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J. Losanoff  B. Richman  J. Jones 《Hernia》2002,6(3):144-147
Background. The underlying risk associated with visceral mesh erosion is the close opposition of adjacent intestines to the prosthetic graft. This highly morbid condition has been described with most types and techniques of abdominal wall mesh repair. Patient. We report the case of a 52-year-old man who presented with an entero-colocutaneous fistula 10 years after prosthetic mesh repair of an incisional hernia. The fistula was excised and the abdominal wall defect repaired with a tissue-impervious composite. Conclusions. The use of a tissue-impervious barrier avoids development of enteric fistula when a prosthesis is placed directly over the viscera. Electronic Publication  相似文献   



Management of the open abdomen with polyglactin 910 mesh followed by split-thickness skin grafts allows safe, early closure of abdominal wounds. This technique can be modified to manage enteroatmospheric fistulae. Staged ventral hernia is performed in a less inflamed surgical field.


A retrospective review was performed of 59 consecutive patients who underwent abdominal skin grafting for open abdominal wounds from 2001 to 2011.


The median length of follow-up was 215 days. Thirty-one percent of patients presented with preexisting enteroatmospheric fistulae, and 41% required polyglactin 910 mesh placement before skin grafting. Partial or complete skin graft failure occurred in 7 patients. Four patients required repeat skin grafting. All patients ultimately achieved abdominal wound closure, and none developed de novo fistulae.


With proper technique, skin grafting of the open abdomen with a planned ventral hernia repair is a safe and effective alternative to delayed primary closure.  相似文献   

The open abdomen is a common condition after a trauma necessitating celiotomy with the inability to close the fascia either due to damage control surgery or abdominal compartment syndrome. Traditionally the open abdomen has been approached with the use of the open abdomen temporary abdominal closure (Barker Vacuum Pack Dressing). More recently there has been the addition of the ABThera™ open abdomen negative pressure unit introduced by KCI. Our case report is based on the first patient to have placement of the ABThera™ device.  相似文献   



To present the management of open abdomen with colorectal fistula by application of intrarectal negative pressure system (NPS) in addition to abdominal NPS.


Twenty-year old man had a history of injuries by a close-range gunshot to the abdomen eight days ago and he had been treated by bowel repairs, resections, jejunal anastomosis and Hartman''s procedure. He was referred to our center after deterioration, evisceration with open abdomen and enteric fistula in septic shock. There were edematous, fibrinous bowels and large multiple fistulas from the edematous rectal stump. APACHE II, Mannheim Peritoneal Index and Björck scores were 18, 33 and 3, respectively (expected mortality 100%). After intensive care for 5 days, he was treated by abdominal and intrarectal NPS. NPS repeated for 5 times and the fistula was recovered on day 18 completely. Fascial closure was facilitated with a dynamic abdominal closure system (ABRA) and he was discharged on day 33 uneventfully. There was no herniation and any other problem after 12 months follow-up.


Management of fistula in OA can be extremely challenging. Floating stoma, fistula VAC, nipple VAC, ring and silo VAC, fistula intubation systems are used for isolation of the enteric effluent from OA. Several biologic dressings such as acellular dermal matrix, pedicled flaps have been used to seal the fistula opening with various success. Resection of the involved enteric loop and a new anastomosis of the intestine is very hard and rarely possible. In all of these reports, usually patients are left to heal with a giant hernia. In contrast to this, there is no hernia in our case during one year follow up period.


Combination of intra and extra luminal negative pressure systems and ABRA is a safe and successful method to manage open abdomen with colorectal fistula.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Damage-control surgery and the recognition of the abdominal compartment syndrome have improved patient outcomes but at the cost of an open abdomen. Multiple techniques have been introduced to obtain fascial closure for the open abdomen to minimize morbidity and cost of care. We performed a modification of the vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) technique that provided constant fascial tension, hypothesizing this would result in a higher rate of primary fascial closure. METHODS: After initial temporary closure of the abdomen after post-injury damage control or decompressive laparotomy for abdominal compartment syndrome, we began the sequential closure technique. The technique begins by covering the bowel with the multiple white sponges overlapped like patchwork, and the fascia is placed under moderate tension over the white sponges with #1-PDS sutures. Large black VAC sponges are placed on top of the white sponges and affixed with an occlusive dressing and standard suction tubing is placed. Patients are returned to the operating room for sequential fascial closure and replacement of the sponge sandwich every 2 days, with a resulting decrease in the fascial defect. RESULTS: Fourteen patients underwent sequential abdominal closure during the study period: 9 owing to damage control surgery and 5 owing to secondary abdominal compartment syndrome. Average time to closure was 7.5 +/- 1.0 days (range 4-16) and average number of laparotomies to closure was 4.6 +/- 0.5 (range 3-8). All patients attained primary fascial closure. CONCLUSION: We propose a modification of the previously described vacuum-assisted closure technique that achieves 100% fascial approximation in our limited experience. Further application and refinement of this technique may eliminate the need for delayed complex and costly reconstructive abdominal wall procedures for the open abdomen.  相似文献   

