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背景:由于在研究技术、实验方法和实验条件控制等方面的困难,视觉动态信息加工的研究相对较少.而在实际生活中,视觉接受的大部分信息是动态变化的,所以,对动态视觉信息加工的研究不仅有助于对视觉信息加工机制有更全面的了解,而且对实际工作与生活中自然、高效的人机界面的设计以及特殊专业领域的人员选拔都有重要的理论和应用价值.目的:通过注意追踪的研究范式考察了分心刺激的数量、颜色和形状特征变化对多目标注意追踪的影响.设计:采用2&;#215;3&;#215;2的被试内设计,被试为在读本科生.单位:北京师范大学心理学院.对象:实验于2003-04在北京师范大学心理学院实验室完成.选择北京师范大学24名大学生,其中男生11名,女生13名,年龄17~25岁,视力或矫正视力正常,颜色知觉正常.方法:①实验仪器为PIV2.0计算机,显示器为Founder17英寸平面显示器.实验采用多目标追踪实验程序,被试通过键盘进行反应实验材料为“日”字形的字符.“日”字的数量分别是5和9及13个.不同数量的“日”字经过3 s的随机运动,最后变成字母H和P及.实验采用的3个自变量分别是:分心物的数量(2,6和10个3个水平),分心物与目标的颜色(一致和不一致两个水平),分心物和目标的形状变化(变化一致P/P或q/q,变化不一致H/P或H/q).②对测试结果的统计分析采用三因素重复测量的方差分析和多重比较分析及配对T检验.主要观察指标:被试者按键反应时和正确率.结果:被试24名均进入结果分析.①三因素重复测量的方差分析显示,分心物数量变化的主效应达到了显著水平[F1(1,22)=6.040,P<0.05],当目标与分心物形状不一致/颜色一致时,分心物数量变化对目标识别速度的主效应达到了显著水平[F(1,23)=9.965,P<0.01].多重比较结果表明,分心物从2个增加到10个时的结果差异显著(RT10-RT2=109 m,P<0.01;RT10-RT6=69 m,P<0.05,单侧检验),这也表明分心物数量增加对目标识别产生了一定的干扰效应.②当分心物为2和10个时,无论颜色一致与否,被试对目标识别的反应速度均未达到显著水平,这说明分心物数量很少和很多时对目标注意追踪与识别的影响不明显;而当分心物数量为6个时,无论目标与分心物颜色是否一致,被试对与分心物形状不一致的目标的反应速度均显著快于形状一致的情况(T颜色一致=1.926;T颜色不一致=2.044,<0.05,单侧检验),这说明在分心物为6个时,分心物形状特征对目标识别造成了显著的干扰效应.颜色一致性主效应不显著.这说明在分心物颜色变化对目标识别没有显著干扰效应.结论:①分心物数量增加及其形状与目标的一致性对被试追踪和识别目标产生了一定影响.当目标与分心物形状和颜色均不一致时,分心物没有表现出干扰效应.②当目标与分心物空间特征(形状)一致时,无论颜色一致与否,分心物没有对目标追踪和识别造成干扰效应.③目标与分心物形状不一致时表现出了明显的干扰效应;但颜色一致时对目标识别没有显著的影响.  相似文献   

目的:探讨注意缺陷障碍儿童的家庭环境和父母心理状况,为注意缺陷障碍的预防和治疗提供理论依据。方法:选择2004-01/2004-10在青岛大学医学院附属医院儿童保健门诊就诊的95例注意缺陷障碍儿童作为注意缺陷障碍组。随机抽选青岛市两所普通小学1~6年级的40例无注意缺陷障碍的学生作为对照组。采用家庭环境量表-中文版(FES-CV,问卷包括90道是非题,评价亲密度、情感表达、矛盾性、独立性、成功性、知识性、娱乐性、道德宗教观、组织性及控制性等10个家庭特征)和症状自评量表(SCL-90,包括躯体化、强迫、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性9个症状因子,共90个题目,每题采用5级评分,症状从轻到严重分别给予1~5分,得分越高表明症状越明显)分别对注意缺陷障碍患儿和正常对照组儿童的家庭环境和父母心理状况进行测试研究。结果:发放家庭环境量表-中文版问卷135份,回收完整问卷135份进入结果分析;发放父母症状自评量表问卷270份,回收完整问卷256份进入结果分析。①注意缺陷障碍组儿童家庭的亲密度、知识性、娱乐性、组织性、控制性分数均低于对照组家庭(P均<0.05),而矛盾性分数高于对照组(P<0.05)。②注意缺陷障碍组儿童父母的强迫、人际关系、忧郁、敌对、恐怖和偏执因子分数均高于对照组儿童父母(P均<0.05)。③注意缺陷障碍组儿童母亲的躯体化、强迫、人际关系、忧郁、焦虑、敌对、精神病7个因子分数均高于对照组儿童母亲(P均<0.05)。④注意缺陷障碍组儿童父亲的人际关系和敌对2个因子分数高于对照组儿童父亲(P均<0.05)。结论:注意缺陷障碍儿童处于相对不良的家庭环境中,其父母的心理状况欠佳。为注意缺陷障碍儿童创造良好的家庭环境,改善其父母的心理状况对于改善注意缺陷障碍儿童的预后是很必要的。  相似文献   

