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EhlersDanlos综合征,又名弹力过度性皮肤,橡皮皮肤病。以皮肤弹性过度,皮肤、血管脆性增加,关节松弛可过度伸展为其特征,是一种具有遗传倾向的疾病。本病临床罕见,兹将我科所见1例报告如下。患儿女,13岁。皮肤脆弱,轻微外伤即破裂,不易愈合8年,外阴部和右小腿血肿1月。患儿出生时皮肤正常,约5岁开始发现皮肤十分脆弱,碰伤后易出现瘀血斑,以四肢为主,皮肤破损后愈合缓慢,遗留菲薄透明瘢痕。8岁时左膝部轻度碰伤后发生两条深而长的撕裂口,缝合后伤口仍裂开,后采用间断拆线,约3个月愈合,遗留烟卷纸样…  相似文献   

Jadassohn-Pellizari型皮肤松垂症1例刘金耀,郭淑兰,王玉坤,周庚寅山东医科大学附属医院皮肤科(邮政编码250012)Jadassohn-Pellizari型皮肤松垂症(AnetodermaofJadassohn-Pellizari)...  相似文献   

ras癌基因与角朊细胞增殖、分化密切相关。本研究旨在利用斑点杂交和原位杂交法研究c-Ha-ras癌基因在正常皮肤及进行期斑块型银屑病皮损中的表达,从癌基因角度初步探讨银屑病的发病机理。结果:①斑点杂交表明c-Ha-rasmRNA在进行期斑块型银屑病皮损中含量较正常皮肤增加1倍;②c-Ha-ras癌基因在正常皮肤表皮主要表达于部分基底层细胞,而在进行期银屑病皮损内则可见于除角质层外其余各层表皮细胞,且以棘层细胞为主。c-Ha-ras癌基因在表皮细胞的过度表达及表达部位的改变可能是银屑病表皮过度增生和异常分化的重要机理。  相似文献   

皮肤发育不全九例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皮肤发育不全(aplasiscutis)又称皮肤再生不良或先天性皮肤缺陷(congenitalskindefect)。临床上较少见,现将1990年以来诊治的9例报道如下。一般情况:男5例,女4例;年龄1~13个月,平均6.5个月。父母均非近亲婚配,正...  相似文献   

儿童皮肤利什曼病任灏远(新疆石油局总医院834000)皮肤利什曼病(CutaneousLeishmaniasis)是由利什曼原虫引起的各种皮肤症状的流行性动物源性疾病。本文指除黑热病、美洲型以外的皮肤利什曼病,以新疆克拉玛依地区为代表说明。病原及流行...  相似文献   

皮肤钙沉着症1例曾令济湖北仙桃市第一人民医院皮肤科(邮政编码433000)皮肤钙沉着症(Calcinosiscutis)临床少见,兹将本科见到的1例报告如下。患者女,14岁,学生。因右膝部皮肤溃烂不愈1年余,于1993年10月20日初诊。患者1年前右...  相似文献   

18例皮肤混合瘤临床病理及免疫组化分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
18例皮肤混合瘤临床病理及免疫组化分析张小平,满开泉,申品德,张子诚,周小鸽皮肤混合瘤(mixedtumoroftheskin)又称软骨样汗腺瘤(chondroidsyringoma,CS),是一种少见的皮肤汗腺瘤[1]。我们收集18例CS病例,进行...  相似文献   

对化妆品不良皮肤反应的临床诊断和皮肤试验若干问题的看法王学民①乐嘉豫①化妆品皮肤不良反应(skinadversere-actionduetocosmetics)在临床上已成为一类较常见的疾病,这一现象已引起了广大皮肤科医生、化妆品科学工作者、生产商、...  相似文献   

