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The purpose of this retrospective study was to intra-individually compare the image quality of computed radiography (CR) and low-dose linear-slit digital radiography (LSDR) for supine chest radiographs. A total of 90 patients (28 female, 62 male; mean age, 55.1 years) imaged with CR and LSDR within a mean time interval of 2.8 days ± 3.0 were included in this study. Two independent readers evaluated the image quality of CR and LSDR based on modified European Guidelines for Quality Criteria for chest X-ray. The Wilcoxon test was used to analyse differences between the techniques. The overall image quality of LSDR was significantly better than the quality of CR (9.75 vs 8.16 of a maximum score of 10; p < 0.001). LSDR performed significantly better than CR for delineation of anatomical structures in the mediastinum and the retrocardiac lung (p < 0.001). CR was superior to LSDR for visually sharp delineation of the lung vessels and the thin linear structures in the lungs. We conclude that LSDR yields better image quality and may be more suitable for excluding significant pathological features of the chest in areas with high attenuation compared with CR.  相似文献   

目的 比较非晶硒平板探测器DR与CR对模拟肺部病变的描述,并对剂量降低情况进行评价。方法 模拟线状、网状和结节病变结构置入仿真胸部体模内,应用DR和CR分别对不同mAs设置的体模曝光,记录体模的入射体表剂量。收集不同剂量的硬拷贝照片,由4位放射医师随机地实施模拟肺部病变显示度评价。采用秩和(Wilcoxon)检验进行统计学分析。结果 用2.0、3.2 mAs曝光时,DR与CR对模拟线状、网状病变的显示度差异有统计学意义(模拟线状病变:Z=-2.032,P=0.042;Z=-2.375, P=0.018。模拟网状病变: Z=-2.680, P=0.007;Z=-2.670, P=0.008)。用5.0、6.3 mAs曝光时,两者对模拟线状、网状病变的显示度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。2.0、3.2、5.0、6.3 mAs曝光档,对于小结节(直径小于10 mm)的检测DR均优于CR(Z=-2.237, P=0.018; Z=-2.384, P=0.017; Z=-2.388, P=0.017; Z=-2.366, P=0.018)。当3种模拟肺部病变都显示清楚时,用非晶硒DR系统的入射体表剂量降低约65%。结论 对微小低对比病变的描述,非晶硒平板探测器DR优于CR且明显地降低曝光剂量。  相似文献   

Chest radiography is the most commonly performed diagnostic X-ray examination. The radiation dose to the patient for this examination is relatively low but because of its frequent use, the contribution to the collective dose is considerable. Consequently, optimization of dose and image quality offers a challenging area of research. In this article studies on dose reduction, different detector technologies, optimization of image acquisition and new technical developments in image acquisition and post processing will be reviewed.Studies indicate that dose reduction in PA chest images to at least 50% of commonly applied dose levels does not affect diagnosis in the lung fields; however, dose reduction in the mediastinum, upper abdomen and retrocardiac areas appears to directly deteriorate diagnosis. In addition to patient dose, also the design of the various digital detectors seems to have an effect on image quality. With respect to image acquisition, studies showed that using a lower tube voltage improves visibility of anatomical structures and lesions in digital chest radiographs but also increases the disturbing appearance of ribs.New techniques that are currently being evaluated are dual energy, tomosynthesis, temporal subtraction and rib suppression. These technologies may improve diagnostic chest X-ray further. They may for example reduce the negative influence of over projection of ribs, referred to as anatomic noise. In chest X-ray this type of noise may be the dominating factor in the detection of nodules. In conclusion, optimization and new developments will enlarge the value of chest X-ray as a mainstay in the diagnosis of chest diseases.  相似文献   

The two most frequently performed diagnostic X-ray examinations are those of the extremities and of the chest. Thus, dose reduction in the field of conventional skeletal and chest radiography is an important issue and there is a need to reduce man-made ionizing radiation. The large-area flat-panel detector based on amorphous silicon and thallium-doped cesium iodide provides a significant reduction of radiation dose in skeletal and chest radiography compared with traditional imaging systems. This article describes the technical background and basic image quality parameters of this 43×43-cm digital system, and summarizes the available literature (years 2000–2003) concerning dose reduction in experimental and clinical studies. Due to its high detective quantum efficiency and dynamic range compared with traditional screen-film systems, a dose reduction of up to 50% is possible without loss of image quality.Abbreviations FD Large-area flat-panel detector based on amorphous silicon and thallium-doped cesium iodide - SFR Screen-film radiography - SPR Storage phosphor radiography - DQE Detective quantum efficiency - MTF Modulation transfer function - lp/mm Line pairs per millimeter - ROC Receiver operating characteristic  相似文献   