目的:揭开注意缺陷多动障碍者的心灵在大脑皮质中运行特点、活动规律的真相及探讨注意缺陷多动障碍的发病特征。方法:由注意缺陷多动障碍者采用心理学的内省法详细观察记录自己心灵的运行状态以及一系列病理性症状出现前的机体状态与心灵困境。结果:①导致注意力分散、注意力无法专注的最直接原因是由于患者的心灵在进行认识活动、认识过程时(包括感知觉过程,记忆、回忆过程,想象、联想过程,思维过程)无法轻松连续运行、持续推进。②患者认识活动、认识过程的频繁受阻、频繁停顿引发了患者机体处于一种绷紧状态。从而导致了各种各样多动现象的出现。③患者认识活动、认识过程的频繁受阻同时引发了“默讲式思维”状态的出现。这是一种一直被忽视的重要的心理病理现象。所有这些不正常状态的出现均使患者的心灵置于极为难受的困境之中,患者易冲动.易激惹只是缓解心灵难受的一种自然宣泄反应。结论:①注意缺陷多动障碍者临床一系列症状均起源于同一个病因,那就是患者意识活动困难、患者的心灵无法在大脑皮质中轻松持续运行。②意识活动困难是注意缺陷多动障碍者的核心问题,也是诸多症状之源。拯救注意缺陷多动障碍者必须从这里入手。③导致这一核心问题的起因。推测是患者大脑皮层新陈代谢功能低下。解释注意缺陷多动障碍者的发病特征不能排除并忽视“意识本能”的力量所产生的作用。也就是说,忽视并排除“意识本能”,是无法对注意缺陷多动障碍的发病机制作出合理而完整的解释的。  相似文献   

目的揭开注意缺陷多动障碍者的心灵在大脑皮质中运行特点、活动规律的真相及探讨注意缺陷多动障碍的发病特征.方法由注意缺陷多动障碍者采用心理学的内省法详细观察记录自己心灵的运行状态以及一系列病理性症状出现前的机体状态与心灵困境.结果①导致注意力分散、注意力无法专注的最直接原因是由于患者的心灵在进行认识活动、认识过程时(包括感知觉过程,记忆、回忆过程,想象、联想过程,思维过程)无法轻松连续运行、持续推进.②患者认识活动、认识过程的频繁受阻、频繁停顿引发了患者机体处于一种绷紧状态,从而导致了各种各样多动现象的出现.③患者认识活动、认识过程的频繁受阻同时引发了"默讲式思维"状态的出现.这是一种一直被忽视的重要的心理病理现象.所有这些不正常状态的出现均使患者的心灵置于极为难受的困境之中,患者易冲动、易激惹只是缓解心灵难受的一种自然宣泄反应.结论①注意缺陷多动障碍者临床一系列症状均起源于同一个病因,那就是患者意识活动困难、患者的心灵无法在大脑皮质中轻松持续运行.②意识活动困难是注意缺陷多动障碍者的核心问题,也是诸多症状之源.拯救注意缺陷多动障碍者必须从这里入手.③导致这一核心问题的起因,推测是患者大脑皮层新陈代谢功能低下.解释注意缺陷多动障碍者的发病特征不能排除并忽视"意识本能"的力量所产生的作用.也就是说,忽视并排除"意识本能",是无法对注意缺陷多动障碍的发病机制作出合理而完整的解释的.  相似文献   

杨帆 《中国误诊学杂志》2008,8(30):7400-7401
贫困生工作是学生工作中的重点,而特困生则是贫困生工作中的重点和难点所在。特困生不仅仅在经济上特别贫困,在其他方面也存在和一般贫困生、非贫困生截然不同的地方。处理这些特别之处,需要用到与一般贫困生截然不同的办法。  相似文献   

