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目的探讨垂体瘤继发黄色肉芽肿的临床特征及诊断、治疗与预后。方法回顾性分析5例经手术治疗的垂体瘤继发黄色肉芽肿患者的临床资料;并结合文献分析其病理特点、发病机制、临床表现、影像学特征及治疗措施。结果术前MRI检查示2例患者垂体瘤内有T1WI和T2WI高信号。5例患者均行手术治疗,术中见瘤内有黄色液态内容物者2例,术后组织病理检查有含铁血黄素沉着3例;术后出现暂时性尿崩3例,对症治疗后症状改善,1例患者需长期激素替代治疗。结论不同程度垂体前叶功能减退是垂体瘤合并黄色肉芽肿的临床特点。MRI示垂体瘤在T1WI和T2WI均有高信号囊变灶要考虑垂体瘤继发黄色肉芽肿的可能;影像学和病理学检查发现有含铁血黄素提示黄色肉芽肿可能与垂体腺瘤的多次少量出血有关;手术治疗可获得良好的预后。  相似文献   

急性垂体瘤卒中是一种危急状态,它往往表现为突发头痛、恶心、眼肌麻痹、视力视野的急剧下降,严重者可因垂体功能不足而危及生命。本科自1996至2004年共收治了35例急性垂体瘤卒中患者,现将其临床表现、影像学资料、预后等作回顾性分析,并探讨提高急性垂体瘤卒中诊断、治疗的方法。  相似文献   

目的 分析垂体瘤卒中病人发病后的典型临床表现 ,有利于减少误诊 ,提高临床诊断率。方法 作者回顾性分析垂体瘤卒中病人的症状、体征及各种辅助检查 2 3例。结果 早期确诊并手术者比延误诊断后再手术者神经功能恢复好。结论 早期诊断、早期治疗是治愈垂体瘤卒中的关键  相似文献   

目的 分析垂体瘤卒中病人发病后的典型临床表现,有利于减少误诊,提高临床诊断率。方法 作者回顾性分析垂体瘤卒中病人的症状,体征及各种辅助检查23例。结论 早期确诊并手术者比延误诊断后再手术者神经功能恢复好。结论 早期诊断,早期治疗是治愈垂体瘤卒中的关键。  相似文献   

本文结合文献报告了5例垂体卒中,其诊断标准为:(1)突发的明显的视力损害,双颞侧偏盲,剧烈头痛,呕吐等;(2)有垂体瘤史或无,但神经放射学提示垂体卒小表现;(3)不包括仅术中发现有出血但无出血症状的病例。应用CT扫描诊断,激素治疗以及外科手术可使大多数垂体卒中的病人预后良好。本文1例死于脑疝,其他4例预后令人满意。  相似文献   

目的总结梗死性垂体腺瘤卒中的临床特点。方法回顾性分析9例缺血梗死性垂体腺瘤卒中的病例资料。8例有较典型的临床卒中症状。术前存在高生长激素血症6例,伴全垂体功能低下2例。CT或MRI增强扫描示肿瘤周边不均匀环形强化8例,鞍底下陷7例。术中见肿瘤血供差7例,明显干酪样或豆腐渣样组织5例,瘤内少量陈旧性出血2例。结果组织病理均见大片凝固性坏死,生长激素型腺瘤4例,生长激素+卵泡刺激素型腺瘤2例,催乳素型腺瘤1例,无功能型腺瘤2例。术后临床症状均不同程度改善,随访4个月以上,未见明显肿瘤残留或复发。结论梗死性垂体腺瘤卒中临床少见,常有较典型临床卒中症状,MRI表现具有特征性,生长激素型腺瘤具有好发倾向,经蝶入路手术治疗效果满意。  相似文献   

目的探讨垂体瘤卒中的临床特点、诊断和手术治疗方法。方法回顾性分析2008~2010年收治的12例垂体瘤卒中患者的临床资料。所有病例均早期行经鼻蝶入路显微手术治疗。术前、术后均行内分泌障碍激素及头部CT和MRI检查,并行长期随访。结果肿瘤全切除11例;次全切除1例,11例视力障碍、视野缺损患者中10例术后恢复正常;有内分泌症状的10例患者中,9例明显缓解;无死亡病例。结论早期经鼻蝶入路手术治疗垂体瘤卒中安全、有效,是治疗垂体瘤卒中的首选方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨垂体卒中的临床和MRI特征。方法:分析13例垂体卒中患者的临床和头MRI资料。结果:76.9%的患者卒中前无垂体瘤表现,84.6%的患者发病前无明显诱因。典型临床表现为头痛、呕吐及视力障碍等。MRI检查发现,瘤内出血8例,表现为T1WI等信号合并高信号,T2WI像为高信号;肿瘤内坏死3例,表现为T1WI低信号,T2WI高信号;出血合并坏死2例,表现为T1WI高低混杂信号,T2WI高信号。结论:垂体卒中临床表现多样,易漏诊误诊。MRI检查结合临床,对诊断和选择治疗方案有重要价值。  相似文献   

