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安徽省12岁年龄组恒牙龋病流行病学抽样调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解安徽省12岁儿童的口腔健康状况及掌握其龋病发病的第一手资料.方法在全省范围内对12岁儿童的龋病发病情况进行流行病学抽样调查,采用分层、不等比、多阶段整群抽样.结果恒牙龋均0.58、患龋率30.78%,低于全国11省市同年龄组儿童(P<0.001);恒牙龋失补构成比分别是龋90.51%、失2.48%、补7.01%,需治疗恒牙总数1 842颗,平均需治疗恒牙0.78颗.结论与全国11省市同年龄组儿童乳牙龋、失、补构成比相比较,安徽省12岁年龄组龋均、患龋率低于全国水平,失牙数远高于全国水平、补牙数低于全国水平(P<0.001).  相似文献   

目的了解山东平度市城区3-6岁儿童乳牙龋齿发病情况,为平度市口腔预防保健工作提供信息支持.方法 参照第三次全国口腔健康流行病学抽样调查方案,抽取平度市城区3-6岁儿童共1662名进行乳牙患龋情况检查,计算乳牙患龋率、龋均和龋失补构成比,采用SPSS软件进行分析.结果 1662名儿童中,乳牙患龋率62.76%;乳牙龋齿总数3754,龋均是2.26,充填率是0.40%;男女患龋率差异无统计学意义;各年龄组间患龋率差异均存在显著性(P<0.01).结论 山东平度市城区3-6岁儿童乳牙健康状况不容乐观,龋齿发生率高、充填率低.加大口腔健康宣传教育,提高家长对孩子牙齿的重视程度,及时实施乳牙氟保护及窝沟封闭,尽早充填龋齿是今后工作的重点.  相似文献   

杨常春 《吉林医学》2010,(35):6509-6510
目的:了解宁夏隆德县5岁儿童乳牙龋病流行与分布情况,为制定该地区学龄前儿童乳牙龋病防治规划提供参考依据。方法:采用多阶段、分层、等容量、整群抽样方法,按照第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案和技术要求,对宁夏隆德县660名5岁儿童的乳牙患龋率、龋均和龋失补构成比进行调查。结果:2008年隆德县5岁儿童乳牙患龋率、龋均、龋齿失牙、龋齿充填构成比分别是53.03%、3.58、5.37%、1.86%,乳牙患龋率和龋失补构成比存在城、乡差异和回、汉族间的差异,其差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);男性和女性之间的差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:隆德县儿童乳牙患龋较严重,保健差,应引起口腔医务者对其防治的重视。  相似文献   

刘英  马敏  王兵  吴海  鞠宁 《宁夏医学杂志》2012,(10):976-978
目的了解银川市兴庆区学龄前儿童乳牙龋病患病特点,并建立银川市儿童龋病防治模式。方法对银川市兴庆区2所幼儿园的720名3~6岁学龄前儿童进行龋病检查,采用WHO口腔流行病学调查方法记录龋失补牙数与龋失补牙面数,实施儿童乳牙龋病综合防治。结果受检儿童中乳牙患龋儿童457名,患龋率63.47%,龋均2.63个,患龋率和龋均随年龄增高而上升;龋齿充填构成比为9.58%,随着年龄的增长,龋齿充填构成比逐渐增加,少部分儿童乳牙患龋严重。结论银川市兴庆区学龄前儿童乳牙患龋较早,充填率较低,学龄前儿童乳牙患龋率高于全国平均水平,2001—2012年3岁、5岁儿童乳牙患龋率呈上升趋势。采取龋病综合防治措施可有效改善学龄前儿童的口腔健康状况,提高儿童口腔健康水平。  相似文献   

长沙市开福区2~4岁儿童龋病流行病学调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解长沙市开福区学龄前儿童乳牙患龋状况.方法:按照第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查的要求,对长沙市开福区5所幼儿园的459名2~4岁儿童进行口腔检查,调查患龋率和龋均等指标,结果采用SPSS13.0统计软件包进行统计分析.结果:在459名受检者中,乳牙患龋率和龋均分别为39.65%和1.32;随着年龄的增长,患龋率、龋均和龋面均逐渐增加,各年龄组之间均有统计学差异(P<0.05);以上颌乳中切牙和下颌第二乳磨牙患龋率较高.龋齿充填构成比为7.57%,随着年龄的增长,龋齿充填构成比逐渐增加.婴幼儿龋患病率为17.21%,男性17.90%,女性16.34%,二者比较无统计学差异.结论:长沙市开福区学龄前儿童乳牙患龋较早,充填率较低,应加强对学龄前儿童龋病的早期防治.  相似文献   

