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Frizzled-1 (FZD1), FZD2, FZD3, FZD4, FZD5, FZD6, FZD7, FZD8, FZD9 and FZD10 are seven-transmembrane-type WNT receptors with extracellular Frizzled (Fz) domain. ROR1, ROR2 and MUSK are receptor-type tyrosine kinases with extracellular Fz domain, while MFRP is type II transmembrane protein with extracellular Fz domain. ROR1, ROR2, MUSK and MFRP are predicted to transduce or regulate WNT signaling. Here, we identified and characterized rat Ror1 and Ror2 genes by using bioinformatics. Rat Ror1 gene was located within AC108320.4, AC098031.5 and AC129856.4 genome sequences, while rat Ror2 gene was located within AC139870.3 and AC123431.4 genome sequences. Exon-intron structure was conserved between rat Ror1 and Ror2 genes, consisting of nine exons. Rat Ror1 mRNA was expressed in fetal ventricle, while rat Ror2 mRNA was expressed in cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, dorsolateral prostate, and chondrosarcoma. Rat Ror1 (937 aa) and Ror2 (943 aa) showed 56.5% total-amino-acid identity. Rat Ror1 and Ror2 were type I transmembrane proteins with extracellular Immunoglobulin-like (Ig), Fz, Kringle (KR) domains, and cytoplasmic Juxta-membrane (JM), Tyrosine kinase (TK), and Ror homology C-terminal (RORHC) domains. Casein kinase Iepsilon-binding RORHC domain was conserved among vertebrate Ror1 and Ror2 homologs, but not in Drosophila Ror. Thr 582 within TK domain was conserved among mammalian Ror family members, and was predicted as Casein kinase I phosphorylation site. This is the first report on rat Ror1 and Ror2 genes as well as on molecular evolution of Ror1 and Ror2 homologs.  相似文献   

DACT1 (DAPPER1), Frizzled receptors, MUSK receptor, VANGL1, VANGL2, PRICKLE1, PRICKLE2, DAAM1, Casein kinases, MARK3 (PAR1), PP2C, AXIN1, AXIN2, NKD1, NKD2, FRAT1, FRAT2 and CXXC4 are WNT signaling molecules associating with Dishevelled family proteins. Human DACT1 is the ortholog of Xenopus Dapper and Frodo, and human DACT2 (DAPPER2) is the paralog of human DACT1. Here, we identified and characterized rat Dact1 (Dapper1) and Dact2 (Dapper2) genes by using bioinformatics. Rat Dact1 gene, consisting of four exons, was located within AC136677.3 genome sequence. Rat Dact2 gene, consisting of four exons, was located within AC139434.3 genome sequence. Dact1 was mapped to rat chromosome 6q24, and Dact2 gene to rat chromosome 1q12. Rat Dact1 (778 aa) showed 93.7, 82.9, 60.3, 58.7 and 48.6% total-amino-acid identity with mouse Dact1, human DACT1, Xenopus Dapper, Xenopus Frodo and zebrafish dact1, respectively. Rat Dact2 (768 aa) showed 86.6, 59.6 and 38.3% total-amino-acid identity with mouse Dact2, human DACT2 and zebrafish dact2, respectively. Dact1 orthologs were more evolutionarily conserved than Dact2 orthologs. Seven DAPH domains (DAPH1-DAPH7), originally identified as the regions conserved between human DACT1 and DACT2, were conserved among mammalian Dact1 orthologs and Dact2 orthologs. DAPH2 domain, corresponding to the Leucine zipper motif, was located within the coiled-coil region. DAPH3 domain was the Serine rich region. DAPH7 domain was the C-terminal PDZ binding region. This is the first report on the rat Dact1 and Dact2 genes.  相似文献   

