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A case of renal carcinoma in a giant solitary renal cyst is reported. Ultrasonography and CT showed an apparently benign left renal cyst except for wall irregularity. Cytological examination and fat analysis of the cyst content were negative but the fluid was haemorrhagic in nature. Frozen section of the cyst wall revealed malignancy and further histopathologic examination indicated renal cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

A case of giant omental cyst diagnosed preoperatively is described. A 4-year old girl presenting with abdominal distension and misdiagnosed as having ascites, was subsequently proved to have a giant omental cyst. This is a rather difficult diagnosis to reach and results in wrong treatment methods. A high index of suspicion is therefore required early in the course of the disorder to decrease the complication rate. This report describes the diagnostic modalities and our approach to the patient who was cured by total excision of the cyst and free of disease in the fourth year of follow-up.  相似文献   

Background: Giant and paraovarian cysts are unusual masses that are usually treated by laparotomy. The safety of laparoscopic management of benign paraovarian cysts has been demonstrated, but it is believed that the size of benign paraovarian cysts is a limiting factor for laparoscopic surgery. Methods: We describe a new technique for the laparoscopic removal of a giant and benign paraovarian cyst in a 40-year-old woman. A paraovarian cystic mass was detected on the right part of her body that extended to the liver. It was confirmed on both ultrasonography and computed tomography scans. After ultrasound-guided aspiration of the cyst, the mass was resected laparoscopically. Results: No complications were noted during or after the surgical procedure. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 2. Conclusions: Laparoscopic surgery can be safely applied in patients with giant and benign paraovarian cysts.  相似文献   

We report a case of a symptomatic giant (18 x 10 x 8-cm) renal cyst in a 40-year-old woman that was marsupialized laparoscopically and excised. The surgical technique, based on progressive decompression of the cyst, is fully described. Excellent results were achieved. The recent application of laparoscopic ablation of different types of renal cysts is reviewed. This minimally invasive technique, when properly mastered, is highly effective and offers results similar to those of open surgery. It is associated with definitive postoperative advantages and is the treatment of choice for very large renal cysts, especially those located anteriorly, when sclerotherapy is ineffective or is contraindicated.  相似文献   

We report a case of a centrally located giant renal hydatid cyst managed successfully by excision of the cyst alone and preserving the renal parenchyma after clamping the main renal artery. Follow-up IVP showed good function.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic decortication is currently considered the standard treatment of peripelvic renal cysts, in spite of the technical challenge due to the close contiguity with renal hilar structures. However, to date, few small series or single cases of laparoscopic decortication for symptomatic peripelvic cyst have been reported. In this paper, we report the first case of a giant peripelvic cyst (25 x 18 x 9 cm) treated by transperitoneal laparoscopic decortication in a young adult female. Pain relief and hypertension control were obtained early after surgery, and the patient is symptom free at a 30-month follow-up.  相似文献   

Cystic lesions at the midline of the prostate are uncommon and they are considered as congenital disorders. Is generally accepted that active treatment should be instituted only in symptomatic patients and watchful waiting in asymptomatic ones. The most common active treatment is minimally invasive surgery by puncture-aspiration or endoscopic unroofing. We are attaching an inmunosupressed patient because of a renal transplantation in which we provided an active treatment by puncture-aspiration of the cystic lesion in spite of being asymptomatic.  相似文献   

We report a 12-year-old girl with renal cell carcinoma originating in a cyst of the left kidney. Ultrasonography revealed 2 small hyperechoic masses in the luminal side of a cyst. Although hypervascularity was not detected in the cyst by computed tomography, the possibility of malignancy could not be ruled out because of the presence of 2 solid masses. Therefore, partial left nephrectomy was performed. On histopathologic examination, the 2 solid masses within the cyst were found to be renal cell carcinoma. This patient remains disease-free at 4 years after partial nephrectomy.  相似文献   

Cystinuria is a hereditary disorder of cystine and dibasic amino acids (lysine, arginine, ornithine) transport across the luminal membrane of renal tubules and intestine, resulting in recurrent nephrolithiasis. Cystine stones frequently occur in the second or third decade of life with an occasional occurrence in infancy and in old age. Herein is presented the case of a 1-year-old girl with cystinuria and recurrent urolithiasis; the genetic basis of the disease was investigated by mutational analysis of the SLC3A1 gene. The data show that the present patient has an increased cystine (923.08 microg/mL) level and was heterozygote for M467T mutation.  相似文献   

患者,男,24岁,因腹部逐渐增大2年而入院,2年前在我院神经外科行脑积水脑室腹腔分流术,术后两个月,自觉腹胀,腹部逐渐增大,进食差,无发热,无恶心、呕吐,无腹痛、腹泻,无里急后重,无黑便。未予治疗,近两个月腹部增大明显,外形似足月妊娠孕妇,入院时查体:腹部高度膨隆,腹壁静脉曲张,右中腹脐旁可见手术切口瘢痕,长  相似文献   

Case report: laparoscopically-treated giant renal hydatid cyst   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 15 x 11 x 8-cm hydatid cyst in the right kidney of a 43-year-old man was treated using a laparoscopic approach. There was no preoperative or postoperative complications, and no recurrence was detected in 38 months of follow-up. This appears to be the first case of a renal hydatid cyst treated by a transperitoneal laparoscopic approach.  相似文献   

To explore the safety and feasibility of performing retroperitoneoscopic renal cystectomy in a case of massive giant renal cyst in a solitary hydronephrotic renal unit. We have described the retroperitoneal three-trocar technique. The role of laparoscopic renal cyst ablation in giant symptomatic renal cysts and non-polycystic kidney disease has been discussed. The patient was successfully managed by retroperitoneoscopic deroofing using a three-port technique. The operating room time was 90 minutes and her hospital stay lasted 54 hours. The fluid cytology and cyst histology were negative for tumor. Complete resolution of the cyst was noted on a follow-up ultrasound done after 2 months. Currently at 9-month follow up, the patient is ultrasonographically free of any cyst recurrence or hydronephrosis. The retroperitoneal approach is feasible for marsupializing giant symptomatic renal cysts and appears to be safe for solitary symptomatic renal units too. It shortens the overall operating time and avoids the complications and demerits of transperitoneal access.  相似文献   

A case of renal cell carcinoma accompanied by a giant cyst in a 69-year-old male patient is reported. The patient consulted a physician in our Hospital for bellyache on the left abdomen. Because giant cyst in the left kidney and intracystic hemorrhage were suspected by computed tomography diagnosis, the patient was transferred to the Department of Urology, As a tumor-like mass was detected in the cyst by ultrasound echo diagnosis, transperitoneal extirpation of the left kidney was conducted on May 8, 1985. At operation, a giant unilocular cyst covered with hypertrophic fibrous capsule including much coagula was observed. The inner wall of the cyst was covered with many deeply yellow torous lesions of sizes ranging from those of a wheat grain to thumb. Histologically, the lesions consisted of a cell group supposedly of histiocyte origin accompanied by cellular infiltration of lymph cells, and xanthoma was deeply suspected. However, as it was difficult to distinguish from the clear cell subtype of renal cell carcinoma, examination by an electron microscope was conducted and the final diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma was made. The post-operative course of the patient was good and no recurrence or cancer metastasis was observed as of January, 1986.  相似文献   

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