目的:了解太原市儿童乳牙龋病患病状况,探索适合儿童的口腔保健措施。方法:随机、整群抽取504名儿童进行口腔健康状况和流行病学调查。结果:儿童乳牙患龋率处于较高水平,龋均为3.66,充填率较低,平均需治牙数为3.02颗。乳磨牙为好发牙位。结论:应大力开展以幼儿园为基地的学龄前儿童口腔保健活动。开展儿童口腔健康教育。  相似文献   

曲玲  吴海雄  安克  陈栋  张佛湖 《海南医学》2001,12(12):83-84,88
目的 :了解海南省三亚地区 (乐东县 )儿童口腔健康状况 ,乳牙龋齿的患病、治疗情况 ,为制定龋病的预防及治疗计划提供基线资料 ,为口腔健康教育和口腔保健措施提供指导。方法 :采用世界卫生组织 (口腔健康调查基本法》 ,对 10 0 2名琼籍学龄前儿童进行检查诊断。结果 :乳牙的总患龋率为 81 5 4% ,龋均是 3 99;乳牙牙周病患病率为 3 69% ;乳恒牙的充填率为 0 8% ;乳牙错牙合畸形发病率为 2 0 66%。结论 :本次调查发现我省学龄儿童龋齿发病率明显高于全国其他省市 ,充填率极低 ,儿童口腔预防保健工作急需进一步加强  相似文献   

陈敏  陈丽玉 《吉林医学》2011,(5):914-915
目的:为掌握承担医疗卫生服务的社区内小学生的龋病防治状况,更好地开展儿童口腔卫生社区服务。方法:采用第二次全国口腔健康流行病学的调查方案的标准,对汕头市龙湖区新津街道所属三所小学的学生进行龋病调查。结果:小学生乳牙总龋患率为62.26%,恒牙总龋患率为13.50%,其中第一恒磨牙龋患率最高,12~13岁受检学生863人中有178人第一恒磨牙龋坏,龋患率达20.6%;男女生总龋患率没有显著差别,而恒牙龋患率则女生高于男生,有显著差别;乳牙恒牙龋齿总数9504颗,充填牙数291颗,占3.06%;恒牙龋齿牙数1042颗,充填牙数151颗,充填率为14.49%,乳牙充填率更低。结论:我区小学生龋病发病率高,在小学阶段,尤应高度重视第一恒磨牙龋病的防治;我区小学生龋齿充填率距2000年我国口腔保健规划目标中龋齿充填率要达到40%~50%的要求相差很远,今后要在小学生中推广使用各种含氟牙膏以及含氟溶液漱口,推广第一恒磨牙窝沟封闭预防龋齿;要让患龋儿童及时得到充填治疗,提高龋齿充填率。  相似文献   

孙仲楠  陈艳红  李亮 《黑龙江医学》2005,29(12):960-960
1当前学龄前儿童乳牙龋病概况我国学龄前儿童乳牙患龋率很高(70%以上,龋均为4颗以上),并且有上升趋势,最高的省份为辽宁,患龋率高达89·49%,龋均6·77%;最低为四川省患龋率为60·60%,龋均为2·72%;以及乡村高于城市的发展趋势,例如上海市农村患龋率高达92·65%,龋均7·36%,而城市内分别为71·13%及龋均为3·14%,城乡差异高出20%,并多出3颗龋齿。有6个省市情况相似,只有5个省市仍然为城市高于农村。男女性别差异不明显,龋失补构成比为95%以上龋齿未有任何治疗,充填率不足4%,其中充填率最高的城市为北京(11·26%),最低为浙江省仅为1·14%。这…  相似文献   

乳牙患龋率在我国居高不下,1998年全国第二次口腔健康调查资料表明全国11省市城乡5岁年龄组乳牙龋均 4.48,患龋率为 76.55 %[1].乳牙患龋病损发展速度快,自觉症状不明显,慢性有瘘型乳牙尖周炎较为多见,常规治疗通过清理消毒根管、充填根管和充填窝洞需复诊2~3次.Vitapex 是一种可加压注射式根管充填糊剂,自2000年9月应用其作根管充填一次法治疗慢性有瘘型乳牙尖周炎38例42颗牙,取得了满意的疗效,现报告如下.  相似文献   

目的:了解重庆市民办幼儿园学龄前儿童乳牙龋患病情况。方法选择重庆市渝中区40所民办幼儿园2713名3~6岁儿童为调查对象,按照第3次全国口腔健康流行病学调查诊断标准进行口腔检查后,提取龋病情况资料,包括患龋率、龋均等用 SPSS21.0软件进行统计学分析。结果受检儿童中,总患龋率为61.04%,龋均3.12,龋齿充填率0.35%。其中,3~、4~、5~、6~岁年龄段儿童患龋率分别为42.51%、59.53%、67.76%和74.85%;龋均分别为1.59、2.9、3.69和4.46,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。男 女 儿 童 患 龋 率 分 别 为61.65%和60.41%,龋均分别为3.11和3.13,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。结论重庆市民办幼儿园学龄前儿童乳牙患龋状况严峻,患龋率高,龋齿充填率低。  相似文献   



To determine the prevalence of dental caries in the primary and permanent teeth, and evaluate the brushing habits of school children in Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).


