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目的 对贺州市部分职业人群亚健康状态病理因素进行调查分析,并探讨相关的干预措施。 方法 2014年1-12月选择贺州市不同职业的人群500名作为研究对象进行调查,研究主要应用亚健康症状问卷展开,了解调查对象的一般资料,对比不同年龄、学历、性别以及职业人群的亚健康得分,分析影响职业人群亚健康状态病理因素。 结果 发放的500份问卷中收回的合格问卷475份,有效收回率为95.00%。475名调查对象中219名处于亚健康状态,亚健康的发生率为46.11%。不同年龄段人群的亚健康得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),其中40岁以上人群的亚健康得分明显高于40岁以下人群。不同学历人群的亚健康得分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。女性在亚健康状态的各项评分为疲劳症状(22.4±2.5)、精神症状(16.2±0.3)、免疫力症状(7.7±2.2)、心血管/胃肠道症状(8.2±3.3)以及总分(53.2±4.9)均高于男性在亚健康状态的各项评分疲劳症状(18.3±2.3)、精神症状(12.4±0.1)、免疫力症状(4.7±2.4)、心血管/胃肠道症状(4.9±2.3)以及总分(46.3±3.7)评分,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。不同职业人群的亚健康得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),其中医疗卫生及教育工作人员的得分最高。多元线性回归分析显示亚健康状态的危险因素为接受超出自身能力的工作、工作竞争,而亚健康状态的保护因素则包括白天适当放松休息、积极参加体育活动、有谈心的对象。 结论 2014年亚健康状况广泛存在于贺州市不同职业的人群中,其中从事医疗卫生及教育工作的人群更为常见,并且以40岁以上的女性人群更为多见;根据亚健康状况的相关影响因素展开健康教育,养成良好的生活与行为习惯、积极调整工作状态,预防亚健康状态的出现。  相似文献   

目的了解苏州市区人群亚健康现状及其影响因素,提出管理对策。方法采用自行设计的亚健康诊断与调查问卷,以苏州市社区居民为研究对象进行随机抽样调查。结果苏州市区人群亚健康检出率为42.8%,绝大多数调查对象认为自己有轻度以上的亚健康症状,影响苏州市区人群亚健康状态发生的主要危险因素有饮食情况、患病情况、每天体育锻炼时间和文化程度等。结论苏州市区人群亚健康状况检出率较高,应采取各种针对性的干预措施,提高其健康水平。  相似文献   

亚健康状态评价问卷的拟定及其信度、效度检验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的 制定亚健康状态评价的主观指标体系并考察其信度和效度,为亚健康状态的判定提供有效的测量工具.方法 以"不适和能力减退"为基本特点,根据慢性应激对人体主要系统的影响,初步制定亚健康状态的评价指标,并经临床专家讨论和预调查分析,调整问卷条目获得正式调查问卷.将调查问卷在首都医科大学宣武医院3000名集体单位体检者中测试,采用Chronbach's α系数、条目一维度相关系数(IIC)和重测相关系数(ICC)评价问卷的信度,采用因子分析和单因素方差分析分别考察问卷的结构效度和区分效度.结果 经过测试最终形成包括5个维度、25个条目的 亚健康状态评价问卷,调查共收回有效问卷2799份.问卷的总体Chronbach's α系数为0.92,疲劳症状、心血管症状、胃肠道症状和精神症状4个维度的α系数均在0.7以上;问卷的条目一维度相关系数在0.51~0.72之间,各条目的 重测相关系数在0.89~0.98之间.经因子分析,获得特征根1的公因子共5个,对总体方差的累计贡献率为62.35%,5个公因子与问卷的5个维度相符合;不同职业和年龄组人群的亚健康问卷得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 亚健康状态评价问卷有较好的信度和效度,可用于亚健康状态的初步评估及筛选.  相似文献   

