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When studying the efficacy of clopidogrel to inhibit platelet aggregation by light transmission aggregometry, technical decisions must be taken prior to assessment or during analysis, including, but not limited to, concentration of agonist to use and timing of the evaluation of the response on the aggregation curve obtained (peak ADP-stimulated platelet aggregation vs. late aggregation). We investigated how some of these technical modalities affected the results of platelet aggregation obtained after clopidogrel administration.

Materials and methods

One hundred and twenty stable coronary artery disease patients requiring a diagnostic angiography were recruited prior to pre-treatment with clopidogrel. Blood samples were tested before clopidogrel initiation and immediately preceding coronary angiography using light transmission aggregometry with either 5 or 20 µM of ADP. Aggregation was measured at maximal amplitude (peak), and 5 minutes after agonist addition (late).


While measurements of platelet aggregation as either peak or late aggregation were strongly correlated, peak platelet aggregation was significantly higher than late aggregation, by 10.8% and by 10.3% with ADP 5 and 20 µM, respectively. Moreover, the use of ADP 20 µM resulted in less spontaneous disaggregation than 5 µM in the absence of clopidogrel (11.8% and 4.8% with ADP 5 µM and 20 µM, respectively).


When assessing platelet aggregation following clopidogrel, measurement of late aggregation after addition of ADP 20 µM should be preferred. Large clinical trials should be conducted to assess which parameter between residual aggregation or inhibition of platelet aggregation by clopidogrel best predicts clinical efficacy of the drug.  相似文献   



Analyses of platelet aggregation in hirudin whole blood using Multiplate® was validated. Reference intervals for the most commonly used agonists were established, and the association between platelet aggregation, age, gender and haematological values was analysed.

Material and methods

We included 121 healthy individuals to establish reference intervals and six healthy individuals for evaluation of the day-to-day variation. Platelet aggregation was evaluated on hirudin whole blood employing Multiplate® induced by arachidonic acid, ADP, collagen and ristocetin (RISTOlow and RISTOhigh). Measurements of haematological values were performed employing Sysmex K-4500.


We found no association between platelet aggregation and age (p > 0.57 for all agonists, except RISTOlow: p = 0.05). Platelet aggregation was significantly higher in women compared to men for all agonists (p < 0.0003), except RISTOlow (p = 0.05). A reference interval is presented as 95% confidence interval suitable for any age and both sex. Day-to-day variation was < 11% for all agonists except for RISTOlow. No association was found between platelet aggregation and haematocrit or red blood cell count after adjusting for age and gender except for RISTOhigh. A positive significant association was found between platelet count and platelet aggregation (p < 0.04). Finally, a significant positive association was found between platelet aggregation and white blood cell count for all agonists (p < 0.05) except RISTOlow and RISTOhigh (p > 0.05).


Reference intervals for platelet aggregation in healthy individuals (age: 17 to 66 years) were established in hirudin whole blood measured by Multiplate® employing the most commonly used agonists.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to describe platelet aggregation characteristics by multiple electrode aggregometry (MEA) and to evaluate MEA for its potential to detect platelet dysfunction and response to anti-aggregatory drugs in patients with myeloproliferative disorders (MPD).


We compared the platelet response to arachidonic acid (ASPI test), adenosine diphosphate (ADP test) and thrombin receptor activating peptide (TRAP test) in hirudin-anticoagulated blood of 55 patients with polycythaemia vera and essential thrombocythaemia and 75 controls.


Comparing MPD patients and controls no statistically significant difference indicative of platelet dysfunction was found in MPD patients. Analysis of covariance revealed platelet- and leukocyte count as a significant influencing factor on MEA function. Furthermore we could demonstrate that ASA and clopidogrel treatment results in a statistically significant lower ASPI (Controls: p < 0.0001, MPD: p < 0.0001) and ADPtest value (MPD: p = 0.00125) compared to untreated patients thereby validating the method for monitoring of anti-aggregatory therapy.