许多核维甲酸受体的c-DNAs编码已被克隆化。这些受体是类固醇/甲状腺受体总族(super family)的成员,人们认为它们的作用与能诱发配体的转移激活因子相同。维甲酸导致受体构型改变,受体与DNA结合,使特异性基因的转录增加。维甲酸受体族本身可能含有近20个独立的受体,每一受体有特异性地分布及配体结合特点。成人维甲酸受体γ几乎无一例外地发现于皮肤中,但见于其它一系列组织的其它受体亦存在于皮肤…  相似文献   

皮疹融合呈带状波形分布的Jadassohn皮肤松弛症1例李庆萍,冒长峙昆明市第一人民医院皮肤科(邮政编码550000)男,28岁。2年前左上腹、季肋部及背部皮肤发红,微痒。以后逐渐减轻,出现色素沉着。检查:左上腹、季肋部及背部皮肤轻度发红及色素沉着斑...  相似文献   

Background Skin pH may be influenced by various factors, such as hydration of stratum corneum, rate of sebum excretion rate, transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and sweating in relation to skin ageing. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between skin pH and wrinkle formation that is directly related to ageing. In addition, we investigated the factors related to skin ageing by comparing the association between skin pH and other skin properties. Methods Three hundred volunteers were selected from three countries: Korea, Vietnam and Singapore. Hydration on the stratum corneum, the rate of sebum excretion rate, melanin index, TEWL and skin temperature on the cheek were measured in a controlled room, and wrinkle length and depth using replicas were compared with skin pH variation. Results The mean and standard deviation of skin surface pH among the three countries were 5.510 ± 0.625. The greatest gap of skin pH that revealed significant differences for skin properties was represented between the Koreans and the Vietnamese. For all three countries, skin hydration, melanin contents, wrinkle length, wrinkle depth and skin temperature were significantly correlated with skin pH. Factors related to skin moisturizing, such as skin hydration, sebum excretion rate and skin temperature, were negatively correlated with skin pH. Wrinkle length and depth decreased as skin pH became more acidic. Conclusions Skin properties displayed various values depending on skin pH. In particular, wrinkle formation significantly decreased as skin pH becomes more acidic. We conclude that skin pH is determined by skin properties, such as skin hydration, sebum excretion rate, melanin concentration, TEWL and skin temperature that affects wrinkle formation.  相似文献   

The physical properties of the skin were measured by using noninvasive methods on 72 people displaying various levels of solar elastosis on the neck. The physical parameters measured were the skin extensibility, the elastic recovery, the skin colour, the skin thickness and the electrical conductance. The correlation between the above parameters, the clinical grades of elastosis and the chronological age of each subject were studied using two different statistical approaches. They both showed that elastotic skin is less elastic, dryer, darker, more erythematous and less yellowish than the nonexposed skin. The similarities and differences between the properties of elastotic skin and purely chronologically aged skin are discussed.  相似文献   

随意微小皮瓣在颜面部皮肤缺损Ⅰ期修复中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察随意微小皮瓣修复颜面部皮肤外科手术后皮肤缺损的效果.方法 203例颜面部皮肤外科手术患者,在切除皮损后,根据术中缺损情况设计随意微小皮瓣Ⅰ期修复皮肤缺损.结果 完成了8种205处皮瓣Ⅰ期修复颜面部皮肤缺损.其中182例术后效果佳,面部无牵拉变形,不是你、瘢痕隐蔽21例患者术后皮瓣远端表皮坏死.形成皮瓣的部位最常见于颊部.其次是眼睑、额部、颞部、耳前、颏部、应用最多的是滑行推进皮瓣,其次是旋转皮瓣.结论 合理设计个性化随意微小皮瓣Ⅰ期修复颜面部小面积皮肤缺损.可获满意疗效和美容效果.  相似文献   