Digital luminescent radiography (DLR) is a new form of digital radiographic technology which can be used as an alternative to conventional radiologic systems; it replaces conventional screen-film systems by photostimulable phosphorus. Due to the linear dynamic range of photostimulable phosphorus, x-ray examinations can be performed with significantly lower radiation exposure. In this study radiation dose was reduced by about 90% using DLR for urethrocystography.  相似文献   

The introduction of digital radiography not only has revolutionized communication between radiologists and clinicians, but also has improved image quality and allowed for further reduction of patient exposure. However, digital radiography also poses risks, such as unnoticed increases in patient dose and suboptimum image processing that may lead to suppression of diagnostic information. Advanced processing techniques, such as temporal subtraction, dual-energy subtraction and computer-aided detection (CAD) will play an increasing role in the future and are all targeted to decrease the influence of distracting anatomic background structures and to ease the detection of focal and subtle lesions. This review summarizes the most recent technical developments with regard to new detector techniques, options for dose reduction and optimized image processing. It explains the meaning of the exposure indicator or the dose reference level as tools for the radiologist to control the dose. It also provides an overview over the multitude of studies conducted in recent years to evaluate the options of these new developments to realize the principle of ALARA. The focus of the review is hereby on adult applications, the relationship between dose and image quality and the differences between the various detector systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of digital chest radiography alone with digital chest radiography combined with dual-energy chest radiography in the detection of small non-calcified pulmonary nodules. Standard and dual-energy radiographs were obtained with a flat-panel digital chest system. Four radiologists reviewed digital posteroanterior chest radiographs in random order either alone or in conjunction with dual-energy soft tissue and bone images. Twenty patients with a total of 59 pulmonary nodules (median 0.5 cm, range 0.3 – 2.5 cm) confirmed by computed tomography (HU 100) were included. A level of confidence for each diagnosis was documented using a rating scale of 1–5. Brunner and Langer's test was performed for statistical analysis. Subgroup analysis was performed for nodules greater than 1 cm, 1–0.5 cm, and <0.5 cm. For posteroanterior chest radiography, sensitivity was 33%, positive predictive value 83%, specificity 81%, and negative predictive value 30%. Review in conjunction with dual-energy images resulted in a sensitivity of 42%, positive predictive value 88%, specificity 85%, and negative predictive value 34%. The increase of nodule detection overall as well as for different size categories was significant (p<0.05). The increase of the confidence level rating was also significant (p<0.001). Dual energy added to standard posteroanterior chest radiography significantly improves the sensitivity, specificity, and confidence in detection of small non-calcified pulmonary nodules.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess contrast-detail performance and effective dose of eight different digital chest radiography systems. Digital chest radiography systems from different manufacturers were included: one storage phosphor system, one selenium-coated drum system, and six direct readout systems including four thin-film transistor (TFT) systems and two charge-coupled device (CCD) systems. For measuring image quality, a contrast-detail test object was used in combination with a phantom that simulates the primary and scatter transmission through lung fields (LucAl). Six observers judged phantom images of each modality by soft-copy reading in a four-alternative-forced-choice experiment. The entrance dose was also measured, and the effective dose was calculated for an average patient. Contrast-detail curves were constructed from the observer data. The blocked two-way ANOVA test was used for statistical analysis. Significant difference in contrast-detail performance was found between the systems. Best contrast-detail performance was shown by a CCD system with slot-scan technology, and the selenium-coated drum system was compared to the other six systems (p values 0.003). Calculated effective dose varied between 0.010 mSv and 0.032 mSv. Significant differences in contrast-detail performance and effective dose levels were found between different digital chest radiography systems in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Although the transition from conventional screen-film imaging to digital image acquisition has been almost completed during the last couple of years, examination parameters, such as tube voltage, tube current, and filtration have been adopted from screen-film technology without further adjustments.Digital systems, however, are characterised by their flexibility: the acquisition dose can be reduced at the expense of image quality and vice versa. The imaging parameters must be optimised according to the best performance of a particular system. The traditional means of dose containment, such as positioning and collimation, are as valid for digital techniques as they were for conventional techniques. Digital techniques increasingly offer options for dose reduction. At the same time, there is a risk of substantially increasing the patient dose, possibly unawares, due to the lack of visual control. Therefore, implementation of dose indicators and dose monitoring is mandatory for digital radiography. The use of image quality classes according to the dose requirements of given clinical indications are a further step toward modern radiation protection.  相似文献   

