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Alkaline phosphatase, a marker of differentiation in the human alveolar adenocarcinoma cell line A549, is inducible by conditioned medium from lung fibroblasts and by cytokines including oncostatin M and interleukin 6, but only in the presence of a glucocorticoid, dexamethasone. Dexamethasone was shown to induce incorporation of [3H]glucosamine into three fractions of medium and cell trypsinate from subconfluent A549 cells, eluting from DEAE ion-exchange chromatography. The first peak did not correspond to any of the unlabelled glycosaminoglycans and was not characterized further. Induction was seen in two other peaks, corresponding to hyaluronic acid and heparan sulphate. Of these, heparan sulphate, eluting as one well-defined peak (referred to as HS1) and another of lower activity and less well defined (HS2), was selected as the most likely to interact with growth factors and cytokines and was isolated from the eluate, concentrated and desalted, and used in alkaline phosphatase induction experiments in place of dexamethasone. HS1 isolated from the medium (HS1m) of subconfluent A549 cells was shown to replace dexamethasone in induction experiments with fibroblast-conditioned medium, oncostatin M and interleukin 6. HS1 from the cell trypsinate and HS2 from the medium and trypsinate were inactive. As the activity of HS1m could be abolished by heparinase and heparitinase but not by chondroitinase ABC, it was concluded that HS1m was a fraction of heparan sulphate involved in the regulation of paracrine growth factor activity in lung fibroblast-conditioned medium, and in the regulation of other growth factors with potential roles in the paracrine control of cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Ample evidence confirms that certain cancer cells have the capacity to produce multiple peptides as growth factors and that expression of their receptor may act in tumour cell paracrine and/or autocrine loop mechanisms, either by extracellular release of the growth factor or by the tumour itself. To study the possibility of an autocrine growth mechanism in bladder carcinoma, we investigated the ability of various bladder carcinoma cell lines to proliferate in serum-free medium. A rat bladder carcinoma cell line, BC47, demonstrated exponential and density-dependent growth in serum-free medium. Furthermore, conditioned medium from BC47 cells induced growth-stimulating activity for BC47 cells themselves. Purification and further characterization of this activity was performed by chromatographic methods, SDS-PAGE and N-terminal amino acid analysis. Finally, we have identified that a transferrin-like 70-kDa protein is found to be the main growth-promoting factor in this conditioned medium. In addition, specific antibodies against transferrin and the transferrin-receptor inhibit the in vitro growth of this cell line. Our data suggest that this transferrin-like factor possibly acts as an autocrine growth factor for cancer cells.  相似文献   

