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医院门诊药房与零售药店药品品种及价格的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解医院门诊药房与零售药店药品品种与价格,知晓其差异,提出相关政策建议.方法对4个省的7家药店和8家医院门诊药房的药品品种和价格进行调查和比较分析.结果医院门诊药房和零售药店经营药品的种类差异较大;患者持医院处方到零售药店有60%的可能购不到所开药品;医院门诊药房与零售药店药品的质量、价格管理方式不同;医院门诊药房和零售药店药品同类品种的零售价格水平不同;单独定价药品价格虚高较为严重;医院药剂部门在拥有高中级药学人才方面占有绝对优势,其药事服务能力零售药店难以企及.结论医院门诊药房和零售药店具有较大差异性.目前情况下,出台剥离医院门诊药房,或者鼓励门诊病人到零售药店进行处方调剂的政策性规定,条件尚不成熟.医疗机构要进一步规范药品采购行为;要规范医疗机构医生的处方行为.  相似文献   

利用WHO推荐的标准化的价格调查方法,调查部分药品在济南市公立医院和零售药店的价格信息并在医院和药店之间形成对比,为进一步降低药品价格,改革和完善政府的药品价格政策提出可行性建议。调查显示,调查的四类药品在公立医院和零售药店的可获得性均较好,可获得性范围在45%到100%;四类药品的仿制药的可获得性均比原研药好。原研药的价格比仿制药高得多,原研药是仿制药的4~35倍;无论是原研药品还是仿制药品,公立医院的药品价格大多数比零售药店高,调查到的药品在医院的价格平均是药店的1.43倍,最高达5.93倍。  相似文献   

目的:探析实施国家基本药物制度对陕西省零售药店药品价格与可获得性产生的影响,为政策调整提出相应建议。方法:利用第二版WHO-HAI标准化调查方法,分别于2010年和2012年对陕西省6个地市的36家和72家零售药店进行调查,将44种药品的价格、可获得性和可负担性数据进行比较。结果:样本药店中原研药和最低价格仿制药的可获得性略有降低;原研药的零售价明显降低,而最低价格仿制药零售价升高,慢性病药物零售价升高较明显;两年来,患者对药物的支付性明显提高。结论:基本药物制度实施后陕西省零售药店原研药品价格降低,患者的可负担性改善明显,但调研药品的可获得性却显著降低。建议:政府部门应进一步完善药品价格政策,加大对零售药店的扶持力度;零售药店提高药学服务水平,加强品牌基本药物营销力度;适当降低慢性病药物仿制药的价格,减轻慢性病患者的医疗负担;开展药品价格组分研究,防止部分药品因价格过高影响患者的可负担性。  相似文献   

利用WHO推荐的标准化的价格调查方法,调查部分药品在济南市公立医院和零售药店的价格信息并在医院和药店之间形成对比,为进一步降低药品价格,改革和完善政府的药品价格政策提出可行性建议。调查显示,调查的四类药品在公立医院和零售药店的可获得性均较好,可获得性范围在45%到100%;四类药品的仿制药的可获得性均比原研药好。原研药的价格比仿制药高得多,原研药是仿制药的4—35倍;无论是原研药品还是仿制药品,公立医院的药品价格大多数比零售药店高,调查到的药品在医院的价格平均是药店的1.43倍,最高达5.93倍。  相似文献   

上世纪末医疗机构倍受社会关注的热点是“红包”和服务态度,如今,社会关心的热点是医疗收费,谈得最多的是为什么药店的药品便宜,而医院的药品贵?药店的药品降价,而医院却降价的动静不大?笔者认为药品出现不同的价格是由诸多因素造成的。  相似文献   

药品价格是广大群众关注的热门话题,总认为医院药品价格高于药店药价,这是不可否认的实事。为遏制医院药品虚高定价和药品购销中的不正之风,相关部门出台了不少的政策和措施,如顺价销售、最高零售价格限制、药品集中招标采购等。由于药品生产厂家不同,是否GMP认证及  相似文献   

