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Summary Ten patients with total and one with partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection were studied by two-dimensional Doppler color flow-mapping echocardiography. In cases of anomalous pulmonary venous drainage into the innominate vein through the vertical vein, flow away from the transducer was detected in the echo space behind the atria in the subxiphoid four-chamber approach. In the suprasternal approach, flow toward the transducer was detected at the junction of the vertical and innominate veins. In the case of an anomalous pulmonary vein connecting directly into the superior vena cava, an area of flow toward the transducer, which was triangular in shape, was detected in the dilated superior vena cava. In the two cases in which the pulmonary vein drained into the coronary sinus, the flow toward the transducer was observed at the ostium of the coronary sinus in the subxiphoid four-chamber view, and it appeared as if the blood flow was emerging from this point. In a case of the paracardiac type of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection with drainage into the posterior wall of the right atrium, the flow toward the transducer occurred higher in the right atrium than in the cases with drainage into the coronary sinus. In a case with the infradiaphragmatic type of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, continuous flow toward the transducer, which passed through the diaphragm in an anomalous vessel, was detected from the subxiphoid area. The downward flow in the anomalous vessel changed to an upward flow at the site of drainage into the hepatic vein. We conclude that the site of drainage in patients with total and partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection can be detected easily and without fail using two-dimensional Doppler color flow mapping.  相似文献   

The development of a system that images intracardiac anatomy cross-sectionally while simultaneously displaying intracardiac blood flow in realtime has the potential of increasing diagnostic capabilities in the evaluation of congenital heart lesions. This would translate into the ability to visualize intracardiac lesions not identified by standard M-mode, two dimensional (2-D), pulsed, and continuous wave Doppler modalities. A review of 1000 consecutive studies in our laboratory was performed. Doppler color flow mapping was performed in each case after complete segmental analysis by 2-D and Doppler echo. Identification of intracardiac lesions or abnormalities of blood flow by Doppler color flow mapping, not appreciated on routine 2-D/Doppler studies included ventricular septal defect (VSD) (n = 24), atrial septal defect (n = 4), mitral regurgitation (n = 13), tricuspid regurgitation after VSD closure (n = 5), tricuspid regurgitation in association with atrial septal defect (ASD) (n = 7), residual ventricular septal defect after surgery (n = 10), pulmonary insufficiency (n = 4), aortic insufficiency (n = 4), and patent Blalock-Taussig shunt (n = 2). Identification of multiple ventricular septal defects in two patients and the presence of a large left-to-right shunt across an atrial septal defect in the presence of septal aneurysm formation was also aided by Doppler color flow. Use of color flow to identify areas of maximal velocity and turbulence greatly enhanced continuous wave Doppler measurements by directing placement of the Doppler beam within the flow areas.  相似文献   

Doppler color flow imaging has become indispensable in the diagnosis and management of patients with congenital heart disease. Certain defects may not be possible, or may be very difficult to diagnose by two-dimensional echocardiography alone. Such examples include multiple ventricular septal defects, anomalous pulmonary venous connection, coronary artery malformations, and the hypertensive patent ductus arteriosus. Additionally, color flow Doppler echocardiography significantly provides additional information, and reduces the time for fetal and transesophageal echocardiographic studies. Doppler color flow imaging has become an essential part of the echocardiographic examination. Experience has broadened the use of this important technological advance, with anticipation of an ever expanding future for its clinical application.  相似文献   

Three patients with total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage(TAPVD) were studied by real-time cross-sectional colour-flowDoppler echocardiography. Serial suprasternal, parasternal andsubcostal scans were obtained. In all cases surgical or angiocardiographicconfirmation was available. Two patients had supracardiac drainage(to the left vertical vein or to the right superior vena cava)and one patient had infracardiac drainage. An abnormal forwardflow in the left innominate vein and vertical vein was visualizedin those patients with supracardiac TAPVD. Abnormal venous flowwas also imaged in one patient with mixed drainage. In the patientwith infradiaphragmatic TAPVD characteristic flow signals wereidentified in the inferior vena cava (retrograde flow) and inthe descending aorta and anomalous pulmonary venous channel(forward flow). In all patients the patterns of pulmonary venousflow allowed us to distinguish TAPVD from contiguous structuresand to validate two-dimensional cross-sectional imaging.  相似文献   