A single topical application of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) to mouse skin decreased 125I-labeled epidermal growth factor (EGF) binding in epidermal membrane preparations within 1 h while 1,8-dihydroxy-3-methyl-9-anthrone (chrysarobin) gradually reduced binding with maximum inhibition at 15 h. Subsequently, 125I-EGF binding increased to approximately 200% of control in epidermal membrane preparations from both TPA- and chrysarobin-treated mice. A single application of TPA but not chrysarobin resulted in a rapid translocation of protein kinase C (PKC) to the membrane; however, treatment with both promoters ultimately led to a time-dependent loss of PKC activity in both membrane and cytosol fractions. The initial inhibition of 125I-EGF binding was sustained for at least 24 h after single and multiple treatments with both promoting agents. Acid washing restored EGF binding to control levels in membrane preparations obtained 24 h after a single application, whereas acid washing of membrane preparations obtained 24 h after a second application of TPA or chrysarobin increased binding (2.5-fold and 1.5-fold that of the control, respectively). The presence of increased amounts of ligands for the EGF receptor in tumor promoter-treated epidermis was initially confirmed in 125I-EGF binding competition experiments using NRK-49F cells. A single topical application of TPA or chrysarobin induced elevated levels of transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) mRNA at 6 h or 15-24 h, respectively. Elevated levels of a TGF-alpha precursor (21 kDa) were subsequently observed in cytosol and membrane preparations after single and multiple applications of TPA or chrysarobin. These results suggest that repeated topical application of tumor promoters may lead to sustained loss of a negative-feedback mechanism involving phosphorylation at Thr-654 of the EGF receptor by PKC. The concomitant elevation of ligands, such as TGF-alpha, may provide a mechanism for sustained cell proliferation essential for skin tumor promotion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In a proliferating tumor, locally secreted polypeptide growth factors, which have autocrine and paracrine functions, induce vascularization essential for tumor growth and metastasis. These growth factors may serve as targets for tumor therapy. We have shown that the heparinoid pentosan polysulfate (PPS) can block growth of subcutaneous human tumor xenografts in nude mice and angiogenesis induced by the heparin-binding, Kaposi's sarcoma-derived fibroblast growth factor (K-FGF). PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether PPS might also interfere with stimulation of endothelial cells by other growth factors released from tumor cells and whether the promising antitumor effects of PPS extend to other human tumor cell lines. We studied the effects of PPS on stimulation by heparin-binding growth factors released from seven human tumor cell lines in vitro and on tumors growing from these cell lines in athymic nude mice. METHODS: Seven human cell lines established from breast, prostate, epidermoid, and lung carcinomas and rhabdomyosarcoma were used in in vivo as well as in vitro studies of the effects of PPS. We also studied in vitro the effects of PPS on growth factor-induced colony formation of normal rat kidney fibroblasts and human adrenal carcinoma cells. RESULTS: The tumor cell lines released growth factors into their media that stimulated growth of endothelial and epithelial cells as well as fibroblasts. Heparin-affinity chromatography showed that heparin-binding growth factors contributed substantially to this paracrine activity and that PPS inhibited this stimulus. Six of the seven tumor cell lines were resistant to PPS in soft-agar cloning assays and hence did not appear to depend on autocrine stimulation by the heparin-binding growth factors. In contrast to this in vitro resistance, subcutaneous growth of tumors from all cell lines in athymic nude mice was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by daily intraperitoneal injections of PPS. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that heparin-binding growth factors contribute substantially to tumor growth in vivo and that PPS acts by blocking the paracrine effects of heparin-binding growth factors released from the tumor cells. IMPLICATION: PPS could become a novel treatment tool targeting tumor growth factors.  相似文献   

For the determination of LDL receptor expression on living human cells two monoclonal antibodies specific for the extracellular domain of LDL receptor were established using affinity-purified LDL receptor and carrier-conjugated LDL receptor peptide 163-174 as immunizing antigens. The 125I-labeled antibodies were used to quantify increases in LDL receptor expression on human cells grown in the presence of increasing concentrations of various growth factors. Growth factor-mediated increase of LDL receptor expression was entirely different in various cell lines with respect to a distinct growth factor and for different growth factors when tested with one and the same cell line. An increased LDL receptor expression was observed on A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells of the vulva in the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF) or insulin but not with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), on HUV-EC primary endothelial cells in the presence of insulin or PDGF but not with EGF, and on MRC-5 diploid fetal lung cells only in the presence of PDGF. HEP-3B hepatoma cells did not respond to any of the three growth factors essentially maintaining the original level of LDL receptor expression.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive endothelin 1 (irET-1) concentrations were measured in extracts prepared from 4 phyllodes tumors and 14 fibroadenomas. irET-1 was detectable in all tissue extracts by specific radioimmunoassay, and the mean concentration of irET-1 was 18-fold and 27-fold higher in tissue extracts from phyllodes tumors than in those from intracanalicular fibroadenomas and pericanalicular fibroadenomas, respectively. Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with radioimmunoassay in the extracts from phyllodes tumors revealed one major irET-1 component corresponding to human standard ET-1. Furthermore, immunocytochemical staining for ET-1 revealed that numerous ET-1-immunoreactive cells were seen in the epithelial cells but not in the stromal cells, suggesting that ET-1 is synthesized by the epithelial component of phyllodes tumors. A possible paracrine role of ET-1 in the growth of this rare tumor which is characterized by its prominent stromal cellularity is discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical significance of the localization of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-r), transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha, and erbB-2 in the development, progression and prognosis of squamous cell cancers (SCCs) of the lung. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The localization of EGF-r, TGF-alpha, and erbB-2 was evaluated immunohistochemically in 60 archival specimens of SCC of the lung and in 60 lung specimens without cancer. To clarify the patterns of expression of EGF-r in these tumors, the patterns of expression of EGF-r in cells in culture were monitored after challenging normal human bronchial epithelial and SCC cell lines with either EGF or TGF-alpha at physiological concentrations. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The expression of EGF-r, erbB-2, and TGF-alpha were significantly higher in SCC and associated precancerous lesions than in the normal bronchial epithelium and hyperplastic lesions of noncancer specimens. A statistically significant stepwise increase in expression from uninvolved bronchial epithelium to precancerous lesions to SCC was observed with EGF-r and TGF-alpha. The localization of EGF-r in the cytoplasm (P = 0.04), but not in the membrane (P = 0.20), of SCCs was significantly associated with poor overall survival of subjects. To demonstrate the biological relevance of cytoplasmic expression of EGF-r, we noted that there was a prompt reduction in the membrane expression and a concomitant increase in cytoplasmic expression of EGF-r after adding either EGF or TGF-alpha to the cell culture medium. Overall, the study identified an involvement of EGF-r and TGF-alpha in the development of SCCs. The prognostic importance of EGF-r expression in the cytoplasm of lung cancer probably is an indication of the prognostic importance of trafficking of the EGF-r receptor between the Golgi apparatus and cell membranes and of internalization of EGF-r after an interaction with one of the EGF-r ligands at the cellular membrane surface.  相似文献   

