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Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-B and PDGF beta-receptor (PDGFR beta) deficiency in mice is embryonic lethal and results in cardiovascular, renal, placental, and hematologic disorders. The hematologic disorders are described, and a correlation with hepatic hypocellularity is demonstrated. To explore possible causes, the colony-forming activity of fetal liver cells in vitro was assessed, and hematopoietic chimeras were demonstrated by the transplantation of mutant fetal liver cells into lethally irradiated recipients. It was found that mutant colony formation is equivalent to that of wild-type controls. Hematopoietic chimeras reconstituted with PDGF-B(-/-), PDGFR beta(-/-), or wild-type fetal liver cells show complete engraftment (greater than 98%) with donor granulocytes, monocytes, B cells, and T cells and display none of the cardiovascular or hematologic abnormalities seen in mutants. In mouse embryos, PDGF-B is expressed by vascular endothelial cells and megakaryocytes. After birth, expression is seen in macrophages and neurons. This study demonstrates that hematopoietic PDGF-B or PDGFR beta expression is not required for hematopoiesis or integrity of the cardiovascular system. It is argued that metabolic stress arising from mutant defects in the placenta, heart, or blood vessels may lead to impaired liver growth and decreased production of blood cells. The chimera models in this study will serve as valuable tools to test the role of PDGF in inflammatory and immune responses. (Blood. 2001;97:1990-1998)  相似文献   

The Ikaros gene has been implicated in lymphoid development and proliferation from the results of gene targeting studies in mice. Recently we reported that the Ikaros gene may be involved in the disease progression of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). In this report, we investigated Ikaros isoforms in human non-lymphoid leukemia cell lines and normal granulocyte/macrophage (CFU-GM) and erythroid (BFU-E)-derived colonies.We evaluated Ikaros gene expression by RT-PCR, Southern blotting, sequencing analysis, Northern blotting, and immunoblotting.Ikaros isoforms Ik-1 and Ik-2, 3 were predominantly expressed in human non-lymphoid leukemia cell lines. Ik-4 and Ik-8 were also detectable as a minor population. In contrast to the previous report in mice, multiple Ikaros isoforms were expressed in human CFU-GM and BFU-E-derived colonies, and the dominant-negative isoform Ik-6 was not detectable. We also showed that human Ikaros isoforms contained an additional coding sequence in the N-terminal region, which was highly homologous to the sequence reported in mice.These observations suggest that the Ikaros gene may play some role in the development of human non-lymphoid lineage hematopoiesis. Moreover, the finding that the dominant-negative isoform Ik-6, which was overexpressed in patients with blast crisis of CML, was rarely detectable in non-lymphoid lineages supports its pathogenetic role in human hematologic malignancies.  相似文献   

Erk5 is a mitogen-activated protein kinase, the biological role of which is largely undefined. Therefore, we deleted the erk5 gene in mice to assess its function in vivo. Inactivation of the erk5 gene resulted in defective blood-vessel and cardiac development leading to embryonic lethality around embryonic days 9.5-10.5. Cardiac development was retarded largely, and the heart failed to undergo normal looping. Endothelial cells that line the developing myocardium of erk5-/- embryos displayed a disorganized, rounded morphology. Vasculogenesis occurred, but extraembryonic and embryonic blood vessels were disorganized and failed to mature. Furthermore, the investment of embryonic blood vessels with smooth muscle cells was attenuated. Together, these data define an essential role for Erk5 in cardiovascular development. Moreover, the inability of Erk5-deficient mice to form a complex vasculature suggests that Erk5 may play an important role in controlling angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Patients bearing mutations in TAC3 and TACR3 (which encode neurokinin B and its receptor, respectively) have sexual infantilism and infertility due to GnRH deficiency. In contrast, Tacr3(-/-) mice have previously been reported to be fertile. Because of this apparent phenotypic discordance between mice and men bearing disabling mutations in Tacr3/TACR3, Tacr3 null mice were phenotyped with close attention to pubertal development, estrous cyclicity, and fertility. Tacr3(-/-) mice demonstrated normal timing of preputial separation and day of first estrus, markers of sexual maturation. However, at postnatal d 60, Tacr3(-/-) males had significantly smaller testes and lower FSH levels than their wild-type littermates. Tacr3(-/-) females had lower uterine weights and abnormal estrous cyclicity. Approximately half of Tacr3(-/-) females had no detectable corpora lutea on ovarian histology at postnatal d 60. Despite this apparent ovulatory defect, all Tacr3(-/-) females achieved fertility when mated. However, Tacr3(-/-) females were subfertile, having both reduced numbers of litters and pups per litter. The subfertility of these animals was not due to a primary ovarian defect, because they demonstrated a robust response to exogenous gonadotropins. Thus, although capable of fertility, Tacr3-deficient mice have central reproductive defects. The remarkable ability of acyclic female Tacr3 null mice to achieve fertility is reminiscent of the reversal of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism seen in a high proportion of human patients bearing mutations in TACR3. Tacr3 mice are a useful model to examine the mechanisms by which neurokinin B signaling modulates GnRH release.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) is a wide-spectrum mitogenic, angiogenic, and neurotrophic factor that is expressed at low levels in many tissues and cell types and reaches high concentrations in brain and pituitary. FGF2 has been implicated in a multitude of physiological and pathological processes, including limb development, angiogenesis, wound healing, and tumor growth, but its physiological role is still unclear. To determine the function of FGF2 in vivo, we have generated FGF2 knockout mice, lacking all three FGF2 isoforms, by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. FGF2−/− mice are viable, fertile and phenotypically indistinguishable from FGF2+/+ littermates by gross examination. However, abnormalities in the cytoarchitecture of the neocortex, most pronounced in the frontal motor-sensory area, can be detected by histological and immunohistochemical methods. A significant reduction in neuronal density is observed in most layers of the motor cortex in the FGF2−/− mice, with layer V being the most affected. Cell density is normal in other regions of the brain such as the striatum and the hippocampus. In addition, the healing of excisional skin wounds is delayed in mice lacking FGF2. These results indicate that FGF2, although not essential for embryonic development, plays a specific role in cortical neurogenesis and skin wound healing in mice, which, in spite of the apparent redundancy of FGF signaling, cannot be carried out by other FGF family members.  相似文献   