We used patch testing to compare the ability to elicit contact sensitivity to dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) of uninvolved with vitiliginous skin of 31 patients with vitiligo. The induction of DNCB contact sensitivity was possible in the vitiliginous skin in the same way as in normal skin. The DNCB contact sensitivity reactions, however, were generally diminished in vitiliginous skin, although the number of cases showing similar DNCB contact reactivity between normal and vitiliginous skin increased when the sensitization procedure was performed in vitiliginous skin instead of normal skin. On the other hand, delayed skin reactions to intradermally injected Candida albicans antigen were not suppressed in vitiliginous skin. The number of Langerhans' cells was not decreased in vitiliginous skin as compared with that of normal skin. The epidermal cells derived from vitiliginous skin, however, tended to show a lower stimulatory effect in the allogeneic mixed skin cell lymphocyte culture reaction than those from normal skin. These results suggest a possibility of functional impairment of Langerhans' cells in vitiliginous skin.  相似文献   

目的观察辛辣食物对咪唑烷基脲皮肤刺激性的影响,为预防和诊治化妆品皮炎提供科学依据。方法将64只家兔随机分为对照组、酒精组、辣椒组、酒精+辣椒混合组,再将每组家兔进一步分为完整皮肤组和破损皮肤组,分别用0.6%咪唑烷基脲进行单次或多次皮肤刺激实验。并单次刺激皮肤24h及多次刺激皮肤(1次/d)7d后,予肉眼和组织病理评分。结果单次刺激皮肤后,酒精组和混合组破损皮肤出现皮肤刺激反应,该两组与对照组和辣椒组的差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05);多次皮肤刺激后,辣椒组、酒精组和混合组破损皮肤处出现轻、中和重度皮肤刺激反应,该3组与对照组相比,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。各组单次和多次皮肤刺激反应大体和组织病理评分与各组辛辣物质家兔体征的评分之间显著相关(P<0.05)。结论食用辛辣食物会明显增强咪唑烷基脲的皮肤刺激性,且食用辛辣刺激食物越多,对皮肤刺激性越重。  相似文献   

Clinical and histopathologic characteristics of trichrome vitiligo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: The term trichrome vitiligo describes lesions that have a tan zone of varying width between normal and totally depigmented skin, which exhibits an intermediate hue. However, the pathogenesis and the histopathologic characteristics of trichrome vitiligo are unknown. OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to investigate the clinical and histopathologic characteristics and the pathogenesis of trichrome vitiligo. METHODS: Four punch biopsy specimens were taken from 21 patients with trichrome vitiligo; they were from vitiliginous skin, light brown skin, perilesional normal skin, and normal skin as far as 5 cm from the nearest vitiligo spot. The sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin; in selected cases, we performed immunohistochemical staining with S-100 protein and CD1a. RESULTS: Trichrome vitiligo occurred most frequently on the trunk in active vitiligo vulgaris. Focal vacuolar degeneration of the basal cell layer and mild inflammatory cell infiltration of the epidermis and dermis were more prominent in light brown skin and perilesional normal skin than in vitiliginous skin and normal skin. The number of melanocytes was decreased in light brown skin compared with perilesional normal skin (P <.05) and in vitiliginous skin compared with light brown skin (P <.05); a few melanocytes were observed even in skin affected by trichrome vitiligo. The number of Langerhans cells was increased in the epidermis of light brown skin and perilesional normal skin compared with vitiliginous and normal skin (P <.05). PUVA therapy yielded excellent repigmentation. CONCLUSION: Trichrome vitiligo is a variant of active vitiligo. The changes of melanocytes, keratinocytes, and Langerhans cells may be involved in the pathogenesis of depigmentation in trichrome vitiligo.  相似文献   

