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目的 研究中医养生理论在疗养医学中的应用价值.方法 从传统医学的"天人合一"、"时令养生"、 "形神合一"诸方面寻找传统医学与疗养医学的结合点.结果 将中医养生理论纳入现代疗养医学中,可增强疗养院自然疗法的医治能力.结论 疗养院要把中医养生理论广泛地应用到现代疗养医学中,并成为疗养医学研究的重要课题.  相似文献   

1临床资料 飞行人员王××,男40岁,随部队健康疗养入院,部队驻地湖北省.一周后突感寒战、高热、大汗、间日性发作.查T39.5 C、P98次/min、血常规:Hb120 g/L、WBC9.8×1012/L、N:0.88、L:0.12,尿常规:蛋白+、尿糖-、高倍视野:RBC0-2个,WBC2-4个.临床上按高热待查对症治疗三天,效果不明显,上述症状持续隔日发作二天,提醒医师考虑患者是否不排除疟疾,在发作当日查血涂片,采用瑞氏染色法,染色三张,镜下均见有疟原虫,确诊"间日疟".给予氯喹,首剂1 g,第2、3日各服0.5 g,三天后症状消失.体温正常,血尿常规正常,连续三次末梢血涂片镜检,疟原虫阴性.临床治愈,飞行合格.  相似文献   

飞行人员在疗养过程中体育训练的作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
由于飞行工作的复杂性与特殊性,要求飞行人员具有良好的身体素质和强健的体魄。而疗养体育是一个最主动、最活跃的疗养因子,它对增强飞行人员体质,防治疾病,适应飞行应激条件,对提高飞行耐力,延长飞行年限,完成飞行任务具有重要意义。  相似文献   

疗养期间飞行人员体能训练的管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
飞行人员的体能素质是飞行人员综合素质的重要组成部分,体能训练也是航空兵部队整体训练的重要内容之一,因此,搞好飞行人员疗养期间的体育训练,保持飞行耐力是疗养工作的重要环节之一。近几年,我院加大了体育训练的管理工作力度,在提高飞行人员的身体素质方面取得了明显效果,受到疗养部队的好评,下面谈谈我们的具体做法和体会。加强领导健全组织为完成飞行人员疗养期间体能训练工作,疗养院各级领导对此十分重视,成立了以院长兼任组长,副院长兼任副组长,由机关及体疗科成员等组成的飞行人员体育训练领导小组,制定训练方案和训练制度、考核制…  相似文献   

目的 提高飞行人员健康疗养效果.方法 对1999~2006年来院疗养的飞行人员进行个别询问、发卷调查、观其言行等,并对其进行心理分类.结果 飞行人员疗养心理可分为6类.其中正常疗养心理是主流,求治心理、休息心理是治疗护理重点.结论 飞行人员疗养心理与身心健康、年龄及飞行时间有一定的关系.加强心理治疗和护理可明显提高疗养效果.  相似文献   

飞行人员疗养需求与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
40多年来,空军疗养走过了稳定发展、不断深化、逐步提高的历程。为使飞行人员通过综合性疗养,达到消除疲劳、增强体质,提高飞行耐力的目的,针对疗养中普遍存在的疗养秩序管理难,按规定体训难和要求提前出院电报、电话多、家属随队疗养多的现象,旨在真实了解疗养的心理需求,探索科学管理对策,以适应医学模式的演变。我们对556名飞行人员《目标疗养调查表》中对疗养生活的选择及疗养规定的认识,分析如下。资料与方法1-1-一般资料来院疗养的556名飞行人员,其中男性554名,女性2名,已婚484名,未婚72名;年龄≤…  相似文献   

目的探讨桂林自然疗养因子对飞行人员的疗养效果。方法综合分析桂林地区的特点,了解桂林自然疗养因子对本组217名飞行人员的疗养作用。结果经桂林自然疗养因子的作用,本组飞行人员的体能素质均有所提高,大部分飞行人员飞行职业病均有不同程度的改善。其中119例有效,73例显效,25例无效,总有效率为88.48%。结论桂林自然疗养因子不仅具有保健作用,而且还能提高飞行人员的体能素质,对飞行职业病的防治具有重大意义。  相似文献   

飞行人员每年一次的定期疗养是消除疲劳、增强体质、保证飞行安全、延长飞行年限的主要措施之一,我军飞行人员疗养事业经历了半个多世纪的实践,取得了一定经验,但是疗养模式一直未改变.本文旨在探讨空军转型时期飞行人员的疗养模式.  相似文献   

环境与人体健康存在一定关系,我们应创造怎样的疗养小环境,才能使飞行人员安心、愉快的度过这段美好的疗养生活呢?现从四个方面进行初步探讨:  相似文献   

Company doctors can assume an important moderator function in company health management because they know both the individual employee with his or her abilities and functional disorders as well as the individual workplace and its organizational framework conditions. Moreover, they have access to population groups who would not as a rule make use of health care services. In the framework of industrial medicine preventive examinations, consultations and workplace inspections, they can identify a need for rehabilitation at an early stage, can support applications for services and return to work, and thus contribute to greater sustainability.  相似文献   