Growth-stimulating activities of basic and acidic fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) toward human breast epithelial cells were examined and compared with the mitogenic activity of bovine pituitary extract (BPE) by the use of a serum-free medium which contained epidermal growth factor, insulin, transferrin, hydrocortisone, ethanolamine, phosphoethanolamine, prolactin and prostaglandin. Addition of 1 ng/ml of basic FGF (bFGF) to the serum-free medium significantly enhanced the growth potential of epithelial cells derived from human breast carcinoma, and the number of cells grown for 7 days with bFGF was more than 1 1/2 times higher than that in the serum-free medium containing BPE instead of prolactin and prostaglandin. Growth responsiveness toward bFGF of epithelial cells derived from histologically non-malignant breast tissues was lower than that of carcinoma-derived cells, and the growth-stimulating activity of bFGF was lower than that of BPE, which could significantly enhance the growth potential of the cells. Contrary to bFGF, acidic FGF at 1 ng/ml had no significant effect on the growth potential of breast epithelial cells which had grown out from either carcinoma or non-malignant tissues. The present results suggest that bFGF is a putative growth-stimulating factor for human breast epithelial cells, especially for carcinoma-derived cells, and can substitute at least in part for BPE in serum-free monolayer culture of the cells.  相似文献   

Effects of pretreatment with BCG, strain Japan, on tumor growth were studied using a transplatable methylcholanthrene (MCA)-induced fibrosarcoma in C3H/He mice. Injection of BCG7 weeks before tumor inoculation at a site distant from the tumor caused a slight inhibition of tumor growth. A low dose of tumor cells did not grow at the BCG-primed site when BCG was injected 7 and 11 weeks before the tumor. When a high dose was inoculated into the BCG-primed site, inhibition of the primary tumor occurred in mice which had received BCG 7 weeks previously, but the number of distant metastases in the popliteal lymph node and the lungs was increased in mice pretreated with BCG at any time. Furthermore, post treatment with BCG at a site distant from the tumor caused promotion of tumor growth. Enhanced antibody formation and suppression of delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) occurred in tumor-bearing mice. BCG treatment of such mice caused a vigorously enhanced antibody formation and a marked suppression of DTH. The sera from tumor-bearing mice enhanced tumor growth. Tumor growth was suppressed in splenectomized mice. These findings suggested that antibodies against tumor-specific antigens enhanced tumor growth in this system and that BCG treatment of tumor-bearing mice stimulated formation of antibodies probably acting as blocking factors.  相似文献   