FNBP1 and FNBP2 are SH3-type Formin-binding proteins. FNBP1 consists of FCH, FBH, HR1 and SH3 domains, while FNBP2 consists of FCH, FBH, RhoGAP and SH3 domains. Here, we identified novel genes FCHSD1 and FCHSD2, which were distantly related to FNBP1 and FNBP2. FCHSD1 and FCHSD2 genes with conserved exon-intron structure were located at human chromosome 5q31.3 and 11q13.4, respectively. Complete coding sequence of human FCHSD1 was derived from FLJ00007 (NM_033449.1) cDNA. KIAA0769 (NM_014824.1), encoding N-terminally truncated 684-aa protein, was an aberrant human FCHSD2 cDNA with a frame shift due to skipping of 98-bp exon 2. Complete coding sequence of human FCHSD2 cDNA was determined by assembling CF995054 EST and KIAA0769 cDNA. A030002D08Rik (NM_175684.3) was the representative mouse Fchsd1 cDNA, while BC034086 (NM_199012.1) was a variant mouse Fchsd2 cDNA with an insertion of 72-bp additional exon. CG4684 was the Drosophila homolog of mammalian FCHSD family genes. Human FCHSD1 (690 aa) showed 41.7% total-amino-acid identity with human FCHSD2 (740 aa), and 91.0% total-amino-acid identity with mouse Fchsd1. Human FCHSD2 showed 96.5% total-amino-acid identity with mouse Fchsd2. Mammalian FCHSD family proteins shared the common domain structure consisting of FCH, FBH, two SH3 and C-terminal Proline-rich domains. FCHSD family proteins (FCHSD1 and FCHSD2), FNBP1 family proteins (FNBP1, FNBP1L and TRIP10/CIP4) and FNBP2 family proteins (FNBP2, ARHGAP13/SRGAP1, ARHGAP14/SRGAP2 and ARHGAP4) were found constituting the FCFBS superfamily characterized by FCH, FBH and SH3 domains. This is the first report on identification and characterization of the FCHSD family genes.  相似文献   

WNT and Hedgehog signaling pathways are implicated in various types of human cancer, such as gastric and pancreatic cancer. WNT1, WNT2, WNT2B (WNT13), WNT3, WNT3A, WNT4, WNT5A, WNT5B, WNT6, WNT7A, WNT7B, WNT8A, WNT8B, WNT9A (WNT14), WNT9B (WNT14B). WNT10A, WNT10B, WNT11 and WNT16 genes encode WNT family glycoproteins, which transduce signals through Frizzled (FZD) family receptors with extracellular WNT-binding and cytoplasmic Dishevelled-binding domains. WNT6 and WNT10A genes at human chromosome 2q35 are clustered in tail-to-head manner with an interval of <7 kb. Here, we identified and characterized rat Wnt6 and Wnt10a genes by using bioinformatics. Wnt6 and Wnt10a genes were clustered in tail-to-head manner with an interval of about 7 kb within AC127107.3 and AC132020.3 genome sequences. Rat Wnt6 gene, consisting of four exons, encoded a 365-aa protein with signal peptide, 24 conserved Cys residues, two Asn-linked glycosylation sites and an RGD motif. Rat Wnt10a gene, consisting of four exons, encoded a 417-aa protein with 24 conserved Cys residues, two Asn-linked glycosylation sites and an RGD motif. Rat Wnt6 and human WNT6 showed 97.8% total-amino-acid identity, while rat Wnt10a and human WNT10A showed 95.4% total-amino-acid identity. Promoter region was conserved between rat Wnt6 and human WNT6 genes. GATA, FOXA2, and TGIF binding sites were located within the conserved region of rat Wnt6 and human WNT6 promoters. This is the first report on rat Wnt6 and Wnt10a genes as well as on the conserved promoter region of Wnt6 orthologs.  相似文献   

