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孤独症儿童的营养状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解儿童孤独症患者膳食营养素摄入量与体格发育状况。方法采用连续3天24小时回顾法调查孤独症儿童膳食营养素摄入状况;测量其同期身高、体重,用Z评分法评价其营养状况。结果111名孤独症儿童中超重或肥胖占31.5%,急性或慢性营养不良占8.1%;该人群11种营养素摄入量不能满足其需要,尤其VA、VC、VB6、叶酸、钙和锌严重不足,尚不足推荐摄入量的60%,39.6%的患儿存在不同程度的营养素缺乏,其中钙、锌、叶酸、VB6的缺乏率达到88%以上。结论该人群营养过剩与营养缺乏并存,膳食营养素的摄入普遍不足,应采取相应措施改善其营养状况,促进其健康成长。  相似文献   

装甲兵部队膳食营养调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解装甲兵部队膳食营养状况和存在问题,为进一步修订我军装甲兵部队营养素供给量、食物定量标准提供依据。方法膳食调查采用称重法,能量消耗采用生活观察法,体格检查包括体质指数、皮褶厚度、上臂肌围及体脂含量。结果受调查单位每日人均摄入粮食、猪肉、鱼虾、牛奶、蔗糖、蔬菜均未达到《军人食物定量》规定标准,达标程度分别为59.9%、77.4%、70.5%、60.6%、51.3%和76.2%,植物油摄入明显超过军标规定的水平;能量、蛋白质、VB1摄入均未达到《军人营养素供给量》要求,半数以上部队钙、VA、VB2摄入不足;蛋白质产能比例符合军标的要求,脂肪产能比例超过了军标的规定,而碳水化合物产能比例低于军标;少数人员体质量过低,部分人员体脂过多或超重。结论受调查的各装甲兵部队膳食结构不够合理,应进一步调整膳食结构,合理安排三大营养素的摄入,做到营养均衡。  相似文献   

包头市初中学生营养状况调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对包头市初中学生营养调查结果表明:膳食中维生素A、维生素B2及钙、锌摄入不足,热能、蛋白质的摄入能满足需要,热能营养素中脂肪供热偏高。学生生长发育状况良好,贫血率为8.7%.血钙、发锌低下率分别为24.9%和2.0%,VB1、VB2、VC的尿负荷试验结果分别有51.9%、62.0和64.5%的学生为不足和缺乏。体检中48.8%的学生皮肤干燥,提示存在体内维生素A缺乏。  相似文献   

兰州地区252名医学生膳食营养素摄入情况分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解兰州地区18-25岁医学生膳食营养状况,为进一步进行营养干预提供依据方法采用记帐法结合24h膳食同顾法、称承法,对252名医学生进行连续5d的膳食凋查,结果该人群摄人食物种类较齐全,以谷类、薯类为主;大部分营养素的平均摄入水平已接近或超过RNI或A1,似营养索掇人达不到RNI或Al的人群比例仍很高;碳水化合物供能比男、女生分别为63.2%和66.6%。早餐供能比男女生均在21%左右,而晚餐供能接近40.0%;蛋白质来源中动物性及豆类占35.0%;钙摄入量的84.0%来源于植物性食品,来源于类和动物性食物的铁含量不足10.0%。男女生来源于动物性食物的锌分别只占到17.2%和13.8%;动物性食物来源的维生素A占到31.0%左右。结论应强化平衡膳食理念,配合必要的营养强化措施,改善兰州地区医学生的膳食营养素摄入状况。  相似文献   

目的 了解武警某部新兵的营养状况和存在的膳食问题,为通过营养干预提高其训练成绩提供理论依据.方法 以武警某部新兵连战士为对象,膳食调查采用称重法,体格检查包括体质指数、皮褶厚度及上臂肌围,维生素营养状况评价采用尿负荷试验.结果 该部新兵的膳食结构不够合理,每日人均粮食、畜肉、鱼虾、蔬菜和植物油摄入量均未达到现行标准,无奶类摄入;能量、蛋白质摄入低于军标,三大产热营养素的供能比例不够均衡,优质蛋白比例偏低;钙和维生素A、B1、B,摄入量未达到军标要求;部分人员体质量超重;维生素存在不同程度的缺乏.结论 该部新兵所在单位目前膳食结构不够合理,应进一步调整膳食结构,做到合理营养,平衡膳食.  相似文献   