The use of Doppler echocardiography is a routine part of the noninvasive assessment of the patient with heart disease. In children with congenital heart disease, pulsed- and continuous-wave Doppler echocardiographic techniques provide accurate, reproducible hemodynamic data relative to structural defects. Doppler color flow imaging, however, allows for qualitative assessment of blood flow patterns, which may give important insights into the changing physiology of the newborn infant or that of a patient in the medical or surgical intensive care settings. Ten cases are presented in which this flow information is instructive in understanding the physiological sequelae of congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess pulmonary venous flow dynamics using transesophageal Doppler echocardiography. Under general anesthesia, we studied 54 surgical patients with no history or physical evidence of cardiac disorders. In all patients pulmonary venous flow was easily identified by transesophageal color flow mapping. Pulmonary venous flow pattern, which was obtained clearly in 85% (4654) of patients by transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiography, was tri- or quadriphasic. The first wave, which was often biphasic in elderly patients, occurred during ventricular systole (S wave). The second wave occurred in diastole during the early ventricular filling phase of mitral flow (D wave). The third wave was reverse flow toward the pulmonary vein during atrial contraction (A wave). The following variables were measured: the peak flow velocities of each wave (PFVs, PFVd, PFVa), and the ratio of PFVs to PFVd (PFV(S/D)). The PFVd correlated with age (r=–0.56, P<0.001), indicating age-related decrease. The PFV(S/D) correlated with age (r=0.61, p<0.001), indicating age-related increase. These results would indicate that the contribution of pulmonary venous flow during diastole to total pulmonary venous flow decreases with age.Our data suggest that age-related diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle would affect pulmonary venous flow dynamics and that left atrial storage volume during ventricular systole would increase with age.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the intra- and inter-observer reproducibility of pulmonary venous flow indices in patients with acute myocardial infarction. METHODS: Two investigators, blinded to the results of the other examination, each examined 28 clinically stable post infarction patients in sinus rhythm. The two stored digital Doppler recordings from each patient were analysed in a blinded manner by both investigators to obtain the intra- and inter-observer reproducibility including both a new recording and new measurements. RESULTS: The intra- and inter-observer coefficients of variation for the different variables ranged between 5-15% and 8-23% respectively. For some of the indices there was a difference in means between the observers, and the indices were influenced in different degree by a new measurement and new recording. The degree of variability found in this study indicates wide relative limits of agreement, ranging from +/-10% to +/-45%. CONCLUSION: The reproducibility of pulmonary venous flow indices was only moderate with relatively wide limits of agreement. The reproducibility was, however, comparable to other echocardiographic measurements of left ventricular dimensions and function.  相似文献   

This study aims to compare the differences between obstructed and unobstructed total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) using echocardiography, and to evaluate the clinical and echocardiographic parameters associated with pulmonary venous obstruction (PVO).We conducted a retrospective study of 70 patients with TAPVC between 2014 and 2019. The morphologic and hemodynamic echocardiographic parameters of patients were observed and measured, and the parameters between obstructed and unobstructed TAPVC were compared. The clinical and echocardiographic parameter differences between the two groups were used for ROC curve analysis.Obstructed TAPVC was found in 30 (42.9%) of 70 patients. Between obstructed and unobstructed TAPVC, there were significant differences in atrial septal defect size, pulmonary artery maximum velocity (PA Vmax ), peak E velocity of mitral valve, left ventricular fractional shortening, left ventricular ejection fraction, stroke volume and the incidence of patent ductus arteriosus, but there was no significant difference in birth weight. The first diagnosis age of obstructed TAPVC was earlier than unobstructed type. The ROC curve analysis for the first diagnosis age showed the sensitivity and specificity were 76.7%, 80% respectively. The ROC curve analysis for the PA Vmax showed the sensitivity and specificity were 88.5%, 67.6% respectively.Patients with TAPVC had a high incidence of PVO. The presence of PVO can affect the size of atrial septal defect and the closure of the ductus arteriosus, cause significant changes in PA Vmax, peak E velocity of mitral valve, left ventricular fractional shortening, left ventricular ejection fraction, stroke volume, lead to earlier symptoms and earlier first diagnosis age. The first diagnosis age and PA Vmax were excellent values since they associated with PVO.  相似文献   