Formin homology proteins, implicated in organogenesis and carcinogenesis, are actin regulators with scaffold function. FMNL1, FMNL2, FMNL3, DIAPH1, DIAPH2, DIAPH3, DAAM1 and DAAM2 are FDD-type Formin homology proteins, while FHOD1, FHOD3, GRID2IP, Fmn1 and Fmn2 are non-FDD-type Formin homology proteins. Here, we identified human FHDC1 gene and vertebrate FHDC1 orthologs by using bioinformatics. The complete coding sequence of human FHDC1 cDNA was determined by assembling 3'-recombinated FLJ35083 chimeric cDNA and 5'-truncated KIAA1727 (AB051514.1) partial cDNA. The complete coding sequence of mouse Fhdc1 cDNA was determined by assembling 3'-truncated CD555494 EST and 5'-truncated 6330505N24 (AK031946.1) partial cDNA. The complete coding sequence of zebrafish fhdc1 cDNA was determined by assembling fhdc1 exons within zebrafish genome clone DKEY-4A14 (BX571710.4). FHDC1 gene was located at human chromosome 4q31.3, and Fhdc1 gene at mouse chromosome 3F1. Human FHDC1 (1143 aa) showed 73.3% total amino-acid identity with mouse Fhdc1 (1148 aa), and 43.4% total amino-acid identity with zebrafish Fhdc1 (1165 aa). FDCH1-FDCH5 domains were identified as novel conserved regions among vertebrate FHDC1 orthologs. Human FHDC1, mouse Fhdc1, and zebrafish Fhdc1 were non-FDD-type Formin homology proteins with FH1 and FH2 domains in the N-terminal part as well as with FDCH1, FDCH2, FDCH3, FDCH4, and FDCH5 domains in the C-terminal part. This is the first report on the identification and characterization of the human FHDC1, mouse Fhdc1 and zebrafish fhdc1 genes.  相似文献   

PP1R1B-ERBB2-GRB7 locus on human chromo-some 17q12 is frequently amplified in gastric and breast cancer. Because recombination hot spot or fragile site is located around the terminus of amplified region (amplicon), we searched for a novel gene closely linked to the teromeric end of the ERBB2 amplicon. Here, we identified and characterized the ZPBP-like (ZPBPL) gene by using bioinformatics. ZPBPL gene, corresponding to BC043152 cDNA, was found to consist of seven exons. ZPBPL (316 aa) and ZPBP (351 aa) proteins, showing 34.8% total amino-acid identity, shared the zona pellucida binding protein homologous (ZPBH) domain with conserved 15 cysteine residues. ZPBPL was a secreted-type glycoprotein with the ZPBH domain, while ZPBP was a type 2 transmembrane protein with the extracellular ZPBH domain. ZPBPL mRNA was co-expressed with ZPBP mRNA in testis, germ cell tumor, and brain medulla. ZPBPL might be implicated in the gamete interaction during fertilization just like ZPBP. The MGC9753-ERBB2-MGC14832-GRB7-ZNFN1A3-ZPBPL-PRO2521-ORMDL3-GSDM locus on human chromosome 17q12-q21 and the ZPBP-ZNFN1A1-FIGNL1-DDC-GRB10-COBL-SEC61G-EGFR-LANCL2 locus on human chromosome 7p12-p11 were next compared. Comparative genomics revealed that ZPBPL-ZNFN1A3-GRB7-ERBB2 and ZPBP-ZNFN1A1-GRB10-EGFR loci were paralogous regions within the human genome. This is the first report on identification and characterization of the ZPBPL gene.  相似文献   

Neuroblast undergoes asymmetrical cell division to produce the neuroblast itself and ganglion mother cell along the apical-basal axis. Inscuteable (Insc) and Partner of Inscuteable (Pins) are translocated to the apical cell cortex during asymmetrical cell division of Drosophila neuroblast. Insc is implicated in the apical-basal orientation of mitotic spindle and the basal localization of Prospero (Pros) and Numb. Here, we identified and characterized human Inscuteable (INSC) gene using bioinformatics. Human INSC gene, consisting of at least 13 exons, was located within human genome draft sequence AC090744.5 (around nucleotide position 150581-16936 in reverse orientation). Human INSC gene, closely linked to CALCB gene with an interval of about 30 kb, was assigned to human chromosome 11p15.2-p15.1. Amino-acid sequence of human INSC polypeptide (579 aa) was determined based on exon sequences of human INSC gene. C. elegans hypothetical protein F43E2.3 (NP_495539), homologous to human INSC, was designated C. elegans Insc. Central INSC homologous (ISH) domain and C-terminal PDZ-binding motif were evolutionary conserved among INSC proteins. The former part of ISH domain is implicated in Pros localization, while function of the latter part of ISH domain and C-terminal PDZ-binding motif remain to be elucidated. Human INSC mRNA was expressed in eye, kidney, fetal cochlea, parathyroid tumor, chondrosarcoma, epidermoid carcinoma, and skin tumor. Because LGN/Pins, PARD3/Par-3Bazooka, PARD6A/Par-6 and PRKCZ/aPKC genes implicated in asymmetrical cell division are evolutionarily and functionally conserved, human INSC protein might be implicated in asymmetrical cell division of human neural stem cells and other stem cells.  相似文献   

