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目的对侧肺静脉共干是罕见的肺静脉解剖变异。心房颤动(房颤)患者进行肺静脉隔离应根据患者肺静脉解剖特点制定个体化手术策略。本研究探讨了武汉亚洲心脏病医院心内科在下肺静脉共干的患者中采用盒式单环消融进行肺静脉隔离的安全性及可行性。方法入选2018年1月至11月在武汉亚洲心脏病医院心内科住院的有房颤消融适应证、左右下肺静脉共干并行房颤导管消融手术患者5例,进行回顾性观察性研究。所有患者行房间隔穿刺将冷盐水灌注消融导管送至左心房,在三维标测系统指导下,以功率模式25~35 W,43℃,流速30 ml/min行盒式消融肺静脉单环隔离。记录患者的一般信息及术中资料,包括手术并发症、即刻手术效果、手术时间、X线曝光时间及曝光量,术后1、3、6个月随访患者症状、心电资料并记录随访期内并发症。结果阵发性房颤4例,持续性房颤1例,CHA2DS2-VASC评分为3.8±1.8,HAS-BLED评分为1.8±0.6;双侧下肺静脉共干左右缘内径(32.7±1.71)mm,上下缘内径(25.7±4.50)mm,呈椭圆形。经过消融5例患者均达到双侧肺静脉完全电隔离,即刻消融成功率为100%,无并发症,手术时间82~188(141.8±33.8)min,X线曝光时间15~46(25.8±13.1)min,X线曝光量277~654(439.6±144.7)mGy。随访6~10个月,均维持窦性心律。结论对于下肺静脉共干的房颤患者,采用盒式消融单环隔离肺静脉,具有较好的安全性、可行性及有效性。 相似文献
目的探讨无左心房和肺静脉三维重建与有左心房三维重建的Carto系统引导下阵发性心房颤动(房颤)导管消融术的差异。方法入选2008年1月至12月在本中心由同一位熟练术者行Carto系统引导下导管消融术的阵发性房颤患者31例,其中17例接受无左心房和肺静脉三维重建的消融术(非重建组),14例接受有左心房三维重建的消融术(重建组)。具体消融方法为以环肺静脉电隔离为基础,按照个体情况选择是否行三尖瓣峡部画线消融。消融终点均为肺静脉电位与心房完全隔离,电生理检查不可诱发持续的房颤、心房扑动和房性心动过速。对比上述两组患者消融术中各步骤的耗时情况,并进行随访。结果重建组男女比例为10:4,非重建组为11:6,P〉0.05;重建组年龄(54.64±15.58)岁,非重建组(59.41±10.59)岁,P〉0.05;重建组房颤病程(5.05±10.4)年,非重建组为(7.34±7.74)年,P〉0.05。重建组左心房内径(35.29±4.73)mm,非重建组是(36.47±6.15)mm,P〉0.05。重建组消融术时间(107.23±28.92)min,非重建组是(93.47±26.09)min,P〉0.05;重建组X线曝光时间(21.09±6.49)min,非重建组是(14.16±5.35)min,P〈0.05;重建组环右肺静脉消融时间(27.29±18.53)min,非重建组是(18.00±4.51)min,P〈0.05;重建组环左肺静脉消融时间(28.14±9.26)min,非重建组是(23.94±7.10)min,P〈0.05。消融术后随访2~13个月,重建组85.7%无明显房颤发作,非重建组是82.4%(P〉0.05)。结论与有左心房三维重建的Carto系统引导下的阵发性房颤导管消融术相比,无左心房和肺静脉三维重建可以缩短消融术和x线曝光时间,可以达到相同的消融效果。 相似文献
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one. 相似文献
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one. 相似文献
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one. 相似文献
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one. 相似文献
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one. 相似文献
无左心房和肺静脉三维重建的阵发性心房颤动导管消融术 总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one. 相似文献
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one. 相似文献
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one. 相似文献
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one. 相似文献
