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V Nociti  M Ricci  P D'Amico 《Minerva chirurgica》1975,30(23-24):1175-1192
Eight cases of pancreatic traumas are considered and the literature reviewed. Personal cases include: 1 contusion treated nedically; 2 cases of complete rupture (1 of which primary treated with double jejunal pancreatic anastomosis); 1 associated with splenic rupture, treated with distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy; 1 contusion of the head associated with hepatic lesions treated with suture of the lesions external derived and cholecystostomy; 4 contusions without lesion of the duct associated with other visceral lesions (stomach, duodenum, spleen, liver), treated surgically by suture of the lesion, and drainage of the omental bursa. As regards diagnosis, the only pathognomonic examination is amylasaemia. Paracentesis proved important in cases of haemoperitoneum. Long-term results were observed by scintigraphy and through starch and maltose load curves. Scintigraphy pointed to the presence of functional deficiency in areas which seemed to be only contused or actually normal. It is therefore concluded, especially in cases of complete rupture, that therapy should be kept as conservative as possible (Duodenal pancreatic anastomosis). The purpose of this is to prevent fistulas of the residual stump, fostered by the pressure in Oddi's sphincter, and to lease the pancreatic tissue as operative as possible. This is particularly important if patients are young.  相似文献   

胰十二指肠切除外引流胰液胆汁空肠回输16例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院 1996年 3月至 2 0 0 2年 3月共行胰十二指肠切除术 16例 ,均早期将外引流胰液、胆汁及胃管吸出的胃液配合肠内营养管输入空肠 ,改善病人的营养及消化吸收 ,现报道如下。1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 梗阻性黄疸 16例 ,男 10例 ,女 6例 ,年龄4 6~ 6 6岁 ,平均年龄 5 3岁。其中胰头癌 9例 ,壶腹周围癌 5例 ,胆总管癌 2例。总胆红素 :12 3.4 1~ 2 4 5 .6 7μmol/L ,平均196 .2 1μmol/L ;直接胆红素 :72 .35~ 134.6 2 μmol/L ,平均119.4 6 μmol/L ;ALP :32 1.12~ 5 36 .16 μ/L ,平均 36 5 .4 2 μ/L ;r GT…  相似文献   

To determine the relative contributions of bile and pancreatic juice to adaptive intestinal hyperplasia, cell proliferation in rat ileal mucosa was studied after supplying bile alone or the combined pancreaticobiliary effluent direct to mid-small bowel. Bile was routed through the choledochus cannulated above the pancreas. Pancreaticobiliary secretions were diverted through a transposed duodenal segment containing the papilla. Diversion of bile into the mid-bowel with and without pancreatic juice caused similar increases in ileal ribonucleic acid (RNA) (16% to 50%) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) (22% to 41%) contents at both 48 hours and 1 week after operation. Specific activity of DNA after injection of tritiated thymidine was greatest after diversion of the combined effluent. After 1 month nucleic acid contents in the upper ileum after pancreaticobiliary diversion were 37% to 59% higher than after transection or biliary diversion (P less than 0.005). Likewise, after biliary diversion villous height and crypt depth were increased only at 1 week, but after diversion of both secretions increases were found at 1 week and 1 month. High luminal concentrations of bile cause transient cell proliferation in ileal mucosa, but the additional presence of pancreatic juice prolongs this adaptive response.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of bile and pancreatic juice in regulation of gut hormone secretion, an experimental study was performed creating models of biliary and pancreatic juice diversion in conscious dogs with reference to gastric acid and pancreatic exocrine secretions. The results were obtained as follows. 1) Diversion of bile from the duodenum to the jejunum, the ileum and urinary bladder (UB) did not affect the postprandial gastric acid and gastrin secretion, except slight suppression of gastric acid in model of bile diversion to the ileum and UB. 2) Postprandial GIP secretion was completely diminished and total-GLI secretion was significantly increased after bile diversion to the ileum and UB, whereas the jejunal diversion did not affect both GIP and total-GLI secretion. 3) A marked hypertrophy of pancreatic acinar cells was seen in conventional histopathological investigation and hyperfunction indicated by microelectroscopical findings was observed after bile diversion to UB with significant hypersecretion of CCK. 4) In the model of bile diversion to UB, hypersecretion of insulin was observed after intravenous glucose infusion test. 5) Diversion of pancreatic juice from the duodenum to the jejunum induced significant postprandial hypersecretion of gastric acid and hyposecretion of GIP.  相似文献   