WNT signals are transduced to the beta-catenin pathway or the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Drosophila Frizzled (Fz), Starry night (Stan), Van Gogh (Vang), Prickle (Pk) and Diego (Dgo) are PCP signaling molecules. Human FZD1, FZD2, FZD3, FZD4, FZD5, FZD6, FZD7, FZD8, FZD9 and FZD10 are Fz homologs. Human CELSR1, CELSR2 and CELSR3 are Stan homologs. Human VANGL1 and VANGL2 are Vang homologs. Human PRICKLE1 and PRICKLE2 are Pk homologs. Human ANKRN6 is a Dgo homolog. Here, we identified and characterized rat Ankrd6 gene by using bioinformatics. Ankrd6 gene, consisting of 15 exons, was located within AC105547.5 genome sequence derived from rat chromosome 5q21. Rat Ankrd6 mRNA was expressed in corpus-striatum, eye, lung, and kidney. Rat Ankrd6 (714 aa) with six ankyrin (Ank) repeats and two coiled-coil regions showed 95.0, 84.2 and 53.4% total-amino-acid identity with mouse, human and zebrafish orthologs, respectively. Ser 340 of rat Ankrd6, conserved among mammalian Ankrd6 orthologs, was a protein kinase A (PKA) phosphotylation and 14-3-3 interaction site. Ank repeats are putative binding domains for Prickle1, Prickle2, Vangl1, and Vangl2. Central coiled-coil region is located within binding domain for Casein kinase I epsilon (CkIe). C-terminal coiled-coil region is located within binding domain for Axin1 and Axin2. Fourth to sixth Ank repeats of vertebrate Ankrd6 orthologs (codon 141-239) were highly conserved in Drosophila Dgo; however, two coiled-coil regions of vertebrate Ankrd6 orthologs were absent in Drosophila Dgo. Due to the molecular evolution, functions of vertebrate Ankrd6 orthologs were predicted to partially differ from those of Drosophila Dgo.  相似文献   

NUMB and NUMBL are implicated in cell fate determination through the inhibition of Notch signaling. LNX, binding to NUMB and CXADR (CAR), functions as E3 ubiquitin ligase at least for NUMB. LNX is the paralog of PDZRN1 (PDZ domain containing RING finger 1). Here, we identified two novel homologs of LNX and PDZRN1 by using bioinformatics, which were designated PDZRN3 (LNX3 or SEMCAP3) and PDZRN4 (LNX4 or SAMCAP3L), respectively. KIAA1095 cDNA (AB029018) was the representative PDZRN3 cDNA. Complete coding sequence of PDZRN4 cDNA was determined by assembling nucleotide sequences of ESTs (BF059062 and AW297403), FLJ33777 cDNA (AK091096) and IMAGE5767589 cDNA (BC040922). PDZRN4 gene, consisting of 11 exons, was found to encode two isoforms with N-terminal divergence (PDZRN4 and PDZRN4S) due to an alternative promoter. PDZRN3-CNTN3 locus at human chromosome 3p13-p12.3 and PDZRN4-CNTN1 locus at human chromosome 12q12 were paralogous regions within the human genome. PDZRN3 (1066 aa) and PDZRN4 (1036 aa) showed 59.9% total-amino-acid identity. Two bipartite nuclear localization signals (NLS) were located within the C-terminal region of PDZRN3 and PDZRN4. PR34H1 and PR34H2 domains were identified as the regions conserved among PDZRN3, PDZRN4 and Drosophila CG1783. PDZRN3 and PDZRN4 consist of RING, two PDZ, PR34H1, PR34H2 domains and two NLS, while PDZRN1 and LNX consist of RING and four PDZ domains. PDZRN family proteins were classified into the LNX-PDZRN1 subfamily and the PDZRN3-PDZRN4 subfamily. This is the first report on the PDZRN3 and PDZRN4 genes.  相似文献   

