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Incubation of slices of rat cerebral cortex with the beta adrenergic receptor agonist (-)-isoproterenol led to a 30 to 50% decrease in the number of binding sites for [125I]iodohydroxybenzylpindolol and to a 60 to 80% decrease in isoproterenol-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation. The density of beta adrenergic receptors was also decreased following incubation with (-)-norepinephrine but not with (+)-isoproterenol or dopamine and the decrease in receptor density was blocked by co-incubation with the beta adrenergic receptor antagonist sotalol. The half-time for loss of receptors was approximately 3 min and recovery was observed during a 1 hr reincubation of tissue slices or following exposure to guanine nucleotides. A decrease in beta adrenergic receptor density was also observed following chronic treatment with desmethylimipramine which blocks norepinephrine reuptake and thus potentiates the effects of neurally released norepinephrine at adrenergic receptors. The loss of receptors induced in vitro could be reversed by reincubation or by exposure to guanine nucleotides. In contrast, the loss of receptors induced in vivo was not affected by these procedures.  相似文献   

The effect of hypercholesterolemia on vascular function was studied in humans. To eliminate the potential confounding effects of atherosclerosis, vascular reactivity was measured in the forearm resistance vessels of 11 normal subjects (serum LDL cholesterol = 111 +/- 7 mg/dl) and 13 patients with hypercholesterolemia (serum LDL cholesterol = 211 +/- 19 mg/dl, P less than 0.05). Each subject received intrabrachial artery infusions of methacholine, which releases endothelium-derived relaxant factor, and nitroprusside which directly stimulates guanylate cyclase in vascular smooth muscle. Maximal vasodilatory potential was determined during reactive hyperemia. Vasoconstrictive responsiveness was examined during intra-arterial phenylephrine infusion. Forearm blood flow was determined by venous occlusion plethysmography. Basal forearm blood flow in normal and hypercholesterolemic subjects was comparable. Similarly, reactive hyperemic blood flow did not differ between the two groups. In contrast, the maximal forearm blood flow response to methacholine in hypercholesterolemic subjects was less than that observed in normal subjects. In addition, the forearm blood flow response to nitroprusside was less in hypercholesterolemic subjects. There was no difference in the forearm vasoconstrictive response to phenylephrine in the two groups. Thus, the vasodilator responses to methacholine and nitroprusside were blunted in patients with hypercholesterolemia. We conclude that in humans with hypercholesterolemia, there is a decreased effect of nitrovasodilators, including endothelium-derived relaxing factor, on the vascular smooth muscle of resistance vessels.  相似文献   

To determine whether converting enzyme inhibitors could produce peripheral vasodilation through a local mechanism, we infused enalaprilat, 2 micrograms/min/dl forearm volume (FAV), into the brachial artery of normal subjects and measured changes in forearm blood flow (FBF) with strain-gauge plethysmography. Enalaprilat produced a peak increase in FBF of 2.82 +/- 0.54 ml/min/dl FAV (78% increase) at 1 minute (p less than 0.01 versus vehicle) and an increase of 1.11 +/- 0.28 ml/min/dl FAV at 4 minutes (p less than 0.05 versus vehicle). Blood pressure and plasma renin activity measured at the completion of infusion did not change. Intravenous enalaprilat infusion at the same dose in seven additional normal subjects did not increase FBF. Pretreatment of seven subjects with 75 mg oral indomethacin attenuated the peak response to enalaprilat (4.13 +/- 1.52 versus 0.58 +/- 0.32 ml/min/dl; p less than 0.05). We conclude that intra-arterial enalaprilat produces an increase in FBF in normal subjects. This peripheral vasodilation is caused by a local effect independent of circulating renin-angiotensin system inhibition. This response is attenuated by indomethacin, suggesting that prostaglandins contribute to the vasodilator response.  相似文献   