The management of enteroatmospheric fistula (EAF) in open abdomen (OA) therapy is challenging and associated with a high mortality rate. The introduction of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) in open abdomen management significantly improved the healing process and increased spontaneous fistula closure. Retrospectively, we analysed 16 patients with a total of 31 enteroatmospheric fistulas in open abdomen management who were treated using NPWT in four referral centres between 2004 and 2014. EAFs were diagnosed based on clinical examination and confirmed with imaging studies and classified into low (<200 ml/day), moderate (200–500 ml/day) and high (>500 ml/day) output fistulas. The study group consisted of five women and 11 men with the mean age of 52·6 years [standard deviation (SD) 11·9]. Since open abdomen management was implemented, the mean number of re‐surgeries was 3·7 (SD 2·2). There were 24 EAFs located in the small bowel, while four were located in the colon. In three patients, EAF occurred at the anastomotic site. Thirteen fistulas were classified as low output (41·9%), two as moderate (6·5%) and 16 as high output fistulas (51·6%). The overall closure rate was 61·3%, with a mean time of 46·7 days (SD 43·4). In the remaining patients in whom fistula closure was not achieved (n = 12), a protruding mucosa was present. Analysing the cycle of negative pressure therapy, we surprisingly found that the spontaneous closure rate was 70% (7 of 10 EAFs) using intermittent setting of negative pressure, whereas in the group of patients treated with continuous pressure, 57% of EAFs closed spontaneously (12 of 21 EAFs). The mean number of NPWT dressing was 9 (SD 3·3; range 4–16). In two patients, we observed new fistulas that appeared during NPWT. Three patients died during therapy as a result of multi‐organ failure. NPWT is a safe and efficient method characterised by a high spontaneous closure rate. However, in patients with mucosal protrusion of the EAFs, spontaneous closure appears to be impossible to achieve.  相似文献   

The open abdomen is an ongoing challenge for professionals engaged in its treatment. The change in the integrity of the abdominal wall, the loss of fluids, heat and proteins and contamination of the wound are the main problems. The objective of this article is to describe our experience using the abdominal dressing vacuum‐assisted closure therapy in treatment of the open abdomen. Since December 2006, all patients requiring treatment with the open abdomen technique have been treated with the abdominal dressing system and vacuum‐assisted closure therapy (VAC® KCI, San Antonio, USA). The results obtained with this technique in non traumatic patients are analysed herein. The abdominal dressing system was used on 46 patients in the period between January 2006 and December 2009, with a mean 63 years old (29–80), with a gender distribution of 33 men (72%) and 13 women (28%). Closure of the abdominal wall was possible in 24 patients, 5 of which were primary in the recent postoperative phase, 5 had primary suture of the fascia and application of the supra‐aponeurotic prosthesis and 14 had closure of the abdominal wall with a composite polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and polypropylene mesh. Second intention closure took place in the remaining 22 patients (48%), as their conditions did not allow primary closure. The mean treatment time with abdominal dressing was 26 days (6–92) with an average of eight changes per patient. The abdominal dressing topical negative pressure system is a useful option for consideration in the event of needing to leaves the abdomen open. It stabilises the abdominal wall and quantifies and collects exudate from the wound, protects the intra‐abdominal viscera and keeps the fascia intact and the cutaneous plane for subsequent closure of the wall.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔开放疗法治疗严重腹腔感染的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2009年1月至2014年1月兰州军区兰州总医院收治的36例严重腹腔感染患者的临床资料.所有患者完善检查后,行早期复苏,遵循“损伤控制外科”原则开腹清创,一期手术行腹腔开放疗法,腹腔感染控制后于14 d内行二期关闭腹腔术.术中吸取腹腔内脓液行细菌培养.术后予以抗休克、抗感染、保护脏器功能、营养支持和对症治疗.采用门诊和电话方式进行随访,随访时间截至2014年3月.结果 所有患者顺利完成一期和二期手术,二期术后因感染性休克和MODS死亡6例,治愈出院30例,其中行2次手术8例.两期手术时间为(157±26) min,术中出血量为(230±64) mL,术后胃肠功能恢复时间为(44 ±7)h,术后住院时间为(16±5)d.所有患者成功行腹腔脓液细菌培养,共分离出菌株48株,其中革兰阴性菌31株,革兰阳性菌17株,根据药物敏感试验结果选用亚胺培南和头孢哌酮等抗生素.30例患者术后均获得随访,中位随访时间为6个月.随访期间,6例患者发生粘连性肠梗阻,2例患者发生腹壁切口疝,均经肠粘连松解术或切口疝修补术治疗后痊愈.其余22例患者无并发症发生.结论 对能够耐受手术的严重腹腔感染患者,采用腹腔开放疗法早期开腹清创疗效确切.  相似文献   