The growth control of estrogen-dependent mammary cancer is very complex and only partly understood. The present study was undertaken in order to establish conditions for growth control of MCF-7 cells in monolayer culture with focus on the effect of estradiol-17 beta, fetal calf serum, and growth factors. The effect of charcoal-stripped fetal calf serum (CSFCS) on cell growth was dependent upon the presence of hormones or growth factors in the medium. In the presence of insulin (or insulin-like growth factor 1) and in the absence of estradiol-17 beta, increasing concentrations of CSFCS, 0.625-20%, produced a bell-shaped growth response curve. Serum concentrations greater than 2.5% inhibited cell growth in the absence of estradiol-17 beta, whereas CSFCS in a dose-dependent way up to 10% stimulated growth in the presence of estradiol-17 beta (5 x 10(-10) mol/liter). The growth inhibitory effect of CSFCS could not be demonstrated in the absence of insulin (or insulin-like growth factor 1) and estradiol-17 beta. CSFCS stimulated growth in a dose-dependent way in the presence of estradiol-17 beta and also in the absence of insulin. Both the putative growth inhibitor and stimulator were found to be heat stable and not dialyzable. Epidermal growth factor stimulated growth but was unable to eliminate the growth inhibitory effect of 5-10% CSFCS. Interleukin-1 alpha inhibited MCF-7 cell growth in a dose-dependent way and produced a 75% reduction in cell number at a concentration of 5 x 10(-10) mol/liter. This inhibition was almost totally overcome by estradiol-17 beta. It is concluded that serum appears to contain factors with both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on the growth of MCF-7 cells. The inhibitory effect can be eliminated by estradiol (5 x 10(-10) mol/liter). In the presence of estradiol cell growth is stimulated by CSFCS in a dose-related way up to 5-10%. Taken together these data seem to indicate that estradiol stimulates cell growth in two principal ways: partly by eliminating the effect of an inhibitor, in support of a "negative hypothesis," and partly by an effect whereby estradiol permits a growth stimulator in CSFCS to be expressed, in support of the "indirect positive hypothesis."  相似文献   

We studied the biological response to and production of transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) by the non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) clonal cell lines H226b, H322a, H460a, H596b. Each of these cell lines expressed epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as determined by [125I]EGF competitive binding and Scatchard analysis and by phosphorylation. The receptors were functionally active as determined in immune complex kinase assays. H322a, H226b, H460a, and H596b cells showed stimulated [3H]thymidine (Thd) uptake in response to TGF-alpha. Exogenously added TGF-alpha increased colony formation in soft agar for three of the cell lines in media containing serum. All cell lines expressed TGF-alpha detected by immunohistochemistry and TGF-alpha mRNA, although to differing degrees. Cell lysates and spent media competed for EGFR binding with EGF, thus demonstrating production of TGF-alpha-like activity. The anti-TGF-alpha monoclonal antibody AB-3 inhibited the uptake of [3H]Thd by proliferating H322a and H226b cells but not H460a and H596b cells. No inhibition occurred with MOPC21 antibody and inhibition was completely reversed by addition of TGF-alpha to the culture. Suramin inhibited cell proliferation and [3H]Thd uptake by all cell lines. Inhibition of H460a and H596b cells was reversed with exogenous TGF-alpha but not PDGF. Our data suggests that TGF-alpha is a mediator of autocrine growth stimulation for NSCLC cells, and that for some NSCLC cells cytoplasmic binding of receptor and ligand is the primary mechanism for autocrine growth stimulation.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium parvum, known for its ability to retard the growth of experimental neoplasms, was examined for its effect on the growth of murine plasmacytoma MOPC 104E in vivo and in vitro. Immunostimulation with C. parvum2 resulted in the accelerated growth of MOPC 104E in experimental animals, as measured by the tumor IgM production. The acceleration of plasmacytoma growth was seen in all cases where C. parvum was given before or at the time of tumor transplantation. Increased proliferation of MOPC 104E was also observed when MOPC 104E was co-cultured in the presence of spleen cells from C. parvum stimulated mice as compared to the normal spleen cells. Removal of T cells by in vivo anti-thymocyte serum treatment, followed by anti-Thy 1.2 and complement in vitro, resulted in the partial loss of stimulatory activity. Furthermore, the stimulatory activity was shown to be associated with soluble mediators, which were generated by splenic adherent cells and T cells, and were, at least in part, responsible for the growth of plasmacytoma. Normal spleen cells did not generate a significant amount of soluble factor, but were able to augment MOPC 104E growth in co-culture at high spleen to tumor cell ratio.  相似文献   