In this study MEA was confirmed as a valid method for monitoring of ASA and clopidogrel treatment in patients with MPD and normal control subjects. The platelet and leukocyte count were identified as major influencing factors on MEA aggregation tests both in MPD patients and controls. No functional platelet abnormalities were detected in MPD patients.  相似文献   

Endothelial dysfunction and increased platelet aggregation may be involved in the pathogenesis of normal tissue radiation toxicity. This study assessed clopidogrel, an inhibitor of ADP-induced platelet aggregation, as a modulator of intestinal radiation injury (radiation enteropathy). Rat small intestine was exposed to 21 Gy X-radiation. Clopidogrel (20 mg/kg/day) or vehicle was administered from 2 days before to 10 days after irradiation. Structural radiation injury, neutrophil infiltration, smooth muscle cell proliferation, collagen content, and TGF-beta1 expression were assessed 2 weeks (early phase) and 26 weeks (delayed phase) after irradiation, using quantitative histology and immunohistochemistry, morphometry, and real-time fluorogenic probe RT-PCR. Irradiated intestine exhibited significant histopathologic injury, reduced mucosal surface area, vascular sclerosis, intestinal wall fibrosis, increased collagen content, and increased TGF-beta1 expression. Clopidogrel reduced ADP-induced platelet aggregation by 93% and significantly attenuated the severity of post-radiation vascular sclerosis (p = 0.004 and p = 0.02) and the loss of mucosal surface area (p = 0.0008 and p = 0.003) at both 2 and 26 weeks. Clopidogrel also ameliorated overall histopathologic injury (p = 0.02), relative intestinal collagen content (p = 0.03), and collagen III immunoreactivity levels 2 weeks after irradiation, and caused a borderline reduction in the radiation-induced increase in extracellular matrix-associated TGF-beta immunoreactivity at 26 weeks (p = 0.04). The effects of clopidogrel on steady-state TGF-beta1 mRNA levels and neutrophil infiltration were not statistically significant. Short-term clopidogrel administration affords protection against early and, to a lesser extent, delayed radiation enteropathy. Modulation of platelet aggregation should be subject to further studies as a potential method to increase safety and efficacy of radiation therapy.  相似文献   

The effect of fibrinogen on ADP-induced platelet aggregation was studied. In absence of ADP no binding of fibrinogen to platelets was observed. On addition of ADP to platelets, fibrinogen induced a dose-related aggregation and release reaction. Binding of approximately 1,000 fibrinogen molecules per platelet was observed. Since fragments of fibrinogen could inhibit this reaction it is suggested that ADP exposes structures on the platelet membrane which bind to fibrinogen. It is suggested that this binding of fibrinogen is of importance for the aggregation of platelets in presence of ADP.

Addition of ADP at high concentrations to platelets induces release of intracellullar fibrinogen which may explain the aggregation occurring at high concentration of ADP in the absence of added fibrinogen.  相似文献   

The transmission of light through 22 platelet packs was monitored during storage with a specially designed apparatus in order to estimate the quality of the platelet concentrates without risking contamination. The changes in light transmission during a 7 day storage period were compared with other properties of platelets upon day 1 and day 7, namely aggregometry responses (to collagen, ADP, and calcium ionophore A23187), platelet factor 4 release, lactate dehydrogenase extracellular activity and pH. On day 7 additional aggregometry tests were carried out with pairs of activators (collagen + ADP, collagen + A23187, collagen + epinephrine, and collagen + arachidonic acid). The 8 concentrates judged as being inferior in quality by the optical apparatus also, with 1 exception, showed inferior quality as assessed from aggregometry responses and/or biochemical analyses.  相似文献   