脑内脱髓鞘假瘤   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨脑内脱髓鞘假瘤的病理特点。方法回顾性分析11例经手术证实的脑内脱髓鞘假瘤的临床与影像学表现、病理特点、治疗效果及随访情况。结果脱髓鞘假瘤以急性起病为主,病程呈单时相;影像学多表现为皮质下单一病灶、其强化呈非闭合性或与脑室垂直:病理学发现病灶呈炎性脱髓鞘样改变。结论脱髓鞘假瘤临床表现各异,典型的临床及影像学表现有助于诊断;组织病理学检查是确诊的金标准。脱髓鞘假瘤不宜手术治疗,肾上腺皮质激素对此病治疗效果好。  相似文献   

本文报告4例垂体瘤长期被误诊,至发生卒中后才诊断清楚。究其原因为垂体瘤的临床表现复杂,医师对其早期的症征认识不足,加之某些病例缺乏典型表现。我们认为对疑诊病例应持积极慎重态度,必要时追踪复查,如患者突然出现剧烈头痛,恶心,呕吐,视力损害,意识障碍及内分泌功能减退,是垂体卒中的主要特征。  相似文献   



Pituitary apoplexy is life-threatening clinical syndrome caused by the rapid enlargement of a pituitary tumor due to hemorrhage and/or infarction. The pathogenesis of pituitary apoplexy is not completely understood. We analyzed the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pituitary tumors and subsequently correlated the radiological findings with the clinical presentation. Additionally, immunohistochemistry was also performed to determine whether certain biomarkers are related to radiological apoplexy.


Thirty-four cases of pituitary adenoma were enrolled for retrospective analysis. In this study, the radiological apoplexy was defined as cases where hemorrhage, infarction or cysts were identified on MRI. Acute clinical presentation was defined as the presence of any of the following symptoms: severe sudden onset headache, decreased visual acuity and/or visual field deficit, and acute mental status changes. Angiogenesis was quantified by immunohistochemical expression of fetal liver kinase 1 (Flk-1), neuropilin (NRP) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, while microvascular density (MVD) was assessed using Endoglin and CD31.


Clinically, fourteen patients presented with acute symptoms and 20 for mild or none clinical symptoms. Radiologically, fifteen patients met the criteria for radiological apoplexy. Of the fifteen patients with radiologic apoplexy, 9 patients presented acute symptoms whereas of the 19 patient without radiologic apoplexy, 5 patients presented acute symptoms. Of the five biomarkers tracked, only VEGF was found to be positively correlated with both radiological and nonradiological apoplexy.


While pituitary apoplexy is currently defined in cases where clinical symptoms can be histologically confirmed, we contend that cases of radiologically identified pituitary hemorrhages that present with mild or no symptoms should be designated subacute or subclinical apoplexy. VEGF is believed to have a positive correlation with pituitary hemorrhage. Considering the high rate of symptomatic or asymptomatic pituitary tumor hemorrhage, additional studies are needed to detect predictors of the pituitary hemorrhage.  相似文献   



Clinical features of pituitary hemorrhage vary from asymptomatic to catastrophic. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors related to severity of hemorrhage of pituitary adenoma.


Pituitary hemorrhage was noted in 32 of 88 patients who underwent operations between January 2000 and December 2007. Clinical status was classified into group I (no hemorrhage symptoms), II (mild to moderate symptoms without neurological deficit), and III (with neurological deficit), and was compared to radiological, pathological, and operative findings. All patients were operated by transsphenoidal approach, and hemorrhage-related symptoms were relieved.


Groups I, II, and III comprised 15, 10 and 7 patients, respectively. In group I, hemorrhage volume was under 1 mL in 11 (73.3%), but, it was above 1 mL in 7 (70%) of group II and in all cases of group III. Hemorrhage stage based on MRI findings was chronic or subacute in 11 (73.3%) of group I, acute in 6 (60%) of group II, and acute or hyperacute in 6 (85.7%) of group III. Pathological examination revealed chronic-stage hematomas in 5 (50%) group II patients. Functioning adenomas were found in 5 (33.3%) group I patients but none in group II or III patients. Silent adenomas were found in 4 (26.7%), 8 (80%), and 3 (42.9%) in groups I, II, and III, respectively.