目的 探讨人体生物敷料(灭活的同种异体皮肤)作为腹腔开放临时覆盖物的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2011年1月至2014年1月南京军区南京总医院收治的44例因外伤行腹腔开放治疗患者的临床资料.所有患者腹腔开放后以改良三明治法作为临时关腹技术.2011年1月至2012年12月共33例行腹腔开放治疗患者采用凡士林纱布为腹腔临时覆盖物,设为凡士林纱布组(33例);2013年1月至2014年1月共11例行腹腔开放治疗患者采用人体生物敷料为腹腔临时覆盖物,设为人体生物敷料组(11例).采用门诊和电话随访,随访时间截至2014年10月.比较两组患者肠道空气瘘发生率、植皮时间、术前和术后2周内血液感染学指标(WBC、中性粒细胞所占比例、降钙素原及C反应蛋白),住院时间、住院费用以及总体预后.计量资料比较采用独立样本t检验和重复测量方差分析;率或构成比的比较采用Fisher确切概率法.结果 凡士林纱布组患者中,肠道空气瘘发生率为42.4%(14/33),人体生物敷料组患者中无一例出现肠道空气瘘,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).凡士林纱布组植皮时间为(15±6)d,人体生物敷料组为(11±3)d,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(t =2.10,P<0.05).凡士林纱布组患者术前、术后第1、3、7、14天降钙素原分别为(1.20±0.60) μg/L、(2.50±0.90) μg/L、(1.70±0.30) μg/L,(1.90±0.40) μg/L、(2.70±0.60)μg/L,显著高于人体生物敷料组的(0.90 ±0.30) μg/L、(1.80±0.60) μg/L、(1.30 ±0.50) μg/L、(0.60±0.20) μg/L、(0.30±0.07) μg/L,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(F=8.50,P<0.05);两组患者WBC、中性粒细胞所占比例和C反应蛋白分别由术前的(13.8±2.4)×10^9/L和(12.9±2.1)×10^9/L、0.90±0.09和0.88 ±0.06、(81±19) mg/L和(136±28) mg/L变化为术后第14天的(16.2±3.3)×10^9/L和(7.9±3.0)×10^9/L?  相似文献   



We aimed to present the management of a patient with fistula of ileal conduit in open abdomen by intra-condoid negative pressure in conjunction with VAC Therapy and dynamic wound closure system (ABRA).


65-Year old man with bladder cancer underwent radical cystectomy and ileal conduit operation. Fistula from uretero-ileostomy anastomosis and ileus occurred. The APACHE II score was 23, Mannheim peritoneal index score was 38 and Björck score was 3. The patient was referred to our clinic with ileus, open abdomen and fistula of ileal conduit. Patient was treated with intra-conduid negative pressure, abdominal VAC therapy and ABRA.


Management of urine fistula like EAF in the OA may be extremely challenging. Especially three different treatment modalities of EAF are established in recent literature. They are isolation of the enteric effluent from OA, sealing of EAF with fibrin glue or skin flep and resection of intestine including EAF and re-anastomosis. None of these systems were convenient to our case, since urinary fistula was deeply situated in this patient with generalized peritonitis and ileus.


