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Little is known about the influence of location of food consumption and preparation upon daily energy intake of children.


To examine trends in daily energy intake by children for foods eaten at home or away from home, by source of preparation, and for combined categories of eating location and food source.


The analysis uses data from 29,217 children aged 2 to 18 years from the 1977-1978 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, 1989-1991 and 1994-1998 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals, and 2003-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys.


Nationally representative weighted percentages and means of daily energy intake by eating location were analyzed for trends from 1977 to 2006. Comparisons by food source were examined from 1994 to 2006. Analyses were repeated for three age groups: 2 to 6 years, 7 to 12 years, and 13 to 18 years. Difference testing was conducted using a t test.


Increased energy intake (+179 kcal/day) by children from 1977-2006 was associated with a major increase in energy eaten away from home (+255 kcal/day). The percentage of daily energy eaten away from home increased from 23.4% to 33.9% from 1977-2006. No further increase was observed from 1994-2006, but the sources of energy shifted. The percentage of energy from fast food increased to surpass intake from schools and become the largest contributor to foods prepared away from home for all age groups. For foods eaten away from home, the percentage of daily energy from stores increased to become the largest source of energy eaten away from home. Fast food eaten at home and store-bought food eaten away from home increased significantly.


Eating location and food source significantly influence daily energy intake for children. Foods prepared away from home, including fast food eaten at home and store-prepared food eaten away from home, are fueling the increase in total energy intake. However, further research using alternative data sources is necessary to verify that store-bought foods eaten away from home are increasingly store-prepared.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rising rates of overweight children have focused attention on walking and biking to school as a means to increase children's physical activity levels. Despite this attention, there has been little documentation of trends in school travel over the past 30 years or analysis of what has caused the changes in mode choice for school trips. METHODS: This article analyzes data from the 1969, 1977, 1983, 1990, 1995, and 2001 National Personal Transportation Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation to document the proportion of students actively commuting to school in aggregate and by subgroups and analyze the relative influence of trip, child, and household characteristics across survey years. All analyses were done in 2006. RESULTS: The National Personal Transportation Survey data show that in 1969, 40.7% (95% confidence interval [CI]=37.9-43.5) of students walked or biked to school; by 2001, the proportion was 12.9% (95% CI=11.8-13.9). Distance to school has increased over time and may account for half of the decline in active transportation to school. It also has the strongest influence on the decision to walk or bike across survey years. CONCLUSIONS: Declining rates of active transportation among school travelers represents a worrisome loss of physical activity. Policymakers should continue to support programs designed to encourage children to walk to school such as Safe Routes to School and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's KidsWalk. In addition, officials need to design policies that encourage schools to be placed within neighborhoods to ensure that the distance to school is not beyond an acceptable walking distance.  相似文献   

Toback SL  Herley J  Edelman L  Ambrose CS 《Vaccine》2011,29(25):4225-4229
In the United States, recommendations for the annual influenza vaccination of children have expanded significantly in recent years. Additionally, to facilitate influenza vaccination delivery by providers, recent recommendations have encouraged vaccination as soon as vaccine is available and throughout the influenza season. However, until now, there have been limited data published describing pediatric providers’ responses to these recent recommendations. De-identified, patient-level data from an electronic health care reimbursement claims database that contains more than 60% of all medical claims from outpatient settings in the US were analyzed. Only claims from privately insured children were available; administration of federally purchased vaccine (i.e., via the Vaccines for Children program) and vaccinations administered in settings where claims data are not generated were not captured. Weekly counts of influenza vaccinations administered to children 6 months through 18 years of age between August 1 and March 31 for the 2006-2007 through 2009-2010 seasons were projected to yield national estimates. Seasonal vaccination peaked in November for the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 seasons, October for the 2008-2009 season, and September for the 2009-2010 season. The proportion of vaccinations administered before November 1 increased each season from 2006-2007 through 2009-2010. In all seasons, vaccination dramatically declined in December and continued at a steadily declining rate through the end of the season. Vaccine delivery to children 6-23 months of age was more dispersed over the vaccination season relative to older age groups. Among children 6-23 months and 2-18 years of age, use of preservative-free inactivated vaccine and live attenuated vaccine, respectively, increased significantly over the study period. While pediatric influenza vaccination occurred earlier each year, vaccination in later months has not increased in recent seasons, despite efforts to extend the vaccination season.  相似文献   