张水健 《职业与健康》2005,21(6):859-860
目的了解列车乘务员的膳食营养状况,为提供合理的膳食结构,平衡营养提供科学依据。方法通过对K44次旅客列车上212名乘务员在出乘运行途中3日内摄入的食物总量运用现场查帐法进行调查。计算出人均日摄入各种营养素的量,与推荐的每日膳食中营养素供给量(RDA)比较。结果K44次旅客列车乘务员人均每日摄入的各种营养素,除钙、核黄素(维生素B2),视黄醇当量(维生素A)的摄入相对不足以外,其他营养素的摄入量基本充足。摄入的营养素主要来源于植物性食物,占74.24%;其次来源于动物性食物,占16.04%;豆类食物来源占9.72%。结论K44次旅客列车乘务员的膳食营养与中国营养协会推荐的RDA标准相比较,除钙、维生素B2、维生素A的摄入相对不足外,其他营养素的摄入量基本充足。  相似文献   

目的 了解炮兵新兵集训期的营养供给情况,为指导新兵合理性膳食,增强新兵的身体素质和抗病能力提供科学依据。方法 采用称量法,连续7d,对某新兵连进行膳食结构和营养水平调查。结果 该新兵连食物摄入以谷类为主,占摄入总量的57.1%。每人每日热能摄入量为16.57MJ,超过军队供给量标准,但副食品种类单调,豆类及其制品以及蔬菜供给不足;维生素大部分品种缺乏;蛋白质产热比例仅占9.8%,明显低于军标,脂肪和碳水化合物产热比例均在军标规定的范围内;蛋白质摄入量达标,但优质蛋白不足;脂肪摄入尚可。结论 该新兵连膳食结构不尽合理。建议在确保品种多样化的前提下,合理配置,改进烹调方法,进而平衡膳食。  相似文献   

目的 探讨牧区定居哈萨克族膳食营养素摄入与高血鹾的关系.方法 采用24h回顾法,对乌鲁木县南山两个哈萨克族聚居的牧业村122名>23岁居民进行了膳食营养素摄入情况调查.结果 被调查人群膳食钙、VB2、VC摄入不足,而其它营养素达到或超过供给量标准,其中高血压组膳食钙、VC低于正常组,而热能和脂肪摄入高于正常血压组(P<...  相似文献   

目的调查东南沿海驻岛部队的饮食营养保障状况 ,为指导驻岛部队合理膳食提供依据。方法采用称量法调查某驻岛 2个连队一年四季的膳食情况 ,热能消耗采用 2 4h跟踪法 ,常规测量身高、体重、皮褶厚度及三头肌围 ,并测定血红蛋白含量。结果平均每人每日热量摄取1 4 .0MJ ,摄入的各种营养素中 ,除维生素A未达到供给量标准外 ,其余营养素均达到或超过供给量标准。蛋白质、脂肪和糖的供热量分别占膳食总热量的 1 4 .4 %、30 .9%、5 4.7%。身体测量结果 :平均身高 1 6 8.3cm ,平均体重 6 2 .3kg ,皮褶厚度、上臂围及上臂肌围均为中等营养水平 ,平均热能消耗 1 2 .6MJ ,血红蛋白测定平均值为 1 38.1g·L- 1。结论该部队摄入的热量可以满足训练需求 ,三大营养素供热比基本上符合我军新的营养素供给量标准要求。  相似文献   

高原寒区某高炮部队膳食营养调查与评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:了解高原寒区高炮部队在伙食费标准上调后的膳食营养状况,为部队安排膳食和改善营养提出建议。方法:采用称量法对驻藏某高炮部队进行膳食营养调查。结果:部队膳食中谷类、很茎类、叶菜类为主,占83.06%;每日人均摄入热量14.80MJ,消耗能量14.62MJ;蛋白质摄入量为115.97g,优质蛋白占19.80%;碳水化合物高于军标;脂肪稍微不足;维生素摄入量不足;Ca略低于标准,Fe满足机体代谢需要;战士营养缺乏病体征者达53.50%;体重较重及肥胖者占35%,皮褶厚度、体脂含量、肌围均正常者占90%。结论:部队膳食营养状况基本良好,但存在蛋白质的摄入量达标质量欠佳,维生素损失过多导致部分营养缺乏病等问题。  相似文献   

对贵阳地区170名汉族、苗族、布依族孕妇的孕中、后期进行营养调查。结果表明,该区孕中、后期孕妇膳食中热量的摄入基本达到孕妇供给量标准。热量来源分配基本合理。孕妇膳食中存在的主要问题是蛋白质摄入量不足,优质蛋白占总蛋白之比,除汉族达到30%以上外,苗族、布依族均在25%以下。钙、B_2。摄入量三组均明显低于孕妇供给量标准。汉族在孕后期,视黄醇摄入量仅达到供给量的73%。孕妇贫血患病率在26.92~50.00%。汉族、苗族、布依族三组新生儿出生体重、身长均无显著性差异(p>0.05),发育指标均属中等水平。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of dietary supplementation for frail elderly subjects in continuing care was assessed by using nutritional measures of anthropometry and biochemistry and an 8-week period of nutritional supplementation.
Of 20 recruits six died and the remaining subjects were divided into treatment and control groups. The treatment group were supplemented with a nutritionally complete drink. Build Up, 2 units daily, and up to 1500 k) daily from glucose polymer. Food intake was measured for 3 days at the start and end of the study using validated food-intake records.
Significant differences were seen in anthropometric measures triceps skin fold thickness and arm muscle circumference in the supplemented cohort ( P <0.05), but for no other anthropometric and biochemical measures. Glucose polymer intake varied greatly between individuals, range 539–1396 kJ, mean 931 kJ ± 113.7.
Before supplementation dietary intake did not reach current recommendations for most nutrients, but after supplementation only vitamin D intake was inadequate. The study concludes a role exists for dietary supplementation in frail elderly, but further studies to outline benefits and optimum methods are required.  相似文献   

