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Summary. Audit is being seen as an increasingly important topic for medical students. Many departments of general practice in the UK now incorporate audit as part of their course work. It remains controversial as to whether this is perceived to be worthwhile by the students. Following an introductory seminar final-year medical students at the University of Glasgow were asked to perform a case-note review of 10 randomly chosen diabetic patients for a number of process and outcome measures during their practice attachments. Feedback was given in their final teaching session. 128/153 (84%) students completed an evaluation of the course on their knowledge and attitudes to audit. Unsurprisingly, 39% found the data collection boring or very boring; however, 60% found the feedback session very interesting or interesting. Both the data collection and the feedback were considered relevant by the majority of students (57% and 70% respectively). Students' self-reported knowledge also dramatically increased (P < 0.0001 ).  相似文献   

All final-year medical students at the University of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) are required to do a week's dental attachment. The course comprises tutorial sessions, practical sessions and clinical demonstrations. The major aim is to equip medical graduates of the Godfrey Muggins School of Medicine with the dental knowledge and expertise required by medical practitioners in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

The first year experience of an innovative experiment in undergraduate medical education is described. The study investigated the educational effectiveness of prolonged clinical attachments for medical undergraduates in community hospital-based general practice. It has also assessed the ability of students to take some responsibility for their own learning in a clinically challenging environment. A retrospective evaluation of the experience obtained during the 3 month attachments for a self-selected group of fourth year Dundee medical school undergraduates was made. These undergraduates were placed in 10 mainly rural Scottish general practices with attached community hospitals providing a wide spectrum of inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical care. Students were assessed on the satisfactory completion of a portfolio of learning experiences and a practical clinical skills list. They were also required to submit a clinical project based on some aspect of their work during the attachment. The initial results showed a high degree of student and tutor satisfaction with the attachments. The assessment of all 10 of the students' educational achievements in their attachment were regarded as satisfactory and two were assessed as outstanding. Tutor assessment confirmed the validity of the initiative. Prolonged attachments in community hospital-based general practice for medical undergraduates have proved educationally valid and popular with both students and tutors. The development and dissemination of this model on a wider scale has resource issues which require to be addressed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To report the use of OSCEs for both formative and summative purposes within a general practice undergraduate clinical attachment and to compare student performance in the departmental OSCEs with that of their final medical school examinations. METHODS: Twenty-eight students rotated through the attachment and undertook pre- and post-attachment OSCEs of similar format but different content. Results were analysed to determine relationships between mean scores in the two OSCEs and student performance in their final medical school MBBS examinations. RESULTS: There was a marked improvement in all OSCE station scores. Pre-attachment scores for those stations measuring physical examination and problem-solving skills were unrelated to prior clinical experience. Post-attachment OSCE mean scores were significantly correlated with final examination OSCE and total mean scores. CONCLUSION: The general practice attachment appears to upgrade those clinical skills measured by the pre- and post-attachment OSCE, however, there was no control group of students. Problem-solving and focused physical examination skills need to be targeted by all undergraduate clinical departments. The department's post-attachment OSCE and total assessment results are predictors of final examination OSCE and total results. The use of pre- and post-attachment OSCEs facilitates both students' formative learning processes and the department's evaluation of its educational programme.  相似文献   

Holden J 《Medical education》2001,35(10):938-940
OBJECTIVES: Evaluation of a general practitioner tutor visit, or mailing, with regard to the amount of practice-based education occurring in general practices. DESIGN: An initial survey of all practices in the Mersey Deanery was undertaken. General practices which replied were randomly allocated to receive a GP tutor visit (n=38), to receive a mailing (n=38) or to a control group (n=36). Visits carried out by tutors covered a loosely agreed format. All practices were sent a follow-up survey identical to the original one at 6 months after the intervention. SETTING: General practices in the Mersey Deanery, north-west England. SUBJECTS: General practices which had replied to an initial survey. RESULTS: The amount of both specifically arranged and informal practice-based meetings increased in all groups. No changes were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: This study illustrates the difficulty of assessing educational interventions by randomized controlled trials. Such interventions are often expensive, complex and difficult to standardize. A substantial amount of practice-based education is taking place.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the feasibility and implementation needs of a cholesterol guideline by assessing the effectiveness of simple dissemination as well as extensive implementation of this guideline on actual performance of general practitioners (GPs). DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING AND SUBJECTS: Thirty-two Dutch GPs in 20 general practices, 3950 patient records. INTERVENTIONS: Guideline dissemination to all 32 GPs, and a 5-month programme for improvement in the intervention group. This programme was developed after barriers to working according to the guideline had been investigated, and consisted of group education, desktop supportive materials, feedback on performance, and face-to-face instruction on location. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The outcome parameters were defined as quality of selective case finding and quality of diagnostic procedures, and were measured by chart audit. RESULTS: The quality of selective case finding, especially the targeting of cholesterol testing to those with positive cardiovascular risk profiles, did not improve following intervention. Performance of the procedure necessary to diagnose hypercholesterolaemia even deteriorated. The quantity of cholesterol testing increased in both groups, but this was probably explained by the increased availability of desktop cholesterol analysers. CONCLUSIONS: Neither simple dissemination nor an intensive programme for improvement had measurable impact on actual performance on working according to the cholesterol guideline. Both the validity and the opinion about feasibility of the guideline in daily practice deserve more attention during guideline development.  相似文献   

