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Symptomatic calculi in the upper ureter are usually removed using surgical and endoscopic techniques. Extraction via percutaneous nephrostomy was successful in 35 of 37 patients using sequentially the techniques of retrograde catheter push, basket sheath exchange, and steerable loop-snare. In 12 patients, the calculus was dislodged into the renal pelvis by the retrograde ureteral catheter; extraction was then easily done. Stone basket retrieval was used for an additional 17 patients. A steerable loop-snare was necessary in six other patients when basket retrieval failed.  相似文献   

Nephrostomy catheters offer nonsurgical modes of therapy for some renal stones. Continuous lavage of the stones using hemiacidrin (Renacidin®) for struvite stones, THAM-E or acetylcysteine for cystine stones, and bicarbonate solution for uric acid stones may dissolve either entire stones or stone fragments remaining after surgery. Although irrigation is not without potential complications, recent developments in technique have minimized these. Nephrostomy tubes can also be used to transmit stone baskets through steerable catheters to snare stones from the upper collecting system or from the ureter; any stone that can be engaged and withdrawn through the tube tract can be removed; stones larger than those which can be safely extracted through the ureterovesical junction can be so treated. Neither of these procedures requires general anesthesia, the rate of serious morbidity is low, and the required hospital stay is often less than that for surgery; these modes of therapy are therefore valuable for certain patients.  相似文献   

脏器定位法对输尿管结石的超声诊断价值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 :探讨脏器定位法对输尿管结石的超声探测方法及临床价值。方法 :应用ATL HDI30 0 0彩色超声诊断仪对 115例输尿管结石患者 ,根据输尿管各段的解剖走向特点 ,利用超声易于显示的相邻组织或器官对输尿管作立体定位探查。结果 :115例输尿管结石其中上段结石 4 7例全部检出 (47/ 4 7) ,中段结石 30例检出 2 8例 (2 8/ 30 ) ,下段结石 4 0例检出 39例 (39/ 4 0 )。所检出 115例结石中 ,应用常规探测方法检出 10 7例 ,7例未检出。结论 :我们认为脏器定位探查法输尿管结石的超声诊断中 ,是一种定位准确、省时检出率高、具有可操作性的探测方法 ,具有重要推广价值。  相似文献   

Percutaneous nephrostolithotomy, which can require a double puncture, is presently the method of choice in our institution for the removal of renal stones. Patients that underwent this procedure were evaluated to identify the possible reasons for the double puncture. Of 200 patients evaluated, 14 needed a second tract. The three variables that determined whether a second puncture was needed, in order of importance, were number and size of the stones, with second tracts needed in patients with multiple stones and staghorn calculi; anatomical variations of the renal collecting system itself, with bifid systems the most significant anatomic variation; and the dexterity of the radiologist in performing the puncture and the ability of the urologist to extract the stone. Second tracts were needed more frequently in patients who presented with stones in both the lower and middle poles of the collecting systems.  相似文献   

Recent developments in instrumentation have revolutionized the management of renal and ureteral calculi, so that over 90 per cent of all upper urinary tract calculi can presently be treated by means of percutaneous manipulations. Approximately two thirds of these stones can be extracted under either fluoroscopic or nephroscopic control, with the remainder disintegrated under nephroscopic control with ultrasonic or electrohydraulic energies. The authors describe techniques and equipment for fluoroscopically guided percutaneous extraction of renal and ureteral calculi.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study is to evaluate the safety and utility of a new single-wall puncture technique for percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage in comparison with the conventional double-wall puncture technique. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the single-wall puncture technique is a useful method for percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage and may be safer than the conventional double-wall puncture technique.  相似文献   

Beckmann  CF; Roth  RA; Luedke  MD 《Radiology》1986,159(3):643-645
In 44 patients with one or more calculi in the upper two-thirds of the ureter, single-stage percutaneous nephrolithotomy was performed through a middle or upper calyceal nephrostomy after cystoscopic placement of an occlusion balloon catheter distal to the calculus; in 42, the procedure was successful. The occlusion balloon catheter permitted retrograde opacification of all systems for enhanced renal puncture. In the last 30 patients an attempt was made either to push the calculus upward mechanically or to flush it upward into the renal pelvis with carbon dioxide or dilute contrast material. This was successful in 24 of these patients. Prior overnight occlusion of the ureter by means of ureteral dilatation further facilitates dislodgment of the calculus, which was successful in 12 of 13 patients.  相似文献   