注意缺陷障碍儿童的家庭环境和父母心理状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨注意缺陷障碍儿童的家庭环境和父母心理状况.为注意缺陷障碍的预防和治疗提供理论依据。 方法:选择2004-01/2004-10在青岛大学医学院附属医院儿童保健门诊就诊的95例注意缺陷障碍儿童作为注意缺陷障碍组。随机抽选青岛市两所普通小学1-6年级的40例无往意缺陷障碍的学生作为对照组。采用家庭环境量表-中文版(FES-CV,问卷包括90道是非题,评价亲密度、情感表达、矛盾性、独立性、成功性、知识性.娱乐性、道德宗教观、组织性及控制性等10个家庭特征)和症状自评量表(SCL-90,包括躯体化、强迫、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性9个症状因于.共90个题日,每题采用5级评分。症状从轻到严重分别给于1~5分,得分越高表明症状越明显)分别对注意缺陷障碍患儿和正常对照组儿童的家庭环境和父母心理状况进行测试研究. 结果:发放家庭环境量表-中文版问卷135份,回收完整问卷135份进入结果分析;发放父母症状自评量表问卷270份,回收完整问卷256份进入结果分析。(1)注意缺陷障碍组儿童家庭的亲密度、知识性、娱乐性、组织性、控制性分数均低于对照组家庭(P均〈0.05),而矛盾性分数高于对照组(P〈0.05)。(2)注意缺陷障碍组儿童父母的强迫、人际关系、忧郁、敌对.恐怖和偏执因子分数均高于对照组儿童父母(P均〈0.05)、(3)注意缺陷障碍组儿童母亲的躯体化、强迫、人际关系、忧郁、焦虑、敌对.精神病7个因子分数均高于对照组儿童母亲(P均〈0.05)。(4)注意缺陷障碍组儿童父亲的人际关系和敌对2个因子分数高于对照组儿童父亲(P均〈0.05)。 结论:注意缺陷障碍儿童处于相对不良的家庭环境中,其父母的心理状况欠佳。为注意缺陷障碍儿童创造良好的家庭环境,改善其父母的心理状况对于改善注意缺陷障碍儿童的预后是很必要的。  相似文献   

目的通过实习学生在实习期间参加面试心理素质的调查及老师对学生心理变化的了解程度,以便更针对性带教。方法自设调查问卷,发放学生135份,带教老师73份。结果实习心理压力、学生对面试结果的心理变化、不安全隐患学生和教师的评价结果有统计学意义,而面试对实习情绪的影响差异无统计学意义。结论实习生存在心理压力,面试对学生情绪的影响是肯定的,学生缺乏对不安全隐患的认识。  相似文献   

目的:引导大学生利用图书馆馆藏文献学习专业知识和其他科学知识。方法:根据大学生利用图书馆情况,分析大学生在利用图书馆学习过程中的各种心理倾向。结果:大部分读者能够正确认识和利用图书馆,但也有部分读者不能够正确利用图书馆而出现一些心理倾向。结论:针对读者的心理倾向提出高校图书馆对读者应加大信息宣传力度,开辟多种宣传教育途径,使大学生在图书馆养成良好的信息意识能力。  相似文献   

目的探讨应对方式与自我和谐的关系,以对心理健康教育、心理咨询和心理治疗提供参考。方法采用应对方式问卷和自我和谐量表,对某军医大学414名学生进行调查。结果①军医大学生的主要应对方式是解决问题,其次是幻想和退避,再次是求助和合理化,使用最少的是自责。②军医大学生的应对方式在性别和专业上无显著差异,而有年级差异,二年级学生的自责和合理化应对方式显著多于1年级学生。③应对方式与自我和谐有显著相关。结论自我和谐对军医大学生的应对方式有重要影响。  相似文献   

目的 了解中专护生实习初期压力源.方法 采用自制问卷对2010年来我院实习中专护生43人进行调查.结果 实习初期压力源普遍偏高,18项调查条目中有8项超过50%,排在首位担心出差错事故高达97.62%.结论 中专护生实习初期压力源是多方面的,带教老师了解护生心理特点后,从建立平等师生关系人手,在带教过程中树立护生自信、逐步提高护生的专业知识和沟通能力以减轻实习初期护生的压力源.  相似文献   