The objectives for undergraduate experience in general practice vary little from school to school although the timing and duration of attachment does. Students' views of the relevance and achievement of these objectives to a two-week attachment in the final year of St George's Hospital Medical School's old curriculum are shown to differ from those of their GPs. The implications of these differences for planning undergraduate learning in general practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Associations between language background, English language proficiency and medical communication skills were investigated in a group of 149 third year undergraduate medical students studying at an Australian university. Written and aural English proficiency were assessed with the Screening Test for Adolescent Language (STAL). Medical communication skills and the fluency of spoken language were scored during an Observed Structured Clinical Interview (OSCI), rated by a standardized patient and a clinician. An association was found between language background, performance on the STAL and spoken language proficiency. Satisfactory performance in medical communication skills was not associated with language background or overall performance on the STAL. In this study it was the global rating of unsatisfactory spoken language fluency that was associated with poorer performance in medical communication skills under examination conditions.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In an attempt to address the rural medical workforce maldistribution and the concurrent inappropriate caseload at the urban tertiary teaching hospitals, Flinders University and the Riverland Division of General Practice decided to pilot, in 1997, an entire year of undergraduate clinical curriculum in Australian rural general practice. This program is called the Parallel Rural Community Curriculum (PRCC). This paper is a discussion of the aims of the programme; student selection; practice recruitment; curriculum structure, and academic content, together with lessons learnt from the evaluation of the first cohort of students' experience of the course. METHODS: Independent external evaluators undertook a thematic analysis of a series of structured interviews of students and faculty involved in both the PRCC and the traditional curriculum. The mean examination results were determined and a rank order comparison of student academic performance was undertaken. RESULTS: The eight selected volunteer students reported greater access to patients and clinical learning opportunities than their mainstream counterparts and learned clinical decision making in the context of the whole patient, their family, and the available community resources. They identified patients with 'core' clinical conditions and had a longitudinal exposure to common diseases, whereas hospital-based peers had a cross-sectional exposure to highly filtered illness. The PRCC students' academic performance improved in comparison with that of their tertiary hospital peers' and in comparison to their own results in previous years. CONCLUSION: The PRCC curriculum has cut across the traditional clinical discipline boundaries by teaching in an integrated way in rural general practice. It has affirmed the potential role of true generalist physicians in undergraduate medical education.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the feasibility and effectiveness of shared hospital and general practice clinical teaching for medical undergraduates. DESIGN: A multifaceted approach employing quantitative and qualitative techniques. SETTING: All medical schools in North Thames Region. SUBJECTS: Students, GP tutors and hospital specialists. RESULTS: The model was successfully adopted in a broad range of clinical specialties in all of the participating medical schools, resulting in a doubling of the involvement of general practice in clinical teaching. Participating students provided an overwhelmingly positive evaluation of the attachments and there was a clear perception of benefit amongst the participating GPs. However, the views of the participating hospital clinicians were less positive and the true nature and extent of the educational impact proved difficult to assess. CONCLUSIONS: This model of collaborative clinical teaching between hospital and general practice can be implemented in accordance with the project's key aims, but the enthusiastic involvement of hospital clinicians may be difficult to secure.  相似文献   

