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田七人参Panaxnotoginaeng(Burk)F.HChen药用其干燥根。具有涝补强壮,止血,活血化瘀,消肿止痛,补血,促进人体新陈代谢,助长发育生长,增强体力,消除疲劳等功能(1,2)。其医疗用途已引起国内外医药学家的注意和研究。1实验材料药物:田七人参浸育(1.64~2.39g/ml)(简称田七人参)由广西玉林制药厂提供。仪器与动物:血小板聚集仪BS631型(北京生化仪器厂)。昆明种小鼠;Wistar大鼠,雌雄兼用,均由广西中医学院及本所动物定提供。方法勾结果22.1对血脂的影响[3]:200~300g雌性大鼠,每组10只。对照组喂养正常饲料消…  相似文献   

真伪佛手紫外光谱鉴别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
佛手商品药材中常发现将食用怫手瓜加工成丝状伪充。药用佛手与食用佛手瓜的性状、显微鉴别你4珍国医国药》已有报导,本文采用紫外光谱法鉴别.方法简便易行。1试验材料和仪器1.且试验材料:药用怫手为美香科植物佛手Citrusmedical,var.sarcodactylisSwingle的f燥果实。食用佛手瓜为葫芦科植物怫手瓜Sechlumedule(Iacq)Swartz的果实。1.2仪器:GENERAI,TU—1221紫外可见光分光光度计(北京市通用仪器设备公司)。2实验方法和结果2.1实验方法:取药用佛手和食用佛手瓜粉末各ig,置具塞玻瓶中,分别加无水乙醇20ml.超声处理15…  相似文献   

目的:观察耳穴贴压与田七痛经胶囊治疗原发性痛经的疗效及预后。方法:将64例患者随机分为耳穴贴压组(33例)和田七痛经胶囊组(31例)。耳穴贴压组取耳穴神门、内生殖器、内分泌、皮质下、交感、肾、肝,用粘有王不留行籽的胶布贴压,田七痛经胶囊组口服田七痛经胶囊治疗,两组均治疗3个月经周期后评定疗效。结果:耳穴贴压组总有效率为93.9%,田七痛经胶囊组总有效率为83.9%,两组疗效比较差异有显著性意义( P <0.05)。耳穴贴压组复发率为28.6%,田七痛经胶囊组复发率为71.4%。结论:耳穴贴压组临床疗效优于田七痛经胶囊组,且复发率低于田七痛经胶囊组。耳穴贴压法对原发性痛经有显著的治疗作用。  相似文献   

三七致敏反应综述及分析容小翔,宁在兰广西民族医药报社编辑部(530001)三七,又名山漆、血参、参三七、人参三七、田七、田三七、田漆等,为五加科植物三七Panaxpsudo-ginsengWall.var.notoginsng(burkill)Hoo...  相似文献   

对历代本草学的整理研究认为,最早药用的葛根应为汉唐时期记载的豆科植物食物食用葛根PuerariaedulisPamp.的根,宋代本草新增了豆科甘葛藤P.thomsoniBenth.及三根叶葛藤P.phaseoloides(Roxb.)Benth.的根,而豆科葛P.lobata(Wild.)Ohwi的根为近现代的新兴品种,《本草纲目》记载有野生和家种二种,故认为古今药用葛根的品种有别。  相似文献   

口木为五加科口木属头序口木(Aralia dasyphylla Miq.)、刺茎口木(Aralia echinocaulis Hand-Mazz.)、短序口木(Aralia henryi Harms.)以及食用口木(Aralia cordata Thund.)等多种植物的总称,为土家族民间医药中常用草药。主要药用部位为根皮。在土家族居住地区中有食用其嫩芽的饮食习惯。作食用的口木主要是食用口木(Aralia cordata Thund.).在该地区习称“白口木”。由于该属植物的根皮独特的疗效,所以口木在土家族医药中具有极其广泛的影响。  相似文献   