目的了解某高校女性教职工的亚健康状况及其工作压力状况以及它们之间的关系,分析亚健康危险因素,为亚健康干预措施提供科学依据。方法采用亚健康问卷、工作压力问卷对选定人群进行调查。结果本次调查共发出问卷243份,合格问卷236份,合格率为97.11%。调查结果表明,亚健康发生率为44.5%(105/236),其中教师亚健康发生率为64.0%,高于其他组(χ2=19.305,P0.05);亚健康状态发生与工作压力典型相关,(F=31.75,P0.01),亚健康状况主要由社会环境状况、精力状况以及情志状况反映,压力则主要由工作保障、教学保障、工作负荷3个因子反映。结论应重视高校女性教师特别是高级职称女性教师的亚健康状态;可从化解压力着手改善这部分人群的亚健康状况,尤其是工作保障、教学保障、工作负荷此三方面的压力,从而制定有针对性的女性教职工亚健康防治措施。  相似文献   

目的了解虹口区不同职业人群的亚健康状况,以期为亚健康的预防提供依据。方法采用整群随机抽样的方法,以职业人群所在单位或部门为抽样单位,抽取四类职业人群包括警察、中小学教师、"两卫"机构医务人员和公务员共计1 931人进行职业人群健康状况调查。结果本次调查共收回有效问卷1 770份,亚健康发生率为72.66%。单因素分析结果显示,职业、年龄、婚姻状况、睡眠时间、熬夜情况、饮酒情况、吸烟情况、饮食规律情况、体形、体育锻炼、加班情况、使用电脑情况、职业紧张情况和身心健康自评不一样的人群亚健康发生的比例不一样(P0.05)。多因素非条件logistic回归分析显示:婚姻状况、职业、日均睡眠时间、熬夜情况、体育锻炼、加班情况、压力评价得分和身心健康自评得分是亚健康发生的危险因素(P0.05)。结论婚姻、职业和社会环境因素是诱发亚健康状态的重要因素。应该针对这部分人群开展健康教育,通过来自社会、政府及家庭等各方面的支持,调整其工作、生活和行为方式,预防亚健康状态并阻止其向疾病转化。  相似文献   

目的分析杭州市企业白领人群亚健康情况及影响因素,为提高企业白领人群健康意识和改变生活方式提供依据。方法采用分层随机整群抽样法,抽取杭州市市区私有企业、国有企业、合资企业和独资企业员工2 156人进行亚健康状况问卷调查。采用标准亚健康评定量表(SHMS V1.0)评估亚健康发生率并采用Logistic回归模型分析亚健康的影响因素。结果发放调查问卷2 156份,回收问卷2 117份,有效问卷2 046份,问卷有效率为96.65%。2 046名调查对象中,亚健康1 062人,占51.91%。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,男性、年龄30岁、离异/丧偶、任职合资企业或独资企业、有不良嗜好、家庭不和谐以及工作认可度低是白领人群出现亚健康的危险因素;已婚、硕士及以上学历、管理岗位、高级白领、月收入5 000元以上、经常运动、任职国有企业是白领人群出现亚健康的保护因素。结论杭州市51.91%的企业白领人群处于亚健康状态,男性、30岁以上、离异/丧偶、在合资或独资企业工作、有不良嗜好、家庭不和谐以及工作认可度低是企业白领人群出现亚健康的危险因素。  相似文献   

目的 通过对潜江市人群亚健康状况的调查,在建立潜江市人群常模的基础上,分析人群亚健康状态相关因素,提出有针对性的建议。方法 以潜江市18~60岁人群作为研究对象,采用分层随机抽样的方法,按照性别、年龄组人数均等的要求抽取潜江市10个区镇共3 000人进行问卷调查,用SHMS V1.0建立人群常模,并采用Logistic回归分析亚健康相关因素。结果 职业、家庭月均收入、睡眠时间、熬夜、体育锻炼、居住地满意度、学习/工作环境满意度是潜江市人群亚健康发生率的主要相关因素;年龄、职业、营养情况、居住地满意度、学习/工作环境满意度是潜江市亚健康人群不同严重程度的主要相关因素。结论 潜江市人群亚健康状况的相关因素多样化,应关注各年龄人群以及业务人员和产业工人,注重营养,减少熬夜,加强体育锻炼,有针对性地预防亚健康。  相似文献   