A recent change in many medical curricula has been the introduction of courses in the behavioural sciences. These courses, while introduced with the intention of emphasizing interpersonal and behavioural skills, have not been shown to lead to any of the changes towards which they are directed. Rather, there is evidence that students find these courses 'waffly' and boring. If the sociology component of these courses is to lead to change, then there is the need for a continuing process of evaluation and modification. In this paper we report upon one medical sociology course, its evaluation, subsequent modification and re-evaluation. Our evidence would suggest that sociology courses can lead to changed attitudes and values, but that such changes are contingent upon the overt application of relevant sociological concepts to the health care field.  相似文献   

First-year medical students at the University of Western Australia are attached to a patient with a chronic illness in order to begin to understand the world of the chronically ill and their families. The patients are recruited by general practitioner preceptors who have been reticent in accepting first-year students because of their perceived immaturity and lack of medical knowledge. Not only have the preceptors' reservations proven groundless, but the teaching exercise has produced an unintended and positive side in that 35% of students discovered new information which was judged by the patients' general practitioners to be of significant help in the total management of patients' illness. Since these were only first-year medical students, the effect should be much greater with more mature students. Doctors often have incomplete records and act on incomplete information. Medical students are a means of correcting some of these deficits. In return they develop better psychosocial and communication skills and achieve considerable personal development by demonstrating to patients, their preceptors and themselves that they can be useful in contributing to more effective patient care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: For findings of randomized controlled trials in primary care to be applicable, both the sample of clinicians implementing the trial and the recruited patients should be as representative as possible. The processes of conducting trials should be made "user-friendly" to clinician investigators in order to maximize their participation in research. Formal evaluations of trial implementation are unusual. This study reports clinicians' perspectives on acting as a clinician investigator in a randomized controlled trial (the SAVIT study) in general practice. OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to explore clinicians' accounts of taking part in a randomized controlled trial in which subjects were recruited opportunistically during general practice consultations. METHOD: Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine GPs and one practice nurse practising in the Bro Taf area of South Wales who recruited children into the SAVIT study. A structured interview guide was used and data were analysed using the qualitative method of pattern coding. RESULTS: Major emerging themes included recruitment difficulties and concerns about the safety of the study medication. Participants also outlined positive aspects of the study (clarity and simplicity of the study, potential benefits to clinicians and patients and study team follow-up of recruited patients). Recommendations for possible improvements in study implementation included the simplification and reduction of patient reading materials and improved presentation of study materials. CONCLUSIONS: Difficulty in recruiting patients was the most frequently mentioned problem by clinician investigators. Insufficient time in the consultation was perceived as the main barrier. Ingredients of successful trial implementation include good organization, simple documentation and study procedures, and the ability to allay concerns about patient safety. Findings from this evaluation may assist researchers in the design and implementation of future community-based randomized controlled trials.  相似文献   

Summary. The teaching of health education or health promotion to medical students is often difficult because they have little experience on which to base their learning. They have limited clinical knowledge and in particular their awareness of the value of and the opportunities for health promotion in general practice is limited. The problem-oriented teaching method described here attempts to make the subject interesting and relevant by asking students, while in their practice attachments, to identify areas of need for health promotion or health education and then to prepare a poster, with supportive background and research, to satisfy that need for display in their given practice.  相似文献   

