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State-specific credentialing of school nurses is generally equivalent to state teacher certification and is regulated by state departments of education. This certification establishes statewide employment standards for school nurses, as opposed to competency-based professional certification. Although more than half of all states currently have some type of credentialing for school nurses, it takes many different forms. The advantages of certification are pronounced but are surpassed by the barriers to its establishment. Considerations in establishing certification are presented along with analysis of the various forms of certification that exist in states that have school nurse certification.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation requires a wide-range of expertise and procedural competence, in which nurses play important roles throughout, including stem cell mobilization and collection by apheresis. Little is published about post-licensure nursing education in apheresis, which suggests that it proceeds at the discretion of individual institutions, supplemented with practical training by equipment manufacturers. Information can be obtained on a small number of apheresis training courses for nurses in Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden and Turkey, and on nurse certification systems in Turkey and the United States. There seems to be no certification officially linked to institutional accreditation or medical insurance reimbursement related to apheresis, except in Turkey. Because apheresis is associated with various adverse events, including citrate toxicity and vasovagal reactions, the Japan Society of Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy, in cooperation with 3 other speciality societies, started a "Qualified Apheresis Nurse" certification in 2010, when the Japan Marrow Donor Program officially added circulating stem cell collection to bone marrow harvest from unrelated donors as a source of hematopoietic stem cells. Questionnaire surveys, collected when nurses must renew or surrender their 5-year certification, show that our system matches nurses’ learning desire and can be an objective and motive of their learning, thus leading to safer and more effective apheresis practice. We dare to imagine that an internationally standardized curriculum might emerge, to which we would contribute, and from which we would learn.  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years, more than 5,000 nurses have earned specialty nursing certification in pediatrics. While approximately 68% of these nurses have maintained this certification, many have allowed their certification to lapse. Surveys were conducted to describe differences between these two groups.  相似文献   

Of today's 2.7 million registered nurses, less than 1% are certified in gerontological nursing and only 3% of advanced practice nurses (APNs) have specialized training in this area. These statistics indicate that there are not enough gerontological nurse practitioners or geriatric clinical nurse specialists to care for the burgeoning older adult population. Relying solely on certified geriatric APNs to care for older adults is not a viable solution. Educating all APNs with grounding in gerontological nursing care may well be the answer to expanding our nation's capacity to competently care for our rapidly aging population. As part of the 4-year Enhancing Geriatric Nursing Education in Baccalaureate and Advanced Practice Nursing Grant, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing developed a set of core gerontological competencies for graduate APN programs. These competencies, entitled Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse Specialist Competencies for Older Adult Care, delineate guidelines for APNs who are not specialists in gerontology but provide care to older adults. This article describes the competency development process, provides an overview of broad categories and examples of competency statements, and highlights model case studies for integrating gerontological content throughout APN curricula to ensure that graduates are equipped to provide competent care to older adults.  相似文献   

目的 探讨神经外科新入职护士实施规范化亚专科培训的效果,为进一步完善培训方案提供依据。方法 选取我院2018-2019年入职后即进入神经外科、完成规范化培训的应届大专毕业生80人为调查对象,采用非随机分组方式,将2018届作为对照组,2019届作为试验组,对比两组的专科理论、操作及个案考核成绩,护士岗位胜任力和岗前培训满意度。结果 调整规范化培训方案后,试验组理论考核成绩(88.29±3.46)分、专科操作考核成绩(90.31±2.38)、个案考核成绩(87.25±3.71)分,分别高于对照组的(86.42±4.69)分、(83.94±10.73)分及(85.17±2.91)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。试验组岗前培训满意度总分(83.25±3.03)分,高于对照组的(80.85±5.75)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),尤其是教学内容和教学形式两项。岗位胜任力自评比较中,试验组的护理基础知识(17.35±2.12)分、临床处置能力(13.52±1.45)分,高于对照组的(16.19±1.84)分及(12.62±1.60)分,其差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),其余项目及总分无差异。结论 专科培训是新入职护士规范化培训的核心,在临床学科建设向纵深发展兼融合趋势下,教学方案应根据临床及时调整,注意人文课程及综合能力的培养。新入职护士渴求更多元、贴近临床的互动性实践性课程,也对临床带教的知识储备和能力提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

目的:为规范PICC置管及导管维护的操作规程,确保静脉输液安全。方法:对45名护理人员进行了PICC置管及维护等相关知识的理论及操作培训和考核,合格者颁发"首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院PICC置管资格认证书"。结果:17名护士获得了资格认证书。同时该院成立了PICC置管、维护和并发症会诊中心,对需要PICC技术支持的科室进行PICC置管、维护及并发症的预防处理等会诊。结论:经过1年多的实践和探索,规范了该院PICC置管及导管维护的操作规程,提高了置管成功率,减少了并发症,完善了PICC相关管理制度,培养了一批技术过硬的PICC置管专业人员。  相似文献   

The aged population is expanding while the availability of nurses to care for hospitalized elderly people is shrinking. Additionally, care for older persons is complex, requiring specific knowledge. The gerontological nursing fellowship is an effort to assist professional nursing staff in meeting the quantitative and qualitative needs of aged patients as well as to prepare nurses for the ANA certification examination. Developed and coordinated by an ANA-certified, master's-prepared clinical nurse specialist, the program is unique in that it utilizes a didactic and clinical education format. The fellowship is expected to profoundly affect geriatric patient care outcome, prepare nurses for national certification, and enhance recruitment and retention of nurses.  相似文献   

Emotional intelligence (EI) has enjoyed growing attention from researchers, educationalists and the public. Arguably, disagreement over the exact nature of EI fuelled by a low level of widely accepted empirical data has stalled its wider application into some areas of professional training. While enjoying significant popularity in areas such as business and leadership, EI remains largely absent from the curriculum of nursing. This paper argues that EI forms the very cornerstone upon which sits desirable mental health nursing abilities as identified by users and recent professional reviews. While distance education and e-learning play an increasingly significant role in nurse education, the enhancement of EI occurs primarily through a socialization process necessitating a 'repackaging' of the nursing curriculum. This paper also proposes that through using service user needs and recent professional reviews as a source for learning outcomes an outline of this 'repacking' can be achieved.  相似文献   

Achieving certification is a benefit to the nurses, to their patients, and to the organizations that support them. Developing an online learning community is a simple way for the institution to offer support to the nursing staff. Providing the resources for creation of online learning communities demonstrates the facility's commitment to communication, education, and professional development.  相似文献   

陈松  张萍 《护理研究》2005,19(22):2043-2044
目前国内外均有“国际护士资格认证““专科护士资格认定“的报道,许多发达国家都借鉴美国高级执业护士的人才培养模式,2001年底,经北京树才教育培训中心的引进,美国海外护士资格认证考试(CGFNS)在中国“登陆“,也为国内护士的在职培训提供了一条新的思路.我院自2003年在护士规范化培训中采用“资格认证“制,收到满意效果.现报告如下.……  相似文献   

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