Formin homology proteins are actin regulators with scaffold function, which are implicated in organogenesis, normal tissue homeostasis, and cancer-cell invasion. FHOD1/FHOS, GRID2IP, Fmn1 and Fmn2 are non-FDD-type Formin homology proteins, while FMNL1, FMNL2/FHOD2, FMNL3, DAAM1, DAAM2, DIAPH1, DIAPH2 and DIAPH3 are FDD-type Formin homology proteins. Here, we identified and characterized FHOD3 (also known as FHOS2), a novel gene homologous to FHOD1, by using bioinformatics. Because FLJ46173, FLJ22297, KIAA1695 and FLJ34580 were partial FHOD3 cDNAs, complete coding sequence of FHOD3 cDNA was determined by assembling nucleotide sequences of FLJ46173 and FLJ22297. FHOD3 gene at human chromosome 18q12.2 was found consisting of at least 25 exons. Exon 11 of FHOD3 gene was spliced out in KIAA1695 cDNA and BF116064 EST, while exon 13 of FHOD3 gene was spliced out in FLJ46173 cDNA. FHOD3 gene encodes at least three isoforms due to alternative splicing of the exon skipping type. FHOD3 and FHOD1 showed 52.1% total-amino-acid identity. Drosophila CG32030 showed 43.9% total-amino-acid identity with human FHOD3, and 39.1% total-amino-acid identity with human FHOD1. FHDHN domain (codon 1-327 of FHOD3) and FHDHC domain (codon 1377-1421 of FHOD3) were identified as the N-terminal conserved region and the juxta C-terminal conserved region, respectively. Human FHOD3, FHOD1 and Drosophila CG32030 were found to share the conserved domain structure consisting of FHDHN, FH1, FH2, and FHDHC domains. This is the first report on the FHOD3 gene as well as on the novel FHDHN and FHDHC domains.  相似文献   

Formin homology proteins with FH1 and FH2 domains are signaling effectors for assembly and polarization of actin filaments. FH1 is the binding domain for Profilin, SRC, EMS1/Cortactin, FNBP1, FNBP2, FNBP3, FNBP4 and WBP4/Fbp21, while FH2 is the actin-filament modification domain. Here, we identified and characterized a novel member of Formin-homology gene family, Diaphanous homology 3 (DIAPH3), by using bioinformatics. DIAPH3 isoform 1, corresponding to 3'-truncated FLJ34705 cDNA and 5'-divergent IMAGE5265490 cDNA, encodes full-length DIAPH3 protein (1112 aa), while DIAPH3 isoform 2, identical to NM_030932.2 cDNA, encodes N-terminally truncated DIAPH3 protein (849 aa). DIAPH3 isoform 1, consisting of exons 1-27, was expressed in lymph node, erythroid progenitor cells as well as in pancreatic cancer. DIAPH3 isoform 2, consisting of exons 1b and 8-27, was expressed in testis. DIAPH3 gene at human chromosome 13q21.2 was found to encode two isoforms due to alternative splicing of the alternative promoter type. Full-length human DIAPH3 protein, consisting of FDD, FH1 and FH2 domains, showed 51.3% total-amino-acid identity with DIAPH1, and 57.3% total-amino-acid identity with DIAPH2. FMNL1/FMNL, FMNL2/FHOD2, FMNL3/WBP3, DAAM1, DAAM2, DIAPH1, DIAPH2 and DIAPH3 were classified as the FDD-type Formin homology proteins, while GRID2IP/Delphilin, FHOD1, Fmn1 and Fmn2 were classified as the non-FDD-type Formin homology proteins. This is the first report on identification and characterization of human DIAPH3 gene.  相似文献   