Given Medicare's recent national coverage decision on bariatric surgery, as well as potential coverage expansions for other obesity-related treatments, data on obesity in the Medicare population have great relevance. Using nationally representative data, we estimate that between 1997 and 2002, the prevalence of obesity in the Medicare population increased by 5.6 percentage points, or about 2.7 million beneficiaries. By 2002, 21.4 percent of aged beneficiaries and 39.3 percent of disabled beneficiaries were obese, compared with 16.4 percent and 32.5 percent, respectively, in 1997. Using 2002 data, we estimate that three million beneficiaries would be eligible for bariatric surgery coverage under current Medicare policy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine trends in walking among adults in 31 states. METHODS: Trends by sociodemographic strata were analyzed from respondents who participated in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). RESULTS: The prevalence of walking among men increased 3.8% (95% confidence interval [CI]=2.4-5.2), from 26.2% (95% CI=25.1-25.3) in 1987 to 30.1% (95% CI=29.4-30.8) in 2000. In women, walking increased 6.6% (95% CI=5.4-7.8), from 40.4% (95% CI=-39.4-41.1) to 46.9% (95% CI=46.2-47.6) during the same time period. However, the prevalence of walking three times a week for 30 minutes duration remained constant across all years. The largest increases occurred in minority subpopulations: 8.7% (95% CI=3.2-14.2) in Hispanic women, 8.5% (95% CI=4.4-12.6) non-Hispanic black women, and 7.0% (95% CI=2.3-11.7) in non-Hispanic black men. Walking was the most frequently reported activity among adults who met the national recommendations for regular physical activity (defined as five or more times a week for > or =30 minutes per session). CONCLUSIONS: Given the acceptability of walking across all sociodemographic subgroups, efforts to increase the frequency of walking could markedly increase the percentage of U.S. adults who engage in regular physical activity, a national priority identified in the Healthy People 2010 objectives for the nation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies of electrical workers in the utility and manufacturing industries have reported excess site-specific cancer. No previous studies of electrical workers in the construction industry have been conducted. METHODS: Our study evaluated the mortality patterns of 31,068 U.S. members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers who primarily worked in the construction industry and died 1982-1987. RESULTS: Comparison to the U.S. population by using the NIOSH life table showed significantly elevated proportionate mortality for many causes. Excess mortality for leukemia (proportionate mortality ratio (PMR)=115) and brain tumors (PMR=136) is similar to reports of electrical workers with occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields in the electric utility or manufacturing industry. Excess deaths due to melanoma skin cancer (PMR=123) are consistent with findings of other PCB-exposed workers. A significantly elevated PMR was observed for the diseases caused by asbestos: lung cancer (PMR=117), asbestosis (PMR=247), and malignant mesothelioma (PMR=356) and from fatal injuries, particularly electrocutions (PMR=1180). The findings of statistically significant excess deaths for prostate cancer (PMR=107), musculoskeletal disease (PMR=130), suicide (PMR=113), and disorders of the blood-forming organs (PMR=141) were unexpected. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that more detailed investigations of occupational risk factors and evaluation of preventive practices are needed to prevent excess mortality in this hazardous occupation. Am. J. Ind. Med. 36:630-637, 1999. Published 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Nutrition Research》1986,6(6):635-646
The Nationwide Food Consumption Survey was used to evaluate the breakfast consumption patterns of the U.S. child and adolescent population. Results indicated that breakfast skipping increased with age and was most prevalent among female adolescents. The sample was partitioned into four age/sex classes and by breakfast consumption patterns. The most popular breakfasts consumed by the sample populations were identified. Analyses of average dietary component intake levels of seven identified problem nutrients, i.e., pyridoxine, vitamin A, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc showed that omission of breakfast had a strong negative impact, particularly among female adolescents, on the quality of diets. Individuals who consumed readyto-eat (RTE) cereal at breakfast on a somewhat frequent basis had higher average daily intakes of the problem nutrients as well as higher average daily total sugars intakes. Highest average daily cholesterol intakes were evidenced for breakfast consumers not eating RTE cereal. No consistent relationship between breakfast consumption patterns and total daily intakes of fat and sodium were found. It was concluded that breakfast, particularly breakfasts containing RTE cereal, made a valuable contribution to the nutritional quality of the diets of children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Lee SE  Eick A  Bloom MS  Brundage JF 《Vaccine》2008,26(27-28):3383-3386
To assess the association between influenza immunization and subsequent diagnosis of group A streptococcus (GAS)-illness in Army recruits during influenza seasons 2002-2006. A case-control study was employed with cases as trainees with outpatient GAS diagnosis (ICD-9-CM codes: 034.0, 035, 038.0, 041.01, 320.2, 390-392, 482.31) during the influenza season, and controls as trainees with no outpatient GAS diagnosis during the influenza season. Primary exposure was influenza immunization during 1st September to 30th April of each season. Estimated protective effects of influenza immunization against GAS-illness ranged from 50% to 77%. A strong protective effect was suggested for Army trainee influenza immunization on the diagnosis of GAS-illness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A Recruit Mortality Registry, linked to the Department of Defense Medical Mortality Registry, was created to provide comprehensive medical surveillance data for deaths occurring during enlisted basic military training. METHODS: Recruit deaths from 1977 through 2001 were identified and confirmed through redundant sources. Complete demographic, circumstantial, and medical information was sought for each case and recorded on an abstraction form. Mortality rates per 100,000 recruit-years were calculated by using recruit accession data from the Defense Manpower Data Center. RESULTS: There were 276 recruit deaths from 1977 through 2001 and age-specific recruit mortality rates were less than half of same-age U.S. civilian mortality rates. The majority (72%) of recruit deaths were classified as nontraumatic and 70% of these deaths (139 of 199) were related to exercise. Of the exercise-related deaths, 59 (42%) were cardiac deaths, and heat stress was a primary or contributory cause in at least 46 (33%). Infectious agents accounted for only 49 (25%) of the nontraumatic deaths. Nontraumatic death rates increased with age (rate ratio is 2.5 for 25+ v <25 years; p<0.001). The age- and gender-adjusted nontraumatic death rates were 2.6 times higher for African American than non-African American recruits (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Although recruit mortality rates are lower than the same-age U.S. civilian population, preventive measures focused on reducing heat stress during exercise might be effective in decreasing the high proportion of exercise-related death. The availability of 25 years of comprehensive recruit mortality data will permit the ongoing evaluation of cause-of-death trends, effectiveness of preventive measures, and identification of emerging threats during basic military training.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A Recruit Mortality Registry, linked to the Department of Defense Medical Mortality Registry, was created to provide comprehensive medical surveillance data for deaths occurring during enlisted basic military training. METHODS: Recruit deaths from 1977 through 2001 were identified and confirmed through redundant sources. Complete demographic, circumstantial, and medical information was sought for each case and recorded on an abstraction form. Mortality rates per 100,000 recruit-years were calculated by using recruit accession data from the Defense Manpower Data Center. RESULTS: There were 276 recruit deaths from 1977 through 2001 and age-specific recruit mortality rates were less than half of same-age U.S. civilian mortality rates. Only 28% (77 of 276) of recruit deaths were classified as traumatic (suicide, unintentional injury, and homicide), in comparison to three quarters in both the overall active duty military population and the U.S. civilian population (ages 15-34 years). The age-adjusted traumatic death rates were highest in the Army (four times higher than the Navy and Air Force, and 80% higher than the Marine Corps). The majority (60%) of traumatic deaths was due to suicide, followed by unintentional injuries (35%), and homicide (5%). The overall age-adjusted traumatic mortality rate was more than triple for men compared with women in all military services (rate ratio=3.9; p=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: There was a lower proportion of traumatic deaths in recruits compared to the overall active duty military population and same-age U.S. civilian population. This finding could be attributed to close supervision, emphasis on safety, and lack of access to alcohol and motor vehicles during recruit training.  相似文献   