目的了解商务楼宇中职业人群亚健康状态的分布情况及其影响因素,为今后采取干预措施提供科学依据。方法采用统一的调查问卷对上海市长宁区内10栋具有相似规模的商务楼宇内职业人群开展问卷调查,问卷内容涉及基本情况、日常生活行为和亚健康自评估表等方面。结果在496名调查对象中,亚健康评估总体平均得分为(68.17±14.13)分,仅文化程度对得分有影响;在生活方式方面,生活不规律、工作时间大于12小时、睡眠时间少、不吃早餐、经常饮酒、缺乏锻炼和静坐时间过长等都会增加该类人群亚健康状态的危险性。结论根据商务楼宇内职业人群中比较集中的健康问题,加强宣教、引起重视;根据人群特点和需求,利用互联网及自媒体,提高职业人群对亚健康的认识,避免长时期的过度疲劳,合理安排工作与生活;倡导健康的生活方式,改变不良习惯。  相似文献   

目的了解虹口区不同职业人群的亚健康状况,以期为亚健康的预防提供依据。方法采用整群随机抽样方法,以职业人群所在单位或部门为抽样单位,从警察、教师、"两卫"机构医务人员(注:"两卫"机构是指社区卫生服务中心和承担公共卫生职能的事业单位)、公务员4类职业人群中抽取1931人进行亚健康状况调查。结果共收回有效问卷1770份,亚健康发生率为72.66%,多因素非条件logistic回归分析显示,性别、婚姻、职业、日均睡眠时间、熬夜、体育锻炼、加班、职业紧张、身心健康自评状况是亚健康发生的影响因素(P0.05)。结论性别、职业、社会环境因素是诱发亚健康状态的重要因素。应该针对高危人群开展健康宣教,通过来自社会、政府、家庭等各方面的支持,调整其工作、生活、行为方式,预防亚健康状态并阻止其向疾病转化。  相似文献   

目的了解武陵山区农村妇女生命质量影响因素,为提高该地区人群的生命质量提供参考依据。方法采用一般情况调查表和WHOQOL-BREF量表对随机整群抽样的武陵山区1521名农村妇女进行调查。结果生命质量各领域得分,生理领域、心理领域、社会关系领域、环境领域分别为12.66±1.34、12.26±1.32、14.74±1.42和12.19±1.68。单因素分析显示年龄、婚况、文化程度、体育锻炼、家庭收入、是否患慢性病及妇科病各因素中除家庭年收入对生理领域和文化程度对社会关系领域的影响经分析差异无统计学意义外,其余各因素在生命质量各领域的得分经分析差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。多元线性逐步回归分析结果表明,生理领域得分受7个因素影响,前3位是:睡眠质量、家庭成员和睦状况、是否患慢性病;心理领域得分受9个因素影响,前3位是:年龄、家庭年收入、婚况;社会关系领域得分受5个因素影响,前3位是:是否患慢性病、家庭成员和睦状况、是否患妇科病;环境领域得分受9个因素影响,前3位是:对居住环境的满意度、家庭年收入、体育锻炼。结论武陵山区农村妇女生命质量各领域得分高于本地留守老年人。影响武陵山区农村妇女生命质量的因素是多方面的,其中睡眠质量、家庭成员和睦状况、是否患妇科病和慢性病、年龄、家庭年收入、婚况、体育锻炼、对居住环境的满意度是主要影响因素。  相似文献   

