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Epidemiologic studies long have played a role in the understanding of the effects of the general environment and various occupational exposures on the occurrence of acute and chronic diseases of the lung. This article is an overview of epidemiologic study designs that have particular relevance to studies of environmental and occupational lung disease. The application of times-series designs in the context of epidemiologic studies is discussed, as such designs have become widely used in studies of health effects ambient air pollution. The article emphasizes recent developments in the application of case-control study designs, many of which have had particular applications in epidemiologic studies related to environmental and occupational lung disease. These case-control designs offer efficient and valid alternatives for studies that in the past might have been conducted as more costly and time-consuming cohort studies.  相似文献   

The paper presents the basic etiological and pathogenetic aspects of occupational allergic diseases of the respiratory tract, discusses the clinical course, diagnosis, and priorities of the prevention of allergic diseases of the upper airways and bronchopulmonary apparatus from the action of industrial allergens.  相似文献   

目的了解淄博市某区职业病发病规律和特征,为制定职业病防控措施提供依据。方法对2006—2014年淄博市某区职业病报告资料进行统计分析。结果 2006—2014年淄博市某区共报告职业病357例,主要职业病病种是尘肺病,占64.15%,其次是职业性耳鼻喉口腔疾病74例、职业中毒44例,分别占20.73%、12.32%。2007年报告患者数最多,2009—2010年明显减少,2012年又增多。患者中男性多于女性,年龄集中在40~59岁,工龄以20年居多。职业病行业分布的前两位为制造业、煤炭开采和洗选业,分别占31.65%和29.41%。经济类型以国有经济为主,占82.07%。结论该区职业病防治工作形势依然严峻,主要职业病危害为尘肺和职业性耳鼻喉口腔疾病。  相似文献   

Under supervision of the County Hygiene Inspection the District Hygiene Inspection made in 1987 in 88 clinical-chemical laboratories inspections acc. to hospital-hygienic criteria. With the exception of 13 institutions, all the other laboratories checked-up showed in part essential deficiencies with their regimens of disinfection and sterilization. These deficiencies could be removed immediately in most of the cases.  相似文献   

In Finland occupational diseases are registered by diagnosis, causative agent, age, occupation, field of work, and gender. This report analyzes in detail the 1991 statistics on gender differences in occupational allergic diseases. A total of 1314 cases of occupational allergic diseases were reported, comprising 14.2% of all registered occupational diseases. The following allergic occupational diseases were encountered: allergic contact dermatitis (412 cases), bronchial asthma (352), allergic rhinitis (319), contact urticaria/protein contact dermatitis (146), and allergic alveolitis (85). The number of cases of allergic alveolitis (men, 42 cases; women, 43 cases) and bronchial asthma (176 men/176 women) was about equal in both genders. Women were overrepresented in allergic rhinitis (195 women/124 men), allergic contact dermatitis (247 women/165 men), and contact urticaria/protein contact dermatitis (109 women/37 men). According to current knowledge, there are no great gender differences in the development of asthma or allergic rhinitis. The greater number of women with occupational respiratory allergy and immediate skin allergy may indicate that women in Finland are more exposed to type I allergens than men. The greater number of cases of allergic contact dermatitis in women may reveal women's predisposition to delayed-type allergy, or women's greater occupational exposure to contact allergens.  相似文献   

通过“职业病及健康危害因素监测信息系统”分析石景山区职业健康检查个案、职业病报告及尘肺病随访等信息。结果显示,石景山区主要职业病危害因素为矽尘、噪声、苯系物;噪声作业工人双耳高频平均听阈升高者血压异常检出率升高(P<0.05);建筑业工人双耳高频平均听阈升高率高于其他行业(P<0.05);制造业接触矽尘作业人员肺功能异常率高于采矿业及建筑业(P<0.05);尘肺合并症和慢性阻塞性肺疾病患病率均较2021年有所升高。提示应加强对石景山区重点行业、重点人群工作场所职业病危害因素的检测及劳动者的职业健康监护工作。  相似文献   

选择2013年3月—2015年12月在我院门诊及住院的65例职业性接触性皮炎患者,随机分为两组,观察组在脱敏等对症治疗的基础上加用岩盐气溶胶疗法2个疗程后,患者血嗜酸性粒细胞数明显下降,IgE正常率显著升高,且观察组疗效明显优于对照组(P0.05)。提示岩盐气溶胶疗法对职业性变应性接触性皮炎的康复有一定作用,值得推广。  相似文献   

Jiang C  Shen YH  Qin XY  Li Y  Cai W  Li YL  Wu X  Hu YH 《中华预防医学杂志》2010,44(6):516-521
目的 了解北京市海淀区胃食管反流病(GERD)及其相关症状的分布情况,探讨可能的危险因素,并分析其与既往疾病的相关关系.方法 2008年6-9月,采用多阶段抽样法,对海淀区18~80岁的2615名常住居民进行问卷调查,内容包括基本信息、伴发疾病及反流性疾病问卷.结果 海淀区人群GERD的患病率为8.4%(220/2615),单纯胃灼热、单纯反流、两个症状均有的现患率分别为1.0%(25/2615),6.2%(163/2615)和1.2%(32/2615).多因素分析发现,GERD的可能危险因素有生活在农村(OR=2.237,95%CI:1.422~3.517)、女性(OR=1.456,95%CI:1.085~1.955)、高学历(OR=1.242,95%CI:1.001~1.542)、工作生活压力大(OR=1.277,95%CI:1.089~1.497)、精神状态差(OR=1.320,95%CI:1.046~1.665)和有胃肠病家族史(OR=1.594,95%CI:1.075~2.365);胃灼热症状的危险因素有居住在农村(OR=2.481,95%CI:1.278~4.818)、女性(OR=1.747,95%CI:0.902~3.386)、饮酒(OR=1.838,95%CI:0.916~3.690)、不运动(OR=2.091,95%CI:1.131~3.867)和精神状态差(OR=1.657,95%CI:1.123~2.446);反流症状的可能危险因素有生活在农村(OR=2.171,95%CI:1.326~3.556)、女性(OR=1.505,95%CI:1.102~2.056)、高学历(OR=1.347,95%CI:1.063~1.706)、工作生活压力大(OR=1.317,95%CI:1.113~1.558)、精神状态差(OR=1.266,95%CI:0.992~1.616)和有胃肠病家族史(OR=1.739,95%CI:1.163~2.600).GERD、胃灼热和反流症状与既往病史如焦虑症、抑郁症、消化性溃疡、胃炎、炎症性肠病、肾病有较强的关联.结论 GERD及其相关症状在该地区有一定程度的流行,它与不健康的生活方式、精神心理问题等相关,需要在社区开展有效的干预措施.  相似文献   

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