The myocardial responsiveness of conscious, instrumental dogs to exogenously administered isoproterenol and norepinephrine was investigated in neonatal, 6-wk-old, and adult animals. Comparable base-line values for peak left ventricular derivative of pressure with respect to time were observed in all age categories. However, when compared with adult responses, the sympathomimetic amine-induced increases in neonatal left ventricular dP/dt were significantly blunted at each concentration of adrenergic agonist examined, whereas the 6-wk-old puppies displayed an intermediate inotropic response. To investigate the cellular mechanisms of this blunted neonatal response, we correlated physiologic and biochemical measurements of the myocardial responses to catecholamines in each age category. When compared with adult myocardial membrane preparations, neonatal cardiac membranes were characterized in vitro by an increased density of beta-adrenergic binding sites, comparable affinity for adrenergic agonists and antagonists, and an enhanced coupling of adenylate cyclase activation to receptor occupancy. Simultaneous changes in either the serum catecholamine concentration or the membrane content of other intrinsic proteins failed to account for the observed neonatal increase in beta-adrenergic receptor density. These findings are most consistent with a compensatory mechanism of the cardiac cell membrane, whereby an inherent depression in the adrenergic responsiveness of the immature myocardium appears to induce the increase in receptor density and activation of adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

The effects of metoprolol, a selective beta adrenergic receptor antagonist, on blood pressure, beta receptor blockade (antagoinst of isoproterenol and exercise tachycardia), and plasma renin activity (PRA) have been compared with those of placebo in 16 patients with essential hypertension. The dose of metroprolol was 25 mg three times daily for 1 wk and thereafter 100 mg three times daily for 5 wk. The mean decrease in blood pressure during treatment with metoprolol was 24 +/- 3.8 (SEM)/10 +/- 2.1 mm Hg in the lying position and 23 +/- 4.4/9 +/- 3.1 mm Hg after 1 min in the standing position. At a dose of 2.9 to 5.4 mg/kg, steady-state plasma concentrations of metoprolol varied 17-fold (from 20 to 341 ng/ml) between patients and correlated with the interindividual variability in isoproterenol antagonism (r = 0.58, p less than 0.05) and decrease in exercise tachycardia (r = 0.65, p less than 0.01). By contrast, neither of these variables correlated with the dose of metoprolol in mg/kg. Metoprolol decreased PRA by 67 +/- 1.9 and 71 +/- 1.2% in the lying and standing positions, respectively. The decrease in the mean arterial blood pressure in the lying position was significantly correlated to the PRA during the placebo period (r = 0.61, p less than 0.05) but not to the plasma steady-state levels of metoprolol, the degree of beta receptor blockade, and the decrease in PRA.  相似文献   

To determine if peripheral angiotensin II (Ang II) prejunctional receptors facilitating NE release exist in humans, we used [3H]NE kinetic methodology to measure forearm NE spillover during intrabrachial arterial Ang II infusions in eight normal male subjects. We used the following protocol to optimize conditions for demonstrating these receptors: (a) lower body negative pressure (-15 mmHg) to increase sympathetic nerve activity to skeletal muscle; and (b) intraarterial nitroprusside to maintain a high constant forearm blood flow (approximately 10 ml/min.100 ml) to maximize the proportion of neuronally released NE that spills over into the circulation. During lower body negative pressure, the following were infused intraarterially for three consecutive 20-min periods: saline, Ang II (4 ng/min), and Ang II (16 ng/min). During the Ang II infusions, forearm venous NE increased significantly from 173 to 189 and 224 pg/ml (P < 0.01), and forearm NE spillover increased from 384 to 439 and 560 ng/min.100 ml (P < 0.05 for high Ang II). Forearm NE clearance was unchanged. During low and high dose Ang II, the plasma venous Ang II concentrations were 25 and 97 pM, respectively. Since normal subjects increase plasma Ang II from 4 to 20-22 pM with exercise, standing, or diuretic administration, and patients with severe congestive heart failure can have a plasma Ang II of approximately 25 pM at rest, we suggest that Ang II might facilitate NE release in severe congestive heart failure, especially under conditions of stress.  相似文献   