Several methods are used to analyse platelet function in whole blood. A new device to measure whole blood platelet aggregation has been developed, called multiple electrode platelet aggregometry (MEA). Our aim was to evaluate MEA in comparison with the single platelet counting (SPC) method for the measurement of platelet aggregation and platelet inhibition by aspirin or apyrase in diluted whole blood. Platelet aggregation induced by different concentrations of ADP, collagen and TRAP-6 and platelet inhibition by apyrase or aspirin were determined in citrateor hirudin-anticoagulated blood by MEA and SPC. MEA indicated that spontaneous platelet aggregation was lower, and stimulated platelet aggregation was higher in hirudin- than citrate-anticoagulated blood. In hirudin-anticoagulated, but not citrate-anticoagulated blood, spontaneous platelet aggregation measured by MEA was inhibited by apyrase. For MEA compared with SPC the dose response-curves of agonist-induced platelet aggregation in citrate- and hirudin-blood showed similar EC50 values for TRAP, and higher EC50 values for ADP (non-significant) and collagen (p < 0.05). MEA and the SPC method gave similar results concerning platelet-inhibition by apyrase and aspirin. MEA was more sensitive than SPC to the inhibitory effect of aspirin in collagen-induced aggregation. In conclusion, MEA is an easy, reproducible and sensitive method for measuring spontaneous and stimulated platelet aggregation, and evaluating antiplatelet drugs in diluted whole blood. The use of hirudin as an anticoagulant is preferable to the use of citrate. MEA is a promising technique for experimental and clinical applications.  相似文献   

Potentiation of ADP-induced platelet aggregation by mercury compounds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In contrast to previous reports, highly purified adenosine tetraphosphate (AP4) does not induce the aggregation of platelets but inhibits the aggregation and release reaction in platelet-rich plasma promoted by ADP. The inhibitory action of AP4 on the aggregation by ADP is compared with that of AMP and ATP. The data presented suggest a competitive manner of inhibition of the ADP-induced aggregation by AP4.  相似文献   

Whole blood and optical platelet aggregation were measured in normals and in patients with paraproteinaemias; extent of aggregation was correlated with paraprotein concentrations in patients and in normals after addition of different doses of paraproteins; threshold aggregating concentrations of several agonists were also determined in whole blood and in PRP from both groups of subjects. The results indicate that patients with macromolecular monoclonal component bear a "hyperaggregable" state which can be probably ascribed also to plasma hyperviscosity and which is better detected with the impedance aggregometer.  相似文献   

ADP-induced aggregation of washed human platelets is inhibited by the hashish components delta1-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The inhibition is counteracted by added ADP. When the cannabinoids are present at concentrations higher than 10(-5)M, the platelets aggregate non-reversibly, independently of an added inducer, apparently due to lysis and release of endogenous inducers. THC is clearly more potent than CBD in exhibiting the biphasic effect. Collagen- and thrombin-induced aggregation of washed platelets are hardly affected by the cannabinoids. THC and CBD also curtail ADP-induced reversible aggregation in platelet-rich plasma, while serotonin release and irreversible aggregation, caused by either ADP, collagen or thrombin, are not affected by the cannabinoids in platelet-rich plasma. The data point to associated sites for ADP and the cannabinoids on the platelet membrane.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Controversy surrounds the optimal platelet aggregation measurement to assess clopidogrel non-responsiveness. The P2Y12 reactivity ratio (PRR) determined by vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation levels has been used to indicate the extent of P2Y(12) blockade. OBJECTIVES: We sought to compare the prevalence of non-responsiveness measured by maximum (MA) and 6 min aggregation (FA) and correlate these measurements with PRR in patients with non-responsiveness. METHODS: MA and FA were measured in stented patients (n=100) before and after clopidogrel treatment. The PRR was determined in 22 non-responsive patients. Responsiveness was defined as pre-treatment minus post-treatment aggregation; and non-responsiveness was defined as <10% change in platelet aggregation. RESULTS: Responsiveness was greater as determined by FA, p=0.006 (5 microM ADP) and p=0.003 (20 microM ADP)). There was a strong correlation between MA and FA stimulated by 5 microM (r=0.84, p<0.0001) and 20 microM ADP (r=0.90, p<0.001). The prevalence of non-responsiveness rose with agonist concentration but did not differ significantly between methods: 5 microM ADP [22% (MA) vs. 17% (FA), p=0.186] and 20 microM ADP [33% (MA) vs. 29% (FA), p=0.270]. PRR correlated with both MA (r=0.66, p<0.001) and FA (r=0.74, p<0.001) in non-responsive patients indicating incomplete receptor blockade. CONCLUSION: Clopidogrel responsiveness is higher when measured by FA as compared to MA. However, these measurements are equivalent in determining the prevalence of non-responsiveness: FA and MA are affected to the same degree in patients with non-responsiveness. These findings are relevant to ongoing studies assessing platelet inhibition by P2Y(12) inhibitors and support previous studies that employed MA to assess non-responsiveness.  相似文献   

