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Summary Retrograde tracing experiments using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have been utilized for demonstrating the origin of efferent projections of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNv) in the cat. HRP-positive cells identifiable as origins of thalamic projections were found in LGNv after injections of HRP into the lateral central intralaminar nucleus. The labeled cells appeared concentrated in the medial part of the internal division of LGNv, consisting of medium-sized multipolar cells. Contralaterally, fewer labeled cells were present in the corresponding part of LGNv. In the case of injections of HRP into the midbrain (pretectum and superior colliculus), labeled cells in LGNv were distributed almost exclusively in its external division, composed of mainly small cells. Little overlap of the distribution of HRP-positive cells was seen in LGNv between the thalamic and midbrain injection cases.Abbreviations Ad Dorsal anterior nucleus - Am Medial anterior nucleus - Av Ventral anterior nucleus - BSC Brachium of superior colliculus - Cg Central gray - Cl Lateral central nucleus - Ld Dorsal lateral nucleus - LGNd Dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus - LGNv Ventral lateral geniculate nucleus - Lp Posterior lateral nucleus - Md Dorsal medial nucleus - NIII Oculomotor complex - NOT Nucleus of the optio tract - NPC Nucleus of posterior commissure - OT Optic tract - P Posterior nucleus (Rioch 1929) - Pc Paracentral nucleus - Po Posterior group of thalamic nuclei - Pt Parataenial nucleus - PTa Anterior pretectal nucleus - PTm Medial pretectal nucleus - PTp Posterior pretectal nucleus - Pul Pulvinar - R Red nucleus - Rt Thalamic reticular nucleus - Sg Suprageniculate nucleus - Va Anterior ventral nucleus - VI Lateral ventral nucleus - Vm Medial ventral nucleus - Vpl Posterolateral ventral nucleus - Vpm Posteromedial ventral nucleus - Zi Zona incerta - II Layer of superior colliculus - III Layer of superior colliculus - IV (Kanaseki and Sprague, 1974)  相似文献   

Summary Terminal degeneration of cerebellar afferents in the ventral medial thalamic nucleus (VM) was studied in cats at the ultrastructural level after uni- or bilateral lesions in the brachium conjunctivum (BC). To achieve discrete lesions within the BC, a new very accurate stereotaxic technique was used. Numerous large terminals belonging to a population of so-called LR boutons were observed degenerating in the VM. The boutons displayed a wide variety of degenerative changes. Some revealed the features of the classical neurofilamentous type of degeneration. Others, although containing a slightly increased number of neurofilaments, featured much more prominently large numbers of coated vesicle shells and heavy accumulations of a flocculent electrondense material. Degeneration in a third group of boutons similar to some extent to the light type of degeneration was characterized by tight clumping of enormously swollen or distorted synaptic vesicles within a light matrix. At later stages, however, all these boutons were believed to become shrunken and electron-dense since intermediate stages between the light- and dark-appearing boutons were observed. The degenerating cerebellar boutons formed asymmetrical synaptic contacts. Groups of 3 or 4 boutons terminated upon dendrites of projection neurons synapsing more frequently on spines than on dendritic stems. The synaptic contacts between cerebellar boutons and the vesicle-containing dendrites of local circuit neurons were encountered as often if not more than the contacts on projection neuron dendrites. Triads consisting of cerebellar boutons and dendrites of both types of neurons were observed very regularly. This synaptic arrangement provides the anatomical basis for the modification of cerebellar input in the VM by interneurons.  相似文献   

《Acta histochemica》2019,121(4):383-391
The claustrum is a bilateral subcortical nucleus situated between the insular cortex and the striatum in the brain of all mammals. It consists of two embryologically distinct subdivisions - dorsal and ventral claustrum. The claustrum has high connectivity with various areas of the cortex, subcortical and allocortical structures. It has long been suggested that the various claustral connections have different types of synaptic contacts at the claustral neurons. However, to the best of our knowledge, the literature data on the ultrastructural organization of the different types of synaptic contacts in the dorsal claustrum are very few. Therefore, the aim of our study was to observe and describe the synaptic organization of the dorsal claustrum in the cat. We used a total of 10 adult male cats and conducted an ultrastructural study under a transmission electron microscope as per established protocol. We described a multitude of dendritic spines, which were subdivided into two types - with and without foot processes. Based on the size and shape of the terminal boutons, the quantity and distribution of vesicles and the characteristic features of the active synaptic zone, we described six types of synaptic boutons, most of which formed asymmetrical synaptic contacts. Furthermore, we reported the presence of axo-dendritic, axo-somatic, dendro-dendritic and axo-axonal synapses. The former two likely represent the morphological substrate of the corticoclaustral pathway, while the remaining two types have the ultrastructural features of inhibitory synapses, likely forming a local inhibitory circuit in the claustrum. In conclusion, the present study shares new information about the neuropil of the claustrum and proposes a systematic classification of the types of synaptic boutons and contacts observed in the dorsal claustrum of the cat, thus supporting its key and complex role as a structure integrating various information within the brain.  相似文献   