Objective To investigate the differences between modeling and non-modeling left atrium in Carto XP system guided catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods Thirty-one cases of par-oxysmal atrial fibrillation treated by the same electrophysiologist with guidance of Carto XP during Jan to Dec in 2008 were enrolled. Catheter ablation was accomplished without left atrium and pulmonary veins modeling in 17 patients (non-modeling group) and with left atrium modeling in 14 patients (modeling group). The detailed ablation method was based on circumferential pulmonary veins isolation (CPVI). And linear ablation of tricus-pid valvular isthmus was selectively proceeded individually. The ablation endpoint was set to complete isolation of pulmonary vein potential from left atrium and no continuous fast atrial arrhythmia including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia could be induced. Comparisons for each step during procedure and the fol-low-up outcomes had been done. Results The male: female ratio of the 2 groups were 10:4 and 11 : 6 (P >0.05). The average age were (54.64 ± 15.58) and (59.41 ± 10.59) (P >0.05) ,the diseased courses were (5.05 ±10.4) years and (7.34±7.74)years(P >0.05),the left atrial sizes were (35.29±4.73) mm and (36.47 ±6.15)mm (P > 0.05), the total procedure time was (107.23±28.92) rain and (93.47 ±26.09) win (P>0.05). The X-ray exposure time was (21.09 ±6.49)min (modeling group) and (14.16±5.35)min (non-modeling group,P < 0.05). The CPVI time of fight pulmonary veins was (27.29±18.53) rain (model-ing group) and 18.00 ±4.51 min (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The CPVI time of left pulmonary veins was (28.14 ±9.26) rain (modeling group) and (23.94±7.10) rain (non-modeling group, P < 0.05). The successful rates was 85.7% (modeling group) and 82.4% (non-modeling group, P > 0.05) over follow-up for 2 to 13 months. Conclusion Carto system guided catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without modeling of left atrium and pulmonary veins could take less time in X-ray exposure and ablation steps, compa-ring with left atrium modeling one. 相似文献