A 36-year-old woman was admitted because of an enlarged right heart. Echocardiographic examination revealed an abnormal vessel connecting to the dilated coronary sinus. The abnormal vessel traveled in the direction from the right axillary to the left epigastric region. Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection (PAPVC) from the right upper lobe to the coronary sinus was initially considered as a possible diagnosis by echocardiography. At surgery, diagnosis of an isolated PAPVC of the right upper pulmonary vein to the coronary sinus was confirmed.  相似文献   

Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) is an uncommon congenital anomaly in which the anatomical presentations vary widely among patients. We hereby present two newborns with TAPVC associated with asplenia syndrome; both had severe esophageal varices due to infradiaphragmatic pulmonary venous drainage. Ultrafast computed tomography (CT) scanning was superior to color Doppler echocardiography and cardiac catheterization as it provided a detailed portrait of the pulmonary drainage. The remarkable radiographic manifestations are presented.  相似文献   

A segmental echocardiographic approach to complex congenital heart disease in the neonate allows accurate and precise assessment of intracardiac, as well as extracardiac, anomalies. Determination of abnormalities of atrial and visceral situs, as well as the cardiac situs, provides a fundamental background for the echocardiographic examination. Subsequently, a segmental approach allows precise determination of abnormalities of atrioventricular and ventricular great artery connections. Recent echocardiographic advances including high-frequency (7.5 and 10 MHz) and color flow imaging capabilities have dramatically improved our ability to accurately define abnormalities of anatomy and connection in the neonate. These advances now have expanded our previous echocardiographic criteria and allow application of the echocardiographic segmental approach to characterize complex congenital heart disease in the neonate.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the diagnostic valueof Doppler pulmonary venous flow in constrictive pericarditis,as assessed by transoesophageal echocardiography. It has beendemonstrated previously that increased respiratory variationin Doppler pulmonary venous, but not in transmitral flow velocities,can identify patients with constrictive pericarditis, when transoesophagealechocardiography is used. In the present study we compared agroup of 10 patients with constrictive pericarditis and a controlgroup of 15 normal subjects with respect to pulmonary venousand transmitral flow velocities and their respiratory variation.Peak velocities and velocity time integrals of the systolic,early diastolic and late diastolic reversed pulmonary venousflow waves were measured. Peak velocities and velocity timeintegrals of the early and late diastolic transmitral flow waveswere also measured Measurements were made irrespective of therespiratory cycle, at the onset of inspiration and at the onsetof expiration. Values for inspiration and expiration were expressedas percent difference of those obtained irrespective of therespiratory cycle. Peak velocity and velocity time integralof the pulmonary venous systolic and diastolic waves were significantlylower than in normal subjects. Furthermore, the difference betweenpeak velocities of the diastolic wave obtained at the onsetof inspiration and obtained irrespective of the respiratorycycle was significantly larger in constrictive pericarditisthan in the control group (–20% vs –9%, P<0.05).This also applied to the difference between velocity time integralsof the diastolic wave obtained at the onset of inspiration andobtained irrespective of the respiratory cycle (–22% vs–12%, P<0.05). Accordingly, the differences betweenpeak velocities and velocity time integrals of the diastolicwave obtained at the onset of expiration and obtained irrespectiveof the respiratory cycle were significantly larger (19% vs 4%,P<0.05 and 34% vs 8%, P<0.001, respectively). Respiratoryvariation of transmitral flow velocities was less pronounced,only the difference between velocity time integrals of the earlywave obtained at the onset of inspiration and obtained irrespectiveof the respiratory cycle was significantly larger in constrictivepericarditis (–19% vs –7%, P<0.05). In conclusion, in this transoesophageal Doppler echocardiographicstudy, patients with constrictive pericarditis had significantlylower forward pulmonary venous peak velocities and exhibiteda significantly larger respiratory variation in the diastolicflow wave as compared to normal subjects. Respiratory variationof transmitral flow velocities was less pronounced.  相似文献   

Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection (PAPVC) with intact interatrial septum is an uncommon congenital anomaly, while isolated left pulmonary venous connection with intact interatrial septum is rare. In this report, a 5-year-old girl with chief complains of mild short breath after exercise was diagnosed of anomalous connection between left superior pulmonary vein (LSPV) and left innominate vein by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) that was confirmed by 3D cardiac CT scanning.  相似文献   

The effect of atrial fibrillation on pulmonary venous flow patternsis still not well known. Twenty-four patients in atrial fibrillationand 21 patients in sinus rhythm were studied by transoesophagealechocardiography. In ninety-five percent (20/21) of sinus rhythmpatients, the early systolic wave due to atrial relaxation orreverse wave due to atrial contraction could be distinguishedon pulsed Doppler tracings by transoesophageal echocardiography.However, there was no early systolic wave and/or reverse atthe end of diastole in any atrial fibrillation patients. Inatrial fibrillation patients without mitral regurgitation (n= 14), the onset of systolic flow was delayed (165±38vs 50±46 ms, P < 0.05), and systolic peak velocities,time-velocity integrals and systolic fractions were reduced(31 ± 13 vs 54±17 cm.s–1, P < 0.05; 5± 2 vs 13 ± 6 cm, P < 0.05 and 36 ±8 vs 61±15%, P < 0.05, respectively) as compared tothose in sinus rhythm. Significant mitral regurgitation (n =10) reduced systolic velocity parameters considerably in atrialfibrillation patients but the diastolic flow parameters werenot significantly different between sinus rhythm and atrialfibrillation patients. Stepwise multiple regression analysis identified atrial fibrillationas an important independent predictor for changes in systolicflow parameters. The R-R interval is also an important factorfor diastolic flow parameters. Thus, the present study demonstratesthat atrial fibrillation significantly modifies pulmonary venousflow pattern and is an important factor for systolic flow parameters.Significant mitral regurgitation can further modify systolicflow pattern in atrial fibrillation patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE—To determine the pulmonary venous flow velocity (PVFV) values in a large normal population.
DESIGN—Prospective study in consecutive individuals.
SETTING—University hospital.
METHODS—Among 404 normal individuals, the flow velocity pattern in the right upper pulmonary vein was recorded in 315 subjects using transthoracic echocardiography, and in both upper pulmonary veins in 100 subjects using transoesophageal echocardiography. Subjects were divided into five age groups. The PVFV values were compared between transthoracic and transoesophageal echocardiography within the age groups, and intraindividually between the right and left upper pulmonary veins in transoesophageal echocardiography.
RESULTS—Normal PVFV values for the right upper pulmonary vein in transthoracic and transoesophageal echocardiography are presented. The duration of flow reversal at atrial contraction was overestimated using transthoracic echocardiography (mean (SD): 96 (21) ms in transoesophageal echocardiography, 120 (28) ms in transthoracic echocardiography, p < 0.0001). Systolic to diastolic peak flow velocity ratio (S:D) increased earlier with advancing age with transoesophageal echocardiography than with transthoracic echocardiography. Similar results were found for the corresponding time-velocity integrals. Data from the left and right upper pulmonary veins differed with respect to onset and deceleration of flow velocities, but not for flow durations or peak velocities.
CONCLUSIONS—Normal PVFV values generally show a wide range. The data presented will be of value in assessing left ventricular diastolic function and mitral regurgitation using the PVFV pattern.