患者男,77岁。右腰部不适10年,血尿半个月。超声所见:左肾长径11.9cm,回声正常,膀胱前列腺未见明显异常。右肾萎缩,长径8.0cm,皮质回声变薄近消失,回声增强,肾盂呈肾外型,肾盂及输尿管上段分离约17cm×7cm,输尿管第一狭窄处近端输尿管后壁见附壁低回声肿物2.3cm×2.1cm,部分堵塞输尿管管腔,改变体位不移动,外形呈菜花样,内部回声不均匀,可见多发强回声斑不伴声影。彩超强回声斑处"快闪伪像"明亮血流信号,改变扫查角度可显示  相似文献   

Percutaneous extraction of retained biliary T-tubes: a new technique   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Retained T-tubes are rare complications after biliary surgery. The authors present three cases of retained T-tubes in patients with transplanted liver that could not be removed by a standard manual traction. The authors describe a new simple percutaneous method that allows removal of these T-tubes without complication.  相似文献   

目的 总结经肾穿刺造瘘管顺行低压冲洗在逆行输尿管硬镜下处理输尿管上段结石的临床资料,寻找简单、适合基层医院的输尿管上段结石微创手术方法.方法 选择2013年6月-2014年12月在解放军第309医院行输尿管上段结石逆行输尿管硬镜碎石术的患者58例,其中男33例,女25例,年龄平均43.5(22~67)岁,结石长径平均1.25(0.7~1.8)cm.患者先行超声引导下经皮肾穿刺造瘘,术中经肾造瘘管顺行低压冲洗,同时逆行输尿管硬镜下行气压弹道碎石术.因输尿管狭窄无法完成输尿管镜检查者不纳入临床观察.结果 58例患者中54例(93.1%)一期碎石成功.2例(3.4%)伴有明显肉芽组织形成包裹结石,更改为腹腔镜手术.2例(3.4%)部分结石返回肾盂,其中1例留置D-J管后行体外冲击波碎石治疗,另1例结石再次嵌顿二次输尿管硬镜碎石.手术时间平均47(24~70)min.无感染发生,术后2d拔除肾造瘘管,无继发出血.平均住院时间4.5(2~7)d.无发热,无脓肾,无菌血症和败血症的发生,肾造瘘处无继发出血,无漏尿.结论 超声引导下经皮肾穿刺造瘘通过顺行冲洗,使输尿管硬镜下输尿管上段结石气压弹道碎石术安全、有效,结石返回肾盂发生率明显降低,清石率高.该方法顺行、低压冲洗可避免逆行感染,且简单易行,费用低,适合基层医院开展.  相似文献   

多层螺旋CT对输尿管结石的临床应用价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨多层螺旋cT在输尿管结石诊断中的临床应用价值。方法71例临床诊断的输尿管结石患者均经常规多层螺旋cT检查,其中8例行增强扫描。结果多层螺旋cT扫描明确显示输尿管结石68例,诊断符合率95.8%,其中结石位于右侧输尿管者37例,左侧25例,两侧6例;位于输尿管3个解剖狭窄处52例。结论多层螺旋cT可全面、立体、直观地显示输尿管结石大小、形态、位置及输尿管梗阻扩张的程度,对输尿管结石的诊断具有重要的临床价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨经输尿管肾镜联合钬激光腔内治疗输尿管结石的有效性及安全性。方法分析2005年1月~2006年12月收治的经输尿管肾镜钬激光治疗输尿管结石206例的临床资料。其中181例伴有患侧轻、中度肾盂积水,IVP患肾不显影19例,28例同时合并结石远端输尿管狭窄,57例合并有息肉或肉芽组织包裹,26例为体外冲击波碎石术(ESWL)治疗失败。结果206例中195例单次手术碎石成功,单次手术结石粉碎率达94.7%(195/206)。平均手术时间25min,术中无输尿管穿孔等并发症发生,平均住院日5.5d。10例结石在钬激光碎石过程中移位于肾盏或结石残留,术后再行ESWL治愈;1例双侧输尿管结石,因输尿管狭窄无法人镜,中转开放手术。结论输尿管肾镜联合钬激光碎石术治疗输尿管结石有效、安全,可作为输尿管结石特别是中下段结石首选的治疗方法。  相似文献   