As part of a nutritional status survey of 691 non-institutionalized men and women aged 60 years and older, supplement use was reported by 45% of the males and 55% of the females. Supplement use was more prevalent in females than males at each age decade. Vitamins C and E were the most commonly used supplements. Mean dietary nutrient intakes were calculated from a 3-day food diary. The percentage of dietary intakes falling below 2/3 1980 Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) was comparable for users and non-users of supplements. Use of supplements markedly decreased the proportion of subjects with inadequate nutrient intake (using a 2/3 RDA criterion), particularly for vitamins B6, B12, and D, folic acid, and calcium. However, for both males and females, potentially excessive intake levels (10 times the RDA) of thiamin, vitamin A, and vitamin E supplementation were observed.  相似文献   

Nutrient supplement use by healthy elderly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As part of a nutritional status survey of 691 non-institutionalized men and women aged 60 years and older, supplement use was reported by 45% of the males and 55% of the females. Supplement use was more prevalent in females than males at each age decade. Vitamins C and E were the most commonly used supplements. Mean dietary nutrient intakes were calculated from a 3-day food diary. The percentage of dietary intakes falling below 2/3 1980 Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) was comparable for users and non-users of supplements. Use of supplements markedly decreased the proportion of subjects with inadequate nutrient intake (using a 2/3 RDA criterion), particularly for vitamins B6, B12, and D, folic acid, and calcium. However, for both males and females, potentially excessive intake levels (10 times the RDA) of thiamin, vitamin A, and vitamin E supplementation were observed.  相似文献   

Calcium and vitamin D under nutrition can adversely affect the bone mineral metabolism. There is no population-based study from India documenting dietary habits, serum calcium and vitamin D levels. Our study investigated the dietary habits of rural and urban societies in and around Tirupati and their relationship with serum calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D [25(OH)D] levels. Four hundred and seven subjects from 5 villages around Tirupati, (rural population) and 125 asymptomatic staff of our hospital (urban population) were studied. Dietary intakes of calcium, phosphorous and phytates were documented by diet history. Serum calcium, phosphorus and 25 (OH) D levels were estimated in 191 rural subjects and 125 urban subjects. Compared to urban subjects, rural subjects had a significantly lower intake of dietary calcium (P <0.0001) and a significantly higher dietary phytate/calcium ratio and serum calcium and 25 (OH) D levels (P <0.0001). Dietary calcium intake was inadequate in both rural and urban subjects compared to the recommended daily allowances (RDA) for our country. About 31% of the population had normal vitamin D levels, 54% had vitamin D insufficiency and 15% vitamin D deficiency. About two-thirds of the population had low levels of vitamin D. Inadequate dietary calcium intake associated with high phytate/calcium ratio reduces the bioavailable calcium in the gut. Hence, there is a need to fortify food with calcium and to propose new guidelines for 25 (OH) D in Indian subjects. Multicentric studies with large sample populations are required to generate normal standards and nationally relevant guidelines.  相似文献   

惠州学院164名在校女生膳食营养状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解女大学生膳食营养状况,为开展高校膳食营养教育提供参考。方法采用24h膳食记录法和查帐法对惠州学院164名随机抽样的女大学生进行连续3d的膳食调查,通过实验室检查进行营养状况评价。结果惠州学院在校女生能量摄入量只占RNI的73%,钙摄入量只占RNI的42%;碳水化合物、维生素B1、维生素B2、铁、锌摄入量不足;动物性食品偏少;血液钙、镁、铁、铜、锌浓度偏低。结论惠州学院女生膳食结构不合理,应调整膳食结构,增加动物性食物的摄入,提高膳食能量、钙、维生素B1、维生素B2、微量元素的摄入量。  相似文献   

There is limited information on the nutritional health of Canadian children, particularly those living in poverty. Our purpose was to assess the dietary and anthropometric status of economically disadvantaged children as part of the longitudinal, multidisciplinary prevention project, Better Beginnings, Better Futures.