目的 评价压力感应导管(SmartTouch?导管)联合 Visitag软件技术在心房颤动导管消融中的临床疗效。方法 入选2015年1月至2016年6月在成都市第二人民医院心内科进行导管消融术的阵发性心房颤动患者128例,按手术顺序分为研究组(术中使用SmartTouch?导管联合 Visitag技术,65例)和对照组(术中使用普通盐水灌注TC消融导管63例),记录环肺静脉不同区域导管与心房壁的接触压力大小、逐点消融每点消融时间、肺静脉单圈隔离率、肺静脉-左房传导恢复率、总手术时间、X线曝光时间、X线曝光量、术中并发症和1年复发率。结果 本研究所有患者术中肺静脉前庭隔离率均达100%。研究组肺静脉前庭单圈隔离率72.3%,肺静脉-左房传导恢复率3.1%均优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。总手术时间两组比较(136.3±20.2min vs 124.8±24.6 min);X 线曝光时间两组比较(12.4±2.8min vs 14.3±4.1min),差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后12个月随访, 房颤复发率(6.1% vs 9.5%),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组均有1例并发症,研究组术后出现短暂性失语,对照组术后发生动静脉瘘,但这2例并发症与导管消融操作无关。结论 SmartTouch?导管联合 Visitag 技术进行房颤射频消融术是安全有效的,可以提高肺静脉前庭的单圈隔离率,降低肺静脉-左房传导恢复率。 相似文献
阵发性心房颤动患者肺静脉与心房电连接特征的临床研究 总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8
目的 总结阵发性心房颤动(房颤)患者肺静脉的电生理标测和导管射频消融电隔离的结果,评估中国人肺静脉与心房的电连接类型和特点。方法 顽固性阵发性房颤患者43例,在环状标测电极指导下行肺静脉电位(PVP)记录和分析,并对能标测到PVP的肺静脉进行开口部的点或段的消融电隔离治疗。根据窦性心律和心房起搏下的肺静脉内环形标测电报导管标测到的PVP的激动顺序,以及有效放电对PVP的影响,分析和总结肺静脉与心房之间的电连接特点。结果 共标调和域电隔离肺静脉100根,其中呈单束状电连接35根(35%),双束状电连接48根(48%),多束状电连接11根(11%),环状电连接3根,无电连接3根。结论 根据环状电报标测到的PVP激动顺序和对放电的反应,提示肺静脉与心房之间电连接的类型多为单束状和双束状(83%),说明对于大多数肺静脉不必进行环状消融,而只需在肺静脉与心房连接处进行点状或节段性消融即可达到完全电隔离的效果。 相似文献
电解剖系统引导下环肺静脉线性消融隔离肺静脉治疗心房颤动 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的采用双Lasso导管标测技术行环肺静脉及其周围组织隔离预防心房颤动复发。方法13例心房颤动(房颤)患者,男性8例,女性5例,平均年龄为(56±8)岁,行电生理检查和射频导管消融。其中,8例为频发的阵发性房颤(1~20年),5例为持续性房颤(1~4年)。窦性心律下起搏远端冠状静脉窦或房颤发生时,利用电解剖系统进行左心房重建。然后,将两根Lasso多极导管同时置于右(左)上、下肺静脉之内。在距肺静脉口1cm左右处行环肺静脉及其周围组织电隔离。消融终点为左心房-肺静脉/周围组织完全性阻滞,表现为放电时肺静脉电位消失。结果7例阵发性房颤患者在窦性心律下电隔离成功,5例持续性房颤和1例阵发性房颤患者在窦性心律和房颤发生时电隔离成功。3例患者放电时房颤终止:左肺静脉隔离时房颤终止1例,右肺静脉隔离时房颤终止1例,左肺静脉隔离完成后54s自行终止1例。其余3例需体外电转复。消融术时间为(256±56)min,X线曝光时间为(39±11)min。无并发症发生。在术后平均随访(104±50)d,只有1例患者在第71d时出现不典型心房扑动,自行终止。其余12例患者均无房性快速性心律失常复发。结论有明确心电学隔离指标的环肺静脉及其周围组织电隔离是一种安全有效的方法。肺静脉既可为房颤的诱发机制,亦有可能参与房颤的维持机制。 相似文献
目的 应用高密度标测导管HD-Grid(HDG),准确识别肺静脉再连接,降低心房颤动(简称房颤)导管消融后复发率。方法 从2020年1月至2021年1月,连续入选30例因阵发性房颤行射频消融手术,术后房颤复发患者,分别使用环肺电极和HDG进行左房电解剖标测,比较两组间识别出肺静脉再连接的差异,并以此指导再次肺静脉隔离,观察远期房颤复发率。结果 30例患者年龄(68.00±8.25)岁,男18例,女12例。应用HDG标测,24例发现了72处肺静脉再连接,应用环肺电极,仅在12例患者中发现了24处肺静脉再连接。与环肺电极相比,HDG可以识别出更多的肺静脉再连接位点数[3(2,4)vs 0.8(0.4,1.0),P<0.05]。30例在HDG指导下再次肺静脉隔离后,在12个月随访时间内,5例再次出现房颤复发,其中能够识别到肺静脉再连接者,仅1例出现房颤复发。结论 HDG能帮助识别出更多的肺静脉再连接,以其指导肺静脉隔离,降低房颤复发的概率。 相似文献