Binding of beta adrenergic receptors (BAR) in membranes of freshly isolated type II pulmonary epithelial cells to the radioligand [125I]iodocyanopindolol was saturable, steresospecific and of high affinity. Optimal conditions for the assay of BAR on type II pneumocyte membranes are presented. Type II pneumocyte BAR are primarily of the beta-2 subtype, as indicated by inhibition of subtype-specific antagonists, ICI 118,551 and betaxolol. Maximum binding and Kd were measured (Kd, 4-20 pM; maximum binding, 30-50 fmol/mg of protein) and used to identify factors which alter BAR. The number of BAR on type II pneumocytes doubled after 42-hr culture in the presence of dexamethasone. Ligand-receptor interactions were of similar affinity to those in membrane particulates from whole lung, but maximum binding was reduced 3- to 4-fold. Less than 5% of total pulmonary BAR can be accounted for by those expressed on freshly isolated type II pneumocyte membranes. Other cell types thus probably account for the majority of specific beta adrenergic binding sites in the lung as a whole.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that endothelium-dependent nitric oxide (NO)-mediated vasodilatation in response to acetylcholine is impaired in essential hypertension, whereas the endothelium-independent response to sodium nitroprusside is normal. More limited data have suggested that there is also reduced vasoconstriction in response to N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), a competitive inhibitor of basal NO release. As it is not known whether endothelial dysfunction in hypertension, if indeed present, is a cause or consequence of the condition, we have studied the normotensive offspring of parents with essential hypertension. Both basal and stimulated vascular responses were examined in 12 normotensive offspring [mean age (+/-S.E.M.) 26.1+/-1.4 years] of parents with essential hypertension and compared with those in 12 age-matched offspring (mean age 25.6+/-1.1 years) of normotensive subjects. Forearm blood flow was measured simultaneously in both arms by venous occlusion plethysmography, both at baseline and during intra-arterial brachial infusion of increasing doses of acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside, noradrenaline and L-NMMA. There were no significant differences between the groups in the responses to acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside or noradrenaline. In contrast, the vasoconstrictor response to L-NMMA was significantly blunted in the offspring of hypertensive parents compared with that in the offspring of normotensive parents (P=0.005). Thus endothelial dysfunction, as demonstrated by impaired basal production of NO, is present in subjects at high risk of essential hypertension, and does not occur simply as a consequence of the condition.  相似文献   

1. The forearm venous pressure-volume relationship was studied in 14 young men with borderline hypertension and in 16 control subjects of the same age and sex. Strain-gauge plethysmography was used to evaluate volume changes after slow increases and decreases in distention, in order to estimate the amplitude of the hysteresis curve. 2. Compared with normotensive control subjects, subjects with borderline hypertension had significantly higher values of blood pressure, heart rate and forearm blood flow. 3. Baseline forearm venous tone was slightly, but not significantly, increased in borderline hypertensive subjects (21.35 +/- 6.53 versus 18.75 +/- 5.95 mmHg ml-1 100 ml-1) and was significantly enhanced after a cold pressor test. The increase was no higher in the borderline hypertensive subjects than in the normotensive control subjects. 4. The area of the hysteresis curve was significantly decreased (7.58 +/- 3.58 versus 10.34 +/- 5.67 arbitrary units; P = 0.0092) as was the extent of isotonic relaxation (creep) (0.28 +/- 0.11 versus 0.39 +/- 0.22 ml/100 ml; P = 0.0098) in borderline hypertensive subjects compared with control subjects. Both parameters were unaffected by the cold pressor test. 5. The study suggests that the viscous component of the venous wall is altered in young patients with borderline hypertension, indicating intrinsic changes in vascular segments which are not exposed to increased intraluminal pressure.  相似文献   