Thirty-one pancreas transplant recipients were monitored by pancreatic juice cytology in the early post-operative period. An increase in the total amount of cells and, in particular, signs of immunoactivation with the appearance of two or more blast-transformed cells per specimen were taken as evidence of acute rejection. According to these criteria a total of 38 rejection episodes were diagnosed. The first positive cytology appeared after 9 days (mean) and lasted for 2 days (mean). Immunocytochemical analysis of the juice showed increased amounts of CD3+ cells during rejection. When rejection occurred during prophylaxis with antithymocyte globulin, neutrophils were preponderant in the pancreatic juice while during OKT-3 prophylaxis a high percentage of monocytes was a characteristic finding. Antirejection treatment was started when the cytology became positive and all rejection episodes except one were reversed. A decrease in the pancreatic juice amylase activity occurred in 66% of the rejection episodes, but in only 5 of the 38 episodes was the decrease highly significant. No correlation was found between graft rejection and volume excretion of pancreatic juice. There were no persistent or characteristic changes in serum amylase or peripheral white blood cell count at the time of rejection. Graft pancreatitis was diagnosed cytologically in 7 patients, in 5 of whom the grafts were eventually lost.  相似文献   

Iatrogenic strictures of the bile ducts: Our experience with 66 cases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The authors report their experience with 66 patients operated on for iatrogenic strictures of the bile ducts. Among the factors that are considered to predispose to or to cause iatrogenic strictures, all of which have been accurately analyzed, urgent operations for acute cholecystitis have particular importance. The percutaneous transhepatic and duodenoscopic retrograde cholangiographies represent a complementary means for a precise diagnosis of the stricture. Treatment consists of a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy, but in recent years, a biliary-duodenal interposition utilizing a defunctionalized jejunal limb was preferred. Postoperative morbidity was 22.7%, mortality 3%. Consideration is given to the technique of anastomosis and to the use of transanastomotic drainage. Finally, the results of follow-up with particular reference to the treatment of strictures of the hepaticojejunostomy, with an incidence of 15.4% in this series of patients, have been analyzed.
Résumé Les auteurs font part de leur expérience en s'appuyant sur 66 interventions pour sténose iatrogène des canaux biliaires. Parmi les facteurs qu'il faut considérer comme cause de ces sténoses et qui ont tous été analysés avec précision, il faut attacher une importance toute particulière aux interventions pour cholecystite aiguë. Les cholangiographies par voie per-cutanée transhépatique et par duodénoscopie rétrograde sont des moyens adjuvants permettant de préciser le diagnostic de la sténose. Le traitement consiste en une hépatico-jéjunostomie sur anse montée en Y. Cependant dans ces dernières années nous avons préféré une interposition bilio-duodénale en utilisant une anse grêle défonctionnalisée. La morbidité post opératoire a été de 22,7% et la mortalité de 3%. Des précisions sont données sur la technique de l'anastomose ainsi que sur l'usage d'un drainage trans anastomotique. Enfin, les suites post opératoires ont été analysées en donnant une attention particulière au traitement des sténoses suivant des hépatico-jéjunostomies qui représentent 15,4% dans cette série de patients.