The relationship between acculturation, generational status/nativity and drinking patterns is examined using data from a 1988 community survey of 1286 adult regular drinkers (at least two drinks/month) in San Antonio, Texas. This sample includes 412 Anglo, 239 Black, and 635 Mexican American respondents, with Mexican Americans further classified into high, medium, and low acculturation groups using a language-use-based acculturation measure. This data set allows comparisons between racial/ethnic majority and minority groups with further comparisons between Black and Mexican American subgroups. These racial/ethnic and acculturation level comparisons highlight the effects of minority status and cultural differences between groups with regard to drinking patterns. Overall, the analyses indicate little evidence to support an 'acculturation stress' model of alcohol use, wherein the stresses of acculturation produce higher levels of alcohol consumption among moderately or higher acculturation groups. Generally, in our data, quantity and frequency consumption was somewhat higher among the least acculturated males and moderately acculturated females. Further analyses by generational status indicate heavier consumption patterns among second-generation individuals, especially among the less acculturated, though those differences were eliminated by controls. The findings highlight inadequacies of using generational status/nativity measures alone to assess acculturation level. Further, joint effects of acculturation level and generational status suggest the viability of a cultural marginality model of acculturation, though many of the effects of acculturation and generational status are explained by demographic and psychosocial factors.  相似文献   