灵菇合剂治疗功能性便秘的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
治疗组49例,以润肠通便、补益保健为治则,用灵菇合剂治疗;对照组30例口服通便灵。结果两组疗效有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。本合剂集治疗、保健于一体,标本兼顾,有药用及食用真菌价值。  相似文献   

人参田七(即三七)蒸瘦肉可治胃炎、胃痛、胃溃疡等疾病。现简介如下: 人参3克,田七粉10克,瘦猪肉50克。  相似文献   

橘产於我国南方诸省.是传统的食用果品。中医药典籍及现代药理学均证明橘有很高的药用价值.《神农本草经》将其列为上品,其中以陈皮(橘红)应用最为广泛。橘白、橘络、橘核、青皮、橘叶也都有药用价值。现代医学证明,橘的药用可降低血脂、胆固醇,防治动脉硬化,缓解乳腺增生。  相似文献   

目的:研究复方田七胃痛胶囊(桂林三金药业生产)在抑制幽门螺杆菌(HP)的生长繁殖方面的作用。方法:采用随机对照方法,将1114例慢性胃炎合并幽门螺杆菌阳性的病人分为三组,治疗组用复方田七胃痛胶囊3粒,每日3次、克拉霉素500mg,每日2次、阿莫西林1000mg,每日2次,对照一组为雷尼替丁150rag、克拉霉素500mg及阿莫西林1000mg,均为每日2次,对照二组为枸橼酸铋雷尼替丁0.4g、克拉霉素500mg及阿莫西林1000mg,均为每日2次,三组疗程均为2周,在停药1月后分刺复查14C-尿素呼气试验了解其在抑制胃幽门螺杆菌的生长繁殖方面的作用。结果:停药1个月后行14C-尿素呼气试验,治疗组Hp根除率为74.7%(278/372例),对照一组为30.2%(112/371例),对照二组为75.5%(280/371例),经卡方检验,治疗组与对照一组相比差异有非常显著性(P〈0.05),与对照二组无显著性差异。结论:复方田七胃痛胶囊在抑制胃部幽门螺杆菌的生长繁殖方面具有显著性作用。  相似文献   

采用植物学、民族植物学和人类学等方法,对内蒙古奈曼旗科尔沁沙地的药用植物资源进行调查,共记录了45种药用植物,隶属20科40属;文中对这45种药用植物进行了编目,包括植物名称、蒙古名、药用部位、用途等;结合调查资料,对奈曼旗科尔沁沙地药用植物资源现状进行分析讨论。  相似文献   

It is accepted that genetic traits favoring the survival and reproduction of individual organisms are more successful and more likely to be passed on, and that this process of natural selection underlies the broader adaptations of species. However, the demonstration that an individual plant is able to impart 'untested' transgenerational changes to its offspring challenges this paradigm, and indicates an injection point for novelty into the overall adaptation process of plants. Understanding the basis of these newly discovered variations in metabolite expression will have broad implications for the field of ethnobotany. This discipline is predicated on knowledge garnered from generations of trial and error experimentation to identify medicinal properties in plants. Thus, the discovery of novel pathways to alter metabolite profiles in plant progeny also alter a fundamental assumption of the discipline: that plants with medicinal properties a thousand years ago will still have medicinal properties today.  相似文献   

Two-hundred thirty-nine Madagascan medicinal plants have been either retrieved from computerized ethnobotany information or identified in our own ethnomedicine work as having antimalarial properties. Such a high rate percent of plants compared to those used empirically to treat other diseases reflects the importance and the complication of this major tropical disease in Madagascar.  相似文献   

GC法分析药用百合和食用百合的区别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡敏敏  蔡宝昌  张志杰 《中成药》2007,29(4):476-479
目的:比较药用百合和食用百合的区别。方法:以豆甾醇为指标性成分,通过GC法测定其在药用百合和食用百合中的含量,同时进行豆甾醇的药理活性研究。结果:因豆甾醇具有抗炎、止咳的作用,可代表百合的主要功效,选作为指标性成分。药用百合与食用百合中的豆甾醇含量差异显著,药用百合中的豆甾醇含量明显高于食用百合。结论:食用百合不可以作为药用百合应用于临床。  相似文献   