BACKGROUND: Currently, pancreatic exocrine carcinoma presents high mortality, poor survival after curative surgery and poor resectability rates at the time of diagnosis. The factors which mostly influence prognosis and therapeutic management (curative surgery or palliative treatments) of the patient affected by pancreatic carcinoma, particularly the peroperative stage, are analyzed and discussed in this article. METHODS: From 1969 to 1997, 142 patients with pancreatic ductal carcinoma were admitted to our Department: at the time of diagnosis only 32 patients (22.5%) were considered resectable, and 30 pancreaticoduodenectomies (PD), 1 distal pancreatectomy (DP) and 1 total pancreatectomy (TP) were performed. RESULTS: Postoperative morbidity and mortality was 53.1% and 12.5% respectively; the survival at 1, 3 and 5 years was 45.5%, 36.4% and 17.6% respectively. The worst prognosis was seen in N+ and T4 patients, with a mean survival of 9 and 10 months. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of these results and of the literature, the indications for curative surgery, the operative strategy and the lymphoadenectomy extension are discussed: these problems are still open and not resolved definitively. The authors conclude by indicating the need for curative surgery for T1/2 N0 M0 tumors: for T3/4 and/or N+ tumors a careful evaluation of single case is necessary, because of high risk/benefit rate. Pancreatic resections (PD, DP) and standard lymphoadenectomy (D1) are performed by the authors, rather than total pancreatectomy and radical lymphadenectomy (D2-3).  相似文献   

The effect of reflux of the duodenal contents on the development of gastric stump carcinoma without carcinogen in rats was studied. At the first experiment, seventy male Wistar rats were subjected to gastrojejunostomy for the diversion of duodenal contents into the resected stomach through the afferent and the efferent loops. The incidence of adenocarcinoma in the afferent anastomosis were 0/8 (0%) at the 10th week, 3/16 (18.8%) at the 20th week and 7/20 (35%) at the 40th week, so the incidence was apt to rise in parallel to the time. In the second experiment, ninety rats were divided into 4 groups: Group I received the same operation as the first experiment, group II received the operation with Braun's anastomosis, group III received the operation for reflux of bile alone to the remnant stomach, and group IV received the operation for reflux of pancreatic juice alone. Animals surviving after surgery were sacrificed at the 40th week. The incidence were 33.3% in group I, 0% in group II, 0% in group III, and 8.3% in group IV, respectively. These findings suggest that reflux of duodenal contents (both bile and pancreatic juice) is an important factor in the gastric stump carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Background/Purpose: Endoscopic lithotomy is a useful medical procedure for treating choledocholithiasis. Although this procedure is commonly performed, complications such as pancreatitis and cholangitis are recognized as major and serious problems. The obstruction of bile and pancreatic juice flow caused by papillary edema or spasm is thought to be responsible for such complications. We have developed a new bent-type tube stent that can drain bile and pancreatic juice simultaneously. Methods: From June to November 2001, temporary implantation of the new bent-type tube stent was performed in four patients (two women, two men; mean age, 73.3 years) with choledocholithiasis, for the drainage of bile and pancreatic juice simultaneously after endoscopic lithotomy by endoscopic sphincterotomy or endoscopic balloon sphincter dilatation. Results: Immediately after the implantation of the new type of tube stent, bile and pancreatic juice flow from the respective ducts was recognized under endoscopic observation. Neither pancreatitis nor cholangitis occurred after these procedures. Conclusions: This procedure may be a helpful means to prevent pancreatitis and cholangitis after endoscopic lithotomy. Received: March 1, 2002 / Accepted: May 21, 2002 Offprint requests to: R. Abe  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several suture materials are used for pancreatojejunal anastomosis. In this study, we tested the durability of these suture materials in human pancreatic juice and bile. METHODS: Plain and chromic catgut, polyglactin 910, polyglycolic acid, polydioxanone, polypropylene, and silk sutures were incubated in pancreatic juice and bile that was collected from patients. Fifteen samples of each type of suture material were placed in human juices for 1, 3, and 7 days. Tensile strengths were measured with a tensionmeter. RESULTS: Plain and chromic catgut disintegrated in pancreatic juice and pancreatic juice plus bile mixture. Polyglycolic acid and polyglactin 910 suture materials were vulnerable to pancreatic juice within 7 days. Polydioxanone retained most of its initial strength in pancreatic juice and bile. Polypropylene and silk retained 84% and 92% of their initial strength, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We found that polidioxanone was the strongest suture material in pancreatic juice.  相似文献   