Drawing on recent paper published literature in both English and Chinese, this explores reactions to the evaluation of Chinese medicine using randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and the standards of evidence-based medicine (EBM). The literature review revealed a few sources which contend that Chinese medicine should not be evaluated on the basis of RCTs, but a far greater number which advocate for applying RCT and EBM standards to Chinese medicine. This paper describes the position of the detractors and points out ways in which their arguments contain oversimplified representations of Chinese medicine, biomedicine, EBM, and RCTs. In describing the position of the proponents, the analysis outlines some of the numerous innovative techniques they are developing for dealing with issues of control and standardization in efficacy research. Overall, the analysis indicates that important refinements are being generated in Chinese medicine research and clinical trial design in response to the challenges posed by the forced encounter of these two paradigms.  相似文献   

目的探讨中医体质分型在中老年干部预防保健工作中的可行性。方法将237例中老年干部患者随机分为两组。首先对入选的研究对象进行问卷调查并进行中医体质分型,然后对照组一般的预防保健治疗(健康教育和常规西药治疗)。观察组在对照组基础上加用中医体质分型指导的中医药预防保健治疗(口服中药颗粒剂)。两组疗程均为1年,其中中药颗粒剂口服2周,间歇2周。结果 237例患者中,气虚质85例(35.7%)、阳虚质36例(15.2%)、痰湿质33例(13.9%)、气郁质26例(11.0%)、湿热质24例(10.1%)、瘀血质18例(7.6%)、阴虚质15例(6.3%)。观察组住院次数、住院天数、医疗总费用、SF-36量表评分均优于对照组(均P<0.05)。结论中老年干部的中医体质分型以气虚质所占比例最高,阳虚质次之。中医体质分型干预可以提高中老年干部的生活质量,减少医疗支出。  相似文献   

Although cure of many diseases depends on early detection, screening schemes have been difficult to implement in busy clinic environments. We describe the testing of a nurse-initiated prompting system for six health promotion and disease prevention procedures in an internal medicine residents' clinic at a university-affiliated community program. Maneuvers investigated were breast examination, pelvic examination and Pap smear, rectal examination in men, mammogram, stool guaiac test, and blood glucose determination. A nurse reviewed the charts and used a list in the front of each chart to prompt residents in the experimental group. Residents in the control group were not prompted. A significant improvement (P less than .05) in performance was seen in the prompted group. Performance of rectal examination and mammograms improved most, increasing from 41% to 93% and 18% to 64%, respectively. There were no significant changes in the control group. This simple nurse-initiated prompting system improved the performance of health promotion and disease prevention maneuvers.  相似文献   

Peace Arch Hospital's Wellness Centre in White Rock, British Columbia, represents a unique model that allows a hospital to bring health and wellness activities to the community in a coordinated and exciting way. Sponsored by the hospital and funded by the hospital global budget, the Wellness Centre has passed its eighth anniversary and recently implemented a three-year strategic plan that will carry this visionary outreach program to the next millennium.  相似文献   

Health promotion seems to be implicit in many nursing theories, but the theoretical and philosophical basis of health promotion in nursing is not always explicitly stated. The interpretation of health promotion is closely related to the interpretation of man, health, illness and nursing. There is a need to clarify, refine and redefine health promotion in nursing because the concept is partly nonspecific and has not been used to identify a distinctive nursing focus. The aim of this study was to formulate a stipulative definition of health promotive nursing with a holistic-existential approach. A philosophical frame of reference in combination with conceptual analysis and theoretical synthesis were used as the methodological approach. The philosophical framework served as a basis in selecting the nursing theories and influenced the analysis. Two nursing theories and one nursing model were selected due to their influence on Norwegian nursing and because of their philosophical basis. Through analysis and synthesis of the selected nursing theories, the concepts man, health, illness/disease and nursing were analysed. The paper proposes a stipulative definition of health promotion in nursing based on a holistic-existential approach, supported by five necessary conditions. The definition and conditions needs to be further investigated by both empirical studies and by comparing with other relevant nursing theories, in order to formulate theoretical statements. The proposed definition may be the first step in a process of developing a theoretical framework of health promotive nursing with a holistic-existential approach.  相似文献   

To reflect about teaching and practicing nursing in public and collective health, helps to direct the teaching/learning nursing process to a health promotion alternative, involving nursing students of UFRGS with Lions Clubs, Health State Secretaries and, specially, with the population and the media, so that early detection of high blood pressure and diabetes and also health promotion could be focus on Macro-campaigns Project. The aim is to early detect high blood pressure, diabetes and to promote health, individually and collectively, in a short period of time, at places of major concentration of persons, using academic work power, clubs of service, participation of the population and the media. The method used on this investigation was of interviews, blood pressure measurement, blood sugar checking, and filling forms from spontaneous demand in shoppings malls and other sites, by two professors and 58 nursing students of UFRGS. The main aspects of the results are that 15% of the demand have high blood pressure and 9% have high level of blood sugar.  相似文献   

Applying collaborative practice to health promotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Since the publication of the Health of the Nation document in 1992, collaborative practice has been at the forefront of health service reform. While other professional groups have readily adopted health promotion and collaboration, the nursing profession has experienced difficulties in changing practice and some have resisted reform. The author examines the issues surrounding nursing's apparent hesitancy in adopting collaborative working practices. CONCLUSION: To promote collaborative practice, nurses need to be aware of the range of teams and agencies involved in health promotion and acknowledge the client as an equal member of the team. However, better education, training and shared learning initiatives are essential to improve collaborative practice.  相似文献   

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