This study was conducted at Dammam, KSA. Oral examination of the participants was conducted from February to May 2014. The total sample size for this cross-sectional study was 711. There were 397 children between the age of 6-9 years, who were examined for primary teeth caries, and 314 between the age 10-12 years were examined for permanent teeth caries. Primary and permanent dentitions were studied for decayed, missing, and filled teeth (dmft [primary teeth], DMFT [permanent teeth]).


The overall prevalence of dental caries in primary and permanent teeth was almost 73% (n=711). Among the 6-9-year-old, the prevalence of caries was approximately 78% (n=397) whereas, among the 10-12-year-old children, it was approximately 68% (n=314). Mean dmft value among the 6-9-year-olds was 3.66±3.13 with decayed (d) component of 3.28±2.92, missing (m) component of 0.11±0.69, and filled (f) component of 0.26±0.9. Mean DMFT value among the 10-12-year-old children was 1.94±2.0 with decayed (D) component of 1.76±1.85, missing (M) component of 0.03±0.22, and filled (F) of component 0.15±0.73. Daily tooth brushing had a positive effect on caries prevention, and this effect was statistically significant for caries in primary teeth.


Although the prevalence of dental caries in primary and permanent teeth was not found to be as high as other researchers reported from different cities of KSA, still the prevalence was high considering the World Health Organization future oral health goals. Awareness should be provided to students, as well as, teachers and parents regarding the importance of good brushing habits and regular dental visits.Dental caries is one of the most common cause of extraction of primary teeth in Saudi Arabia.1 In the past few decades, an increase in the prevalence of dental caries has been observed, which can be attributed to a change in lifestyle of Saudis, involving increased consumption of sugary food, carbonated drinks, and lack of awareness towards proper oral health maintenance.2,3 Generally, the prevalence of dental caries in developed countries is decreasing, while in underdeveloped and developing countries, the prevalence is on the rise.4 According to the statistics available from the World Health Organization (WHO), caries prevalence among the 12-year-old children from many European Union states (EU) has decreased considerably from 1970’s to 2006.5 This decline in the caries’ prevalence among EU countries over a period of 35 years could be attributed to an increased awareness of oral hygiene maintenance, and use of fluoridated toothpaste.6 However, among underdeveloped countries where fluoridated toothpaste is not easily available, or not affordable in some cases, caries prevalence is still high.7 The area of dental caries prevalence is of great interest to local and international researchers, which can be indicated by a number of studies that have been performed in developed and developing countries regarding caries’ prevalence.8-10 A study conducted in the urban and rural areas of Lahore, Pakistan to determine whether urbanization and family earnings are related to dental caries reported caries prevalence of 40.5%, and decayed (d), missing (m), and filled (f) teeth (dmft [primary teeth]) score of 1.85 ± 3.26 in preschool children aged 3-5 years,11 while another cross-sectional study performed in Chikar, Pakistan with convenience sampling of 311 schoolchildren revealed an overall DMFT (permanent teeth) score of 3.3 in 5-20-year-olds.12 Several studies have been conducted in different parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to report the prevalence of dental caries in schoolchildren. A study performed in Riyadh reported a dmft score of 6.1, decayed factor of 4.6, and no significant difference in the prevalence of caries in relation to gender among 789 pre-school children.13 Farsi14 conducted a study to develop an association between enamel defects and caries occurrence in Jeddah, KSA, and reported a dmft score of 3.9, and a strong association between enamel defects and caries prevalence among 4-5-year-olds.14 In 2012, caries prevalence in the maxillary and mandibular first molar in the age group of 7-10 years schoolchildren was determined in Abha city, and a mean DMFT of 2.74 was reported.15 It was also concluded in the same study that caries prevalence in the first permanent molars from this region is higher than the recommended standards of the WHO.15 Extensive literature search was carried out to find studies regarding caries’ prevalence from Dammam, KSA. The search resulted in only one study, which was conducted in 2008 on children with cleft lip and palate aged 1-6 years, and it reported a high dmft of 10.54 from Dammam region.16 Since Dammam is one of the largest cities of the Eastern province of KSA, it would be interesting to observe caries’ prevalence among schoolchildren from this city. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of dental caries in schoolchildren aged 6-12 years in Dammam, KSA using the dmft/DMFT index of dental caries.  相似文献   

