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Flexible fibreoptic intubation offers options of airway control in awake and asleep patients, in cases with limited or absent mouth opening and complex anatomy. It may be used as a first choice or a rescue technique. Despite its limitations, for example in situations with significant airway blood or secretions, and airway obstruction, it is a valuable core skill for every anaesthetist. 相似文献
《Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine》2020,21(9):441-445
Flexible fibre-optic intubation offers options of airway control in awake and asleep patients, in cases with limited or absent mouth opening and complex anatomy. It may be used as a first choice or a rescue technique. Despite its limitations, e.g. in situations with significant airway blood or secretions, and airway obstruction, it is a valuable core skill for every anaesthetist. 相似文献
《Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine》2023,24(8):435-442
A flexible fibreoptic scope can be used to facilitate tracheal intubation in both awake and asleep patients, in those with limited or absent mouth opening and complex anatomy. It may be used as a first choice for airway management or as a rescue technique. Despite its potential limitations, e.g. in situations with significant blood or secretions in the airway, fibreoptic intubation remains an invaluable core skill for every anaesthetist. Awake tracheal intubation must be considered in the presence of predictors of difficult airway management. 相似文献
M. LICKER A. SCHWEIZER G. NICOLET L. HOHN A. SPILIOPOULOS 《Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica》1997,41(1):84-86
A case of upper airway obstruction due to thyroid tumor requiring surgery is presented. Successful establishment of an open tracheal airway was achieved by the insertion of an endotracheal stent and was followed 10 days later by tracheal resection and anastomosis. 相似文献
《Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine》2014,15(8):358-361
Flexible fibre-optic intubation has been practised for 40 years. It is an enormously useful skill, but it is not always the most appropriate tactic to deploy. The great advantage of flexible endoscopy is that the passage of an endoscope is acceptable to conscious patients, so that a tracheal tube can be placed easily when face-mask ventilation or direct laryngoscopy is likely to be difficult. The best position for the endoscopist is by the patient’s side (whether the patient is conscious or not) and the patient should be semi-sitting when possible. Disorientation because of premature entry is the most frequent source of difficulty in the authors’ experience. ‘Railroading’ the tracheal tube can also cause difficulty. In the authors’ experience flexible reinforced tubes are the easiest to use, and it is vital to refrain from pushing the tube – it must be advanced gently while being constantly rotated. Lidocaine in generous doses (< 9 mg/kg) is used for topical anaesthesia, but can cause airway obstruction as a result of glottic irritation. It must be applied cautiously. There are several successful methods of sedation available, with remifentanil infusion probably being the most popular in the UK at present. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The transillumination of the soft tissues of the neck using lighted stylets has been used as an aid for tracheal intubation. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of a prototype illuminated flexible catheter to facilitate light-guided intubation through the intubating laryngeal mask. METHODS: The illuminated flexible catheter consists of a completely flexible thin plastic catheter with a bulb attached to its distal end. The device was placed into a silicone tracheal tube in such a way that the bulb was adjusted at the distal end of the tracheal tube. The tracheal tube preloaded with the device was inserted through the intubating laryngeal mask and, by observing the glow on the neck, was advanced into the trachea. We report our experience with light-guided intubation through the intubating laryngeal mask in 400 ASA grade 1-3 patients undergoing general anaesthesia. RESULTS: The intubating laryngeal mask was inserted successfully in all patients. The overall intubating success rate was 99.8% (399/400); in 367 (91.8%) cases at the first attempt, in 28 (7%) at the second, in 4 (1%) at the third and in one case (0.2%) at the fifth attempt. There were 27 patients with potentially difficult airways. All these cases were intubated successfully; in 23 of 27 (85.2%) at the first attempt, in 3 of 27 (11.1%) at the second and one of 27 patients (3.7%) at the third attempt. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the use of the illuminated flexible catheter facilitates the intubation through the intubating laryngeal mask. The suggested light-guided intubating method proved to be a simple, safe and effective technique. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: In this study, we evaluated the learning curve and performance of the Viewmax laryngoscope during simulated difficult laryngoscopy in an intubation manikin (Laerdal Airway Management Trainer). METHODS: To determine the learning curve, 25 anaesthesiologists without previous experience with the Viewmax laryngoscope performed 10 successive intubations in an intubation manikin with a normal airway. Time to intubation and failed intubation attempts were recorded. Another manikin was modified to enable comparison of the Viewmax laryngoscope with Macintosh and McCoy laryngoscopes. The time to intubation, number of failed intubation attempts, modified Cormack and Lehane (MCL) laryngeal view grading, percentage of glottic opening (POGO score), use of gum elastic bougie and subjective rating of degree of difficulty were recorded. RESULTS: The learning curve for the Viewmax laryngoscope showed a progressive decrease in time to successful intubation and reached a plateau at the sixth attempt. In simulated difficult laryngoscopy, the Viewmax laryngoscope demonstrated significantly better laryngeal view than the Macintosh and McCoy laryngoscopes in terms of MCL grading (Macintosh, P = 0.01; McCoy, P < 0.01) and POGO score (Macintosh, P < 0.01; McCoy, P < 0.01). The time required for intubation in simulated difficult laryngoscopy for the Viewmax laryngoscope was significantly longer than that for the Macintosh (P = 0.02) and McCoy (P < 0.01) laryngoscopes. There was no significant difference in the degree of difficulty, number of failed intubations and use of gum elastic bougie. CONCLUSION: When compared with the Macintosh and McCoy laryngoscopes in a manikin, the Viewmax laryngoscope appears to improve the view of the larynx but requires a longer time for tracheal intubation. 相似文献
C. Mendonca C. C. Tourville H. Jefferson A. Nowicka M. Patteril V. Athanassoglou 《Anaesthesia》2019,74(2):203-210
Fibreoptic-guided tracheal intubation using a supraglottic airway device as a conduit is a technique that can be used in anticipated and unanticipated difficult airway management. Although the i-gel® supraglottic airway device has been examined for this purpose, the LMA® ProtectorTM, a recently introduced second-generation supraglottic airway device, has not been evaluated for this use in clinical trials. This prospective, randomised clinical trial compared fibreoptic-guided tracheal intubation via i-gel and LMA Protector supraglottic airway devices in two UK hospitals. Patients who were ASA physical status 1 or 2 and undergoing elective surgery requiring tracheal intubation were recruited to the study. A block randomisation list was generated for each study site. The primary outcome measure was time to successful tracheal intubation and secondary outcomes were tracheal intubation success rate, glottic view through flexible fibrescope, ease of tracheal intubation using operator visual analogue score, supraglottic airway device insertion time and insertion success rate. Ninety patients were randomly allocated to each device, and final data analysis was carried out for 92 patients in the i-gel group and 86 patients in the LMA Protector group. Mean (SD) tracheal intubation time in the i-gel and LMA Protector groups were 54.3 (13.8) s and 52.0 (13.0) s, respectively (p = 0.240). There were no significant differences in tracheal intubation success rate, glottic view and ease of tracheal intubation between the two groups. This study demonstrates that the LMA Protector supraglottic airway device is comparable to the i-gel supraglottic airway device as a conduit for fibreoptic-guided tracheal intubation. 相似文献