Summary Projections from the spinal gray matter to the cerebellar nuclei in the cat have been studied using Nauta's silver technique. Following unilateral section of the ventrolateral cord at the cervical level, heavy degeneration is seen in the nucleus medialis on both sides. Scanty degeneration is present bilaterally in the nucleus interpositus. The degeneration is most intense on the contralateral side. Scanty degeneration is also present bilaterally in subnucleus medialis parvicellularis (SMP) (Flood and Jansen, 1961). No degeneration is seen in nucleus lateralis. Following unilateral section of the dorsolateral cord at the cervical level, scanty degeneration is present bilaterally in nucleus medialis and nucleus interpositus anterior. The degeneration is more pronounced ipsilaterally and is also seen in SMP on both sides. No degeneration is present in nucleus lateralis. Fibers from the ventral and dorsal spinocerebellar tracts (VSCT and DSCT) terminate bilaterally in nuclei medialis and interpositus, with the VSCT as the most important connection.  相似文献   

Summary Projections from the inferior olive to the cerebellar nuclei have been studied in the cat using Nauta's silver technique. 1. Numerous degenerating terminals occur after lesions in the inferior olivary complex in the medial nuclei of both sides; the degeneration is considerably less in the subnucl. medialis parvicellularis of both sides. In the interpositus nuclei of both sides degenerating terminals are also abundant, especially in their dorsal and lateral parts. In the lateral nucleus a number of degenerating terminals are seen on both sides restricted to dorsal and lateral parts of the nuclei. Degeneration is scanty in the subnucl. lateralis parvicellularis. 2. Projection of the olivocerebellar fibers to the cerebellar nuclei is always bilateral. The fibers originate in the inferior olive and ascend mainly through the contralateral, however, some also through the ipsilateral restiform body. The olivocerebellar fibers that have crossed in the medulla terminate in the medial and the interpositus nuclei of both sides. It is suggested that the degenerating terminals found in the cerebellar nuclei are derived from collaterals of the olivocerebellar tract fibers.  相似文献   

Summary The vestibular nuclei of cats were explored extracellularly with micropipettes to locate units with a resting discharge rate which responded to rotation in the horizontal plane. These units were examined for somatosensory input from neck and limbs. Fewer than half responded to somatosensory stimulation. The neck region was the body area most effective in influencing unitary activity. The response pattern most often noted was an increase and decrease in discharge frequency when the body was moved towards and away from the recording electrode respectively. Change in discharge rate was observed to be primarily dependant upon neck velocity and not upon absolute neck position. Half of the somato-sensory units received input from either the forelimbs or the hindlimbs, while the remaining half responded to both.  相似文献   

Summary Fibres passing from the intracerebellar nuclei to the pontine nuclei proper have been noted only by few students. In the present study this projection is analysed by mapping with the Nauta (1957) and Fink and Heimer (1967) methods the degeneration which occurs in the pontine nuclei following stereotactically placed electrolytic lesions in different parts of the intracerebellar nuclei in the cat. Cerebellopontine fibres come from the lateral cerebellar nucleus (NL) except its ventralmost part, and from the rostral but probably not from the caudal part of the interpositus anterior (NIA) and the interpositus posterior.The fibres end in three fairly well circumscribed regions of the pontine nuclei: a longitudinal column in the paramedian pontine nucleus, a column in the dorsolateral nucleus and one in the dorsal peduncular nucleus. Fibres from the NL as well as the NIA appear to end in all three regions, but the possibility of a more specific distribution cannot be excluded. Parts of the projection areas in the pons appear to be specific to cerebellar afferents, while other parts overlap with terminations of cerebropontine fibres, especially from SmI and SmII.The findings support the conclusions arrived at in recent studies of the cerebral corticopontine projections by P. Brodal (1968a, 1968b, 1971a, 1971 b) that the pontine nuclei are very precisely organized. The general principles in the organization of the corticopontine and cerebellopontine projections appear to be similar.Working in the Anatomical Institute, University of Oslo, with leave of absence from the Laboratory of Normal Anatomy, University of Coimbra, Portugal, with a grant from the Portugese Institute for Higher Culture.  相似文献   