Bile acid concentrations, phospholipase A2 activity and pH in the stomach were measured in the fasting state and for 2 h after a fat-containing test meal in patients with an active gastric ulcer (GU), in patients with gallstones before and after cholecystectomy and in normal subjects. Fasting and peak postprandial bile acid concentrations in the stomach were low in all normal controls. Although high concentrations were found in many patients with GU (P less than 0.01), similar concentrations were found in many patients with radiologically non-functioning gallbladders containing gallstones (NFG) (P less than 0.01) and also after cholecystectomy (AC) (P less than 0.01). Fasting intragastric phospholipase A2 activities were similar, and very high in GU and NFG patients compared with control subjects (P less than 0.01). High values were not found after cholecystectomy. There was no difference in pH profile or in postprandial phospholipase A2 between patient groups. Since patients with cholelithiasis or after cholecystectomy are not known to have an increased incidence of gastric ulceration, the significance of duodenogastric reflux in the aetiology of gastric ulcers must be questioned. If reflux does produce ulcers in GU patients then factors in addition to bile acid are probably involved. However, neither patterns of phospholipase A2 reflux nor pH profiles can explain the absence of gastric ulceration in those patients with gallstones who reflux large quantities of bile acid.  相似文献   

目的 探讨回输外引流的胆汁和胰液对胰十二指肠切除术疗效的影响.方法 回顾性分析2005年6月至2009年3月滨州医学院附属医院收治的51例行胰十二指肠切除术患者的临床资料.根据是否回输外引流的胆汁和胰液分为回输组(32例)和非回输组(19例).观察两组患者术后胆汁和胰液日均引流量,手术情况,肠内营养耐受性,肝脏功能及营养状态等指标.应用x2检验、Fisher确切概率法、两独立样本t检验、Mann-Whitney U检验、单因素方差分析等对数据进行统计分析.结果 术后回输组患者肺部感染率为3% (1/32),低于非回输组患者的26%( 5/19),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).回输组患者自术后4~10 d胰液日引流量显著低于非回输组(t=7.143,9.244,8.808,7.915,6.461,14.097,15.038,P<0.05),而两组患者胆汁日均引流量比较,差异无统计学意义.营养支持治疗后,回输组患者腹泻发生率为9%(3/32),低于非回输组的37%(7/19),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).回输组达到全量肠内营养支持的平均时间为3d,短于非回输组的4 d(U=145.000,P<0.05).回输组和非回输组患者术前TBil、DBil、IBil分别为(261±108)、(132±55)、(129±55) μmol/L和(239±92)、(124±46)、(116 +46) μmol/L;营养支持治疗12 d后,两组患者的上述指标分别为(39±19)、(20±10)、(19±9) μmol/L和(55±22)、(29±12)、(26±11) μmoL/L,回输组患者上述指标下降程度高于非回输组(t=7.324,8.437,5.827,P<0.05).回输组和非回输组患者术前血清前白蛋白、视黄醇结合蛋白、转铁蛋白分别为(0.261±0.021)g/L、(34.3±2.8) mg/L、(3.08±0.26) g/L和(0.263 ±0.021 )g/L、(33.8±3.5) mg/L、(3.10±0.27)g/L;术后两组患者的上述指标迅速下降,营养支持治疗3d后各项指标逐步回升,12 d后,两组患者的上述指标分别为(0.238±0.025)g/L、(30.7±2.0)mg/L、(2.78±0.19)g/L和(0.222±0.025) g/L、(29.3±2.1)mg/L、(2.63±0.21)g/L,并且回输组患者的上述指标明显高于非回输组(t=4.615,6.097,4.913,P<0.05).结论 胰十二指肠切除术后回输外引流的胆汁和胰液可提高患者对肠内营养耐受性,降低肺部感染发生率,促进血清胆红素水平降低,改善患者营养状态,具有较高实用价值.  相似文献   

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