近年来,药品价格居高不下,人民群众看病贵尤其是药品贵已经成为困扰患者、医院和整个社会的顽症。对此,河南省安阳市卫生局在原来药品集中招标采购的基础上,采取多部门联合,实行“以价招药”(根据药品的市场价格,扣除15%作为底价进行招标,进入医院后再顺加15%作为药品的零售价格),使该市的县以上公立医院药品价格与社会药店基本持平,受到了社会各界的好评。  相似文献   

药品零售业告别暴利时代全国药店半数亏损随着各行各业进军医药零售业引发的竞争,药房的赢利空间越来越小,有的甚至进入亏损境地,全国药店亏损面已达到50%。我国药品零售业已不再是暴利行业。根据国外药房与人员的配备及人均用药水平分析,我国零售药店数量可发展至30万家,而目前我国的药店总数为18万家,其中零售连锁企业近2000家,拥有门店数4万多家,但县级以下的农村及边远地区则缺医少药。药店资源分布极不平衡。据预测,2010年中国药品市场的份额可达240亿美元。但同时有数据表明,我国药品的利润其分配情况为:82%为医院所得,13%为生产商所…  相似文献   

近日,记者选取辉瑞制药公司生产的治疗高血压用药“络活喜”进行了调查。络活喜属于北京市312种社区零差率药物中的一种。记者走访了8家社区卫生服务站、1家三甲医院和14家药店,对这23家医院和药店的价格进行了比较。[第一段]  相似文献   

北京市物价局近日的一项调查显示,虽然到目前为止本市先后降低了总共338种药品的价格,限定了最高零售价,但医院的药品销售总额仍呈上涨趋势,患者医药费过高的情况并没有实质性的改变。北京市物价局此次共调查了10家大中型医院,从各自的销售统计看,虽然报销范围内的抗生素类药品降价使7家医院的此类药品销售额下降,3家医院的此  相似文献   

This study based on interviews with 418 persons treated for various health problems at two retail pharmacies in Maiduguri, Nigeria, sought to know why the population uses the retail pharmacies as outpatient clinics. The most frequent reasons given by the respondents for their use is 'expeditious action in consultation and treatment'. This is followed by 'efficacy of treatment given' and 'convenience' (nearest source). There was no significant relationship between the reasons given and demographic background factors except age. The single most important advantage of retail pharmacy treatment over hospital treatment cited by respondents is 'expeditious treatment'. This is followed by 'availability of unadulterated drugs at all times'. The majority of respondents were in the habit of using retail pharmacies whenever they have illness episodes. Relatives and friends constituted the social network of significant influence over the decision to seek treatment at the particular retail pharmacy. The range of health problems reported for treatment was very wide with malaria as the most frequently reported. But the most frequent treatment given is antibiotic chemotherapy by injection or orally.  相似文献   

武汉市公立医院药品价格水平实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解武汉市公立医院的药品相对价格水平,揭示药品市场现存的问题。方法选择全国市场销售排名前100位的药品全部纳入研究样本,收集武汉市12家公立医院和14家零售药房的药品价格数据,对定量资料进行统计分析,对公立医院间及其与零售药房间的药品价格进行差异性比较。结果公立医院的药品均价高于零售药房同商品名药品的均价;公立医院间同商品名的药品均价差异不显著,但同通用名的药品价格差异有较大的波动性。结论与建议进一步建立健全药品监管制度,加快削弱公立医院的垄断地位,严格药品招标采购管理,建立健全国家基本药物制度。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the price reactions of German pharmacies to changes made to OTC drug regulations in 2004. Prior to these changes, regulations guaranteed identical prices in all German pharmacies. METHODS: Two years after market deregulation, 256 pharmacies were surveyed to determine the retail prices of five selected OTC drugs. A probit regression model was used to identify factors that increased the likelihood of price changes. In addition, 409 pharmacy consumers were interviewed to gather information on their knowledge of the regulatory changes and to better explain consumer behaviour. RESULTS: Data was collected on a total of 1215 prices. Two years after deregulation, 23.1% of the participating pharmacies had modified the price of at least one of the five OTCs included in our study. However, in total, only 7.5% of the prices differed from their pre-deregulation level. The probit model showed that population density and the geographic concentration of pharmacies were significantly associated with price changes. Interestingly, the association with the geographic concentration of pharmacies was negative. The consumer survey revealed that 47.1% of those interviewed were aware of the deregulation. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that, two years after deregulation, very few pharmacies had made use of individual pricing strategies; price competition between pharmacies in Germany is thus taking place only a very small scale.  相似文献   