Application of intra-conduid negative pressure in conjunction with VAC therapy and ABRA is life saving strategies to manage open abdomen with fistula of ileal conduit.  相似文献   

任建安 《消化外科》2014,(7):508-510
严重腹腔感染传统的治疗措施包括感染源控制措施、抗感染药物合理应用.近年发展为液体复苏与脏器功能支持和腹腔开放疗法.综合这些措施可将腹腔感染的总体病死率降低至20%以下.腹部创伤与感染时,腹腔内压升高、腹腔灌注压降低、腹部脏器灌流不足,外科医师主动将腹腔敞开,此即为腹腔开放疗法.腹腔开放可有效降低腹内压,改善腹腔灌注压,有助于感染源的清创与引流,及时发现处理出血和肠瘘等并发症.腹腔开放疗法的主要并发症是肠空气瘘.防治肠空气瘘的主要措施包括各种临时关腹措施以及早期封闭裸露创面.  相似文献   



An open abdomen (OA) can result from surgical management of trauma, severe peritonitis, abdominal compartment syndrome, and other abdominal emergencies. Enteroatmospheric fistulae (EAF) occur in 25% of patients with an OA and are associated with high mortality.


We report our experience with topical negative pressure (TNP) therapy in the management of EAF in an OA using the VAC (vacuum asisted closure) device (KCI Medical, San Antonio, TX). Nine patients with 17 EAF in an OA were treated with topical TNP therapy from January 2006 to January 2009. Surgery with enterectomy and abdominal closure was planned 6 to 10 weeks later.


Three EAF closed spontaneously. The median time from the onset of fistulization to elective surgical management was 51 days. No additional fistulae occurred during VAC therapy. One patient with a short bowel died as a result of persistent leakage after surgery.


Although previously considered a contraindication to TNP therapy, EAF can be managed successfully with TNP therapy. Surgical closure of EAFs is possible after several weeks.  相似文献   



The treatment of patients with small bowel enterocutaneous fistulas is complex and a challenge for every surgeon. The mortality and morbidity associated with only conservative management is often high and expensive because most patients cannot afford prolonged parenteral nutrition which itself carries a high incidence of complications. Although operations are difficult if performed early they may be lifesaving in our situation. The focus of our study was to determine whether, in patients with fistulae, early intervention resulted in low mortality and morbidity rates and to identify prognostic factors for fistula closure and mortality.

Patients and methods

Between August 1996 and July 2008 we treated 64 consecutive patients with small bowel enterocutaneous fistulae. There were 28 females and 36 males patients who had a mean age of 42.4 years. 49 (77%) of the fistulae resulted from surgical complications. Our policy was to intervene early once the patient was fit for a procedure.


In 4 patients (6.2%) the fistulae arose from the jejunum and in the remaining 94% from the ileum. Octreotide was administered in 49 (77%) patients. To maintain the nutrition of the patients enteral feeding was used in 47 (73%) while re-feeding of the proximal gut fistula output into the distal stoma was used in 7 patients. Spontaneous closure occurred in 10 patients (16%). There were 9 deaths (14%). Fifty-two patients (81%) required surgical intervention at some stage. A strong relationship was found between their preoperative albumin levels and and mortality.


Aggressive early surgical treatment with the judicious use of nutritional support, stoma care, octreotide, and control of sepsis results in a low mortality in patients with small intestinal fistulae. Preoperative hypoalbuminaemia is an important prognostic variable.  相似文献   



Closure of an enterocutaneous fistula and/or stomas in the presence of large abdominal wall defects is a challenging problem. In the present study, the results of the components separation technique are described.


All patients with an enterocutaneous fistula and/or stomas in the presence of large abdominal wall defects (ie, laparostomy of ventral hernia) who underwent a single-stage repair using the components separation technique in the period from January 2000 to July 2007 were reviewed retrospectively.


A total of 32 patients were included. The median operating time was 204 minutes (range 87-573). In 18 patients, additionally to the components separation, an absorbable mesh was used. Postoperatively, in 16 patients 22 complications were reported. There were 9 patients with local wound problems. The median postoperative hospital stay was 12 days (range 5-74). Seven patients developed a ventral hernia. Four of them were small asymptomatic recurrences. Four out of the 15 patients with an enterocutaneous fistula developed a recurrent fistula. The median follow-up was 20 months (range 3-54).