The role of platelet hyperaggregability as a possible risk factor for venous thromboembolism is not well defined. Some authors described enhanced maximal platelet aggregation in platelet aggregometry as a contributing factor for arterial and venous thrombosis. This syndrome has been termed “sticky-platelet syndrome” (SPS). The diagnosis of SPS is based on the demonstration of platelet hyperaggregability in aggregometry after stimulation with epinephrine (EPI) and/or adenosine diphosphate (ADP).

We investigated platelet hyperaggregability in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) of patients (n=34) with unexplained venous thromboembolism in comparison to healthy individuals (n=53). For analysis, platelet aggregometry was performed and the influence of epinephrine, adenosine diphosphate, collagen (Coll) and thrombin receptor-activated peptide (TRAP-6) as agonist were determined. Compared to the control group, patients with venous thromboembolism showed an enhanced maximal platelet aggregation with low concentrations of TRAP-6 (2 μM) and collagen (0.05 μM). In contrast, we could not detect an increased platelet aggregation with EPI or ADP.

Our results indicate that platelet hyperaggregability may represent an independent risk factor in patients with otherwise unexplained venous thromboembolism. In our study, low concentrations of TRAP-6 and collagen are superior to EPI and ADP to define platelet hyperreactivity in platelet aggregometry.  相似文献   

Human platelets express two distinct G protein-coupled ADP receptors, one coupled to phospholipase C through Gq, P2Y1, and the other to inhibition of adenylyl cyclase through Gi, P2TAC. We have recently shown that concomitant intracellular signaling from both the P2TAC and P2Y1 receptors is essential for ADP-induced platelet aggregation. Previous studies have tested whether ADP causes a decrease in the basal cAMP level and this reduction promotes platelet aggregation, but did not study the effect of decreased cAMP levels when the Gq pathway is selectively activated. Since we are now aware that platelet aggregation requires activation of two receptors, we investigated whether the function of P2TAC receptor activation, leading to inhibition of platelet adenylyl cyclase, could be replaced by direct inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, when Gq pathway is also activated, a possibility that has not been addressed to date. In the present study, we supplemented the P2Y1 mediated Gq signaling pathway with inhibition of the platelet adenylyl cyclase by using SQ22536 or dideoxyadenosine, or by selective activation of the alpha2A adrenoceptors with epinephrine. Although SQ22536, dideoxyadenosine, and epinephrine reduced the cAMP levels, only epinephrine could mimic the P2TAC receptor mediated signaling events, suggesting that reduction in basal cAMP levels does not directly contribute to ADP-induced platelet activation. Adenosine-5'-phosphate-3'-phosphosulfate, a P2Y1 receptor antagonist, completely blocked ADP-induced inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and inositol 1,3.4-trisphosphate formation suggesting that P2TAC-mediated activation of Gi (or other G proteins) does not activate phospholipase C. These results suggest that a signaling event downstream from Gi, independent of the inhibition of platelet adenylyl cyclase, contributes to alphaIIb beta3 activation.  相似文献   

Platelet inhibition as measured by vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) and light transmission aggregometry (LTA) have shown concordance following dosing of clopidogrel. No reports have directly compared the VASP assay and LTA at the levels of P2Y(12) blockade after loading doses (LDs) of prasugrel or high dose clopidogrel (600 and 900 mg). The aim was to compare the VASP assay and LTA during the loading dose phase of a comparative study of prasugrel and clopidogrel. Prasugrel 60 mg LD/10 mg maintenance dose (MD) and clopidogrel 300 mg/75 mg and 600 mg/75 mg LD/MD regimens were compared in a 3-way crossover study in 41 healthy, aspirin-free subjects. Each LD was followed by seven daily MDs and a 14-day washout period. P2Y(12) receptor blockade was estimated using the VASP assay, expressed as platelet reactivity index (VASP-PRI). Platelet aggregation was assessed by light transmission aggregometry (20 and 5 microM ADP). Twenty-four hours after prasgurel 60 mg or clopidogrel 300 mg and 600 mg, respectively, VASP-PRI decreased from approximately 80% to 8.9%, 54.7%, and 39.0%, and maximal platelet aggregation (MPA) decreased from approximately 79% to 10.8%, 42.7%, and 31.2%, with an overall VASP:MPA correlation of 0.88 (p < 0.01). VASP assay responses after the clopidogrel LDs showed a wider range of values (300 mg: 0-93%; 600 mg: 0-80%) than prasugrel (0-13%); MPA responses followed a similar trend. Pearson's correlation suggested a strong agreement between VASP and LTA (20 microM ADP) for MPA (r = 0.86, p < 0.0001). VASP and LTA demonstrated concordance across the response range of P2Y(12) receptor blockade following thienopyridine LDs.  相似文献   