目的 研究数字化X射线胸部高千伏摄影曝光剂量与图像质量的关系,确定数字化X射线摄影最佳曝光剂量。方法 选择胸部高千伏摄影管电压120 kV,摄影mAs从1 mAs逐档增加至25 mAs,对模拟人体胸部厚度摄影体模与CDRAD 2.0对比度细节体模进行摄影,测量体模表面X射线入射剂量,由5位观察者独立阅读体模影像,比较任意两曝光条件组之间的图像质量因子(IQF),确定高千伏胸部摄影最佳条件。比较4和10 mAs条件下正常人体胸部摄影图像质量评分。结果 胸部高千伏摄影体模曝光条件从1 mAs增加到25 mAs,体模表面X射线入射剂量从0.067 mGy增加至1.468 mGy。随着X射线入射剂量的增加,影像质量影响因子IQF值不断减小,观察者阅读体模信号的IQF差异有统计学意义(F=31.00,P<0.05),曝光剂量条件选择在1~4 mAs时所对应的IQF均值差异有统计学意义(F=15.3,P<0.05),4~10 mAs时所对应的IQF差异无统计学意义,10~25 mAs时所对应的IQF均值差异有统计学意义(F=9.74,P<0.05)。曝光剂量条件选择4和10 mAs所对应的体模表面入射剂量为0.250和0.606 mGy,两种条件下胸部图像质量的综合评分分别为(24.8±1.64)、(25.8±2.05)分,差异无统计学意义。结论 随着数字化X射线摄影剂量的增加所获得图像信息量增加。满足临床诊断的标准人体胸部高千伏数字化X摄影最佳剂量为0.250 mGy左右。  相似文献   

骨盆数字化X射线摄影曝光剂量的优化研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
目的研究直接数字化X射线摄影照射剂量与成像质量的关系,确定骨盆X射线摄影的最佳摄影条件。方法以对比度一细节体模CDRAD2.0在不同照射剂量下所获取的影像的图像质量因子IQF,进行ANOVA及SNK统计学分析,确定最佳照射条件。应用X射线摄影模拟人拍摄骨盆X射线影像,按照欧共体(CEC)图像质量标准验证最佳摄影条件与常规摄影条件下照射剂量与成像质量的差别。结果不同照射剂量条件下,对比度一细节体模影像质量因子IQF有显著性差别(P=0.0001),照射剂量大于0.61mGy时,不同剂量组间IQF差异无统计学意义。对以最佳照射条件和常规照射条件所拍摄的X射线摄影模拟人影像按照CEC标准评判,两者影像质量的差异无统计学意义。结论直接数字化X射线摄影时通过增大照射剂量可以提高影像质量,但是当曝光剂量达到足够大时,再增大曝光剂量并不能显著改善图像质量,影像质量与曝光剂量间存在一个优化剂量。标准体模骨盆X射线摄影的优化剂量为0.61mGy。  相似文献   



The usefulness of anti-scatter grid in digital pediatric chest radiography was investigated by a phantom study assessing image quality using subjective evaluations and dose measurements.


A contrast detail study was undertaken. Images were taken with and without anti-scatter grids (grid ratio 15:1), for PMMA phantom thickness ranging from 1 to 15 cm. Fourteen radiographers, experienced in digital pediatric and/or skeletal radiography, read 96 images. At each thickness, the image with and without grid technique was read three times, and in random order. Correct Observation Ratio (COR) and Image Quality Figures (IQF) were calculated. Dose Area Products were measured with DAP-meter.