脑血管血液动力学检测预警卒中的筛检试验评价   总被引:45,自引:4,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
目的 评价脑血管血液动力学检测预警卒中的真实性和可靠性指标及最佳截断点。方法 以整群抽样的方法抽取东北等地区35岁及以上的人群20333例,在脑血管病危险因素基线调查时全部接受脑血管血液动力学检测,并对诸指标的检测结果进行总积分。检测随访目标人群卒中发病,随访4年共发生确诊卒中患者168例,以随访中临床卒中发生为金标准,用筛检试验方法评价脑血管血液动力学检测积分的预警效能及最佳截断点。结果 经过绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线,血液动力学检测预警卒中的最佳积分值截断点应为75分以下。以75分为截断点,脑血液动力学检测后4年内预警卒中的敏感度、特异度、准确度、阳性预告值、阴性预告值、阳性似然比、阴性似然比和Youden指数分别为87.50%,67.70%,67.86%,2.21%,99.85%,2.71,0.18和0.55,其中预警脑血栓的敏感度和阳性预告值高于预警脑出血,在具有危险因素暴露的卒中高危人群中,阳性预告值是普通人群的2-3倍。脑血管血液动力学临床检测积分值的变异系数为4.03%,两名医师临床检测积分值判定的符合率为97.62%,Kappa值为0.94。结论 血液动力学检测对卒中具有良好的预警效果,其中脑血栓的预警效果优于脑出血。最佳分值截断点为75分。  相似文献   

Suboptimal health status (SHS) has become a new public health challenge in urban China. Despite indications that SHS may be associated with progression or development of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, there are few reports on SHS investigations. To explore the relationship between SHS and traditional cardiovascular risk factors, a cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 4,881 workers employed in 21 companies in urban Beijing. Blood pressure, glucose, lipid levels (total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein [HDL] cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein [LDL] cholesterol and triglycerides), cortisol, and body mass index were measured. SHS score was derived from data collection in the SHS questionnaire (SHSQ-25). Univariate analysis and linear two-level model were used to analyze the association of SHS with the cardiovascular risk factors. Serum cortisol level was much higher among the SHS high-score group than that among the low SHS score group (204.31 versus 161.33 ng/ml, P < 0.001). In a linear two-level model, we found correlation between SHS and systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, plasma glucose, total cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol among men, and correlation between SHS and systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglyceride, and HDL cholesterol among women after controlling for age, education background, occupation, smoking, and physical activity. SHS is associated with cardiovascular risk factors and contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease. SHS should be recognized in the health care system, especially in primary care.  相似文献   

The role of nutritional factors in arsenic metabolism and toxicity is not clear. Provision of certain low protein diets resulted in decreased excretion of DMA and increased tissue retention of arsenic in experimental studies. This paper reports a prevalence comparison study conducted in Bangladesh to assess the nutritional status among the chronic arsenic exposed and unexposed population. 138 exposed individuals diagnosed as arsenicosis patients were selected from three known arsenic endemic villages of Bangladesh and age, sex matched 144 unexposed subjects were randomly selected from three arsenic free villages. The mean arsenic concentration in drinking water for the exposed and unexposed population was 641.15 and 13.5 microg L(-1) respectively. Body Mass Index was found to be lower than 18.5, the cut off point for malnutrition, in 57 (41.31%) out of 138 exposed arsenicosis cases and 31 (21.53%) out of 144 unexposed individuals. The crude prevalence ratio (or risk) was 1.92 (95% CI = 1.33-2.78) for poor nutritional status among the arsenicosis cases compared to the unexposed population. The findings of this study add to the evidence that poor nutritional status may increase an individual's susceptibility to chronic arsenic toxicity, or alternatively that arsenicosis may contribute to poor nutritional status.  相似文献   

As a multifactorial disease and with the need of primordial prevention coronary heart disease (CHT), a risk scoring system for the prediction of CHD was devised at Community Medicine Department Ain Shams University, Cairo, EGYPT. In this matched case-control study of 119 cases and 121 age and sex matched controls, current cigarette smoking, lack of siesta, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, low occupational physical activity, hypercholesterolemia, marital status, urban residence, level of education, work index, coffee consumption, positive family history, BMI, elevated W/H ratio, low HDL and elevated TC/HDL were studied for association with CHD. The additive risk scoring system based on the results of conditional multiple logistic regression identified the first six factors with statistical weights of 1, 5, 10, 6, 6, 11, respectively. On back validation receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, a total score of 17 was found to be the cut off point above which there was increased risk of CHD. The overall predictive accuracy of this system--equivalent to the area under the ROC curve--was 0.873. Future studies need to assess the risk scoring system in population based studies.  相似文献   

