head movements as they were to smooth pursuit eye movements, which suggests that this region does not produce signals sufficient to cancel the VOR during smooth head tracking. The comparative effect of injections of muscimol into the flocculus region on smooth pursuit eye and head movements was studied in two monkeys. Muscimol inactivation of the flocculus region profoundly affected smooth pursuit eye movements but had little effect on smooth pursuit head movements or on smooth tracking of visual targets when the head was free to move. We conclude that the signals produced by flocculus region Pk cells are neither necessary nor sufficient to cancel the VOR during gaze pursuit.  相似文献   

The study of the saccadic system has focused mainly on neurons active before the beginning of saccades, in order to determine their contribution in movement planning and execution. However, most oculomotor structures contain also neurons whose activity starts only after the onset of saccades, the maximum of their activity sometimes occurring near saccade end. Their characteristics are still largely unknown. We investigated pretectal neurons with saccade-related activity in the alert cat during eye movements towards a moving target. They emitted a high-frequency burst of action potentials after the onset of saccades, irrespective of their direction, and will be referred to as "pretectal saccade-related neurons". The delay between saccade onset and cell activity varied from 17 to 66 ms on average. We found that burst parameters were correlated with the parameters of saccades; the peak eye velocity was correlated with the peak of the spike density function, the saccade amplitude with the number of spikes in the burst, and burst duration increased with saccade duration. The activity of six pretectal saccade-related neurons was studied during smooth pursuit at different velocities. A correlation was found between smooth pursuit velocity and mean firing rate. A minority of these neurons (2/6) were also visually responsive. Their visual activity was proportional to the difference between eye and target velocity during smooth pursuit (retinal slip). These results indicate that the activity of pretectal saccade-related neurons is correlated with the characteristics of eye movements. This finding is in agreement with the known anatomical projections from premotor regions of the saccadic system to the pretectum.  相似文献   

Following the initial, sensory response to stimulus presentation, activity in many saccade-related burst neurons along the oculomotor neuraxis is observed as a gradually increasing low-frequency discharge hypothesized to encode both timing and metrics of the impending eye movement. When the activity reaches an activation threshold level, these cells discharge a high-frequency burst, inhibit the pontine omnipause neurons (OPNs) and trigger a high-velocity eye movement known as saccade. We tested whether early cessation of OPN activity, prior to when it ordinarily pauses, acts to effectively lower the threshold and prematurely trigger a movement of modified metrics and/or dynamics. Relying on the observation that OPN discharge ceases during not only saccades but also blinks, air-puffs were delivered to one eye to evoke blinks as monkeys performed standard oculomotor tasks. We observed a linear relationship between blink and saccade onsets when the blink occurred shortly after the cue to initiate the movement but before the average reaction time. Blinks that preceded and overlapped with the cue increased saccade latency. Blinks evoked during the overlap period of the delayed saccade task, when target location is known but a saccade cannot be initiated for correct performance, failed to trigger saccades prematurely. Furthermore, when saccade and blink execution coincided temporally, the peak velocity of the eye movement was attenuated, and its initial velocity was correlated with its latency. Despite the perturbations, saccade accuracy was maintained across all blink times and task types. Collectively, these results support the notion that temporal features of the low-frequency activity encode aspects of a premotor command and imply that inhibition of OPNs alone is not sufficient to trigger saccades.  相似文献   

The smooth pursuit system moves the eyes in space accurately while compensating for visual inputs from the moving background and/or vestibular inputs during head movements. To understand the mechanisms underlying such interactions, we examined the influence of a stationary textured visual background on smooth pursuit tracking and compared the results in young and adult humans and monkeys. Six humans (three children, three adults) and six macaque monkeys (five young, one adult) were used. Human eye movements were recorded using infrared oculography and evoked by a sinusoidally moving target presented on a computer monitor. Scleral search coils were used for monkeys while they tracked a target presented on a tangent screen. The target moved in a sinusoidal or trapezoidal fashion with or without whole body rotation in the same plane. Two kinds of backgrounds, homogeneous and stationary textured, were used. Eye velocity gains (eye velocity/target velocity) were calculated in each condition to compare the influence of the textured background. Children showed asymmetric eye movements during vertical pursuit across the textured (but not the homogeneous) background; upward pursuit was severely impaired, and consisted mostly of catch-up saccades. In contrast, adults showed no asymmetry during pursuit across the different backgrounds. Monkeys behaved similarly; only slight effects were observed with the textured background in a mature monkey, whereas upward pursuit was severely impaired in young monkeys. In addition, VOR cancellation was severely impaired during upward eye and head movements, resulting in residual downward VOR in young monkeys. From these results, we conclude that the directional asymmetry observed in young primates may reflect a different neural organization of the vertical, particularly upward, pursuit system in the face of conflicting visual and vestibular inputs that can be associated with pursuit eye movements. Apparently, proper compensation matures later. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