Keywords: pulmonary venous flow velocity; Doppler echocardiography; mitral regurgitation  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE—To assess the pressure and flow velocity relations and respiratory variability of the systemic venous and hepatic venous return in patients with univentricular circulation.
PATIENTS—15 selected patients who had undergone cavopulmonary anastomosis (10) or atriopulmonary anastomosis (5). Mean age at operation was 55.1 months (range 9 to 145). Studies were done at 75.5 (32.6) months (mean (SD)) after the operation.
SETTING—Tertiary referral centre.
METHODS—Patients were studied using simultaneous recordings of ECG, pressure trace, respirometer trace, and pulsed Doppler echocardiography. Mean systemic venous pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance did not differ significantly between the two patient groups.
RESULTS—After total cavopulmonary anastomosis, systemic venous pressure tracings showed a flattened pressure curve without any dependence on cardiac or respiratory cycle. After atriopulmonary anastomosis, right atrial pressure tracings showed a significantly higher "a" wave corresponding to atrial contraction, without any respiratory variability. Pulsed Doppler examination of the superior and inferior caval vein and hepatic vein after total cavopulmonary anastomosis did not show a reverse flow after atrial contraction. The inspiratory to expiratory velocity ratio of antegrade flow revealed a significant dependence of flow on changes in intrathoracic pressure in the intra-atrial tunnel, caval veins, and hepatic vein. During expiration, decrease or cessation of antegrade hepatic venous flow was documented. After an atriopulmonary anastomosis, there was a biphasic antegrade venous flow pattern without significant respiratory variation.
CONCLUSIONS—After total cavopulmonary anastomosis, there was marked respiratory dependence of systemic and hepatic venous return, whereas after an atriopulmonary anastomosis venous flow pattern varied according to cardiac cycle and pressure trace. The effects of total cavopulmonary anastomosis on venous return might counteract its other haemodynamic advantages.

Keywords: Fontan operation; Doppler echocardiography; systemic venous flow pattern  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prior studies have reconstructed mitral regurgitant flow in three dimensions displaying gray scale renditions of the jets, which were difficult to differentiate from surrounding cardiac structures. Recently, a color-coded display of three-dimensional (3D) regurgitant flow has been developed. However, this display was unable to integrate cardiac anatomy, thereby losing spatial information, which made it difficult to determine the jet origin and its spatial trajectory. To overcome this limitation, an improved method of 3D color reconstruction of regurgitant jets obtained from color flow Doppler using a transesophageal approach was developed to allow the combined display of both color flow and gray scale information. OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate the feasibility of 3D reconstruction of regurgitant mitral flow jets using an improved method of color encoding digital data acquired by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). METHODS: We studied 46 patients undergoing a clinically indicated TEE study. All subjects had mitral regurgitation detected on a previous transthoracic study. Atrial fibrillation or poor image quality were not used as exclusion criteria. The 3D study was performed using a commercial ultrasound imaging system with a TEE probe (Sonos 5500, Agilent Technologies). A rotational mode of acquisition was used to collect two-dimensional (2D) color flow images at 3-degree intervals over 180 degrees. Images were processed off line using the Echo-View Software (TomTec Imaging Systems). Volume-rendered 3D color flow jets were displayed along with gray scale information of the adjacent cardiac structures. RESULTS: Mitral regurgitant flow, displayed in left atrial and two longitudinal orientations, was successfully reconstructed in all patients. The time for acquisition, post-processing, and rendering ranged between 10 and 15 minutes. There were 28 centrally directed jets and 15 eccentric lesions. Eight patients in the study had periprosthetic mitral regurgitant flow. CONCLUSIONS: Three-dimensional imaging of mitral regurgitant jets is feasible in the majority of patients. This improved technique provides additional information to that obtained from the 2D examination. Particularly, in patients with paravalvular leaks 3D color flow Doppler provides information on the origin and the extent of the dehiscence, as well as insight into the jet direction. In addition, in patients with eccentric mitral regurgitation, this new modality overcomes the inherent limitations of 2D echo Doppler by depicting the full extent of the jet trajectory.  相似文献   

冠心病左心功能不全时肺静脉血流频谱的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :通过对冠心病 (CHD)左心功能不全患者的肺静脉血流频谱的研究探索肺静脉血流频谱在CHD左心功能评定中的意义。方法 :应用脉冲多普勒技术对 132例左心功能Ⅰ~Ⅳ级的CHD患者及 90例健康人 (正常对照组 )进行了肺静脉血流频谱各项参数的测定并进行对照研究。结果 :与正常对照组相比CHD患者的肺静脉血流频谱D波的最大流速 (Dp)、S波最大流速 (Sp) /Dp及二尖瓣血流频谱的E峰的最大流速 (E)、A峰的最大流速 (A)在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级心功能出现异常 (P <0 .0 5~ 0 .0 1) ,肺静脉血流频谱S波持续时间 (ST)及二尖瓣血流E/A在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级心功能均出现异常 (P <0 .0 5~ 0 .0 0 1) ,S波的速度和时间积分 (Si)、A波的速度和时间积分 (Ai)在Ⅲ、Ⅳ级心功能时出现异常 ,A波持续时间 (AT)在Ⅲ级心功能时出现异常 (P <0 .0 5 )。Sp、肺静脉的收缩期积分 (SF)在Ⅳ级心功能时才出现异常 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :CHD患者舒张功能受损早于收缩功能 ,一旦出现收缩性心功能不全 ,临床上均为混合型左心功能不全。如果已经存在严重左心收缩功能不全的CHD患者肺静脉血流频谱Dp、D波的速度和时间积分 (Di)、AT及二尖瓣血流频谱E/A正常化说明是左心舒张功能严重受损的一种假性正常化。肺静脉血流频谱Dp、ST、Sp/Dp为CHD患者早期  相似文献   