背景自上世纪40年代Macintosh和Miller喉镜片问世以来,各种新的气管插管器具被商业性推广。目的综述与目前临床实践相关的新型气管插管器具。内容重点阐述新型气管插管器具与传统直接喉镜性能的比较、新型气管插管器具的并发症、新型气管插管器具在清醒气管插管方法中的应用以及新型气管插管器具气管插管失败的预测等。趋向在预知的和未预知的困难气管插管或者气管插管失败的情况下,应用新型气管插管器具可获得极高的气管插管成功率。然而更重要的是,操作者应用各种新型气管插管器具的经验和技能是保证其在不同临床情况下成功应用的关键。 相似文献
P. Biro P. Hofmann D. Gage Q. Boehler C. Chautems J. Braun D. R. Spahn B. J. Nelson 《Anaesthesia》2020,75(7):881-886
Robotic endoscope-automated via laryngeal imaging for tracheal intubation (REALITI) has been developed to enable automated tracheal intubation. This proof-of-concept study using a convenience sample of participants, comprised of trained anaesthetists and lay participants with no medical training, assessed the performance of a robotic device for the insertion of a tracheal tube into a manikin. A prototype robotic endoscope device was inserted into the trachea of an airway manikin by seven anaesthetists and seven participants with no medical training. Each individual performed six device insertions into the trachea in manual mode and six in automated mode. The anaesthetists succeeded with 40/42 (95%) manual insertions (median (IQR [range]) 17 (12–26 [4–132]) s) and 40/42 (95%) automated insertions (15 (13–18 [7–25]) s). The non-trained participants succeeded in 41/42 (98%) manual insertions (median (IQR [range]) 18 (13–21 [8–133]) s) and 42/42 (100%) automated insertions (16 (13–23 [10–58])] s). The duration of insertion did not differ between groups. An effect of increasing experience was observed in both groups in manual mode. A Likert scale for ‘ease of use’ (0 = very difficult to 10 = very easy) showed similar results within the two groups; the mean (SD) was 5.9 (2.1) for the anaesthetists and 6.9 (1.3) for the non-trained participants. We have successfully performed the first automated tracheal device insertion in a manikin with comparable results in a convenience sample of anaesthetists and lay participants with no medical training. 相似文献
The TotaltrackTM is a new video laryngeal mask, which combines a supraglottic airway with a videolaryngoscope. We evaluated the performance of this device in an observational study in 300 adult patients. The Totaltrack was inserted at the first attempt and the glottis seen in all cases. In 249 patients (83%; 95%CI 78.7–87.3%) the glottis was seen at the first attempt. Adequate ventilation and tracheal intubation were achieved in all patients. The median time to visualisation of vocal cords, to confirmation of ventilation and to successful tracheal intubation was 5 s, 13 s and 24 s, respectively. Nineteen patients (6.3%; 95%CI 3.55–9.05%) suffered minor complications, such as mucosal lesion or blood staining. The Totaltrack appears effective for airway management. 相似文献
《Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology》2020,70(5):553-555
Hydatid cyst in the cervical region is an extremely rare condition that can create challenges for anesthesiologists. Timely recognition of difficult airway and preparing the management plan is crucial to avoid life‐threatening complications such as hypoxic brain damage. We describe a case of difficult airway management in a patient with massive cervical hydatid cyst. We used a low‐dose ketamine‐propofol sedation and lidocaine spray for local oropharyngeal anesthesia. Muscular relaxants were not used, and spontaneous breathing was maintained during intubation. Recognition, assessment, and perioperative planning are essential for difficult airway management in patients with cervical hydatid cyst. 相似文献
背景 困难气道患者的围术期气道管理是临床麻醉关注的热点问题.纤维支气管镜清醒气管插管(awake fibreoptic intubation,AFO1)技术是处理预见性困难气道的公认方法.然而实施AFOI的难点在于给患者提供充分镇静、镇痛的同时,又要保证患者有效的自主通气功能.瑞芬太尼作为一种较理想的麻醉性镇痛药,一定剂量下能有效抑制气管插管的应激反应,故已有用于AFOI的报道. 目的 概述及评价瑞芬太尼在AFOI中的有效性及安全性,为临床应用和进一步研究提供参考. 内容 分析瑞芬太尼用于AFOI的剂量对机体的影响、不同给药方案的优劣以及在特殊患者中的应用. 趋向 瑞芬太尼在AFOI中的应用具有诸多优势,但最佳方案仍需进一步临床研究. 相似文献
Key words airway management - difficult intubation - Hallermann-Streiff syndrome 相似文献
目的 对广东省部分二级以上医疗机构困难气道管理清醒插管技术的现状进行调查,为改进和完善气道管理提供参考. 方法 采用邮寄调查问卷的方法,对全省66家医院进行调查,按照医院等级分为三甲和二甲两组.问卷内容包括困难气道时麻醉方式的选择,是否常规沟通,是否准备鼻腔、收缩鼻腔的药物,是否应用抗胆碱药物,常用哪种抗胆碱药物,表面麻醉药物的种类,表面麻醉的工具,是否做环甲膜穿刺表面麻醉,常用的镇痛镇静药物,在镇痛镇静药物的基础上是否复合表面麻醉等.以医院等级为分组变量,采用校正x2检验进行分析比较. 结果 选择清醒表面麻醉插管处理者分别为三甲30%,二甲18%(P<0.01),镇静镇痛慢诱导插管处理者三甲28%、二甲23%,清醒插管前会与患者充分沟通的比例均仅为53%,经口不做鼻腔准备的三甲为13%、二甲为23%(P<0.01).常规使用抗胆碱药物的三甲为36%、二甲为22%(P<0.01),选择2%利多卡因溶液做表面麻醉的三甲为46%、二甲为34%(P<0.01).镇静镇痛慢诱导插管时,选用丙泊酚复合芬太尼诱导的最多,三甲为20%,二甲为28%(P<0.05). 结论 清醒表面麻醉插管应用率不高,清醒插管的各种准备措施不足,对于清醒镇静下的气道管理仍需不断改善. 相似文献