The COR and IQF values indicated statistically significant (p < 0.05) enhanced image quality when using anti-scatter grid for all thicknesses 5 cm and more. The DAP values increased significantly by grid techniques (p = 0.01).


Grid techniques may be beneficial to image quality for PMMA objects over 5 cm, but this leads to a higher dose. Although the magnitude of dose may be low, the dose should be kept at a minimum. In conclusion, improving image quality should be based on optimizing post-processing settings and image evaluation conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was optimization of the radiation dose–image quality relationship for a digital scanning method of scoliosis radiography. The examination is performed as a digital multi-image translation scan that is reconstructed to a single image in a workstation. Entrance dose was recorded with thermoluminescent dosimeters placed dorsally on an Alderson phantom. At the same time, kerma area product (KAP) values were recorded. A Monte Carlo calculation of effective dose was also made. Image quality was evaluated with a contrast-detail phantom and Visual Grading. The radiation dose was reduced by lowering the image intensifier entrance dose request, adjusting pulse frequency and scan speed, and by raising tube voltage. The calculated effective dose was reduced from 0.15 to 0.05 mSv with reduction of KAP from 1.07 to 0.25 Gy cm2 and entrance dose from 0.90 to 0.21 mGy. The image quality was reduced with the Image Quality Figure going from 52 to 62 and a corresponding reduction in image quality as assessed with Visual Grading. The optimization resulted in a dose reduction to 31% of the original effective dose with an acceptable reduction in image quality considering the intended use of the images for angle measurements. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

目的评价直接数字X线摄影系统在胸部疾病诊断与筛查中的实用意义。方法自2005年9月以来,应用西门子FX直接数字X线摄影系统对我院门诊、急诊、住院患者及来院体检者进行了胸部检查。DR影像经激光打印机打印后,以数字化形式传入我院PACS供实时共享。DR影像显示病变的能力与常规X线平片进行了比较。结果自2005年9月应用西门子FX直接数字X线摄影系统以来,基本满足了我院门诊、急诊、住院患者胸部疾病诊断和来院体检者胸部疾病筛查的实际需要。与常规X线平片比较,DR影像能更清晰、准确地显示病灶。结论DR是诊断和筛查胸部疾病的重要影像技术,尤其与PACS联合应用是医院数字化管理的重要标志。  相似文献   

This paper outlines how objective measurements of both image quality, in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, and effective dose may be used as tools to find the optimum kVp range for a digital chest radiography system. Measurements were made with Thoravision, an amorphous selenium-based digital chest X-ray system. The entrance surface dose and the effective dose to an anthropomorphic chest phantom were determined demonstrating how effective dose is related to beam quality. The image quality was measured using detective quantum efficiency, threshold contrast and a radiologist preference trial involving 100 patients. The results show that, despite the fact that the entrance surface dose decreases as the kVp increases, the effective dose, a better measure of the risk, reaches a minimum value between 90 and 110 kVp; however, the image quality decreases as the kVp increases. In this study the optimum kVp for chest radiography, using a selenium-based radiography system, is in the range 90–110 kVp. This is contrary to the 120- to 150-kVp range that is commonly used. Also, this study shows how objective measurements can be used to optimise radiographic technique without prolonged patient trials. Received: 4 November 1999 Revised: 10 May 2000 Accepted: 11 May 2000  相似文献   



Bismuth shield has been recently introduced for radiation protection of patient radiosensitive organs such as breast during chest CT with image diagnosis capability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dose reduction and image quality conserve using new bismuth-silicon composite shields during chest CT.

Materials and methods

Scans were performed on a PMMA phantom using a 6-slice MDCT system. Dose reduction was calculated by placing ion-chamber in the 12?o’clock position for breast dose measuring. Chest CT scans was performed with and without new bismuth composite shields 10% by 0.5?mm and 1?mm thicknesses. Image quality was assessed by CT numbers and noise evaluation.


The results of using bismuth composite shields induced to dose reduction to 7% and 12% for 0.5?mm and 1?mm thicknesses, respectively. As a result of the using 0.5?mm and 1?mm bismuth composite shields, the mean CT numbers and noise increased by a factor of 0.01 and 0.02 and also from 0.08 to 0.13, respectively. Significant dose decline was measured and no relevant noise was found.