目的在保留药店间距离限制的前提下,探讨可进一步提升上海市零售药店数量、发展药品零售产业的方法。方法基于上海市人口、药店、医院和交通路网等基础空间数据信息,建立零售药店集聚布局影响因素的空间计量模型,分析各因素对零售药店集聚的作用。结果提出在上海市部分适宜区域打造零售药店集聚区的建议。通过集聚效应,上海市可塑造区域性的药品零售品牌,形成对外的竞争优势;同时,集聚下的竞争压力会促使区域内药店产生强大的经营、转型甚至是创新动力,以利于行业发展;医院规模、交通便捷程度、人流量和需求人口量等均对零售药店在空间上的集聚有显著影响。结论建议在上海市大型综合性医院、市级商业中心周边等区域,新开业药店在符合资质的条件下,药店间距离限制可适度放宽,让市场发挥作用,但需要加强监管力度;在集聚区域形成之后加大对区域内企业的扶持和培育力度,以带动区域的成长升级。该建议已被上海市商务委员会采纳作为2018年零售药店发展布局指引的参考依据。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes determinants of ex‐manufacturer prices for originator and generic drugs across countries. We focus on drugs to treat HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria in middle and low‐income countries (MLICs), with robustness checks to other therapeutic categories and the full income range of countries. We examine the effects of per capita income, income dispersion, competition from originator and generic substitutes, and whether the drugs are sold to retail pharmacies versus tendered procurement by non‐government organizations. The cross‐national income elasticity of prices is 0.27 across the full income range of countries but is 0.0–0.10 between MLICs, implying that drugs are least affordable relative to income in the lowest income countries. Within‐country income inequality contributes to relatively high prices in MLICs. Although generics are priced roughly 30% lower than originators on average, the variance is large. Additional generic competitors only weakly affect prices, plausibly because generic quality uncertainty leads to competition on brand rather than price. Tendered procurement that imposes quality standards attracts multinational generic suppliers and significantly reduces prices of originator and generic drugs, compared with their respective prices to retail pharmacies. ©2013 The Authors. Health Economics Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

2009年8月18日,307种药物进入基本药物目录,这是政府在推进基本药物制度坚实有力的一步。药品零售市场是一个极具潜力的市场,但由于有医保定点药店的存在,中国的药品零售市场是一个相对较弱的垄断市场。基本药物制度是政府在推进新医改过程中的激励性管制,有利于整合药品零售市场的资源,增加了药店经营的自主性,但是在价格和进入机制方面设立了障碍。在这种政府激励性管制的形势下,药店在经营过程中应该从多元化、更加注重药学服务和与社区医疗和上游的处方药供应商建立良好的关系等方面做出自己的战略选择。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Price is a key obstacle for consumer access to essential drugs, especially in developing countries. This study sought to compare the retail prices of essential drugs on the private market in Brazil with that of two international pricing standards. METHODS: The retail price of all drugs on Brazil's Essential Drugs List, July 2000 edition, were compared to the retail price of the same drugs on the Swedish market and on a referential bulk-price indicator from low-cost suppliers on the international market. Ratios of Brazil's prices to Sweden's prices and Brazil's prices to the international bulk mean price-per-unit for each drug were calculated. Using linear regression analysis, the ratios were also studied in relation to the number of manufacturers. RESULTS: For the 132 drugs that were listed on both Brazil's and Sweden's lists, unitary retail prices in Brazil were 1.9 times higher. Of the 94 drugs found on both Brazil's list and the international unit-price indicator, Brazil's national mean unit prices were 13.1 more expensive. No relationship was found between the number of manufacturers for each product and the ratios of prices. CONCLUSIONS: Average retail prices of essential drugs in Brazil are significantly higher than in Sweden. Furthermore, international bulk prices indicate that drugs are brought to market by Brazil's private pharmacies at prices that may be excessively high in relation to production costs, creating high profit margins. The expected price-lowering effects of competition were not identified.  相似文献   

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