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Bostwick DG Montironi R Sesterhenn IA 《Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology. Supplementum》2000,(205):3-10
High-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) is the most likely precursor of prostatic carcinoma. PIN has a high predictive value as a marker for carcinoma, and its identification in biopsy specimens warrants repeat biopsy for concurrent or subsequent carcinoma. The only methods of detection are biopsy and transurethral resection; PIN does not significantly elevate serum PSA concentration or its derivatives, nor does it induce a palpable mass, and cannot be detected by ultrasound. Androgen deprivation therapy decreases the prevalence and extent of PIN, suggesting that this form of treatment may play a role in chemoprevention. Radiation therapy is also associated with a decreased incidence of PIN. 相似文献
The “Cardio-Renal Syndrome” (CRS) is a disorder of the heart and kidneys whereby acute or chronic dysfunction in one organ may induce acute or chronic dysfunction
of the other. The general definition has been expanded to five subtypes reflecting the primacy of organ dysfunction and the
time-frame of the syndrome: CRS type I: acute worsening of heart function (AHF-ACS) leading to kidney injury and/or dysfunction.
CRS type II: chronic abnormalities in heart function (CHF-CHD) leading to kidney injury or dysfunction. CRS type III: acute
worsening of kidney function (AKI) leading to heart injury and/or dysfunction. CRS type IV: chronic kidney disease (CKD) leading
to heart injury, disease and/or dysfunction. CRS type V: systemic conditions leading to simultaneous injury and/or dysfunction
of heart and kidney. Different pathophysiological mechanisms are involved in the combined dysfunction of heart and kidney
in these five types of the syndrome. 相似文献
Validation of and proposals for refinements of the WHO 2016 classification for myelodysplastic syndromes 下载免费PDF全文
Margot F. van Spronsen Theresia M. Westers Hanne Rozema Gert J. Ossenkoppele Robby E. Kibbelaar Mels Hoogendoorn Arjan A. van de Loosdrecht 《American journal of hematology》2017,92(11):E631-E634
Moraes-Filho J Cecconello I Gama-Rodrigues J Castro L Henry MA Meneghelli UG Quigley E;Brazilian Consensus Group 《The American journal of gastroenterology》2002,97(2):241-248
The Brazilian Consensus on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease considers gastroesophageal reflux disease to be a chronic disorder related to the retrograde flow of gastroduodenal contents into the esophagus and/or adjacent organs, resulting in a variable spectrum of symptoms, with or without tissue damage. Considering the limitations of classifications currently in use, a new classification is proposed that combines three criteria-clinical, endoscopic, and pH-metric-providing a comprehensive and more complete characterization of the disease. The diagnosis begins with the presence of heartburn, acid regurgitation, and alarm manifestations (dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, GI bleeding, nausea and/or vomiting, and family history of cancer). Also, atypical esophageal, pulmonary, otorhinolaryngological, and oral symptoms may occur. Endoscopy is the first approach, particularly in patients over 40 yr of age and in those with alarm symptoms. Other exams are considered in particular cases, such as contrast radiological examination, scyntigraphy, manometry, and prolonged pH measurement. The clinical treatment encompasses behavioral modifications in lifestyle and pharmacological measures. Proton pump inhibitors in manufacturers' recommended doses are indicated, with doubling of the dose in more severe cases of esophagitis. The minimum time of administration is 6 wk. Patients who do not respond to medical treatment, including those with atypical manifestations, should be considered for surgical treatment. Of the complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett's esophagus presents a potential development of adenocarcinoma; biopsies should be performed, independent of Barrett's esophagus extent or location. In this regard the designation "short Barrett's" is not important in terms of management and prognosis. 相似文献
国际糖尿病足工作组《糖尿病足溃疡分类指南(2019版)》是按照患者-干预-比较-结局(patient-intervention-comparison-outcome,PICO)原则,基于影响创面愈合的8个因素提出了4个临床问题,同时给出5条推荐要点,重点介绍了SINBAD分类法.感染分类推荐IWGDF/IDSA分类,血... 相似文献
International Working Group (IWG) consensus criteria for treatment response in myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia, for the IWG for Myelofibrosis Research and Treatment (IWG-MRT) 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3 下载免费PDF全文
Tefferi A Barosi G Mesa RA Cervantes F Deeg HJ Reilly JT Verstovsek S Dupriez B Silver RT Odenike O Cortes J Wadleigh M Solberg LA Camoriano JK Gisslinger H Noel P Thiele J Vardiman JW Hoffman R Cross NC Gilliland DG Kantarjian H;IWG for Myelofibrosis Research Treatment 《Blood》2006,108(5):1497-1503
Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia (MMM) is a clinicopathologic entity characterized by stem cell-derived clonal myeloproliferation, ineffective erythropoiesis, extramedullary hematopoiesis, and bone marrow fibrosis and osteosclerosis. Patients with MMM have shortened survival and their quality of life is compromised by progressive anemia, marked hepatosplenomegaly, and severe constitutional symptoms including cachexia. After decades of frustration with ineffective therapy, patients are now being served by promising treatment approaches that include allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and immunomodulatory drugs. Recent information regarding disease pathogenesis, including a contribution to the myeloproliferative disorder phenotype by a gain-of-function JAK2 mutation (JAK2(V617F)), has revived the prospect of targeted therapeutics as well as molecular monitoring of treatment response. Such progress calls for standardization of response criteria to accurately assess the value of new treatment modalities, to allow accurate comparison between studies, and to ensure that the definition of response reflects meaningful health outcome. Accordingly, an international panel of experts recently convened and delineated 3 response categories: complete remission (CR), partial remission (PR), and clinical improvement (CI). Bone marrow histologic and hematologic remissions characterize CR and CR/PR, respectively. The panel agreed that the CI response category is applicable only to patients with moderate to severe cytopenia or splenomegaly. 相似文献
Lévy S Camm AJ Saksena S Aliot E Breithardt G Crijns HJ Davies DW Kay GN Prystowsky EN Sutton R Waldo AL Wyse DG;Working Group on Arrhythmias of European Society of Cardiology;Working Group of Cardiac Pacing of European Society of Cardiology;North American Society of Pacing Electrophysiology 《Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology》2003,14(4):443-445
Apelqvist J Bakker K van Houtum WH Nabuurs-Franssen MH Schaper NC 《Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews》2000,16(Z1):S84-S92
In 1999 the International Consensus on the Diabetic Foot was published by a group of independent experts. The consensus process is described in this article together with the Practical Guidelines which were part of the consensus document. 相似文献
Morton LM Turner JJ Cerhan JR Linet MS Treseler PA Clarke CA Jack A Cozen W Maynadié M Spinelli JJ Costantini AS Rüdiger T Scarpa A Zheng T Weisenburger DD 《Blood》2007,110(2):695-708
Recent evidence suggests that there is etiologic heterogeneity among the various subtypes of lymphoid neoplasms. However, epidemiologic analyses by disease subtype have proven challenging due to the numerous clinical and pathologic schemes used to classify lymphomas and lymphoid leukemias over the last several decades. On behalf of the International Lymphoma Epidemiology Consortium (InterLymph) Pathology Working Group, we present a proposed nested classification of lymphoid neoplasms to facilitate the analysis of lymphoid neoplasm subtypes in epidemiologic research. The proposed classification is based on the World Health Organization classification of lymphoid neoplasms and the International Classification of Diseases-Oncology, Third Edition (ICD-O-3). We also provide a translation into the proposed classification from previous classifications, including the Working Formulation, Revised European-American Lymphoma (REAL) classification, and ICD-O-2. We recommend that epidemiologic studies include analyses by lymphoma subtype to the most detailed extent allowable by sample size. The standardization of groupings for epidemiologic research of lymphoma subtypes is essential for comparing subtype-specific reports in the literature, harmonizing cases within a single study diagnosed using different systems, as well as combining data from multiple studies for the purpose of pooled analysis or meta-analysis, and will probably prove to be critical for elucidating etiologies of the various lymphoid neoplasms. 相似文献
胃食管反流病的蒙特利尔(Montreal)定义和分类——基于循证医学的全球共识 总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31
美国胃肠病学杂志于今年8月公布了胃食管反流病的定义和分类的全球共识,这是关于本病的重要文献,为了能使国内消化工作者及时了解“共识”内容,本刊组织有关医师翻译了全文。由于篇幅较长,我们将“共识”分为GERD定义,食管内、外症状,食管并发症和Barrett食管四部分予以介绍,因而打乱了原文50条的排列。为能全面了解与会专家对“共识意见”的态度,本文除了介绍重点条文的结论外,还附上投票结果与循证等级,由于票数计算分为6类,我们将“完全同意”与“同意,但需作微小修改”二项作为同意论处,以使读者能更好的了解条文背景与意义。由于篇幅限制,对解释不清楚之处,请读者参阅原文:AITIJGastroenterol,2006,101:1900-1920。 相似文献
Mild cognitive impairment--beyond controversies, towards a consensus: report of the International Working Group on Mild Cognitive Impairment 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Winblad B Palmer K Kivipelto M Jelic V Fratiglioni L Wahlund LO Nordberg A Bäckman L Albert M Almkvist O Arai H Basun H Blennow K de Leon M DeCarli C Erkinjuntti T Giacobini E Graff C Hardy J Jack C Jorm A Ritchie K van Duijn C Visser P Petersen RC 《Journal of internal medicine》2004,256(3):240-246