Mice lacking the erythroid Kruppel-like factor (EKLF) die in utero at embryonic day 15 (E15) from severe anemia. EKLF(-/-) embryos display a marked deficit in beta-globin gene expression. To test whether beta-globin deficiency was solely responsible for the anemia and intrauterine death, we corrected the globin chain imbalance in EKLF(-/-) embryos by breeding with a strain of mice that express high levels of human gamma-globin. Despite efficient production of hybrid malpha(2)-hgamma(2) hemoglobin in the fetal livers of EKLF(-/-) animals, hemolysis was not corrected and survival was not prolonged. We concluded that deficiency of nonglobin EKLF target genes is a major contributor to the definitive red blood cell abnormalities and prenatal death in EKLF(-/-) embryos. These results suggest that strategies designed to antagonize EKLF function in adults with hemoglobinopathy, in an attempt to reactivate gamma-globin gene expression, may adversely affect other essential aspects of red blood cell physiology. (Blood. 2000;95:1827-1833)  相似文献   

Single-gene mutations that extend lifespan provide valuable tools for the exploration of the molecular basis for age-related changes in cell and tissue function and for the pathophysiology of age-dependent diseases. We show here that mice homozygous for loss-of-function mutations at the Pit1 (Snell dwarf) locus show a >40% increase in mean and maximal longevity on the relatively long-lived (C3H/HeJ x DW/J)F(1) background. Mutant dw(J)/dw animals show delays in age-dependent collagen cross-linking and in six age-sensitive indices of immune system status. These findings thus demonstrate that a single gene can control maximum lifespan and the timing of both cellular and extracellular senescence in a mammal. Pituitary transplantation into dwarf mice does not reverse the lifespan effect, suggesting that the effect is not due to lowered prolactin levels. In contrast, homozygosity for the Ghrhr(lit) mutation, which like the Pit1(dw) mutation lowers plasma growth hormone levels, does lead to a significant increase in longevity. Male Snell dwarf mice, unlike calorically restricted mice, become obese and exhibit proportionately high leptin levels in old age, showing that their exceptional longevity is not simply due to alterations in adiposity per se. Further studies of the Pit1(dw) mutant, and the closely related, long-lived Prop-1(df) (Ames dwarf) mutant, should provide new insights into the hormonal regulation of senescence, longevity, and late life disease.  相似文献   

AXL and TYRO3, members of the TYRO3, AXL and MER (TAM) family of tyrosine kinase receptors, modulate GnRH neuronal cell migration, survival and gene expression. Axl/Tyro3 null mice exhibit a selective loss of GnRH neurons, delayed sexual maturation and irregular estrous cycles. Here we determined whether the defects were due to direct ovarian defects, altered pituitary sensitivity to GnRH and/or an impaired LH surge mechanism. Ovarian histology and markers of folliculogenesis and atresia as well as corpora luteal development and ovarian response to superovulation were not impaired. Axl/Tryo3 null mice exhibited a robust LH response to exogenous GnRH, suggesting no altered pituitary sensitivity. Ovariectomized Axl/Tyro3 null mice, however, demonstrated an impaired ability to mount a steroid-induced LH surge. Loss of GnRH neurons in Axl/Tyro3 null mice impairs the sex hormone-induced gonadotropin surge resulting in estrous cycle abnormalities confirming that TAM family members contribute to normal female reproductive function.  相似文献   

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