Summary The four deep cerebellar nuclei exhibit a similar pattern of organization. They consist of isodendritic neurons of different sizes. The dendritic fields of the neurons display the characteristics of noyaux fermés. The medium sized neurons contain small Nissl bodies anastomosed by threads of the same material giving rise to a tridimensional network; the large majority of the polyribosomes are free and suspended among the cisterns of the Nissl substance. Peculiar inclusions, resembling laminated inclusion bodies, are occasionally present in the perikarya. The origin of such inclusions from the endoplasmic reticulum has been proved, since intermediary steps in the transformation of endoplasmic reticular cisterns into laminated bodies have been disclosed. Rarely, annulate lamellae occur in the perinuclear region. The smaller neurons contain a large nucleus, almost 2/3 of the somatal volume, and in their cytoplasm Nissl bodies are practically absent. The Golgi impregnation and the electron microscopic observations have revealed the existence of large dendritic varicosities, giving rise to long slender filopodia localized in distal segments of some dendrites. The varicosities are filled with mitochondria and some glycogen particles. These features are characteristics of growing tips of dendrites (Sotelo and Palay, 1968). The immediate environment of medium sized neurons consists of axon terminals and astrocytic processes, in a near similar proportion. On the other hand, smaller neurons are in intimate contact with satellite oligodendrocytes, astrocytic processes, myelinated fibers and very few axon terminals. Close appositions, resembling gap junctions have been disclosed between perikarya of interfascicular oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The synaptic organization of the cerebellar deep nuclei in the cat has been analysed with the Golgi technique and the electron microscope. The Golgi picture is qualitatively very similar in the four nuclei. Both thick and thin fibers, with the latter being more numerous, contribute to the formation of pericellular nests around large neurons, where a large amount of boutons en passant can be observed. The electron microscopic study corroborates these observations since the cell surface of large neurons is mostly covered by axon terminals, while smaller neurons receive very few axo-somatic synapses. According to their size and shape three types of axon terminals have been encountered synapsing on large neurons: medium-sized, large slender and climbing-like boutons. The two last types only represent less than 13% of the total amount of axon terminals, and they are considered as synaptic boutons arising from different sources. The medium-sized boutons must represent a mixed population. A majority of these boutons contain rounded vesicles, while some, in a variable proportion from one animal to another, contain flattened or pleomorphic vesicles. The morphological features of active zones present in medium-sized boutons are not related to the shape of the vesicular population. This lack of association between vesicular shape and a specific pattern of active zones has been discussed.In the neuropil, large and smaller dendritic profiles have their surface mostly covered by axon terminals. These boutons are morphologically of the same three types described in axo-somatic position. Synapses on axon hillocks and on the initial segments of axons of large neurons are frequently observed, the presynaptic element being always a medium-sized bouton. However, axo-axonic serial synapses are only a very rare observation.In all the normal cats used in this study, axons and axon terminals containing atypical organelles, mostly originated from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, have been observed. They probably represent aspects of a degenerative process of axon terminals reflecting a continuous remodeling of synaptic connections, as has been suggested by Sotelo and Palay (1971).  相似文献   

Summary Suggestive evidence as to the site of a major thalamic relay of the vestibular projection to the anterior suprasylvian (ASS) cortex in the cat has been obtained using the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. The thalamo-cortical neurons are located in several patches surrounding the posterior margins of the ventro-basal complex (VB). This area also was found to receive vestibulo-thalamic projections. It comprises different nuclear groups known to carry somatic, accoustic, visual or combined information, which possibly have certain functions related to kinaesthesia and body orientation in common.Abbreviations ANS ansate sulcus - ASSS anterior suprasylvian sulcus - CM, N centrum medianum - CL, N centralis lateralis - C.r Corpus restiformis - D, N vestibularis descendens - i.c., N intercalatus - L, N vestibularis lateralis - LD, N lateralis dorsalis - LG, N geniculatus lateralis - LP, N lateralis posterior - M, N vestibularis medialis - MG, N geniculatus medialis - mcMG pars magnocellularis of MG - MD, N medialis dorsalis - N.c., N cuneatus - N. in. VIII, N interstitialis of the VIIIth cranial nerve - N. pr. V principal sensory trigeminal nucleus - N. tr. sp. V nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract - p.h., N praepositus hypoglossi - Pu pulvinar - S, N vestibularis superior - SG, N suprageniculatus - VL, N ventralis lateralis - VPL, N ventralis posterolateralis - VPM, N ventralis posteromedialis - VI, X, XII motor cranial nerve nuclei - y, z small cell groups of Brodal and Pompeiano Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 70  相似文献   