The First Key Symposium was held in Stockholm, Sweden, 2-5 September 2003. The aim of the symposium was to integrate clinical and epidemiological perspectives on the topic of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). A multidisciplinary, international group of experts discussed the current status and future directions of MCI, with regard to clinical presentation, cognitive and functional assessment, and the role of neuroimaging, biomarkers and genetics. Agreement on new perspectives, as well as recommendations for management and future research were discussed by the international working group. The specific recommendations for the general MCI criteria include the following: (i) the person is neither normal nor demented; (ii) there is evidence of cognitive deterioration shown by either objectively measured decline over time and/or subjective report of decline by self and/or informant in conjunction with objective cognitive deficits; and (iii) activities of daily living are preserved and complex instrumental functions are either intact or minimally impaired. 相似文献
T. De Witte F. Zwaan J. Hermans J. Vernant H. Kolb J. Vossen B. Lönnqvist D. Beelen A. Ferrant J. Gmür J. Liu Yin X. Troussard J. Cahn M. Van Lint A. Gratwohl 《British journal of haematology》1990,74(2):151-155
This retrospective survey of the EBMT Leukaemia Working Party describes 78 patients with myelodysplasia (MDS) or secondary acute myelogenous leukaemia (sAML) who received an allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT). The status of underlying disease at the time of transplantation was prognostic for the 2-year disease-free survival. Thirty-four patients received intensive chemotherapy prior to the conditioning for BMT. The 2-year disease-free survival was 60% for the 16 patients transplanted in complete remission. The results were significantly less favourable for those with more advanced disease who only partially responded to prior intensive chemotherapy (2-year disease-free survival: 18%) while none of those who either relapsed or were resistant to chemotherapy survived BMT for 2 years. Forty-four patients had not received any prior intensive chemotherapy. The disease-free survival at 2 years after BMT was 58 +/- 19% when a patient was transplanted for refractory anaemia (RA(S], 74 +/- 14% for refractory anaemia with excess of blasts (RAEB), 50 +/- 16% for RAEB in transformation (RAEBt), and 18 +/- 11% for secondary AML. Allogeneic BMT can therefore be considered as curative treatment for patients with MDS. Patients with sAML who have a histocompatible donor should be given chemotherapy intensive enough to induce complete remission. If this is achieved these individuals have a prognosis comparable to those with de novo AML in first remission after BMT. 相似文献
Rahbari NN Garden OJ Padbury R Maddern G Koch M Hugh TJ Fan ST Nimura Y Figueras J Vauthey JN Rees M Adam R Dematteo RP Greig P Usatoff V Banting S Nagino M Capussotti L Yokoyama Y Brooke-Smith M Crawford M Christophi C Makuuchi M Büchler MW Weitz J 《HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association》2011,13(8):528-535
BackgroundA standardized definition of post-hepatectomy haemorrhage (PHH) has not yet been established.MethodsAn international study group of hepatobiliary surgeons from high-volume centres was convened and a definition of PHH was developed together with a grading of severity considering the impact on patients' clinical management.ResultsThe definition of PHH varies strongly within the hepatic surgery literature. PHH is defined as a drop in haemoglobin level >3 g/dl post-operatively compared with the post-operative baseline level and/or any post-operative transfusion of packed red blood cells (PRBC) for a falling haemoglobin and/or the need for radiological intervention (such as embolization) and/or re-laparotomy to stop bleeding. Evidence of intra-abdominal bleeding should be obtained by imaging or blood loss via the abdominal drains if present. Transfusion of up to two units of PRBC is considered as being Grade A PHH. Grade B PHH requires transfusion of more than two units of PRBC, whereas the need for invasive re-intervention such as embolization and/ or re-laparotomy defines Grade C PHH.ConclusionThe proposed definition and grading of severity of PHH enables valid comparisons of results from different studies. It is easily applicable in clinical routine and should be applied in future trials to standardize reporting of complications.A proposed international definition and grading of severity of post hepatectomy haemorrhage which may enable better comparison of outcomes from future published studies 相似文献