The isolated skin of Rana pipiens was found to be a suitable model for the quantitative study of chromatophore beta adrenergic receptors uninfluenced by prejunctional phenomena. Cumulative concentration-response curves for adrenergic agonists were obtained in preparations in which effective alpha adrenergic blockade had been produced with phenoxybenzamine. The beta adrenergic agonists darkened the preparation, as did melanocyte-stimulating hormone, but the maximum effects differed. The maximum of the l-isoproterenol cumulative concentration-response curve was approximately 50% less than that of melanocyte-stimulating hormone, while the maxima for l-epinephrine and l-norepinephrine were significantly less than that for isoproterenol. Microscopic examination revealed a qualitative difference: while maximal darkening produced by melanocyte-stimulating hormone was associated with maximal changes in both interspot melanophores and iridophores, maximal adrenergic-induced darkening was associated with maximal iridophore granule concentration only. No qualitative differences could be observed in the darkening caused by the three adrenergic agonists. The beta adrenergic potencies of l-norepinephrine and l-isoproterenol relative to l-epinephrine were determined by four-point bioassay. Isoproterenol was found to be 138 times as potent as epinephrine, while norepinephrine was 4 times as potent. Similarly, antagonism of isoproterenol-induced darkening of phenoxybenzamine-pretreated skin samples by the beta adrenergic blocking agents dl-propranolol, dl-sotalol, dl-practolol, l-butoxamine and d-butoxamine was studied, and their KB and pA2 values, respectively, were found to be: dl-propranolol (1.44 X 10(-8)M, 7.81); dl-sotalol (7.25 X 10(-8)M, 7.23); l-butoxamine (6.92 X 10(-6)M, 5.10); dl-practolol (1.91 X 10(-5)M, 4.96); d-butoxamine (no activity). Comparison of the potency ratios and pA2 values cited above with similar parameters obtained by other investigators in several mammalian tissues suggests that there is wide variation among beta adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

The function of presynaptic alpha-2 adrenergic autoinhibition of norepinephrine release was studied in anesthetized rabbits (alfadolone + alfaxalone) with uninterrupted sympathetic impulse traffic. The animals received a tracer infusion of [3H]norepinephrine i.v. Arterial and renal venous concentrations of endogenous norepinephrine and [3H]norepinephrine, the firing rate of the renal sympathetic nerves and renal blood flow were determined. The results were used to calculate the renal fractional [3H]norepinephrine extraction, the renal removal and spillover of norepinephrine, the total body [3H]norepinephrine clearance and total body norepinephrine spillover. Sodium nitroprusside (10-80 micrograms kg-1 min-1 i.v.), which was infused to modulate sympathetic activity through the baroreceptors, caused hypotension and increased the renal sympathetic firing rate and the renal as well as total body norepinephrine spillover. Increases of total body norepinephrine spillover were much higher than increases of renal spillover. Yohimbine (1 mg kg-1 + 0.2 mg kg-1 hr-1 i.v.) caused slight central sympathoexcitation. In addition, it enhanced the renal and total body spillover of norepinephrine at any given firing rate of the renal sympathetic nerves. The distinguishing feature of this study is the measurement of sympathetic firing rate and norepinephrine spillover in one and the same organ, the kidney. The results demonstrate that the alpha-2 adrenergic autoinhibition of norepinephrine release normally operates in the kidney with intact sympathetic impulse traffic. They also suggest its operation in other peripheral sympathetically innervated tissues.  相似文献   

Multiple components of vascular alpha adrenergic responsiveness were investigated in twenty-four men with mild hypertension and eighteen age- and weight-matched normotensive controls. Arterial plasma norepinephrine (paNE), an index of sympathetic drive, was increased in hypertensives compared to normotensives (mean +/- SE), 199 +/- 24 vs. 134 +/- 11 pg/ml, P less than 0.02. The effective concentration of intra-arterial (iaNE) increasing forearm vascular resistance (FAVR) 30% (NE-EC30, an index of vascular alpha-receptor sensitivity) was similar in normotensives and hypertensives, 9 +/- 1 vs. 13 +/- 3 ng/100 ml per min, respectively, P greater than 0.3. The phentolamine induced reduction in FAVR, an index of vascular alpha-tone, was greater in hypertensives, -21.3 +/- 1.8 vs. normotensives, -14.9 +/- 1.2 U, P less than 0.02. We interpret these data as evidence for normal vascular alpha-receptor sensitivity to norepinephrine in mild hypertensives. Consequently, the increased sympathetic drive in mild hypertensives explains the elevated vascular alpha-tone. Although vascular alpha-receptor sensitivity to iaNE was normal, the FAVR responses at high doses (reactivity) were greater in hypertensives to regional infusion of both NE and angiotensin II. This "nonspecific" enhancement of vascular reactivity is probably explained by structural vascular changes in hypertensives.  相似文献   