An ethnobotanical survey was carried out among the ethnic groups (Kani/Kanikaran) in Southern Western Ghats of India. Traditional uses of 54 plant species belonging to 26 families are described under this study. In this communication, the information got from the tribals were compared with the already existing literature on ethnobotany of India. The documented ethnomedicinal plants were mostly used to cure skin diseases, poison bites, wounds and rheumatism. The medicinal plants used by kanis are arranged alphabetically followed by family name, local name, major chemical constituents, parts used, mode of preparation and medicinal uses.  相似文献   

刘晓柳  钟灿  谢景  侯凤飞  戴甲木  张水寒  金剑 《中草药》2022,53(4):1173-1180
药食用菌是具有多种生物学功能的重要生物类群.近年来,我国越来越重视药食用菌的研究和利用,药食用菌产业快速发展,新品种保护以及品种权等问题成为影响产业发展的关键因素.介绍了我国农业农村部颁布的13个药食用菌类DUS[特异性(distinctness)、一致性(uniformity)和稳定性(stability)]测试指南...  相似文献   

Research on the ethnobotany of Mestizos in Suni Miraño in 1994 documented 60 plant species used for medicinal purposes. Some cultural data on traditional healing and etiology were also collected. Of these 60 species, 31 were submitted to antibacterial and antifungal assays in the presence and absence of UV light and a number of species were shown to be active.  相似文献   

吴玲  郑琴  张科楠  罗俊  郭园园  吴海霞  肖帅  李文静 《中草药》2019,50(10):2505-2512
药食同源中药是我国古人通过长期实践总结的既可以药用又可以食用的物质。虽然药食同源中药的活性成分、药理作用已有大量文献报道,但有关其安全性方面的报道相对较少。中国古代本草著作,尤其是食物类本草著作记载了大量的药食同源中药,并对来源、品种、功效、禁忌、用法与用量等进行了系统的概述。通过系统地查阅和整理相关文献资料,对木部类、果部类及草部类药食同源中药的安全性或不良反应进行综述,为其食疗和保健研究提供依据。  相似文献   

Sixty-six medicinal plant species traditionally collected and used by the Red-headed Yao people in Jinping county, Yunnan Province, SW China, were investigated and studied through the approaches of ethnobotany, anthropology and participatory rural appraisal (PRA). Among these plants, 27 species were recorded to have medicinal values for the first time recorded in literature, 23 species were found to have different medicinal functions from those recorded in the literature. Many medicinal herbs are simultaneously wild food plants. The local Yao people take medicinal baths on some special days very common to treat and prevent diseases. The Red-headed Yao medicinal herb doctors have conserved medicinal plants and their habitats over the years. Most of the folk healers are old women, who are concerned about passing on their secrets to the younger generation. They fear that the younger generations have not learned enough about the herbal traditions to keep the practice going. The authors suggest that plants used by the Red-headed Yao people need to be further studied phytochemically and pharmacologically.  相似文献   

Herbs for medicinal baths among the traditional Yao communities of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medicinal baths are an important traditional way to prevent and cure common diseases among the traditional Yao communities of Jinping County, Yunnan Province, SW China. Approaches of anthropology, ethnobotany, and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) were used to investigate the herbs used for medicinal baths; and 110 medicinal plant species were found to be used by local people to treat a variety of diseases, such as rheumatic diseases, skin diseases, injuries from falls and gynecopathia. Of these 110 species, 6 (5%) had not been previously identified as having medicinal properties, while 87 (79%) were newly recorded for their use in medicinal baths. These new ethnobotanical and medicinal records are a rich source of further phytochemical, pharmacological, and clinical studies on folk herbs in SW China.  相似文献   

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