Objective. Blood platelets play an important role in haemostasis and their hyperaggregability may lead to thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases. Increased incidence of mortality, caused by cardiovascular disease, and the increased risk of thrombotic complication in schizophrenic patients treated with antipsychotics have been reported. The effects of antipsychotic drugs on blood platelet function are not fully explained, therefore the purpose of the present study was to examine and compare the effects of the second-generation antipsychotic drugs used in schizophrenia (clozapine, risperidone and olanzapine), with the effects of the first generation antipsychotic, haloperidol, on the platelet aggregation induced by ADP in vitro. Methods. Blood obtained from healthy volunteers (n=25) collected into sodium citrate was centrifuged (250×g, 10 min) at room temperature to obtain platelet-rich plasma. Aggregation of blood platelets (10 µM ADP) was recorded (Chrono-log aggregometer) in platelet-rich plasma preincubated with antipsychotic drugs (final concentration: clozapine 420 ng/ml, risperidone 65 ng/ml, olanzapine 40 ng/ml, haloperidol 20 ng/ml) for 30 min. Results. Our results showed that all tested drugs inhibit platelet aggregation induced by ADP in vitro. Among studied antipsychotic drugs clozapine and olanzapine significantly reduced platelet aggregability in vitro. In comparison with control platelets (without the drug), clozapine inhibited ADP-induced platelet aggregation by 21% (P=3.7×10?6) and olanzapine by 18% (P=2.8×10?4), respectively. Conclusion. The obtained results indicate that antipsychotic drugs, especially clozapine and olanzapine, contrary to haloperidol, reduced response of blood platelets to ADP measured as platelet aggregation. This suggests that therapy with such antipsychotics, particularly with second-generation antipsychotics, may partly reduce prothrombotic events associated with the increased platelet activation observed in schizophrenic patients. The mechanism of antiaggregatory influence of antipsychotics requires further studies.  相似文献   

ADP induced platelet aggregation was investigated in 48 patients within three days of the first signs of acute myocardial (AMI). Thirty six of them received 1 gram of dipyrone. Twelve patients who did not receive dipyrone served as controls. Platelet aggregation was found severely inhibited in 11 patients who had received dipyrone up to 12 hours before investigation and moderately inhibited among 25 patients who were given the drug 12-24 hours prior to the investigation. All the patients with AMI who did not receive dipyrone, exhibited a state of hyperaggregability evidenced by the presence of a second phase of aggregation even with 0.5 microM ADP. The inhibitory activity of dipyrone on the second phase of platelet aggregation resembles that of other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.  相似文献   

In 120 healthy humans (58 males and 62 females) possible differences in platelet aggregability were investigated with respect to age and sex. By using a narrow range of final ADP concentrations (0.2-1.0 microM) primary and secondary aggregation were evaluated. The rate of primary aggregation was shown to be significantly related to increasing age and this was true for both sexes. As regards secondary aggregation the same pattern was seen in the group of male subjects. Thus, among the youngest (less than 34 years) the frequency of secondary waves was only one third of that encountered among the oldest (greater than 50 years). No similar association was detectable among the female subjects. The present study calls attention to some important issues which should be considered in platelet aggregation studies; the interpretation of data obtained from such studies invariably requires a careful selection of appropriate age- as well as sex-matched control groups.  相似文献   

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