We obtained 24-hour dietary recalls and measurements of height, weight, triceps skinfolds and mid-arm circumference from children (n = 178) aged 7 to 9 years in three urban communities. Information on demographic characteristics was obtained through a parent interview.

Linear growth appeared adequate with both boys (chi 2 = 44.1, p < .001) and girls (chi 2 = 10.8, p < .01) taller compared to NCHS reference data. The proportion of children > 90th percentile for weight-for-height (23.2%) and upper arm fat area (14.3%), suggests a tendency to excess fat; 21.1% were < 10th for percentile upper arm muscle area. Median nutrient intakes, except for calcium and vitamin A, exceeded the Canadian Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI); however, median energy intake was well below the RNI. Energy and macronutrient intakes were similar across Z score categories of weight-for-height, upper arm muscle area, and upper arm fat area.

The tendency to inadequate muscle mass and excess fat in the presence of low energy intake may reflect low levels of physical activity.  相似文献   

《Nutrition Research》1988,8(9):995-1004
The nutritional status of under-privileged Mid-Day-Meal (MDM) Program beneficiaries and the contribution of MDM to their homelevel nutrition intake was investigated. The 50th percentile of weight, height and arm circumference of subjects corresponded with only the 5th percentile of Indian national norms. By Waterlow's classification about one-third were ‘stunted’. ‘Wasting’ afflicted more 10–15 year olds than 5–9 year olds. Anemia (Hb<11g/dl) was present in 73% boys and 67% girls. Eleven percent boys and 4% girls were classed as ‘active cases of xerophthalmia’ (night-blindness with conjuctival lesions). Parasitic infestation was detected in 44% boys and 35% girls. Only 12% consumed MDM on-site, the rest shared it with siblings. It was consumed less by the older (Std V–VII) than younger (Std I–IV) children and it also contributed less calories, protein, iron and retinol (as percent of RDA) to the older child's intake. The home diet of subjects provided less than 25% RDA of retinol for 67% boys and 72% girls: the deficit being more prevalent in 10–15 than 5–9 year olds. Iron and calorie intake was also inadequate. MDM increased retinol intake marginally to about half the RDA for younger, and to only one-third the RDA for older children. Iron intake was brought upto 75% RDA, except in 10–15 year old girls (48% RDA). Thus, the older MDM beneficiaries, who have a poorer nutritional status and receive less MDM, need a higher allocation of MDM ration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of nutrient intake with age and self-reported chronic medical condition status in a large, nationally representative sample. METHODS: We used data from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals, 1989-1991. The analytic sample included subjects aged > or =25 years with 3 days of dietary data, and medical condition information (n=7,207). A positive response to having been informed by a doctor of having diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, osteoporosis, and stroke indicated the presence of chronic medical condition(s) (n=2,368). Sex-specific linear and logistic regression analyses adjusted for multiple covariates were used to examine the relation of age and morbidity status with nutrient intake. RESULTS: In men, age was associated with an increased risk of consuming <100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin E, vitamin B12, calcium, zinc, and iron (p<0.05), and self-reported morbidity was associated with an increased risk of consuming <100% of the RDA of protein. Relative to men, women were more likely to report less than the RDA of most nutrients examined; however, neither age nor chronic disease status were associated with increased likelihood of reporting <100% of the RDA of any of the nutrients examined. In women, the probability of reporting <100% of the RDA of vitamin A, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, and iron, and in men, the probability of reporting <100% of the RDA of vitamin C, declined with age (p<0.05). No adverse effect of age and chronic disease interaction on intake of most nutrients was noted in men or women. CONCLUSIONS: Chronologic age and morbidity were associated with an increased risk of inadequate intake of several nutrients in free-living, independent men but not in women.  相似文献   

In low-income countries there are few data on hospital malnutrition. Reduced food intake combined with nutrient-poor foods served in hospitals contribute to nutritional risk. This study investigated whether reported dietary intake and disease state of hospitalized adults in critical care units was related to malnutrition determined by mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC). Adult in-patients (n = 126) in tuberculosis, burn, oncology, and intensive care units in two public tertiary hospitals in Malawi were screened for nutritional status using MUAC and a question on current dietary intake. The hospital menu was reviewed; portion sizes were weighed. The prevalence of moderate and severe malnutrition was 62%. Patients with organ-related diseases and infectious diseases had the highest rates of reduced reported dietary intake, 71.4% and 57.9%, respectively; however, there was no association between reported dietary intake and MUAC. In those unable to eat, however, the rate of severe malnutrition was 50%. The menu consisted of porridge and thickened corn-based starch with fried cabbage; protein foods were provided twice weekly. There was a nutrient gap of 250 calories and 13 gm protein daily. The findings support the need for increasing dietetic/nutrition services to prevent and treat malnutrition in hospitals using simple screening tools.  相似文献   

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