Summary A light and electron microscopical investigation of the nucleus ventralis lateralis (VL) and nucleus ventralis anterior (VA) of the cat's thalamus was made. Light microscopical examination of Golgi impregnated material revealed the existence of two types of cells based on differences in their dendritic arborization and branching of the axon. One of the cells is considered to be the thalamocortical relay cell, whereas the other is tentatively considered to be a Golgi type II neuron. Electron microscopical investigations of the two nuclei revealed the existence of a high number of profiles containing pleomorphic vesicles, and which have been identified as dendrites. Based on correlation with the Golgi material as well as on cytological features of the parent cell bodies, the dendrites containing vesicles are believed to belong to Golgi type II neurons. In addition to the vesicle-filled dendritic profiles, five different types of boutons have been identified. Two of these boutons, type LR and type SR, contain ovoid vesicles and establish asymmetrical synaptic contacts with dendrites of both types of neurons. Type F1, F2 and F3 boutons contain pleomorphic vesicles, but can be distinguished from dendritic profiles containing pleomorphic vesicles. Type F2 and F3 boutons establish symmetrical contacts with dendrites of both thalamocortical relay cells and Golgi type II neurons. Type F1 boutons establish symmetrical synaptic contact with the proximal dendrites or soma of the thalamocortical relay neurons only.Dendrites of both thalamocortical relay cells and Golgi type II neurons, as well as type LR, SR, F2 and F3 boutons, are engaged in glomeruli. Dendro-dendritic synapses between Golgi type II dendrites and relay cell dendrites are frequently seen, whereas no evidence of axo-axonic synapses have been found.Differences and similarities in the ultrastructural organization of VL and VA are described in some detail.Some of the observations reported in this and the following two papers were presented at the 6th Symposium of the International Society for Research in Stereoencephalotomy, Tokyo, October 12th & 13th, 1973.  相似文献   

Summary Unilateral stereotaxic lesions were made in the anterior thalamic nuclei of the cat, and the ensuing terminal degeneration traced to the medial cortex by the methods of Nauta-Gygax and Fink-Heimer. The anterodorsal nucleus projects to the retrosplenial, postsubicular and presubicular areas. These projections appear to be organized in the dorsoventral direction. The posterior portion of the retrosplenial area receives no fibers from the anterodorsal nucleus. Fibers from this nucleus are distributed largely in layer I and in layer III and the deep portion of layer II of the posterior limbic cortex. The anteroventral nucleus sends fibers to the cingular area and parts of the retrosplenial, postsubicular and presubicular areas. These projections appear to be organized in a topical manner mediolaterally. When the lesion involves the parvocellular part of the nucleus, degeneration spreads to the lower lip, bank and fundus of the splenial sulcus. There appears to be an anteroposterior organization in the cortical projections of the anteroventral nucleus. Fibers from the anteroventral nucleus are distributed most profusely in layers IV and III and in the superficial portion of layer I of the posterior limbic cortex. The anteromedial nucleus sends fine fibers to the anterior limbic region and to the cingular, retrosplenial, postsubicular and presubicular areas. The cortical projections of the anteromedial nucleus appear to be topographically organized in the dorsoventral direction. Fibers from the anteromedial nucleus are distributed largely in cortical layers V and VI of the anterior and posterior limbic regions.Abbreviations used in Figures a anterior - AD anterodorsal nucleus - AM anteromedial nucleus - AMD dorsolateral part of anteromedial nucleus - AMV ventromedial part of anteromedial nucleus - AV anteroventral nucleus - AVM magnocellular part of anteroventral nucleus - AVP parvocellular part of anteroventral nucleus - CC corpus callosum - Cg cingular area - CM medial central nucleus - Il infralimbic area - LA anterior limbic region - LD dorsal lateral nucleus - MD dorsal medial nucleus - Of orbitofrontal region - p posterior - Pr presubicular area - Prag precentral agranular area - Ps postsubicular area - Pt paratenial nucleus - Pv anterior paraventricular nucleus - R reuniens nucleus - Rs retrosplenial area - Rt thalamic reticular nucleus - SC cruciate sulcus - SM stria medullaris - Sm submedial nucleus - SS splenial sulcus - VA ventral anterior nucleus - VL ventral lateral nucleus - VM ventral medial nucleus  相似文献   