In most studies concerning organ-specific metastasis, different or selected lines are compared with one another. Here we report results with the same cell line (the F9 murine teratocarcinoma) which can be directed towards liver or lung, depending on whether or not it is treated with retinoic acid and cyclic AMP. Thus, organ-specific colonization by tail-vein-injected murine F9 teratocarcinoma cells shows a particular pattern: unselected, undifferentiated F9 cells preferentially colonize the liver of the syngeneic animal. The lungs, the first capillary bed encountered by cells thus injected, are only very rarely colonized. By contrast, the lungs become the main target organ of F9 cells induced to differentiate by treatment with retinoic acid and cyclic AMP. We have recently shown that liver colonization by undifferentiated F9 cells correlated with the adhesiveness of the cells (higher to fibronectin and liver-derived extracellular matrix than to laminin and lung-derived extracellular matrix) as well as with their growth response to organ-derived extracts (no response with lung extracts and good response with liver extracts). The data reported below indicate that induction of differentiation causes at most a decreased adhesiveness of F9 cells to all the substrata tested (laminin, fibronectin, type-IV collagen, organ-derived extracellular matrix), suggesting that the shift in organ colonization observed with differentiated F9 cells is not due to an enhancement of the specific adhesion to the lung matrix. On the other hand, differentiated cells, but not undifferentiated ones, were able to respond to growth stimulation mediated by lung-derived extracts, thereby implying a relevant role for organ-specific growth stimulation in lung colonization by differentiated F9 cells.  相似文献   

Differential expression of the Leu-7 antigen on human lung tumor cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The HNK-1 monoclonal antibody detects an antigen (Leu-7) on a subpopulation of large granular lymphocytes which have natural killer cell function. Recently this antigen has been found on nonhemopoietic tissues. In the present study human lung tumor cells were examined for the presence of Leu-7 antigen using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunoperoxidase staining, and fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis. All small cell lung tumor cells tested were Leu-7 positive. In contrast only two of seven biopsy specimens from small cell lung cancer patients were Leu-7 positive. Several large cell lung tumor lines were Leu-7 positive while an adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma were negative. These results indicate that expression of Leu-7 antigen on lung tumor cells is heterogeneous both in vitro and in vivo. Small cell lung tumor lines have been reported to undergo histological conversion in vitro accompanied by the loss of a number of biochemical markers. In our study histologically converted cells exhibited much less reactivity with HNK-1 than did the parent cells. These results indicate that the degree of expression of Leu-7 antigen may be under the control of differentiation-related events. Thus monoclonal antibody HNK-1 has been very useful in studying heterogeneity within and among lung tumor cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Growth factors can enhance the malignant potential of tumor cells. To examine the relationship between growth factors and tumor progression, we previously established a weakly malignant cell line, ER-1. We found that a 24-hour exposure of ER-1 cells to epidermal growth factor (EGF) induced malignant properties (tumor progression) that were reversible but that, after a 1-month exposure, these changes were irreversible. In this study, we investigated the irreversible changes induced in ER-1 cells by a 1-month exposure to EGF and the possible involvement of oxidative stress. METHODS: ER-1 cells were treated with EGF (100 ng/mL) for 1 month in the presence or absence of an antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine or selenium, and compared with untreated control ER-1 cells. We assessed tumor progression by measuring intracellular peroxide levels, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (a marker for oxidative DNA damage) levels, in vitro invasiveness, and in vivo tumorigenicity and metastatic ability. All statistical tests are two-sided. RESULTS: After ER-1 cells were treated for 1 month with EGF, levels of intracellular peroxide and 8-hydroxyguanosine in the DNA of treated cells were higher than those in the DNA of control cells, and treated ER-1 cells were more tumorigenic and metastatic in vivo and more invasive in vitro than untreated control cells (all P<.001). Levels of 8-hydroxyguanosine in DNA increased as the length of the EGF treatment increased (P<.001). However, when N-acetylcysteine or selenium was added with EGF for 1 month, levels of intracellular peroxide and 8-hydroxyguanosine in DNA were comparable to those in control cells (r =.795). Both tumorigenicity (P =.008) and metastatic ability (P<.001) decreased after addition of N-acetylcysteine or selenium. CONCLUSION: The irreversible changes caused by continuous EGF stimulation of ER-1 cells result from increased oxidative damage in the DNA, which generates tumor cells with more malignant characteristics.  相似文献   