Background: Secondhand smoke (SHS) consists of fine particulate matter, carcinogens, and various toxins that affect large parts of the population. SHS increases the risk for acute cardiovascular events and may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.Objectives: We investigated the association of SHS with coronary artery calcification (CAC).Methods: In this cross-sectional analysis, we used baseline data (2000–2003) from 1,766 never-smokers without clinically manifested coronary heart disease, 45–75 years of age, from the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study, an ongoing, prospective, population-based cohort study in Germany. Self-reported frequent SHS at home, at work, and in other places was assessed by questionnaire. CAC scores were derived based on electron-beam computed tomography. We conducted multiple linear regression analysis using exposure to SHS as the explanatory variable and ln(CAC+1) as the response variable. We conducted logistic regression to estimate the odds ratio (OR) for presence of any CAC.Results: Frequent exposure to SHS was reported by 21.5% of participants. After adjustment for age, sex, and socioeconomic status, CAC + 1 was 21.1% [95% confidence interval (CI): –5.5%, 55.2%] higher in exposed than in unexposed participants. After adjusting for other cardiovascular risk factors, the association was attenuated (15.4%; 95% CI: –9.6%, 47.2%). SHS exposure was also associated with a CAC score > 0 (fully adjusted OR = 1.38; 95% CI: 1.03, 1.84).Conclusions: Self-reported frequent exposure to SHS was associated with subclinical coronary atherosclerosis in our cross-sectional study population. Considering the widespread exposure and the clinical relevance of coronary atherosclerosis, this result, if confirmed, is of public health importance.  相似文献   

了解广州市城区中学生二手烟暴露现状及其影响因素,为制定有效的校园控烟策略提供科学依据.方法 采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,在广州市越秀区抽取7所学校的3 575名非吸烟中学生进行二手烟暴露情况问卷调查.结果 中学生二手烟暴露率为59.7%,其中公共场所、家里、学校二手烟暴露率分别为49.5%,34.5%,10.7%.多因素Logistic回归分析显示,家里二手烟暴露的影响因素有父亲吸烟、好朋友吸烟、同学吸烟和家里控烟情况;学校二手烟暴露的影响因素有性别、同学吸烟、教师吸烟和好朋友吸烟;公共场所二手烟暴露的影响因素有性别、每月零花钱、父亲吸烟、好朋友吸烟、同学吸烟(P值均<0.05).结论 公共场所和家里是广州市城区中学生二手烟暴露的重点场所,周围人群吸烟是二手烟暴露的危险因素,家里完全禁烟是有效降低二手烟暴露的关键措施.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the risk of some social and biological maternal factors which may contribute to occurrence of anemia among mothers and preschool children. A community based comparative study was chosen for the conduction of this work. The target population were 400 women in the child bearing period, having at least one preschool child (440). Capillary blood samples were taken by finger prick method and hemoglobin level was estimated by Sahly method. According to the cut off level of hemoglobin, women were classified into anemic and non anemic. In addition to that, 440 preschool children belonging to these women were classified according to the cut off level of their hemoglobin into 165 anemic children and 275 non anemic ones. An interview questionnaire was used to collect the data. Analysis of results showed that age of mother (30 years and above), illiteracy, high parity, history of previous abortion, history of previous perinatal mortality, small inter-birth interval and non use of contraceptives are significant risk factors for mothers. However, mother occupation and state of pregnancy has no role in occurrence of anemia among mothers. In addition to that, high parity, history of previous abortion, history of perinatal mortality, short inter-birth interval, non use of contraceptives and pregnancy are maternal risk factors responsible for anemia among preschool children. While, mother age, education and occupation has no role for occurrence of anemia among preschool children.  相似文献   