Lin CL  Shaw FZ  Young KY  Lin CT  Jung TP 《NeuroImage》2012,60(4):2258-2273
This study investigates the temporal brain dynamics associated with haptic feedback in a visuomotor tracking task. Haptic feedback with deviation-related forces was used throughout tracking experiments in which subjects' behavioral responses and electroencephalogram (EEG) data were simultaneously measured. Independent component analysis was employed to decompose the acquired EEG signals into temporally independent time courses arising from distinct brain sources. Clustering analysis was used to extract independent components that were comparable across participants. The resultant independent brain processes were further analyzed via time-frequency analysis (event-related spectral perturbation) and event-related coherence (ERCOH) to contrast brain activity during tracking experiments with or without haptic feedback. Across subjects, in epochs with haptic feedback, components with equivalent dipoles in or near the right motor region exhibited greater alpha band power suppression. Components with equivalent dipoles in or near the left frontal, central, left motor, right motor, and parietal regions exhibited greater beta-band power suppression, while components with equivalent dipoles in or near the left frontal, left motor, and right motor regions showed greater gamma-band power suppression relative to non-haptic conditions. In contrast, the right occipital component cluster exhibited less beta-band power suppression in epochs with haptic feedback compared to non-haptic conditions. The results of ERCOH analysis of the six component clusters showed that there were significant increases in coherence between different brain networks in response to haptic feedback relative to the coherence observed when haptic feedback was not present. The results of this study provide novel insight into the effects of haptic feedback on the brain and may aid the development of new tools to facilitate the learning of motor skills.  相似文献   

Objective assessment of stroke-patients' ability to control arm movements is vital for evidence-based therapy and progress monitoring. This study compares three different indices to quantify the quality of wrist movement during a task involving tracking a target on a screen. Each method is assessed in terms of agreement between assessors (Bland and Altman limits of agreement); repeatability of readings by the same assessor (reliability coefficient); and external validity on data collected from a sample of people with impaired upper limb function and an age matched unimpaired control group. The three indices were the root mean square difference between the wrist movement and the target signal, the cross correlation between these two signals, and an estimate of the signal-to-noise ratio in the wrist movement. External validity was investigated by calculating the correlation between each measure for wrist movement, and upper limb function assessed by the action research arm test. The results of the Bland and Altman limits of agreement show that all indices were similar in performance. The cross correlation had the highest reliability coefficient for the impaired group. In terms of external validity, the cross correlation and signal-to-noise indices showed the strongest association with functional performance and may thus be the more relevant for future clinical investigations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of 2 instructions on the same walking while talking (WWT) task on task prioritization by nondisabled subjects. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey with within subject comparisons. SETTING: Community-based sample. PARTICIPANTS: Older adults (N=189; mean age, 80.2+/-4.9y), who did not meet criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition, for dementia and were able to independently perform activities of daily living. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Verbal and gait measures on the same WWT task with 2 different instructions: paying attention to both talking and walking (WWT-C) and paying attention only to talking (WWT-T). RESULTS: Task prioritization effects were seen on walking but not on talking. Compared with their baseline normal walking velocity (without talking), subjects slowed down more on WWT-T (median change, 28.3%) than WWT-C (median change, 26.4%). Comparing the 2 WWT conditions, velocity and cadence was slower during WWT-T compared with WWT-C, with longer stride length. Verbal output was not significantly different on the 2 conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Changing instructions while maintaining the same cognitive and motor tasks on WWT in older adults result in task prioritization effects.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨任务驱动法在社区护理实践教学中的应用效果,为提高社区护理实践教学方法的改革提供指导和依据。[方法]以计划免疫和预防接种实践教学为例,随机抽取2011级护理本科班护生116名,分为对照组56人和观察组60人。对照组采取传统教学法进行实践教学,观察组采用任务驱动法教学,采用自制的调查问卷对护生学习的兴趣、学习的积极性、自主学习能力、团结协作意识、沟通交流能力、分析和解决问题的能力、教学的满意度等进行调查,通过理论考核考察护生理论知识的掌握情况。[结果]两组护生学习兴趣、学习的积极性、沟通交流能力、团结协作能力、分析与解决问题的能力等评价方面比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05),两组教学满意度及理论成绩比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。[结论]任务驱动法在社区护理实践教学效果方面优于传统教学方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨以任务引领的层级培训方法在ICU的应用效果。方法:在ICU病区建立护士分层级培训构架。根据我院综合ICU护士的职称、学历、ICU工作年限、综合能力的不同,由高至低设置为N5,N4,N3,N2,N1,N0(ICU岗位准入前)六个等级。在分层级基础上采用任务引领的培训方法,对ICU护士进行专业能力训练。将采用该方法培训前与培训后的护士专科技能考核成绩和临床护理质量评分进行对照比较。结果:实施以任务引领的层级培训方法后,护士专科技能考核成绩和病区临床护理质量评价的总均分显著高于培训前(P<0.001)。结论:以任务引领的层级培训方法能够显著提高ICU护士的专业知识和技能水平,有利于ICU专业护理人才的培养,护士专业能力的提高促进了病区临床护理质量的提高。  相似文献   