目的初步探讨儿童刺激性全唾液中蛋白成分与乳牙患龋状况的关系。方法单纯随机抽样法选取4~5岁、性别匹配的高龋(龋、失、补指数≥5,高龋组)和无龋(龋、失、补指数=0,无龋组)儿童各40例。吐取法收集刺激性全唾液,双金鸡纳酸法测定总蛋白含量。十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳定量分析各蛋白成分。结果高龋组儿童唾液中总蛋白含量低于无龋组(P<0.01)。平均每个样品分离出10条可分析条带,两组比较,10000、28000、38000、56000、77000蛋白百分含量高龋组均高于无龋组;14500蛋白百分含量高龋组与无龋组比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.137)。结论患龋程度不同的儿童唾液中,分子量为10000、28000、38000、56000、77000的蛋白含量有差异,可能与乳牙龋易感性不同有关。  相似文献   

李杨  佘珊 《基层医学论坛》2016,(10):1309-1310
目的:探讨儿童重症龋在城乡及不同儿童群体的发病情况。方法对遵义市2个区519名36个月~71个月儿童的口腔检查结果及相关登记资料进行回顾性分析。结果城区儿童龋病率(49.5%)、dmft(3.7±2.3),均低于乡镇(P<0.05)。乡镇重症龋检出率(40.6%)、重症龋儿童dmft(8.3±3.9),均大于城区(P<0.05)。519例受检儿童中,留守儿童患龋率68.8%,dmft(4.9±2.2),重症龋率42.6%,重症龋dmft(8.7±3.7),均明显高于非留守儿童(P<0.05)。结论遵义地区农村和留守儿童龋病、重症龋均高于城镇和非留守儿童水平,社会和家庭应予以重视。  相似文献   

目的评价不同浓度氟化钠涂膜对乳牙龋齿防龋效果。方法随机选择3-4岁幼儿600人分成试验A组、试验B组和对照组,每组200人。试验A组涂自制1%氟化钠涂膜,试验B组涂2%氟化钠,对照组涂无氟涂膜,均在每学期开学后涂一次,每学年涂两次,共两学年。结果三组基线情况乳牙龋齿患病率,dmft,dmfs之间无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。两年后试验A和B两组与对照组相比较新增龋齿发病率,dmft,dmfs分别降低38.94%,41.56%和36.41%,42.21%(P〈0.01),试验A和B两组之间无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结论试验A和B两组氟化钠涂膜防龋效果相当,由于试验组氟化钠涂膜浓度较低,更安全,推荐用于乳牙龋齿的预防。  相似文献   

Background Decayed teeth are harmful to children's growth and development and can severely jeopardize their health. This study was set out to investigate and analyze the prevalence of dental caries in preschool children in Shanghe County in Shandong Province, China, and provide new insights into potential prevention and treatment strategies. Methods Based on the random sampling method, we performed dental examinations of children aged 2 to 6 years in kindergartens of Shanghe County. The prevalence of caries, the average number of decayed teeth per capita as well as the constituent rates of decayed, missing and filled teeth were determined retrospectively. SPSS software was used for data analysis. Results Dental caries were found in 1088 out of 2052 children from 56 kindergartens. The total number of decayed teeth was 4487 with a prevalence of 53.02%. The average number of decayed teeth per capita was 2.187, and the filling rate was 0.29%. There was no statistical difference in the prevalence of caries between boys and girls though there were significant differences between different age groups. The prevalence of decayed teeth as well as the mean number of decayed teeth infected per capita increased with age. In addition, urban children had a higher prevalence than those from rural areas (P 〈0.01). Conclusions The prevalence of decayed caries among kindergarten children in Shanghe County was high, suggesting that more emphasis should be put on improving oral health education with priority given to prevention. Further efforts should be made to increase the decayed caries filling rate.  相似文献   

林靖雯  王洪萍 《西部医学》2011,23(6):1177-1178
目的了解成都市学龄前儿童口腔卫生习惯及口腔健康状况,为口腔健康教育及口腔预防保健提供依据。方法对成都市254例学龄前儿童进行口腔检查和问卷调查,了解其龋患情况和口腔卫生习惯,对各年龄段患龋率、龋均、口腔卫生习惯进行统计分析。结果成都市学龄前儿童患龋率为11%,龋均0.46,随年龄增加龋患情况逐渐加重。仅有25%的学龄前儿童坚持每天清洁牙齿,且开始刷牙年龄较晚。结论成都市学龄前儿童的口腔健康状况有待加强,督促家长帮助孩子从小树立良好的口腔卫生习惯非常重要。  相似文献   

学龄前儿童乳牙龋病的病因调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解宁波市海曙区儿童乳牙龋病流行情况以指导今后的乳牙龋病防治工作.方法 对667名的学龄前儿童按标准统一进行口腔检查和口腔卫生调查.结果 被调查者乳牙患龋率为41.68%,龋均为2.03.口腔卫生良好者患龋率明显低于口腔卫生差者.结论 儿童乳牙龋病的病因调查,对提高儿童的口腔健康防治有很大的指导意义.  相似文献   

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