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The prevention of HIV and AIDS, especially amongst young people, is very important, as they are the future leaders. South Africa carries a high burden of the HIV and AIDS disease, and efforts at the prevention of the disease need to be intensified. University students are also at risk, and prevention efforts need to be intensified to ensure that students graduate and enter the world of work to become productive citizens. Failure to pay attention to preventative behaviour amongst university students may have negative socio-economic consequences for the country. The paper presents a quantitative study undertaken amongst students at the University of South Africa, an Open and Distance Learning Institution in South Africa. The aim of the study was to explore the perceptions of students regarding life skills as a behaviour change strategy at Unisa. The study was conducted in the three regions of the University: Midlands region, Gautengregion and Limpopo region. Data were collected by means of self-administered questionnaires and were analysed by using the Statistical Programme for Social Sciences. The findings revealed that students have a need to attend life skills workshops, which are facilitated by trained student counsellors since they believe that the life skills training will assist them to be assertive and practise behaviours which will not make them vulnerable to the HIV and AIDS infection.  相似文献   

The choice of plasma‐derived products (PdP) vs. recombinant products (RP) for treating haemophilia is influenced by the infectious and perceived safety of the products. Batch recall of PdP due to the risk of variant Creutzfeldt‐Jakob disease (vCJD) may have unfavourable psychological impacts on haemophilia patients and influence their product preferences. This study aimed to assess the psychological impact of batch recalls of PdP in six haemophilia patients and their therapeutic demands, and to discuss the ethical problems in physicians’ management of this event. A survey was conducted using a new interview form and an existing anxiety and depression questionnaire. Batch recalls produce recurrent negative emotional outcomes in haemophiliacs and their families. The quality, understanding and efficiency of the batch recall announcements were unsatisfactory in some respects. Only one patient still had some of the vials in question, and only three patients understood the real reason for the batch recall. Four patients asked to change their PdP for RP; a fifth patient was considering doing so. Here, topics for discussion include the delivery of an unclear message to patients about a very uncertain risk of a frightening disease, the reasons to maintain PdP when RP are largely available, except in specific cases, and the related discomfort for caregivers. The ethical questions revealed by batch recalls and the high psychological impact of vCJD risk on patients can no longer be ignored, and require surveys assessing the rationales and choices of the healthcare authorities, manufacturers, prescribers and users.  相似文献   

Aims/IntroductionThis 6‐month, single‐center, prospective, open‐labeled, randomized trial was designed to investigate whether physicians’ diabetes self‐management education using an education tool developed by the Japan Association of Diabetes Education and Care and a self‐monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) analyzer improves glycemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes receiving insulin and SMBG.Materials and MethodsParticipants were randomized into intervention (I) and control (C) groups. Both groups received physicians’ diabetes self‐management education at each hospital visit, whereas the Japan Association of Diabetes Education and Care education tool and the SMBG readings analyzer was used in group I, but not group C. All participants filled out a diabetes treatment‐related quality of life form and an original questionnaire on SMBG use with five questions (Q1–Q5) before and after the study period.ResultsA total of 76 individuals were recruited and randomized. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was significantly improved during the study period in group I, whereas no significant change was observed in group C. The change in HbA1c was greater in group I, although it did not reach statistical significance. The diabetes treatment‐related quality of life total score was not changed in either group. Interestingly, the score of Q1 (“How important is SMBG to you?”) in the SMBG questionnaire was unchanged in group I, whereas it was significantly decreased in group C. HbA1c change was independently associated with changes in insulin dose and SMBG Q1 score.ConclusionGreater HbA1c‐lowering by physicians’ diabetes self‐management education using the Japan Association of Diabetes Education and Care education tool and SMBG analyzer in individuals with type 2 diabetes receiving insulin and SMBG was suggested, but not confirmed.  相似文献   

BackgroundImmune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have been increasingly used for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treatment in recent years. Although insufficient, the rate of programmed death-ligand 1 expression has been adopted as a predictor of ICI efficacy. We evaluated tumor growth rate as a clinically easy-to-use predictor of the therapeutic effect of ICIs.MethodsThis study is a single-institution retrospective study in Japan. NSCLC patients treated with nivolumab, pembrolizumab, or atezolizumab at Saitama Medical Center from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018 were enrolled, and followed until December 31, 2020. We defined and calculated the initial rapidity of tumor progression (IRP) as: the increase in the sum of the diameters of intrathoracic tumors and lymph nodes on two series of chest computed tomography (CT) scans (one obtained at an initial checkup and the other obtained immediately before the first treatment) divided by the number of days between these CT scans. Two coefficients were calculated: the maximal information coefficient (MIC) between IRP and time to treatment failure (TTF) using the Python package with minepy library, and the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.ResultsA total of 55 patients (median age, 70 years; 47 men) were enrolled. The median TTF with ICIs was 126 days, and four patients continued to receive ICI treatment at the end of the follow-up. The MIC between IRP and TTF was 0.302 with weak correlation, and the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was −0.347 (P=0.00938).ConclusionsThe initial tumor growth rate had a negative linear correlation with the therapeutic effect of ICIs.  相似文献   

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