Percutaneous removal of ureteral calculi: clinical and experimental results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Between May 1983 and October 1984, 51 patients who had 68 ureteral stones underwent treatment at the University of Minnesota. All 68 stones were removed successfully using percutaneous techniques. The 100% success rate is a great improvement over previous results at our institution. The primary factors appear to be the development of the retrograde-flush technique, familiarity with and access to a wider range of methods, and the increasing use of the retrograde ureterorenoscope to see stones in the lower ureter. The average patient was a 45-year-old man who had no other medical problems. The average hospital stay was 6.8 days. Experimental studies with dogs indicate that injection rates of up to 30 ml/sec of contrast material through a retrograde catheter in the ureter are safe if a vent is present in the upper collecting system.  相似文献   

 目的 系统评价高选择性α1D受体阻滞药萘哌地尔治疗输尿管远端结石的有效性及安全性。方法 计算机检索了Pubmed、Cochrane图书馆、中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库和维普数据库,收集了萘哌地尔治疗输尿管远端结石的随机对照试验。由2名评价者共同评价纳入文献质量并提取资料,采用Review Manager 5.0完成资料分析。结果 共纳入11个研究,包含983例患者。Meta分析结果显示:与观察等待组相比,萘哌地尔组的排石率明显提高(RR=1.63,95% CI 1.32~2.03,P<0.01),排石时间缩短(WMD=-2.83,95% CI -3.75~-1.92,P<0.01),差异均有统计学意义。与α1A受体阻滞药组相比,二者排石率(RR=0.97,95% CI 0.78~1.20,P=0.76)和排石时间(WMD=0.15,95% CI 0.40~0.69,P=0.59)比较,差异均无统计学意义,但萘哌地尔组不良反应的发生率明显降低,差异有统计学意义(RR=0.52,95% CI 0.27~0.98,P=0.04)。结论 萘哌地尔能有效促进输尿管远端结石排出,与α1A受体阻滞药相比无明显差异,但不良反应发生率明显降低。  相似文献   

Indwelling ureteral stents: percutaneous management of complications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
LeRoy  AJ; Williams  HJ  Jr; Segura  JW; Patterson  DE; Benson  RC  Jr 《Radiology》1986,158(1):219-222
Complications of indwelling ureteral stents were managed percutaneously in 13 patients. These complications consisted of three fractured, three heavily encrusted, and seven migrated stents. While most ureteral stent malfunctions are routinely managed with retrograde techniques, the percutaneous approach allows effective clinical management in selected cases in which extensive renal stone material or brittle intrarenal stent fragments are present or when previous surgery or ureteral strictures do not permit a retrograde approach. Fluoroscopically guided removal of migrated stents and percutaneous endoscopic techniques, for complex cases such as those requiring stone removal, were successful and without complications.  相似文献   

The best method of diatom identification in animal and human tissues is still an important discussion topic, in terms of effectiveness and reliability. In this technical note, authors propose a new method of extraction of diatoms using heated hydrogen peroxide from animal and human tissue samples. This method has been compared with the traditional method of digestion with acids. The results of the comparison show that heated hydrogen peroxide extraction is more efficient in terms of reduction of sediment, extraction of the material and preservation of diatoms proving to be a viable alternative to conventional approaches with acids in terms of costs and operator safety.  相似文献   

Two cases are presented in which conventional approaches did not permit dilation of and stent placement in obstructed ureters. In patients with iatrogenic ureteral laceration or rigid ureteral kinking, direct percutaneous translumbar puncture may provide a safe alternative. The authors' technique is described.  相似文献   

The authors report 261 cases of single ureteral calculi treated with in situ lithotripsy after retrograde manipulations had failed. Previous reports have indicated that extracorporeal lithotripsy of impacted ureteral calculi has not been highly successful. Two hundred five of the calculi were located in the proximal ureter, above the sacroiliac joint; 27 were in the presacral ureter, overlying the bony pelvis; and 29 were in the juxtavesicular ureter, below the inferior border of the sacroiliac joint. Retrograde ureteral catheters were in place during lithotripsy for 215 calculi. Two hundred fifty-four (97%) calculi were successfully treated with lithotripsy and, when necessary, with additional postlithotripsy radiologic and urologic interventions. Seven (3%) calculi were not successfully fragmented. Nephrostomy was performed in 13 (5%) patients. Retrograde ureteral catheters were not found to enhance calculus fragmentation. In situ lithotripsy of ureteral calculi has been shown to be feasible as an alternative to ureterolithotomy when retrograde manipulation has failed.  相似文献   

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