In human gliomas, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) ligand and receptor mRNA are often co-expressed, which suggests the presence of an autocrine loop. To further investigate the significance of PDGF stimulation in brain tumors, we used a previously developed mouse tumor model, in which malignant brain tumors of neuroepithelial origin were induced by injecting a murine retrovirus containing the human PDGF B-chain gene into the brains of neonatal mice. In the present investigation, we have characterized a cell line established from such an experimentally induced tumor in an INK4a-/- mouse. Cultured tumor cells expressed nestin and NG2 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan and are thus most likely derived from an oligodendrocyte precursor cell. Tumor cells produced PDGF-B protein and displayed constitutively activated PDGF alpha receptors. Autocrine receptor activation could be blocked with the specific PDGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor CGP 57148B, which led to almost complete inhibition of cell proliferation, which was much less affected by a PDGF B-chain aptamer that inhibits binding of PDGF-B to PDGF receptors and is unlikely to be able to pass through the plasma membrane. Our results imply an important role for PDGF autocrine stimulation in both initiation and progression of a subtype of gliomas.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of methionine enkephalin on the growth of human brain tumor cells was investigated. The results show that this endogenous opioid has dual effects on tumor cell growth. This peptide exerted an inhibitory effect in SK-N-MC human neuroblastoma cell line; in contrast, in U-373 MG human astrocytoma cell line, the peptide showed a stimulatory effect. Treatment with naltrexone, an opioid receptor antagonist, also resulted in a similar alteration of tumor cell growth implicating that its action may be unrelated to opioid receptor blockade. These results suggest that in these tumor cell lines endogenous opioid systems may be involved in cell proliferation. Furthermore, these tumor cell lines may be useful model systems for the study of the signal transduction mechanisms of endogenous opioids.  相似文献   

Rodent fibroblastic cells transformed by ras oncogenes can grow in serum-free (S-) medium. We have studied clonal lines of mouse NIH3T3 fibroblasts transfected with the EJ-H-ras oncogene, and observed that practically all become independent of exogenous growth and attachment factors shortly after transfection. Moreover, all the clones tested soon form anchorage-independent (AI) colonies in S- medium, and most give rise to spheroids able to grow in suspension. The cell-conditioned S- medium of the transformed (TR) cells stimulates autocrinally the AI and anchored growth of these cells, in the absence of serum, and it contains growth factors related to TGF-alpha (or EGF), PDGF and bFGF, and other uncharacterized factors. Some of these factors are not found, or are found only in very small amounts, in the S- medium of non-transformed NIH3T3 cells, which also stimulates the growth of the TR cells, in the absence of serum. In addition, the TR cells contain 4-6 times more cell-associated bFGF than the non-transformed cells and release more latent TGF-beta activatable by acid treatments. However, no active TGF-beta is secreted by either cell type. Activated TGF-beta and pure TGF-beta 1 stimulate the growth of the anchored TR and NIH3T3 cells, but inhibit the AI growth of the TR cells. Another inhibitor of this growth is also found in the concentrated medium of the NIH3T3 cells.  相似文献   

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