We evaluated the role of visual and non-visual information in the control of smooth pursuit movements during tracking of a self-moved target. Previous works have shown that self-moved target tracking is characterised by shorter smooth pursuit latency and higher maximal velocity than eye-alone tracking. In fact, when a subject tracks a visual target controlled by his own arm, eye movement and arm movement are closely synchronised. In the present study, we showed that, in a condition where the direction of motion of a self-moved visual target was opposite to that of the arm (same amplitude, same velocity, but opposite direction of movement), the resulting smooth pursuit eye movements occurred with low latency, and continued for about 140 ms in the direction of the arm movement rather than in the direction of the actual visual target movement. After 140 ms, the eye movement direction reversed through a combination of smooth pursuit and saccades. Subsequently, while arm and visual target still moved in opposite directions, smooth pursuit occurred in pace with the visual target motion. Subjects were also submitted to a series of 60 tracking trials, for which the arm-to-target motion relationship was systematically reversed. Under these conditions subjects were able to initiate early smooth pursuit in the actual direction of the visual target. Overall, these results confirm that non-visual information produced by the arm motor system can trigger and control smooth pursuit. They also demonstrate the plasticity of the neuronal network handling eye-arm coordination control.  相似文献   

The gain (ratio of eye velocity to head velocity) of the initial horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) was calculated in 12 normal subjects over 350 ms during impulsive, unpredictable whole body rotation under three conditions: (1) darkness; (2) visual enhancement of the VOR, while the subjects fixated a stationary target; and (3) visual cancellation of the reflex, while subjects fixated a target that rotated with the head. The gain of the initial 80 ms of compensatory eye movement increased significantly during visual fixation in 5 subjects and decreased during attempted VOR cancellation in 3 subjects, when compared with VOR gain in darkness. Compensatory vestibular smooth eye movements were slowed, becoming curved at the onset of VOR cancellation, at mean latencies ranging from 78 to 149 ms in individual subjects (group mean 128 ms). At about 190 ms, quick phases moved the eyes in the same direction as head and target motion. The subsequent vestibular eye movements were about 50% slower than the initial smooth eye movements, indicating more effective cancellation. Visual enhancement of the VOR can occur prior to the onset of pursuit, providing evidence that fixation and smooth pursuit are distinct ocular motor systems. Visual cancellation of the VOR also begins prior to smooth pursuit initiation and becomes more effective after the latency of smooth pursuit.  相似文献   

Blinking and associated eye movements in humans, guinea pigs, and rabbits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recordings of upper eyelid movements in humans, guinea pigs, and rabbits demonstrated that all three species displayed qualitatively similar patterns of eyelid movement. The relation between amplitude, duration, and maximum velocity in rabbits and humans was nearly identical. Guinea pig blinks were faster than those of rabbit and man. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings in humans demonstrated that the orbicularis oculis muscle participated in downward movement of the upper eyelid during blinks and eyelid closure but did not participate actively in the downward lid movement occurring with gaze changes. When looking straight ahead, the estimated stiffness and viscosity of the upper eyelid were 10 g/mm and 0.38 g X s X mm-1 for humans and 1.17 g/mm and 0.062 g X s X mm-1 for rabbits. Upward and abducting rotations of the eye accompanied blinks in rabbits and guinea pigs. Simultaneously, the eyeball retracted (translational movement) into the orbit. These translational and rotational eye movements resulted from contraction of the retractor bulbi muscle and cocontraction of antagonistic extraocular muscles. The data suggested that humans also retracted the eye during voluntary blinks. The retraction produced a rotation of the eye toward a "primary position" rather than a rotation in one specific direction. The relationship between the maximum velocity, duration, and amplitude of the down phase of a blink may be expressed as a single equation, maximum velocity = c X average velocity, where c is a constant. The same relationship, with a similar value for c, also describes saccadic eye movements and rapid skeletal movements. This implies that all three movements employ comparable neural mechanisms.  相似文献   

The flocculus and ventral paraflocculus are adjacent regions of the cerebellar cortex that are essential for controlling smooth pursuit eye movements and for altering the performance of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). The question addressed in this study is whether these regions of the cerebellum are more globally involved in controlling gaze, regardless of whether eye or active head movements are used to pursue moving visual targets. Single-unit recordings were obtained from Purkinje (Pk) cells in the floccular region of squirrel monkeys that were trained to fixate and pursue small visual targets. Cell firing rate was recorded during smooth pursuit eye movements, cancellation of the VOR, combined eye-head pursuit, and spontaneous gaze shifts in the absence of targets. Pk cells were found to be much less sensitive to gaze velocity during combined eye-head pursuit than during ocular pursuit. They were not sensitive to gaze or head velocity during gaze saccades. Temporary inactivation of the floccular region by muscimol injection compromised ocular pursuit but had little effect on the ability of monkeys to pursue visual targets with head movements or to cancel the VOR during active head movements. Thus the signals produced by Pk cells in the floccular region are necessary for controlling smooth pursuit eye movements but not for coordinating gaze during active head movements. The results imply that individual functional modules in the cerebellar cortex are less involved in the global organization and coordination of movements than with parametric control of movements produced by a specific part of the body.  相似文献   

Endogenous blinks--those occurring without apparent provocation--are regulated in adults with respect to the presentation, cognitive loading, and response demands of stimuli. This investigation determined the extent to which similar regulatory and response-related relationships were evident in preadolescents during a visual continuous performance task (CPT). As in adults, increased blink incidence on task, longer blink deferral following stimuli with greater cognitive loading, and blink-facilitated motor responses to imperative stimuli were observed. Reaction times significantly decreased when the button press (BP) occurred near (+/- 200 ms) blink onset and increased across the task period on blink-free but not blink-associated trials. More blinks occurred before motor responses in females, and a reaction time (RT) advantage for males on blink-free trials was maintained across blink-associated conditions. From these results, an interpretation is developed arguing that endogenous blinks are a meaningful and integral component of sensory-motor processing, indexing times of facilitated attentional and motor response capability.  相似文献   

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