Myocardial oxygen consumption is regulated by interrelated mechanical and inotropic conditions; there is a parallel increase in the aerobic metabolism and inotropic state during beta-adrenergic stimulation under fixed mechanical conditions. In contrast, there is some evidence that beta-blockade may reduce oxygen consumption through effects independent of its influence on mechanical conditions and contractile state, and that prolonged beta-blockade may sensitize the myocardium to beta-adrenergic stimulation. To clarify these two points, the present study examined the relationship of myocardial energetics to mechanics and inotropism during acute beta-blockade and after the withdrawal of long-term beta-blockade, whereupon the basis for any effect observed was sought by characterizing the number, affinity, and affinity states of the beta-receptors as well as the coupling of activated beta-receptors to cyclic AMP generation. Studies of right ventricular papillary muscles from control and chronically beta-blocked cats demonstrated contractile and energetic properties as well as dose-response behavior and inotropic specificity suggestive of an increase in myocardial sensitivity to beta-adrenoceptor stimulation in the latter group. Assays of cardiac beta-adrenoceptors from further groups of control and pretreated cats, both in cardiac tissue and in isolated cardiac muscle cells, failed to define a difference between the two groups either in terms of receptor number and affinity or in terms of the proportion of receptors in the high-affinity state. However, coupling of the activated beta-adrenoceptors to cyclic AMP generation was enhanced in cardiac muscle cells from chronically beta-blocked cats. These data demonstrate that beta-adrenoceptor blockade (a) produces parallel effects on inotropic state and oxygen consumption without an independent effect on either and (b) increases myocardial sensitivity to beta-adrenergic stimulation after beta-blockade withdrawal, not by "up-regulation" of the cardiac beta-adrenoceptors, but instead by more effective coupling of these receptors when activated to cyclic AMP generation.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the present study we investigated plasma levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor (vWF) in borderline hypertensive (BHT) men [diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 85–94 mmHg, n = 75] and age-matched normotensive (NT) control subjects (DBP ≤80 mmHg, n = 75), in relation to smoking, body mass index (BMI) and fasting lipoprotein and insulin levels. PAI-1 levels were elevated in the BHT group [16.3 vs. 13.7 arbitrary units (AU), P = 0.032], whereas levels of fibrinogen and vWF were similar in the two groups. The PAI-1 elevation was even more pronounced in dyslipidaemic BHT subjects than in normolipidaemic NT subjects (20.0 vs. 10.3 arbitrary units (AU), P = 0.001). PAI-1 levels showed strong correlations with insulin, lipoproteins and BMI ( P < 0.01-0.001), but not with DBP. The results show that disturbances in the fibrinolytic system appear even in borderline hypertension. The elevation of PAI-1 levels seems to be more strongly linked to concomitant metabolic disturbances than to blood pressure levels.  相似文献   

Amann R  Schuligoi R 《Pain》2004,112(1-2):76-82
Excitation of primary afferent neurons stimulates the expression of cytokines and nerve growth factor (NGF) in innervated tissues. Since NGF is a neurotrophic and immunomodulatory factor contributing to inflammatory hyperalgesia and tissue response to injury, this study was conducted in order to investigate the mechanisms by which afferent neuron stimulation by topical application of capsaicin increases NGF in the rat skin. Thereby it was sought to identify possible targets for pharmacological modulation of NGF biosynthesis. Topical capsaicin (>1 mg/ml ethanol) caused a concentration- and time-dependent increase in the concentration of NGF in rat skin. The capsaicin-induced increase of NGF was not significantly affected by indomethacin administered at a dose (2 mg/kg) that abolishes prostaglandin E2 biosynthesis. The NGF increase was suppressed by treatment of rats with the selective tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist SR140333 (0.1 mg/kg), and by the beta adrenergic agonist terbutaline (0.3 mg/kg). The effect of terbutaline was reversed by the beta adrenergic antagonist propranolol (1 mg/kg). Terbutaline also inhibited the increase in NGF caused by intraplantar injection of the NK1 receptor agonist substance P (SP), but did not significantly affect that caused by carrageenan. The results show that topical administration of capsaicin causes a primarily NK1 receptor-dependent increase in the NGF content of rat skin, which is susceptible to inhibition by beta adrenergic agonists. These observations not only suggest regulation of skin NGF biosynthesis by afferent neuronal and adrenergic mechanisms, but also indicate possible targets for pharmacological modulation of skin NGF biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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