The surface contours of lesional skin of certain skin diseases, such as parapsoriasis en plaque (PEP) and extramammary Paget's disease (EMPD), in which there is a massive infiltration by non-epidermal cells, looks somewhat different from that of the adjacent normal skin, needless to state that they are apparently different from that of ordinary chronic inflammatory dermatoses where we found acanthotic epidermis accompanied by hyperkeratosis. We attempted to objectively characterize these unique skin surface changes qualitatively and quantitatively using non-invasive methods. Negative impression replicas were taken from the lesional skin of patients with EMPD or PEP as well as from the adjacent uninvolved skin. The findings were confirmed histologically. The replicas were examined by using computerized image analysis. Several parameters were analyzed that correlate with the changes in the anisotropy of the skin furrows (VC1), average skin roughness (KSD), average length of skin furrows (LEN), and number of skin furrows (NUM). There were significant decreases in KSD and NUM in EMPD, indicating a smoother skin surface in the lesional skin than in the adjacent normal skin. In contrast, the PEP lesion had an increase in VC1 and LEN and a decrease in NUM, which suggests larger skin ridges in the lesional skin than in the uninvolved skin. Thus the unique skin surface of the cutaneous disorders accompanied by epidermal invasion by non-epidermal cells, such as EMPD and PEP, was characterized both qualitatively and quantitatively using computerized image analysis of negative impression replicas.  相似文献   

The relationships between two skin physiological factors and skin susceptibilities were investigated in 101 healthy Japanese females. Skin color and skin surface lipids chosen as the factors to be considered were measured by spectrophotometric colormeter and gravimetry, respectively. Photosensitivity was evaluated by minimal erythemal dose (MED) measurements. Skin susceptibility to irritants was evaluated by the patch test method using propylene glycol solution. The results were obtained as follows. (1) A significant correlation was found between skin color V values and photosensitivity scores. (2) A significant inverse correlation was found between skin color V values and replacement lipid values. (3) A correlation was observed between skin color V values and skin irritability scores. (4) A correlation was observed between skin irritability and photosensitivity scores. Thus, skin color and skin surface lipids were shown to be important physiological factors in skin susceptibility to UV irradiation and irritants.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Measurements of skin elasticity are more sensitive than the skin severity score and appropriate for evaluation of sclerodermatous skin. OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to investigate the mechanical properties of the skin in patients with systemic sclerosis depending on the stage of the disease. METHODS: Seventeen patients, 8 with edematous phase and 9 with indurative phase of skin involvement, and 16 healthy subjects were studied. Clinical scoring of skin thickness and measurements of skin elasticity with a noninvasive suction device (Cutometer) were performed over 11 anatomic regions. RESULTS: Edematous phase was characterized by significantly lower immediate distention (Ue) and final distention (Uf), and higher viscoelastic to elastic ratio (Uv/Ue) of the skin compared with indurative phase, except for the forehead (8 mm probe). The changes in skin mechanical parameters for fingers were identical in both phases. Low values of skin distensibility correlated with severe skin thickness or hidebound skin. Results were influenced by body site and by the diameter of measuring probe used. CONCLUSION: The noninvasive method applied is suitable for objective and quantitative monitoring of skin involvement in patients with systemic sclerosis.  相似文献   

In vivo study of skin mechanical properties in psoriasis vulgaris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanical properties of the skin in psoriatic plaques before and after treatment with dithranol and in clinically uninvolved psoriatic skin in comparison with the skin of healthy controls. In total, 82 psoriatic plaques in 19 in-patients and 51 age-matched control subjects were studied with a non-invasive suction device (Cutometer). The plaques were characterized by statistically significant lower skin distensibility and elasticity, and a higher viscoelastic to elastic ratio compared with adjacent apparently normal skin. Delayed distension and hysteresis measured using a 2-mm diameter probe were decreased, but were increased when measured by a 8-mm diameter probe. These differences can be explained by the increased skin thickness in psoriasis and by the different aspects of skin mechanics determined by the 2 measuring probes. After treatment, the mechanical parameters of psoriatic plaques approached the values of adjacent control skin. The uninvolved volar forearm skin in psoriatic patients (2-mm diameter probe) showed statistically significant lower values of skin distensibility and higher values of viscoelasticity parameters compared with the skin of healthy control subjects. This suggests that the normal-appearing psoriatic skin is not entirely normal. The non-invasive method applied can be used for objective and quantitative evaluation of the effect of therapy in patients with psoriasis.  相似文献   

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