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陆晓农 《中国健康教育》2000,16(12):738-740
我国职工医疗保险制度改革 ,作为医药卫生体制改革的重要内容和基础 ,已经全面启动。而健康教育如何适应“医改”后的形势 ,怎样以此为契机 ,拓宽健康教育的范围和领域 ,已成为摆在我国健康教育工作者面前的一个新课题。笔者曾随中国健康教育考察团赴德国考察 ,对德国医疗保险公司与健康教育部门合作开展健康教育的做法留下深刻印象[1 ] 。现结合笔者在德国的所见及所在城市———江苏省镇江市的实践 ,对健康教育在我国医疗保险制度中的地位和作用分析如下。德国医疗保险公司参与健康教育的做法德国医疗保险公司参与健康教育的做法历史悠久 …  相似文献   

随着医学模式的转变,健康理念的更新,护理工作从单纯的身体护理走向以人的健康为中心的整体护理,临床护理模式发生了深刻转变,其中,住院病人健康教育在护理工作中越来越占有举足轻重的地位。“以人为本”,满足病人健康需求是深化医院改革,促进医院由单纯的医疗服务型向医疗、预防、保健、康复等综合型服务转变的重要内容,因此健康教育水平已成为评价医院医疗服务质量的重要指标。我院自1998年开展整体护理以来,逐步建立了健康教育制度,并在实践中不断完善,不断提高护士开展健康教育的水平,住院病人的健康教育覆盖率达100%,大大提高了病人满意度,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。现将我院开展健康教育的体会总结如下。  相似文献   

党中央、国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见和医改实施方案,为我国医药卫生改革与发展指明了方向、明确了目标。围绕党的十七大提出的伟大目标,以医改文件为指导,卫生部组织上百名专家开展了“健康中国2020战略”研究,针对发展我国卫生事业和改善人民健康具有战略性、全局性、前瞻性的重大问题进行了深入研究。最终,  相似文献   

健康保障制度的系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、本文的目的和结构中国健康保障制度改革正在城市和农村以不同的模式和进度积极展开。经过几年的试点摸索,国务院已正式确定了城市医改的框架和模式.这就是个人医疗账户加社会统筹。虽然筹资的形式和保障的重点内容(“低水平、广覆盖”)已确定下来,但城市医改具体实施和操作当中有一系列的理论、技术和实际问题还有待深入、细致地加以解决(例如:支付制度的问题)。在农村,尽管全国卫生工作会议之  相似文献   

在第四届中美健康峰会上,业内专家聚焦于医改和创新,深入探讨了医疗与健康服务业的发展策略和创新举措.其中“改革价格支付,重塑医学价值”的专题,专家就目前在重大疾病治疗药品和新药创新领域所面临的挑战进行了剖析,也从不同角度,为加快推进支付制度改革提出思考与建议.  相似文献   

在全民医保覆盖的"新医改"思路下,通过对台湾地区建立全民健康保险的经验的介绍和分析,作者建议内地医改当务之急是戮力开放医疗市场。此外,以台湾医改为借镜,建议进一步通过建立单一的医保制度和舆论监督体系,促进社会公平和提高医疗体制整体绩效。  相似文献   

1卫生改革和卫生信息化发展要求党和政府高度重视深化医药卫生体制改革工作,要求建立健全覆盖城乡居民的基本医疗卫生制度,提高全民健康水平,改善民生,促进社会和谐发展。"十二五"期间是全面落实深化医改任务、实现改革目标的关键时期,近年来卫生部门一方面着力推进卫生工作体制机制改革尤其是公立医疗卫  相似文献   

我国职工医疗保险制度改革,作为医药卫生体制改革的重要内容和基础,已经全面启动.而健康教育如何适应"医改"后的形势,怎样以此为契机,拓宽健康教育的范围和领域,已成为摆在我国健康教育工作者面前的一个新课题.笔者曾随中国健康教育考察团赴德国考察,对德国医疗保险公司与健康教育部门合作开展健康教育的做法留下深刻印象[1].现结合笔者在德国的所见及所在城市--江苏省镇江市的实践,对健康教育在我国医疗保险制度中的地位和作用分析如下.  相似文献   

山东探索大病保障机制,用基本医保基金买商业保险近日召开的山东省深化医改工作会议及省卫生系统深化医改工作部署会议明确提出,将探索建立大病保障机制,将新农合制度和医疗救助制度有机衔接起来,  相似文献   

2011年8月18~19日,中国国际医用仪器设备展览会暨技术交流会(cHlNAHOSPE02011)在北京召开。在这一中国医疗设备行业的盛会上,为贯彻国家“可持续的健康发展”战略,并配合医改的医疗资源均衡化发展、扩大基层医疗覆盖面、关注重点人群提高妇幼保健水平、干预重大疾病等各项政策,GE医疗将多年来成功应用的技术、方案以及重大成果进行集中呈现,“健康创想”以实际行动协助医改的可持续性健康发展。  相似文献   

健康技能是将健康知识转化为健康行为的一种能力,即运用健康知识来沟通、理性思考和探究问题等思辨的技能。根据知信行理论模式:"知识(信息)是行为改变的基础,是行为转变的必要条  相似文献   

Occupational health,public health,worker health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

The motivations and health beliefs of adults who participate in community-based health promotion were studied through a survey of 303 adults attending five community health fairs. Subjects were predominately female (69.9%), over age 60 (66.8%), and had at least yearly contact with a family physician (85.3%). Obtaining laboratory testing services was the sole reason for attendance for 47% of participants, was thought to be of much greater importance than health educational materials also offered at the health fair, and identified as providing a sense of control over personal health care. Receiving their own normal test results was perceived as assuring a healthy future for 86% of participants and few used these results to support erroneous health beliefs. A theme of positive health feedback, identified through factor analysis of survey responses, may prove useful for family physicians to incorporate into more directed and useful health promotion efforts for enhanced patient participation and satisfaction.John M. Heath, MD is Research Assistant Professor Department of Family Medicine, State University of New York Health Science Center at Syracuse. Karen S. Lucic, BSc is a Research Assistant, University of Cincinnati. David Hollifield, BS was a Medical Student, University of Cincinnati. John R. Kues, PhD is Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Cincinnati.This research was conducted during the senior author's faculty development fellowship training at the University of Cincinnati Department of Family Medicine and supported in part by US Dept. H.H.S. Grant #PE85025.  相似文献   

The study of ecosystem health is a relatively recent discipline that has already provided new insights into numerous aspects of environmental management. One of the most interesting fields of study is the one investigating the relationships between ecosystem and human heath. In this paper some basic terms of reference are given in order to help the understanding of this new approach. One definition of ecosystem health is given, possible causes of degradation are indicated and links with human health are addressed. The ecosystem approach to human health stresses the importance of cultural and social values in shaping the concept of health, both at human and at ecosystem level. Two case-studies showing man-ecosystem interactions are described: mining activities, that provide a suitable field of application of the ecosystem approach, and the case of malaria and DDT, that shows the risks of certain policies neglecting basic human expectations such as health. As a conclusion, some suggestions for possible research activities are given and a few recommendations for sound public health policies are indicated.  相似文献   

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