Clinical features of pituitary hemorrhage may differ with the radiological and immunohistopathlogical findings. Persistent symptoms are related to the chronic stage of hematoma requiring surgery for symptom relief. Neurological deficits are caused by large amount of acute hemorrhage requiring emergency operation. Silent adenoma is related to the severity of pituitary hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Cause of pituitary apoplexy has been known as hemorrhage, hemorrhagic infarction or infarction of pituitary adenoma or adjacent tissues of pituitary gland. However, pituitary apoplexy caused by pure infarction of pituitary adenoma has been rarely reported. Here, we present the two cases pituitary apoplexies caused by pituitary adenoma infarction that were confirmed by transsphenoidal approach (TSA) and pathologic reports. Pathologic report of first case revealed total tumor infarction of a nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenoma and second case partial tumor infarction of ACTH secreting pituitary macroadenoma. Patients with pituitary apoplexy which was caused by pituitary adenoma infarction unrelated to hemorrhage or hemorrhagic infarction showed good response to TSA treatment. Further study on the predisposing factors of pituitary apoplexy and the mechanism of infarction in pituitary adenoma is necessary.  相似文献   

Pituitary apoplexy is a rare medical emergency which results from hemorrhage or infarction in the pituitary gland. One of the predisposing factors is treatment with dopamine agonists, especially bromocriptine. We report a 20-year-old Chinese man with prolactinoma who developed pituitary apoplexy 6 weeks after initiation of cabergoline. He was treated conservatively with supportive therapy, and recovered well with no loss of pituitary function. A literature search was conducted and a review of the reported patients with pituitary apoplexy during treatment with dopamine agonists is discussed.  相似文献   

We report a case of massive cerebral infarct in the early stage of pituitary apoplexy. The case is unique because the stroke was delayed and occurred only after the patient developed severe arterial hypotension superimposed on a tandem internal carotid artery stenosis by both the sellar mass on the siphon and an unknown homolateral atheromatous cervical lesion. Illustrated with MRI and specifically by diffusion-weighted imaging, this case reinforces the idea that a low apparent diffusion coefficient in a non-enhancing sellar mass may indicate the presence of pituitary apoplexy and help in the early adequate management of such patients.  相似文献   

Pituitary apoplexy is an uncommon condition typically caused by acute, hemorrhagic expansion of the pituitary gland in patients with an adenoma that undergoes infarction. Although various risk factors have been described, the vascular events leading to apoplexy are not well understood. Disruption of microvascular blood flow is a well-known cause of morbidity from hemorrhage of an intracranial aneurysm, but pituitary apoplexy is rarely associated with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. We report here a 46-year-old woman with pituitary apoplexy who developed subarachnoid hemorrhage from rupture of an anterior communicating artery aneurysm. Intraoperatively, she was found to have an unusual, large recurrent artery originating at the junction of the aneurysm and the A2 segment of the anterior cerebral artery that traveled to the suprasellar cistern and along the pituitary stalk. This recurrent hypophyseal artery established a direct vascular relationship between an intracerebral aneurysm and the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Pituitary apoplexy is a rare but potentially life-threatening clinical syndrome caused by the sudden enlargement of a pituitary adenoma secondary to hemorrhage or infarction. Pituitary apoplexy after cardiac surgery is a very rare perioperative complication. Factors associated with open heart surgery that may lead to pituitary apoplexy include hemodynamic instability during cardiopulmonary bypass and systemic heparinization. We report a case of pituitary apoplexy after mitral valvuloplasty with cardiopulmonary bypass. After early pituitary tumor resection and hormonal replacement therapy, the patient made a full recovery.  相似文献   

目的通过手术技术和器械的改进,提高神经内镜下经单鼻孔鼻中隔蝶窦入路垂体腺瘤切除术的手术效率。方法采用神经内镜经单鼻孔鼻中隔蝶窦入路切除288例垂体腺瘤,术中无需寻找蝶窦开口,以中鼻甲为解剖标志,用单极电凝纵行切开鼻中隔黏膜,髓核钳咬除部分骨性鼻中隔和蝶窦前壁,手术结束时,鼻黏膜复位,无需再填塞鼻腔。结果患者平均手术时间70min,手术时间最短的仅30min,术中无脑脊液漏,术后3~5d出院,效果满意。结论神经内镜下经单鼻孔鼻中隔蝶窦入路垂体腺瘤切除术手术和住院时间短,出血少,鼻腔内黏膜结构保护良好,术后并发症少,可达到术后无手术痕迹的效果,手术器械的改进与正确应用是提高手术效率的关键。  相似文献   

A rare case of pituitary apoplexy following mild head trauma is reported. A 56-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for loss of consciousness following a traffic accident. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging showed a large suprasellar tumor containing a low intensity area on the T 1-, T 2-weighted images and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image. These findings indicated fresh intratumoral hemorrhage. The tumor extended to the suprasellar region and put pressure on the hypothalamus and brain stem. The tumor, with marked intratumoral hemorrhage, was resected with an emergency right front-temporal craniotomy. And the patient was left severely disabled. The tumor histology was diffuse-type pituitary adenoma. In our case, we suggest that the cause of pituitary apoplexy following head trauma was shearing stress between the intra- and suprasellar part of the easy bleeding tumor, or direct injury by bone structure such as teberculum sellae, dorsum sellae, or anterior clinoid process.  相似文献   

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