目的比较三维电解剖标测系统EnSitcNavX与CARTOxP结合计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,cT)影像融合技术EnSite—Fusion与CARTO—Merge指导阵发性心房颤动(paroxysmal atrial fibrillation,PAF)环肺静脉电隔离(circumferential pulmonary vein isolation,CPVI)的有效性及临床疗效。方法随机(电脑随机数字表法)抽取药物无法治疗未能控制症状的PAF患者24例,分别在三维电解剖标测系统EnSiteNavX与CARTOXP指导环肺静脉标测电极完成肺静脉与左心房建模,分别结合CT影像融合技术分为EnSite.Fusion组(n=12)与CARTO—Merge组(n=12).指导完成CPVI,终点为消除所有肺静脉电位。术后每个月至少经受1次体表心电图或24h动态心电图检查明确维持窦性心律情况。结果两组临床基线水平、总x线曝光量及建模所需X线曝光时间、总手术时间及消融位点至cT模型平均距离比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。EnSite—Fusion组建模时间、消融位点至cT模型最大距离多于CARTO-Merge组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);CPVI时间及其所需x线曝光时间少于CARTO—Merge组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。术中及随访(9.6±3.8)个月内均无严重并发症发生,EnSite-Fusion组、CARTO-Merge组各有10例(83%)与9例(75%)维持窦性心律,两组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论EnSite-Fusion与CARTO-Merge指导PAF患者行CPVI安全、有效,两者对指导手术操作存在一定差异,但手术成功率相近。 相似文献
目的 探索三维影像融合技术指引导管消融治疗心房颤动的意义。方法 入选66例房颤患者,随机分为两组,Carto组(32例)和Carto-Merge组(34例),分别在单独Carto三维标测和Carto-Merge融合CT影像指导下行环肺静脉前庭线性消融,持续性房颤和持久性房颤附加行左房顶部、二尖瓣峡部线和右房三尖瓣峡部线消融,消融终点为环肺静脉彻底隔离,消融线双向阻滞,术后随访18个月。对比两组手术操作时间、射频消融时间、X线曝光时间、手术并发症及随访成功率和房性心律失常复发构成比的差异。结果 ①两组患者基线资料无明显差异(P>0.05);②Carto-Merge组肺静脉即时隔离率高于Carto组,平均手术操作、射频消融、X线曝光时间及并发症发生率均低于Carto组(P<0.05);③随访完成后,两组射频消融成功率、复发房性心律失常构成类型比较无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论 三维电解剖标测合并CT影像融合在保证房颤射频消融成功率的前提下,提高了手术效率,降低手术并发症,减少X线曝光,尤其对初期开展房颤消融工作度过学习曲线大有帮助,值得临床射频电生理手术尝试应用。 相似文献
目的探讨阵发性心房颤动(简称房颤)患者肺静脉前庭(PVA)区域心内膜电位的特点。方法在三维电解剖标测系统指导下,结合CT影像融合,对25例阵发性症状性房颤患者进行环肺静脉前庭消融术(CPVA)。术中对PVA部位进行标测,记录并分析PVA电位特点。结果环绕双侧PVA各取100个位点,发现右侧PVA取样点中有42个位点为宽时程(≥50 ms)的双峰电位(DP),41个位点为碎裂电位(CFAE),17个位点为单电位(SP)或窄时程(<50 ms)DP。左侧取样点中38个为DP,48个位点为CFAE,14个位点为SP。双侧PVA区域心内膜电位均以DP或CFAE为主(占84.5%),只有少数区域(15.5%)为SP;环PVA区域不同部位之间电位分布无差异(P>0.05)。结论PVA区域心内膜电位多表现为DP或CFAE,在PVA区域寻找这种缓慢的电传导部位,可能有助于PVA的组织学定位。 相似文献
目的 报道50例在Carto标测指导下环肺静脉线性消融治疗心房颤动(房颤)的结果和体会.方法 46例阵发性和4例持续性房颤患者采用Carto标测构建左心房三维电解剖图,行肺静脉造影了解其形态,围绕左侧和右侧肺静脉口线性消融,对肺静脉进行隔离.结果 50例患者均完成预定的线性消融.4例阵发性房颤患者术后1~2 d有房颤复发,l例自行转复,3例静脉用胺碘酮转复.术后1例患者出现少量心包积液,1例出现顽固性呃逆,3例出现颈部血肿.随访6~12(8.5 ±3.8)个月,37例患者未发生有症状的房颤,13例患者术后出现复发,1例患者发生肺静脉狭窄.结论 环肺静脉线性电隔离治疗房颤有较好的治疗效果,但也存在一定的并发症和复发可能性,仍需积累更多病例和做更长时间的观察. 相似文献