We have previously used the real-time change of muscle thickness detected using ultrasound, namely sonomyography (SMG), for prosthesis motor control purposes. In the present study, we further compared subjects’ performance using SMG and surface electromyography (EMG) in a series of discrete tracking tasks, both with and without a concurrent auditory attention task. Sixteen healthy subjects used different signals in a random order to control the cursor on a personal computer screen to cancel the letter “E” in a sequence of vertically arranged letters. Subjects’ performance was evaluated under isometric contraction and wrist extension using the extensor carpi radiali muscle. The percentage of successfully cancelled Es using SMG decreased by 21 ± 16% and 17 ± 11% in isometric contraction and wrist extension tests, respectively, compared with the corresponding performances using force and angle signals. The corresponding reduction recorded by using EMG was 40 ± 29% and 41 ± 25%. In addition, there was a significant decrease by using EMG compared with that by SMG (p < 0.001). The results also demonstrated that there was no significant difference of performances of canceling E between the single and dual tasks by using any of the control signals (p > 0.99). Furthermore, the SMG control provided more consistent performances under the single and dual tasks compared with EMG control.  相似文献   

Habituation enables the organism to attend selectively to novel stimuli by diminishing no-longer necessary responses to repeated stimuli. Because the prefrontal cortex (PFC) has a core role in monitoring attention and behavioral control especially under novelty, neural habituation responses may be modified in drug addiction, a psychopathology that entails PFC abnormalities in both structure and function. Sixteen cocaine abusers and 12 gender-, race-, education-, and intelligence-matched healthy control subjects performed an incentive sustained attention task twice, under novelty and after practice, during functional magnetic resonance imaging. For cocaine abusers practice effects were noted in the PFC (including anterior cingulate cortex/ventromedial rostral PFC, dorsolateral PFC, and medial frontal gyrus) and cerebellum (signal attenuations/decreases: return to baseline); activations in these regions were associated with craving, frequency of use, and length of abstinence. In the control subjects practice effects were instead restricted to posterior brain regions (precuneus and cuneus) (signal amplifications/increases: deactivation away from baseline). Also, only in the cocaine abusers, increased speed of behavioral performance between novelty to practice was associated with a respective attenuation of activation in the thalamus. Overall, we report for the first time a differential pattern of neural responses to repeated presentation of an incentive sustained attention task in cocaine addiction. Our results suggest a disruption in drug addiction of neural habituation to practice that possibly encompasses opponent anterior vs. posterior brain adaptation to the novelty of the experience: overly expeditious for the former but overly protracted for the latter. Overall, cocaine addicted individuals may be predisposed to an increased challenge when required to maintain alertness as a task progresses, not able to optimally utilize a prematurely habituating PFC to compensate with an increased attribution of salience to a desired reward.  相似文献   

基础护理是护理工作的重点,也是衡量护理质量的重要指标之一.基础护理工作是否到位直接体现护士工作责任心、医院质量水平、护士长管理力度.  相似文献   

[Purpose] The movement trajectory in daily motion is strongly associated with information regarding the properties of the environment. In the case of the back-to-sit task, it may vary according to chair property. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether trajectory formation in back-to-sit tasks by healthy adults depends on seat width information. [Participants and Methods] Ten healthy young males performed a back-to-sit task in 5 seat width conditions (80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120% of each participant’s buttock breadth). The motion analysis system and force plates were set at a sampling frequency of 250 Hz. The spatial and temporal variables were calculated to examine the effect of seat width. A questionnaire was also administered to examine whether the participants were aware of each seat width in comparison with their own buttock breadth as narrow or large. [Results] The questionnaire results showed that many participants were aware but some were unaware of the relative comparison of their size to the seat width. Nevertheless, the spatial and temporal variables were invariant under the different seat width conditions. [Conclusion] In healthy adults, the trajectory formation in back-to-sit tasks is not dependent on the perception of seat width information under their variability as per daily situations.Key words: Back-to-sit, Seat width, Perception  相似文献   

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