Summary The projections from certain brain stem precerebellar nuclei to the cerebellar cortex and nuclei have been examined in the cat by using the retrograde fluorescent double-labelling technique. Crystalline Fluoro-Gold was implanted into the left cerebellar nuclei from the contralateral side and rhodamine-B-isothiocyanate was injected into the overlying cerebellar cortex. The inferior olive, the lateral reticular nucleus, and the reticular tegmental pontine nucleus all contained double- as well as single-labelled neurons, and it was concluded that these nuclei have a high number of neurons whose axons branch to both the cerebellar cortex and nuclei. The neurons in the paramedian reticular nucleus and the pontine nuclei proper appear to project only to the cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

Summary Injections of 3H-leucine were made in the entopeduncular nucleus or dentate nucleus of the cerebellum in eight cats. The terminal projection zones of both pathways in the thalamus were studied using the sagittal plane and their relationships to one another as well as to cytoarchitectural boundaries of thalamic nuclei were compared. The data indicate that the territories controlled by the two projection systems are almost entirely segregated. The segregation is mainly along the antero-posterior axis as the main pallidal projection zone occupies the medio-ventral VA while the main dentate projection zone lies posterior to it in the VL. Furthermore, the dorsolateral part of the VA not occupied by pallidal projections receives dentate projections. In the VM, both afferent systems terminate in the lateral part of the nucleus with pallidal territory located anteriorly and dentate territory located posteriorly, again without overlap. As the delineations of nuclear subdivisions in the ventral thalamus of the cat have been a subject of some controversy, it is suggested that the boundaries of the VA, VL and VM in the cat thalamus be defined on the basis of basal ganglia and cerebellar projection zones.Abbreviations used in the Text and in Fig. 5 AM anterior medial nucleus - AV anterior ventral nucleus - BC brachium conjunctivum - CA anterior commissure - CC crus cerebri - CP posterior commissure - CD caudate nucleus - CE centrum medianum - CLN central lateral nucleus - DN dentate nucleus - EPN entopeduncular nucleus - FF Forel's field - FN fastigial nucleus - FR fasciculus retroflexus - HL lateral habenular nucleus - HM medial habenular nucleus - INA anterior interposite nucleus - INP posterior interposite nucleus - IC internal capsule - LD lateral dorsal nucleus - LG lateral geniculate body - MD medial dorsal nucleus - MTT mamillothalamic tract - NR red nucleus - OT optic tract - PAC paracentral nucleus - PF parafascicular nucleus - PV pulvinar - RT reticular thalamic nucleus - SM submedian nucleus - SN substantia nigra - SNr substantia nigra pars reticularis - STN subthalamic nucleus - VF ventral posterior nucleus - VA ventral anterior nucleus - VL ventral lateral nucleus - VM ventral medial nucleus - ZI zona incerta Supported in part by a grant from the American Parkinson Disease Association and NIH grant R01NS19280  相似文献   

Summary The characteristic dendritic arborization of different cell types, the axon arborization of Golgi type II neurons, and the terminal parts of the specific and non-specific afferents in the nucleus anterior ventralis and medialis were observed, using the Golgi-Kopsch perfusion method.The cell types and their special characteristics, such as the dendritic tree, dendritic processes and axon-arborization patterns are similar to those described in the other specific nuclei of the thalamus. The significance of Golgi type II/a cells and their synaptic relations are discussed from the point of view of inhibitory mechanisms postulated in the thalamic relay nuclei. The synaptic articulations of specific (Vicq d'Azyr) and non-specific afferents with the different cell types have been studied.One of the authors (Somogyi) is temporarily on the staff of this department.  相似文献   