Closure of enterocutaneous fistula and/or stomas and simultaneous repair of large abdominal wall defects is feasible using the components separation technique but morbidity is considerable. Early recurrence of abdominal hernia and fistula is acceptable.  相似文献   

Open management of the peritoneal cavity is an efficacious technique for controlling fulminant intraabdominal sepsis. A significant proportion of these patients develop intestinal fistulae for which there are few good treatment options. We propose a novel technique for preventing and potentially treating intestinal fistulas that involves patching intestinal deserosalizations and fistulas with acellular dermal matrix (Alloderm) and fibrin glue. We report our experience with this technique in 2 patients who developed small bowel deserosalizations, neither of whom went on to develop fistulas. We additionally describe 1 patient who developed an intestinal fistula for whom we were able to affect closure with this technique. We propose that our method is a useful temporizing measure to prevent fistulae formation. Furthermore, we believe this technique may be a useful option for treating intestinal fistulae arising in patients managed with open abdominal wounds.  相似文献   

High closure rates of the open abdomen have been reported following negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). However, the method has occasionally been associated with increased development of intestinal fistulae. We have previously shown that the application of NPWT to the open abdomen causes a decrease in microvascular blood flow in the small intestinal loop and the omentum adjacent to the visceral protective layer of the dressing. In this study we investigate whether the negative pressure affects only small intestinal loops lying directly below the dressing or if it also affects small intestinal loops that are not in direct contact with the dressing. Six pigs underwent midline incision and application of NPWT to the open abdomen. The microvascular blood flow was measured in four intestinal loops at different depths from the visceral protective layer, at two different locations: beneath the dressing and at the anterior abdominal wall, before and after the application of NPWT of ?50, ?70, ?100, ?120, ?150 and ?170 mmHg, using laser Doppler velocimetry. Negative pressures between ?50 and ?170 mmHg caused a significant decrease in the microvascular blood flow in the intestinal loops in direct contact with the visceral protective layer. A slight, but significant, decrease in blood flow was also seen in the intestinal loops lying beneath these loops. The decrease in microvascular blood flow increased with the amount of negative pressure applied. No difference in blood flow was seen in the intestinal loops lying deeper in the abdominal cavity. A decrease in blood flow was seen in the upper two intestinal loops located apically and anteriorly, but not in the lower two, indicating that this is a local effect and that pressure decreases with distance from the source. A long‐term decrease in blood flow in the intestinal wall may induce ischaemia and secondary necrosis in the intestinal wall, which could promote the development of intestinal fistulae. We believe that NPWT of the open abdomen is a very effective treatment, but that it could be improved by gaining more knowledge on the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Management of small‐bowel fistulas which are in an open abdomen and have no soft tissue overlay or a fistula tract involves many complications and challenges. Controlling the local leakage of enteric contents has a central role in the success of medical treatment. There are several methods to deal with fistula discharge but unfortunately, the technical solutions only partially address such problems and a definitive management of fistula discharge still remains an insoluble challenge. We describe a simple and cheap method to control fistula leakage by using a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The open abdomen, or laparostomy, is becoming increasingly used in the management of critically ill surgical patients. METHODS: The published work on laparostomy is reviewed, in the light of personal experience, with particular attention to the history and pathophysiology associated with laparostomy. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The combination of an inert plastic sheet in contact with the viscera, and the application of subatmospheric pressure on the wound, is an effective combination to maximize the prospects of delayed primary wound closure while minimizing the chance of fistula and ventral hernia.  相似文献   

There is multiple evidence to suggest that isolation techniques of high output enteroatmospheric fistulas (EAF) in open abdomens can be advantageous in controlling fistula effluent while allowing time for abdominal wall to granulate. The large loss of proteins, electrolytes and fluid, and the distressing nature of the open abdomen for both patients and doctors, make managing these EAFs a clinical challenge. We present our experience with a high output mucosal protruding EAF and the creation of a ‘VAC donut’ allowing a successful diversion of the enteric content whilst promoting granulation of the tissue bed.  相似文献   

A “gasless abdomen” in babies with esophageal atresia (EA) has traditionally been thought to imply absence of a distal tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). We present 3 neonates with a provisional diagnosis of EA, who had a gasless abdomen on an initial x-ray taken within the first 4 hours of life. These children were subsequently shown to have gas in the stomach associated with a distal TEF. Two children were examined on subsequent repeat x-ray of the abdomen, when gas was demonstrated in the stomach. Another child had a laparotomy for a gastrostomy when a distended stomach was found. This baby went on to have a thoracotomy and a routine repair of the distal TEF and an esophageal anastamosis. Based on our data of 65 cases of EA and distal TEF, it is recommended that an x-ray of the abdomen is repeated before surgery is undertaken if the gasless abdomen is documented during the first 4 hours of life.  相似文献   

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