Objectives: Evaluate echocardiographic predictors of pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) in a prospective cohort of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods: 38 patients with SSc who did not have PAH and significant left heart disease, with peak tricuspid regurgitant velocity (TRV) ≤ 2.8 m/sec and systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) < 40 mmHg on echo Doppler were enrolled. Patients underwent: clinical assessment, NT‐proBNP, and DLco measurements. Echo Doppler evaluation included right ventricular (RV) dimensions, tricuspid annular plan systolic excursion, fractional area change, tricuspid DTI systolic velocity, Tei index, pulmonary flow acceleration time (AcT), ratio of TRV to RV outflow tract time–velocity integral (TVI) and a parameter of disturbed RV ejection (TRV/AcT). After a planned 12‐month follow‐up we evaluated the predictive value of these parameters for the development of PAH, as demonstrated by right heart catheterization (RHC). Criteria for RHC were TRV ≥ 3 m/sec or sPAP ≥ 40 mmHg. Results: Four patients developed PAH. Only TRV/TVI and TRV/AcT ratios significantly predicted PAH development (TRV/TVI ratio ≥ 0.16 [predefined and ROC confirmed]: OR 99, CI 95%: 4.865–2015, P = 0.004; TRV/AcT ratio ≥ 0.022 [predefined and ROC confirmed]: OR 12.68, CI 95% 1.163–379.3, P = 0.036). Both parameters showed a good diagnostic power (TRV/TVI ratio: ROC area 79%, sensitivity 75%, specificity 97% and diagnostic accuracy 94.74% for cutoff value of 0.16; TRV/AcT ratio: ROC area 75%, sensitivity 75%, specificity 71% and diagnostic accuracy 72% for cutoff value of 0.022). Conclusions: This prospective study identified increased values of the two ratios TRV/TVI and TRV/AcT as predictors of PAH in SSc. (Echocardiography 2011;28:860‐869)  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the changes of left ventricular inflow (LVIF) and pulmonary venous flow (PVF) velocities during preload alteration in 30 patients with dilated heart (LV end-diastolic dimension ≥ 6.0 cm) and impaired LV systolic function (% fractional shortening of the LV ≤ 25%). We performed transesophageal pulsed Doppler echocardiography during lower body negative (LBNP, -40 mmHg) and positive pressure (LBPP, +40 mmHg) in 10 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, in 20 with old myocardial infarction, and in 22 healthy controls. Eight of the patients showed a pseudonormalization (compliance failure) pattern, and 22 showed a decreased early diastolic wave and compensatorily increased atrial systolic wave (relaxation failure) pattern of LVIF in the control state. Mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) was greater in the compliance failure group than in the relaxation failure group in the control state. LVIF in 6 of the 22 patients with the relaxation failure pattern changed to the compliance failure pattern during LBPP, and that in 3 of 8 patients in the compliance failure group changed to the relaxation failure pattern during LBNP. The 6 patients with a change from the relaxation failure to the compliance failure pattern showed significantly higher peak diastolic and atrial systolic PVFs during LBPP than in the control state, and significantly higher PCWPs in the control state than the 16 patients with no change in LVIF. These find ings suggest that the compliance failure and relaxation failure patterns of LVIF are readily interchangeable in various hemo-dynamic conditions, and that pattern analysis of LVIF and PVF during preload alteration is useful for understanding the hemodynamic severity and for evaluating preload reduction therapy in the dilated heart.  相似文献   

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