Summary Fiber degenerations following stereotactic lesions in the midline nuclei of the cat thalamus, especially in the nucleus centralis medialis, rhomboidalis and reuniens (after perpendicular and oblique electrode approach) were investigated by the Fink-Heimer method of terminal degeneration. These nuclei fail to send direct fibers to all checked cortex regions; they are therefore trunco-thalamic. The midline nuclei of the thalamus, however, have besides very few degenerated fibers to the rostral pole of the thalamus (VA nucleus) strong direct connections to both anterior dorsal nuclei (A.d). This suggests a new additional path of non-specific cortical activation from the thalamic midline nuclei through the anterior dorsal nucleus to the retrosplenial cortex, and hence to the surrounding cortical fields.Dr. Hajdu was on leave of absence from Semmelweis University Medical School, 1st Department of Anatomy (Director: Prof. Dr. Szentágothai) Budapest, Hungary.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-three cat brains with injections of horseradish peroxidase in various regions of the cerebral cortex were screened for afferent projections from the ventral tegmental area, the locus ceruleus, and the parabrachial nuclei. All three structures were found to project to rather divergent parts of the cortex, including regions in the posterior half of the hemisphere. These results, especially for the ventral tegmental area and, to a lesser degree, for the parabrachial neurons, disagree with most of the target loci of established cortical afferents in the rat. Though our results might be attributed to species differences in the cortical innervation of brain stem structures, we prefer explanations which emphasize different densities in the distribution of brain stem afferents to the cortex, and/or which suggest different cortical targets of catecholaminergic and noncatecholaminergic neurons.Supported in part by grant Ma 795 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)  相似文献   

Summary The termination of the fibers from the dorsal column nuclei (DCN) to the midbrain has been investigated in the cat with the degeneration method, the anterograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method and autoradiography after 3H-leucine injections. The results show that the DCN project to several midbrain regions. The external nucleus of the inferior colliculus (IX) receives the heaviest projection from both the gracile and cuneate nuclei. The DCN fibers form three joint terminal zones in IX. Each terminal zone contains clusters with dense aggregations of DCN fibers. Fairly dense terminal networks are found in the posterior pretectal nucleus (PP) and the compact part of the anterior pretectal nucleus (PAc) as well. More scattered DCN fibers are present in the cuneiform nucleus (CF), the lateral part of the periaqueductal gray (PAG1), the red nucleus (NR), the nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus (B), the mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF) and the intermediate and deep layers of the superior colliculus (SI, SP). The projections to all regions are mainly contralateral. Most of the few ipsilateral fibers terminate in IX.A somatotopic organization was seen in IX and NR. The gracile fibers terminate preferentially in the caudal and lateral part of IX and the cuneate ones preferentially in its rostral and medial part. In the red nucleus the gracile fibers terminate ventral to the cuneate ones. In the pretectal region there was a predominance for gracile fibers. There also appeared to be quantitative differences in the projections from various levels of the gracile nucleus, with more midbrain projecting fibers originating in the rostral than in the middle and caudal parts of the nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary The distributions of five amino acids with well-established neuroexcitatory or neuroinhibitory properties were investigated in the feline vestibular complex. Consecutive semithin sections of plastic-embedded tissue were incubated with antisera raised against protein-glutaraldehyde conjugates of GABA, glycine, aspartate, glutamate and taurine. This approach allowed us to study the relative densities of the different immunoreactivities at the level of individual cell profiles. The results indicate that in the vestibular nuclei, neuronal colocalization of two or more neuroactive amino acids is the rule rather than an exception. Colocalization was found of immunoreactivities for GABA and glycine; glycine, aspartate and glutamate; glycine and aspartate, and glutamate and aspartate. GABA immunoreactive neurons were generally small and were found scattered throughout the vestibular complex. Glycine immunoreactive neurons were similarly distributed, except in the superior nucleus where the latter type of neuron could not be detected. Neuronal profiles colocalizing immunoreactivities for GABA and glycine occurred in all nuclei, but were most numerous in the lateral nucleus. The vast majority of the neurons showed noteworthy staining for glutamate and aspartate, although the level of immunoreactivities varied (e.g., the large neurons in the lateral and descending nuclei were more intensely aspartate immunoreactive than the smaller ones). Taurine-like immunoreactivity did not occur in neuronal cell bodies but appeared in Purkinje cell axons and in glial cell profiles. The functional significance of the complex pattern of amino acid colocalization remains to be clarified. In particular it needs to be distinguished between metabolic and transmitter pools of the different amino acids. The present results call for caution when attempts are made to conclude about transmitter identity on the basis of amino acid contents alone.Abbreviations D descending vestibular nucleus - L lateral vestibular nucleus (Deiters' nucleus) - M medial vestibular nucleus - S superior vestibular nucleus - N. VIII eighth cranial nerve - V spinal trigeminal tract  相似文献   

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