目的 描述社区≥40岁人群超重与肥胖的人群分布并探讨其脑卒中危险因素暴露水平.方法 2003-2004年,在上海市奉贤区某社区整群抽取≥40岁人群11 791人,符合纳入标准且有应答者10 565人,设计统一的脑卒中危险因素调雀表,进行脑卒中常见危险因素现况调查,调查方法为面对面的询问方式,测晕身高、体重、血压等指标,进行脑血流动力学参数(CVHP)检测.描述该人群超重与肥胖的年龄、性别分布,并以60岁为截断点,分别按正常体重、超重、肥胖分成3组,比较脑卒中危险因素暴露的组问差异.进行多因素logistic回归分析.结果 男性超重与肥胖率为28.5%和4.1%,女性为26.3%和4.2%(P=0.045);超重组的收缩压和舒张压水平分别为(132.5±19.4)mm Hg和(83.9±10.5)mm Hg(I mm Hg=0.133 kPa),均低于肥胖组,高于正常体重组(P<0.05);在<60岁年龄组,心脏病、脑卒中家族史的暴露率以及≥60岁年龄组的糖尿病暴露率随BMI增加而显著升高;两个年龄组的高血压患病率和CVHP积分异常率均随BMI的增加而显著上升;多因素分析显示,与超霞和肥胖有关的独立因素分别是高血压、脑卒中家族史、心脏病史、积分值<75分、性别和年龄.结论 社区≥40岁人群中超重或肥胖的比例约占30%,脑卒中危险因素的整体暴露水平随着BMI的增加而上升,尤其在中年人群中更为明显.  相似文献   

危险因素记分法筛检无症状糖尿病及其评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的 建立自然人群中无症状糖尿病的筛检方法。方法 在非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病流行病学调查的基础上,分别选择两组人群进行危险因素记分法及其应用价值研究。人群A用于危险因素记分方法的建立,采用logistic回归分析筛选糖尿病的危险因素,根据危险因素的OR值确定不同变量的记分值,以累计记分值的大小判断个体患病的危险性,并以人群B的资料验证该方法进行人群筛检的真实性和有效性。结果 随着累计记分值的增加,人群中无症状糖尿病的患病风险亦随之增高,趋势性χ2检验具有非常显著的统计学意义(P<0.01)。当判别阈值定为7时,该方法对人群中无症状糖尿病筛检的灵敏度和特异度分别为74.30%和63.20%,阳性预测值为4.20%,阴性预测值达99.20%。结论 本法简便、易行、经济,有利于获得满意的受检率,可用于糖尿病个体和群体(社区)的患病危险度测定及健康教育,有望成为糖尿病人群筛检的有效和实用的方法。  相似文献   

Objectives  To determine the cut off score of the CNS in predicting 12 months mortality. Design  Data was collected and followed up from a previous study among elderly subjects (n = 515) living in community institutional setting. The risk of malnutrition and 12 months mortality was ranked by the CNS and compared with that by SGA. Reliability was assessed by the sensitivity and specificity of the prediction with SGA as well as BMI alone. Sensitivity and specificity was calculated to determine validity as well as using positive and negative predictive values in predicting mortality at 12 months. Results  All three tools (BMI, SGA, CNS) demonstrated significant difference of higher mortality rate (P<.001) in the malnourished group. CNS at score ≤ 21 showed comparable results to SGA tool and BMI at classifying malnutrition. And using cut off score ≤ 22 also show significant results with SGA in classifying patients with normal nutrition. CNS score at ≥ 22 sensitivity was 60.9% and specificity was 72.9% with a Negative Predictive value of 92.3% and a Positive Predictive value of 25.8%. Conclusion  CNS tool at cut off ≥ 22 is just as good as using BMI or SGA in identifying those who have a normal nutritional status. This is useful in particular, when biochemical or anthropometric data is not available. This further validates the use of ≥22 as the best cut off point with the CNS tool and just as good at predicting of mortality when compared with SGA and BMI assessments.  相似文献   

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