Human PPFIA1 (also known as LIP.1 or Liprin alpha1) gene, located within CCND1-FGF4-EMS1 amplicon at human chromosome 11q13.3, encodes KIF1A-binding protein, which is implicated in trafficking of LAR subfamily PTPases and AMPA-type glutamate receptors. Human PPFIA4 (AF034801) and rat Ppfia4 (AY057064) are 5'-truncated partial cDNAs, and the complete coding sequence of PPFIA4 ortholog of any species remained to be identified. Here, we determined the complete coding sequence of human PPFIA4 gene by using bioinformatics. Exons 1-12 of PPFIA4 gene were located within human genome sequence AC096632.3, while exons 11-29 within AL451082.6. PPFIA4-MYOG locus (human chromosome 1q32.1) was paralogous to PPFIA2-LIN7A-MYF5-MYF6 locus (12q21.31), which was also paralogous to PPFIA3-LIN7B locus (19q13.41). PPFIA4 (1186 aa) showed 70.9%, 67.1%, and 61.8% total-amino-acid identity with PPFIA2, PPFIA1, and PPFIA3, respectively. PPFIA family members consist of PFIH1, PFIH2, PFIH3, PFIH4 domains and three SAM (Sterile alpha motif) domains. C-terminal binding domain for GRIP proteins (VRTYSC motif) was present in PPFIA1, PPFIA2 and PPFIA3, but not in PPFIA4. Bipartite nuclear localization signal was included within PFIH4 domain. PFIH2 domain was identical to ERM or Smc domain. The region spanning PFIH2-PFIH3 domains is the binding domain for KIF1A. The region spanning SAM1-SAM3 domains is the binding domain for LAR subfamily PTPases and PPFIBP (Liprin beta) family proteins. This is the first report on comprehensive characterization of PPFIA4 belonging to the PPFIA family of kinesin-cargo linkers.  相似文献   

FNBP1/FBP17/Rapostlin and TRIP10/CIP4 are structurally related microtubule-binding proteins involved in the regulation of cell shape, polarity, motility, and signal transduction. Here, we identified and characterized the FNBP1-like (FNBP1L) gene by using bioinformatics. Human FLJ20275 (NM_017737.1) and mouse 2610318I01Rik (NM_153118.1) were 5'-truncated partial cDNAs derived from human FNBP1L gene and mouse Fnbp1l gene, respectively. Exons 1-7 of FNBP1L gene were located within human genome sequence AL512651.13, and exons 7-15 within AL109613.11. Complete coding sequence of FNBP1L was determined in silico by assembling nucleotide sequences of FNBP1L exons. FNBP1L (547 aa) showed 59.4 and 55.4% total-amino-acid identity with FNBP1 and TRIP10, respectively. FNBP1L, FNBP1 and TRIP10 shared the common domain structure, consisting of FCH, FBH, HR1 and SH3 domains. FCH domain of FNBP1 family proteins is the microtubule-binding domain. HR1 (also known as antiparallel coiled-coil finger) is the binding domain for Rho family proteins, such as ARHN/RhoN and CDC42. SH3 domain of FNBP1 family proteins interacts with proline-rich region of Formin and WASP family proteins. FNBP1L gene was linked to SH2D3B/BCAR3 gene in tail-to-tail manner with an interval less than 8 kb within the human genome. FNBP1L-SH2D3B locus at human chromosome 1p22.1 was paralogous to GPR108-TRIP10-SH2D3A locus at 19p13.3 and GPR107-FNBP1-SH2D3C locus at 9q34.11-q34.13. This is the first report on comprehensive characterization of FNBP1L, which is predicted to function as a scaffold protein for microtubule, Rho family proteins, Formin-homology proteins and WAPS family proteins.  相似文献   