ObjectiveProvide a recent update in the trends of suicidal ideation among adults in the United States from 2005 to 2012.Methods: Data from four 2-year cycles (2005–2012) of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) were used (analyzed in 2015). Suicidal ideation was assessed via self-report.ResultsFor the entire sample, as well as across age-groups, gender and race-ethnicity, there was no statistically significant change in “any suicidal ideations” from 2005–2006 to 2011–2012 (2.95% in 2005–2006 to 3.24% in 2011–2012; P-trendlinear = 0.75). However, significant changes in suicidal ideations occurring nearly every day were observed. A linear trend (P = 0.03) was present for the entire sample and for men; among the entire sample, the prevalence of having suicidal ideations nearly every day increased from 0.19% in 2005–2006 to 0.52% in 2011–2012. However, a quadratic trend was present for non-Hispanic white women (P = 0.03) and Mexican American women (P = 0.001).ConclusionSuicidal ideation occurring nearly every day has increased for men, but recent decreases have been observed for women of non-Hispanic white and Mexican American race-ethnicity. Continued outreach efforts, particularly among men, are needed to help prevent the development of suicidal ideations into suicidal behavior and occurrence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Approximately $50 billion a year is spent by Americans on weight-loss products and services. Despite the high cost, few national studies have described specific weight-loss and weight-maintenance practices among U.S. adults. This analysis describes the use of specific practices by U.S. adults who tried to lose weight or tried only not to gain weight during the previous 12 months. METHODS: Data were analyzed from the 2001-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted on a nationally representative sample of the U.S. population. This study focused on adults aged 20 years or older who were both interviewed and examined (n =5027). RESULTS: Fifty-one percent of U.S. adults tried to control their weight in the previous 12 months, including those who tried to lose weight (34% of men, 48% of women) and those who tried only not to gain weight (11% vs 10%, respectively). Among 2051 adults who tried to control their weight, the top four practices were the same: ate less food (65% among those who tried to lose weight, 52% among those who tried only not to gain weight); exercised (61% vs 46%, respectively); ate less fat (46% vs 42%); and switched to foods with lower calories (37% vs 36%). Less than one fourth combined caloric restriction with the higher levels of physical activity (300 or more minutes per week) recommended in the 2005 dietary guidelines by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. CONCLUSIONS: Although weight control is a common concern, most people who try do not use recommended combinations of caloric restriction and adequate levels of physical activity.  相似文献   

Elimination of endemic measles has been achieved in the United States; however, measles continues to be imported from areas of the world where the disease remains endemic, resulting in substantial morbidity and expenditure of local, state, and federal public health resources. Measles among U.S. residents results from returning residents who become infected while living or traveling abroad, from contact or association with an infected traveler, or from an unknown source. This report summarizes surveillance data reported to CDC by state and local health departments regarding confirmed measles cases among U.S. residents during 2001-2004; an illustrative case report is included. The majority of measles cases occurring among U.S. residents can be prevented by following current recommendations for vaccination, including specific guidelines for travelers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Motor vehicle-related injury is the leading cause of death in the United States for people aged 1 to 34 years. In 2002, 17,419 (41%) of 42,815 traffic deaths were alcohol related. OBJECTIVE: To estimate trends in alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults from 1993 through 2002. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, a random-digit telephone survey of adults aged >/=18 years in all states (and the District of Columbia). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The percentage of respondents who reported alcohol-impaired driving (AID) in the past month, total estimated annual number of AID episodes, and annual rate per 1000 adult population. RESULTS: The estimated annual number of episodes of AID in the United States declined from 123 million in 1993 to 116 million in 1997, but then increased to 159 million in both 1999 and 2002. In varying magnitudes, this increase was observed among most subgroups of the population. In each study year, over 80% of total AID episodes were reported by people who also reported binge drinking (more than five drinks on a single occasion). CONCLUSIONS: After a general decline in the United States in the mid-1990s, self-reported AID increased substantially by the turn of the century. AID is strongly associated with binge drinking. Effective interventions to prevent AID and binge drinking should be widely adopted.  相似文献   

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