This paper describes the third stage in the evolution of methods of teaching on audit in general practice at the Department of General Practice, University of Glasgow. The authors asked the final year students to develop, carry out and submit a written report on an audit project devised by themselves, after briefing and with continued support. Every student asked was successful in producing a report and the standard was generally very high, although only two students completed the audit cycle in the 4 week period. More than half the students (51.7%) found the project valuable or very valuable. As many as 90.6% understood audit better or much better after doing the project and 83.4% thought that the project should continue to be part of the GP attachment. Seventy-eight per cent of the GP tutors thought that teaching audit to undergraduates in general practice was valuable or very valuable, 64.4% reported that the audit had been of benefit to their practice, and 89.9% thought that audit should continue to be part of the GP attachment. This method of teaching students about audit was the most successful of three methods tried. It has produced benefits both for students and for the general practices to which they were attached, ultimately producing benefits for patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Over-the-counter (OTC) medications account for over half of US drug expenses but have received little attention in medical school education. This pilot study evaluated student attitudes and knowledge in connection with a new curriculum in an ambulatory teaching clinic. DESIGN: Learning objectives were developed for six categories of OTC medications and students taught each other under the direction of a clinical pharmacist and family physician. Learning was undertaken in small groups and a site visit to a pharmacy was included. A 25-question test of knowledge was administered before and 6 months after the project, and student attitudes were assessed. SETTING: The sessions were taught as part of a longitudinal family medicine clerkship at an ambulatory care teaching clinic, Rockford, Illinois, USA. SUBJECTS: Twenty third-year medical students took the pre-test and attended the educational sessions; 19 completed the post-test and 16 completed the attitudinal survey. RESULTS: The mean pre-test score of 49% improved to 67% on the post-test (p<0.001). On the survey, 94% found the material useful and 88% liked the small group learning, but only 60% felt the pharmacy trip was worthwhile. CONCLUSION: In this study, medical students found teaching about OTC medications to be useful and showed significant improvement on a fund of knowledge test.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of a modified version of the Leicester Assessment Package (LAP) in the formative assessment of the consultation performance of medical students with particular reference to validity, inter-assessor reliability, acceptability, feasibility and educational impact. DESIGN: 180 third and fourth year Leicester medical students were directly observed consulting with six general practice patients and independently assessed by a pair of assessors. A total of 70 practice and 16 departmental assessors took part. Performance scores were subjected to generalizability analysis and students' views of the assessment were gathered by questionnaire. RESULTS: Four of the five categories of consultation performance (Interviewing and history taking, Patient management, Problem solving and Behaviour and relationship with patients) were assessed in over 99% of consultations and Physical examination was assessed in 94%. Seventy-six percent of assessors reported that the case mix was 'satisfactory' and 20% that it was 'borderline'; 85% of students believed it to have been satisfactory. Generalizability analysis indicates that two independent assessors assessing the performance of students across six consultations would achieve a reliability of 0.94 in making pass or fail decisions. Ninety-eight percent of students perceived that their particular strengths and weaknesses were correctly identified, 99% that they were given specific advice on how to improve their performance and 98% believed that the feedback they had received would have long-term benefit. CONCLUSIONS: The modified version of the LAP is valid, reliable and feasible in formative assessment of the consultation performance of medical students. Furthermore, almost all students found the process fair and believed it was likely to lead to improvements in their consultation performance. This approach may also be applicable to regulatory assessment as it accurately identifies students at the pass/fail margin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Computer-based teaching may allow effective teaching of important psychiatric knowledge and skills. AIMS: To investigate the effectiveness and acceptability of computer-based teaching. METHOD: A single-blind, randomized, controlled study of 166 undergraduate medical students at the University of Leeds, involving an educational intervention of either a structured lecture or a computer-based teaching package (both of equal duration). RESULTS: There was no difference in knowledge between the groups at baseline or immediately after teaching. Both groups made significant gains in knowledge after teaching. Students who attended the lecture rated their subjective knowledge and skills at a statistically significantly higher level than students who had used the computers. Students who had used the computer package scored higher on an objective measure of assessment skills. Students did not perceive the computer package to be as useful as the traditional lecture format, despite finding it easy to use and recommending its use to other students. CONCLUSIONS: Medical students rate themselves subjectively as learning less from computer-based as compared with lecture-based teaching. Objective measures suggest equivalence in knowledge acquisition and significantly greater skills acquisition for computer-based teaching.  相似文献   

The use of performance-based assessment has been extended to postgraduate education and practising doctors, despite criticism of validity. While differences in expertise at this level are easily reflected in scores on a written test, these differences are relatively small on performance-based tests. However, scores on written tests and performance-based tests of clinical competence generally show moderate correlations. A study was designed to evaluate construct validity of a performance-based test for technical clinical skills in continuing medical education for general practitioners, and to explore the correlation between performance and knowledge of specific skills. A 1-day skills training was given to 71 general practitioners, covering four different technical clinical skills. The effect of the training on performance was measured with a performance-based test using a randomized controlled trial design, while the effect on knowledge was measured with a written test administered 1 month before and directly after the training. A training effect could be shown by the performance-based test for all four clinical skills. The written test also demonstrated a training effect for all but one skill. However, correlations between scores on the written test and on the performance based test were low for all skills. It is concluded that construct validity of a performance-based test for technical clinical skills of general practitioners was demonstrated, while the knowledge test score was shown to be a poor predictor of competence for specific technical skills.  相似文献   

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