Mouse Formin (Fmn1) protein plays a key role in limb morphogenesis. Fmn1 is one of the actin regulators with scaffold function, interacting with Profilin, SRC, EMS1, FNBP1, FNBP2, FNBP3, FNBP4, WBP4 and alpha-catenin. Fmn1, Fmn2, FHOD1, FHOD3, GRID2IP and FHDC1 are non-FDD-type Formin homology proteins, while FMNL1, FMNL2, FMNL3, DIAPH1, DIAPH2, DIAPH3, DAAM1 and DAAM2 are FDD-type Formin homology proteins. Here, we identified the human FMN1 gene by using bioinformatics. The complete coding sequence of human FMN1 cDNA was determined by assembling AC055874.8 genome sequence (nucleotide position 178207-180073), AI040235 EST (complementary sequence for nucleotide position 331-156) and FLJ45135 cDNA (nucleotide position 319-3310). FMN1 isoform 1 (exons 1-18) and FMN isoform 2 (exons 1b and 3-18) were transcribed due to alternative splicing of the alternative promoter type. The FMN1 gene at human chromosome 15q13.3 was located between CKTSF1B1 (Gremlin) and RYR3 genes. The Xenopus fmn1 gene was identified within the Xenopus genome sequence CH216-24N20 (AC147835.1). The FMH1 domain (codon 1-120 of FMN1) and FMH2 domain (codon 683-835 of FMN1) were identified as novel regions conserved among human FMN1, mouse Fmn1, and Xenopus fmn1. The FMH2 domain was almost identical to the alpha-catenin binding domain of mouse Fmn1. Human FMN1 (1419 aa), showing 77.1% total amino-acid identity with mouse Fmn1, was found consisting of FMH1, FMH2, FH1 and FH2 domains. This is the first report on the identification and characterization of the human FMN1 gene as well as the FMH1 and FMH2 domains.  相似文献   

Formin-homology proteins are implicated in the cell polarity control through the assembly of specific actin structures. FMNL1/KW-13/FMNL, FMNL2/KIAA1902/FHOD2, FMNL3/KIAA2014, DAAM1, DAAM2, DIAPH1 and DIAPH2 are Formin-homology proteins with the FDD domain, while Fmn1, Fmn2, FHOD1 and Grid2ip/Delphilin are Formin-homology proteins without the FDD domain. Mouse Grid2ip links glutamate receptor delta2 subunit with actin cytoskeleton and various signaling molecules. Here, we identified and characterized human GRID2IP gene as well as rat Grid2ip gene by using bioinformatics. Human GRID2IP gene was identified within human genome sequence CTD-2195F21 (AC072052.6). Human GRID2IP gene, consisting of 21 exons, was mapped to human chromosome 7p22.1. Rat Grid2ip gene, consisting of 21 exons, was identified within rat genome sequence CH230-82F18 (AC126572.3). Human GRID2IP (1020 aa) showed 91.7% total-amino-acid identity with rat Grid2ip (1024 aa), and 92.7% total-amino-acid identity with mouse Grid2ip. Human GRID2IP protein was found to consist of PDZ domain (codon 94-166), GRCAH domain (codon 204-269), FH1 domain (codon 559-621), and FH2 domain (codon 640-1005). GRCAH domain identified in this study was conserved among mammalian GRID2IP orthologs and mammalian CIP98/KIAA1526 orthologs. This is the first report on comprehensive characterization of human GRID2IP gene as well as on identification of GRCAH domain.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of rainbow trout C-reactive protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An acute phase serum component, C-reactive protein (CRP), was isolated from the sera of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). The isolation was based on its calcium-dependent binding affinity for pneumococcal C-polysaccharide (CPS) according to the isolation procedure of human C-reactive protein. In SDS-PAGE, the nonreduced CRP showed two subunits with molecular weights of 43,700 and 26,600, respectively, at a molar ratio of 1:1. The reduced CRP showed a single subunit of 26,600. The molecular weight of the native protein was estimated as 66,000 by native gradient PAGE and 81,400 by sedimentation equilibrium analysis using ultracentrifugation. The antigenic determinant on CPS-reactive site was destroyed by periodate oxidation, indicating that rainbow trout CRP is a glycoprotein. CRP levels in rainbow trout serum measured by the CPS-ELISA procedure showed that the rainbow trout CRP could behave as an acute phase reactant, following experimental infection with the fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum.  相似文献   

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