Results showed that new bismuth-silicon composite shields have good potential to breast dose reduction with smallest noise for diagnosis in chest CT.  相似文献   



To evaluate an automated attenuation-based kV-selection in computed tomography of the chest in respect to radiation dose and image quality, compared to a standard 120 kV protocol.

Materials and methods

104 patients were examined using a 128-slice scanner. Fifty examinations (58 ± 15 years, study group) were performed using the automated adaption of tube potential (100–140 kV), based on the attenuation profile of the scout scan, 54 examinations (62 ± 14 years, control group) with fixed 120 kV. Estimated CT dose index (CTDI) of the software-proposed setting was compared with a 120 kV protocol. After the scan CTDI volume (CTDIvol) and dose length product (DLP) were recorded. Image quality was assessed by region of interest (ROI) measurements, subjective image quality by two observers with a 4-point scale (3 – excellent, 0 – not diagnostic).


The algorithm selected 100 kV in 78% and 120 kV in 22%. Overall CTDIvol reduction was 26.6% (34% in 100 kV) overall DLP reduction was 22.8% (32.1% in 100 kV) (all p < 0.001). Subjective image quality was excellent in both groups.


The attenuation based kV-selection algorithm enables relevant dose reduction (∼27%) in chest-CT while keeping image quality parameters at high levels.  相似文献   

双能量减影数字X线摄影技术的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的:用双能量减影数字X线摄影提高肺部小结节病变的检出率。方法:双能量减影摄影可以用两次曝光法和一次曝光法来完成。结果:双能量减影数字化胸部摄影技术作为胸部X线检查的一种辅助手段,它能有效的提高肺部小结节病变的检出率,并能增加鉴别诊断的依据。结论:直接数字化X线摄影(DR)的使用,使两次曝光法得以实行。由于两次曝光法能量差大,它产生的双能量减影图像上组织对比良好,图像信噪比高,比一次曝光法具有更明显的优势。  相似文献   

IntroductionLittle is known about the variations in pathology visibility (PV) and their corresponding radiation dose values for neonatal chest radiography, between and within hospitals. Large variations in PV could influence the diagnostic outcome and the variations in radiation dose could affect the risk to patients. The aim of this study is to compare the PV and radiation dose for standard neonatal chest radiography protocols among a series of public hospitals.MethodsA Gammex 610 neonatal chest phantom was used to simulate the chest region of neonates. Radiographic acquisitions were conducted on 17 X-ray machines located in eight hospitals, utilising their current neonatal chest radiography protocols. Six qualified radiographers assessed PV visually using a relative visual grading analysis (VGA). Signal to noise ratios (SNR) and contrast to noise ratios (CNR) were measured as a measure of image quality (IQ). Incident air kerma (IAK) was measured using a solid-state dosimeter.ResultsPV and radiation dose varied substantially between and within hospitals. For PV, the mean (range) VGA scores, between and within the hospitals, were 2.69 (2.00–3.50) and 2.73 (2.33–3.33), respectively. For IAK, the mean (range), between and within the hospitals, were 24.45 (8.11–49.94) μGy and 34.86 (22.26–49.94) μGy, respectively.ConclusionBetween and within participating hospitals there was wide variation in the visibility of simulated pathology and radiation dose (IAK).Implications for practiceX-ray units with lower PV and higher doses require optimisation of their standard clinical protocols. Institutions which can offer acceptable levels of PV but with lower radiation doses should help facilitate national optimisation processes.  相似文献   

目的通过床旁数字化X线摄影(digitalradiography,DR)系统与计算机X线摄影(computedradiography,CR)系统胸部摄影图像质量的对比分析,探讨床旁DR摄影的优势。方法随机抽取2010年拍摄的DR床旁X线胸片1000份和既往CR床旁X线胸片1000份进行对比分析。结果床旁DR摄影的应用提供了更加优良的图像质量,明显减少了放射技师的工作量,同时还降低了患者接受的辐射剂量。结论床旁DR胸部摄影比CR胸部摄影有着明显的优势,对手术患者和危重患者的诊治起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

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